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S05.E02: The Break Up Bunch Part 2

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I think Naomie is ugly inside and out.  She seems like a nasty piece of work, like Molly on Married At First Sight.  The men suck but the women are nasty pieces of work.  If she acted like that at my home, I would have asked her to leave.  Have some class.

Edited by Neurochick
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Who is the random guy between Naomie and Whitney when the girls gang up on JD was going down (not that he doesn’t deserve it)?!?!   So strange - yes please name flash up everyone’s name that we already know but don’t explain who he is.  

Cameran is the cutest big preggers ever!!

10 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

what's up with craig's mouth?  it looks like he might or dipping snuff or chewing tobacco. 

Yep.  Gross.

Edited by TexasGal
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1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

Who is the random guy between Naomie and Whitney when the girls gang up on JD was going down (not that he doesn’t deserve it)?!?!   So strange - yes please name flash up everyone’s name that we already know but don’t explain who he is.  

Cameran is the cutest big preggers ever!!

 Don’t know they persons name, but he was shown with the guys at a bar when Austin confronted Shep for kissing Chelsie.

I have to agree with you about Cameron.  I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her looking anything but adorable.  She has it all and I’m jealous.

Where is everyone tonight??

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3 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

It's hard to believe TRav's new fling is a hospice nurse.  Nurses are generally pretty smart, compassionate people.  That woman seems like a dumbass wannabe,  And, sex in the bathroom or drugs?  Tacky either way.

Thomas probably hired her so he wouldn’t look like such a pathetic loser - but it didn’t work; even she can see he’s still got it bad for Kathryn.

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Kathryn calling Ashley thirsty is the textbook definition of the pot calling the kettle black. They’re both assholes and are equally deserving of Thomas.

Naomie is a rabid bitch. Dannie is just a smirk in human form. Kathryn is an asshole.

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The awkwardness was palpable for all parties involved. If Ashley is a nurse wouldn't she know that you can't get pregnant because the moon is full? Wouldn't a child in the fifth grade know that? Also, why would she want to marry T-Rav so she could replace the nanny? Gold dig much????? And everyone thought that Katherine was a gold digger!

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40 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

what's up with craig's mouth?  it looks like he might or dipping snuff or chewing tobacco. 

I asked the husband the same thing.  Craig's lip and right jaw was swollen.  It looked like he had some novacaine fro dental work?

Looks as if the girl's bashing JD was for naught.  In the preview, was that Elizabeth back with JD? He looked like the cat that ate the canary.  Pays to mind your business in situations like that.  Would she take him back after all that?

Katherine will never give up on Thomas.  I hope she doesn't go off the deep end again.  Did Thomas and the new girlfriend have sex in that bathroom?  

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43 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

T-Rav’s thirsty girl: “I have an idea. We can get married and then I’ll be their [his kids’] caretaker.” Guuuuuuuurl—dehydrated, indeed! You’ve been on our TVs all of two minutes. You make Kathryn look like she was playing hard to get in comparison.

Shep: “Craig, we don’t have foil! You’re my foil. You’re my foil in life!” Ha!

Thirsty has her hand in the front pocket of T-Rav’s white jeans and his hanging on him for dear life. How has this man worn the same white pants every episode for at least 4 years’ straight and they’re still sparkling?! He should be the spokesman for whatever detergent he uses. Maybe this is what people who splurge on Tide look like. Maybe it is worth $25, but I’ll never know. But, back to the breakup bunch...

“Hiiveheardsomuchaboutyouandiknowyouknownothingaboutme.” Damn, Thirsty, chillax. Oh, almost forgot to jot down the part where they met in Santa Barbara, she was going to move to Vegas, and T-Rav said why don’t you move to Charleston. That was July and this is now...what?...maybe September? Mmmm-hmm.

Naomi is too scared to talk to Craig so she’ll confront JD instead. Oh, Nevermind, the whole breakup bunch are jumping in! Drive him right out of town! 

I think T-Rav and Thirsty were doing drugs in the bathroom not having sex. He came out of there all sniffling. But is he really that stupid after going to prison and all of this custody battles/drug-testing he goes through with Kathryn? But maybe that’s why Thirsty is so intense—seems like she’s on something, not just normal jitters over meeting the ex.

Aw, is it sad for me to be rooting for Naomie and Craig? They were terrible together, but in this one moment I see the love.

Thirsty is even more Kathryn than Kathryn! De.hy.drate.TED!

You are too much.  I'm peeing my pants.  My husband asked me what Thirsty did for a living.  I said she's a nurse.  He replied "Head Nurse"?  Ha ha.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

T-Rav’s thirsty girl: “I have an idea. We can get married and then I’ll be their [his kids’] caretaker.” Guuuuuuuurl—dehydrated, indeed! You’ve been on our TVs all of two minutes. You make Kathryn look like she was playing hard to get in comparison.

Aw, is it sad for me to be rooting for Naomie and Craig? They were terrible together, but in this one moment I see the love.

Thirsty is even more Kathryn than Kathryn! De.hy.drate.TED!


THIS!! (bolded) Ashley is exactly the same as Kathryn in her pursuit of Thomas except Ashley knows exactly how to play the game to keep him happy whereas Kathryn was too volatile and insecure to do it successfully. Only difference is I think Kathryn was after Thomas because of his money and Ravenel lineage, whereas I think Ashley is after Thomas because of his money and to be on TV. The thing is I think that is just fine with Thomas. As long as she is willing to gaze at him adoringly, acts appropriately in public, and is ready for a roll in the hay whenever he wants he doesn't much care about her motives.

I thought Kathryn acted very maturely in her conversation with Thomas and Ashley. I was actually kind of proud of her. I think it's true that Kathryn never really had many (if any) good girlfriends as she was always to focused on getting a man. Perhaps the friendship/support from the other women is giving her some security and confidence that she never had before. But, who knows how long the friendship will last or how real it is vs. just for the show. 

I really like Naomie, always have. But part of me thinks she is cozying up to Kathryn and the other women, and bringing the drama, to secure herself a spot on the show. I do believe it's true that there is a 'good old boys' network in Charleston that has covered for JD.

Edited by absolutelyido
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There were no marrieds--other than JD, at the table. I don't think these girls understand that when it comes to married friends, and especially those with kids, you shut up. You don't confront them like that. Unless you're friend is getting physically abused and in physical danger, it's up to Liz--an adult, to figure out her marriage on her own. I get that they detest JD, and I don't blame them, but because these folks are married and with kids, stay out of it. Marriage is complicated.  I actually felt embarrassed for the way they confronted JD, and I think had Shep been there, he'd have stopped it. 

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Why is Ashley sucking up to Katherine so hard?  What is the point?

Katherine pretending she was surprised and didn't know Thomas was dating Ashley - basically lying to both their faces at the party - was ridiculous when she spent all last episode talking about how thirsty Ashley is.  Her acting was really bad when she was claiming she had been caught off-guard...she all but asked for some smelling salts.

Edited by izabella
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Wasn’t loving the ladies channeling their inner harridans but then Thomas made his Golden Retriever joke and I remembered just how detestable the guys can be, so, fuck ‘em...

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

“Hiiveheardsomuchaboutyouandiknowyouknownothingaboutme.” Damn, Thirsty, chillax. Oh, almost forgot to jot down the part where they met in Santa Barbara, she was going to move to Vegas, and T-Rav said why don’t you move to Charleston. That was July and this is now...what?...maybe September? Mmmm-hmm.


Aw, is it sad for me to be rooting for Naomie and Craig? They were terrible together, but in this one moment I see the love.

Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA? LOL


The part with Craig and Naomi had me tearing up. I won’t say I’m rooting for them (because she harps WAY too much), but man... he was giving me the feels with his openness about his emotions. I don’t remember who left who, but for him to talk about how he was hurting, and that yes he cried... it was genuine. I dunno.

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40 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

THIS!! (bolded) Ashley is exactly the same as Kathryn in her pursuit of Thomas except Ashley knows exactly how to play the game to keep him happy whereas Kathryn was too volatile and insecure to do it successfully. Only difference is I think Kathryn was after Thomas because of his money and Ravenel lineage, whereas I think Ashley is after Thomas because of his money and to be on TV. The thing is I think that is just fine with Thomas. As long as she is willing to gaze at him adoringly, acts appropriately in public, and is ready for a roll in the hay whenever he wants he doesn't much care about her motives.


True, but Kathryn's hormones were probably going nuts for a great deal of the time she and Thomas were together. I wonder how calm and adoring Ashley would be to Thomas if she were postpartum and Thomas was out flirting with other women instead of helping her. 

Edited by Panda Bear
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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

Wasn’t loving the ladies channeling their inner harridans but then Thomas made his Golden Retriever joke and I remembered just how detestable the guys can be, so, fuck ‘em...

He is so disgusting, on every level.  I can't understand why women don't run far away from him because he makes their skin crawl.   And the other guys are sometimes just as bad.  It's no secret to anyone watching them why all their relationships fail.

Edited by izabella
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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

I personally loved the confrontation with JD.

But then we wouldn't have a tv show.

JD going through Elizabeth's inheritance is unforgivable.  Elizabeth allowing JD access to the funds is just stupid.  I agree that he was saying they were both at fault when he said something a long the lines of them both making mistakes.  Asshole!  He has to know that the whole world knows what he did and lost everything concerning his businesses.

When I read about it, I thought it would be cathartic to air out the dirty laundry.

However, JD kept his cool, didn't raise his voice and cause things to escalate.

I get that Naomi may have witnessed how upset Elizabeth was.  But it's pretty unusual to confront someone like that.  You have to wonder if the producers didn't try to egg her on.

And who knows how many takes they did before they got the right amount of venom spit out on camera.

I don't know what being born in France has to do with being blunt and interjecting herself into whatever is going on between JD and Elizabeth.

Bottom line is it's not for any of these women to confront JD publicly.  If they want to be supportive of Elizabeth, try to comfort her, that's one thing.

But I'm not sure they will come across well to people who haven't read about what JD is alleged to have done.  They may be in the right, as far as telling what really happened.  How they may come across on TV may not be favorable, as they were brusque and appeared rude, while JD kept under control, didn't raise his voice.

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Watching this party was uncomfortable and awkward, I can't imagine how awful it would have been to attend. Why would any woman want to be with Thomas Ravenal ? What a small and nasty man. In fact, none of these Southern Charm men seem to have any charm and they are rough looking!  I really think that Craig should steer clear of Naomi - he is too sensitive for her sharp tongue and critical personality. I agree, he would drive me crazy but he needs someone a little more laid back for his own mental stability.  Cameron is lucky that she is able to set herself apart from all this drama because she had a stable marriage and a husband who is out of the fray.

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6 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA? LOL


The part with Craig and Naomi had me tearing up. I won’t say I’m rooting for them (because she harps WAY too much), but man... he was giving me the feels with his openness about his emotions. I don’t remember who left who, but for him to talk about how he was hurting, and that yes he cried... it was genuine. I dunno.

They both still love each other .. It's obvious.  Now, if Naomi  would only shut up and let him be until he finds himself, they have a chance.  Craig is so sensitive and takes a lot of shit from everyone.  Who are those guys to rag on him?  They are a bunch of losers.  So Craig likes sewing and gardening ..so what?  It's better than running around  drinking and drugging with women like the rest of those assholes.  Craig looks depressed.

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8 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I think the women are nasty mean girls.  They talk all this girl power, but dis TRav’s girlfriend.  Yeah so much for women sticking together.

So.  TRav's girlfriend was dissing Kathryn on the car ride over to the party and she never even met her.  It's women sticking together against bitches and assholes, lol, which I don't mind at all!

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1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

Why would any woman want to be with Thomas Ravenal ? 

Money. It's all about his money. 

I'm not feeling Naomi. JD is an alcoholic scumbag but you don't start that shit as a guest in someone else's house, at their dinner table, making everybody uncomfortable. Save it for some other time or a one on one conversation. Then again, this is filmed for TV and I'm sure Naomi was instructed to do just what she did.

I do not want to hear Kathryn say she still loves Thomas. Stop it, girl. Just stop it. 

Ashley screwing Tomas in the bathroom is all we need to know about her. She's working overtime trying to keep Thomas' mind off Kathryn. 

Shep, go wash your filthy feet!

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Cameron eating alone at the table had me cracking up.   I thought Shep’s speech was really cute.   

Didnt Craig get upset with Naomi last season for outing his chewing tobacco habit?   He wasn’t hiding it tonight.   He looks pretty rough and I do think the two of them are wrecked by the break up.  Those were some genuine tears on her part and pretty much every girl I’ve ever known has been in that same position at some point.  On a shallow note, I really loved her dress.

 I am on the fence about the JD confrontation.  He’s a sleaze, but I don’t know that bringing up how bad a shape Liz was in was appropriate.   Plus their kids are bound to hear this at some point.  I’m actually more interested in the con artist bit.

I really don’t want to hear Kathryn compare herself to Liz.   Kathryn jumped feet first into her mess with sleazeball Thomas.  And we hear her next week saying she slept with him yet again.  She thought having his baby would provide her with all of life’s comforts and she miscalculated.   She is not a poster girl for the me-too movement.  

I actually think Thomas’s new girlfriend is very pretty....phony as hell but pretty.  And he is so damn immature.   

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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

 Now, if Naomi  would only shut up and let him be until he finds himself, they have a chance.

She did wait for him to find himself and it didn't happen. They are just not good together. Better off apart. 

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I love Cam, always have, In fact I wish I had her life but...clearly Cam doesn't care about any of these women or the men either. 

At the dinner, she didn't make a single move to talk to anybody but Shep. Is he the only one she wants to have any interaction with at all? She didn't even wait to sit down and eat with them.  Can't say I blame her because these people are assholes but then get off the show because she's bringing nothing. I know she's the cutest pregnant momma ever but her time on the show needs to come to a close. She is at a completely different phase in life than the other women, she has nothing in common with any of them. Her life is perfect, she has a husband who adores her, a gorgeous home and a beautiful baby on the way. If she's not going to film or even talk to anybody but Shep then just leave already. 

If they have a fake baby shower for her with the fake friends that she doesn't care about then this show has jumped the shark for sure.

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I hope Kathryn can truly get over Thomas one day.  At one point during the Ashley convo outside, I looked at her facial expression and thought how hard she must be trying not to cry, probably remembering  all the lies and false promises made to her in season 1.  You deserve better.   He will never change.

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I got a little antsy listening to Kathryn try to blame her crazy on Thomas.  From what we've seen, she was always crazy.  (Not that he's a saint by any means.)  No matter how ugly things may get between JD and Elizabeth, I can't imagine Elizabeth ever doing half the things Kathryn did.

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26 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Naomie saying if she saw Craig with a new woman, she would murder the woman and her family shows she has been heavily influenced by Stassi from Vanderpump Rules.  Also shows shades of Kathryn and her insanity.   Naomie could not harp on Craig enough and it just doesn't register why he is happy away from her.  Oh well, JD gets the brunt of Naomie's frustration.  Naomie shows the whole world why she is such a joy.  It really wasn't Naomie's place to needle JD about him being there and being the cause of Elizabeth not coming.  I do believe JD and Shep are friends and Elizabeth was the wife of his friend.  I have serious questions how a mother of four can be in bed every morning until her 23 year old new found friend comes by to get her out of bed.

Ugh Kathryn. . . apparently she forgot how she joined the cast-screwing three of the leads in a two week period and feigning a pregnancy scare.  She might want to re-think her thirsty comments.  She didn't even get paid the first year.  As to gold digging no one was more transparent than Kathryn about wanting Thomas' money.  Can Kathryn not find someone to date?  

Exactly! Kathryn was the thirstiest of them all, screwing her way through the cast in two weeks and trying to get knocked up by one of the richest guys. She had a “pregnancy scare” that she told Granny about-but then continued to have more unprotected sex until she was Indeed pregnant. She talks about Ashley’s “agenda” but what about hers four years ago??! She was always nuts. 

That said, I can’t stand Ashley. She is as fake and wanna-be as they come. Thomas is gross, taking her in the bathroom to screw. She’s disgusting too, letting that be filmed. Well, not the actual act-shudders. Ha.  

I wish I looked as adorable as Cameran when I was pregnant. That dress! 

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54 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

I got a little antsy listening to Kathryn try to blame her crazy on Thomas.  From what we've seen, she was always crazy.  (Not that he's a saint by any means.)  No matter how ugly things may get between JD and Elizabeth, I can't imagine Elizabeth ever doing half the things Kathryn did.

She might be crazy to start with, but the bastard did everything in his power to drive her to the asylum, imo.

and as it can’t be said enough, Craig is a total babe and a sweet heart. Naomie, girl, you are wrong.

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I like Craig a lot. I think he would drive me crazy as a boyfriend, but he seems like a good person. I'm confused about why Naomie thinks he'd take JD's side. He was the only person sticking up for Kathryn for much of season 3. He doesn't really fit the good ol' boy mold that Whitney, Thomas, JD, and (to some extent) Shep do. 

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I did get a bit of giggle the way Craig was washing his hands/arms in Shep's kitchen sink....like a surgeon.


Ahh, the joys of HD - Shep's dangler in his boxer shorts the morning after his party, and T-Rav's  moose knuckle/dressing to the left, while walking into the restaurant w/Ashley.

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3 minutes ago, sheetmoss said:

I did get a bit of giggle the way Craig was washing his hands/arms in Shep's kitchen sink....like a surgeon.


Ahh, the joys of HD - Shep's dangler in his boxer shorts the morning after his party, and T-Rav's  moose knuckle/dressing to the left, while walking into the restaurant w/Ashley.

Oh gag me! I’m glad I was watching whilst reading a book therefore only half listening really.

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13 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Who is the random guy between Naomie and Whitney when the girls gang up on JD was going down (not that he doesn’t deserve it)?!?!   So strange - yes please name flash up everyone’s name that we already know but don’t explain who he is.

They threw up a chyron when he walked into the kitchen that he was Beau, Shep's friend.

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1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

I got a little antsy listening to Kathryn try to blame her crazy on Thomas.  From what we've seen, she was always crazy.  (Not that he's a saint by any means.)  No matter how ugly things may get between JD and Elizabeth, I can't imagine Elizabeth ever doing half the things Kathryn did.

Yup, weak attempt at revisionist history.

Her batshit antics are all on video.

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I thought Kathryn handled the situation with slut nurse pretty well considering her past BSC moments. T Rav is an ass - I sided with Kathryn on the whole nanny thing as well - dang, I don't want to go to the dark side of liking her.  Slut nurse is pathetic, I wanted to like her because of my dislike for Kathryn, but man she is too much. I thought I saw daggers shooting out of her when T RAv said he and Kathryn would still  be together if she was nicer, haha ...so now slut nurse is gonna go in for the kill.

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