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S09.E12: Tell All - Part 2

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Ok eww no one was asking if you were platonic.  If you have to remind yourself that you want to be in your marriage, that’s a bad sign.  It’s over...just get a divorce.  Oh wait, you already did.

OT but I just saw that injury attorney commercial and now it’s just the Barnes firm.  What happened to Celino?  I have the old jingle stuck in my head.  I think I’d rather watch a tell all about that.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

How many times this season has Kody reminded everyone he’s just platonic with Meri? Is he practicing some kind of brutal honesty with Meri lol?

He's punishing her for daring to look at another (supposed) man.  A normal, mentally healthy man would have a private conversation with his wife, they would either agree they still had common ground and love and try to work things out.....or the normal, mentally healthy man would say, "I'm sorry, I feel betrayed and can no longer trust you," and would see a lawyer to work out a settlement to remove her from "The Family." 


What is going on is just sick, bizarre, unhealthy for EVERYONE, and probably just trumped up for ratings.  My guess is the reality of these peoples' lives is a lot different than what the tv show tells us.  It's a little fact...mixed with a LOT of fiction.

  • Love 22

I hate that at the end, Christine was talking about how even now, she still gets jealous,  and the camera panned to Witch Robyn. Christine was obviously not talking about Janelle or Meri.  Robyn, whose nose and chin look like they are about to touch, and who now has a goiter along with 20+ extra lbs.  Christine looks great these days and has nothing to be jealous of !

  • Love 14
21 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

I hate that at the end, Christine was talking about how even now, she still gets jealous,  and the camera panned to Witch Robyn. Christine was obviously not talking about Janelle or Meri.  Robyn, whose nose and chin look like they are about to touch, and who now has a goiter along with 20+ extra lbs.  Christine looks great these days and has nothing to be jealous of !

I wonder how much of this is all the overseers of the show's dictates.  So much is obviously staged, that it also seems they would have a person/people to advise on clothing, hair, makeup.   When Robyn was the New Girl On The Block....she was always the best dressed, hair was colored much lighter, nice makeup.  The wives who were "on the outs" looked sloppy, not pulled together at all.  Currently it fits the storyline to have Christine be the Golden Wife....and just suddenly, after all these years, just by accident on her own her hair becomes silky/shiny, her clothes are more attractive and in color palettes that flatter her.....hmmmm, what a coincidence.  I think it's all part of the the "story" TLC wants to sell us.

  • Love 17

I thought Meri’s antectdote about dealing with a “hater” in person was so passive aggressive. OF COURSE, she chose a story that showcased her martyrdom (divorcing Kody so he could adopt Robyn’s kids) and one where The person has “not nice” things to say about Kody. Major eye roll. 

I don’t see any hope for Kody and Meri. I don’t think Meri will ever leave and Kody has totally checked out. 

I liked the flashbacks only to see the transformations - good and bad. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, LucyEth said:

I don't really think Kody is interested in Meri anymore but doesn't know how to shake her loose.  His ego has to have suffered a huge blow that she was having an internet affair with a fake man named Sam.

Until she admits that she was actively looking for another man and wanted out, they cannot even begin to heal. Maybe she has in private, but on the show she gives out the vibe that she was catfished by this awful person while doing nothing wrong.  And that’s not the case. That’s the problem Mariah had with her and I suspect w/Cody too (but also the ego thing too).  

  • Love 19

Wow, so staying together when you have no loving connection anymore is the right thing to do so you can just magically hope it will fix itself someday (while doing nothing at all to fix it) instead of divorcing and moving on with your life? These people are so delusional. What more would need to (could possibly) break? Kody doesn't even like to use the word "hope." Get the frak out of there, Meri. Geesh. And the stupid host "commending" them for staying together. (She may have been my least favorite "tell-all" host. Awkward questioning and very little follow through.)

I've never related more to Tony than he was wild eyed with amazement in the inset shot while they were showing Maddie screaming/grunting her way through labor. Why was that filmed? Dear lord. 

So this tell-all ended rather abruptly, eh? And now they're playing some Q&A thing? Sigh. These questions are so dumb. Who cares about how they do the laundry, honestly?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, mamey2422 said:

I thought Meri’s antectdote about dealing with a “hater” in person was so passive aggressive. OF COURSE, she chose a story that showcased her martyrdom (divorcing Kody so he could adopt Robyn’s kids) and one where The person has “not nice” things to say about Kody. Major eye roll. 

I don’t see any hope for Kody and Meri. I don’t think Meri will ever leave and Kody has totally checked out. 

I liked the flashbacks only to see the transformations - good and bad. 

kody looks like he can't stand meri.  i wonder if he spends the night at meri's house?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Annymin said:

How did these parents raise such great kids?  Their section of the tell all was by far the most enjoyable.  More of them and less of the parents!  What is going on with Hunter, Garrison and Dayton? 

Kody’s hair in Polygamy 101 looks like the bushy tail of a rabid squirrel.  I wonder if he thinks he looks hot?  Gag.

I thought Hunter and Garrison were in basic training? 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Editrix said:

Ditto for Meri saying “ya know.”


7 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

If I never hear the word safe again I will be a happy camper.

So far I have been bored out of my head (except to tear up over Ysabel).


6 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Robyn says "like" so much I can't listen to her.

As an English major, the Brown family obsession with the word "like" is so distracting, I can barely stand listening.  In my opinion, Mariah and Ysabel are the absolute worst.  I would be royally pissed to spend a small fortune to send my daughter to a private college, only to hear her use the word "like" 12 times in one single sentence.  As for "safe," goodness, please ask Nancy for a new therapy word, ya know?   lol

Edited by JDAlexander
Had to add Meri's catch phrase!
  • Love 7

I just watched the episode during my commute to work...

...and that was a whole lot of nothing. Which is why we refer to it as "Tell-Nothing." I did enjoy seeing "the kids" though...well except for FT...who still is a kid...


Just when I thought that Robyn was somewhat tolerable this season...I spoke to soon. During the Polygamy 101 she talked a little too much for my taste. Throwing herself into the conversations so much. I know it was a Q and A, but still...

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Their men don't go out cruising for chicks? *cough* Kody hooking up with Robyn.

Kody's new hairstyle and beard looks like a Weird Al parody of some heavy metal guy.

And there was a little romour going around that Kody datedJanelle behind Meri's back before bringing her on board as a Sister-Wife. 

  • Love 3

So why hasn't feminist Janelle worked in years? She just hangs around the house and eats now. Some role model.

Kody looked like he wanted to strangle the host when she kept on asking why he and Meri don't go on a "weekend getaway". 

Looking at all that past footage is shocking to see what has happened to Robin and Meri. They are both aging rapidly. Meri was actually cute at one time and Robin has gone completely down hill. She's not even 40 yet. Was it having 2 more babies that has destroyed her looks or the strain of having to live in that toxic family environment that she claims to love and cherish so much?

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

I hate that at the end, Christine was talking about how even now, she still gets jealous,  and the camera panned to Witch Robyn. Christine was obviously not talking about Janelle or Meri.  Robyn, whose nose and chin look like they are about to touch, and who now has a goiter along with 20+ extra lbs.  Christine looks great these days and has nothing to be jealous of !

What exactly happened to Robyn?  In the flashbacks, she was so lovely and now she looks hard and square-headed.  She has gained weight, but it's more than that.  She's verginig on unattractive imo, while Christine is clearly in the ascendant.  And clearly the happiest one of the bunch, I think.

The flashback to Meri berating the other wives' kids was instructive.

And why in hell don't they ask Kody what he thinks "trite" means?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

And there was a little romour going around that Kody datedJanelle behind Meri's back before bringing her on board as a Sister-Wife. 

Their "courtship" is described in their book.  The book is good background for what is currently happening with the adults, especially Meri.  She had a rocky relationship with Kody way before the show and Robyn. She had big issues with Christine, as well as with Janelle.  I think that Meri was Kody 's big mistake but for his religious reason he will not be the one to tell a wide to leave.

1 minute ago, neh said:

Their "courtship" is described in their book.  The book is good background for what is currently happening with the adults, especially Meri.  She had a rocky relationship with Kody way before the show and Robyn. She had big issues with Christine, as well as with Janelle.  I think that Meri was Kody 's big mistake but for his religious reason he will not be the one to tell a wide to leave.

You all know that I meant to type wife, right?  Ack!

Edited by neh
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, navine said:

doesn't everyone frikkin hate Cody?  it's so easy

I actually like Kody and always have   He has his issues, but, I find he has some admirable traits.(Warts and all, I find the show amusing, though these TELL ALLS are joke, since they don't do much and the flash backs are boring.)  I'm relieved that finally, they admit that things are really messed up with certain relationships.  There is still a certain amount that  is not being said, but, maybe, more stuff will come out eventually.  I suspect there is more about the Meri situation that the public does not know and that Kody may never tell.  I don't trust Meri's reporting. 

I am NOT a Tony fan, but, I did find what he said probably the most amusing thing I heard.  He was asked by the host to describe his relationship with each MIL.  I think he said Christine was like a sibling and they fight (odd), Janelle a partner, I forget what he said about Robyn, but, he had no description for Meri.  I think he hesitated and said....hello.  Like, he's only been introduced and that's it.  lol  I wonder what Meri said about that. 

I thought that Maddie did look very lovely.  Her hairstyle and makeup was very becoming.  She looks so much thinner. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 12

We all know they will continue to put a spin on the cat fishing  in public.  I am sure in private Meri and Kody have laid it all out, I mean I don't think any one of them thinks Meri is totally innocent in this thing.  She was basically having a relationship with another man outside her marriage, even though he was fake. They have all seen the snapshots of the texts and the banana picture online I am sure.   If it were just Meri and Kody I bet the marriage would be over, but I guess these Plyg marriages involve the other wives too.  He would be "divorcing" her from the whole family and I imagine that is hard to do.  Where Mariah is concerned I get the feeling he is not really happy with her being gay.  The wives are all waving banners of approval, but he acts weird and barely puts the stamp of approval on her lifestyle.   

  • Love 11

They all need Meri to stay on the show and continue the pretense of trying to work through the issues lest us viewers find out that a polygamy lifestyle is not all that great. And, Meri needs the income to supplement her B&B because the website does it no justice. 

If food is considered "good girl sex" then Janelle is the poster child. I am waiting for a TLC My 600lb Life cross over. Girl, all of that weight cannot be good for your health. 

Kody wishes that he had a Warren Jeffs in his life to reassign Meri to another man. Yep, I am going there. 

  • Love 10

Key points I got out of the older children on the tell all:

Paedon: He commented about his mother and father kept pushing him to go to the March, but he still chose not to go. Children are always more honest. It's interesting that BOTH Kody and Christine were trying to force him to go, when the show made you believe it was mostly Christine.

Mariah: She stated that she did not talk to her father, Kody about the March, or his resistance to Meri and Janelle going.  When she said, "I'm sure he doesn't agree with some things that were being advocated there," was very telling. This family loves to use avoidance as a solution. When you don't agree with Kody, you just avoid the topic, and still act happy and sweet around him, to avoid the issues I guess.

Maddie: They didn't ask her about the Meri drama of the birth. I'm sure that was predetermined question not to ask.

Tony: When he described his relationship with his mother in law, Christine, as a sibling that I fight with, is also very telling. Tony sees himself as being on the same level as Christine. That says a lot, on what he thinks of her maturity level, and intellect, as well as what he thinks of himself. It is highly unusual for a son in law, to refer to a mother in law as a sister. 

Tony called out Meri, by saying, he doesn't know her, and has no relationship with her. Man, when the cameras aren't rolling, Meri really is disengaged from this family, isn't she? 

  • Love 17

Disjointed thoughts:

Kody needs to shave his head.  That man bun is atrocious and the pony tail might be slightly worse.  He just revolts me as you can probably tell, lol.

Overall kind of snoozefest.  I don't feel like anything was really revealed.

Meri/Kody is a disaster.  He doesn't want to admit it's failed, but he wants her to walk away.  He just wants to be able to say she ended it.

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, JDAlexander said:



As an English major, the Brown family obsession with the word "like" is so distracting, I can barely stand listening.  In my opinion, Mariah and Ysabel are the absolute worst.  I would be royally pissed to spend a small fortune to send my daughter to a private college, only to hear her use the word "like" 12 times in one single sentence.  As for "safe," goodness, please ask Nancy for a new therapy word, ya know?   lol

They need Judge Judy as a moderator. She loathes filler words, and gets folks straightened out about it really quickly. There would be no 'like', 'basically' or 'ya know' on her watch. 

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, Annymin said:

How did these parents raise such great kids?  Their section of the tell all was by far the most enjoyable.  More of them and less of the parents!  What is going on with Hunter, Garrison and Dayton? 

Kody’s hair in Polygamy 101 looks like the bushy tail of a rabid squirrel.  I wonder if he thinks he looks hot?  Gag.

Yes, he does.  He even said "I get hit on all the time."  He's an insufferable jackass that thinks he's God's Gift to Women.  Gag is right!

  • Love 10

On the 2nd part, with therm answering questions, Kody's face was total disgust any time Meri spoke. ESPECIALLY when she told about someone who supposedly came up to her and was disappointed that she was still with Kody.  You could just tell she was loving that story as a major dis to him.  Would not be surprised if she made it up just to piss him off.

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, Mothra said:

What exactly happened to Robyn?  In the flashbacks, she was so lovely and now she looks hard and square-headed.  She has gained weight, but it's more than that.  She's verginig on unattractive imo, while Christine is clearly in the ascendant.  And clearly the happiest one of the bunch, I think.

The flashback to Meri berating the other wives' kids was instructive.

And why in hell don't they ask Kody what he thinks "trite" means?

Robyn was never great-looking IMO, but she's aged and looks crappy, and so has Meri.

If Janelle could have kept her weight loss going from a few seasons ago, she'd be much better looking.  As it is, I think she and Christine have aged better than the other two.

Doofus has a way of trotting out the Word for the Day, and he just sounds like a pretentious ass.  Bleh.

  • Love 10

So did I hear correctly when Christine defended her religions view on polygamy by saying something about the Old Testament, and then use Abraham as an example!?!?  She said that one wife was not very good so they had to shoo her off (paraphrasing).  Lol.  So two wives didn't work out very well, huh.  Also, and I admit my knowledge of the Bible is not where it should be, but aren't Israel and Palestine still fighting to this day because of that whole mess?  The world is still at war, thousands of years later, because of this polygamist 'marriage' gone bad, and fights over who's entitled to what.  Great example Christine.  Lmao.  No wonder Kody asked her if she could answer that other question intelligently (again paraphrasing).  He's an ass, and I generally like Christine the best out of the bunch, but that HAS to be the stupidest answer, of all possible answers, to the question of why their religion practices that life.  Probably the biggest WTF moment for me of the whole night. 

Also, take note Meri, it's OK to shoo-off a not very good wife. 

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Yes, he does.  He even said "I get hit on all the time."  He's an insufferable jackass that thinks he's God's Gift to Women.  Gag is right!

I thought MAYBE he was kidding about that, just to toss out a reason he wouldn’t be comfortable in a bar. But considering they were talking about a gay bar, I found his comment entertaining and intriguing. 

I was interested in that clip where Meri was telling the kids that they better remember they are ALL siblings, then asking for backup from the other moms. I wonder if she felt Mariah was being excluded or picked on. In any case, I feel she was right to speak up and remind the kids of that point. I am always shocked by families that allow kids to treat each other in ways that would not be allowed with non-family: bullying, extreme teasing, hitting, etc. Respect for others is just as important within the family. 

Also if my kid was in that situation and being made the goat, I would become a fucking wolverine. 

It was also a relief to hear Meri acknowledge that she has indeed considered leaving - more than once. And i’m glad Kody decline to lay out past issue and transgressions. I am certain that in private they have discussed EVERYTHING. 

  • Love 4

Kody is acting like Meri is the gum that is stuck to the underside of a shoe, wake the f up Meri, he doesn't want anything more from you - so pack it up and just leave already. You made the situation worse by falling for some random online and shamed Grody-who seems like he holds grudges anyway. Why anyone who has watched this show would think plig lifestyle is a good thing ?  

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I thought MAYBE he was kidding about that, just to toss out a reason he wouldn’t be comfortable in a bar. But considering they were talking about a gay bar, I found his comment entertaining and intriguing. 


There’s no doubt the kodester would be considered a tasty treat at a gay bar. How could one resist the frizzy man bun, white stitched jeans,and fancy shirt two sizes too small? 

I'm ashamed to remember when he was into his wrestling stage, and Christine was pissed off because she got no attention from Kody because he was getting all hot and sweaty ‘rasslin’ in her garage with Brett. 


Edited by Barbara Please
  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Kody is acting like Meri is the gum that is stuck to the underside of a shoe, wake the f up Meri, he doesn't want anything more from you - so pack it up and just leave already. You made the situation worse by falling for some random online and shamed Grody-who seems like he holds grudges anyway. Why anyone who has watched this show would think plig lifestyle is a good thing ?  

He did say he wants to work things out, though. That has got to be so confusing for Meri because his actions scream that it’s over. I mean, he basically flinched at the idea of alone time with Meri. Why not take some time away together - not to be romanitic but just to be free ofndistractions and responsibilities for a bit? He was willing to try that with Christine; why not with Meri? He needs to fish or cut bait. 

3 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

There’s no doubt the kodester would be considered a tasty treat at a gay bar. How could one resist the frizzy man bun, white stitched jeans ,and fancy shirts two sizes too small? 

Remember when he was into his wrestling stage, and Christine was pissed off because she got no attention from Kody because he was getting all hot and sweaty ‘rasslin’ in her garage with Brett. I’m ashamed I remember this shit!  


Holy cow! No, I wasn’t a regular watcher until a couple of years ago and so I did not yet have this emblazoned on my retinas. Thanks! LOL. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

He did say he wants to work things out, though. That has got to be so confusing for Meri because his actions scream that it’s over. I mean, he basically flinched at the idea of alone time with Meri.

I think that was a scripted line vs a real-life reaction playing out. They have to keep the idea of the possibility of Kody and Meri getting back together for next season. But in real life, Kody does not want anything to do with Meri. He is terrible at these Tell Nothings because he blurts out real answers instead of the company lines. The wives are better because they are used to Keeping Sweet, saying little white lies on a daily basis and smoothing things over so King Dooufous doesn't get bothered or mad. So Meri can sit there and say the right thing ("Yes, I want to get back with Kody") but notice in real life she is gone all the time for LuLaNo pop ups and vacays, but hasn't even had the time to talk with any of the adults in the family and her relationship with Kody is "platonic" (read: non-existent).

  • Love 11

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