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S06.E17: The Smoking Gun

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This was like an episode of Three's Company: all misunderstandings and wacky hijinks. 

I am loathe to ever explain something away as a total misunderstanding, but I actually think that's exactly what happened here. It seems obvious to me from the way that Jax and Sandoval said "hanging out" that those two meant it as a euphemism for "hooking up." Sandoval's intonation in particular--he drops his voice and leans in a bit closer--makes it clear (again, to me, at least) that he meant making out/having sex. But James actually interpreted it literally, as just hanging out. In other words, I don't think that Sandoval and Jax are actively misrepresenting, if only because I fully believe that they asked him a question with a specific meaning and James answered in the affirmative. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, dosodog said:

I believe I have claimed Peter.  He's MY Vanderpump tv boyfriend.

And I couldn't care how long it takes him to put up a tv.

He has always been a cutie, but dayam.  Seriously hot in this ep.  The tan and hair.  Whoa... 

I feel bad for Kristen.  Everybody was gaslighting her. Girl has been working on reigning in the crazy,  and these idiots poked the bear.  Jax can fuck off,  because he started this bullshit. 

17 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

He took the TV down.

In 7 minutes.  Scheana timed it...

I. Want.  Monroe.  That is all.  

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, albarino said:

I confess, I didn't watch this episode hanging onto the back of my seat but did Schwartz say he drank so much he ended up at a different resort?  Is anybody else seriously worried about him?  I would welcome an intervention at this point.

Yes. Yes. Yes. (And LIL to your point about Jax.)

1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

That freaked me out when Schwartz said that - and, that he didn't even know where he was....that the guys who worked in the other resort brought him back to the Andaz??  

I go to that part of Mexico 3 - 4 times a year.  And, while it's pretty safe during the day and into the evening/late night (as long as you stay in the tourist-y areas of Playa del Carmen), wandering around, shit-faced, almost blacked out drunk is a MAJOR recipe for disaster....and, no, NOT because it's in Mexico - I think that type of behavior is a tragedy in the making at any beach community.  There are a lot of unsavory types lingering around at night - looking for an easy mark.  What's easier than a confused, super inebriated person?  He probably walked/stumbled along the beach to the next resort - how scary!!  

He is very lucky he's alive.  Katie needs to get him to realize he has a problem and they need to come up with a solution - FAST!!  

Totally agree that it’s dangerous to be in that condition anywhere (and especially near a beach) but I’d also just read about an uptick in violence in Playa Del Carmen, so I admit that was on my mind (even if it is mostly outside the tourist areas).

6 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

*slowly puts down baby bottle and starts ripping off Lee press-ons*

Now all you need is a T-shirt dress with your photo all over it...

  • Love 2

I feel more comfortable today with my hair-brained theory that Schwartz went somewhere to dry out after this trip, and the scene in the Mexican restaurant drinking water with Katie a few weeks back (after he was absent for an episode or two) was shot later after he'd cleaned up a bit and added as filler to hide a longer absence than we saw .  My next prediction is that we'll see scenes with Katie worrying to Lisa, possibly Lisa confronting Tom about it, and sad but poignant come to Jesus meeting that ends with him agreeing to seek treatment.   

He wasn't just messy tonight.  Agree with the rest of you, it's not amusing, he's reached matter-of-time-ville.  Hope he really did get some help. 

  • Love 11

Seriously, I’m on Kristen’s side regarding this whole thing. Everyone was really gaslighting her. Also I don’t know what katie was talking about when she was like “I just can’t deal with people who act like kids” uh, then maybe you should change your group of friends. And look at who you married, because he is never going to act like an adult it seems. 

Also loved when Lala was all “so Rob never gets you gifts?” And Schena response was “I don’t need gifts, I buy things for myself” I guess trying to prove that rob doesn’t need to buy her affection and she’s a strong independent woman. Which.. okay, but she does seem to enjoy certain things his lavish lifestyle brings her, his nice vacation cabin(which yeah isn’t really his but the way she talked about was a different story), his nice house that cane equipped with chefs that we saw when Tom and Arinia went over there. So not making any sense. Schena wants gifts, also she’s planning a million dollar wedding to this guy so it was hilarious that she was telling Lala she doesn’t need presents because she can provide herself whatever she needs. And while normally I would respect this comment, from schena not so much. Because it rings false.

This episode wasn’t very fun. Kind of boring. The only thing worth noting was watching Schena try to explain her relationship with Rob, where he never sends flowers(because he’s not a flower type girl, again doubtful), and that clip where he doesn’t make out. At least we didn’t have to hear about the damn tv again.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, albarino said:

Guess I'm going to repeat post--who does not like fresh flowers?  Seriously?  Sheena doesn't because they die?  Shenna doesn't like gifts?  OKAY THEN!  

*tiny voice* I'm not super impressed by flowers either... I mean, I'll take them, but then they eventually start smelling and my cat will try to eat them and the pollen starts falling and I'd rather they be a potted plant or succulent or something, but even then I'd still somehow kill it from over-watering/under-watering. I'll take gifts though! But even then, I'd take something practical like a nice water-resistant jacket over an expensive pretty necklace. 

But I also wouldn't put down women (or men) who do like getting flowers or pretty jewelry. Okay, I do tend to judge women with larger-than-life diamond engagement rings. Like JFC, can you even lift your finger? How do you not cut yourself? Are you just begging to get mugged?

  • Love 9

Is it gangsta to be the home-wrecking baby bottle drinking side chick ??!! This LaLa bitch is special kind of stupid.... does this bitch realize when those tits start to sag and the looks go she’s gonna be replaced ... it’s called karma you lil cum dumpster .... her parents must be so proud of what she’s become.... it’s amazing how women will over look how ugly a man is if he’s got money .... thirtsy ass whores ... oh but wait she’s empowering women by stealing other women’s men lol 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, cuphead said:

IMHO, James is one of the most fascinating people on this show and Kristen is a close second.

When sober, James is intelligent, witty, focused and incredibly charming.  He really impressed me in the scene when he was trying to get some time spinning in that club.  First, he made the effort to speak to the DJ in Spanish; second, he had a flashdrive of his music with him, and third, when Peter tried to step in on his behalf, James, in a non-offensive manner, made it clear he got this (and he did). 

On the flip side, when provoked, it's as if a switch flips between the James who has potential and the James who will egg your house on Halloween because you accused him of eating all the pasta.  He becomes a 10 year old and reacts to situations like a 10 year old boy (e.g. spitting on Kristen's door, saying mean things such as calling Britney fat because he was mad at Jax).  His reaction at the golf course after he was questioned about hanging out with Kristen is a perfect example because he was acting like a little boy- a little boy having a melt down because he's scared of getting kicked out of the cool group.

I'm curious to see James in his 30's after he emotionally matures a bit and learns how to drink like an adult.  

You already saw a glimpse of what James is gonna be like when he gets older... the episode with his ugly ass dad and those wood teeth ... I guess they didn’t have dental insurance at his DJ-ing gig ... his creepy dad wearing a button upped polo with baseball cap and the Austin powers showroom smile.... them teeth though ... I’m stil waking  up in the middle of the night over them ..... I think he uses sand paper as a tooth brush 

2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

He took the TV down.

In 6 mins 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

*tiny voice* I'm not super impressed by flowers either... I mean, I'll take them, but then they eventually start smelling and my cat will try to eat them and the pollen starts falling and I'd rather they be a potted plant or succulent or something, but even then I'd still somehow kill it from over-watering/under-watering. I'll take gifts though! But even then, I'd take something practical like a nice water-resistant jacket over an expensive pretty necklace. 

But I also wouldn't put down women (or men) who do like getting flowers or pretty jewelry. Okay, I do tend to judge women with larger-than-life diamond engagement rings. Like JFC, can you even lift your finger? How do you not cut yourself? Are you just begging to get mugged?

Love it ;) I guess for me re: Scheana, it’s not about the pasta flowers per se; it’s that she CONSTANTLY talks about how perfect Rob is and how much he loves her—yet there’s no sign that he’s anything other than sort of fond and kind of tolerant of her. If he were really doting on her, there’d be more to it than just Scheana’s talk of how perfect he is. Like, I doubt Sandoval buys Ariana tons of stuff, but no one really questions whether or not he actually cares about her or wants her as his girlfriend; he does other stuff to show it.

  • Love 14
5 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

*slowly puts down baby bottle and starts ripping off Lee press-ons*

Those are still classier than Scheana's god-awful rank-ass nails.  So. Nasty.


22 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Love it ;) I guess for me re: Scheana, it’s not about the pasta flowers per se; it’s that she CONSTANTLY talks about how perfect Rob is and how much he loves her—yet there’s no sign that he’s anything other than sort of fond and kind of tolerant of her. If he were really doting on her, there’d be more to it than just Scheana’s talk of how perfect he is. Like, I doubt Sandoval buys Ariana tons of stuff, but no one really questions whether or not he actually cares about her or wants her as his girlfriend; he does other stuff to show it.

Rob and Scheana kind of remind me of Kelly and Ryan from The Office.  Rob doesn't seem as douchey as Patrick and he's probably a decent-enough guy, but he's just with someone he doesn't love.  Scheana doesn't love him either, she just needed a distraction after her separation/divorce.  Scheana isn't really capable of fully loving someone.  She's too in love with herself.  She'll probably get a Real Doll or a robot doll made to look like her.  And her mother's advice on needing to marry for money?  Is Sheana's dad rich?  I don't know how old he is, but Scheana said that her mother had her when she was 19.


It pissed me off in the first season when Stassi was talking about how much lower Scheana was in terms of class because Stassi went to an all-girls's private school and I was like, who says shit like that?!  Who cares what school you went to???  It's just a freaking HIGH school!  But Scheana really is low in terms of class.  Not because of where she lives or where she's from, who her parents are, etc, but she's just trash.


Nothing wrong with not being into flowers and gifts, but I just don't believe that effing Sheana isn't into them.  Of course she is!!!  She is the most shallow person on the show!  But maybe it's good that Rob's not giving her gifts because it'll be the 7-minute-television-hang brag again and again, but soooo much worse and more insufferable.  Ergh.  Wish she and Jax would get together, just so they can destroy each other.

  • Love 7

I really like James this season and those guys did him wrong.  He was asked, did you HANG out with Kristen last night.  He answered, yeah a little.  And then immediately the guys just twisted it all around.   He really seems to enjoy his friendship with the guys and what they did was messed up. 

And let me tell you, if I heard the story for the first time I would totally believe James over any of the other guys, especially Jax.  The Tom's and Jax have all lied and I can't remember James ever lying.  Yes, he's been assy at times but I don't remember him ever lying.  I'm not even gonna get mad at him calling Brittany fat.  He was upset, retaliating against Jax who screwed him over and, uh, Brittany is kinda, uh, not skinny.  It's been said right here on these very boards for cripes sake!  lol

Also, I like Stassi but she needs to do some butt lifting exercises.  Girl's ass was looking pretty flat in her bathing suits.  Squats and leg lifts are a good thing.  Haha.....

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, albarino said:

I confess, I didn't watch this episode hanging onto the back of my seat but did Schwartz say he drank so much he ended up at a different resort?  Is anybody else seriously worried about him?  I would welcome an intervention at this point.

Yea, he did. Katie actually seemed pretty concerned about that. I just don't know how you get that separated from your group. Had they all gone to bed? These people exhaust me. I remember staying up an entire weekend drinking when I was 23. But damn, I'm 38 now and that sounds like pure torture. I want to be in bed by 10! 


9 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

The "did they/didn't they" was SO MINOR but Kristen blew it the f*ck out of proportion. She so desperately wants camera time and will act like a complete asshole to get it. I felt bad for James. I thought he looked cute in his shorts suit. He shouldn't have called Brittany fat. But they did seriously gang up on him. I need someone to explain the cushion situation to me. That was evidence of what? I didn't get it. 

The cushion thing was very perplexing. Apparently the way they were arranged is evidence of sex going on by a pool? I mean, I guess maybe Jax IS an expert in clandestine hook-ups, but all I saw was two pillows sitting by the pool. As drunk as those fuckers were, I'm sure there were plenty of out-of-place items around that hotel room.


9 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

That would be gangsta, according to Lala.  

Speaking of - - throwing your drink on someone is a total bitch move but shoving someone is okay?  This girl is bizarre.

Also, I like how she said something like, "I will knock someone to the GROUND, because that's bad ass...." .....when flashbacks showed it was just a minor shove. Kristen was NOT on the ground. Not even close. 


9 hours ago, albarino said:

Guess I'm going to repeat post--who does not like fresh flowers?  Seriously?  Sheena doesn't because they die?  Shenna doesn't like gifts?  OKAY THEN!  

I won't turn flowers down; I appreciate the sentiment. But they're not really my thing. They do die. Seems like a waste of money. I'd rather you get me a book or a cd or some good chocolate. But Scheana is totally not the type of girl who doesn't like flowers. She was just bullshitting on the spot. She's whatever kind of girl Rob's behavior dictates she be. 


8 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Sandoval did say "hanging out" not "hooking up". I don't know if they did anything or not, but Jax and Sandoval completely misrepresented what James said.

I'm glad y'all caught that. I totally thought he asked if they hooked up. 

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Speaking of - - throwing your drink on someone is a total bitch move but shoving someone is okay?  This girl is bizarre.   She totally had Scheana's number though and that was hilarious.  Scheana is pathetic. The desperation for Rob comes off her like the stink of alcohol, grease and tanning spray wafts off Jax.   Most all women like getting flowers or gifts from their partners.  Quit acting like you're above it or something.

Lala was totally channeling Ramona from RHoNY - who are you to get me wet?!?

  • LOL 1
  • Love 12
7 hours ago, cuphead said:

IMHO, James is one of the most fascinating people on this show and Kristen is a close second.

When sober, James is intelligent, witty, focused and incredibly charming.  He really impressed me in the scene when he was trying to get some time spinning in that club.  First, he made the effort to speak to the DJ in Spanish; second, he had a flashdrive of his music with him, and third, when Peter tried to step in on his behalf, James, in a non-offensive manner, made it clear he got this (and he did). 

On the flip side, when provoked, it's as if a switch flips between the James who has potential and the James who will egg your house on Halloween because you accused him of eating all the pasta.  He becomes a 10 year old and reacts to situations like a 10 year old boy (e.g. spitting on Kristen's door, saying mean things such as calling Britney fat because he was mad at Jax).  His reaction at the golf course after he was questioned about hanging out with Kristen is a perfect example because he was acting like a little boy- a little boy having a melt down because he's scared of getting kicked out of the cool group.

I'm curious to see James in his 30's after he emotionally matures a bit and learns how to drink like an adult.  

His behavior makes me really believe his bullying stories. I think he just wants to fit in. He was so hurt when he perceived all the guys as ganging up on him. I did feel badly for him. He and Jax have been getting along this year. He feels like he gave Jax a head's up about the Brittany-Scheana-date thing. And then Jax is ragging him about Kristen. He was like a wounded little boy. It's just that when he feels backed into the corner enough, he lashes out really horribly. 


6 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Seriously, I’m on Kristen’s side regarding this whole thing. Everyone was really gaslighting her.

I think Kristen gaslighted herself. Her friends were simply giving her a head's up that she was being talked about. She totally flipped out and acted like they were accusing her, and had the nerve to act like such an accusation would be insanely outlandish. She HAS hooked up with James since they broke up, since she's been with Carter. And she has a history of vehemently denying her shady hook-ups. But even so, her friends weren't like, "Oh my gosh, Kristen! Why would you do that?" They just let her know what they heard. If she had waved it off, it would have never blown up the way it did. 


49 minutes ago, tinaw said:

"I watched him open a can of tuna in like 2 seconds. I timed him. I' so glad im with a Real Man" 

Sorry couldn' help it

"When I was with Shay, he only bought tuna from a POUCH. And I had to open it MYSELF." 


10 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Lala was totally channeling Ramona from RHoNY - who are you to get me wet?!?

I thought Lala was making a mountain out of holemill. 

  • Love 21
5 hours ago, FrankieTankie said:

Is it gangsta to be the home-wrecking baby bottle drinking side chick ??!! This LaLa bitch is special kind of stupid.... does this bitch realize when those tits start to sag and the looks go she’s gonna be replaced ... it’s called karma you lil cum dumpster .... her parents must be so proud of what she’s become.... it’s amazing how women will over look how ugly a man is if he’s got money .... thirtsy ass whores ... oh but wait she’s empowering women by stealing other women’s men lol 

The wife is gone and there is an opening now for a new mistress. Lala thinks she is much smarter than she really is.

  • Love 7

Part of me wonder is Tom ended up at another resort to hook up with someone.  Resorts are pretty huge and its hard to walk from one to the other, jut seems like there is more to the story.

Also Kristen and James totally hooked up, but I dont think James meant to spill the beans. He obviously heard "hang out" which is what he admitted too. Kristen washing sand outta her vag was weird, did they even go to the beach  werent they just at dinner then hung out at clubs and jax's pool? Made me think of something else.

2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

With all of the fighting over Peter, I’d like to issue a formal proclamation that I claim Guillermo.

Signed by JenE4 and notorized on this day, April 3, 2018

YAS!  Guillermo is sexy. Peter looks like a bloated guy to me and I don't like his voice.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Loved Scheana being visibly disappointed the flowers weren't for her, then acting all nonchalant about it. "I don't even like flowers, I don't even like gifts." 


9 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

Not only did she sound ridiculous when she claimed she didn’t like to get gifts, she had to throw in a dig at the gift that Lala did get when she sneered “roses?, hashtag basic”. She’s really a humorless bitch.

I haven’t watched this episode yet, but I am really looking forward to watching Scheana’s face fall once she realizes the flowers are not for her. Yet, despite how obviously disappointed she was, she’s going to try to come across as superior to Lala!?! And Lala has been kind to her. Quite pathetic.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Did anyone else notice there was a brief clip on the way to the restaurant where Schwartz had his arm wrapped around Lala's waist and then saw the camera and loojed uncomfortable? It was weird. 

I did notice that and it pinged for me as strange too. At first glance I thought it was Sandoval and Arianna, then I realized that it was Schwartz and Lala. The body language was just kind of weirdly close (intimate?) which is why my brain put it as S&A first. Just odd.

I've always been convinced that to Lisa V. the Pump cast (and most of the H-wives she befriends) are really just one step up from the dogs in how she views them - thought it was a bit of a freudian slip when she was comparing James to the stray Ken had brought home. To her her castmates are just slightly (very slightly in the case of the Pump cast) above her pets in terms of intelligence and she's free to play with them, observe them, poke at them when she wants a reaction, etc. The difference between the dogs and the people? She takes the people under her wing, Scheana, Brandy, that guy who lived with her in the first season of RHOBH, the Toms, etc., She plays with them and their lives until they no longer amuse her, and then she drops them. With the dogs at least they get to live in luxury until they die. If the people she adopts push too much for her attention (Brandy, guy who used to live with her and Ken) they get pushed out of her life, never to be allowed to darken her door again. If they only irritate her, then she'll ice them out for a period of time, poke at them passive-aggressively, and make verbal digs at them to the camera and other cast members until they have sucked up enough to get back in her good graces. 

I think there are very, very few people who she truly considers to be at her level ("she's up HERE...and everyone else is down THERE" tm Kelly Bensimone) that are her intimate friends. You'll notice she very rarely reveals anything about herself. What do we know? She's been married to Ken forever, she loves animals and the color pink, she loves Pandora and has mixed emotions about Max, and...? I don't like Lisa, I think she uses people for her amusement and then tosses them aside. But I actually do admire how she plays the reality television game. She grooms, she pets, then she pokes, and prods and does it all with her formal British accent so everyone thinks she's charming.

  • Love 11

I watched the game last night so turned this on this morning... I didn't need to see Kristen naked before I had my coffee :(

I looked at the schedule and this was the 17th episode of the season. Is that right? It feels like we've had maybe six episodes of real content. This entire season has been filler. We'll spend 3-4 episodes in Mexico with this group, and the biggest storyline is a misunderstanding between James and the rest of the guys. We're all waiting for Scheana to get dumped, but that may not happen on camera, and even if it is I get the feeling it won't be rewarding. Even Jax is checked out and not really invested. Stassi keeps throwing shit against the wall (trying to pick fights or get inlvolved) to get screen time, but nobody really cares. 

1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I haven’t watched this episode yet, but I am really looking forward to watching Scheana’s face fall once she realizes the flowers are not for her.

The interesting thing about this is her face didn't really fall, she knew immediately upon delivery that they were not for her because 7 minutes Rob doesn't buy her gifts. She knew immediately that they were for Lala. Incidentally, why am I not surprised that is not her real name? Really fits with the persona of someone who drinks water and milk out of a legit baby bottle. "Lauryn" is really much too pedestrian, I guess. As is throwing drinks. Real women shove!

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

Kristen's truly disturbed if she thinks they'll allow her to lie her way out of this one! She has no credibility and unfortunately, these are her friends and they know her very well! ;-)

All of her friends were attacking James at dinner so it looks like they did believe Kristin. What's Sandoval's problem, he supposedly hates Kristin. I thought he and Ariana were buddies with James and Lala this season. 


12 hours ago, sadiebyuca said:

Am I listening to this wrong?  James didn't say they hooked up.  He said they hung out a little bit.  Right?  I'm confused now.  LOL

I'm still wondering WTH just happened there. Kristin has NOTHING to be pissed at him about, and even if they did hook up, James was nice enough not to go blabbing to everyone about it. Jax, my god, get a life! I'm assuming that by the time this aired Jax is 39 now. How embarrassing for him. Stumbling out of the club with a bottle of vodka stuffed in his pants. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

Scheana's really going to look like the stupid bitch she is at the reunion.

I hope Rob doesn't call in or worse yet show up and say what he did (on the phone) on WWHL which was  that he and Scheana will always love each other, the timing is off right now, she's a great person, who knows what the future holds for them, blah, blah, puke, vomit. In other words, taking Scheana's crazy, delusional obsessiveness and making it look not so bad. 

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm still wondering WTH just happened there. Kristin has NOTHING to be pissed at him about, and even if they did hook up, James was nice enough not to go blabbing to everyone about it. Jax, my god, get a life! I'm assuming that by the time this aired Jax is 39 now. How embarrassing for him. Stumbling out of the club with a bottle of vodka stuffed in his pants. 

Kristen didn't know that he had only said they "hung out together a little bit". The way it was conveyed to her by everyone was that he said they "hooked up a little bit" which is a very different thing and something for her to be angry about.  She was on WWHL and she said her head wanted to explode when she saw the actual footage and saw that he was asked about "hanging out" not "hooking up". When Andy asked her if she was still angry at James, she said no, she was most angry at Sandoval and Jax who made the whole thing up.

  • Love 18
7 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

Kristen didn't know that he had only said they "hung out together a little bit". The way it was conveyed to her by everyone was that he said they "hooked up a little bit" which is a very different thing and something for her to be angry about.  She was on WWHL and she said her head wanted to explode when she saw the actual footage and saw that he was asked about "hanging out" not "hooking up". When Andy asked her if she was still angry at James, she said no, she was most angry at Sandoval and Jax who made the whole thing up.

Yeah, but she got a text from James which she read to Stassi where he was explaining what was said. She chose not to believe him. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Pop Tart said:

I did notice that and it pinged for me as strange too. At first glance I thought it was Sandoval and Arianna, then I realized that it was Schwartz and Lala. The body language was just kind of weirdly close (intimate?) which is why my brain put it as S&A first. Just odd.

I've always been convinced that to Lisa V. the Pump cast (and most of the H-wives she befriends) are really just one step up from the dogs in how she views them - thought it was a bit of a freudian slip when she was comparing James to the stray Ken had brought home. To her her castmates are just slightly (very slightly in the case of the Pump cast) above her pets in terms of intelligence and she's free to play with them, observe them, poke at them when she wants a reaction, etc. The difference between the dogs and the people? She takes the people under her wing, Scheana, Brandy, that guy who lived with her in the first season of RHOBH, the Toms, etc., She plays with them and their lives until they no longer amuse her, and then she drops them. With the dogs at least they get to live in luxury until they die. If the people she adopts push too much for her attention (Brandy, guy who used to live with her and Ken) they get pushed out of her life, never to be allowed to darken her door again. If they only irritate her, then she'll ice them out for a period of time, poke at them passive-aggressively, and make verbal digs at them to the camera and other cast members until they have sucked up enough to get back in her good graces. 

I think there are very, very few people who she truly considers to be at her level ("she's up HERE...and everyone else is down THERE" tm Kelly Bensimone) that are her intimate friends. You'll notice she very rarely reveals anything about herself. What do we know? She's been married to Ken forever, she loves animals and the color pink, she loves Pandora and has mixed emotions about Max, and...? I don't like Lisa, I think she uses people for her amusement and then tosses them aside. But I actually do admire how she plays the reality television game. She grooms, she pets, then she pokes, and prods and does it all with her formal British accent so everyone thinks she's charming.

I disagree. No way in hell LVP believes this group is in any way above dogs in her eyes, or mine.

  • Love 7

That freaked me out when Schwartz said that - and, that he didn't even know where he was....that the guys who worked in the other resort brought him back to the Andaz??  

Eh, it's honestly not a big deal. While I assume he did it as a result of being completely incoherent (which is a bit of a big deal), I can also attest to the fact that finding yourself at a different resort in Playa del Carmen is not hard to do even if you're merely moderately tipsy! He's probably lucky, though, that the resorts are kind of close together and connected by the actual beach, but there's not really a super-easy way to "escape" out the other side into the surrounding neighborhoods by mistake.  


it’s amazing how women will over look how ugly a man is if he’s got money

I'm confused: ugly personality or ugly appearance? If the latter, is it any less shallow to base "love" on looks than on money?

As for flowers, I am a big fan--and I don't care if it's a big bouquet or even a single (hashtah basic) rose from the gas station's convenience store!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Yeah, but she got a text from James which she read to Stassi where he was explaining what was said. She chose not to believe him. 

I think the text wasn't fully clear on what he had said - mostly because he couldn't even figure out where the disconnect had happened - so I think that's why Kristen was still skeptical about what he said. She had everyone insisting he said they hooked up.

5 minutes ago, Higgins said:

I disagree. No way in hell LVP believes this group is in any way above dogs in her eyes, or mine.

Ha! I'll grant you that point.

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Anyone else find it amazingly hypocritical that Patrick was pissed at Stassi for not texting him when she got to Mexico and yet when he was away in Amsterdam told her they shouldn't talk at all? 

Not as much hypocritical as being controlling! He just needs to find something to make her feel "wrong" and stupid! I'd feel for her if she hadn't played these same mind games with her friends! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
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It's not often I say that I can appreciate something Jax has said or done but I did appreciate that he didn't get upset with Brittany over Scheana's behaviour and held the right person accountable for their behaviour.

Scheana you're a hater. She's obviously bullshitting because Rob doesn't buy her gifts and she's already admitted that he's not the affectionate type yet she claims she likes affection and not gifts. He doesn't try to worship the ground she walks on. The more she talks, the more she exaggerates her relationship to make it seem like Rob is crazy in love with her and is ready to get married to her as soon as she makes the call. And earlier this season she was bragging about his big house, his family cottage, etc. and now all of a sudden she's a simple girl? LOLOLOLOLOL.

I wouldn't put it past either James or Kristen to have hooked up and are trying to deny it given their relationship statuses. Both will lie to their benefit (and it's hilarious to me how offended Kristen was at the mere suggestion given her history, it was all right up there in her wheelhouse of stupid, shitty things she'd do). That said, James is bearing the brunt of all of this when he didn't confess to anything that they're claiming. Someone saying the hung out with someone a little doesn't equate to hooking up with. Why not just use the term 'hook up' instead if that was what you were trying to get out of James? Instead you use another term and then apply your assumptions as to what that meant and are now all collectively agreeing that James said something that he never said. Peter is the only one that didn't make the assumption because he went back to James and asked him point black because he didn't hear James admit it hooking up with Kristin...because he never did. And on the topic of Peter, it's laughable that Jax thinks that he and Peter are on the same level. Peter is the only normal person among them that doesn't seek out attention and drama. It's probably why he's not a regular on this cast. He doesn't fit in with their crazy.

And will Stassi ever come to her senses about Patrick before this season is over? He's a douchebag that's controlling and trying to use Stassi's investment in their relationship as a way to get her to do what she wants. How are you going to get mad at her for forgetting to text you while she's on vacation? When she finally does, instead of feeling relieved that she's okay or happy that she's having fun with her friends, you pick a fight with her over a missed text. If you're going to get upset over a missed text, there's no way I believe you're so chill to be okay with Stassi being with other guys so long as she doesn't emotionally connect with them (which is what he claimed at her birthday party).

  • Love 12

Hold up...Rachel is going to be in the Miss America pageant?

Also, Kristen cheated on Carter before, with James? Was that brand new information?


Did anyone else notice there was a brief clip on the way to the restaurant where Schwartz had his arm wrapped around Lala's waist and then saw the camera and loojed uncomfortable? It was weird. 

I missed that, but I do remember a brief shot (in the club) of James with his hand on Ariana's waist, and backing off when FI came up on them. (Or, maybe I'm mixing up the chucklefucks/scenes...if so, nevermind, lol.)

Edited by jaync
  • Love 3

Did we really need to see Kristen in the shower?


Unless hanging out means hooking up Im confused as to why the guys were all saying James said they hooked up. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they did hook up. She was actually complimenting him in her TH.


Brittany if you can be self aware that Jax is putting no effort into the relationship then why stay???? I dont feel bad for her at all. 


Scheana and Lalas hotel scene was hilarious. So Rob doesn't like affection or gifs lol. 

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