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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I just saw this blurb for Thursday and, lord, this wording is giving Norma/Norman Bates vibes:


A boy’s best friend is his mother, as Carly proves when she is there during Michael’s hour of need.


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24 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I just saw this blurb for Thursday and, lord, this wording is giving Norma/Norman Bates vibes:


It feels like their relationship really took a turn in the past 5 years or so, whenever Nelle and Michael hooked up. Since then, Carly has always been hovering around him and it’s only gotten worse in the past year. I can’t recall her having this smother mother relationship with Michael before that and she was never that way with Morgan. It makes CD’s SOD interview where he called Michael a loser who had no friends all the funnier. 

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On 5/1/2023 at 10:14 AM, Cheyanne11 said:

I just saw this blurb for Thursday and, lord, this wording is giving Norma/Norman Bates vibes

If Willow dies, maybe she can fill the role of the stuffed bird on the wall. 

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I am sure Willow will survive, but I'm reminded that a suspect site had a spoiler a few weeks ago that not only does she die, but that Nina is so crazed by grief that she kidnaps Donna as revenge! I am 98% certain that's wrong -- but the remaining 2% is because the writers do always seem to have Nina snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, every damn time.

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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22 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

This week's promo:

Carly: How do we beat this?

Drew: We go after the person that ratted us out.

Me: Oh f--- off, both of you.  YOU.  ARE.  GUILTY.  100%!

FFS, that's not how crimes work.  I'm so tired of this show gaslighting us on this, where we have to accept that it's not the crime, it's not the cover-up, it's the person who reported a crime who is the guilty one.

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18 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

FFS, that's not how crimes work.

It's not even soapy. Drew and Carly are guilty. They know it and we know it.

As usual, I am at a loss as to why I'm supposed to be rooting for those two.

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19 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'm so tired of this show gaslighting us on this, where we have to accept that it's not the crime, it's not the cover-up, it's the person who reported a crime who is the guilty one.

It's exhausting isn't it? If you don't want Carly to be guilty of something, then don't write it, point out a thousand times that she did something wrong, then heel turn and call her a victim and have the whole town rally around her like she's some paragon of virtue. These writers suck ass. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I don't understand why Michael isn't part of the investigation. Anything Drew did re: the SEC applies equally to him. It's even soapier for Nina; Willow might get over the "attack" on Carly but Michael walks on water in her worldview. 

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

It's exhausting isn't it? If you don't want Carly to be guilty of something, then don't write it, point out a thousand times that she did something wrong, then heel turn and call her a victim and have the whole town rally around her like she's some paragon of virtue. These writers suck ass. 

If this is the way they wanted to go - EVUL Nina gets poor Carly in legal trouble - why not have Nina frame her for something?   Hell, it would parallel back to what Nelle did to Carly.

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18 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Drew: Somebody has to go down.

Why in the hell is he talking to Zeke? Did we bring in a new character to ruin him within 5 seconds by having him do the Carlys bidding. Like WTF.

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Given the casting news, I assume Jackson Montgomery is going to be Drew's lawyer so they can do the whole "You look familiar" thing.

Hopefully, Jack follows up with, "I've got it! There's this televangelist on TV . . . Well, the problem is you actually committed insider trading."


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I like him but the article makes it sound like he’s only around for a few episodes. Typical stunt casting that Frank loves to promote and spend money on while ignoring most of the actual cast or writing decent storylines. 

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I’m sure we’re supposed to feel sorry for him and rail against Nina even though he was guilty and wanted to sacrifice himself to save Carly. 

Some people who attended the GH convention last week said the Pentonville library set was one of the sets up on the set tour so he probably does serve part of that sentence. Also, CM is in Canada filming a Hallmark movie right now so that isolates him and will allow them to easily ignore him for a bit. 

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29 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Also, CM is in Canada filming a Hallmark movie right now so that isolates him and will allow them to easily ignore him for a bit. 

I wish I could ignore him forever. Nothing against CM, but his Drew is an absolute douchenozzle.

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I wonder if he had any kind of idea the sort of character Drew was, like if he watched clips or something.

I saw an interview when he first joined the show and I could be wrong but it sounded like the only Drew clips he saw were those flashback Drew scenes where Sbu was playing Drew. He’s also never mentioned much about Drew other than him being a Navy Seal and Jason’s twin so I think whatever he knows about the character is limited. The show’s resident historian is Korte, who is a massive Carly fan, and she probably told him more about his relationship to Carly than anything else since they were getting paired. 

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49 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

The show’s resident historian is Korte, who is a massive Carly fan, and she probably told him more about his relationship to Carly than anything else since they were getting paired. 

Ah, yes! His non existent relationship with Carly. 

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2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

The show’s resident historian is Korte, who is a massive Carly fan, and she probably told him more about his relationship to Carly than anything else since they were getting paired. 

Like how she dropped him like a bad habit when it came out he wasn't actually Jason?  

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5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I just saw a Drew spoiler.

Instead of a few months in country club prison, he gets 2 years and has to go to Pentonville. Loser! The name Drewfus is well deserved.

Danny Brown Laughing GIF by DANNY'S HOUSE

Really?  So they are writing him off the show then? 

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In CM’s defense, if he saw any scripts/ story outline prior to taking the part, it would have been his introduction, where he was breaking out of captivity and being an actual heroic badass. I would have taken that part, too. 

Who knew the character was going to do a 180 and become a simpering Drewfuss with balls of cotton candy?

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On 6/16/2023 at 9:08 AM, YaddaYadda said:

. Nothing against CM, but his Drew is an absolute douchenozzle.

That’s how I feel too.  I’m a fan of CM but this iteration of Drew is just painful.  It started out promising when he was being held prisoner and I think CM did a great job with that.  It could have been a good story with him having ptsd and struggling to get used to normal life again.  For some reason any drama whatsoever was dropped and he became everybody’s personal life coach and it’s just obnoxious.  CM is capable of more.

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2 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

That’s how I feel too.  I’m a fan of CM but this iteration of Drew is just painful.  It started out promising when he was being held prisoner and I think CM did a great job with that.  It could have been a good story with him having ptsd and struggling to get used to normal life again.  For some reason any drama whatsoever was dropped and he became everybody’s personal life coach and it’s just obnoxious.  CM is capable of more.

I suspect this wasn’t the original plan and his initial storyline was pretty much killed because SBu left the show and they swapped him into scenes involving Jason’s main scene partners. Personality wise they are not similar because CM is essentially playing himself but Drew is more and more like Jason every day. 

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On 6/20/2023 at 12:59 PM, mostlylurking said:

That’s how I feel too.  I’m a fan of CM but this iteration of Drew is just painful.  It started out promising when he was being held prisoner and I think CM did a great job with that.  It could have been a good story with him having ptsd and struggling to get used to normal life again.  For some reason any drama whatsoever was dropped and he became everybody’s personal life coach and it’s just obnoxious.  CM is capable of more.

I thought Cameron could've helped lead a new vision of the show early on in the role he started out with, with antivaxx Steve out and Drew seeming positioned to go back into law enforcement/WSB stuff. DZ isn't getting nearly enough to do either, he could do more, and CM has a built-in cachet with soap fans and that beard looked amazing.

Instead they shaved the beard which makes him look very aged, neutered the character and now all of CM's worst Access Hollywood instincts are basically all he is doing on-camera. He's playing himself, not helped by the slew of scenes or events where Drew grabs the mic and starts cheesily emceeing like Ryan Seacrest or the actual real-life Cameron Mathison lol. He is literally a cardboard standee of a character designed to fill a Jason-shaped hole in Carly's life and nothing else. It's a shame and a waste.

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12 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I thought Cameron could've helped lead a new vision of the show early on in the role he started out with, with antivaxx Steve out and Drew seeming positioned to go back into law enforcement/WSB stuff. DZ isn't getting nearly enough to do either, he could do more, and CM has a built-in cachet with soap fans and that beard looked amazing.

Instead they shaved the beard which makes him look very aged, neutered the character and now all of CM's worst Access Hollywood instincts are basically all he is doing on-camera. He's playing himself, not helped by the slew of scenes or events where Drew grabs the mic and starts cheesily emceeing like Ryan Seacrest or the actual real-life Cameron Mathison lol. He is literally a cardboard standee of a character designed to fill a Jason-shaped hole in Carly's life and nothing else. It's a shame and a waste.

This post is perfect.  You said it all.  They need to grow his facial hair back and do a rewrite on this character.  If they want to salvage Drew.  If not, fine, I ff most of his scenes, because I adored Billy Miller's Drew, and this is not Drew.  I watched his scenes with Sam last week, and to even imagine this is the man she had that passionate love affair with?  Which was hot btw.  Nah.

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Is this the week we see Jackson Montgomery in Pine Valley?  I'm happy that, instead of him being Drew's lawyer (which was my guess when the casting was announced), he's apparently going to be in-story with Lucy and Felicia.

Edited by TeeVee329
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So I'm reading spoilers about Carly's new status quo - she's going to be the new owner of Kelly's, which she buys from Bobbie (this was apparently written pre-JZ's death BTW) for a dollar and for which she has big plans.

My thoughts are thus:

1) Ugh.

2) Carly being the steward of a Spencer family institution seems wrong.  I get she is a Spencer, but she's felt so divorced from that identity for most of her on-screen life.

3) Of course independent, strong Carly needs a man or her mom to hand a business to her.

4) It's almost like a metaphor for the show itself, beloved institution gets Carly's talons in it and slowly morphs into something unrecognizable.

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Fantastic!  I'm sure it will go a huge reno so it no longer looks like the Kelly's that has been around for the last 45 years.  She'll probably rename it Carly's and it'll be the new in spot for all PC.  Can't wait! /sarcasm

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I am actually pretty good with Carly inheriting Kelly's. People have been begging for the character to be downscaled from extreme wealth and the hotel for years. If it becomes what Cheyanne describes then sure, I'll complain.

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Given how this team has written Carly thus far, I'm expecting disaster, that it'll be her teaming with mini-Carly Joss to make Kelly's a cool, hip place for the youngz, or it's a David vs. Goliath thing with Carly the underdog vs. Nina while everyone blows smoke up her bum, ugh.

But I don't see them renaming Kelly's to Carly's.  If anything, when they (presumably) write in JZ's death, I could see them renaming it Bobbie's.

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I remember being surprised that when Carly owned or co-owned two nightclubs (consecutively) in the Tamara Braun years, neither was named after her. The first was Club 101; the second was The Cellar.  

Her fans on certain parts of the internet were calling the first one "Club Carly" before it even existed, when it was just spoilers. I think they were disappointed by the bland name it ended up having. They probably were hoping for "Club Carly" in neon cursive, with Carly's visage over the entrance with pink flashing pupils.

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1 hour ago, Grinaldi said:

TVLine confirming what we suspected, that Blair will be ex-wife #3. Happy to see her in scenes with MEK and Jane Elliott but still...why?

So they can trash Todd & Blair's HEA from the Prospect Park version? 

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6 hours ago, DanaK said:

Fall spoilers preview from Soap Opera Digest (Note there are spoilers for the other soaps included). It sounds like some interesting stuff is going to happen


Many of these are things that we would expect (Curtis continues to work on his recovery and tries to accept his new reality. Will he and Portia find their way back to each other?  Ned’s past collides with his future. Can his marriage to Olivia survive?

Looks like Nik won't be found any time soon.

Shocker. Except not. The surrogacy road for Molly and TJ has complications, and fallout for the Davis girls.

Why do they hate Alexis? (Carly and Alexis will work together to save Drew before he’s done in.)

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It honestly doesn't register for me at this point if Blair is no longer with Todd. She's a tertiary character on GH and Todd, while I was an invested viewer re: him in his heyday, is a serial rapist who a soap is never going to be able to feature again. He's a part of the past, and any imaginary calculus I had of Blair's life today since the MeToo movement assumed he would not be in it were OLTL still on air. The fact that they are featuring Blair as an apparent troublemaker in a business world that is relevant to her own character history is more appealing to me as a fan at this point. Whether the material onscreen is any good remains to be seen, but I do like that she's just not Todd's arm candy.

If it was me I'd simply leave it at Todd being dead/'dead'. That doesn't invalidate anything. But assuming he is mentioned as being alive, Blair and Todd broke up many times and still loved each other. Nonetheless it's all the past and I just don't care. I'm just grateful Ron Carlivati isn't around to find a way to reignite the Blair/Todd/Tea wars via background dialogue, because he would.

I like that Blair's being featured with Tracy and Lucy and apparently harkening back to one part of her career background. Beyond that I'm just glad to see her and sympathetic to the GH fans who are beyond sick and tired of OLTL shit. Poor non-actor Patrick Gibbons being dragged out constantly to play opposite Howarth is too much as is.

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1 hour ago, DanaK said:

They are really doubling quadrupaling down on the Nina hate. It feels like they're all going to line up to take a punch at her.


everybody knows nothing too genuine and pure can come out of Valentin and Nina scheming together again!

Yes, because Valentin and Nina are the terriblest people on the show,

Maxie and Spinelli get together, Robert and Diane are teased getting together, more Marshall psychosis story, Sam and Dante parent teenagers.

There is not one upcoming story that I have any interest in.

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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Yes, because Valentin and Nina are the terriblest people on the show,

Maxie and Spinelli get together, Robert and Diane are teased getting together, more Marshall psychosis story, Sam and Dante parent teenagers.

There is not one upcoming story that I have any interest in.

I have not watched with any regularity for at least a decade now (where did the time GO?!), but if these previews are supposed to want to bring lapsed viewers back, it failed in a most spectacular fashion!

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