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S06.E13: Vegas! Baby?

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Jel.  You are my everything.  

Since I first came across you in RHOOC, I have enjoyed your posts and your kindness.  Even when you snark, you are kind.

Thank you.

Edited by dosodog
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1 hour ago, dosodog said:

Jel.  You are my everything.  

Since I first came across you in RHOOC, I have enjoyed your posts and your kindness.  Even when you snark, you are kind.

Thank you.

Aww Doso, thank you.

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On 3/5/2018 at 7:08 PM, dosodog said:

 While the rest of you get to watch the chucklefucks, chucklefuck.

How many Chucklefucks can a Chucklefuck fuck of a Chucklefuck could Fuck Chuckle? 

17 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Scheana's nails and Brittany's boobs - should both be outlawed. Those things are health hazards. 

I immediately pictured Scheana trying to carry a plate of crispy chicken with her thumb nail just crammed into the food.  YUCK.

7 hours ago, kelseykixx said:

 I understand getting elective treatments is different from a regular but for some reason it felt so incredibly skeevy that there was no sheet put over her lower body (like they do at the gyno). 

Retired Certified Laser Tech here.  From the glasses everyone was wearing, I can pretty safely say she was having laser hair reduction (or some kind of tightening procedure but that's not terribly likely at her age).  In order to really get LHR done correctly, you've got to...really get in there.  Unfortunately, spread eagle is about the only way, and sheet or covering gets in the way.   Just...usually, there's a bit more privacy.  It's not exactly comfortable (aka, pretty fricken painful) so if we're lucky, we'll probably get to see her pretty miserable.   In front of people.

Between the smell the laser causes (fellow horse owners, think farrier visit) to the muskiness of pissed off fried labia, I can't imagine why she EVER agreed to having that filmed with an audience watching.  Out of all the smells, the LaLa/Adrianna-women-body-confidence-empowerment planned storyline is starting to smell the most.

4 hours ago, Jel said:

After kind of standing up, walking over and taking a gander, ever-supportive Lala exclaims, "If my lady bits looked as great as yours I'd have selected porn as my career!" (paraphrasing).

That Lala.  Always building women up with just the right words.  Sigh.

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2 minutes ago, Long Spot said:

Between the smell the laser causes (fellow horse owners, think farrier visit) to the muskiness of pissed off fried labia, I can't imagine why she EVER agreed to having that filmed with an audience watching. 

I think I just found my new band name. 

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Lisa Vander Pump’s kids are homely as fuck.... Pandora looks like a human version a pug dog and the son lots he hit every branch of the ugly tree as he fell out of it.


And if I have to hear Thug Life Lala say she’s take a bullet for someone one more time I’m gonna lose it .... the only shrapnel this homewrecker is taking is that facial from her sugar daddy’s schlong as he sends her on her way so he can get back to his family.


please for the life of me let the big lipped owl schenna walk in on her bf taking some knob gobbler to pound town ... this craxy bitch is playing house in her head ... that bf better watchout because he’s got a stage 5 clinger on his jock.... seriously named her kids with him already??!!!! Psycho much 


Britney just looks pathetic and desperate.... let’s that grease ball jason just run through random dirty work hoes but keeps taking him back .... he has no incentive to quit ... what is sugar tits gonna do make him sleep on the futon and give him a red neck lecture as she rides him like sea biscuit.... someone is a little tooooooooo thirsty to be on tv... 


then there’s the Tom’s .... they haven’t found a mirror they don’t love... both living that Peter Pan lifestyle .... sprinkling each other with  fairy dust ...

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I never believed that Brittany was pregnant, I skipped past that scene because I simply couldn't be bothered to 'find out' that she wasn't pregnant.  Besides, there hasn't been any news or photo of her being pregnant in the past 10 months, so I knew it was all bullshit.


FI tends to think that all of his ideas are good and worth listening to.  If I were Lisa, I would've been annoyed and pissed off too.  


FI, Jax buying you a guitar is NOT a redeeming quality.  I wouldn't give a shit if someone gave me a super expensive guitar that cost >$30,000 if I couldn't trust him/her with ANYTHING.  It's just not worth it.  That does NOT make someone a good person, nor a good friend.  It means nothing.  The only reason why Jax does ANYTHING for anyone is so that he can hang it over that person the next time he screws up (which is ALWAYS) - "Jax, you piece of shit for betraying me!" Jax: "FI, I bought you a guitar for your birthday!"; "Jax, rot in hell for cheating on me." Jax: "I paid for your breast implants/abortion/got your name tattooed on my arm..s." etc etc.


A REAL friend who actually cares about you would tell you to have an early night because you have a VERY important meeting tomorrow, and we can party AFTER.  Of course, such logical, sensible, mature thoughts don't enter these people's heads.


People need to realise that the person someone becomes when they're using or when they're drunk IS the real person.  I'm so sick of this bullshit.  Unless they're going to be sober for the rest of their lives, their drunk selves are the 'real' person you're going to have to deal with.  I grew up with a sadistic, abusive father and an ignorant and neglectful mother.  These people's words mean FA.  The only thing you can do is to walk away from those people.  YOU have the power to do that.  After awhile, it's no longer the other person's fault - it's yours.  You're an adult, not a dependent child.  No more excuses.


Don't confuse someone who's passionate with someone who's unstable and abusive.  I especially hate it when 'artists' do that.  In inverted commas because not everyone who calls themselves an artist, is one.  Like Sheana calling herself a singer.  I'm sure my TRAINED singer friends who can hold and sing in tune with amazing vocal tone and range would be thrilled to hear that.  Autotune doesn't exist in their world, because they don't need it.  'Artists' who throw shit around, get temperamental, start screaming at everyone and then saying that they're being 'passionate' and how people don't understand them - need to stfu and FO.  You're just a shithead, not an artist.


Kristen was at her craziest in seasons 2 and 3.  There were glimpses in season 1, especially when she flipped out after finding out that FI had sex with a girl at the photo shoot.  Before they met.  Why are you getting crazy about a girl your boyfriend had sex with before he met you???



On 3/6/2018 at 2:15 PM, movingtargetgal said:

I am usually a kind and gentle person but I do have a dark side.  :)  My niece was married to a lying cheating abuser and I "offered" to preform the same procedure on him since he could not seem to stop fathering children with other women besides his wife.  Thank god he never knocked up my niece.  She just had a baby with her new husband.  He is the kindest and most loving husband and father.  Ladies happy endings do happen when you get rid of the destructive forces in your life. 

Really happy to know that your niece married a lovely person.  I think all bets are off when your loved one is hurt.  Although Brittany's mother doesn't seem to get that memo.


On 3/6/2018 at 6:09 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Jeez, the producers sneaking in the clip of Schemer singing was really mean.  Had to mute that so my ears wouldn't bleed.  Don't do that shit again to us, producers!

Yeah, Schwartz, we knew what you meant when you said you jerk-off with Sandoval.

Jax's big-eyed reaction to shit is getting tired & annoying.

Every time Jax looks up, he has crazy eyes.  Every. Time. 


23 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Oh, Show.

Tom and Tom can't make up one functioning adult between the two of them. I haven't seen anything that pathetic since, like, ever. If they smelled as bad as they looked, I'm surprised that LVP and Ken didn't just leave them in Caesar's to air out, along with the rest of the street trash.

With all the catting around the Jax does, I'm beyond shocked that Brittany doesn't make him wear condoms. Forget a baby, what about STDs? Who knows where he sticks that thing? All the pulling out in the world won't protect her from a venereal disease.  And don't either of them have the most basic ideas about contraception? Ay, ay, ay.

And Brittany? Put the girls away. I know you're in Vegas, but really. They don't need to be on display and out for everyone to see. They don't look that good, either. They need support, certainly more support than you're giving them.

I bet it's because of STDs that Brittany got sick.  I bet she doesn't know that a lot of STDs can leave you infertile.


20 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Schwartz - "It's not a party trip". Famous last words. 

I'm sure we all saw it coming, but after the first meeting went okay - I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you! 

Honestly, these people are too old to be acting like this, no? I'm 38 and I cannot imagine going to bed at 3 am. That sounds just downright awful. 

Did Schwartz really say he needed Adderall because he was so tired when waking up? 

The more I see of this business venture, the more I like LVP KNEW it would go like this and would make for good TV, while she runs her club the way she would have anyway. 


I knew Brittany wasn't pregnant because I scoped out both of their IGs after last week's teaser, and you could tell she was still partying, not growing in the belly area. But I was still very much taken aback that they do not use birth control! First of all - he just pulls out???? Or, excuse me, "Spray n Pray". That's a new one. Thanks for that. But that is NOT an effective form of birth control. I know some people do natural family planning, but you have to be VERY controlled to get it out of there in time. Pre-ejaculation is a thing. I got pregnant at 19 because we thought pulling out was an effective method. It's unacceptable that someone 20 years older doesn't get that. But, second, what about STDs??? Jax is catting around with other women, YOU KNOW THIS. Aren't you worried about catching something? Ew, 


Laughed so hard at Lala's Freudian slip about spreading her legs. We know where her mind is. 


I'm glad that Scheana at least prefaced her takeover of the conversation by admitting she has a tendency to make it all about her....right before she did, indeed, make it all about her. At least Billy got some warning that it was no longer time to vent about HER problems. 


Scheana's nails and Brittany's boobs - should both be outlawed. Those things are health hazards. 

If I were an owner or the manager of a restaurant, or anywhere they serve food, I would never allow anyone who works there to have those rank nails.  It's below the food cleanliness standard.  A LOT of germs harbouring underneath fingernails.  Why chefs and health professionals have short nails.


Ah, the Tyra meltdown...


Ghoulina, it's like you're in my brain when it comes to VR recaps.  I don't know where you are, but I'm in Australia and I don't get to watch the episodes until a couple of days after it's aired in the US.  When I come to this forum and read the posts after having seen the eps, I read your posts and agree with everything you say.  I'm 38 as well, and I'm no longer disappointed when someone cancels on me for a night out.  A quiet night in with my husband, just doing our own thing?  That sounds wonderful, thank you!


20 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Yikes, he was a mess. I know it was his birthday and all, but while everyone just seemed to be harmlessly partying it up and having good drunken fun at the club, he genuinely looked like he was staging a one-man performance of "Leaving Las Vegas", complete with anguished bottle-guzzling and pained-looking drunken desperation. He just looked like he wasn't even having a good time anymore because he was too polluted to function. Judging by his behavior the next day he must've had an epic hangover---not the best way to impress a boss who's co-funding his future business venture.

Leaving Las Vegas - staying at The Whole Year Inn, aka, The Hole You're In.


17 hours ago, rho said:

Doesn't Max want to be a musician? I think they're helping him in the best way they can. They bought him a house and I'm sure he's been promoted from busboy by now. He was also bartending at the party where Jax was late.

I think the main difference is Pandora played off her parents' strengths in order to expand the family business. It's easy for Lisa to hand small side projects off to her daughter but I don't see her starting a record label just to promote Max's career.

Yeah, I thought Max signed up to be in a music school in LA.  Didn't he make a guitar?  Not just paint or play it, but MADE a guitar?  I think he has depression that's always simmering below the surface.  He also seems to have low self-esteem.

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On 3/5/2018 at 11:46 PM, Batwings said:

The way TomTom (especially Sandoval) could not stay still during the 2nd meeting,  or STFU for that matter, leads me to believe they might have been partaking in something *cough*nosecandy*cough*. Maybe the same something that made Jax’s nose so stuffed up that morning? ?

Scheana. Forever delusional. Forever tone-deaf.


One of them also mentioned Adderall. 

So it finally happened: my BF has stopped pretending that he simply happens to get sucked into this show while I am watching it. Last night, while we ate dinner, he--already armed with the knowledge that the episode was waiting on the DVR--picked up the remote and selected VPR from the list. On top of that, he shushed me!


And if I have to hear Thug Life Lala say she’s take a bullet for someone one more time I’m gonna lose it .... 

When she said this about James, the VPR-fanboy here responded to that with, "And he'd let you!"

Edited by TattleTeeny
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19 hours ago, kelseykixx said:

Uh the previews for next week with Ariana fully splayed out with all the girls staring deeply into her uncovered vageen was a little offputting. I understand getting elective treatments is different from a regular but for some reason it felt so incredibly skeevy that there was no sheet put over her lower body (like they do at the gyno). She has been talking about her insecurities with her vagina for a few weeks now and how she doesn't want anyone to touch it, look at it, or be near it, yet here she is with two friends and an entire production crew just spread eagle under a halogen light in a tight room. WTF? I don't know why but for some reason that truly weirded me out.

I know why - because it was effin’ weird!

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So, LaLa wrote a song in honor of Myman, and is having a special event to showcase said song, yet Myman can't be bothered to be there? Better up that beej game, "dude".


I would bet most of the cast on this show partakes as well ( not that they are shining examples of success). 

James and Katie, for sure - he's blazed up on camera several times, and she got her weed card a season or two ago.

Not that Tom² deserved it, but Ken's "They're just excited" in their defense was sweet. 

Jax and Brittany not having protected sex is the thing nightmares are made of.

Edited by jaync
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Stassi also has a medical weed card, she and Katie got them together.

This episode did seem really scripted, especially the Toms being drunk at the store thing. It seemed like the episode was like “The Toms squared surpirise Lisa by being professional but then the next day, they totally remind Lisa why she’s nervous about the new bar by being unprofessional”. 

And yes brittany thinking she’s pregnant also is of ascript storyline

The only thing that didn’t seem fake was Lala and her singing career, because it brought out another sort of fight with James. And Schenas time in the studio with her..”yo yo yo” and also another speech about how great Rob is and how they’re going to get married and have a daughter. That stuff isn’t fake because Schena is delusional, case in point if anyone watched her on wwhl Monday, she refuses to acknowledge that maybe she was jumping the gun or trying to make something happen that wasn’t.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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More than anything, I think Sheana wants to be the matriarch of a very wealthy and powerful family, like Victoria Grayson (from Revenge).  She wants to boss everybody around, buy whatever she wants, never lift a finger, spend all day everyday shopping, going to brunches, going to spas, followed by more shopping, then a massage, because hey, shopping is exhausting!  Of course, wealthy men with that kind of power and money would never go anywhere near someone like Sheana.


She needs serious therapy.  She's already suited to it because she gets to talk only about herself for an hour, but despite what she is saying she's clearly not over her marriage.  All she ever talks about is Shay and her marriage.  And yes, Rob, but only because Shay's not there anymore.

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42 minutes ago, SarahPrtr said:

More than anything, I think Sheana wants to be the matriarch of a very wealthy and powerful family, like Victoria Grayson (from Revenge).  She wants to boss everybody around, buy whatever she wants, never lift a finger, spend all day everyday shopping, going to brunches, going to spas, followed by more shopping, then a massage, because hey, shopping is exhausting!  Of course, wealthy men with that kind of power and money would never go anywhere near someone like Sheana.

Totally agree. Also, Scheana is getting “old” and that’s probably making her more desperate. The John Mayers and Eddie Cibrians of the world don’t even want to hook up with her anymore. She might feel like Rob was her best bet.

I just learned on the Vanderpump Rules Party podcast that the home in Big Bear was bought in 1998 by Rob’s family, as he was about 16 at that time.... it’s also his mom’s future retirement residence and they rent it out to put money back into to the home to fix it up for when she lives there full time later on. The podcast women learned this because they called to rent it. They’ll be staying there in a few weeks (which is kinda going too far, imo). Rob really made it seem like it was all his. Hmm.

Edited by Rebecca
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Yeah, I remember when Rob was on the boat with Tom and Jax and he was talking about something and then went “and how I have this place”indicating the house, but I thought something was fishy when schena was following them with a cleaning binder. 

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17 hours ago, SarahPrtr said:

Yeah, I thought Max signed up to be in a music school in LA.  Didn't he make a guitar?  Not just paint or play it, but MADE a guitar?  I think he has depression that's always simmering below the surface.  He also seems to have low self-esteem.

Yeah, now I remember. He was at Musicians Institute but he should be long down by now. I know a few guys that went there and ended up being roadies for major bands. They're touring the world now. But most people end up kind of like Max, still living off the parents and only occasionally getting a music gig.

9 hours ago, jaync said:

So, LaLa wrote a song in honor of Myman, and is having a special event to showcase said song, yet Myman can't be bothered to be there? Better up that beej game, "dude".

James and Katie, for sure - he's blazed up on camera several times, and she got her weed card a season or two ago.

Not that Tom² deserved it, but Ken's "They're just excited" in their defense was sweet. 

Jax and Brittany not having protected sex is the thing nightmares are made of.

My new favorite name for him! You win the internet today JAYNC

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2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah, I remember when Rob was on the boat with Tom and Jax and he was talking about something and then went “and how I have this place”indicating the house, but I thought something was fishy when schena was following them with a cleaning binder. 

Soooo, Rob talks about the house the way Scheana talked about the relationship, i.e. falsely and speculatively?

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18 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Soooo, Rob talks about the house the way Scheana talked about the relationship, i.e. falsely and speculatively?

Seems that way. I mean.. it’s obvious that the producers are loving this in a way, because look at how they are editing all of Schenas scenes. They have to know it’s ridiculous that Schenas already crafting a wedding to another guy when she is still married to a guy she used to talk wonderfully about less than a year ago. And then they throw in everyone’s talking heads/interviews about it. 

And yeah.. as someone who watched Schena and Arirana on WWHL on Monday it must be kind of hurtful to see the show and see the clips when people who are your friends are saying certain things about your relationship that they didn’t say directly to you at the time but still.. Schena refuses to acknowledge and take accountability for the fact that she was acting like her boyfriend was going to marry her tomorrow at the time.

Also I found it funny  on WWHL that she acted all hurt that Lala said in her interview “I think Schena needs to slow down the talk of marriage and kids” and  Schena was all “well this is the first time I’m hearing that.. she didn’t say that to me and she’s one of my closest friends” but Lala did.. in the recording studio she kept saying to Schena maybe stop talking to Rob about babies and marriage, it’s a new relationship but Schena was hilariously kind of putting her hands over her ears and shouting “but we’ve known each other for years! He loves me!” 

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On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 10:23 AM, Rebecca said:

All I know is that Pandora has to be thirsty to go by “Pandora Vanderpump Sabo” - her maiden name is TODD, aka Ken’s last name. She was never Vanderpump.

Max still works at SUR. It’s weird, Lisa and Ken bought Pandora a house and she gets the wine line but Max gets to...work as a busboy.

Could it be her middle name?

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Lala's man, as she calls him, wouldn't take a bullet for her, that's for sure. 

I'm willing to bet Jax has at least herpes, plus he cheats on her. Why isn't Brittany using condoms?

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8 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Schena was hilariously kind of putting her hands over her ears and shouting “but we’ve known each other for years! He loves me!” 

He might love her as a friend or booty call but I didn't see it as a “true love”. 

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9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

And yeah.. as someone who watched Schena and Arirana on WWHL on Monday it must be kind of hurtful to see the show and see the clips when people who are your friends are saying certain things about your relationship that they didn’t say directly to you at the time but still.. Schena refuses to acknowledge and take accountability for the fact that she was acting like her boyfriend was going to marry her tomorrow at the time.

Also I found it funny  on WWHL that she acted all hurt that Lala said in her interview “I think Schena needs to slow down the talk of marriage and kids” and  Schena was all “well this is the first time I’m hearing that.. she didn’t say that to me and she’s one of my closest friends” but Lala did.. in the recording studio she kept saying to Schena maybe stop talking to Rob about babies and marriage, it’s a new relationship but Schena was hilariously kind of putting her hands over her ears and shouting “but we’ve known each other for years! He loves me!” 

It is indeed hard to feel sorry for her when people DID try to warn her. She has selective hearing and a selective memory to boot...

The way she talks about Shay bugs me. First off, it’s obnoxious; and secondly, continuing to bring him up at every turn doesn’t precisely convince anyone that you’re *really* over the guy (and I mean that broadly—not that she wants him back, but she’s still chewing on the relationship and if she were really past it all, she wouldn’t *talk about it constantly*). 

Edited by ivygirl
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Jesus, these numbnuts. There are other things to do in Vegas besides getting wasted! And 10AM isn’t that early! I’m not even saying they had to drink diet soda and be in bed by 8:30. But for fucks sake! Have a nice dinner, go to a show, get a drink or two after, be in bed by 1AM. Have some fucking imagination about how you spend your free time! But noooooo, it’s Vegas Baby so the only thing these idiots can think of to do is going to a cheesy night club and get hammered. I love getting hammered in Vegas as much as anyone, but if I’m there for business I’m going to find something else to do. These people are not young. Why is life so hard for them?

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1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

Jesus, these numbnuts. There are other things to do in Vegas besides getting wasted! And 10AM isn’t that early! I’m not even saying they had to drink diet soda and be in bed by 8:30. But for fucks sake! Have a nice dinner, go to a show, get a drink or two after, be in bed by 1AM. Have some fucking imagination about how you spend your free time! But noooooo, it’s Vegas Baby so the only thing these idiots can think of to do is going to a cheesy night club and get hammered. I love getting hammered in Vegas as much as anyone, but if I’m there for business I’m going to find something else to do. These people are not young. Why is life so hard for them?

I have to wonder though, if they were also working a "appearance fee" into the trip...Tao is so one of those cheesy nightclubs that make D list celebrity birthdays a "thing" - "Come celebrate JWoww's Birthday, March 10th at Tao - $25 cover"...maybe that was part of why they felt the need to stay? What am I talking about? While that is a possibility, the chucklefucks would've stayed regardless. 

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2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I have to wonder though, if they were also working a "appearance fee" into the trip...Tao is so one of those cheesy nightclubs that make D list celebrity birthdays a "thing" - "Come celebrate JWoww's Birthday, March 10th at Tao - $25 cover"...maybe that was part of why they felt the need to stay? What am I talking about? While that is a possibility, the chucklefucks would've stayed regardless. 

That is actually a good point. It did look like the club was having a party for Tom, but that brings me back to basic life management skills. There are many ways to handle such a conflict. 1. Book the club for the next night. 2. Let Lisa know you have a conflict and book the meeting for a different time. 3. Don’t get wasted at the club event. All more reasonable options then getting so drunk you’re not even sober for a next day meeting. These people are babies, but not as smart. And I’m counting both the Toms and their girlfriends. Katie and Areanna were being just as bad as the boys about acting like getting into bed by 3AM was some sort of huge sacrifice. I actually don’t blame Jax and Brittany for this since they were just tag alongs. 

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19 hours ago, SarahPrtr said:

I think Sheana wants to be the matriarch of a very wealthy and powerful family, like Victoria Grayson (from Revenge)

That would be a fitting show if it were with Rob!

I'm a big fan of Lala and want her to be happy and certainly don't want her to think I'm coming for her! And I'm not even mad that Herman isn't coming to her show, because they know their business. But I didn't like her talking like her music shouldn't be important to him, because it should, if she is. That could just be her assumption that he'd even think that way, but I hope she knows she deserves to have a passion like that valued.

Edited by Judi Sunshine
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1 hour ago, Judi Sunshine said:

That would be a fitting show if it were with Rob!

I'm a big fan of Lala and want her to be happy and certainly don't want her to think I'm coming for her! And I'm not even mad that Herman isn't coming to her show, because they know their business. But I didn't like her talking like her music shouldn't be important to him, because it should, if she is. That could just be her assumption that he'd even think that way, but I hope she knows she deserves to have a passion like that valued.

I *can't*!!!!  ROFLMAO

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Herman is divorced now, and they are all over IG together..Im sure we will see him next season...at least the back of his head or something (unless she had to take a bullet for him before they start filming).

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A trip to Vegas was a prime opportunity for Sandoval to pack the perfect surprise object that no one else would ever think of and this is the first week he has NOTHING! I thought he’d at least have some solid gold die for practicing craps or a special money clip for all of his winnings—at the very least some advice to the gang and the home audience on how to win whatever game was his specialty.  And I thought FOR SURE he’d waltz in dressed up as classic Vegas old school Rat Pack for his birthday outfit. I mean, I think he said he went Ocean’s Eleven with that sharp blue suit he wore for one of the meetings, which was spiffy—don’t get me wrong. But I was expecting a full-on tuxedo or at least a sharp suit and fedora a la Frank Sinatra on his birthday. But, I guess since it was HIS birthday, he saved the surprise objects out of nowhere to the rest of the gang. It’s a three-way tie:

Brittany pulling that pregnancy test from...I want to say under her boob, but maybe it was in a purse. But if she were having a baby, man, she could travel light—slap a few diapers under one of those boobs a change of clothes for baby under the other, skip the Baby-Bjorn carrier and just nestle Jax Jr right down the middle of the clevage, and she’d be good to go.

Jax waltzing in with a surprise acoustic guitar and, puzzlingly, an electric amp to go with it. I was going to give Jax the benefit of the doubt that MAYBE it was electric-acoustic but then quickly realized this is Jax, so my first assumption is more likely.

Schwartz having travel Jell-O shots in his pants pockets for what I can only assume was hours—only remembering about them when they were let out of the time-out room. TomTom pealing back those tiny foil lids off of those snack-packs was classic.

And, actually, make it a 4-way tie for Lisa for pulling out this designer with his to-die-for lights and bar with backlit sprockets. TomTom looks like it will be (is??) pretty cool. Has it opened yet in real time?

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12 hours ago, JenE4 said:

A trip to Vegas was a prime opportunity for Sandoval to pack the perfect surprise object that no one else would ever think of and this is the first week he has NOTHING! I thought he’d at least have some solid gold die for practicing craps or a special money clip for all of his winnings—at the very least some advice to the gang and the home audience on how to win whatever game was his specialty.  And I thought FOR SURE he’d waltz in dressed up as classic Vegas old school Rat Pack for his birthday outfit. I mean, I think he said he went Ocean’s Eleven with that sharp blue suit he wore for one of the meetings, which was spiffy—don’t get me wrong. But I was expecting a full-on tuxedo or at least a sharp suit and fedora a la Frank Sinatra on his birthday. But, I guess since it was HIS birthday, he saved the surprise objects out of nowhere to the rest of the gang. It’s a three-way tie:

Brittany pulling that pregnancy test from...I want to say under her boob, but maybe it was in a purse. But if she were having a baby, man, she could travel light—slap a few diapers under one of those boobs a change of clothes for baby under the other, skip the Baby-Bjorn carrier and just nestle Jax Jr right down the middle of the clevage, and she’d be good to go.

Jax waltzing in with a surprise acoustic guitar and, puzzlingly, an electric amp to go with it. I was going to give Jax the benefit of the doubt that MAYBE it was electric-acoustic but then quickly realized this is Jax, so my first assumption is more likely.

Schwartz having travel Jell-O shots in his pants pockets for what I can only assume was hours—only remembering about them when they were let out of the time-out room. TomTom pealing back those tiny foil lids off of those snack-packs was classic.

And, actually, make it a 4-way tie for Lisa for pulling out this designer with his to-die-for lights and bar with backlit sprockets. TomTom looks like it will be (is??) pretty cool. Has it opened yet in real time?

Once a year we shop at a bulk liquor store and they have a giant sign that says “No boob or sock money please”! Haha, your comment about Brittany’s boobs reminded me ! 

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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 10:32 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

Also I found it funny  on WWHL that she acted all hurt that Lala said in her interview “I think Schena needs to slow down the talk of marriage and kids” and  Schena was all “well this is the first time I’m hearing that.. she didn’t say that to me and she’s one of my closest friends” but Lala did.. in the recording studio she kept saying to Schena maybe stop talking to Rob about babies and marriage, it’s a new relationship but Schena was hilariously kind of putting her hands over her ears and shouting “but we’ve known each other for years! He loves me!” 

It reminded me of Dorit two weeks ago when she choose not to believe what the audience was saying in the poll.  Both of them have already written their own stories and live there - not in reality.


The whole Brittney pregnancy "scare".  Was that necessary?  WE WILL WATCH THIS CRAP.  We don't need that.  That's Teen Mom desperation.

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5 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:


The whole Brittney pregnancy "scare".  Was that necessary?  WE WILL WATCH THIS CRAP.  We don't need that.  That's Teen Mom desperation.

Plus, it’s just kind of sad. Brittany is so desperate to hang on to Jax/the show/LA/something that she’ll bang a walking STD factory without protection. Jax is so empty and dead inside that he’s excited about having a child with a woman he clearly hates. Please guys, just break up already. 

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On 3/8/2018 at 1:05 AM, ivygirl said:

Soooo, Rob talks about the house the way Scheana talked about the relationship, i.e. falsely and speculatively?

LOL delusionally.

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I may have missed something here, but why exactly did she invite the boys to Vegas?  She is dismissing them at every turn in the design selection, so what exactly did she hope to accomplish?  If she isn’t allowing them input or even questions, how is this a learning experience, except for how much Lisa really doesn’t want these guys involved?

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20 minutes ago, b2H said:

I may have missed something here, but why exactly did she invite the boys to Vegas?  She is dismissing them at every turn in the design selection, so what exactly did she hope to accomplish?  If she isn’t allowing them input or even questions, how is this a learning experience, except for how much Lisa really doesn’t want these guys involved?

For TV.  She knew they'd fuck up and miss a meeting which would make for an interesting storyline.

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On 3/11/2018 at 9:58 AM, b2H said:

I may have missed something here, but why exactly did she invite the boys to Vegas?  She is dismissing them at every turn in the design selection, so what exactly did she hope to accomplish?  If she isn’t allowing them input or even questions, how is this a learning experience, except for how much Lisa really doesn’t want these guys involved?

I think Lisa already established in a previous episode that the Toms didn't have any real say in the design of the restaurant. They were recruited for a combination of their name, day to day operations once the restaurant opens and I believe that they'll be relying on Sandoval's exceptional bartending skills to help develop an impressive drink menu. Their investment is minimal and so is the amount of say they have. There is a learning experience in prioritizing meetings and meeting with clients and learning when to speak and when to listen in order to network effectively and make good business deals. All that said, this is part of the Toms storyline this season so that was probably the most important reason for them going on this Vegas trip. Lisa new that they'd mess up somehow and it would make for good TV.

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I’m watching - just haven’t posted cause I’m behind.

Glad to see the return of the chucklefucks though.  IMO - this season is better than the last few. I’m actually enjoying Lala and even DJ Muppet Baby in small doses. His lost in the desert and dying of thirst girlfriend though needs to go.

Scheana looks even more really really stupid and delusional than past seasons. I’m enjoying that. Not enjoying Kristen acting like she’s sane. She should know her only real purpose on the show is to bring the crazy.

Edited by Jennifersdc
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3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I think Lisa already established in a previous episode that the Toms didn't have any real say in the design of the restaurant. They were recruited for a combination of their name, day to day operations once the restaurant opens and I believe that they'll be relying on Sandoval's exceptional bartending skills to help develop an impressive drink menu. Their investment is minimal and so is the amount of say they have. There is a learning experience in prioritizing meetings and meeting with clients and learning when to speak and when to listen in order to network effectively and make good business deals. All that said, this is part of the Toms storyline this season so that was probably the most important reason for them going on this Vegas trip. Lisa new that they'd mess up somehow and it would make for good TV.

Agreed. But if they don't fuck up too badly this could be a real opportunity for them to later branch out on their own or buy a bigger share of the original. 

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On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 11:26 PM, rho said:

I think the smell was the deal breaker. They were both profusely sweaty and Schwartz had a pocket full of mini bar liquor. I don't even want to think about what they smelled like. 

I had the rerun on tonight, half watching.  I saw the Toms walking (late) to the meeting, one said oh my hair smells like smoke.  Even before that was said, I said I bet they smell like ass.  Hungover, sweaty (boozy sweat), smell like smoke - from whatever - ugh.   I didn't see that they took time for a shower (probably not since they were late)?   

No one would actually do business with these two chucklefucks.  Late because of traffic, maybe or plane was delayed - not because you're hungover and woke up late.  It's for sure a storyline.  How do they manage to get to work on time each day?  They're all just damned lucky they fell into this job.  They're all wannabe actors or singers, which, even if you're talented, takes a lot of hard work.  One thing these fools don't have is a hard work ethic (among other things).

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So when Scheana one day does procreate, and gives birth to a BOY, do we predict that she will claim that she was hoping for a boy, for decades, so that she could name him “Husband/Significant Other, Jr.” or that she will just pretend that she gave birth to a girl, and dress him in pink, gold lame shorts, false eyelashes and press-on nails?

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On 3/5/2018 at 9:16 PM, snarts said:

Worst boob job. She should get a refund. They're so droopy! 

I guess this is an unpopular opinion on here, but I am impressed by how natural Brittany's boobs look despite the large implants. I think a lot of implants are odd looking by how unnaturally high they sit. Lala's implants also look natural, but hers are much smaller than Brittany's. Imo a bad boob job is more like RHOM cast.  

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