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S06.E08: Mizrahi Madness

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I'm curious about how much was actually said by the judges.  I've met Carmen, a very interesting lady and very outspoken in her opinions.  I'm sure there was a whole lot more that was cut out.  

I agree with beaker73, that was one of the worst runways I've seen on these shows.  And I watched Under the Gunn. 

Edited by Linderhill
  • Love 16

I actually thought Alyssa looked great for the runway, she had an Audrey Hepburn vibe that really worked for her. She should stick with simple pieces, not the fussy crap she usually wears.

I seem to be in the minority, except for Merline’s & the short pants leg on Helen’s, I liked everybody’s work. I was glad to see Merline finally gone. I would have been pissed if it was Anthony.

  • Love 13

I already knew that Isaac's alleged reasons for assigning a particular color to each designer were bull shit but when he said that Orange Josh is good at walking a delicate line, I was like good lord, what is Isaac smoking? The only line Josh walks is outfits for hookers. Hahahaha, Orange Josh wants to grow into a person who can take critiques because Isaac only gives him comments because he cares? No, Josh, Isaac gives you critiques because HE GETS PAID TO JUDGE YOU. I do it for free though!

And what was up with that awful housecoat that Alyssa was wearing at the Jewish Museum?

I like that the designers were all forced to use color. I get so tired of black/white/grey runways.

Ha, I had to laugh when Anne said she doesn't think they've seen Ken's full effort yet and he pointed out that only being given 10-13 hours to conceptualize and construct an entire design doesn't allow him to do everything he wants to do. Seriously. If you want to see better garments, give the designers more than a day to make something.

Ken was also right when he described his design as a basic bitch dress. It was so pedestrian. I was shocked that the judges loved it so much.

Fabio's light green dress was boring. It looked like something you can buy at Macy's right now. And why did he put the model's hair in front? That covered half the bodice which made it look like he was hiding a sewing disaster underneath. I also hated how the skirt pooched out at the waist. Who wants to look pregnant in a party dress?

Stanley's pink dress was not very interesting to me either. He was right about his model having a tiny waist though. The bright pink combined with that particular shade of blue reminded me of a Caboodle I had.

Anthony's yellow dress looked like an unfinished idea. I had to laugh when he asked who pairs a shade of purple with yellow. That's the elementary school art class definition of a complementary color! How designers not know this basic level of information? Kids under the age of ten know this.

Helen's purple dress was so dark that I thought it barely qualified as not being black. I thought the eggplant color and the turquoise blue she paired it with looked good together, but I hated that one leg had full length pants and the leg under the skirt had tiny shorts. I also hated that the top was just a tube top.

Edmond's orange dress looked good on his model but whover said it looked like a nightgown was correct. It was way too simple and using that shiny silky fabric for that particular design made it look even more like a nightgown. Having a tie in the back seemed like a lazy way to incorporate the complementary color requirement. When Alyssa gave him credit for not trying to force the fabric, I was like no, this shows he screwed up by choosing a smooth silky fabric when he wanted to create something structured. You have to choose the correct type of fabric based on what you want to make.

Merline's blue dress didn't fit her model well. I also didn't like the yellow triangle things which looked like she had glued a bunch of open envelopes to the front of her dress.

Orange Josh's teal dress was surprisingly unslutty, but from a distance, it looked like a nightgown with a purple sash. Boring.

I'm glad that Anthony got to stay instead of Merline. I like that she has a different point of view but it was time for her to go. I love how encouraging Anthony was when Ken seemed to give up. And even though I didn't love Ken's dress, I'm glad that he pulled himself together and had something to send down the runway. Old Ken would have had a temper tantrum, picked a fight with someone, and then slammed a door on his way out.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 22
34 minutes ago, Beden said:

Another example where having 2 days likely would have made all the difference....

Exactly. I’m glad Ken said as much to Anne too.  I guess I was just disappointed with what they all came up with.  It seems like each and everyone of them made a dress in the main color and tacked on the complementary as an afterthought.  

P.S.  I was also disappointed that Josh didn’t get orange.  I had my fingers crossed for that one. ;)

  • Love 11

Aside from the WTF on the runway, I have bigger questions...

How did Isaac get a hold of my grandma's 1980's couch upholstery and create my grandma's 1970's house coat for Alyssa's 'dress' at the museum? And why did the 'stylist' make her look like she put on 40 lbs since last episode by putting her in that thing? Someone in the building must have been able to get their hands on a more flattering, colorful Mizrahi design, no?

  • Love 7

Wow, it always amazes me when we all have such opposite opinions.  

I loved Stanley's outfit and, for the first time, I liked Joshua's and Helen's.  I liked Anthony's, thought it was flattering to the model's body.

Agreed that Merline's time had come (finally!) - that was a strange mess.  Also disliked Ken's - would have been lovely without that trim strip around the bottom, but that ruined it for me, especially from the back.

As much as I like Favio's disposition, his last few outfits have been very unattractive/matronly to me.

I agree that I would watch a show built around Anthony - he is a very fun and interesting guy to me.

Dislike Anne a lot - do we really need her? Hey - maybe hire Anthony in that role for coming seasons!

And I thought Alyssa looked pretty in the multi-colored outfit and her hair looked nicely styled to me too.

  • Love 4

Why did everyone use slinky slippery fabric, which limits design decisions? Did they decide the time frame didn't allow for true design and tailoring?

I think being told to incorporate complementary colors threw everyone off their game. If they'd had more time to choose both colors, and then to do more than tack them onto the primary color, we'd have better results. Also, I guess somehow prints were forbidden for this challenge?

Merline's was hideous and her rinse-and-repeat design aesthetic has become boring. As someone said, she's doing origami and tacking it on to a basic dress form. I did like her earlier white dress, where she was able to express her aesthetic in a beautiful way.

Nice try Josh - weeping pretty tears and pandering to Isaac in a private conversation (except for cameras of course) during the museum visit. I'm sure Isaac saw you coming from a mile away.

Stanley's (he's The Professor to me) reminded me of many dresses I've seen in Vogue over the years. But he's a good fit to work with Isaac.

I wonder if Ken is an introvert. If so it must be stressful to be on camera, under pressure, and in a crowded workroom all day.

Anthony on the other hand was born for TV.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 14
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ha, I had to laugh when Anne said she doesn't think they've seen Ken's full effort yet and he pointed out that only being given 10-13 hours to conceptualize and construct an entire design doesn't allow him to do everything he wants to do. Seriously. If you want to see better garments, give the designers more than a day to make something.


I'm surprised the editors allowed that particular thought to be made explicit. So many of the complaints levelled by the judges come back to this issue. This was especially true for the avant garde challenge where conception and validation of design integrity require much more time. Essentially what Ken said was a clarification of Josh's wheel and spoke comment.


11 hours ago, Brookside said:

Thank heavens Merline Le Brassiere and her hideous pork pie hat is gone.

Merline has nothing interesting to say conceptually. As someone said she should find a quiet spot and just go on a lengthy origami retreat.

Edited by staphdude
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, cinsays said:

Dislike Anne a lot - do we really need her? Hey - maybe hire Anthony in that role for coming seasons!

I think Anne was responsible for Anthony and Merline being in the bottom.

1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Merline's was hideous and her rinse-and-repeat design aesthetic has become boring. As someone said, she's doing origami and tacking it on to a basic dress form

Her first design was much better than what she sent down the runway, yes it was the same technique but the 'origami' was much smaller and 'crisp' and I think if she had kept with it, instead of changing to the bigger folds, it would have looked better. It might still have sent her home as being the same old, same old, but I think it would have looked better that what she ended up with.

Count me in with the minority that thought Alyssa looked great at the museum. I especially liked her hair.

I loved seeing some of Isaac's old designs, some of them looked 'Avant Garde' worthy.

Edited because I forgot I wanted to add... I was coloring a dragon in mostly purples but wanted to have another color 'pop' so I google a color wheel and found yellow was opposite on the wheel. I would think designers would know this already, the colors that would contrast as well as compliment.

Edited by dgpolo
forgot to add
  • Love 1

Project Runway All Stars is running out of steam. I could barely make it through the episode. My DVR isn't working so I had nothing else to watch. This show is so boring that I don't even know who I want to win. At this point, I am basing it strictly on personality and not who is the best designer. The only thing mildly interesting in this show is tuning in so I can snark on what Allyssa is wearing. 

Color blocking episode and only two colors at that! Yawn. Even the designers are looking for a way out. 

The "beautiful" Georgina Chapman isn't as full of herself as she used to be. Guess we have Harvey Weinstein's activities to thank for that. My theory is that Allyssa has to dress in those terrible outfits so Georgina looks even better by comparison. I know it is a stretch, but there has to be some explanation. 

Bye, Merline. Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya. 

Edited by Showthyme
  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

Edited because I forgot I wanted to add... I was coloring a dragon in mostly purples but wanted to have another color 'pop' so I google a color wheel and found yellow was opposite on the wheel. I would think designers would know this already, the colors that would contrast as well as compliment.

As they are artists, this should have been completely easy for them, but the easiest way to remember the complimentary color would be to think of which primary color(s) the color is not.  So complimentary to orange (red & yellow) will be blue, complimentary to yellow would be red and blue (purple). 


45 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

Project Runway All Stars is running out of steam. I could barely make it through the episode. My DVR isn't working so I had nothing else to watch. This show is so boring that I don't even know who I want to win. At this point, I am basing it strictly on personality and not who is the best designer

Admittedly I've had a lot going on on Thursday nights lately, but the past two episodes I've fallen asleep before the end of the judging  and had to come here (or FF) to find the winner and aufed person. 

  • Love 4

It was wonderful to see Isaac's exhibition-really reminded me of what a talent he has and how he was a trailblazer.  I was also pleased to hear the prize of Stanley being able to collaborate with Isaac on a collection for Lord and Taylor.  I wonder if it would have been the same prize had someone else won (and that's why he wasn't going to announce it until after the runway...).  I think that Stanley's aesthetic will blend nicely with Isaac's.  I'll be interested in seeing that capsule collection.

I enjoyed the colors.  When I was younger I wore a lot of colors and loved them.  I think the show should more often force the designers into specific colors.   A lot of sewing errors/mishaps can be hidden when using black.  Very glad that Merline went home.  During one of her interviews she said that she created something she never had before-a two piece outfit instead of a dress.  I think Merline and the judges are more enthralled with her creativity and talent than is warranted.  Very nervous with Anthony on the bottom (I thought they would keep Merline over him because she seemed like a favorite of the judges-was SO glad that didn't happen), so very relieved when he was safe.  I agree with others that he should have his own show.

I thought Alyssa looked the best she has looked throughout the entire series.  

Although this is redundant, I just want to emphasize again how pleased I am that they honored Isaac by showing some of the exhibition on his work.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, chitowngirl said:
8 hours ago, luna1122 said:

I mostly wear black too, but I'm also obsessed with color, just in general...I loved seeing Issac's collection at the museum. I'd love to really see it in person.

Unfortunately, this exhibit was in 2016.


So when was this season filmed for g*d's sake???!!!!   I just looked it up and the Mizrahi exhibit was indeed March 18 to August 7 of 2016 and is not part of the permanent collection at the Jewish Museum   Did the show reassemble the exhibit? or was this episode filmed back in 2016?

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:


So when was this season filmed for g*d's sake???!!!!   I just looked it up and the Mizrahi exhibit was indeed March 18 to August 7 of 2016 and is not part of the permanent collection at the Jewish Museum   Did the show reassemble the exhibit? or was this episode filmed back in 2016?

On another thread, I was also told that this was filmed in 2016.  My question was why do these take so long to air?  

  • Love 5

Didn't like any of the dresses.  I agree that Isaac was compelled, in large part, to pick Stanley because that's who he could most easily work with.  (Imagining Isaac being forced to create a capsule collection with Joshua is making me laugh out loud.)  Agree that Ken had the line of the night in regards to the lack of time allowed to create something party-worthy and fashionable.  Especially agree with the Anthony love.  He's the main reason I'm still watching this season in spite of the lackluster runways.  I sure wouldn't mind seeing Anthony and Kentaro (winner of most recent season of PR) have a show together.  It would, for me, be appointment TV.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, gingerormaryann said:

Only ONE mention of the delectable Carmen?  Arguably the most gracious and elegant judge in PR history and her observations were wonderful.  We need more of her on any of these shows.

Yes, all day!  She was fabulous.

Zero-fucks-to-give Ken was cracking me up.  I love that Anthony got all in his ass about finishing the look.  These designers really seem to care about one another.  But Ken, kicking it in the break room, savoring his chicken was everything to me.  And I don't care if they cover the logo--I know that was Popeye's.  I would've been lingering over my chicken too, Ken.  Extra mashed potatoes and gravy, please!

  • Love 21

I'm a little surprised no one chose a print; that seems like such a natural for a spring dress.  And I don't know why so many of them made gowns when the task was to make a party dress, are the two interchangeable everywhere but in my head? 

 I couldn't even with Merline's blue and yellow that were identical to my high school's colors, and I laughed out loud when Orange Josh said it looked like a redesigned high school cheerleader's outfit.   

Very glad Ken got his act together.  Even more relieved Anthony did not depart the premises.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, Brookside said:

Having never heard of Carmen Dell'Orifice (sorry)  I googled her.  I can't believe she CHOSE to use her stripper/porn star name for a modeling career.

I googled her, too. She and her significant other hung out with Ruth and Bernie Madoff.

Carmen lost her life savings twice. Once in the stockmarket in the 80s-90s, and then in the Madoff scam.

She was earning $7.50/hour working as a model at age 15.

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, bugsmum said:

I'm a little surprised no one chose a print; that seems like such a natural for a spring dress.  And I don't know why so many of them made gowns when the task was to make a party dress, are the two interchangeable everywhere but in my head? 

12 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Why did everyone use slinky slippery fabric, which limits design decisions?

Also, I guess somehow prints were forbidden for this challenge? 


I rewatched this because I was confused by this, too. At no point did anyone tell them they couldn’t use a print. I think the fabric swatch cards that Isaac handed out misled them. A lot, if not all, of the swatches were slinky, drapey fabrics. And, of course, all solids.

[sorry for messing up the quoting formatting]

2 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

When I heard Spring dress, I thought a nice patterned dress for a lawn party. I was surprised when I heard one of the dresses wouldn’t work for a red carpet. Didn’t put that together with Spring dress. 

I think Anne reminded Anthony that his woman was going to a party, not a red carpet event. 

  • Love 3

This All Stars BS is baaad...many seemed to have used up whatever talent they ever had. I do enjoy Anthony and wish he could earn his living making clothes, not stooping to return to this mess. I enjoy the regular PR despite judging issues because I like Heidi’s personailty on the show, as well as Zac’s facial expressions. The only thing this version offers is week upon week of seeing if AM can “top” her prior awful outfits. I only watch the last fifteen minutes now and last night even that was too much for me. Wish (the original) PR came about more often.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, cinsays said:

Dislike Anne a lot - do we really need her? Hey - maybe hire Anthony in that role for coming seasons!

Ann is just not cutting it. I am not at all interested in her critiques. Her voice kind of annoys me, too. Can we please get someone with a personality and a sense of humor to mentor these people?

Also, after the fun of having models of all sizes on the last PR, seeing these stick-thin girls is jarring. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

Ann is just not cutting it. I am not at all interested in her critiques. Her voice kind of annoys me, too. Can we please get someone with a personality and a sense of humor to mentor these people?

Also, after the fun of having models of all sizes on the last PR, seeing these stick-thin girls is jarring. 

Agree.  If Ann could design a personality for herself, she would be easier to watch, and perhaps it would be easier to accept her critiques.  

I gave up on model sizing a looong time ago.  Our society pretends to want more size diversity, but only with crossed fingers behind the back and a wink. ? 

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 4

Well my dvr recorded none of all stars...like at all...all season! Frantic binge watching for 2 nights to get caught up ( one of the few times i was happy for on demand)

Josh, stop being so thin skinned. Your going to be critiqued. Grow up.

Anthony's great. Please give him a show.

I like Anne. She doesn't pussyfoot around. Just yep, nope, start over. Love it. At least she tells them not like uncle tim who hems and haws and 9 times out of 10 is completely wrong.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

Also, after the fun of having models of all sizes on the last PR, seeing these stick-thin girls is jarring. 

Since this season seems to have been filmed in 2016, it would have been before the models of all sizes in 2017. I read somewhere in these threads that the next cycle of AS has already been filmed, so who knows who is left to be an AS and what the model type will be.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, StrictTime said:

Ok, why didn’t anyone use a print?  Or make an actual party dress?  When I think party dress I think of something on the casual side, not a gown. Like something Ashley or Kenley would make.  And those fabrics were all so awful.  WORST RUNWAY EVER.


This is why I was so disappointed in the runway.  I was actually excited for this challenge anticipating some fun, cool party dresses and instead we got uninspired silky gowns.   Could they not have chosen a patterned fabric for their complementary color? Something with a small print? I was just dumbfounded about how bad they all were. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

Ann is just not cutting it. I am not at all interested in her critiques. Her voice kind of annoys me, too. Can we please get someone with a personality and a sense of humor to mentor these people?

Also, after the fun of having models of all sizes on the last PR, seeing these stick-thin girls is jarring. 

Anne  is soooo bad I'd even take Zanna back at this point. 

Stanley's model this week is very very thin.  I don't blame him in the slightest for constructing that under piece.  

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