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S02.E13: That'll Be the Day

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Getting away from all the stuff about Jack, I'm growing increasingly confused on what Randall's story is supposed to be. He's spent the entire season going from project to project and being overbearing. First it was Deja, now it's this apartment building. I love Beth and Randall as a couple but I find it enormously annoying how Randall often steamrolls Beth. He really seems to think he's the authority on everything even when his wife makes her living doing the thing he's trying. 

And help me out here, were Randall and Beth paying for hotel rooms for everyone?! How would they swing that unless it was covered by insurance?

As someone who has survived an apartment fire, I think I'm going to have to take a pass on next weeks episode. There's a scene in the preview that so much reminded me of my own experience (Jack opening the bedroom door) that I damn near vomited. Just watching the fire spread in the empty kitchen made me dizzy because that's just how fast it happens.

Edited by marceline
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12 minutes ago, marceline said:

Getting away from all the stuff about Jack, I'm growing increasingly confused on what Randall's story is supposed to be. He's spent the entire season going from project to project and being overbearing. First it was Deja, now it's this apartment building. I love Beth and Randall as a couple but I find it enormously annoying how Randall often steamrolls Beth. He really seems to think he's the authority on everything even when his wife makes her living doing the thing he's trying. 

it kind of reminds me of thirtysomething (yes, I'm dating myself) - Hope's character was similar, getting involved in this or that cause one after another.  It was supposed to play as the character feeling a little lost and trying to find a sense of purpose, but it came across more to me as the writers feeling a little lost and trying to find a direction for the character to go in.  This feels a little bit the same way to me.  I feel like they don't know what to do with Randall now that William's not around and he's more or less resolved his issues with his mom.

Also, I realized last night that Randall would be pretty exhausting and annoying to be married to.  Between the nervous breakdowns and the impulsive jumping into huge commitments (become foster parents!  buy a crumbling apartment building!), he is one high maintenance spouse.

16 minutes ago, marceline said:

And help me out here, were Randall and Beth paying for hotel rooms for everyone?! How would they swing that unless it was covered by insurance?

Don't even get me started on the financial unreality that is Beth and Randall's life.  They are clearly comfortable financially, but then he quits his job and they just seamlessly transition to him being a stay at home parent and Beth being the breadwinner, without any sign of financial stress?  Just because they are high earners doesn't mean they had enough financial cushion to do that.  Almost no family has that much extra money sitting around.  Sure, maybe he had a good severance package, but they're not even a little concerned about the fact that he wasn't bringing in an income anymore, when previously he was bringing in quite a large one?

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I've spent enough time in corporate boardrooms to believe that the people over at Crockpot were screaming at each other this morning and trying to figure out damage control. Seriously, I hope This Is Us gave them the heads up, because that episode has the potential to decimate Crockpot sales. 

Teen Kate is by far my favorite Kate iteration. I hope that's not because she's the thinnest of the three actresses - I really want to be aware of my own biases. I feel like teen Kate had her act together. She knew how to hold her own against the guys in her house. She was basking in her dad's unconditional love. Adult Kate took on a lot of emotional weight, in addition to a lot of physical weight. It is not easy to be a big person in this world, even if you're gorgeous.

Teen Kevin is pretty one-dimensional. I think his saving grace is that he grows up to be adult Kevin, and we see the complexity of his character. FWIW, Teen Randall is also pretty one-dimensional as well. I'm glad adult Randall shows us that he has his own issues, and isn't just a perfect adult who grew from a perfect teen who came from a perfect child.


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1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

This was maybe the first episode where I felt like I was watching Jack as a real character and not just that I was looking at Milo playing superdad.  From the way he was disappointed but accepting of his kids wanting to be elsewhere on Super Bowl Sunday, to him padding around the kitchen cleaning up, to looking at the wall measurements and writing a note, I didn't notice him acting.  In a similar vein, this was the first time I was in adult Kevin's corner, and maybe it was the way Kevin wasn't being "the actor". 

I think we tend to idealize our loved ones who have died.  I always feel that I am watching the idealized version of Jack and that he is being presented through the eyes of the people he left behind.  That seems appropriate to me.

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6 minutes ago, kilda said:


Don't even get me started on the financial unreality that is Beth and Randall's life.  They are clearly comfortable financially, but then he quits his job and they just seamlessly transition to him being a stay at home parent and Beth being the breadwinner, without any sign of financial stress?  Just because they are high earners doesn't mean they had enough financial cushion to do that.  Almost no family has that much extra money sitting around.  Sure, maybe he had a good severance package, but they're not even a little concerned about the fact that he wasn't bringing in an income anymore, when previously he was bringing in quite a large one?

Thank you!  This makes no sense.  Neither came from a wealthy family so there are no trust funds, let alone bottomless trust funds.  I was annoyed with a very early episode where Beth told William that Randall, while building his mega-power career, renovated their house himself so it “didn’t cost a cent” or something like that.  Materials, tools, and equipment are expensive even for DIY projects.

 I know writers don’t like to bog down stories with mundane details, but the leap from last week’s “I want to buy this building” to this episode’s actual hands-on work is ridiculous.  Even if Randall paid cash for the building—which seems implausible—what about title research, inspections, permits, building codes, etc?  Is he paying all the expenses out of pocket?  Is this just a massive charitable gift to the tenants?  Did he really knock down a wall without knowing if it was load-bearing or a partition?  This show isn’t aimed at kids; I expect the writers to know adult viewers will be irked by this unreality.

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24 minutes ago, kilda said:

Don't even get me started on the financial unreality that is Beth and Randall's life.  They are clearly comfortable financially, but then he quits his job and they just seamlessly transition to him being a stay at home parent and Beth being the breadwinner, without any sign of financial stress?  Just because they are high earners doesn't mean they had enough financial cushion to do that.  Almost no family has that much extra money sitting around.  Sure, maybe he had a good severance package, but they're not even a little concerned about the fact that he wasn't bringing in an income anymore, when previously he was bringing in quite a large one?

Yes, how in the world can a crumbling apartment be break-even, much less profitable? Are they getting grant money? Government subsidies? Don't those take time? 

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I've been thinking of buying a crockpot and today when I was looking at the usual Wednesday ads at my favorite super market they were selling what looked to be a nice crockpot for 10 dollars off plus you got a chuck roast....    and I was all... bad time to run that ad, H-E-B, bad time to run that ad.  

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5 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Yup. And I also remember the Friends episode that came on after the Super Bowl (1996), whenever I see the episode in syndication. They loaded it with guest stars (Brooke Shields, Chris Isaak, Julia Roberts, Jean-Claude Van Damme). The post Super Bowl show is always supposed to be a heavy hitting, showcase episode, so I'm thoroughly prepared to be slapped upside the head, gutted, and spit out. 

On the 6th, I will turn the age that my mother was when she died from cancer. I was thinking about it just last week. It just seems strange that she was MY AGE. So, yeah, we think about things like that when you lose a parent fairly young. 

When I lost my mother, I was the same age she was, when she lost her mother. I remember that coming to me as I was rushing around the hospital corridors. 

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Don't even get me started on the financial unreality that is Beth and Randall's life.  They are clearly comfortable financially, but then he quits his job and they just seamlessly transition to him being a stay at home parent and Beth being the breadwinner, without any sign of financial stress?  Just because they are high earners doesn't mean they had enough financial cushion to do that.  Almost no family has that much extra money sitting around.  Sure, maybe he had a good severance package, but they're not even a little concerned about the fact that he wasn't bringing in an income anymore, when previously he was bringing in quite a large one?

I was just going to ask if Beth and Randall had a money tree growing in their yard but you beat me to it. ;)

I know it is a tv show, but this kind of stuff really bugs me.  The realist in me is screaming "How?" 

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8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Sterling K. Brown and Justin Hartley have fantastic bodies. And Randall is nerd hot, which is one of my favorite kinds of hot. That slow motion walk with the sledgehammer was like, HELLO! And Jaleesa from A Different World just sitting back drinking her tea was great. I'm glad we get more of her and Garrett Morris, and I hope there's more Lena Waithe (although I doubt it, but it was fun seeing her).

Kevin needs to stay single and celibate for a while. I think it's advised not to get in a serious relationship your first year in recovery, and Kevin has been making shitty choices with women and/or treating them badly. He needs to get his house in order. Sad for him that he lost Sophie, but it's right. I'm very glad he got his necklace back - that was good of the doctor. (My parents would not have let me spend the night at my boyfriend's house in high school, whether or not his parents were home. I wouldn't have even asked, let alone flippantly TOLD them that's what I'd be doing.)

I already know I’m not watching this after the Super Bowl, one because it’ll be late and two because my Eagles are playing and if they lose I’ll be mad, and that’s enough emotion for one evening.

I use my crock pot all the time! I don’t leave it plugged in (I have limited counter space so it gets put away when I’m not using it. The only counter appliances that live on the counter permanently are the coffee maker and toaster, and only the coffee maker stays plugged in), but I definitely have used it unattended. That’s the point of them! Mine isn’t 19 years old though!

Unpopular opinion: I have always hated Titanic. I was a teen when it came out (teen Kate's spaghetti strap dresses are so right!) and saw it in the theater with everybody else in the country; I still hated it. My Heart Will Go On is a terrible, terrible song.

"Everything OK in Rome, Caesar?" I fell out. I love Beth.

And if the Eagles win (I'm a Philadelphian and a massive Eagles fan!) I will be too ecstatic to bring this sad, emotional episode upon myself. Bigger post coming later! I cried just as much during this episode as I did with "Memphis". I, honestly, kept thinking about it today. 

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Okay I feel the need to stand up for the crockpots of the world. LOL! I'm a single homeowner so my crockpot is the best way of coming home to a hot meal. Crockpots are safe. They are safer now than than ever have been. They are like a lot of appliances that have become safer. For example look at the Instant Pot that has become so popular. When I was young, pressure cookers used to explode. My grandmother's did. Now they're designed not to do that. Don't even get me started on how much safer space heaters are now.

The real issue here is that the Pearson's crock pot was old and faulty. And that there was a towel next to it. And no batteries in the smoke detector. I see lots of people on the net saying they are swearing off crockpots and I want to shout, "No! The real lesson is the lifesaving value of smoke detectors!" Which is why I found it notable that the first thing Beth wanted to do for the apartment building was fix the fire escapes and bring it up to code. I'd think that having survived a fire and being the son of someone who renovated houses, Randall would've been better at being on the same page with her. 

Edited by marceline
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23 minutes ago, TwoGrayTabbies said:

Thank you!  This makes no sense.  Neither came from a wealthy family so there are no trust funds, let alone bottomless trust funds.  I was annoyed with a very early episode where Beth told William that Randall, while building his mega-power career, renovated their house himself so it “didn’t cost a cent” or something like that.  Materials, tools, and equipment are expensive even for DIY projects.

 I know writers don’t like to bog down stories with mundane details, but the leap from last week’s “I want to buy this building” to this episode’s actual hands-on work is ridiculous.  Even if Randall paid cash for the building—which seems implausible—what about title research, inspections, permits, building codes, etc?  Is he paying all the expenses out of pocket?  Is this just a massive charitable gift to the tenants?  Did he really knock down a wall without knowing if it was load-bearing or a partition?  This show isn’t aimed at kids; I expect the writers to know adult viewers will be irked by this unreality.

I'm with you on the financials and the implausibility of taking ownership of that building so quickly, but on the knocking down the wall thing: the tenant told Kevin her ex had put up the wall  (and stole all the light) so he's off the hook there :)

But then I have to side-eye anyone putting up a wall on a rental apartment in the first place. 

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6 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Next Tuesday is the State of the Union Address, so had it aired at the normal time it would have been on the 6th of February.  We actually get to see it earlier.  Plus, there is a tradition of airing "special" episodes following the Superbowl.  It must work or the networks would abandon the practice.  

Thank you! I’m amazed that people think the producers airing it after the SB was Plan A instead of realizing there must be a scheduling issue on the 30th. 

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7 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm with you on the financials and the implausibility of taking ownership of that building so quickly, but on the knocking down the wall thing: the tenant told Kevin her ex had put up the wall  (and stole all the light) so he's off the hook there :)

But then I have to side-eye anyone putting up a wall on a rental apartment in the first place. 

Thanks, I missed that part.  

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1 hour ago, marceline said:


As someone who has survived an apartment fire, I think I'm going to have to take a pass on next weeks episode. There's a scene in the preview that reminded me of my own experience (Jack opening the bedroom door) that I damn near vomited. Just watching the fire spread in the empty kitchen made me dizzy because that's just how fast it happens.

Straying OT to give you a virtual hug. Fire survivor here too, almost 5 years ago, carried my then 6 and 2 year old out, my hair was burnt, house and belongings were a total loss. Still dealing with lack of permanent housing. Those scene make me physically I'll as well, not sure if I can do it either.

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20 minutes ago, Meatball said:

Thank you! I’m amazed that people think the producers airing it after the SB was Plan A instead of realizing there must be a scheduling issue on the 30th. 

It was plan A, it was announced last May at the upfronts that it would be on after the SB, long before the SOTU was scheduled. The post SB slot is a big deal for shows to get and the writers are given plenty of notice so it can be a special epislde.

Edited by biakbiak
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THIS SHOW.  I can see why it won the SAG and the Golden Globe.  Broadcast TV at awards shows is not dead because of this one. 

The producers of "The Crown" and "The Handmaid's Tale" would be surprised to hear that "This Is Us" won the Golden Globe.

Is it true the producers of "Sharknado" are now readying a pitch for a TV movie called "Killer Crock-Pots?"

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30 minutes ago, momma2seven said:

Straying OT to give you a virtual hug. Fire survivor here too, almost 5 years ago, carried my then 6 and 2 year old out, my hair was burnt, house and belongings were a total loss. Still dealing with lack of permanent housing. Those scene make me physically I'll as well, not sure if I can do it either.

Hugging you right back. My experience was decades ago and I at least was able to move back into my apartment after a week. I can't imagine losing my home entirely. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts especially during the next episode.

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2 hours ago, marceline said:


As someone who has survived an apartment fire, I think I'm going to have to take a pass on next weeks episode. There's a scene in the preview that reminded me of my own experience (Jack opening the bedroom door) that I damn near vomited. Just watching the fire spread in the empty kitchen made me dizzy because that's just how fast it happens.

Yeah. We were lucky the bed fire didn't get very far. My mum accidentally started it (she smoked, and wasn't well). I heard her fall over in the hallway downstairs, veered off into the kitchen to see if something was burning, only to realize that it was coming from the bedroom on the lower floor. I heard our little dog jump off the bed, as I shot down the stairs and into the bathroom to drench a huge towel in water, then managed to throw it over most of the bed. My sister folded the quilt over onto it. We were incredibly lucky. Had I not been out of the shower (I'd just got out), or if I'd been out of the house... I don't want to think about it. I was shaking when I called my dad. 

I see people burning things on dishes, like affirmations, or "releasing" things as a ritual, at times, on TV/in movies, or I see it recommended online. I tried that a couple of times, and each time, I did it in a huge cooking pot that I sat in the bath, and I had the shower running in order to put out flames if they grew larger than the pot. 

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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Totally agree.  He was so natural and so sexy cleaning up that kitchen  -- I finally fell in love with him, just before the fire, darn it!

Yes, for me, there is something about a male character/actor who knows his way around a kitchen. Probably because I don't. Jack/Milo here, Stanley Tucci in Big Night -- one-handing the egg-cracks, and an expert bladesman -- even Columbo making himself an omelette in the killer's kitchen, as he also makes his case...


16 minutes ago, J-Man said:

Is it true the producers of "Sharknado" are now readying a pitch for a TV movie called "Killer Crock-Pots?"

The Trojan Crockpot. An offering left behind by the Hoarders, it seemed, to appease the household gods, as they set sail away...

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I HATE series that have an episode after a sporting event.  My DVR can't adjust.  I have the Simpsons to record all new episodes but if Fox has the second NFL game maybe Simpsons start at 8:00 and maybe not.  I hope the Super Bowl is a good and exciting game and maybe I'll be able to stay awake long enough to watch This Is Us - can't stay up as late as I used to.

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I worked in a doctor's office today and a husband's wife left after 10 minutes because she thought she left something on in the kitchen. She was panicked and he waited for her to come back and pick him up....I was so tempted to ask if she watched This is Us last night but I didn't. ;)

Crockpots are usually fine and when you think about it, they had it for 17 years! If it was acting up a lot, they are one the cheapest appliances to replace.

When I saw the fire come up the stairs, I thought 3 bedrooms, how does he get everyone out, a window? When you see them on the couch at Miguel's they seem so pulled together. They are all dressed and dog is clean,no medical issues after all the smoke etc. It's just odd. Even Rebecca looked fine, distraught but fine. I've known people who had house fires, it's not always that easy. Lots of gaps to fill in. Why is Randall's girlfriend there and Kevin is again an afterthought to find? Rebecca took car to hospital and went by house on way home?  But the way this show does things, sequence can be all out of order



kids fire.jpg

Edited by debraran
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A crockpot, really?!

The neighbor gave them an old, faulty crockpot. Don’t use faulty appliances. They should have thanked him and tossed it in the garbage.

A decent crockpot will set you back $20-$30. No need to use that old one.

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OK so help me understand. The elderly man and the crockpot at the beginning of the episode 13 I thought that was the same man at the door during episode 8 when Kevin went back to see the house he grew up in and the man came out if the house and the house number said 1646 and then when  the man  went back in the house number. was 1920.  It looks like the same man ~ but doesn't make sense since Rebecca was pregnant when the man gave her the crockpot. Any thoughts?

Edited by CPMOMMM
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19 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

Gonna nitpick the crockpot. The crockpot was still on when Jack was cleaning up the kitchen and he switches it off. So, Rebecca left the crockpot of chili on that whole time? No one scooped out the chili, put it away, and washed the crockpot out? 

I was nit picking right along with you.


10 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

Re: Jack's note to Kevin.  We saw it burn.  Kevin never saw it.  Jack is dead and can't tell anyone.  So exactly who's point of view is being shown?  I guess I have always wondered about this for the flashbacks in the show in general.  I have to conclude from this that it's an omniscient narrator, and we are not seeing a mash-up of everybody's memories. 

I think, except for Randall's drug induced visions of Jack, it's all been an omniscient point of view.

10 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Unpopular opinion: I have always hated Titanic. I was a teen when it came out (teen Kate's spaghetti strap dresses are so right!) and saw it in the theater with everybody else in the country; I still hated it. My Heart Will Go On is a terrible, terrible song.

I loved Titanic, but I'm right there with you on the song.

7 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

On the 6th, I will turn the age that my mother was when she died from cancer. I was thinking about it just last week. It just seems strange that she was MY AGE. So, yeah, we think about things like that when you lose a parent fairly young. 

I'm  not even close to the age of my parents when they died, but this forum has made me realize I have now reached an age where I've lived longer than both my brother and sister. Weird. I'll have to ponder that a bit.

6 hours ago, mtlchick said:

He was.  Which is why once we started getting more scenes with him in the cast, I started mentally preparing for the worst.  It takes what, 2 months at most to heal a broken bone if it was a clean break? 

I think it was a much more complicated break, if I recall correctly. I think his knee was involved, and knees are tricky.


5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

it looked like she left everything out...for hours.  Then he covers the dip and puts it away?  Yuck.   

I know, right? I thought "well, at least the fire will keep most of the family from having food poisoning." (too soon?)

2 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

I was just going to ask if Beth and Randall had a money tree growing in their yard but you beat me to it. ;)

I know it is a tv show, but this kind of stuff really bugs me.  The realist in me is screaming "How?" 

My take has always been that Randall's career is in finance, and he didn't just earn money - he invested it. Since he was good at his job, those investments grew and he's got enough investments to live off of, which seems pretty realistic to me. 

By the way, did anyone else hear Randall say he'd built his own home? 

I'm kind of curious to see what the forum will look like the morning after the Super Bowl. I DVR the show, but it's usually up to 4 pages by the time I get to it at the next morning, after I exercise and get ready for work.. It would be kind of nice to be able to be one of the early posters for once. :)

Edited by Clanstarling
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I have a question about the Super Bowl aspect of the show. Who was playing in the game? I know the Broncos were one team but the Steelers could not have possibly been in the game considering they are both AFC teams. So what was Rebecca wearing a Steelers jersey for?

Edited by Conotocarious
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5 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I love how Lena Waithe’s character said she couldn’t bring home Audio because her wife would kill her. Thanks, writers!

YES! I love that she said that and Kate didn't raise so much as eyebrow but instead just gave her a smile that said, "Spouses, amirite?"

I gotta admit that scene made me start thinking of visiting the APL this weekend or, at the very least, checking out Petfinder.

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3 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

Who was playing in the game? I know the Broncos were one team but the Steelers could not have possibly been in the game considering they are both AFC teams. So what was Rebecca wearing a Steelers jersey for?

Green Bay Packers.  I'm willing to fanwalk that she's a Steelers girl for life and would wear that shirt to watch football no matter who was in the Super Bowl. 

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2 minutes ago, Conotocarious said:

I have a question about the Super Bowl aspect of the show. Who was playing in the game? I know the Broncos were one team but the Steelers could not have possibly been in the game considering they are both AFC teams. So what was Rebecca wearing a Steelers jersey for?

Denver played Green Bay in that SB.

When you have a team, you wear their jersey on SB Sunday regardless who is playing.  Cuz you wouldn’t wear the one of the team who may have had to have beaten your team to get there.

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12 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:
5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

it looked like she left everything out...for hours.  Then he covers the dip and puts it away?  Yuck.   

I know, right? I thought "well, at least the fire will keep most of the family from having food poisoning." (too soon?)


3 hours ago, marceline said:

As someone who has survived an apartment fire, I think I'm going to have to take a pass on next weeks episode. There's a scene in the preview that reminded me of my own experience (Jack opening the bedroom door) that I damn near vomited. Just watching the fire spread in the empty kitchen made me dizzy because that's just how fast it happens.

Jeesh, I only experienced (from the outside) a car fire and that. was. enough!  You have my sympathy.

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2 hours ago, marceline said:

"No! The real lesson is the lifesaving value of smoke detectors!"

3 additional real lessons are (1) don't use appliances with faulty wiring, (2) unplug appliances when not in use (when possible) and (3) do not put flammable substances near heat sources.  Really, this was a PSA!

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9 hours ago, deaja said:

I don't know how Beth puts up with Randall.  The way he took over the meeting, railroaded her expertise, and made all kinds of unrealistic promises to the tenants was terrible. This is supposed to be his new business, but he's showing zero business sense, just emotion.



And I think some tenants like Garrett's have figured that out about Randall and will take him for a ride, using his emotions to get their way.


8 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

We always unplug our small appliances after every use. That may be why our toaster is now 17 years old. (gonna have a serious think about getting a new one now). Even when I had a slow cooker, I never ran it when I wasn't at home. There are good reasons to be paranoid about these things.

The burning combined with the memories was very moving.  I watch this show first thing in the morning while I exercise, so it never keeps me up. 

I think despite the age, if something is still working without any issues, use it but take necessary precautions as things get older. My Mom's crockpot is 40 something years old but it still works due to her care of the crockpot and using it a few times in a year. 


3 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

George is totally believable in this. Give the Crock Pot to the young couple.  It works perfectly fine.  Tossing it would be a waste. The only think that bothered me is that Rebecca is pregnant in the scene. Didn't Jack and Rebecca live in an apartment, not their house, when the Big Three were born?  Or was I not watching closely enough, because it looked like they answered the door of the house. 


I agree George is believable. I've known people who are a generation older who act like George. That's why I feel it was more of Jack and Rebecca's responsibility to dispose of the crockpot or fix the faulty knob. 

2 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I'm a bit late, but who doesn't unplug a crockpot once it's done, and who leaves a damn dishtowel next to the not-unplugged crockpot???


Absentminded. Careless. Foolishly thinking, "Nothing will happen." We've all done things in hindsight we realize we shouldn't have done or think nothing will happen. Texting while driving.  A few times I've forgotten to turn off my electric blanket. It turns itself off after a certain amount of hours but something could've caught fire in that timeframe. There are people who leave cars running with a child inside and go inside the gas station. They know they shouldn't do it but they think, "I'll be out in a minute. Nothing will happen." Suddenly they are on the news crying their car was stolen with their child inside.


In Jack's case, never fixing that faulty crockpot or tossing it out cost him his life. 


49 minutes ago, marceline said:

The real issue here is that the Pearson's crock pot was old and faulty. And that there was a towel next to it. And no batteries in the smoke detector. I see lots of people on the net saying they are swearing off crockpots and I want to shout, "No! The real lesson is the lifesaving value of smoke detectors!" Which is why I found it notable that the first thing Beth wanted to do for the apartment building was fix the fire escapes and bring it up to code. I'd think that having survived a fire and being the son of someone who renovated houses, Randall would've been better at being on the same page with her. 

The other real lessons also includes: 1. Don't use faulty appliances, 2. Make a list of things to get at the store. Remember Rebecca asked Jack to remind her of batteries instead of writing her shopping list down. 

People swearing off crockpots will be back to using them in a few weeks. 


 Way OT but during my second watch, I saw the commercial for 'The 15:17 to Paris'. I had no clue this was made into a movie and starring the real men involved. I saw the commercial thinking, "They look just like the men who were involved in that." Rewind and looked at the commercial again, "Wait a minute. They are the men who were on that train. They can act?"

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32 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I think, except for Randall's drug induced visions of Jack, it's all been an omniscient point of view.

I think so, now, too, but there were episodes where it wasn't clear to me.  The Number One, Two and Three episodes for example, and sometimes before that I wondered if I was supposed to think a person in the present was being influenced by what they experienced in the past, their particular interpretation of it. 

5 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

In Jack's case, never fixing that faulty crockpot or tossing it out cost him his life. 

Yes, and I'm wondering if the origin of the fire was traced to it, how does Rebecca deal with that and the fact she may blame herself for leaving it plugged in.

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17 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I think so, now, too, but there were episodes where it wasn't clear to me.  The Number One, Two and Three episodes for example, and sometimes before that I wondered if I was supposed to think a person in the present was being influenced by what they experienced in the past, their particular interpretation of it. 

Yes, and I'm wondering if the origin of the fire was traced to it, how does Rebecca deal with that and the fact she may blame herself for leaving it plugged in.

My dad used to unplug many appliances before he went to bed, TV, coffee pot, etc. I thought he was in overkill mode but he saw an electrical fire. One day I smelled a fishy smell, drove me nuts, no fish in pail, fridge, etc. Looked it up and it was electrical. I felt outlets and tree light outlet plug was warm. Unplugged it, shut off circuit and my husband undid it until we could get it fixed. We have an older home, 1944, but you never know.

I wonder if the fireman who brought Randall to hospital will be there, could be around 65? Just like This is Us to do something like that.

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54 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Denver played Green Bay in that SB.

When you have a team, you wear their jersey on SB Sunday regardless who is playing.  Cuz you wouldn’t wear the one of the team who may have had to have beaten your team to get there.

I remember that Super Bowl well. Elway finally got his ring thanks mostly to the efforts of Terrell Davis. And the Green Bay Packers letting them score at the end.

Still very strange to me to get decked out in Steelers gear. That’s not something I ever did unless my team (go, Pats) was in the Show. 

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1 hour ago, debraran said:

I worked in a doctor's office today and a husband's wife left after 10 minutes because she thought she left something on in the kitchen. She was panicked and he waited for her to come back and pick him up....I was so tempted to ask if she watched This is Us last night but I didn't. ;)

Crockpots are usually fine and when you think about it, they had it for 17 years! If it was acting up a lot, they are one the cheapest appliances to replace.

When I saw the fire come up the stairs, I thought 3 bedrooms, how does he get everyone out, a window? When you see them on the couch at Miguel's they seem so pulled together. They are all dressed and dog is clean,no medical issues after all the smoke etc. It's just odd. Even Rebecca looked fine, distraught but fine. I've known people who had house fires, it's not always that easy. Lots of gaps to fill in. Why is Randall's girlfriend there and Kevin is again an afterthought to find? Rebecca took car to hospital and went by house on way home?  But the way this show does things, sequence can be all out of order



kids fire.jpg

I'd forgotten how they were dressed. Randall has a tie on. That certainly suggests some time elapses between them getting out of the fire and Jack's death. Hmmm. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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Randall means well, but him jumping from project to project is absolutely a huge pain for his family. I wonder if he was always like this, or if its been coming out more and more due to William showing up and then dying? Or he was a little like this before, and now its just gotten bigger and bigger?

I have a Super Bowl party next week, and I am already embarrassed by how much I am going to be emotional going into this freaking game. I will have to make a break for it to get back home so I can watch (and cry) when I get home. Unless I can get my friends to watch (and cry) with me. 

Maybe I will have a few extra beers that night...

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:
2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'd forgotten how they were dressed. Randall has a tie on. That certainly suggests sone time elapses between them getting out of the fire and Jack's death. Hmmm. 

I think it's just a button down shirt but still, pretty pulled together and his date came right over, maybe lived nearby. I always thought it was just the fire they were upset about, I wonder if Rebecca tells them he died.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by Beth and Randall's financial situation.

I loved Kate and Toby's plot - that was my favorite part of the episode. Of course Audio was cute - but so were Kate and Toby in their scenes together. And so was Kate's dress and her make-up. But I really loved how Kate was able to let go of something painful from her past because she wanted to make Toby happy. Yeah, I know cute Audio was hard to resist but still - that showed some real character growth.

The DIY hero walk was great - this episode needed some fun.

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There is an elderly woman in my building who I saw on the elevator today. She said she came home for lunch because she left her crock pot on and thought she should check on it. She said "I don't want to start a fire in the apt". 

I said "It's good that you checked on it"...thinking about this episode.

Edited by catrox14
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23 hours ago, mariah23 said:

I knew Jack’s death would be the Super Bowl episode!

Also, if the Pats win, I’ll already be crushed.

Seriously. I am NOT HERE for another Pats Super Bowl. But now I have to at least know when it ends. I was wondering if I could just watch the commercials.


So how many people thought it was time to replace the ol’ Crock pot?

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