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S22.E03: Week 3

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3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

After seeing tonight I've decided that I'm going to end all my prayers with "Peace Out!" or maybe "Good Talk!" forget that boring 'Amen' stuff.

I don’t pray, but if I did, I would totally go with Bibiana’s “Mic drop!”

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8 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

I'm glad Bibliography got cut loose.  She kept trying to act so tough, calling out Krystal for "not waiting her turn" - as if they were actually taking turns for Arie -  and making herself the classroom monitor as to what's "respectful" to the other ladies and what's not.  She really shot herself in the foot by complaining to Arie about Krystal.  He really didn't like that!

The Bachelor/Bachelorette never likes that!  As soon as she started complaining about Krystal it was all over.

I hated the wrestling thing.  Those women were so unaware of their audience.  I would have loved for one the girls to just kick the shit out of them for real.

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7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

No, I meant what I said. Tia has to be bleeped almost every time she speaks - that's trashy in my book. I doubt she speaks that way in real life, certainly not in her job, which is why I think she's playing up the trashy persona for the show. And someone asked her if she's "in her element" in a trailer park, so at least one other person is running with the "Tia is trashy" theme as well.

I wouldn't put it past this show to bleep her out even when she isn't cursing!

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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I almost feel bad for laughing so much at Annaliese's expense. Almost.

For me it's the likes. I need to write an app that edits out all the filler likes from reality shows.

TPTB really had it in for Bibiana tonight. I think this was the first time someone got to do a "special" set-up but then never got time with the lead.

Did someone really ask Tia if she felt "in her element" in the RV park? I know she puts on a trashy persona, but if she's a physical therapist like her chyron says, she's one of the most accomplished women there. And then TPTB bring out the hay bales and moonshine for her, so I guess the trashy theme is here to stay.

I agree the editors were mean. corrine set up a bouncy house but they couldnt make sure that noone went to that spot? I wasnt crazy about here but that was deliberate. I could NEVER be on that show

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It's so weird how the country is in the midst of a major debate over sexual harassment and intimidation and The Bachelor's cast is legitimately discussing whether they need to kiss the star in order to be "safe" for the week. The show is so tone deaf.

I remember that Harrison said that every year the lead comes into the season very humble and nervous that no one will like them; but after a few days they're overconfident and nobody can tell them anything. I realize that Arie was at that point when he drew out the conversation with Annaliese only to tell her, "we're not there yet."

I have to give it to whoever planned the reenactments. I felt the fear, the dread, the melodrama.

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The old lady wrestler took it too far with criticizing Bibiana's name.  I get it that that's what wrestlers do, but they weren't wrestling yet, they were just learning the moves and all.  I loved the one who dressed up as a lunch lady, complete with weird facial mole.  Everyone else was trying to be sexy so I thought that was cute and she wasn't trying too hard.  I loved seeing Kenny again!

Everyone was using Bibi's bed for their time with Arie, I had to laugh because she is one of those girls who talks tough but at the end of the day doesn't do shit.  You want time with him?  Go grab him girl!  Don't just sit there and complain that others are getting the time and you're not.  Even when she went out to grab him she could've made mention that hey, I set all this up for you!  Nope, didn't say shit.  Ah well.  I did think her prayer was funny.

I guess Arie's opinion of Tia is she is a straight up redneck, with the hay bales and the moonshine.  I would've been offended.  

So pretty much all of the age appropriate women are gone now?  I guess oldie Arie (he's my age) likes them young.  I knew once he started eating on the one on one date she was a goner.  Chelsea seems to have come in too hot because she's pretty much faded into the background as far as bringing the dramz.  Becca is a little plain, but she and another brunette (can't remember her name) seem the most normal.  The other brunette is so pretty (I think she was the one crying for Krystal to shut up).  I love Bekah's look, but I don't like her.  Trying to hard to be a "cool girl".  Blech.

Edited by mostlylurking
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Sorry, but Arie is beyond boring and half of the women look exactly the same to me.  The whole “let’s hate so and so because she’s so aggressive” storylines are really getting old.  These gals should have anticipated this scenario when signing up, so I’m no longer feeling the fake outrage.  Since I’ve only been dipping in and out of the episodes so far, I had a completely different reaction to the Annaliese re-enactment.  Her story ended with her saying she nearly lost an eye,  so without knowing her backstory of apparently making up tragedies, I didn’t find the re-enactment funny at all.  And was she the same woman begging for a kiss?  I also found that pretty pathetic and kind of cruel how she was being embarrassed on National tv in the name of entertainment.  I’m sure I found that stuff hilarious in seasons past — maybe I’m getting older or the show has become too formulaic.  The producers should have taken a chance on Peter — his journey would have been much more interesting.  Plus, I like the continuity from one season to the next.

Im checking out this season!

Edited by plotpointer
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Just peeked into the Bachelor/ette forums again after bouncing halfway through Rachel's season and all of the politicized back and forth that happened during that. And don't even get me started on the BIP Corinne/DeMario disaster. Sooooo glad to see this season bringing us back to the LOL's I come here for. Everyone is back in fine form...special shoutout to JudyObscure. 

Is this the 1st season where there's been re-enactments? I'm all the way here for it bwahahahaha.

And the dumped one-on-one girl that said it was such a "ride or die night" oh girl. That's not the context for that term. She sounded like my mom trying to be cool smh. 

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Why do I feel the urge to gurgle with some mouthwash after watching every week. This multiple kissing thing is just grossing me out.

Seems to me maybe the girl he wants to kiss, who turns him down, might just win. Emily was skillful at the hard to get thing and Arie strikes me as kind of dumb and the guy that always wants what he can’t have.

The winery date just made me sad. That poor girl was a victim of too much wine and nerves and the end result was crying worthy poor thing.

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Arie looked so gross in this ep. He was sweating so much it was making me ill. He was slurring his words as well, which made me uncomfortable. And yet, all these women were kissing him. He's so sloppy. Ew I can't.

I'll miss Annaliese and all her traumas, but I was starting to get way too much second-hand embarrassment from him so obviously not wanting to kiss her so I'm glad she's gone.

The Lauren S. date was comedy gold. I was rolling.

Beckah is insufferable. The fakest of them all by far. However, her "I can't watch this. I literally can't," during the Annaliese/Arie break-up was amazing. I was like, same girl!

Krystal is horrible but in a way that I enjoy so very much. Her voice changing when she's with the women is so hilarious.

Becca still just seems way too plain-looking and normal for me. She seems like she'd be great in real life, but I need more out of my trashy reality tv participants.

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Episode 3 deserves a long narrative-heavy title worthy of Thackeray or some other English author of the classics along the lines of ‘In Which The Bachelor Kisses The Remaining Girls He Might Have An Interest In And Kisses All Girls He Already Has An Interest In And Says A Hasty Goodbye To The Others.’

Despite their animated conversation from last episode, sworn enemies Krystal and Bibiana are seated next to each other at the breakfast gathering.  Pure coincidence on the part of the producers, no doubt.  Bib is dressed in Vaderesque black as befits the designated villain.  Krystal, with hair and makeup perpetually done, appears ready for a J Crew photo shoot or, in a previous decades, one of those Winston Lights print ads in which models who don’t smoke are photographed with a pack in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, staring balefully at the camera and making a profound statement like ‘If smoking doesn’t taste good, why bother?’  The cigarettes were always obviously airbrushed - a bit like Krystal then.

CH needs to pull rank as a producer and sack the wardrobe person who is giving him these horrid Dad shirts to wear.  That plaid is painful.  Perhaps it’s meant to prove that CH isn’t actually a hologram recording repeating the same advice:  ‘Maximize the time you spend with TB.’

A single 1-on-1 date in only the third week seems miserly and misguided if the objective is to FIND LURVE.  Group dates may be good for cringe value and catfights but they are a poor means of matchmaking.  Maquel is nearly unrecognizable – in a good way – when spotted during the group date invitation segment.  Tia continues to swear like an SEC offensive line coach.  She’s keeping the A/V editors on their toes as they bleep her repeatedly.  Keen-eyed Marikh concludes that ‘It’s something to do with wrestling or boxing.’  No dummy, she!  Granted, ESPN may not be streamed into her Indian restaurant kitchen but when’s the last time a boxer wore a mask into the ring? 

Arie has inexplicably dressed like your 7th grade science teacher complete with those trendy but still awful combination dress shoes/sneakers with the white soles that ruin every man's posture.  What about tights?  Trunks?  A muscle shirt?  Boots?  Everyone else is being kitted out to rassle, why not him?  Apparently, Arie’s instructions to his hair stylist are ‘Give me the bed head…again.’  ‘I woke up like this’ isn’t really supposed to mean, well, you woke up like that.

The girls issue the most unenthusiastic chorus of ‘Woo!’ in history for the wrestling date and for the GLOW alumnae, whom the Bachelorettes have probably never heard of before, Bekah’s false enthusiasm notwithstanding.  Any illusion that this would be a glorified circuit aerobics course is quickly broken when Angelina from GLOW engages in some Parris Island-style hazing of the snowflake Bachlorettes.  Short-fused Bibiana and thin-skinned Tia quickly melt into puddles, apparently unable to separate fact from fiction ie to recognize ‘kayfabe’ which is the wrestling ethos of all melodrama, all the time, as Bekah rightly points out.  Bibiana wonders if she is a magnet for confrontation as she juts her chin out and spreads her arms in challenge AGAIN.  I think we can all agree the answer is a resounding YES for too many reasons to count.  After being ignored by the cameras for two full weeks we finally see Jacqueline interviewed.  She has a pleasant alto speaking voice and is rather sardonic.

A live audience has been press-ganged into the seats and issued with bracelets.  Perhaps shock collars would have been a more practical choice to prevent them from leaving the taping early.  Arie gets his pin, of course and the easily-impressed ladies are easily impressed.  Bekah fearlessly dons a zip-up catsuit while Krystal looks like the lost fourth member of Josie & The Pussycats.

Caravan Outpost is one of those only-in-America places – credit the location scouts.  The ‘barn’ set is impressive.  The mobile wet bar must be equally impressive – every person at the gathering has their tipple of choice.  Wine, beer, vodka, whiskey.  Krystal whisks Arie away before he’s even seated.  Cue jaws open and teeth gritted around the room.  After their last encounter Krystal’s odds don’t seem favorable but she has turned the Baby Voice knob to 11 – and suddenly the Seductive Whisper toggle is engaged.  She’s not dumb…asking TB for advice is an obvious but far too often overlooked strategy by Bachelorettes who often spend their time in uncertain he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not agony.  Krystal is cleverly asking where the shortcuts are and Arie is happy to oblige, not least because a fit female is sitting in his lap and he’s randy as a goat after watching them knock seven shades out of each other in the ring.  The Interrupt Parade begins and Tia has foolishly become neurotic Bibiana’s sounding board.  ‘Voice my concerns?’ Oh yeah.  Men love that.  Complaints really get their juices flowing.  She’s respectful of others, she says…except when she’s tearing strips off them.  Which is often.  Arie tells her to avoid drama but he might as well shout into a tornado.  Krystal returns to offer smug unsolicited advice.  Bekah’s knitted-eyebrow reaction is priceless.  Cynical Jacqueline’s eyes roll so violently through the evening they look like spinning slot machine reels.

Chelsea, for reasons unclear, is still convinced that Arie’s interest is turbocharged (racing pun) because she has a child.  Lauren S is nervous for the wine country date and, as we see, nerves easily win the battle.

Airstream Arie is still systematically progressing through his captive harem.  Bekah claims a relationship of 2-3 years?  That would put the beginning of it back to near-high school age.  Faded jean jackets on girls are and always will be alluring.  Bekah one-ups them all including Krystal by climbing into his lap.  Krystal gets the ‘jinx edit’ by claiming they have the strongest relationship thus ensuring she will NOT get the rose.  It seems that group date roses are too often awarded out of sympathy or to disguise the fact that there will be some obvious keepers at the RC.  But hormones guide Arie’s hand as he chooses Bekah.

The less said about Lauren S and her disastrous 1-on-1 date the better, from the dodgy floral sneakers to the absolute trainwreck that was the dinner conversation…if conversation can be defined as just the one person talking and talking.  And talking some more.  Desperate Arie even broke all precedent by eating the meal provided!  Hey that’s only a prop!  Lauren speaks of ‘cheersing’ with the fishbowl-sized wine glasses.  How about toasting?  Lauren was self-aware enough to know she was headed for the cliff but Thelma-and-Louise’d it anyway by mashing the accelerator (another racing pun!).  Arie is as easy to read as a billboard – if the eyes are downcast as he speaks, the switch is turned OFF, usually permanently.  The ‘rose reach’ was hilarious as Lauren suspiciously eyed Arie as a toddler regards a pediatrician armed with a needle.  Is that the sad violin theme from Lady & The Tramp playing?  Unlike some early exiteers Lauren S seems as if she’d be good company in a more relaxed setting.  Last week’s red herring edit is exposed as the ‘Oh My God!’ moment involves Lauren’s suitcase being removed by the valet rather than any implied tear-ups involving mouthy Bibiana.  Krystal thinks it’s a good time for what sounds like a funeral elegy along with the lecture she apparently regards as compulsory.  Caroline isn’t having it.

The dog date is a dog's breakfast - unmitigated chaos from the start.  Annaelise and the vein in her forehead are back to peg the crazy meter, as the producers mercilessly mock her doggie drama story with faux flashback footage.  Fred Willard has been funny on occasion in the past but his improvisational comedy skills have deserted him here.  Or maybe it’s that this task is so lame and pointless that nobody can extract humor from it.  Dog mess scraped into a dustpan is an apt metaphor for the whole thing.

The group date moves to a darkened bank vault…and the dark is where Chelsea must have put her hair up.  It’s a random mess.  Chelsea, like so many others, declares the moribund date ‘amazing’ except, like so many others on this show, pronounces it ‘emazing.’  Maybe emazing is one notch above amazing in Vocal Fry Vernacular?

If audience approval of Arie was growing, he undoes it in rapid fashion by awarding Chelsea a rose.  RCs may be largely rigged but group date roses are not.  This should concern us all.  Becca gets the ‘frozen smile’ edit although he clearly remains besotted with her so she can bide her time.

Bibiana painstakingly lays out her trap but experiences the feeling many of us are familiar with:  making a special trip to buy expensive wine or liquor and bringing it to a party only to find an empty bottle when we finally get to partake.  Arie and the other girls have no idea why the unlikely combination of telescope and daybed are set up but need no prompting to recline and canoodle.  Bibiana meekly turns away as Arie once again breaks precedent by refusing to accede to the ‘immediate interruption’ rule (hurrah!).  Bibs nervously runs fingers through hair for the 4,283rd time this evening. 

Arie moves onto one of his faves in Bekah who, admittedly, sounds like she’s practiced her patter a time or two.  She’s definitely of the Keep ‘Em Mean Keep ‘Em Keen school of thought.  Still, she has him eating out of her hand so fair play to her.  But where did the discomfiting line about moms come from?

Tia has a more direct and consequential approach – get Arie drunk.  Those of us who have had our share of moonshine can confirm that it tastes horrible but acts instantly.  It gives an odd flush of warmth unlike any other form of alcohol but, alas, that may just be various capillaries rupturing in the body.  Have there always been bales of hay at Stately Bachelor Mansion or is this more Southern scenery trucked in on Tia’s behalf?

Move over, Crazy Melissa of I Just Had Pizza With Onions Infamy!  You have a co-pilot on Barking Mad Airlines in Annaelise!  She can’t even decide where to stand for a conversation!  Arie is at his wit’s end, poor lad.  She’s anxious and frustrated – it's absolute music to men’s ears!  Credit to him for being as direct as he can be with her.  Longest 30 seconds of his life.  And ours.  ‘Gimme a hug first’ are the words these Bachelorettes never want to hear.

Jenna is a late breaker and fairly grabs Arie by the necktie as she latches on and even manages to give him a brief lap dance while wearing her dress.

RC holds few surprises except for the mystery of the missing strap on Becca’s gown.  The producers may be the only ones regretting Bibiana’s departure as they’ll lose long stretches of on-air angst-laden filler but suffice it to say they have already shortlisted her for the cast of Bachelor In Paradise where she can emote without boundaries.  It’s always a bit curious when current or former NFL cheerleaders remain unattached but having known some of them their quotient of emotional instability is surprisingly high.

The travel budget has definitely been sweetened as a trip to Tahoe awaits.  Krystal continues to make enemies.  Bekah’s age is revealed – given their steamy (pun!) hot tub encounter it may be an non-issue.  Arie kisses everyone but the cameraman.  And more ‘Ohmygods!’ – is it another early exit?

Speaking of exits, there hasn’t been a more humiliating one than Annaelise and her aimless dog stories as the producers splice in footage of another canine baring its teeth.  Next week it will be the Bachelorettes’ turn as they snarl in unison at Krystal.

Edited by Rainsong
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Totally, @dleighg.  I've only been watching for a few seasons but I think I've got it all figured out.

- This competition requires you to hide everything about yourself - for example, I now know that I would have to remember to hide every single childhood trauma about myself, or like Annaliesse, they will mock you on TV for it complete with reenactment (even though I found it hilarious and I can't help but find Anna's "traumas" really tame and therefore funny)

- It requires you to COMPLETELY FAKE your personality - if you hate people mocking your ethnic name, or verbal abuse, you better cover it up and pretend you love it anyway - hence, Bekah the Faking it Expert pretending she loves the ORIGINAL GLOW (IT STARTED IN 1986.  BEKAH WAS LIKELY BORN IN 1996.)   and these girls faking that they love pro wrestling (maybe 2% of my female friends like pro wrestling) and drag racing until they get concussion

- It requires you to aggressively pounce on The Bachelor every time you see him and every time he's talking to someone else, and be ready to say some easy platitudes until he kisses you - and that's it - no more

I am sure that the Wine Date Lauren is a really nice person but she reminded me of Ben's Olivia - the nervous, way too wide smile that she was wearing all of the time - something about her personality was very plastic and unreal.  There was nothing calm or easy-going there.  I don't know.  Weird vibes.  I was surprised that Arie felt them too.  He seems to love fake women if they're Krystal or Bekah so I guess Lauren's mistake was not mixing it with over the top sexuality.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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If this were Teen Mom, Arie would be old enough to be Bekah’s father.  Ick.   Watching them kiss is fucking gross.  And she’s completely playing a role to boost her social media following.  I mean, she was 17 when Aries ass was mooning over Emily.   Double yuck.  

I agree, he always looks like he’s getting over the flu.  I want to punch him everytime he makes the bootee hug him.  Thank her, and let her go on her merry way.  

Hes just so average and not worth fighting over.  Ben Flapjack with better hygiene.  A retread from five years ago.  

I’d really like them to try a mid forties Bachelor with a strict age minimum for the women.  This vocal frysnd uptalking is fucking killing me.  

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FRED WILLARD at the dog show! That was an inside joke for fans of Best in Show, which is my favorite movie of all time. Too bad it fell pretty flat except for his doggie style joke. They must have cut out some of the stuff he said. But usually he comes up with all sorts of funny stuff on the fly.  For those of you who don't know he was the color commentator at the dog show on Best in Show and he said so many hilarious things about the dogs. The movie was all improvised. 

Well I think Bekka is too young and its gross watching them kiss. 

he Stockholm Syndrome just baffles me. They are all having feelings for him, but if you switched him out with let's say Ben Flajnik, they would all be madly in love with him too. It is sort of sickening to watch these women throwing themselves at a man. The whole premise is so wrong that I cannot believe I continue to watch...

And mushu I totally agree, the vocal fry and uptalk is unreal. My son, who is 25, claims he does not know any women who speak that way among his peers. He knows how much I hate it.


Also why was Becca sitting around in her bra?

Edited by calpurnia99
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Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Bibiana was a total puss with the GLOW lady. Her response to all the posturing and theatrics was to be so personally offended, instead of either laughing or going along with it. Think how a person with a sense of humor could have responded to the situation.

GLOW woman: "Did your mother know how to spell when she chose 'Bibiana?'"

Bibiana: "It's [insert ethnicity here], YOU RACIST!"

(someone gets fake body-slammed)

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26 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

And mushu I totally agree, the vocal fry and uptalk is unreal. My son, who is 25, claims he does not know any women who speak that way among his peers. He knows how much I hate it.

Sorry to Kardashian fans but I really feel like KK's impact has changed a lot of women (not all, I hate generalizations about generations, so I'm glad your son spoke up for them) but this includes

- way of talking (vocal fry, uptalk, "Like", "I can't", "LITERALLY" when it makes no sense, etc.)
- plastic surgery
- huge concentration on makeup/false lashes/contouring

I'm not saying KK invented these things, but I think she and her show went a long way in making these things popular amongst a particular group of women.

24 minutes ago, dleighg said:

so on Lauren's date does Ari push a button under the table to summon the limo?

Anyone know what the music that was playing during her exit?

Was it beautiful classical sounding music?  I noticed that too.  Maybe I'll tweet at CH and ask him.

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1 hour ago, sadie said:

Seems to me maybe the girl he wants to kiss, who turns him down, might just win. Emily was skillful at the hard to get thing and Arie strikes me as kind of dumb and the guy that always wants what he can’t have.

Bekah seems to know this. Though she is kissing him with the rest of them, she was smart enough to play the "I don't need you" card. Girl is in this to win this!

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I know it goes without saying that I would suck at being a contestant, but I really hate the thing where the Bachelor puts the girls into an incredibly uncomfortable situation, and then says "I just want someone who can go with the flow and have fun in any situation".

I really wanted one of the girls to say she wasn't going to participate because bullying and violence were not her thing. I would have drawn the line at this date. Violence is not my thing and I find violence as entertainment...I just don't get it. Top that with the bullying those two GLOW ladies were doing to the girls and that was the single most uncomfortable Bach date ever for me.

And if he tried to pressure me into competing I would have walked off the show. I do not want to marry a man who bullies me into doing things I don't want to do. I get that production probably makes him do it, but still, he goes along with it.

31 minutes ago, dleighg said:

so on Lauren's date does Ari push a button under the table to summon the limo?

Haha, I will now forever picture the Bach with a panic button in his pocket.

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2 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I really wanted one of the girls to say she wasn't going to participate because bullying and violence were not her thing. I would have drawn the line at this date. Violence is not my thing and I find violence as entertainment...I just don't get it. Top that with the bullying those two GLOW ladies were doing to the girls and that was the single most uncomfortable Bach date ever for me.

And if he tried to pressure me into competing I would have walked off the show. I do not want to marry a man who bullies me into doing things I don't want to do. I get that production probably makes him do it, but still, he goes along with it.

Haha, I will now forever picture the Bach with a panic button in his pocket.

GLOW is about 100 years ago.  It’s not relevant to anyone but wrestling fans. 

Its pathetic watching these women allow themselves to be humiliated.  You have to fight for Arie!  Pffft.  The minute I have to fight for a guy is the minute I dump his ass.  No matter how far we come with the gender binary, a heterosexual male is going to instinctively pursue.  Even the ugliest guy doesn’t know how to behave when he’s being aggressively pursued and defaults to the old familiarity breeding contempt attitude.  Of course there should be enough give and take that you don’t become constantly on Bekah, or sad sack Bibiana.  

Have some self respect.  Even on this shit show.  If you can’t win a guy because you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself, he ain’t worth having.  Ladies, never jump through hoops for a man.  Even that guy on the LensCrafters commercial.  

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7 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

The minute I have to fight for a guy is the minute I dump his ass.

AMEN! If you have to fight for him, he's really not that interested. If you have to work that hard to get his attention, move on. The trouble with this show is they brainwash these women into thinking Arie is the only available male left on the planet. Was it Bibi, on her exit, who acted like since she didn't "win" Arie she will now die old and alone? I mean, there are actually other men in the world. Hell, there are even BETTER men in the world. Arie's okay. I'd talk to him if we met at a bar, but if he started chatting up another girl I wouldn't go interrupt. I'd start eying the cute bartender. But if these girls (I just can't call them women because they don't behave like adults) don't act like insecure, wedding hungry nutjobs we really wouldn't have a show would we.

I would like to think, if I went on this show, I would fall into the Becca category. Seems like a smart, mature woman, has a nice connection with the bachelor, but is a bit boring to watch. I'd much rather be a bit boring than be one of the monkeys performing at the zoo.

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14 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

GLOW is about 100 years ago.  It’s not relevant to anyone but wrestling fans. 

I think they did this date because of the new Netflix series GLOW, which is based on the old series. So it isn't totally out of left field, but I'm surprised they didn't do the whole "watch GLOW on Netflix!" product placement.

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9 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

Please people. It’s not “kissing”.   It’s “face devouring”.  GROSS

Arie is the Brandon Walsh of The Bachelor. And people wonder why, 30 years later, I'm still a Dylan girl. Dylan never looked like he was trying to swallow a woman's jaw. Arie should watch reruns and take tips from the right guy.

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44 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Bibiana was a total puss with the GLOW lady. Her response to all the posturing and theatrics was to be so personally offended, instead of either laughing or going along with it. Think how a person with a sense of humor could have responded to the situation.

GLOW woman: "Did your mother know how to spell when she chose 'Bibiana?'"

Bibiana: "It's [insert ethnicity here], YOU RACIST!"

(someone gets fake body-slammed)

I don't know. I take Bibiana's and Tia's side on this. These girls didn't ask to go wrestling, they're probably feeling uncomfortable (hence the NERVOUS laughter that the wrestler mistook for not taking it seriously). Rather than put the girls at ease and promote the activity as fun, they decided to intimidate and insult the girls. It's a difficult situation. If I was Arie and in that situation I probably would have stepped in and ask them to apologize or leave. The girls weren't auditioning for a job wrestling, they were trying to have fun on a group date. The wrestlers took things too far. 

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1 minute ago, Stan39 said:

If I was Arie and in that situation I probably would have stepped in and ask them to apologize or leave.

He really missed his opportunity there. He would have had these girls eating out of the palm of his hand, more than they already are. Could you imagine. "OMG Arie is sooooo chivalrous! Arie is a real man, he doesn't want to see us made uncomfortable. Arie will defend his woman!" They'd all be dropping their drawers after that.

That date was just so wrong to me. The girls clearly weren't instructed on what was going to happen so they didn't know how seriously to take it. I would have been laughing nervously until I saw how seriously we were supposed to take it, then I would have left.

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I'm finding Arie to be very dull. I was a Peter fan, and I know people don't like him because of the dreaded wrong reasons, but he would have been a better choice here, IMO. Since Arie makes out with everything in sight, his refusal to kiss Annaliese and saying 'we are not there yet' seemed doubly insulting. I felt such second-hand embarrassment watching her approach him for the second time. There are a few normal seeming girls like Becca, but most of them have that giggly, fake thing going on which either makes me feel a hundred years old, or just happy I didn't have to be like that in my twenties.

Still can't stand Bekah and her sex kitten persona-"You want me because I don't need you"-Ok, Mae West. Arie doesn't seem really interested in any of these woman, he just likes to kiss a lot.  Also happy to see Bibiana get the boot-why didn't she just pull him aside and talk to him? I have to wonder if the whole couch thing and telescope was a set up by the producers and she was asked not to approach him-she seemed pretty broken up though. The group dates were awful. I would have zero interest in wrestling and would not want to do anything that could cause me to get hurt. And the dogs were cute but did little kids actually have to sit around and watch the dogs do zero tricks? Obviously these women could not know who to make the dogs perform after a ten minute lesson.

I liked Krystal at first, but her lecturing the other women, her masculine features and her constant baby talk around Arie has put her to the bottom of my list. So there seems to be three groups of women: Group one: Arie finds them attractive and he will kiss them any chance he gets. Group two: Arie has no interest in them, but will give them a rose for an episode or two as long as they stay in the background and don't expect anything. Group three: women who are in group two but don't know it. 

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50 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Bekah seems to know this. Though she is kissing him with the rest of them, she was smart enough to play the "I don't need you" card. Girl is in this to win this!

There are some that don't like her, but I think she's outstanding.  Hoping she might someday be the Bachelorette, maybe in a few years.  But she is definitely a different candidate.

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This is why it bugs so much when these girls get kicked off and go thru this “I’m devastated” thing. It would be the equivalent of going into a bar on Friday night. There’s a cute guy there, he catches your eye and you spend 15 minutes  talking. He kisses you. Swoon. He excuses himself to go the the bathroom and when he comes back out you see him working his way around the bar doing the same thing with 10other girls. BUT you’re a hopeful soul, and you keep thinking he’s gonna come back. Surely our connection was the best and once he gets thru these other girls he’ll realize it too. The lights come up at 2a and you catch him walking out with another girl and YOU ARE CRUSHED. You may never love again or find love again. You cry hysterically about how unfair it all was, YOU were in the bar for the right reasons, you know you felt the connection, oh my god what went wrong. You’ll never  Love again (even though your all of 25years old). Sob cry sob. Sob cry sob. 

Saddest story ever. 

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53 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

The girls weren't auditioning for a job wrestling, they were trying to have fun on a group date

These ladies are all "auditioning" to be future Instagram product promoters. I don't feel bad for any of them.

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16 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Ok, is anyone liking this season? I just can't get into it. I was hoping that it was just because I hadn't yet had time in the 1st 2 episodes, but there's just no denying it's rubbish. Why do they come up with these stupid pugilistic group dates every season? Last week's derby was ok, this was just uncomfortable. The dog show was ok. Omg, Annalise has too much traumatic baggage, geez! Again wtg production on her trauma reenactment, whoever came up with that deserves a raise for the only interesting thing so far. The only person I seem to still have a positive opinion of is Becca. 

I think the problem is that the "fake" women, the villains and quirky ones the producers plant to stir up drama in the beginning (Krystal, Chelsea, and Jenna) aren't compelling enough and they haven't gotten to the point in the season where the real interesting women develop. Chelsea is really becoming a plain Jane and Krystal is just annoying. I'm much more interested in seeing Marikh, Sienne, Jacqueline, Caroline, Maquel, and some of the other women, but they all seem too calm and normal at this point. 


Unless he really is interested in Bekah, which would be a drag for the season. 

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I'm not a fan of violence, but that "wrestling" was as choreographed as ballroom dancing. They weren't actually fighting, they were performing a routine. Most of them did pretty well, though I'm not sure what happened with the two who looked like they might start making out at any moment.

The women we saw onstage with the dogs seemed so uncomfortable and helpless with the animals, as if they hadn't forged any bond with them ahead of time, or even charged them up with treats.

I DIED at the final re-enactment. Those vicious huskies! Annaliese is...not an ugly, but maybe a crazy or cartoon crier, with the wild contortions her face goes through during her struggle for control. Finest display was at the demolition derby when she saw the fire extinguishers.

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Sorry to Kardashian fans but I really feel like KK's impact has changed a lot of women (not all, I hate generalizations about generations, so I'm glad your son spoke up for them) but this includes

- way of talking (vocal fry, uptalk, "Like", "I can't", "LITERALLY" when it makes no sense, etc.)
- plastic surgery
- huge concentration on makeup/false lashes/contouring

I'm not saying KK invented these things, but I think she and her show went a long way in making these things popular amongst a particular group of women.

Was it beautiful classical sounding music?  I noticed that too.  Maybe I'll tweet at CH and ask him.

I believe it was "Clair de Lune" by Debussy.

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3 hours ago, Shades of Scarlet said:

I didn't understand the winery date at all.  Lauren S. was down-to-Earth, very nice, and IMO anyway, really attractive, far more so than some of those still hanging around.  

She was boring and rambling on in an almost manic state.  She reminded me of a Miss America contestant trying to fit in every cliche she could think of to win.   “I have an amazing family!”  “ My mom is my best friend,”. “I see myself as a real go-getter!”  “I love kids!”

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7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

"I was inside my head" must be the new, "I didn't open up" face saving phrase to keep women from having to admit that they either weren't pretty enough or talked too much.  Why would  Lauren think Arie wanted to hear about every one of her family members on the first date?

For some reason this sparked in me a remembrance of Pee Wee Herman at the Alamo talk where he just wants to skip forward to the 'basement part' but is stuck on the tour from hell in which the woman says "There are thousands and thousands of uses for corn, all of which I will tell you about right now *huge permasmile*" PW is just rolling his eyes. Arie was just praying for this one to be over!

2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

Haha, I will now forever picture the Bach with a panic button in his pocket.

They should take a key from The Amazing Race and the Bach could have an 'instant limo ride' at the drop of a sentence, like he could say something like 'My it's cold in here. Are you cold?' and behind the scenes people would snap into action and get the Bach out of there. If they didn't move fast enough you'd hear the Bach get annoyed and say directly into the camera 'It's COLD IN HERE for crissakes!!!" as he runs off the set.

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YES to the wrestling being completely choreographed. We saw a few minutes of what possibly took hours if not an entire day to rehearse and perform. As for the two women who started crying when the GLOW ladies berated them, way to be victims. Plus it was all fakety fake from the GLOW ladies anyway. "Victims" need to stand up to the bullies, not run away and hide and cry. Great rejoinders: "What does an ancient fat lady like you know about names?" "My great gramma is younger than you are." "My great GREAT gramma could whip your fat ass." "Did you get that outfit in the dumpster behind Goodwill?" Stuff like that. The GLOW ladies would have loved it. BIG FAIL for those two crybaby b-ettes.

It was great to see Kenny again, but what's up with everyone EXCEPT Arie in a costume? Arie's wearing his junior-high jeans and shirt and some freaking tennis shoes? At least CH was in a suit, so he could be TV Host Wrestler. BIG FAIL on Arie's part. Maybe he doesn't want to show us his bird legs and skinny chest? (Kenny looked fine, BTW.) I also loved Lunch Lady’s costume and abilities with the lunch tray, whoever she was.

LOL at Arie eating his steak during the winery date. I knew right then she was going home. I would have asked for a doggie bag to go.

The dog date could have been my gold, I work with dogs professionally and have for decades. While I'm guessing it went on for a longer time, the short clips they showed were the best worse of the worst. Even Fred Willard (Best In Show! YES!) couldn't save that. Also interesting that none of the dogs like any of the b-ettes. That's telling.

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8 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

They should take a key from The Amazing Race and the Bach could have an 'instant limo ride' at the drop of a sentence, like he could say something like 'My it's cold in here. Are you cold?' and behind the scenes people would snap into action and get the Bach out of there. If they didn't move fast enough you'd hear the Bach get annoyed and say directly into the camera 'It's COLD IN HERE for crissakes!!!" as he runs off the set.

The Bachelor "Safe word" haha With some of the crazies they cast, this is not a bad idea at all. Maybe, instead of calling it a journey, once he calls it a voyage, the team bursts into action and evacs the loser out of there. I can see it now.

Arie: I just can't imagine going on this VOYAGE with anyone else.

Suddenly a swat team rappels down from the helicopter, grabs the girl who is clearly not rose ready and hoists her away. Before the chopper leaves, however, Chris H is slowly lowered down in a tux holding a martini glass like he's James Bond. He looks at the camera "Bibiana did not make the cut, who will Arie take out next? Stay tuned to find out." He kicks back the martini and is whisked away by the chopper leaving Arie alone to make out with the tiramisu.

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I don't mind Bekka being fake. After all, that's what Arie likes. (Remember Emily?) Although next week we get her BIG REVEAL: Her age. Yikes!

Too bad the trauma lady went home. We'll miss out on her next childhood horror, like having a snowman fall on her (Tahoe!) or something.

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1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

(Kenny looked fine, BTW.)

Best thing about that horrible wrestling date.

1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

Although next week we get her BIG REVEAL: Her age. Yikes!

I so very, very much want her to say she's 17.

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2 hours ago, iknow said:

Arie looked completely nauseous and hammered during his conversation with Annaliese. I thought he was going to vomit. I hope he tones down the drinking in future episodes. 

I cringed through the whole exchange, and then she went back! Yikes. It was painfully obvious he was not into her. I wonder if a producer made her go back. BTW, she looked a little like Emily Blunt to me. 

Arie should have just given her a quick peck instead of embarrassing her. Did he really kiss all the other women? Gosh, how humiliating for Annalise. 

I thought Krystal was cute on the first show. Now I can't stand her. 

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I may be in the minority here but I never liked Arie. Not even at all, not even during Emily's season. I always thought he was weird looking and boring.

Still weird looking with the grey hair and the penchant for way-too-young-for-him girls. Not ladies. Not women. GIRLS.

Ick. And no, he can't kiss. Never thought he could. He just got hyped by the "wall kiss." ONE good kiss does not a bandit make.

I have absolutely nothing good to say about this deadly dull and boring season, and for the powers that be to boost the show by humiliating the girls week after week is sickening.

Yo Arie...could you like...leave the ones who you dump their dignity at least and quit insisting on walking them out? It's lowering. You're not being the nice guy here. Let them go and play with the ones you kept.

Do I think he'll actually marry the one he picked (I've been spoiled by the way...ONLY way I can watch this show anymore)?


I don't think so. Can't give it a firm "NO," but really, I don't think he will.

I'm enjoying the snark and the recaps more than the actual show.

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16 hours ago, Meowwww said:

My theory on Annalise: She had horrible breath.  Every time she would talk, he would back up. Watch for it!  

I am really weird about bad breath so I know the signs lol. He wasn’t about to kiss that. 

I agree with this. Stinky breath!

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16 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

bibiana will never find love.  Poor thing has to fly back to Miami and compete with better looking women.  Poor sad sack. 

On a purely surface level, I found her very pretty.  She had makeup on, but it didn't seem spackled on--maybe I was just swayed by that.  And her hair was straightened, but it didn't look like it took a battle royale, so that, too, looked almost natural (or as natural as you're going to get on this show).  And her skin was pretty, although when she was eliminated it looked like there was a weird bulge on her forehead.


15 hours ago, chocolatine said:

For me it's the likes. I need to write an app that edits out all the filler likes from reality shows.

That would be a humanitarian gesture.


13 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I'm still a bit in shock though that we actually saw Arie EAT something on a 1 on 1. Has this ever happened?

I read somewhere not long ago that those dates are kind of in two segments, the eating and the talking.  I assumed he was shown eating to show he wasn't interested in what she was saying, but now that I think about it, I wonder if they just spliced that in.

And were they supposed to dance to those strings players?


29 minutes ago, sauce62 said:

I believe it was "Clair de Lune" by Debussy.

I was definitely "Clair de Lune" by Debussy.  I recognized it from when I took piano lessons, and the captions even said the name.

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