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S06.E05: Sex, Lies and Audiotape

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9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I've been trying to figure out Rob's money situation. Most of his acting roles have names like "guy", "waiter", "cop #2". His sister is supermodel Amber Valletta. I figure Rob is just living in one of her houses.


Holy frick, that's her??  That's Rob's sister???  I didn't see a single resemblance.  I know Amber through her modelling career and because 'Hitch' is one of my favourite movies.


Jax has absolutely no right to criticise anyone of anything.  You want to talk shit about Sheana because she's checking her Instagram?  So what?  It's like the time he was so proud of himself for never having thrown a drink on a girl's head.  Because that's so much worse than repeatedly cheating on every single girlfriend without protection or not having a conscience?  Hate how he always says 'relations' instead of sex, like he's some conservative gentleman.  You belong in prison, Jason Cauchie.  Bitch, you have no redeeming qualities.  NONE.  Remember how revolting he looked in the first episode of season 4?  It's like some of the shit from the inside is reflecting on the outside.


Sheana is insufferable.  She will never love anyone more than she loves herself.  Stop throwing your husband under the bus.  The addiction thing was difficult but constantly shouting "I don't understand it (Shay's addiction)!!!" and not even trying to understand her husband was so frustrating.  So, you only understand something if you yourself have gone through it.  Way to be supportive and empathetic, you trash!  Back when she was talking to Ariana about her marriage and said "Have I not been an attentive wife? Have I not been paying attention to signs? Have I been ignoring things because I'm happy and not knowing that he's not?" -  YES, Sheana, YES to ALL of those questions!!! She will always be moving from one man to another in a 'monkey-branch' way.  She just want to be married to someone who has a mansion in Beverly Hills or Brentwood or Park Avenue or something.


I knew a guy who always always always said "I don't remember" every time he didn't want to take responsibility for the shit he had done, which was all the time.  Having to put up with that bullshit from your own husband regarding his infidelity would be incredibly infuriating.


I don't know if Ariana's problem is a physical thing like vulvodynia or psychological because of her past bad relationship.


It's almost laughable to think that the person I would choose to hang out with from the cast is probably Stassi!  That's how horrible these people are! 


Brittany, either cut him loose or shut up.  Enough with your eff him eff you eff your shit, etc.  They're just words and you have no follow through.  Just saying that you're going to do something does not make you a strong woman. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Ariana tweeted this:  I see a lot of questions about not hearing the recording in tonight’s #pumprules. Playing it would be a huge legal issue. Just take my word for it: it was heartbreaking.

I may be an idiot, but what was on the tape that would present a legal issue? I just feel confused by this. This show has no boundaries, none. From what was said, Jax was just trash talking Brittany to Faith. Saying he wasn't going to marry her. Why does this become a legal issue? Is it because Faith didn't tell Jax she was recording him? Is that not allowed in CA? (I genuinely don't know. Just trying to get a better grasp on the situation.)

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Here is my baseless speculation about Ariana.  She realized her too cool for school persona was wearing thin and had to change it up to stay relevant because, well, fame and money are the devil.

And like all the best conjecture this is based on not one shred of fact or concrete information.

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I may be an idiot, but what was on the tape that would present a legal issue? I just feel confused by this. This show has no boundaries, none. From what was said, Jax was just trash talking Brittany to Faith. Saying he wasn't going to marry her. Why does this become a legal issue? Is it because Faith didn't tell Jax she was recording him? Is that not allowed in CA? (I genuinely don't know. Just trying to get a better grasp on the situation.)

California is a two party consent state: "California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632."

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9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Sheana's ex Rob called into WWHL (aftershow) and disputed Scheana's claim he doesn't like to kiss.  Schana's squirm was real.   She looked very angry.  http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live-with-andy-cohen/season-15/episode-2/videos/after-show-scheanas-ex-calls-in  85% of the audience voted  Rob cheated.  Probably the stupidest defense ever was he doesn't like to kiss.  Scheana attachs herself to men like a barnacle.  The guy looked like he wanted to light himself on fire when Scheana mentioned not being able to marry until July.  

More insight from Jax on Scheana about her constant need to post selfies.  Good grief her Instagram confirms what Jax was saying.  What an incredibly insipid woman.  I do admire her for her weight loss and toning but my guess is the reason she doesn't kiss is she is afraid of messing up her make-up and not being selfie ready.

I think Schwartz probably prefers having the group there in the event Katie goes ballistic.  He was wrong, and I do find it humorous LVP is concerned about him passing out and leaving the cash drawer open.  Does anyone really believe Schwartz will ever work a shift at Tom Tom's?

Next week Sandoval loses it with Ariana-does anyone know if they are still together?  

Yup, Schemer is a user.  It's easy to forget the reason she married Shay -- cuz she thought he could produce her into a singing career.  But that was impossible since she is talentless & can't sing.  She ignored his other obvious & severe probs, such as being penniless & a drunk & a junkie.  It was only when she finally realized he couldn't give her a singing career, she threw him away so coldly.

So what did she want outta Rob?  Some desperate connection to fame & Hollywood dough?  Didn't work out too well for her last time she tried this with Eddie.  Maybe she needs to get some advice from Lala.  But she should get some Chapstick first if she follows Lala's advice.  Lala needs Chapstick badly.

That giganto pic of Schemer in her own bedroom screams volumes about who Schemer is.

Wow, Schwartz is stumbling around this season in such a drunken & confused haze.  He always looks like a mess.  He's reminding me of Shep -- in a gross homeless-man never-showers sorta way.  Ew.

And just why would Sandoval be in a long-term relationship with a woman he NEVER has sex with?  I'm still sticking with my hunch that he & Ari are both gay -- not bi, gay.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

How many times do we have to hear Brittney scream "You're a piece a shit, Get out" ! Meanwhile, Jax goes nowhere. 

Katie/Tom and Brittney/Jax's dogs are so adorable. They deserve better. 

Don't forget the patented line "Rot in Hell!"

Lather, rinse, repeat

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Ariana’s revelation about that abusive voice becoming a monster in her head was brave imo - something that could be responsibly explored in therapy on a more serious show, which might be helpful to others.

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1 minute ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Could it be any clearer that end game is Tom with Tom?

I thought the same thing - they looked pretty cozy together on the sofa during the screaming match.

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I used to use the "I need to make a cocktail " excuse to get away from annoying people at parties.


I'm using this from now on too.

I plan to use it in public, during the day. And at work.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Was Scheana wearing glitter on her chest on WWHL?

What was it Jax said about Scheana? She would only notice that Rob had arrived at the housewarming party if she happened to notice him in the background in one of her selfies? That was pretty funny. 

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11 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Was Scheana wearing glitter on her chest on WWHL?

What was it Jax said about Scheana? She would only notice that Rob had arrived at the housewarming party if she happened to notice him in the background in one of her selfies? That was pretty funny. 

Not sure about the glitter, but she sure was uncomfortable having SC post pics of her bad side with each wrong answer - Andy showing his mean side!

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How is it possible that Schwartz has become my least favorite member of the cast?  I mean they are all different levels of awful, but he is currently the worst, perhaps just because he's fallen so far my in eyes.

Edited by Wicked
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26 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Was Scheana wearing glitter on her chest on WWHL?

What was it Jax said about Scheana? She would only notice that Rob had arrived at the housewarming party if she happened to notice him in the background in one of her selfies? That was pretty funny. 

Sounds like I need to watch WWHL! 

I cannot stand Andy, but I will watch for the Sheana torture.

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What was LaLa's comment? "I'll never understand men with good homes and families who go out and put their dicks in every Tom, Dick, and Harry"? Why doesn't she just ask her boyfriend?

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45 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Sounds like I need to watch WWHL! 

I cannot stand Andy, but I will watch for the Sheana torture.

I feel like the word "seething" is applicable to descrbe Schaena's demeanor last night.

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3 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

What was LaLa's comment? "I'll never understand men with good homes and families who go out and put their dicks in every Tom, Dick, and Harry"? Why doesn't she just ask her boyfriend?

Also, she celebrated her “man hands” and her ugly feet - but what was it she said her “little puss” was good for?

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3 hours ago, Crumpet said:

California is a two party consent state: "California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632."

Okay, thank you! Makes more sense now. 


2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I plan to use it in public, during the day. And at work.

I'm planning to use "I need to make a cocktail" when one of my kids is droning on for the 50th time about Minecraft. 


7 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

What was LaLa's comment? "I'll never understand men with good homes and families who go out and put their dicks in every Tom, Dick, and Harry"? Why doesn't she just ask her boyfriend?


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Well, if the “ Macting” doesn’t work out for them, perhaps Sandoval , Schwartz, and Jax could delve into the art business! Actually I thought all three of the paintings were decent. 

Scheana has become the cast member I love to hate. 

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I often forget but watching the guys messing around at the paint show and listening to their conversations, it was one of those moments where my brain reminded me that these guys are in their 30s and that's how they behave. It's amazing that any of them can be in long-term relationships. These girls are charmed by their boyish behaviour because they probably find it amusing and endearing but their level of immaturity also extends to their behaviour and excuses...it's why they have to put up with cheating boyfriends and boyfriends are supposedly making out with other women but go out and get so drunk that they can't remember a damn thing. Maybe their new bank account numbers make it all worth it for them but there is no denying or escaping the fact that they suck at being adults. 

Katie has been the most mature person this season and I do think that Katie was spot on about Scheana's intentions when talking to Lala. You can even see the look of glee on Scheana's face when she received the juicy gossip about Schwartz. Scheana also grated my nerves when she was taking low down digs at Shay. Does she think she's making herself look good by placing more value on Rob based purely on superficial things that he has? And already calculating the earliest the two of you can get married? Get a hold of yourself woman. She's totally sounding like a cash grab woman. 

I'm over Brittany's outbursts. She can exhibit some good sense and walk away but yet she stays because she wants to be the woman that changes a man like Jax. You can be mad about his stupidity, but I don't really give a shit or feel sorry for you anymore when you put yourself in a situation to be constantly disappointed. Jax is practically bragging about the positive effects that his cheating has had. He doesn't mind all of the 'hate sex'. Worse than not making Jax accountable for his behaviour is that Brittany is rewarding him for it. Its' only going to give him more confidence that he can continue to do what he wants and when he gets caught, he can talk himself into getting another chance and benefit from amazing hate sex round the clock in the process.

Schwartz is showing himself to be a real idiot. Is Jax really calling out disrespectful behaviour? Shup up, manchild...that's real rich coming from you. 

As much as Jax is a pig, Faith is pretty damn disgusting too. Bragging about having sex next to a sleeping elderly woman that you're supposed to be taking care....recording a guy after sexing him up when you know well and good that you're sleeping with a man who has a girlfriend...just all around disgusting behaviour by those two.

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I've always been a Scheana fan.  I have no explanation for it, I just have always liked her.  However, after this episode, it's really really hard to still think well of her.  It was all just a bad look - clearly wanted to get married to Rob again right away, trashing Shay (while I'm sure it wasn't great being married to an addict, he wasn't solely responsible for the demise of their marriage), it was all not great.

Taking what Ariana said at face value, that's not only something she needs to talk about with Tom, but also something she probably should get some therapy about.  That's a serious issue and not something that just goes away on its own.

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Something about Jax and Brittney doesn’t seem legit. Every time Jax talks about her he says “ I love her to death”. I take that as he loves her but is not IN love with her. 

Regarding the audio of Jax and Faith~ it seems they won’t be playing it on the show~ BOO!! I did read that Jax told Faith that he and Brittany were having very little sex and there was not much attraction between them. He claimed the spark was gone in the relationship. He allegedly said he would not be marrying Britt.  A threesome was proposed by Jax. Haha, maybe he talked Faith into a little pre-threesome audition.....

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Sounds like I need to watch WWHL! 

I cannot stand Andy, but I will watch for the Sheana torture.

You can use zoeysmom's link from 12 hours ago to watch the part when Rob calls in. 

Rob says it's really difficult to date a cast member when the rest of the cast is there as a group. He said when Scheana and he spent time just with one other cast member, it was fine. 

I was very surprised that R said that he and she have been best friends for many years. 

The other guest asked S if she would quit the show so that S&R could date. I think S said that R doesn't want her to quit the show. 

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Taking the "Big D" like a champ. 

omg - I was multitasking and hoped she hadn’t said something like that - wonder if her mum passed that down too!

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Yeah Schwartz kind of used to be funny but now it is getting really annoying that he’s allowed to use “drunken behavior” as an excuse. 

Also glad katie seems melllowed out this season and I don’t think she said anything mean in regards to Lala but Schena mean girled our to Lala and then tried to act like she was doing it out of friend code. God Schena sucks. 

I don’t know what to feel about Arinia. She probably does have real issues from a past boyfriend but I also think her and Tom are sort of failing as far as their relationship but I think they have this thing where the started this relationship on  a storyline where they sort of cheated and had an attraction to each other while Tom had a girlfriend (Kristen who yes did something even more awful with Jax but regardless of what I’m trying to say here) and do they feel this need to be a strong drama free couple.

It also doesn’t help that’s ariana was shown on the show to be the Anti Kristen. Even if she allowed that to happen herself, it’s a long role to sustain throughout a show before you crack.

I think this is why Stassi left the show for almost half a season. She was trying really hard once she started  dating Patrick to have a grown up more mature above it all life and it was probably real hard to sustain that, even for a short time. 

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Anyone else notice the guy bringing LVP the Rolls?  Hot!

OK, so Stass shows up when LVP is getting her Rolls.  Um, why?  Man, looks like producers are trying awfully hard to fit Stassi & Kristen into their script.  

This is the season for Stass?  Trying to be LVP's party planner & constantly whining & wailing over ghost douchebag Patrick?  Really, show?  Zzzzzzz.

Aw, remember when Kristen was throwing hissy fits & getting loaded on SUR booze (and NEVER without a ciggie-butt) in the alley behind SUR?  Sniff, I miss Cigarette Sally.  Bring her back, scriptwriters -- um, I mean, producers.  This Kristen is a snooze.

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16 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I didn’t realize how much I loved chain smoking alley resident Kristen until she was gone!

I was looking for cigarettes during Kristen's scenes. Nada.  Her and her boyfriend actually look happy and the more sane ones of the group these days.

8 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Jax probably said he’d sue if they played it.

Maybe an attorney can weigh in, but I think it's illegal to record someone without their permission.  If this is true, and the recording aired, seems Jax would have a really good case against the show.

7 hours ago, nexxie said:

Ariana’s revelation about that abusive voice becoming a monster in her head was brave imo - something that could be responsibly explored in therapy on a more serious show, which might be helpful to others.

Agree with this.  I sort of relate agree that a more serious show dealing with issues like this would be helpful.

Edited by Jextella
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Tom doesn't really love Katie or want to be with her. He finds their relationship comfortable because she doesn't really challenge him.  She yells at him (v. ineffectively) and he gets to act like a hurt puppy; this feeds his needs because he gets sympathy from others and she always looks like the bitch because he is "so nice."  She always compromises herself for him (all those times he went somewhere without her, to a place she was uninvited!; making her wait past her TV-announced deadline for a proposal! not sticking up for her with Jax when he treated her abominably ON TV!)  He takes passive aggression to new heights.  Schwartz has so many interactions with Sandoval that indicate he really truly cares about him, but you never see that sort of deep feeling from him to Katie.  I personally would rather date Jax because he would, for some brief duration, at least act as if he gave a shit about me.  Fortunately for me, I'm far too old for any of these fools.

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3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah Schwartz kind of used to be funny but now it is getting really annoying that he’s allowed to use “drunken behavior” as an excuse. 

Schwartz is reminding me of Shep on Southern Charm. Minus the trust fund. 


3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I don’t know what to feel about Arinia. She probably does have real issues from a past boyfriend but I also think her and Tom are sort of failing as far as their relationship but I think they have this thing where the started this relationship on  a storyline where they sort of cheated and had an attraction to each other while Tom had a girlfriend (Kristen who yes did something even more awful with Jax but regardless of what I’m trying to say here) and do they feel this need to be a strong drama free couple.

I don't know what to feel about Ariana either. I believe what she says about her past. But remember that fight they had when Tom was trying to take over her cocktail book? She called him a little effing bitch. That blew my hair back b/c it was so venomous and like how do you really feel girl? They do have some pressure to maintain as a couple, but in that crowd they can consider themselves a success story even if they go their separate ways. Her end game was never marriage anyway. It will be interesting to see it play out.

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2 minutes ago, Double A said:

Schwartz is reminding me of Shep on Southern Charm. Minus the trust fund. 


I don't know what to feel about Ariana either. I believe what she says about her past. But remember that fight they had when Tom was trying to take over her cocktail book? She called him a little effing bitch. That blew my hair back b/c it was so venomous and like how do you really feel girl? They do have some pressure to maintain as a couple, but in that crowd they can consider themselves a success story even if they go their separate ways. Her end game was never marriage anyway. It will be interesting to see it play out.

Yeah, she never wants to be married and Tom has said he does in the past. And lately he’s made some comments about how since being with her he has said that maybe he doesn’t need it. Eh. I don’t buy that. I think he still wants to. And the show for some reason always tries to make it like it may actually happen and again I side eye. Like pretty sure Ariana is dead set on never getting married which is fine.

I still feel like that couple feels like they need to stay together because they’re so much healthier than Tom and kristen ever were together. I feel like it may be the same for Katie and Tom Schwartz in a way; as it’s said about them, they are the only couple who have been together since the beginning, And they feel like they have to prove something too.

This may be the problem with this whole entire cast. Save for maybe Kristen now? I feel like at this point she doesn’t give a damn anymore and is clearly here for the paycheck.

Also maybe Lala? I go back and forth on her, sometimes it seems like she may be a cool girl who doesn’t care but when she starts talking about her boyfriend who she can’t name on tv(like I know Patrick would not be on the show for a while buT at least Stassi could say his name and who he was so we pull google) and I think she enjoyed/enjoys the air of mystery when people chatter and ask about it.

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There's no doubt in my mind that Sandoval is gay.  Thought it since season 1.  He thinks being in relationships with women gives him license to talk openly about sex, or lack thereof to attempt to appear like he's in a normal, straight relationship but he's unable to hide who he really is.  

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Not buying Ariana’s “story” about not having sex with Sandoval. I think she’s clearly crafted a “rational” explanation to use on national tv me a clearly set up scene with Lala but at the end of the day I think she is no longer sexually attracted to Sandoval. There is no doubt, anyone can feel insecure, even someone as stunningly gorgeous as her. However, it’s pretty clear that Ariana has gotten her glow-up over the past few seasons. The idea that she has become more sexually insecure now that she arguably looks the best she has ever looked (and has made a clear effort to do so) just doesn’t follow, especially since Tom  still is so into her. Either she no longer isn’t interested in sex with him or sex in general (i.e. depression)? I also think she really resents that “Tom Tom” is going to happen. 

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Scheana is becoming a parody of her narcissistic self. The whole "We can't get married until July" and "Well you're getting both (sex and dessert)" scene made me cringe. Rob could not get further away from her. Then let's not forget "He didn't cheat on me because he doesn't even LIKE to kiss!!" She is just embarrassing.

3 hours ago, ticklemepink said:

However, it’s pretty clear that Ariana has gotten her glow-up over the past few seasons. The idea that she has become more sexually insecure now that she arguably looks the best she has ever looked (and has made a clear effort to do so) just doesn’t follow, especially since Tom  still is so into her.

Really? To me she looks the same. I think it's because Kristen isn't pining for Tom anymore, he's no longer the coveted prize.

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12 hours ago, Double A said:

'I'm thankful for my man hands that give good hand jobs and my kitty cat that takes dick like a champ' - Lala's Motivational Moment. Now that's a super soul sunday tweet right there.

While I liked Lala this episode, and I like that she does body positive affirmations, I have to say that the her choice of words weirded me out a bit: she made sex sound like a job. I don't know if she meant to, but that's how it came across to me.

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29 minutes ago, Jel said:

I have to say that the her choice of words weirded me out a bit: she made sex sound like a job.

Samantha Jones on blowjobs:  You men have no idea what we’re dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don’t call it a job for nothing.

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If we’ve learned anything this season, the second you act smugly superior because your man doesn’t cheat—well, guess what? Your man’s cheating scandal is on blast next! So next up is Sandoval, but I almost think they’re telegraphing that one WAY too much with “justifiable cause” of Ariana not giving him any. So, i’m going to guess Lala’s man “cheating” on her...with his wife. I bet the ONLY reason Patrick agreed to be on is so he can cheat on Stassi! But, man, remember when ONE cheating scandal would carry the entire season (that is, EVERY single prior season)? Now we can’t even go one EPISODE with a new reveal or new scintillating details! It’s almost getting hard to keep track!

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I think Ariana is over Tom, and probably has been for awhile. It's not just the sex thing. She seems to prefer hanging with her friends to him 9 times out of 10. She couldn't even celebrate with him when he made things official with Lisa and Ken. Why? Because apparently she had important plans. i.e. sitting in Lala's closet and watching her pack. I think there was a lot of pressure to make their relationship into the greatest love story ever, because of the shady way they got together. They needed to justify their dishonesty and betrayal by proving to everyone that this was the real deal. I think Tom is still super into her (I am one who does not think he's gay), but she cooled on him awhile ago. 

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On 1/9/2018 at 9:38 AM, SarahPrtr said:

Holy frick, that's her??  That's Rob's sister???  I didn't see a single resemblance.  I know Amber through her modelling career and because 'Hitch' is one of my favourite movies.


Jax has absolutely no right to criticise anyone of anything.  You want to talk shit about Sheana because she's checking her Instagram?  So what?  It's like the time he was so proud of himself for never having thrown a drink on a girl's head.  Because that's so much worse than repeatedly cheating on every single girlfriend without protection or not having a conscience?  Hate how he always says 'relations' instead of sex, like he's some conservative gentleman.  You belong in prison, Jason Cauchie.  Bitch, you have no redeeming qualities.  NONE.  Remember how revolting he looked in the first episode of season 4?  It's like some of the shit from the inside is reflecting on the outside.


Sheana is insufferable.  She will never love anyone more than she loves herself.  Stop throwing your husband under the bus.  The addiction thing was difficult but constantly shouting "I don't understand it (Shay's addiction)!!!" and not even trying to understand her husband was so frustrating.  So, you only understand something if you yourself have gone through it.  Way to be supportive and empathetic, you trash!  Back when she was talking to Ariana about her marriage and said "Have I not been an attentive wife? Have I not been paying attention to signs? Have I been ignoring things because I'm happy and not knowing that he's not?" -  YES, Sheana, YES to ALL of those questions!!! She will always be moving from one man to another in a 'monkey-branch' way.  She just want to be married to someone who has a mansion in Beverly Hills or Brentwood or Park Avenue or something.


I knew a guy who always always always said "I don't remember" every time he didn't want to take responsibility for the shit he had done, which was all the time.  Having to put up with that bullshit from your own husband regarding his infidelity would be incredibly infuriating.


I don't know if Ariana's problem is a physical thing like vulvodynia or psychological because of her past bad relationship.


It's almost laughable to think that the person I would choose to hang out with from the cast is probably Stassi!  That's how horrible these people are! 


Brittany, either cut him loose or shut up.  Enough with your eff him eff you eff your shit, etc.  They're just words and you have no follow through.  Just saying that you're going to do something does not make you a strong woman. 

I was shocked to hear Ariana describe her issues intimacy. It is very serious.

This season has been very interesting to watch. Lisa is being very generous by offering ownership stakes in her new restaurant to the two Toms & bringing back Lala & James to work in her restaurants.

Lisa & Ken are doing their best to prevent the "kids" from making horrible mistakes.

I wonder if her son & daughter will appear anytime this year.? Didn't Max like faith a few years ago?

Jax is behaving like a scoundrel & Brittany should run away from him.

I like Stassi & Kristen this season.

Schwarz should be ashamed of himself.

On 1/9/2018 at 11:02 AM, bosawks said:

Here is my baseless speculation about Ariana.  She realized her too cool for school persona was wearing thin and had to change it up to stay relevant because, well, fame and money are the devil.

And like all the best conjecture this is based on not one shred of fact or concrete information.

Do you think she is making up her issues about not wanting to have sex with Sandoval?

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2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

If we’ve learned anything this season, the second you act smugly superior because your man doesn’t cheat—well, guess what? Your man’s cheating scandal is on blast next! So next up is Sandoval, but I almost think they’re telegraphing that one WAY too much with “justifiable cause” of Ariana not giving him any. So, i’m going to guess Lala’s man “cheating” on her...with his wife. I bet the ONLY reason Patrick agreed to be on is so he can cheat on Stassi! But, man, remember when ONE cheating scandal would carry the entire season (that is, EVERY single prior season)? Now we can’t even go one EPISODE with a new reveal or new scintillating details! It’s almost getting hard to keep track!

There are so many different plot lines this year. It's sad that no one is faithful except Ken.

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12 hours ago, Jets4274 said:

There's no doubt in my mind that Sandoval is gay.  Thought it since season 1.  He thinks being in relationships with women gives him license to talk openly about sex, or lack thereof to attempt to appear like he's in a normal, straight relationship but he's unable to hide who he really is.  

I find it bizarre how openly he talks about his sex life on camera. Is this a new policy on the show?

21 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Anyone else notice the guy bringing LVP the Rolls?  Hot!

OK, so Stass shows up when LVP is getting her Rolls.  Um, why?  Man, looks like producers are trying awfully hard to fit Stassi & Kristen into their script.  

This is the season for Stass?  Trying to be LVP's party planner & constantly whining & wailing over ghost douchebag Patrick?  Really, show?  Zzzzzzz.

Aw, remember when Kristen was throwing hissy fits & getting loaded on SUR booze (and NEVER without a ciggie-butt) in the alley behind SUR?  Sniff, I miss Cigarette Sally.  Bring her back, scriptwriters -- um, I mean, producers.  This Kristen is a snooze.

Has the show even mentioned if Kristen is working anywhere ?

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11 hours ago, ticklemepink said:

Not buying Ariana’s “story” about not having sex with Sandoval. I think she’s clearly crafted a “rational” explanation to use on national tv me a clearly set up scene with Lala but at the end of the day I think she is no longer sexually attracted to Sandoval. There is no doubt, anyone can feel insecure, even someone as stunningly gorgeous as her. However, it’s pretty clear that Ariana has gotten her glow-up over the past few seasons. The idea that she has become more sexually insecure now that she arguably looks the best she has ever looked (and has made a clear effort to do so) just doesn’t follow, especially since Tom  still is so into her. Either she no longer isn’t interested in sex with him or sex in general (i.e. depression)? I also think she really resents that “Tom Tom” is going to happen. 

SO MUCH this.  She is just not into him anymore.  

I can understand why - he is really needy, and kind of sappy.  I don't think she likes that.  Also - his voice.  I am sitting here cracking up, thinking about the Watch What Crappens guys imitating him.  "Duuuude!"  

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