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S02.E02: Chapter Two: Trick Or Treat Freak

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So, Billy (Max's brother) is an insane tool-bag, I see.  And it seems like both of them blame the other for having to move to Hawkins.  Hmm...

Damn, Steve and Nancy might already be over since Nancy got drunk and basically told him off and even basically admitted she doesn't love him.  Of course, the bigger issue seems to be that she feels guilt for Barbs' death, which isn't exactly accurate (I mean, it's not like any of them knew that a fucking creature from another world was hanging around ready to grab someone when they mope by the pool), but I can see why she would feel guilt over it, I guess.

Yep, Mike's issues seem to stem from Eleven, due to the way he was acting towards Max possibly joining the gang.  Granted, their could still be problems moving forward if Lucas and Dustin keep trying to fight over her (even though she doesn't seem impressed by either of them.)

Oh, Jim!  This is why you don't make promises like that!  It's hard being a parent!

Bob/Sean Astin is such a dork, but seems like a good fit for Joyce.  Which means I continue to worry that he's doomed or bad.

They certainly blew this episode's budget on the soundtrack, I think!  A lot of heavy-hitters for this one in particular.

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"I hope eet doesn't suck!" was such a dad joke, but I laughed anyway. Last episode I was kind of like "Really Joyce? This guy? I thought you would end up with Hop." But now I can see why Joyce likes him.

What a turnaround its been. I actually felt sorry for Steve. He was just trying to keep Nancy from getting alcohol poisoning!

I still don't understand how Hop knew to leave some food out in the middle of the woods for Eleven. And then she just happened to stumble across it? Did I miss something? (I'm guessing it'll be explained later?)

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Ugh, I knew Hopper was going to lose track of time. He should have started his day with getting the candy so it would have reminded him about El. She's all by herself everyday, no wonder she wanted to go trick or treating.

By the way, loved the subtle shout-out to ET. The "alien" dressing up as a ghost on Halloween. Very cute show.

I'm glad Will finally told someone about Upside Down. Mike was the perfect person to tell. I wonder if Will is just "seeing" Upside Down, or if he's actually visiting.

I'm surprised the bpys didnt say anything to Mad Max about running them down with the car. Seems kinda unlike them....

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Ugh, I knew Hopper was going to lose track of time. He should have started his day with getting the candy so it would have reminded him about El. She's all by herself everyday, no wonder she wanted to go trick or treating.

When he couldn't get it at first, I thought she snuck out, which is what most shows do at this point. It was nice to see that they didn't go with the usual and have her still be there. I was expecting she'd go out as a ghost and the boys(well at least Mike) see her from a distance. I was glad that they went with Will talking to Mike about what he is going through. He is perfect friend to really talk too. I'm think he is really seeing it and going at least mentally there. Its far worse then PTSD, which he has as well.

Edited by blueray
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I LOVE that the boys still trick-or-treat. And dress up for school. I definitely relate, because I was not as grown up as my peers all seemed in a rush to be and always seemed to "miss the memo" when kids stopped doing stuff. 

I like the new addition of Max to the group, but at the same time feel horrible for Mike. And El. I wish there was a way they could be in touch with each other. 


I'm glad they're showing us right away what happened to El after she destroyed the Demigorgon; I was worried they'd draw it out. So far I think the show is doing a good job of not fucking around too much. Although, there have been a few too many fake scares for my taste. But it's all in 80s fun!

Poor Steve. Never thought I'd say that. I think Nancy initially thought - settle down, date the safe boy, do good in school, life will get back to normal. But I think over time, her guilt has grown and grown and she can't take pretending things are normal any more. It probably not only bothers her that Steve doesn't seem to be faking, but I think after everything they went through, she just developed a stronger bond with Jonathan. 

Joyce is kind of doing the same thing with Sean Astin. 


Whatever that fucking thing is Will sees when he sees/visits the Upside Down, it's going to be ten times worse than the Demigorgon. 

I still continue to be impressed with the acting from the youth on this show. Hats off to the casting dept for finding these gems. They never come off cliche and unbelieaveable. Natalia Dyer REALLY sold being drunk at that party. 

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3 hours ago, SeanC said:

How did Jonathan get a plastered Nancy into her house without her parents noticing?

The Wheelers are living in complete oblivion. Just like the mom in ET, they went an entire season last year without noticing another living being (ET, El) was in their home. Nancy had both boys in her room at one point as well. I don't know if they just take sleeping pills and pass the fuck out, or what. 


3 hours ago, SnoGirl said:

By the way, loved the subtle shout-out to ET. The "alien" dressing up as a ghost on Halloween. Very cute show

It was cute. I also got strong Poltergeist vibes from El when she was using her powers to find Mike in front of the TV set. 


3 hours ago, SnoGirl said:

I'm surprised the bpys didnt say anything to Mad Max about running them down with the car. Seems kinda unlike them...

Maybe it was going so fast they couldn't tell who it was. 

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Maybe it was going so fast they couldn't tell who it was. 

They knew she was in the car they said "That was Mad Max" afterwards, but they obviously knew she wasn't the one driving.

I had so many feels seeing Eleven "visit" Mike without him being able to see her.

Edited by VCRTracking
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9 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

They knew she was in the car they said "That was Mad Max" afterwards, but they obviously knew she wasn't the one driving.

Oh okay, I missed that. Or forgot. So much to take in the first time! But yea, they were probably just so floored that she wanted to hang out, they let it go. 

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Man, a lot of feels in this episode.

Noah Schnapp is doing a really good job of playing a traumatised kid. That panic attack looked painfully real. And the monster that caused it looks terrifying!

Eleven realising she was a threat to Mike and his family was tough to watch. And then she decides to disappear, living wild until finding her way to Hopper. But he still can't quite get it right, and leaves her hanging on Halloween.

And shes trying to find some sort of connection with the world. She wants it to come through Mike, but can't reach him. Seeing her watch that movie, repeating the romantic lines? Man....

But Mike himself was being a little jerk in this episode. I get that he misses Eleven, but being an asshole to your friends doesn't help anyone. I'm glad he came through for Will, and was more like the old Mike by the end of the episode.

Poor Steve, realising that his idyllic fantasy is just that. That Nancy is also traumatised, and probably resents the hell out of him for trying to pretend everything is fine. Nancy wouldn't be happy with him, even if she didn't have feelings for Jonathan. Which she clearly does.

I like Max. I like the actress playing her, and I like that she dropped the tough girl act and decided to be friends with the boys. Her brother is a fucking psycho, though. Whatever he did in California, it's not good news for the town. Would he actually have run the boys down? I'd hope not, but I'm not sure. And neither was Max.

Also not good news? The Upside Down creature that Dustin found. But it was reminiscent of 80s movies like Gremlins and Batteries Not Included.

Small thing: how much did I love that Steve's asshole buddy from season one was dressed as a Cobra Kai goon at the party. 

Edited by Danny Franks
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The kids in their costumes were just super adorable. I love that they still Trick or Treat and dress up for school, thats more fun anyway. Those other kids are just jealous they dont have your confidence guys! 

Poor Will. The poor kid is clearly still a mess, both based around PTSD, and his forced connection to The Upside Down, and is just trying to get back to normal, but failing miserably. I wonder if one of the creatures has latched onto him and wants to use him to get into our world? 

I just want El and Mike to find each other again! They just miss each other so much. Mike was kind of a little ass to his friends, but he came through in the end. Also, El in her little ghost costume was absolutely adorable. 

Also, poor Steve. He might have been an asshole at the start of the first season, but I think he`s a good person, and became more of an asshole to be seen as "cool", and has now learned a lesson about being a better guy. He sounded so heartbroken when Nancy called him bullshit and basically told him she didn't love him. He has been trying so hard to go back to normal and be supportive, but Nancy is in a bad place, but isn't ready at all to move on. 

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16 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

So, Billy (Max's brother) is an insane tool-bag, I see.  And it seems like both of them blame the other for having to move to Hawkins.  Hmm...

Oh, Jim!  This is why you don't make promises like that!  It's hard being a parent!

The vibe I got was that Billy is an abusive tool, and that blaming Max is just part of the regular abuser's bag of tricks. 

Yes, Jim. Especially parents who are cops can't make those kinds of promises.

I'm liking Dustin's mom a lot. I also like how each of their houses are really distinctive, but yet more or less average houses (in style, not in median income - obviously there's a variance).

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Poor Will. The poor kid is clearly still a mess, both based around PTSD, and his forced connection to The Upside Down, and is just trying to get back to normal, but failing miserably. I wonder if one of the creatures has latched onto him and wants to use him to get into our world? 

I thought the (secretly evil) doctor was using the routine lab tests to keep him connected to the Upside Down--maybe so they can access the UD. Otherwise, since this is not the same government building, how are they accessing the UD and what are they trying to do there? 

ETA: I just read a recap at Vulture.com and it sounds like it is the same lab building. So I guess they can still access the UD there.

Edited by Paloma
new info from reading a recap
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It was a daytime soap opera, I think. All My Children, if I'm not mistaken.

That's what it was. :) I am so envious of the characters on this show. They get to pretend to live in a time that I loved. Of course, I only had to deal with the occasional heartache and acne break-out and bypassed all the scary Upside Down stuff.

Lucas shouldn't be so hard on Winston Zeddemore. Sure, he was the last to join "The Ghostbusters," but he also had one of the best lines in the whole movie: "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes!" (But if I were a middle school boy, I'd want to be Peter Venkman too.)

Millie Brown is such a magnetic actress. All the young actors on this show are wonderful, but she is exceptionally good. In the wrong hands, Eleven could be extremely dangerous. The way she projected that flaming squirrel at an innocent man was cold. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get some warm clothes.

I stopped after episode two tonight because I really want to savor this season. I watched it too quickly last year. I was worried that season 2 wouldn't be as good as the first, but I am impressed so far. Damn, I love this show.

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Good second episode.  I appreciate that they're filling in the blanks of what came next after last season ended even if we still don't know exactly how Eleven ended up with Hopper.  Millie Bobby Brown was wrecking me in those scenes of realizing that it wasn't over, that just by being there she was putting Mike and his family in danger.   Poor kid wants to do something normal like go out trick or treating and understanding that she still can't do that either.  Hopper clearly means well and is trying to do his best by her, but you have to wonder if he's thought at all what the longterm of this looks like if people are still looking for her.  I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't go for the predictably obvious route of having Eleven sneak out when Hopper was late to try to go see the other kids, although I hope they don't drag that reunion out too much longer.  Will and Mike were amazing in their confiding in each other.  The kids in this show are so great and terrifically acted to boot.

I have no idea where they're going with the fields of rotting produce, but I love how it started out with Hopper and all his deputies rolling their eyes at what they clearly thought was at worst some piddly spat between pumpkin sellers barely worth the time it would take to fill out a report and then quickly snowballed into something much bigger and much more disgusting.  The farmer's little kid was killing me.

Yes, kids, 1984 was a good year musically but this is also when hair band metal really began to explode.  Hence "Shout at the Devil" as teenagers are getting stupid drunk and puking in the yard.  The soundtrack throughout the entire episode had me rolling.  Steve may be able to fake it until you make it at being okay and he actually was trying to be the good guy there in slowing down Nancy's descent toward alcohol poisoning, but she still managed to hit that point of drunk where you just can't help but babble whatever you're thinking.  The Wheelers are consistently oblivious to who's coming and going out of their house, although I can't quite decide where Jonathon falls on the sweet/creepy divide the way he immediately zeroes in on Nancy and rescues her.

Max is so far proving a nice addition to the cast even if her brother is a guy you want to give a wide berth and there's clearly some back story there about what happened to cause a couple of California kids to have to move to Indiana.

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So many fun 80s movie references already!

Eleven using her powers to change the TV channel may be the most relatable kid thing I've ever seen.

It was horrible seeing El living in the woods eating squirrels, but I think it was even worse to think of her spending several months watching TV alone for 10 hours a day. I don't remember if she can read. Does she have any schoolbooks or educational games? Poor thing still can't tell time. Oh, Eleven.

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Bob making a reference to maybe moving to Maine. Hah!

Honestly, I hope Bob is the real deal because he's such a great guy for Joyce. He's good to her sons, treats Will like he's a regular kid, is a source of happiness for Joyce and he actually LISTENS to her when she talks about her fears.

I wonder if the camera Will had with him will reveal footage that he actually IS in the Upside Down when he has these episodes. I mean, why else have him take the camera if it's not going to capture something important?

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6 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

What was Nancy’s costume supposed to be.

Nancy was Rebecca de Mornay’s character Lana in Risky Business.  Steve was Tom Cruise in the same film.

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10 hours ago, mmecorday said:

Millie Brown is such a magnetic actress. All the young actors on this show are wonderful, but she is exceptionally good. In the wrong hands, Eleven could be extremely dangerous. The way she projected that flaming squirrel at an innocent man was cold. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get some warm clothes.

She absolutely is. The cast is probably the best cast of kids I've ever seen, but she does stand out. She's also a delight on talk shows - at least on Colbert's. 

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This was a really good second episode. I really liked the flashbacks of Eleven and the start of how she got to Hopper's house in the woods. Millie Bobby Brown really is a fantastic child actress. She's one of the best child actors I've seen in a long time. She just pops when she's on screen and she really holds her own against the more veteran actors, but she also helps elevate the other child actors, who are also good to begin with. I felt for her when she realized what she couldn't do, especially in terms of contacting Mike. Being trapped in a house for who knows how long doesn't seem like fun. I get Hopper wanting to protect her; there are still forces out there that he doesn't completely understand, and the last thing he wants to do is risk Eleven being found out and taken away. But, at the same time, Eleven only has Hopper to talk to, so when he's not around because he's working, I get that she feels lonely.

Either way, I think Hopper and Eleven need to start talking about what should happen next, because she can't just be cooped up in his house forever. 

Wow, Max's brother Billy is a dangerous asshole, isn't he? I didn't expect him to go this dark this quickly. He seemed like he was really going to run over Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, if Max had not turned the wheel. I do like that Dustin/Lucas brought her into the group, even though it seems like it's only because they have a crush on her. I want to see which boy she really bonds with first, because right now, she seems bemused by them and appreciates them befriending her, but nothing more. 

Poor Will. He's just not getting it easy. He's seeing things that he shouldn't be seeing, and he may be talking about it, but how can he fully explain what's going on to people who don't see what he does? I'm glad he confided in Mike. Both are the closest connected to the Upside Down for different reasons, so if anyone would believe him, it's Mike.

 That was a cold way to break up with someone, Nancy. But, at the same time, I get it. She is feeling immense guilt over Barb's death and she can't talk to her parents about it because anything she says about Barb's death would deem her crazy. And her getting drunk and then spouting to Steve about how she doesn't love him? Damn, I feel for the guy. But, with Nancy's feelings for Jonathan on top of her guilt, it's a wonder they made it this long without breaking up. 

I find that I only like Jonathan when he's with Will. I don't hate the guy, per say, but I'm not fond of his crush on Nancy and he doesn't really interact with anyone else. 

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Another great episode.  I liked the ET and 16 Candles references (TPed front yard at party).  My son asked "Who is Kenny Rodgers?"  and then I cringed when Islands in the Stream starting playing.  The music at the very end was from or very inspired by the music in Starman (also made in 1984).  I liked seeing Susan Lucci even though I didn't start watch AMC until 1988.  I wonder if that was the actual episode shown that day.

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For someone who introduced Will to Joy Division and The Clash last season, hard to believe Jonathon didn’t know the girl was dressed as Siouxsie Sioux. 


This has been the cranky old guy report. 

Edited by scottiB
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Still working through the episodes but just had to pop in to say wherever the hell Max's brother came from, they need to send him right back. She can stay. She's okay but dude is so ridiculously over the top it's just annoying. That's the only thing so far in the first two episodes losing me. He better be serving one hell of a purpose to the plot for us to have to put up with him or if not, I hope he dies a quick death when all the insane shit starts to go down.

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7 hours ago, fredfreddy44 said:

I liked seeing Susan Lucci even though I didn't start watch AMC until 1988.

I started watching in the mid 90s. Mark Consuelos is doing a great job recently on Riverdale as Veronica's shady dad. I love that El was imitating Erica Kane and "People are going to be aghast"!

Edited by VCRTracking
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On 10/27/2017 at 7:34 AM, Bec said:

I still don't understand how Hop knew to leave some food out in the middle of the woods for Eleven. And then she just happened to stumble across it? Did I miss something? (I'm guessing it'll be explained later?)

There was that huge search party looking for El after she went to Mike's house. Even if they didn't tell him what was going Hopper is probably smart enough to figure that maybe she was out there. He knew about the eggos, and maybe had a few different boxes. Once the eggos were missing it wouldn't be that much more difficult to actually find her.

On 10/27/2017 at 11:17 AM, SeanC said:

I honestly thought they were being weirdly collegial about trying in tandem to get her to join the group, considering that she can only date one of them.

I bought that. They are 13 year old boys with 0 experience with girls. The fact that there plan doesn't go beyond talking to her and getting her to hang out with them makes total sense.

On 10/27/2017 at 11:17 AM, SnoGirl said:

By the way, loved the subtle shout-out to ET. The "alien" dressing up as a ghost on Halloween. Very cute show.

Also she was a ghost and even though she can't talk to them her best friends in the whole world were Ghostbusters.

By the way anyone know what Hopper said in Morse code after late?

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On 10/27/2017 at 8:17 AM, SnoGirl said:

By the way, loved the subtle shout-out to ET. The "alien" dressing up as a ghost on Halloween. Very cute show.

And the Reese's Pieces mention.

Ah, Erica Kane, how I miss you.  As a lifelong AMC fan, I literally squealed when I saw her.

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9 hours ago, Kerri Okie said:

And the Reese's Pieces mention.

Loved that. Did you notice the doctor said something about "chocolate and peanut butter." I couldn't decide if it was just supposed to show he's a bit clueless, not really listening, or if it's another shout out. (the other option is that reeses pieces now include chocolate - I haven't eaten them in years, so I don't know.)

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On 10/27/2017 at 8:34 AM, Bec said:

I still don't understand how Hop knew to leave some food out in the middle of the woods for Eleven. And then she just happened to stumble across it? Did I miss something? (I'm guessing it'll be explained later?)

My assumption was that the hunter who saw Eleven in the woods and got KO'd via flying squirrel reported what he saw to the police (i.e., Hopper), and Hopper understood the significance of it.

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2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Loved that. Did you notice the doctor said something about "chocolate and peanut butter." I couldn't decide if it was just supposed to show he's a bit clueless, not really listening, or if it's another shout out. (the other option is that reeses pieces now include chocolate - I haven't eaten them in years, so I don't know.)

I caught it, but I was in the next room and only half listening and just assumed he was saying his favorite candy was peanut butter cups. But it could also be that he was either clueless, or the point was that he was not really listening to what Will was saying to a throwaway question, seeing as how he has his own ulterior motives in their interviews.  

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Did you all notice in the last episode that Joyce was sewing a Ghostbusters costume? When they all appeared together in costume this episode I kept wondering why Will’s looked like a different color. It’s because Joyce probably couldn’t afford to buy the costume. It was a nice touch. 

I also missed seeing Will on a bike with the other kids and kept wondering why, but it’s because Joyce drives him everywhere now. Another nice touch. 

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On 10/27/2017 at 2:34 PM, ghoulina said:

I still continue to be impressed with the acting from the youth on this show. Hats off to the casting dept for finding these gems. They never come off cliche and unbelieaveable. Natalia Dyer REALLY sold being drunk at that party. 

Agree. This is the show's greatest strength. They have great chemistry with each other as well.  Most of the narrative weight lies with this show's youth and they consistently deliver.

On 10/27/2017 at 2:54 PM, ghoulina said:

The Wheelers are living in complete oblivion.

They are clueless and its hilarious.

On 10/28/2017 at 6:39 PM, truthaboutluv said:

He better be serving one hell of a purpose to the plot for us to have to put up with him...

I agree that Billy is going to serve a purpose. These writers are adept at avoiding the stereotypes presented in other youth-driven stories. This show also tackles the long-lasting effects of trauma and loss. I'm sure there is more to Billy's story that being a dangerous, abusive jerk.

Let's not forget the young woman in Pittsburgh - #008. There are clearly others out there. Maybe Billy or Max is one?

Sean Astin is a welcome addition to a great cast. His sincere but dorky boyfriend seems to be wonderful for Joyce and the boys. And Jim Hopper is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters on TV. Yes, the situation with Eleven is not ideal and obviously cannot continue indefinitely. However, she needs protection and kindness and, right now, he is providing it.

Edited by Ellaria Sand
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I also really liked how Will has adopted "The Upside down" as the official name for the place he went, even though he wasn't really around when that name was invented.

And even though I mentioned something similar in the last episode thread about things lesser shows would do, I like how super drunk Nancy didn't try to kiss or make a move on Jonathan while he was taking her home. I don't know how many times I have seen other shows/movies pull that sort of thing.

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On 10/27/2017 at 11:17 AM, SeanC said:

How did Jonathan get a plastered Nancy into her house without her parents noticing?

I know! Half the lights in the house were on, although given what a lush Mrs Wheeler is, she may have been as drunk as Nancy by that time of night. 

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Man, if you had told me during S1 that I would feel bad for STEVE of all people, I would have called you a big fat liar! Watching him try to deal with Nancy drinking too much at the party, talking her out of telling Barb's parents the truth, and then finding out that his girlfriend isn't in love with him anymore - the poor guy had a terrible day.

Where the hell were Nancy and Mike's parents that Jonathan was able to carry her drunk ass in the front door and up to her bedroom without them noticing?

Hahaha, love that they followed up Bob's comment about how he likes Kenny Rogers in the previous episode with him playing Islands in the Stream in this one. Jonathan might not understand what Joyce sees in Bob, but I do - he's a nice guy. After everything she's been though, being with a guy who is kind, who listens to her, and is concerned about her feelings must be really comforting.

I'm glad that despite Mike's emo-ness, he was there for Will when he really needed him.

I loved that when Hopper came home late, he didn't open the door to the other room or force Eleven to come outside. There's something to be said for respecting someone else's privacy, even kids who had no privacy while they were being experimented on.

Joyce must be quite the seamstress AND adept at embroidery to make Will's costume and get the Ghostbusters logo to look identical.

Loved all the conversations the kids had - from why Lucas thought Winston sucked to Dustin loving nougat, those are things that kids talk about so I like that we get to see them be regular kids, not just kids screaming as they run from scary shit.

Heh, so did Dustin find a mogwai in his garbage can?

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My husband and I are only up to this episode.  He doesn't like to binge watch so I may have to sneak in some episodes.  We both feel like this season is moving slower than S1.  It's nice to see the cast again but there haven't been any real WTF! moments yet. 

Steve's hair is still very distracting.  Every time he's on screen I find myself staring at it instead of paying attention to whatever he's saying or doing. 

I'm curious about how Mad Max and her psycho brother will fit in with everything.  Is she another kid with psy abilities?

It's a bit hypocritical of Mike to get all pouty because the gang is paying special attention to Max when he expected them all to embrace Eleven last season just on his say-so.

Poor squirrel! 

Edited by rove4
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I love that they had them dress up like the ghostbusters. I remember seeing that when I was a kid, and we watched the video tape over and over, at my cousin's house. 

The end reminded me of ET. 

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On 10/29/2017 at 2:07 PM, EarlGreyTea said:

Did you all notice in the last episode that Joyce was sewing a Ghostbusters costume? When they all appeared together in costume this episode I kept wondering why Will’s looked like a different color. It’s because Joyce probably couldn’t afford to buy the costume. It was a nice touch. 

What a great catch. One thing I LOVE about this show is the way they depict "class struggles" not mattering to the kids at all. It's like the middle class and upper middle class kids don't even notice that Will doesn't have the same "status". Very true to how I remember that age being. If you had something in common with another kid, you were friends. Period. The rest didn't matter. Kudos to the parents for not being tools about it either. That's not always the case. The Wheelers may have their faults, but they don't seem to be snobs or treat Mike's friends badly.

I am enjoying the hell out of S2 so far. El is so adorable, she's being a bratty young teenager but in her own unique way, and Hop's dealing with it as best he can while trying not to let her get away with too much. Just like any other father/daughter. My heart!

I hope Mike realizes soon that just like he feels that Dustin and Lucas have ditched him for Max, that's how they felt last year when he was so enamored with El and they didn't really get it. He needs to get over his jealousy issues and stop acting like he's the head honcho of their group.

I love that El can hear Mike speaking to her, even if she doesn't dare respond. I really didn't want her to feel like they abandoned her. And wow, how heartbreaking that she escaped the Upside Down so quickly after banishing the Demogorgon, but had to go into hiding right away because she knew her presence would have put the others into danger. Thank goodness Hop found her relatively quickly (even though I don't know yet at this point how quickly) because Survivor!El was working on going feral pretty quick.

I love Sean Astin and I love how he's being such a calming presence for Joyce. He's an enormous dork and I adore him for it. I legit snort-laughed when Islands in the Stream started playing, after his 'I love Kenny Rogers!' last episode. Heh. (And by the way, if loving Kenny Rogers is wrong, I don't wanna be right.) I like that Will appreciates Bob's normalness, even if Jonathon doesn't really understand yet what Joyce sees in him.

Speaking of Will, poor guy. Everybody's either treating him like he's a freak, or like he's made out of spun sugar. I know people can't help it, but dang. That's such a hard thing to deal with at any age, but especially 12/13 when you want so badly to not be treated like a baby, or like you've got the plague or something.

If I wasn't having to wait until hubby can watch with me, I'd have already binged the whole season.  Loving it!

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On 10/28/2017 at 7:03 AM, SeanC said:

Nancy was Rebecca de Mornay’s character Lana in Risky Business.  Steve was Tom Cruise in the same film.

Wow, I totally missed that 80s reference! I just thought they didn't dress up for Halloween. I love the attention to detail in this show.

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On 10/29/2017 at 10:54 AM, SeanC said:

My assumption was that the hunter who saw Eleven in the woods and got KO'd via flying squirrel reported what he saw to the police (i.e., Hopper), and Hopper understood the significance of it.

I love so much that "KO'd via flying squirrel" was a thing on this show.

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8 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

What a great catch. One thing I LOVE about this show is the way they depict "class struggles" not mattering to the kids at all. It's like the middle class and upper middle class kids don't even notice that Will doesn't have the same "status". Very true to how I remember that age being. If you had something in common with another kid, you were friends. Period. The rest didn't matter. Kudos to the parents for not being tools about it either. That's not always the case. The Wheelers may have their faults, but they don't seem to be snobs or treat Mike's friends badly.

Not to mention different politics - Mike and Dustin's families have very different election signs in their yards. 

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On 10/30/2017 at 9:12 AM, rove4 said:

It's a bit hypocritical of Will to get all pouty because the gang is paying special attention to Max when he expected them all to embrace Eleven last season just on his say-so.

Poor squirrel! 

You mean Mike? Yeah, it was hilariously hypocritical, and it kind of ripped the halo off his head a bit. Kid has a huge heart, but some jerky tendencies. The Duffers sure understand how prepubescents work. It's funny because in any other circumstances he probably would have accepted Max and maybe even had a crush on her too. But he dislikes her for the simple fact that she isn't Eleven and he didn't discover her like he did Eleven. I thought his dislike of her really illustrated how lost he is this season. Will is back, Eleven is gone, and Mike has no idea what to do when he's not trying to pull a Harry Potter and save the day. I absolutely love Mike out of all the characters on the show, and his slow, quiet descent into a kind of depression is really compelling to me.

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On 10/29/2017 at 9:51 AM, Clanstarling said:

Loved that. Did you notice the doctor said something about "chocolate and peanut butter." I couldn't decide if it was just supposed to show he's a bit clueless, not really listening, or if it's another shout out. (the other option is that reeses pieces now include chocolate - I haven't eaten them in years, so I don't know.)

OK this confuses me. Reese's pieces are covered in candy chocolate, no? 

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29 minutes ago, mledawn said:

OK this confuses me. Reese's pieces are covered in candy chocolate, no? 

My recollection is that Reese's pieces just have a candy shell, whereas Reese's peanut butter cups are covered with chocolate. I have always been a huge fan of the cups, but didn't like the pieces. 

As I've said, I haven't eaten them in years, so someone more knowledgeable can chime in. 

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