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S04.E03: Luck Be a Lady

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Barry and the team are hit by a string of bad luck and realize it is the handiwork of a new meta, Becky (guest star Sugar-Lyn Beard) nicknamed Hazard, who has the ability to give others bad luck, while cashing in the benefits for herself. Meanwhile, Harry Wells returns to Earth-1 to give Wally a message from Jesse.


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For the most part I enjoyed the episode. The meta of the week was funny as well, I loved her. But I feel like they went way to overboard with some of the character, especially when it came to Wells. He seemed so out of character to me. 

Wally leaves to go visit his OG comic home, hope he isnt gone to long, though it sucks they had to get rid of him at all. If they arent going to pursue him and Jesse, might as well bring back Linda!

Not here AT ALL for Joe being a parent again, I don't see the point of it, especially since he'd be like 70 when the kid became an adult.

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Im really ticked about the whole Wally situation. Wally! I noticed you missing! What the heck? That could have been comedy gold with Wally and Barry struggling together. Ugh. Show, you have failed Wally.

I did crack up at Iris wanting to get married ASAP with all this bad luck going on. Iris, I would too. Although, I am miffed she didnt have Barry bring Joe.

And that last BABY bomb. WHAT. IS. GOING. ON?!?!

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This was such a bizarre episode. It was funny, but it was very odd and out there at the same time.

I love Harry, but Tom's portrayal felt off for the first half. I'm glad we're keeping Harry, but I felt like we got a slightly new character. I still like his dynamic with Cisco, and I like that he solved this week's case with Lady Luck/Hazard/Becky. 

I kind of liked Becky but she's not a character I could stand watching much. So when she inevitably returns, let her come back much later in the season. I liked her scene in Jitters, but her other scenes were too hokey and over the top. 

So...I feel bad for also not noticing Wally literally disappeared after he was dumped by Jesse, and then didn't return until his last scene. But he did grow on me after a long journey and though I understand that they don't want two speedsters this season (or maybe the actor got busy), he will be missed by me. And I never would have said that at this point last season. I did love that his final hug was with Iris. Those two have come a long way.

So...Cecile's pregnant. That was a surprise. I just don't see the purpose, though. Joe's already a parent to three. He doesn't need another kid to take care of as a storyline. 

The Iris/Barry attempted wedding scene was out of place. I'm glad they're finally giving Candice more to do than stand in the background and listen to Barry's woes, but that was a little too much. I guess there IS such a thing as too funny in a bad way. 

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I really liked this one. It was funny, in character and Iris looked amazing in both her potential wedding dresses. I always like the chemistry between Tom Cavanagh and Carlos Valdes.

So, wait, are we gonna have Joe as a new dad, followed by Iris and Barry having twins, hence "we're gonna need a lot of diapers?"

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Hmm, if I were trying to track down a busload of new metas I'd start with the bus driver.

That was a very indulgent casino to just let Hazard go on winning without "suggesting" that she had had enough. Or maybe they tried...

I didn't catch the last line on Cisco's shirt.

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6 minutes ago, Terrafamilia said:

Hmm, if I were trying to track down a busload of new metas I'd start with the bus driver.

That was a very indulgent casino to just let Hazard go on winning without "suggesting" that she had had enough. Or maybe they tried...

I didn't catch the last line on Cisco's shirt.


He was wearing a Haiku. 

I loved it a lot.

Edited by SnoGirl
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I have clearly become a paranoid weirdo, but for a second I was totally sure Ceceile had sabotaged the house to make it leak so that Joe would want to get a new place. Didn't see the pregnancy coming at all. I guess its not the worst thing, but Joe is already getting up there in years, and has three kids already, so not really sure how well this will go. 

This was a fun episode, I enjoyed the increasingly ridiculous levels of bad luck people kept being dealt, and Becky was a fun Meta of the Week, albeit one I probably would get tired of if we saw too much of her. I cracked up at her reaction to Barry showing up to arrest her at the end, she was just like "...ok thats fair I guess". I feel like even if shes rather self centered, she isn't the same level of evil that the Thinker would want, I hope she will turn against him. 

Harry seemed a bit out of whack at the start of the episode, but he came back to normal at the end. He and Cisco are always a fun combination. Although I am pretty sad that the break up for Jessie and Wally was a futuristic Dear John letter. I always liked them, it would suck if this is really the end. Its a pretty long distance relationship so I can understand it though. 

No Wally! Dont be gone long! 

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I'm glad the show is back to being fun again but I feel like some of the scenes the writers want me to laugh at just kind of irritate me instead. It seems like they drastically alter the characters in certain scenes just to try to get laughs. Like, yes, Barry is on the dorky side but he wouldn't have turned into a blabbering fool just because he was talking to a couples therapist. And, yes, Iris wants to get married but she wouldn't suddenly forget all her social skills and compliment a coffin. Still, I'll take over-the-top silliness over last season's gloom and doom. 

Meta of the Week was cute. Good thing that slot machine took 17 hours to spin.

I wasn't as happy to see Harry as I thought I'd be. I guess I didn't really miss him after all. And poor Wally! I also didn't notice he was gone for most of the episode. Still, I wouldn't send my dad to dump him via a cube. You suck, Jessie!

Cecile pregnant...why?! Is there anybody anywhere who had that on their season 4 wish list?

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That was a strange one.  I'm glad that it was funnier and some parts did make me laugh compared to last week's (Barry falling over marbles? HA!)  but even Iris would have had a bit more tact about rushing to her wedding to the point to complimenting a coffin on the way out the door!

Meanwhile that was the most slowest slot machine on earth!

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I will just say this: no matter what you think of the various iterations of Harrison Wells, Tom Cavanagh is a damn treasure. The scene where he told Wally that Jesse was breaking up with him was absolute gold. The highlight was the microsecond death stare Wells gave Wally after Jesse-through-Wells said she'd always remember Wally because he was her first. The group's background reactions were also spectacular after that reveal. 

Edited by Inquiry
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To review: Joe had a daughter. His wife left him. His best friend's wife was murdered, he was charged with the crime, and Joe winds up taking care of the son. Then they grew up. Then Barry got struck by lightning and went into a coma for nine months. Then he became the Flash. Then the wife comes back dying, revealing that they had a son. Then Barry went into the Speed Force. Then he came back. And he's engaged to his sister-in-all-but-blood. And now Cecile is pregnant.

On the Arrow forums, I joke about how Quentin would be totally justified falling off the wagon with a sickening thud. Joe should be right behind him. Maybe there's no alcohol to be had in Central City. Maybe it's all coffee.

Cisco, Cisco, Cisco. "Hazard"? How about "Miss Fortune"? It's right there! I know that "Hazard" is


canon, and "Miss Fortune" was only used once in DC's Silver Age homage event years ago. But "Fortune" could also be associated with Amos Fortune, who brought crappy luck mojo to plague the Justice League.

Beck is cute, though. Sadly, I don't think the imminent destruction of the city would have kept her from press her luck. Seriously, she was not at the point where she was wishing for a misfire. I do have to wonder what law she broke. I know, quantum physics and so forth, but you could get a lawyer to argue her case. Well, except for the part where she robbed a bank. But she wasn't armed. I'm thinking too much about this, aren't I?

Wally, Wally, Wally. You are the Fastest Putz Alive. Barry is faster, but you're the bigger goober. On the bright side, you're not at the level of Ray and Nate from Legends of Tomorrow, but he's on his way.  Given his funk, watching him get tangled up in bad luck wouldn't been as fun as watching Barry suffer.

Cute bit with the laser tag and the trademark lines from the series and Arrow. Nice to see Team Flash kick back and not angst too much. Also, even with everything going haywire and STAR Labs almost melting down again, at least Caitlin didn't go full-on Popsicle.

I'm good with Harry coming back, though I'd be game for an episode entitled "Crisis of Infinite Wells." "Welles"? You just know that's going to happen.

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 The purpose of Cecile being pregnant is to telegraph that Joe's gonna die.  Ain't no way he's gonna see that kid.

 Honestly, no I didn't realize Wally was missing during the climatic race to stop Hazard...but I did notice the lack of Caitlin.  They kept doing the quick cuts of everyone else and their bad luck battle, but Caitlin--who was on Earth-1 and in Star Labs--isn't shown until the end.  Apparently, she was literally jut sitting there.  She couldn't at least try to help Iris with the cuffs?

 Harry definitely seems to have more than a touch of HR in him this time.  I guess they figure Original Recipe Harry didn't fit into Light Flash so we get Extra Bantering Harry.  I mean even The Thinker is a snarky bitch.  The first of many indignities to be suffered indeed.  

 So, 12 new metas to track down.  It's almost like that time Scooby open a chest, let out 13 ghosts and had to track them down.  I guess Harry is Vincent Price in this iteration.  

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I actually liked this meta.  She was cute.  And there was no real malice in her just a wee bit of "finally I am getting mine" selfishness.  The actress did a great job.

For the most part I enjoyed this with the exception of a few things:

1) Wally.  Man who in the universe hates Wally so much?  He was broken up via intergalactic text message in front of all his friends and family by his girlfriend's dad.  Plus we got a bit too much TMI about his love life.  And now he feels invisible.  All of this is an extra kick while he is down given the tragedy that was his hair last week.

2) Harry.  This just did not feel like E-2 Harry.  He felt like E-2 Harry had been seasoned with a heaping tablespoon of HR.  And then an additional dash of HR.  Even his hair was not Harry's hair. I will say I do like the continuance of his and Cisco's relationship.  That felt right.

3) The aborted wedding scene.  I admit it was funny "Oh what a lovely coffin.  Is that cedar?"  and then the look on the altar boy's face when confronted with his use of the cinnamon incense.  But it just felt...off.  I wish there had been another scene right after to ground that one back into reality.  Maye Iris dejectedly explaining that somehow she doesn't believe they'll ever get married, that he'll disappear again.  Or something like that.  AS ever, she did look gorgeous, though.

I am liking how this season's overall arc seems to be unfolding with The Thinker.  It does feel more thoughtful (ha!) and planned out than last season, which felt like they were making it up as they went along. 

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23 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 The purpose of Cecile being pregnant is to telegraph that Joe's gonna die.  Ain't no way he's gonna see that kid.

In the second season finale of Arrow, I chose to believe that Sara giving Laurel her jacket wasn't a sign of things to come. Cut to the third season premiere, where Sara got killed like a total punk, which was made worse when we found out the logistics. I'm hoping that Barry can get through a season without losing a loved one, especially Joe. Not like he can pop over to Earth-2 for a spare; that Joe got killed already.

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I knew I wasn't bugging.. Thru that whole last scene I kept waiting for Wally to pop back up and be useful... So when he revealed he wasn't around I was relieved... Too bad I always liked Wally.. Thought he was mercilessly criticized for "being whiny" and having  "the wrong look" from the very beginning.. That said they never seemed to know what to do with the character... So I hope he pops up again soon either on the flash with a good story... Or some other dctv show.. And when he does.. It's with a new haircut

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Well, that was certainly an episode.

I mean, I have nothing against goofy. And I'll admit I laughed at loud at several scenes, though not always what was happening so much as how the people in the background were reacting. Like Caitlin face palming. 

But I'm not sure third episode of the new season, when you're still trying to establish the threat of your new villain, is the best time.

Still, the meta herself was amusing. And not really evil, not in comparison to last week at least. Your whole life sucks and suddenly it all turns around? I can see turning a blind eye to the bad happening to everyone else.

Hi Wally. Bye Wally. I don't dislike him but I'm also not unhappy to see him go. One speedster is enough.

I was just thinking, around the time Harry showed up, that if the show insists on having Tom Cavanagh in the cast (and I get it, I really like the guy) every season I wouldn't mind them bringing Harry back instead of introducing a new Wells. And then he was so off for most of the episode, more quippy and sarcastic, as others have said, more like HR than Harry. But then it occurs to me that this might be more of Harry's real personality. After all, when he first showed up he was worried about and focused on saving Jesse from Zoom. 

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Short first reaction, this was a nice episode, felt really comforting to me for some reason.

I love, love, love  Barry and Iris, but that scene in the church seemed so out of character. I have to agree with some here that sometimes they're pushing the comedy so hard they alter some of the characters for it. I did notice that Iris had on a different wedding dress. Haha. Love that first dress by the way, looked very pretty. And: I'll marry you any time, any place. ❤️.  I think my favorite Barry and Iris moment this season so far is still the 'You came back to me...Always' scene.

Next week looks fun too, curious about Ralph.

And I'm going to miss Wally! (Iris felt the most like Iris to me in the scene they were saying goodbye). But he'll be back, right? right? Could he be going to Legends? I have a lot more thoughts on Wally, there are a lot of things I felt they could have handled better, but I'll write them when I can.

Edited by RedVitC
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I like this one. I liked having sort of a happy, entertaining villain like Becky.

Not surprised about Wally leaving. Figured he had to go, they obviously don't know what to do with him. Too bad. The break-up cube was funny though, especially how Harry delivered it.

Harry's wig, yikes!! Man. Some of the hair on the cast this season isn't great.

Loved the church scene with Barry and Iris, that was funny.

I really am not sure what the point of Cecile being pregnant is. I guess it's just to give Joe an extra subplot? But the baby's just going to be some random child and not a comics character (I don't think), and also it seems like this may take a little bit away from when Barry and Iris are going to have their kids, right?


I KNOW they want to do that eventually, either the Tornado Twins or Bart Allen, one of them.

Although, now I'm remembering Barry's line about more diapers, and maybe that actually has something to do with this instead?

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I hated the Wally/Jesse break up. It makes no sense based on their arc from last season. 

I wonder if he's gone for good.

Not enough Caitlin tonight.

I'm glad Harry's back but I agree he seemed to be extra snarky tonight.

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I feel bad to admit it, but no, I didn't notice Wally suddenly disappearing for the majority of the episode.  He really has been rendered insignificant this season so far. And now he's off on his own journey in another city.  I have no idea if Keiynan Lonsdale needs off for whatever reasons, or if this is just the case of TPTB getting off screen until they figure out what in the hell they are going to do with him.

Harry!  He's my favorite of the various Harrison Wells characters, so I'm glad that it looks like he'll be the one sticking around this season.  Already loving the return of the banter between him and Cisco.  Tom Cavanagh and Carlos Valdes are fantastic together.

Definitely a goofy episode, but I'll continue to roll with it as long as they don't get into that stupid angst territory again.  Becky/Hazard was a fun antagonist, and I'm curious to see what The Thinker has planned for her, Killgor, and the other ten metas that he tricked Barry and the rest into making.  In typical Flash fashion, they did go a bit overboard and, for me, it was the funeral scene, that kind of made Iris come off insensitive and desperate, and less funny.

I knew that they weren't going to have Joe and Cecile move out (if nothing else, no way do I see The CW shelling out money for a new set.  Especially after the blatant use of Oliver's loft last week), but she's pregnant?  Uh oh.... one of them is so doomed!

I get each Earth has their own things, but Jesse still should have broken up with Wally in person or over the phone.  Dick move, Quick.  Dick move.

Apparently Caitlin was able to keep her Killer Frost persona in control this time.  No slip-ups, I don't think.

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Ah, I just remembered. At least this time it's Team Flash's fault that there all these new metahumans and not Barry's, but I wonder why they decided to go this route. And in the end it seems Iris was right to question Cisco's plan.

Edited by RedVitC
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Some brilliant Thinker-ish brain on Reddit called Hazard "Becky with the good luck," and now I will never think of her as anything else.

I did notice Wally was not around for the episode. I really liked him and wish he wasn't going away. (Unless the plan is to have him join the Legends, in which case: come on over! We have hallucinogenic tea cookies!)

Can someone fill me in on when Cecile found out Barry was the Flash? I thought they were still hiding it in the premiere, but I don't remember any coming out scene with Cecile in Ep 2. It gave me a surreal feeling....

...which was not helped by some of the goofy scenes in this one. The church - okay, I laughed in parts, I'm human, but Barry and Iris were so out of character I was starting to think someone was dreaming it all up.

It really made me realize how deft Legends is at putting goofiness into their episodes.

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I think Cecile found out last season. 

I missed Harry and Cisco's bromance. So glad to see him back. 

Just no with the Jesse and Wally breakup. That came out of nowhere and I wish she broke up in person. How horrible. Poor Wally gets shelved this season and then gets his heart broken through a cube and his girlfriend's father. I hope he comes back soon because I love when he's a part of the team.

I liked the Meta. The Thinker is definitely an intriguing and different bad guy than the previous speedsters.

Edited by twoods
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Good episode.

Becky's quirkiness/bad luck reminded me a little of the character/actress from "Being Erica".

I agree it was out of character for Iris to attempt to have a wedding without Joe being in attendance. She stayed in the wedding dress for the rest of the episode and no one asked her why is she wearing it.

Why couldn't Barry have phased out of the cuffs?

The look on Joe's face was priceless.


Correction: She wasn't wearing the wedding dress at the end.

Edited by mxc90
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The Wally/Jessie thing was REALLY bad.  Seriously show, not only have you undercut a pretty cute relationship constantly.  But you had her break up with him via a Dear John hologram, which makes her look awful. 

This was bullcrap when freaking Power Rangers did it with Tommy/Kimberly.  But then again you've been crapping on Wally all season, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised about this.

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30 minutes ago, twoods said:

I think Cecile found out last season. 

I missed Harry and Cisco's bromance. So glad to see him back. 

Just no with the Jesse and Wally breakup. That came out of nowhere and I wish she broke up in person. How horrible. Poor Wally gets shelved this season and then gets his heart broken through a cube and his girlfriend's father.

I liked the Meta. The Thinker is definitely an intriguing and different bad guy than the previous speedsters.

The break up makes no sense at all after she decided to move to E1 last season.

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Correct if I'm wrong. When Barry was running to the bank, should he be able to hold a conversation with Iris while going at top speed? I would think the signal would be delayed back to Iris.

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I liked Hazard but 3 weeks seems a bit fast for Becky to go from never a brush with the law to robbing banks.  And why would it even occur to her when she hadn't even tried her luck at a casino?  Casino then upping the stakes to a bank, sure, but starting with a bank??  Basically, they had her do something that made no sense so they had a reason to arrest her at the end of the episode since being really lucky isn't illegal.  That bugged me about an otherwise well crafted and unique character.  I liked how even the Thinker really didn't know what to do with her, lol.

Poor Wally.  No, didn't notice you were gone.  The show never figured out how to use him as a supporting character.  Since he got his powers (and really, HOW he got his powers was something they conveniently never talked about again) he's either filled in for Barry or just did nothing.  I don't see how that's ever going to change.  And I really don't see him fitting on the Waverider.  Speedster is too easy a fix for that crew.  What fun would that be?

Iris and the wedding was over the top and kind of came out of nowhere.  Hey, at least she got a couple other wedding dresses to try on.  Honestly, I liked the one in the loft


more than the one in the spoiler pics.    


I really don't think Joe is going to die but the surprise child might and thus provide a reason for Joe and Cecile to break up.  Then Joe can devote more time to his favorite child.  Sorry Iris, still not you.  Notice when he talked about selling the house his kids grew up in, only Barry's advice was sought?  Yeah, I did.  Wally is probably making a very smart life choice.  

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I bet soon we'll see H.R going on the dating scene(with Cisco as his wingman of course)

Had a thought..what if Cecile turns out somehow to be the last of the Metas that the Thinker is searching for?

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I wonder about this Joe/Cecile pregnancy. It could be some sort of a catalyst for them breaking up, I suppose. Frankly, I really don't think Joe needs another kid around, especially a baby. And I know that Barry and Iris are going to have those twins eventually, and that WILL happen (comics canon and all), so this kind of storyline seems unnecessary for them.

Maybe Cecile will lose the baby and that leads to them breaking up. I could see that.

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Ok, I do love the new steadfast lighthearted tone & feel of the show now, but I felt like they realllly overdid it a few times in this episode.  Iris hijacking a funeral service to hurry the marriage, and climbing up on the railing to turn the dead dude's portrait around?  That's pure slapstick, and overly so.  Fun is good, but this one felt a little schlocky.

I confess complete ignorance as to why The Thinker is doing what he did & is doing.  As of right now, it doesn't make much of any sense.  Forcing the release of Barry from the SF, therefore creating metas, just to have them kept in prison.  What?!?

I really like that they kept Becky as happy-go-lucky after her luck turned, instead of the cliche of turning her into a temptress.

Am not unhappy about getting Harry back.  Tom Cavanagh is a staple of this show.

Looks like the boys are still swimming, Joe.  Maybe it'll turn out to be an enjoyable venture to watch, but the situation and Joe's reaction smacked of the old 'very darkly serious show' vibes.  Didn't like it.  I'm also getting the feeling that crazy!Barry's "We're gonna need more diapers" line will mean she's carrying more than one.... or, they'll find out Iris is pregnant and J/C will have kept her pregnancy news silent & will break said silence the same time that Barry & Iris share their news.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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More thoughts later but:

Like most of you, I appreciate the lighter tone, but not everything needs to be joke-y.

The Laser tag opening was fun; nice to the group outside of  STAR Labs.

“I left some tech in the suit” - Heh- nice set up for whenever the writers need a convenient solution this season.

Hazard is supposed to 24 — ha! Good one, show. I did like that she was a "fun" villain, and not murderous like most of the other metas.

Oh hi, Japanese restaurant, AKA Jitters.

Jesse and the Quicksters — It's canon; too late to take it back now, show! But seriously, they made Jesse look gangsta firing her dad and then sending him to another dimension to break up with her boyfriend. Sucks that they couldn't even get the actress for one scene.

I'm going to have to do a whole separate post about how they've screwed over Wally. However, he actually was in a couple of the group scenes at STAR Labs after the breakup cube scene.

Why you gotta bring ‘Sully’ into this? Poor goose.

What is Iris' dress budget?? Because we saw two just in this episode, and there's going to be a third for the real wedding. She looked lovely in both, and I liked really liked the first one and wish that's what they would use.

I don't get why they would be doing 1) a pregnancy arc 2) with Joe and Cecile.

See -- I KNEW pulling Barry out would  come back to bite them!

So about the Thinker: Was creating new metas really his plan? (I know it probably is since the show said so, but...) I mean, did he actually know (or how would he be able to predict) that 1) the Flash was in the Speed Force, 2) that him exiting would release dark matter, 3) that this dark matter would affect others and create metahumans, 4) with powers that would be useful to him??

18 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Correct if I'm wrong. When Barry was running to the bank, should he be able to hold a conversation with Iris while going at top speed? I would think the signal would be delayed back to Iris.

Ehhh... you might have to handwave this; I've had this same question since the start of the show. (You're right; at superspeed, he really shouldn't be able to talk to anyone through the comms.)

Edited by Trini
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The silly quotient was amped up this one too much, and I found the meta case of the week rather boring as a result. And did she really deserve the whole prison treatment at the end. I mean sure she was callous, but it's not like she was really in control of her powers. I don't know. It just seems like there should have been some middle ground there.

It was way too easily telegraphed that Iris got her wedding dress. And yet Barry showed up anyway.

Wally's exit was really hasty. So they didn't need him around for one case.  I get it from the production side, but the justification was very weak. 

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6 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Why couldn't Barry have phased out of the cuffs?

Those were power dampening cuffs.

As mentioned above it made no sense for her to rob a bank BEFORE going to a casino and winning her money legally, especially since she's not some hardened criminal.  If anything you'd think she'd be more interested in sticking it to her former employer by winning a big payday.

The pregnancy makes no sense.  Normally I'd say this is leading to Joe, Cecile, and/or the baby dying but that would be a complete 180 from this season's goal of being a lighter show. 

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4 hours ago, vb68 said:

And did she really deserve the whole prison treatment at the end. I mean sure she was callous, but it's not like she was really in control of her powers. I don't know. It just seems like there should have been some middle ground there.

I think the main thing with her is that they had to keep her away from people.  No matter what she did, just being around her within a certain radius resulted in other people having bad luck.  I mean she was just sitting with Barry in the coffee shop and there were several potential disasters, some of which could've been fatal if she had stayed longer.  So even if her powers weren't maliciously directed like Kilgore's were, they would have actually ended up hurting more people.  And even if she could dampen them, as Barry suggested, she doesn't have a selfless enough personality to do that.  She was too pleased with being lucky and there was a sense of entitlement there.  In her mind she finally was getting what she deserved.  She seemed remarkably oblivious to what was happening to people around her.

I do agree that the bank heist that early in her powers career felt wrong.  It didn't truck with her personality.  Who thinks , oh I am having a streak of luck now, things are going my way I am going to rob a bank?  My first though if I was feeling lucky would be "I am going to by  lottery ticket."

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Maybe the best episode of the season, because of how fun it was, particularly the main character.  Although again, there are plenty of flaws here...

-What the hell was up with Harry and his bizarre behavior?  As someone noted, it was like being introduced to another version of Harry.

-Speaking of which, what the hell was up with Iris at the church, where her behavior bordered on psychopathic?

-The world's longest slot machine, which apparently took about five minutes to complete, along with Becky's REALLY annoying "Cherry, cherry!"

-Joe's going to be a father again?  Ugh.  They couldn't find anything to do with Wally (I didn't notice he was gone either) so they decided to give Joe a new kid?

-Once again, Barry is responsible for the problems facing Central City this season although Team Flash is equally responsible.  At least the team was manipulated this time so it's not as bad.  But still, there's nothing heroic about these guys putting out their own fires.

Nothing against Wally but I'm not sorry to see him go from the show.  Too many speedsters on this show.  I do admit I'd love to see who is on Jesse's Earth-3 team though.

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4 hours ago, vb68 said:

And did she really deserve the whole prison treatment at the end. I mean sure she was callous, but it's not like she was really in control of her powers. I don't know. It just seems like there should have been some middle ground there.


She went to prison for robbing a bank. So yeah, she really did deserve the whole prison treatment. And lawd I hope the voice used to play Hazard/Becky isn't her real one, because my ears bled every time she opened her damn mouth. Like really loud nails on a chalkboard for me.

29 minutes ago, benteen said:


What the hell was up with Harry and his bizarre behavior?  As someone noted, it was like being introduced to another version of Harry.

I know! It's like he was possessed by whichever Harry, HG? (I forget his name) he played last season. Where is the indifferent, deliberate asshole?

32 minutes ago, benteen said:

-Speaking of which, what the hell was up with Iris at the church, where her behavior bordered on psychopathic?

I'm sorry, come again? Psychopathic? I thought they were going for screwball comedy. I actually loved all those scenes with Iris and Barry.

33 minutes ago, benteen said:

-The world's longest slot machine, which apparently took about five minutes to complete, along with Becky's REALLY annoying "Cherry, cherry!"

Annoying, annoying, annoying. I wanted to reach into my teevee and just punch her.

34 minutes ago, benteen said:

-Once again, Barry is responsible for the problems facing Central City this season although Team Flash is equally responsible.  At least the team was manipulated this time so it's not as bad.  But still, there's nothing heroic about these guys putting out their own fires.

Have to disagree here. He was doing what he thought he had to and went into the Speed Force. He didn't ask, nor did he work with Cisco, Caitlin, to get him out of the Speed Force. He's not responsible. This time, it's Cisco, Caitlin and that doohickey thingamajig. 

36 minutes ago, benteen said:

Nothing against Wally but I'm not sorry to see him go from the show.  Too many speedsters on this show.  I do admit I'd love to see who is on Jesse's Earth-3 team though.

I, for one, am not sad to see him go. I've never liked him coming on this show, and I never really warmed up to him. Sue me.

7 hours ago, TDT said:

Had a thought..what if Cecile turns out somehow to be the last of the Metas that the Thinker is searching for?

She wasn't on the bus.

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3 minutes ago, doram said:

If they were writing off Wally, why couldn't they just have him go to Earth-3 to be with Jesse? Why break them up and then boot him off?

Exactly.  Unless they have some other plan that was just ... weird.  Maybe they plan to bring him back with Linda?  Maybe he'll go to where Linda is?!!!

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Cecile being a Meta on that bus would be fun.. But I don't see how she wouldn't have said anything by now and def by the next episode as im guessing by then Joe would have at least made a comment abt where the metas are coming from... I don't mind Joe having another kid... And I don't think it means he or Cecile will die but if does that's hardcore 

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13 minutes ago, doram said:

If they were writing off Wally, why couldn't they just have him go to Earth-3 to be with Jesse? Why break them up and then boot him off?

She's actually on Earth-2. I don't think we've seen Earth-3 yet. 1, 2, 19, and 38 (I think is Kara/Supergirl's Earth). Guess there was no room on her team for Wally?

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Count me in as another one who didn't notice that Wally was absent for the majority of the episode.  Now I feel guilt.

I'm glad to have original flavor Wells back. He was always my favorite and I've always loved his back and forth-ness with Cisco.  Though I do agree that initially he felt a little "off".

On the one hand, I agree that Joe being a parent to an infant again is unneeded.  He's raised his kids - and Cecile has raised hers - so to start all over again at square one with the diapers and middle-of-the-night feedings...yikes.  On the other hand, Joe deserves any and all happiness so if this makes him happy (hard to judge by that frozen look at the end, lol) then I guess I can support it. 

Overall, this was a fun episode.

Jessie and the Quicksters...is that a real DC thing?  It should be.

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9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

And why would it even occur to her when she hadn't even tried her luck at a casino?  Casino then upping the stakes to a bank, sure, but starting with a bank?? 

That's one where I'll give credit to the actress.  She has a run of terrible luck (and a very bad boyfriend), true--but then she turns to robbing a bank, threatening a guy trying to help her (Barry), and taking advantage at a casino--and still pulls of cuteness.  Someone else would have come off as at least borderline, if not fully sociopathic.

Wells trying to get out of not remembering what Jessie said into the Breakup Box (and "cheap Atlantean plastic") was really cleverly done.  Wally being on another Earth explained why he wasn't helping with the probability disasters. 

I liked that it was lighter overall; thanks!

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