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17 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Also I adore David Spain’s Evil-lyn hating friend, Ricardo. Go Ricardo! He has Evil-lyn’s number.  Good to see that Evil-lyn’s indulgent parents stepped in to pay for the tuxes so their little brat didn’t alienate David’s friends. Maybe the parents will put up some more money so that someone at the wedding besides Evil-lyn will get some cake now, too.

14 hours ago, millennium said:

When Ricardo was standing in the tux shop alongside his taller friends, in his tuxedo and hands folded in front, did anyone else expect him to suddenly point and blurt out "The plane!  The plane!"

Wasn't just you.  I was calling him "Great Value Tattoo" and "Low Rent Herve Villechaize".  He also annoyed the crap out of me.  We get it......you don't have to try so hard.  Doesn't Mr. Rourke have any errands for you to run?

17 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I kind of like Evelyn’s prairie dress.

I liked it too.  Loved Gunne Sax when it was all the rage.  I was a bit young for it, and always dreamed about when  I was old enough to wear it, only to have it be hopelessly out of style by then.  It could fit her a bit better, but I thought she looked fine.

16 hours ago, Christi said:

Holy Crap Balls!!
ok, Im offically blown away...
confession here..Im obviously desperately single...but I think Molly's brother is adorable

I like him in that he appears to be very laid back and easy going.  And he is somewhat eloquent.  But he also looks like he enjoys his booze, and that's a deal breaker for me.

16 hours ago, spankydoll said:

Where does one achieve endless money? Asking for a friend

Me too.  Also for "a friend".


12 hours ago, magemaud said:

I'll bet she and Evelyn used to dress up in "Mother-Daughter" outfits! 

Wasn't Mykayla on the left side of the couch in the scene where Evelyn modeled her gown for the girls? (She looked like she was wrapped up in a blanket?) Edited to add: Oops, no. I don't see Mykayla in the wedding party which is kind of odd because she's supposedly her "best friend." 

Were all four of David's groomsmen his friends from Spain? If so, why aren't his friends from Virginia in the wedding party? 

That's because she's the DUFF.

2 hours ago, magemaud said:

That steak looked like it would melt in your mouth, like "buttah." A true test would be watching Josh eat a slice of pizza or corn on the cob, but thank you TLC for sparing us that scene.

I had a great-uncle who could eat steak and corn on the cob easily....with zero teeth.  It was gross.

Edited by funky-rat
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7 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I loathe David Poor, but if Annie Goldbahts made her living screwing men, many of them married, for money.  She doesn't really have the moral high ground to judge his past.  They are pretty much on the same level and to the extent either deserves a spouse, they deserve each other. 

I would say that given the cultural considerations, she was probably coerced into it at a young age, perhaps 14 or 15.

Best case scenario is she acquiesced because she felt she had no other alternative.

Even in this country, almost no woman becomes a hooker because she wants to do it.

And it's pretty obvious why she stayed in it, too. Learned helplessness runs deep. Throw in some coercion and monetary restrictions and it's not hard to figure out why she was and still is so very desperate and sad.

With all due respect, I cannot compare a situation that was most likely, childhood rape, with a sleaze like David Pour who was a serial cheater.

Yet, he threw Annie's past at her as if it were comparable. And, as a result of "her shame," he expected her to swallow his transgressions like she has swallowed so much else in her life -- silently and without complaining.

David had a wife, a family, and a home, and he abandoned them for a sleazy existence.

Annie probably could barely even dare to imagine herself as a wife and a mother because all she had ever known was an endless river of sleaze. Sad because now that she has the opportunity for something of a decent existence, a husband, she is embracing it wholeheartedly. She wants to be prim and proper, and I think she deserves that.

I'll climb down from my soapbox now.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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25 minutes ago, ElderPrice said:

I want to do this too! Mr. Elderprice and I have been married 33 years, we were married in a solemn Catholic ceremony. Time to embarrass the kids! But in my mind, I want Elvis to marry us as tackily as possible. He has to promise to "love me tender" and all that. And there are fog machines involved. Oh! And at the reception maybe those old time waitresses on roller skates. 

Aika didn't look like a bride as much as she looked like a stripper playing a bride. And did anyone catch when she said "I don't know what to expect, this is my first wedding"? Hmmmmm. 

Honestly, if you or @mamadrama follow through on this, you'd better send me a PM so I can drive from Phoenix to Vegas for the occasion.  Shucks . . . I could even be the 70+ year-old flower girl!!!

ETA:  I thought that "bridal gown" screamed "stripper pole-accessible" . . . 

Edited by AZChristian
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3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

My theory is that the money is Chris'. I view the relationship as Chris throwing David a bone when they first met, but now I think He is Chris' errand boy. If Chris says jump, David says how high. It's a power trip for Chris. I also think it's a bit godfather-esque in that David will or already has done some bad shit for Chris. Chris asks for nothing in return, they are just friends. Next thing you know David will be muling drugs for Chris, if he hasn't done so already. 

I think Chris is already suggesting how David will pay him back.  He's already asked Annie to give him massages, and when she had the argument with David she ran over to Chris and Nikki's hotel to stay with them.  Nikki has said that David will pay them back but hasn't said "how".  Doesn't have to be in money.  The two of them are awfully invested in all this, they've spent time with this woman they've never met in Thailand, L.A., and now Kentucky.

Edited by Dobian
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2 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I think Chris is already suggesting how David will pay him back.  He's already asked Annie to give him massages and when she had the argument with David she ran over to Chris and Nikki's hotel to stay with them.  Nikki has said that David will pay them back but hasn't said "how".  Doesn't have to be in money.

Annie better literally watch her ass with that Chris dude hanging around.  She might be part of the payment settlement if she doesn't.

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3 hours ago, AmyBre said:

Many banks restrict their credit cards to only work in a certain city or country to reduce fraud.  If that's the cause, David sure knew about it when he handed it to her.  That makes him double a scumbag.

Most people who would be going out of the country or on a vacation somewhere would normally call up their credit card company to advise them that there will be charges from X place. And then it's usually fine. Unless the spending is more unusual.

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I am really starting to believe the theory that the $$$ Chris is giving David Ninja Turtle Penguin Bahtman-ass is actually David’s own hidden money. 

Another reason could be back when David was visiting prostitutes Chris may have been right by his side and David has photos hidden away for blackmail.

Edited by Alilou
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I don't live in the States - is the green card actually green?  It surely should be gold and sparkly.

Do guys really like those furry fake eyelashes?  Aika is pretty without all the extreme make up.

 I feel saddest for little May, can she actually say anything other than Daddy?  My neighbours have a 3-yr old and she chatters away happily even to herself.

David Poor is just as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside.   I wonder if we'll ever find out what hold David has over Chris? - I doubt it.

I think it unfair if Luis gets to stay and work in the States.  And what a total fool Molly is.

Looking forward to the reveal - although these episodes usually fall flat.  Shaun just follows the teleprompter unfortunately.

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1 minute ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don't live in the States - is the green card actually green?  It surely should be gold and sparkly.

It was at one time.  At a prior job, I had two people there on a green card, and I had to scan a copy in to the computer system.

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9 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Many banks restrict their credit cards to only work in a certain city or country to reduce fraud.  If that's the cause, David sure knew about it when he handed it to her.  That makes him double a scumbag.

All you have to do is call the 800 customer service number on the back of the card and let them know you'll be in X country from date to date. Even if you forget, you can speak to them from the store where you are and say "oopsie, it's me, blah blah date of birth." David gave her that card because he knew it wouldn't work. 

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On a scale of 1-10, how hot is Elizabeth's sister for Andrei?  The pouty lips, the batting of the lashes...  I would punch my sister in the mouth if she acted that way toward my fiancé.  
"I'm down, let's do it!" ::BLUSH:: :GIGGLE::  How's that wealthy husband working out?  I also don't understand the sexy setting.  Why not meet in a coffee shop?  A nice, intimate restaurant with drinks.  No ma'am. Sister Elizabeth, you are not the keeper of matrimony. Stay in your own lane.  Elizabeth, you made a good choice.  Do you, girl.  Wear your crazy lipstick, ignore your philtrum - fuck it!  Your sisters are jealous and you are going to be just fine.  

Luis is a piece of shit.  I'll admit I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, being a step-parent isn't easy, leaving your home isn't easy....  but good god, Lemon!  What a fucker he turned out to be. He knows that Molly is stuck now, married to him.  He should be ashamed of himself.  How godly he is, giggling while she's crying, fixing himself a drink with a smirk on his face and checking his phone for fresh porn while Molly bawls in the kitchen. Jeff doesn't seem like the violent type, but he should tell Luis to keep away from his vodka.  That'll get that bible thumping hypocrite on the next plane right quick. Kinsley is a little too sassy for my liking, but it broke my heart to see her concern over her mother.  Kids don't deserve to be part of this reality tv garbage.  I think Molly thought this was going to be another fun chance at being famous - she wasn't counting on her little boy toy to be such a garbage can.  He didn't take your ring, Molly, because it's as fake as he is.  Learn from this asshole and stay off the television. 

David needs to please spend some of his Chris allowance on a stylist or personal trainer.  I really felt happy for Annie for a minute, I thought that she'd high-tail it home.  Again, on one hand, you have 2 water buffaloes, new gold, dowry money in Thailand.  On the other, you have a man who gets an money from a friend, no means of supporting you or your future children.  Think on it.

Evil-yn saying how she knew David was the one when he realized SHE was the one....  LMAO at David's face.  Bruh.  The life that awaits you.  It's going to be the Evil-yn show FOREVER.  Her mom's (very sweet and sincere) reaction was completely shit on by her smirk.  Has there ever been a more precious and adorable human than Evil-yn?  I mean, really. He better tell her that she's a goddess every spare moment he has.  

Josh, buddy.  Give Aika her baby.  Make good on your word.  She seems like a smart, capable person.  Keep your dingleberry friends out of your ear and you'll have a happy life.  Your mom is awesome and you turned out to be pretty decent.  

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13 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don't live in the States - is the green card actually green?  It surely should be gold and sparkly.


I feel saddest for little May, can she actually say anything other than Daddy?  My neighbours have a 3-yr old and she chatters away happily even to herself.

Photo of current green cards below.  Kinda greenish.


May for sure knows two words:  "Daddy" and "fries."  The second word is spoken with much more enthusiasm, and usually upon the delivery of said fries to the table.  It's hard to say much else with the pacifier in her mouth whenever she's not eating fries.


Edited by AZChristian
Forgot to actually attach photo. Duh.
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8 hours ago, millennium said:

I don't know.   The producer's reaction could have been faked to make the revelation seem more momentous.

When Molly said that Luis was gone, the producer pointed out that his K-1 visa was set to expire in three days.  That was when Molly said that it didn't matter, because they were already married. 

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6 minutes ago, ElderPrice said:

All you have to do is call the 800 customer service number on the back of the card and let them know you'll be in X country from date to date. Even if you forget, you can speak to them from the store where you are and say "oopsie, it's me, blah blah date of birth." David gave her that card because he knew it wouldn't work. 

The only thing I could think of is it's not a MAJOR credit card (ie: Visa, Master Card, etc).  More akin maybe to something like Diner's Club.  I could be wrong - I didn't get a good enough look at it - but that would render it largely useless here.

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1 minute ago, funky-rat said:

The only thing I could think of is it's not a MAJOR credit card (ie: Visa, Master Card, etc).  More akin maybe to something like Diner's Club.  I could be wrong - I didn't get a good enough look at it - but that would render it largely useless here.

Maybe it was one of those pre-paid cards written on the First National Bank of Thailand and only had the Thai bahts equivalent to $300 American on it.  That's why he couldn't go for $318.  A$$hole.

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5 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

So what happened with Aika's passed down ring? Are we ever going to know?

Nope.  And that’s because the stupid host of the stupid reunion show (Shaun what’s-her-face) will never ask a decent question of the participants.

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I would say that given the cultural considerations, she was probably coerced into it at a young age, perhaps 14 or 15.

Best case scenario is she acquiesced because she felt she had no other alternative.

Even in this country, almost no woman becomes a hooker because she wants to do it.

And it's pretty obvious why she stayed in it, too. Learned helplessness runs deep. Throw in some coercion and monetary restrictions and it's not hard to figure out why she was and still is so very desperate and sad.

With all due respect, I cannot compare a situation that was most likely, childhood rape, with a sleaze like David Pour who was a serial cheater.

Yet, he threw Annie's past at her as if it were comparable. And, as a result of "her shame," he expected her to swallow his transgressions like she has swallowed so much else in her life -- silently and without complaining.

David had a wife, a family, and a home, and he abandoned them for a sleazy existence.

Annie probably could barely even dare to imagine herself as a wife and a mother because all she had ever known was an endless river of sleaze. Sad because now that she has the opportunity for something of a decent existence, a husband, she is embracing it wholeheartedly. She wants to be prim and proper, and I think she deserves that.

I'll climb down from my soapbox now.

Beautifully and compassionately stated.  

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30 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

On a scale of 1-10, how hot is Elizabeth's sister for Andrei?  The pouty lips, the batting of the lashes...  I would punch my sister in the mouth if she acted that way toward my fiancé.  
"I'm down, let's do it!" ::BLUSH:: :GIGGLE::  How's that wealthy husband working out?  I also don't understand the sexy setting.  Why not meet in a coffee shop?  A nice, intimate restaurant with drinks.  No ma'am. Sister Elizabeth, you are not the keeper of matrimony. Stay in your own lane.  Elizabeth, you made a good choice.  Do you, girl.  Wear your crazy lipstick, ignore your philtrum - fuck it!  Your sisters are jealous and you are going to be just fine.


I thought the same exact thing. The meetup looked very intimate, the restaurant was very dark and they looked like a couple out on a date. Plus. they had a drink together, and she was wearing an outfit that was coquetishly off the shoulders. It would have been more appropriate to meet up at a Denny's or coffee shop. Jen was totally hot for Andrei, at least a little bit. The whole scenario is pretty wierd but whatever maybe not to them ? :p My husband would never meet up for drinks with my sister alone, and I would never do the same with BIL. Just wierd. 

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5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

That's a really horrible thought and yet quite possible.

My first thought was that he might put her to work as a hotel maid or something.

He'll come up with some smarmy excuse like, "I never meant it to be this way for us, but I just can't get up off my ass. I'm pear-shaped."

That was my impression, too. I don't think this was at all scripted. 

The producer handled it like Molly was a puppy who had peed on the carpet. "Where's the windex and the paper towels? Let's clean this up, stat!"

Does no good to punish the puppy; it won't understand.

Oh my god.  I spit up my beer at the pear shaped comment.  But sorry, this guy may look like a sad sack but he’s an accomplished manipulator.  No maid work yet.  She’s got some pole dancing years left in her.  Little makeup, some fishnets, all set. Beats the blowjob bar. 

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Honestly, if you or @mamadrama follow through on this, you'd better send me a PM so I can drive from Phoenix to Vegas for the occasion.  Shucks . . . I could even be the 70+ year-old flower girl!!!

ETA:  I thought that "bridal gown" screamed "stripper pole-accessible" . . . 

Aw, you could def be my flower girl! 

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4 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Right, that's why you file a travel plan with the credit card company, so they don't block the card. David has traveled enough that he must have known that. I don't understand why he sent her shopping if he knew that the card wouldn't work, for whatever reason it was. Unless TLC prompted him to do it.  

Why?  Because he is a fucking, lying, scum bag asshole.  You really didn't know?

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2 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh my god.  I spit up my beer at the pear shaped comment.  But sorry, this guy may look like a sad sack but he’s an accomplished manipulator.  No maid work yet.  She’s got some pole dancing years left in her.  Little makeup, some fishnets, all set. Beats the blowjob bar. 

She could work the lunch shift in any club, I bet Luis would make it rain for her, lol.

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1 hour ago, Alilou said:

I am really starting to believe the theory that the $$$ Chris is giving David Ninja Turtle Penguin Bahtman-ass is actually David’s own hidden money. 


This makes perfect sense to me. David "hid" a bunch of his money in Chris' account before the divorce. Happens all the time. Makes a show out of asking Chris for money when, in fact, he is accessing his own. Keeps the creditors, trustees, and ex wife from getting their hands on it. I can totally buy this theory. In fact, going on TV and playing "poor" would actually  help his cause.

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2 minutes ago, Normades said:

Well, she says "fries" with more enthusiasm because she's sure of what she'll get when she says it.  When she says "daddy" who knows which creep might show up.  

I love Nicole's family calling her out on that daddy nonsense.  They have her number.

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4 hours ago, AmyBre said:

MamaDrama, you are assuming that Luis came on a K9 fiance visa and that they got married in the US and resubmitted paperwork.

I'm assuming that they got married in the DR and that Molly petitioned in as a IR1 (or CR1).   Two different scenarios with different repercussions.

I was only going by the fact that the marriage license was applied for, and filed, in Georgia. (K-1 visa, not K-9. Though Luis IS a bit of a dog.)

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I hope Molly is not really on the hook for Luis financially for the next 10 years, that said does that mean she will have to pay his rent, medical bills/health insurance, food and clothing?  

So, Luis could probably get bartender gigs that pay under the table and live with his brother in NJ and apply for his green card all on Molly's dime?

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3 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I hope Molly is not really on the hook for Luis financially for the next 10 years, that said does that mean she will have to pay his rent, medical bills/health insurance, food and clothing?  

So, Luis could probably get bartender gigs that pay under the table and live with his brother in NJ and apply for his green card all on Molly's dime?

Typical governmental mess, and no one seems to have a definitive answer . . . the best thing Molly can do (after contacting a divorce attorney) is to have a consult with an immigration attorney.  Scuttlebutt on the internet is that she is only responsible to reimburse the government for any benefits that Luis would get, and as a young, able-bodied man, that should not be much.  She sure doesn't have to provide him with a penthouse suite and a Lexus while he does nothing.

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18 hours ago, Adeejay said:

That Molly and Luis are already married explains a lot.  Molly said that he stopped being affectionate and started ordering her around; he also suggested that she send Kensley to live with her father.  No wonder. He didn't feel the need to impress or be nice to her anymore.  What a jerk!

Yeah...he is a jerk. And Molly is an idiot for even thinking this was do-able.  And she has her own business? I hope she makes better decisions with that, than with her love life. 

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I don't know that I would believe that David Poor hid money with Chris. His attitude doesn't reflect that, IMO. He's basically grovelling, profusely thanking Chris and Nikki every time there's an opportunity, and other embarrassing things. He acts like a typical mooch.

I can't believe that Molly was dumb enough to marry Luis. I should have guessed that this happened though, when his behavior suddenly morphed into that of a huge asshole. He knew that he was set for the next decade. How much money will it cost Molly to get rid of him?

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1 hour ago, Lily247 said:

I thought the same exact thing. The meetup looked very intimate, the restaurant was very dark and they looked like a couple out on a date. Plus. they had a drink together, and she was wearing an outfit that was coquetishly off the shoulders. It would have been more appropriate to meet up at a Denny's or coffee shop. Jen was totally hot for Andrei, at least a little bit. The whole scenario is pretty wierd but whatever maybe not to them ? :p My husband would never meet up for drinks with my sister alone, and I would never do the same with BIL. Just wierd. 

When he ordered water she pouted and said "no drinking for you?" I think she may be one of those b$tches who like to test the spouse by hitting on them. She was flirting and encouraging him to drink in hopes he would hit on her, then she would run back to Libby and tell her not to marry this cad who hit on her. That's trash 

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

That's because she's the DUFF.

There's no end to the things I learn about from this forum! Could Evelyn possibly be so shallow she only chose attractive friends to be in her wedding party? I would love to see one of David's hot friends see Mykayla from across the room, their eyes lock, they approach each other in slow motion (cue the violins) and it's love at first sight...

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Is any guy that good in bed?  Even if he is, Luis is such a creep.

Simple answer:   No.     

Longer answer -- if I worked hard to set up my own business and was financially independent -- ain't no man worth half of that, or jail.   

Nicole totally intended to get pregnant.   Why do you think she wanted to "talk" all the time.   

I will buy that David Poor hid assets with Chris.   Maybe.   But he seems too stupid and pathetic to put that much effort into it.   Unless the Bahtman is the biggest con on this show as someone noted.   And that's saying something with this show.

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7 hours ago, sconstant said:

"Illegal alien"?  He was a resident/citizen of another country who came here on a visa.

Yes, IMO, illegal alien.   Judging by his actions, he obtained the visa under pretense.   He shouldn't be here.

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17 minutes ago, magemaud said:

There's no end to the things I learn about from this forum! Could Evelyn possibly be so shallow she only chose attractive friends to be in her wedding party? I would love to see one of David's hot friends see Mykayla from across the room, their eyes lock, they approach each other in slow motion (cue the violins) and it's love at first sight...

Yes. Yes, she is that shallow—as evidenced by her insistence that David’s friends bankrupt themselves so that her wedding will look a certain way.  Evil-lyn strikes me as the type of person who planned her wedding around all of the Instagram picture she’s going to post—and you can’t have anyone who is less than attractive (in her eyes) in your fancy Instagram pics.  

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16 hours ago, Samurai X said:

RWell, it certainly explains Luis' behavior. The guy was waiting it out once he realized his situation was unfavorable so played Molly waiting for her to kick him out. Good job, Molly your kids definitely came first. 

Bathman is a shitty human. He knew that the odds were in his favor to bluff Annie out because Annie would give and do it anyway. Where are the stacks of tapes David has on Chris though? This is excessive.

Josh has a likable family, but he himself is trash. His crocodile tears at not seeing his kids because of what his ex-wife did were bs. I'm sure if you cared that much you would see your kids, I also wonder why they want nothing to do with him. Hmmmmm. But sure he is a nice guy, doesn't matter that Aika herself said he doesn't take the baby thing seriously, but go ahead and probably not have kids like you want.

Friend David Spain and Mekala should team up. I can see them bonding over watching their friend's marriage fall apart like I suspect it too. Also, notice how Mekala isn't there with all of Evelvln's yes women. girls.

Actually, Makayla was at Evelyn's house the morning of the wedding. It wasn't a full on shot of her and her hair was a dark burgundy. If you blinked, you'd have missed it as she didn't have a 'speaking part' this time around LOL 

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7 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Bahtless standing there in that ill-fitting suit delivering all these thinly veiled ultimatums made me angry. First off, why the hell did his jobless ass even have on a suit. 

Secondly, that suit looks like he got it from Lane Bryant. You saw in that scene exactly what kind of person he was.


That tie was long enough to fit someone 6'6". Like Chris. Hey buddy, can I have your tie?

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2 hours ago, Alilou said:

I am really starting to believe the theory that the $$$ Chris is giving David Ninja Turtle Penguin Bahtman-ass is actually David’s own hidden money. 

Another reason could be back when David was visiting prostitutes Chris may have been right by his side and David has photos hidden away for blackmail.

I really want an explanation for Chris's bizarre behavior, and I like this one about the hidden money, but there's still something about this one that doesn't sit quite right with me.

For one thing, I think that if David had the money, he would have bought the more expensive ring for Annie. Also, he wouldn't have made such a big show out of coming up short because even he wouldn't want to look like a big loser in front of Annie and her parents.

Of course quite possibly, he just didn't want to pay the entire dowry so it was better to pretend not to have it?

Still, I'm having trouble believing that he would want to look like that big of a loser in front of his wife.

Why would David pay for a big splashy wedding for Annie when he couldn't afford the better ring?

I'm not dismissing this theory entirely, but it doesn't sit quite right with me. After all, the divorce is final and has been final for years.  If they had wanted to funnel the money, David could have pretended to make a boatload of money in Thailand doing this touristy thing. Then, he wouldn't have to look like The Biggest Loser on Television, especially when he has to go home and try to get a job.

As for the blackmail theory, I don't see David as having the wherewithal to blackmail Chris, but the bigger thing is this. If he were a threat in Chris's life, Chris wouldn't be going out of his way to hang out with him. He would just get $$$ to him. Chris wouldn't light up with friendliness when he was around him..

Then there's the devoted lackey theory. Theory #3.  I just can't figure out what Chris would do with a lackey like David. He's not a drug dealer. He doesn't need a drug mule. What use is David, really? He couldn't hide a body for him without talking about it.  And, he couldn't drag a body without  a whole lot of help. 

I really do want to know why Chris does it. It's gotten to the point where it's sick, and it's warping his life.

I think there's a codependency at work. David has dragged Chris into it. David may represent Chris's link to Kentucky and the good ole days.

He's seriously jeopardizing his marriage with Nikki and he's too dense to see it. Why, Chris? Why? It has nothing to do with 'the underdog.' David is a thug and a bully. He's no underdog. So, spit it out, Chris. Why are you doing it?

(I don't know what these people read or don't read... It's like the Police song... Message in a bottle...)

58 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

I don't know that I would believe that David Poor hid money with Chris. His attitude doesn't reflect that, IMO. He's basically grovelling, profusely thanking Chris and Nikki every time there's an opportunity, and other embarrassing things. He acts like a typical mooch.

That's what I think, too. None of his behavior is consistent with a man who has his own money.

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Add to the list of folks on this show, like Nikkie, who speak the truth and share some much needed common sense with these people, Nicole's brother, Josh's stepfather and Nicole's stepfather. Now if they'd only listen and heed their advice, but I'm afraid that's not going to happen.

Edited by Matty
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7 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

That's a really horrible thought and yet quite possible.

My first thought was that he might put her to work as a hotel maid or something.

He'll come up with some smarmy excuse like, "I never meant it to be this way for us, but I just can't get up off my ass. I'm pear-shaped."

That was my impression, too. I don't think this was at all scripted. 

The producer handled it like Molly was a puppy who had peed on the carpet. "Where's the windex and the paper towels? Let's clean this up, stat!"

Does no good to punish the puppy; it won't understand.

You win the internets for me today! Too damn funny ? 

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7 hours ago, AnnaL said:

I know I should not feel sorry for Molly because all red flags were there for her to see and she dismissed them, but alas here I am feeling so bad for her. 

Not only she got played ala Danielle, but she now has to live with the public humiliation of it. 

This is really a cautionary tale for middled age women,  F&^% boys are not marriage material, it doesn't matter how desperately who want it, it just won't happen. These guys are just there to take everything they can and run away and enjoy with someone their own age if not younger. First it was Danielle, now Molly, absolutely terrible. 

For years it was almost exclusively the older man with the younger woman and the "no fool like an old fool"adage. Now it seems we're seeing increasingly more older women with the younger guys. In both cases it's just patheticl, fueling low self esteem with a younger prettier partner almost never works. I just can't feel sorry for Molly because of what she did to her girls

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36 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I think there's a codependency at work. David has dragged Chris into it. David may represent Chris's link to Kentucky and the good ole days

I don't discount the hidden assets theory either, but this rings most true to me as well.   They have probably been friends for decades.  

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HUGE pet peeve of mine, kids at the table with tablets, phones, etc.

My daughter is 20 now, of course she is glued to her phone 80% of the time, but she works and pays her bill so whatever. But, at the table eating, whether at home or out, she knows the rule is no phone, we talk and catch up on things.

Also I'm glad to say she didn't grow up in this era of technology. She watched tv, had a PlayStation, etc but no tablets, etc. Today's kids are plugged in most of the time.

I was aggravated to see May just coming home from a month long trip and her family barely spoke to her from what we saw.

Molly is an idiot. Olivia has more sense now than Molly probably ever did. Luis bamboozled her, plain and simple.

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The David/Evelyn story has turned out to be a complete dud.   You know it's in trouble when the teaser before the commercial break is lost keys.

Too bad.  I can't stand David.   His taste for barely legal girls ... his smug, condescending demeanor ... the European superiority complex ... the man-boobs ...  

I was hoping Evelyn would wake up but now that she's in the dress and overdosed on blusher it's probably too late.

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1 hour ago, HahYallDoin said:

Actually, Makayla was at Evelyn's house the morning of the wedding. It wasn't a full on shot of her and her hair was a dark burgundy. If you blinked, you'd have missed it as she didn't have a 'speaking part' this time around LOL 

Okay, so I WASN'T dreaming that I saw her that morning! I guess we will see if she's in the wedding party tonight. 

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4 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I would say that given the cultural considerations, she was probably coerced into it at a young age, perhaps 14 or 15.

Best case scenario is she acquiesced because she felt she had no other alternative.

Even in this country, almost no woman becomes a hooker because she wants to do it.

And it's pretty obvious why she stayed in it, too. Learned helplessness runs deep. Throw in some coercion and monetary restrictions and it's not hard to figure out why she was and still is so very desperate and sad.

With all due respect, I cannot compare a situation that was most likely, childhood rape, with a sleaze like David Pour who was a serial cheater.

Yet, he threw Annie's past at her as if it were comparable. And, as a result of "her shame," he expected her to swallow his transgressions like she has swallowed so much else in her life -- silently and without complaining.

David had a wife, a family, and a home, and he abandoned them for a sleazy existence.

Annie probably could barely even dare to imagine herself as a wife and a mother because all she had ever known was an endless river of sleaze. Sad because now that she has the opportunity for something of a decent existence, a husband, she is embracing it wholeheartedly. She wants to be prim and proper, and I think she deserves that.

I'll climb down from my soapbox now.

We don't know why or how Annie got into prostitution.  Does every Filipina girl who grows up poor become a prostitute?

David Poor is scum.  Annie is the type of woman scummy men pay to be scummy with them.

They both made their choices.  I just don't think either has the right to stand in judgment over the other's past.

IMO, a homely gold digging prostitute is about the type of wife David Poor deserves and a penniless, jobless, obese, lying, cheating, disgusting,scoundrel is more or less the type of husband Annie deserves.  

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This season surprised me because my impressions of so many of the cast members have changed.

At first I liked David Spain...now not so much.  I got grossed out when I learned that he had contacted Evelyn many years ago.  Ew. 

At first I thought Luis was harmless and a more homely Pedro.  Wrong.  This guy is slick and has no conscience.

At first I thought Aika was really cool, and while I still like her, I think it's clear that she is playing a game and can be quite the emotional manipulator.

At first I didn't like Andrei.  Now he seems to be one of the only sane people on the show!

At first Libby struck me as really superficial, but I'm good with her now.  But she needs to ditch the lipstick and her sisters!

Still don't like Evelyn!

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