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Season 5 Discussion

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1 hour ago, HappyDancex2 said:

What were the undercooked sauteed red onions for?   Did they have cheese and onion quesadillas?  These are important details in the Lifestyle of the Aproned Yodeler.

And that is a strong onion, seems like yellow onion would've been more suitable for quesadillas. 

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20 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

LOL, such a beautiful wedding; but not so much the aftermath. 

I'm laughing at someone saying to a wedding planner, "I'd LOVE a Game of Thrones wedding."  Yikes.  

Nothing like a GOT feast though,

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as long as the wine isn't poisoned. 

If I were Annie and David, I might be a little concerned that Nikki might pull some GOT type stuff at their wedding.  If one or both of them dies before the wedding, no 10 year sponsorship financial commitment. :)   


If the band starts playing, "The Rains of Castamere", RUN!  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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19 hours ago, jpagan05 said:

 Have you seen "Before Sunrise"?

Oh God! TOO many times! I think The "Before Sunrise" movies are partly responsible for the poor choices I made earlier in life. I was a travel writer based in Eastern Europe and I was constantly looking to reenact it. In fact, the fellow I jetted off to meet in Ireland? We met in Prague and spent 2-3 days walking around the city at night, talking about that movie. That's probably why I became obsessed with him. (It's also why we decided to meet on an island in Ireland later. I wrote a book about trip to Prague, though. I had backpacked solo through Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech, and Hungary and then had my little fling in Prague right there at the end. That travelogue is one of my few nonfictions. :-) )


Sorry for being OT. 




Watching Azan and Nicole, especially in this episode, is starting to make me uncomfortable. It's not even funny to me anymore. If it weren't for May, I would kind of wish that his family would just step up and kick her ass out. I have a STRONG feeling that the camera crew brought along someone to help with May. I think this is probably the only reason why Family Nicole didn't put up a bigger fight when they left-they knew that there was someone responsible for their granddaughter. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if the production company hired an actual nanny. They've done that on other shows. 

Edited by mamadrama
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22 minutes ago, Normades said:

All I could think while Aika kept going on about wanting a baby in 3 to 6 months was --- You need to find housing without roommates first!!!  Who would want to start their family while living in a roommate situation??  Plus, does that house belong to Josh or is he renting?  I thought he was a renter not owner.  Either way, they have lots to figure out before starting a family or even looking into reversal.  Does anyone know what Josh does for a living?

Josh works for a company that installs media equipment and security systems.  He's an installer, not an executive.


49 minutes ago, balisticnikki said:

. . . And honestly, I see someone like Annie offering herself sexually to someone like Chris under these circumstances, if things went left and Annie was asking Chris for money. I don't think Annie was horrified by Chris's massage request; I think she was surprised she was being called up so soon in the process.

I wouldn't take a chance on "utilizing" Annie if I were Chris.  First, Nikki is so gorgeous; plus she's smart, and he'd be risking half of a lot of stuff because he lives in a community property state.  Not to mention that Antonio would show up to defend his sister's honor; and NOTHING ON EARTH would be worse than having Antonio express his opinion on a serious matter like that.

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I think Libbylips has been watching too many Hallmark Christmas movies. Quaint little towns, perfect soft snowflakes, just the right amount, never turning to ice. That's not real life. She needs to get her head out of her ass. 

Azan can not compare his relationship with Nicole to his aunts relationship with her Italian husband because he has a 3 yr old stepchild thrown in to the mix whose mother wants him to takeover the father role 100% because the bio daddy is nowhere in sight. I wish Auntie Azan would have pointed that out to him. 

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Nikki for the win! She's the only person with a clue on this show this season. It would be great if she sat down with each of these couples with her straight shooter attitude. I'm sure she'd have some choice comments for Nicole and Azan, Evelyn and David Spain, and all the other couples too. Now that I 'd like to see!

Edited by Matty
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14 minutes ago, NinaH said:

And that is a strong onion, seems like yellow onion would've been more suitable for quesadillas. 

And you don't chop them up in little peices like that, you slice them, same as you would for fajita's. David Spain didn't seem to mind, though. He was too busy thinking about how to avoid sex on the wedding night. 

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

And you don't chop them up in little peices like that, you slice them, same as you would for fajita's. David Spain didn't seem to mind, though. He was too busy thinking about how to avoid sex on the wedding night. 

Feign food poisoning, maybe? :)

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3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Where the heck did she find Luis? He’s not good looking (though looks aren’t everything), he’s gross, vulgar, lazy, mean to her kids., and his endgame is obvious   It’s easy to see what he sees in Sugar Mama Molly, but what she sees in him is a mystery for the ages.

He asked and she's desperate.  Which is sad.  

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3 hours ago, EastCoast4Life said:

Initially, I was very skeptical of Andrrrrei, but man, he has won me over with:

1. The way he's dealing with Libby's oppressive family. 

2. The way he looks at her! Their interactions are actually very cute. 


He has won me over too.

I am actually glad that Libby's father won't be financing the wedding, he is the kind to lord over your head any kind of help so I am happy that Andrei won't owe him anything. 

He is the kind to believe that women have a place and he probably has very old views about women's role but Libby chose him fully knowing him. I am just glad that Andrei is not promising to change if he doesn't mean it and he is staying true to himself. 

The way he handled that bully (Libby's father) was nothing but masterful. Libby's father probably thought that he would run for the hills and instead got the opposite, the wedding is happening sooner now. 

Libby is a drama queen and likes the attention she gets from all of this. In many cases, I have been guilty of side-eyeing the fiances who come for the green card but in this case, I like Andrei better than Libby. 

Libby might come from a sort of wealthy family but she sure from a family with no class. 

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3 minutes ago, Wendy said:


He has won me over too.

I am actually glad that Libby's father won't be financing the wedding, he is the kind to lord over your head any kind of help so I am happy that Andrei won't owe him anything. 

He is the kind to believe that women have a place and he probably has very old views about women's role but Libby chose him fully knowing him. I am just glad that Andrei is not promising to change if he doesn't mean it and he is staying true to himself. 

The way he handled that bully (Libby's father) was nothing but masterful. Libby's father probably thought that he would run for the hills and instead got the opposite, the wedding is happening sooner now. 

Libby is a drama queen and likes the attention she gets from all of this. In many cases, I have been guilty of side-eyeing the fiances who come for the green card but in this case, I like Andrei better than Libby. 

Libby might come from a sort of wealthy family but she sure from a family with no class. 

Agree about Andrrrei and Libby's Dad.  The, "I'm not paying for the wedding because you didn't ask my permission to marry Libby" crap is nonsense.  If he doesn't want to pay, because he doesn't approve of the marriage, or because he just doesn't want to pay, (or because he can't afford a horse drawn carriage, on top of a mountain, in the snow) fine.  But that was a BS excuse.  

I loved how Andrrrei, just kept smiling, whacking golf balls and saying, "Fine, I've got it.".  

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2 hours ago, EastCoast4Life said:
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Oh, how about how Father Libby threw in Andrrrrei's face that her sisters all drive MERCEDES, bought by their husbands!  Like, ooooh so upper crust!  As if driving a Mercedes means you have "made it."

This! I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my entire life. It's like if she drives a Ford, is in love, and happy, who cares?! Driving a nice car is not the end-all-be-all of happiness. Libby's dad is such a pretentious asshat. 

In my area, Mercedes are really prevalent but they're all LEASED to anyone who can make the monthly payment or by the company the person works for! Personally, I'd rather OWN a less prestigious car. 

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12 minutes ago, Matty said:

Nikki for the win! She's the only person with a clue on this show this season.

I just don't get why she's married to a dumbass like Chris. Let's face it, the guy isn't the sharpest pencil in the box which makes me wonder if he is pissing away all of his money and is going to end up as broke as David. The fact that he didn't tell Nikki about the sponsorship is a big fat red flag within the marriage. I also don't think she knew exactly how much money Chris was giving to Poor. The guy doesn't tell his wife important shit. I don't like him at all. He's friends with Poor so what does that tell us. 

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5 hours ago, AnnaL said:

I agree 100% 

What was wrong with Kinsley? she couldn't grab a napkin and attempt to clean herself? She is 6 years old. She is not a 2-3 year old child who can't help herself. 

What was wrong with Molly? that is her daughter right there, wouldn't she feel uncomfortable if Luis had put his hands on her crotch? How about the sister? can you give your mom a hand? 

I hate Luis and his obvious intentions of getting a green card so shamelessly but out of the four people in that place, he was not the one to clean that little girl. 

Molly has spoiled her daughter and she is the one who has to deal with it. Kensley has made very clear that she doesn't like, respect or sees Luis as anything else but the hired help. Olivia has also made that very clear. This all falls on Molly's lap. She is the only one responsible for this disaster. 

Molly is the mother of those girls, she is the one who should look after their welfare and what she does? She goes on a trip to the DR and finds herself a boy toy and make the decision to bring him to her house and basically without giving him anytime she goes back to work full time before helping to create a bond between Luis and her daughters. She entrusted him with the responsibility of taking care of Kinsley, what was going through her mind? How could you leave your daughter with a stranger for hours and hours. 

They all got to a very rough start and the gap will probably only get wider. Molly should have left Luis in DR and visit twice a year, have a great time and call it a day, but instead she messed up and she is now paying the price for it. You would think that looking at how bad it is going on that she would do the only sensible thing and accept her mistake and send him packing, but of course not. If she doesn't get married then Luis has to go back, plain and simple.

Molly is a 42 year old mother who is responsible for two girls, Luis is a 25 immature boy toy who got more than he bargained for, their match will never work and the only want that can call it off is Molly. 

Molly talks to Luis like she owns him. She is no longer loving at all. It's all about him taking care of her kid. I'm not a Luis fan but Molly really isn't nice at all. She tells him to get used to the shitty life he now has. No sympathy for the fact that he may want to spend time with adults and possibly take some time for himself. When dating, how many of us single mothers have forced our boyfriends to tend to the children? I never have expected it, even of my husband before we got married. I already had a 2yr old. My husband eventually adopted him but it was his choice. I didn't stare at him and force him to form a bond with MY child. Molly is so aggressive in the way she is trying to make Luis love her kid and the undertones are threatening. 

4 hours ago, magemaud said:

If would think that if a child dropped an entire dish of ice cream in her lap, EVERYBODY would hop up and fetch a handful of napkins and not wait for one person to be ordered to clean her up. 

True. But Molly expects her slave to take care of her children. 

4 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Not more comments about kensley's crotch :(

That was her lap. not crotch.

But yes, she does look just like Tracy Morgan! But that's not her father.

Kensley is a very unfortunate looking child. If I were Molly, I'd be trying to teach her how to be beautiful from within. But apparently that's not the route Molly wants to take. Let's hope Kensly learns how to be a kind adult and doesn't continue on the path she's on, the snowflake path. It won't serve her well as she grows up and looks like Tracy Morgan in a wig but with none of his personality or self awareness. 

4 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

Evelyn is not a fundamentalist. One can figure that out the instant they open her IG account. And Evelyn was never taught sex was shameful...her mother never said anything like that. Catholics aren't sexually repressed.

I thought most churches were fundementalist and that just means that they believe in the Bible fundamentals as literal. It doesn't mean they can't wear bathing suits and post them on instagam. I don't know. I'll google it. 

3 hours ago, Teddybear said:

And she said "jury" for jewelry.  My closed captioning actually said "jury."  LOL. 

Oops shockermolar beat me to it! 

Someone else upthread implied that Nikki was uneducated because of some of the words she uses. I think you can be educated and know that "hisself" or "jury" is wrong, yet still use the word because it's what you've heard all your life. I think she just uses words with an accent that she probably grew up with. It reminds me of the show, Are You The One. The couples get voted into the Truth Booth. But often the host will say Troof Boof. Surely he knows that's wrong, but he still says it. 

3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

@sconstant, snidely stepfather!  LOLs...Molly is no Pearl Pureheart.

Where the heck did she find Luis? He’s not good looking (though looks aren’t everything), he’s gross, vulgar, lazy, mean to her kids., and his endgame is obvious   It’s easy to see what he sees in Sugar Mama Molly, but what she sees in him is a mystery for the ages.

The previews show her throwing her engagement ring at him and telling him to get out of her house.  It would quite possibly be the most sensible thing anyone with such a problematic fiancé has ever done in the history of this franchise.  But, we need lots of drama for the last couple of episodes.

I think Molly is a problematic fiance. Luis isn't anything special. He's too young and immature for this. Molly is older and should know better. I guess she shouldn't have tried to pick up a kid in the DR and make him a man overnight when he has no interest in becoming a man. And with the way she talks to him so disrespectfully, I don't think he'll be inspired to get his head out of his ass anytime soon. 

2 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

Aside from his inappropriate comments to Molly's daughter, Luis cracks me up. He reminds me of the Cabana Boy on SNL... 

And Molly reminds of a main character in a series of Black Slave culture novels I read in the 60s. Not so much because Luis is Black but because of his situation. Molly will have him do her will because she owns him. 

I am really disgusted by Molly. I seriously doubt she told Luis that he was coming over to be her slave. The way she talks to him when she is demanding that he do this or do that reminds me of a slave driver. Does she even give Luis any hope for a loving relationship with her or is this all about him fathering her children? 

Next week when she throws him out he'll probably be like, "Ok." Then she'll cry because he doesn't give a shit. Because he's literally the pool boy on SNL. You're so right.

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I don't get all the talk that David "must" be gay or have some serious issue because doesn't want to talk about sex. Not everyone is obsessed with having sex all the time. He could have a low sex drive or non at all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He could not even know since people tend to act like if you don't have a high sex drive then you're broken and worthless. Some people just don't want sex. No particular reason.

I can't sympathize with Aika anymore. If you knew he had a vasectomy and probably didn't want kids, why are you trying to force it on him? If people can decide to have kids in their 20s, they can decide to have none or stop having them. They're both awful and probably shouldn't have kids. I have to wonder if her whole kid obsession is to get rid of her looks or something since he seems to be focused on them. 

Very few people have been even remotely likeable this season. And they keep getting worse.

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17 minutes ago, magemaud said:

In my area, Mercedes are really prevalent but they're all LEASED to anyone who can make the monthly payment or by the company the person works for! Personally, I'd rather OWN a less prestigious car. 

Exactly - anyone can drive a Mercedes.  It is like, this is what father libby is basing financial stability on??  

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Poor Kinsley. Luis does not like her but it's 90% the fault of her mother. She is forcing this child on a man who obviously wants nothing to do with her and instead she should be putting Luis on the first thing smoking. Now this poor baby has to stay home day after day with this man and it makes me sad. What did she do with her before she bought herself a husband on a blue light special? Why can't she go to camp, daycare or wherever she was going before this clown came along? 

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26 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Agree about Andrrrei and Libby's Dad.  The, "I'm not paying for the wedding because you didn't ask my permission to marry Libby" crap is nonsense.  If he doesn't want to pay, because he doesn't approve of the marriage, or because he just doesn't want to pay, (or because he can't afford a horse drawn carriage, on top of a mountain, in the snow) fine.  But that was a BS excuse.  

I loved how Andrrrei, just kept smiling, whacking golf balls and saying, "Fine, I've got it.".  

This whole “grrr, you didn’t ask for my permission to marry my competent adult daughter so I’m not going to help with the wedding” rings false for me.  Given what we have learned about K-1 Visas, Libby’s father had to co-sponsor Andrei!  Yeah, Daddy’s not paying for a fairytale wedding because he has agreed to co-sponsor, pays for the apartment and most likely paid for Libby’s trips. 

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10 minutes ago, StitchPunk said:

I don't get all the talk that David "must" be gay or have some serious issue because doesn't want to talk about sex. Not everyone is obsessed with having sex all the time. He could have a low sex drive or non at all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He could not even know since people tend to act like if you don't have a high sex drive then you're broken and worthless. Some people just don't want sex. No particular reason.

For me, it wasn't that he didn't want to talk about sex but that he actually appeared to be upset and repulsed by the idea of discussing it with her. It wasn't a "I don't want to talk about it publicly" attitude I got from him but a "I don't want to talk about it at all." Add that on top of what Evelyn told her mom, that he didn't want her discussing sex with her mother, and the whole attitude feels suspect.

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Any sympathy I felt for either Annie or Azan is gone.  Annie started showing her true self in this episode.  She was almost gloating when she was telling Nikki that Chris' sponsorship was for 10 years and that she (Annie) didn't feel bad about that.  However, Nikki will have the last laugh as not only were Annie and David on the first flight out of LA, they have to drive a car that is advertisement wrapped and were loaned the fire house in which to live.  I think Nikki made sure that the accommodations in KY would be barren and isolated in an attempt to encourage David and Annie to start financing their own lives.  Annie's face when she saw the fire house said it all.  Her innocent act sure ended quickly when the loaned housing wasn't up to her expectations of where she should be living.  Annie had been pretty expertly acting innocent and had fooled Nikki and Antonio for a while.  Nikki even told her early on during the girls' night out that Nikki and Chris would support and be friends with Annie.  Annie was getting what she wanted, but then blew it with her nonchalant attitude about Chris having to support her for 10 years.  From gloating to growling.  

Azan choosing to continue his relationship just shows that he'll do anything for a green card.  He now knows EXACTLY who Nicole is and he is choosing to continue this faux relationship with her.  Alrighty then, be prepared for much suffering at the hands of the bully.  I would almost bet money that he also knows that Nicole is far worse when the camera crew is gone.  He is choosing to move forward when, quite frankly, he could probably end this relationship and immediately find another mark, oops, I mean love of his life.  If he ends the relationship before they apply for the K-1 Visa, he should not have a problem with applying with someone else.  

I'm starting to love Andreeeeiiiii.  I just love the fact that the father kept trying to throw roadblocks in front of him, and Andrei was all "that's okay."  I also couldn't stand the hypocrisy of the father saying Andrei should have spoke to him before proposing to Libby.  Guess father Libby wishes he had taken one of those Skype calls from Andrei after all.  I hope that at some point Andrei meets Alexi, another eastern European, as they both seem very level-headed, in love with their fiance/wife, and willing to work hard to support their families.  Interestingly, Libby loves the drama just like Loren does...

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23 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

For me, it wasn't that he didn't want to talk about sex but that he actually appeared to be upset and repulsed by the idea of discussing it with her. It wasn't a "I don't want to talk about it publicly" attitude I got from him but a "I don't want to talk about it at all." Add that on top of what Evelyn told her mom, that he didn't want her discussing sex with her mother, and the whole attitude feels suspect.

Maybe he is repulsed by the idea of sex. Plenty of people are and not because something is wrong with them. They may just find the thought nauseatingly gross. There's a number of reasons to think so. They should have talked about it before, but that's on both of them. Not every adult has to be into it. Like not all adults smoke, drink, go to clubs, drive, do drugs, etc.

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38 minutes ago, magemaud said:

In my area, Mercedes are really prevalent but they're all LEASED to anyone who can make the monthly payment or by the company the person works for! Personally, I'd rather OWN a less prestigious car. 

Same as where I live.  The cost of an entry level C Class Mercedes costs far less than some of those pickup trucks and SUVs of the same year. Besides, a C class Merc really doesn’t look much different on the outside from its higher priced E class and upwards.  Now, under the hood and the interior is a different story.  40 K for a C Class vs 70K for a Ford F-150?  There’s no longer any status in owning a Merc or Beamer unless you are looking at AMG/700 series, respectively.


32 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

I thought most churches were fundementalist and that just means that they believe in the Bible fundamentals as literal. It doesn't mean they can't wear bathing suits and post them on instagam. I don't know. I'll google it. 

You’re in for a real treat.  That’s one deep rabbit hole indeed, but it will be interesting . 

14 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

t wasn't a "I don't want to talk about it publicly" attitude I got from him but a "I don't want to talk about it at all." Add that on top of what Evelyn told her mom, that he didn't want her discussing sex with her mother, and the whole attitude feels suspect.

THIS! I get his being uncomfortable on camera talking about it.  I get his not wanting her discussing specific details of their intimate lives with her mom or her friends. I also get that not everyone is a horn dog who thinks about sex all day every day and wants sex, sex, sex all the time. What I find disconcerting is his whole freak out reaction, rather than being coy and just saying they’re not doing this in front of the cameras, and even more disconcerting, he doesn’t want her talking to her mom BEFORE the wedding. He also made her cry and she said that he said some things to her that were very hurtful.  I think David Spain might have some ugly ways about him. 

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Thanks, I should have worded that differently.  What I really want to know is what is the sponsor required to provide? I'm sure not what Annie has in mind...

I googled and found this:


Re: Blobby Man in White & Anna..I felt bad for Anna also until her face when talking with Nikki about the k1 sponsorship.  I think in her mind, Chris is completely responsible for her if The Blob falls through.  Chris must have had that Hummer waiting for them at the airport. It's odd Chris did not tell The Blob that their accommodations, as going to be an empty firehouse. I wanted so badly to watch him struggle getting those pieces of luggage up those spiral stairs!

Luis needs to hop the next plane back to the DR...he has no intentions on being a husband, much less a stepfather!  I remember being 6 very well..if I would be so careless as to spill a whole bowl of ice cream on myself, I guarantee my parents would tell me to clean myself up. I know I would not sit there expecting my parents to clean me up. Molly treats her like she's 2 years old. Shame on Luis for taunting that little girl into slamming the rocking chair into the wall. I honestly do not know what Molly saw in this idiot to make her think he was decent step father material, she keeps claiming her kids are #1 in her life...he must be included in the kids.

One more edit them I'll stop: why can't Libby get a full time job with another management company, this way, she'll be making her own money, Dad can't claim he's supporting them

Edited by alegtostandon
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I think at this point Nikki is as done with Annie as she is with David, hence the firehouse 'home'.

When Nikki told Annie to 'stay on top' of David, I thought, that's really the only safe way for her to do it with him.

May was so, so happy to see her Grandma on Face Time - she probably misses her true caretakers which is why she's been so upset.

When her mother asked if Azan was ready to take care of a 3 year old & her tantrums I wondered who she was talking about - May, or Nicole.

So far Andrei is presenting as a strong guy who seems to handle himself with dignity & self-control, not biting on the nastiness of his future in-laws. It was great when he said his FIL is going to be part of his family, not that he will be part of the father's family - awesome.

If Libby were only as mature as he is, they'd be a perfect couple. She still needs to grow up & stop playing people against each other.

I would hope Evelyn & her mom were having 'the TV sex talk', not THE talk. Hopefully they've had many real talks in private.

They've done a good job of giving viewers a lot to speculate about David Spain with his 'reaction'. I would have no clue what his problem really is right now.

Did Evelyn go commando up until now, because she thinks bras & panties are 'for sex'?  She seems to need more talking because those usually come OFF for sex; she's still confused.

Edited by gonecrackers
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18 hours ago, Pachengala said:

Help me understand the logistics of taking a horse-drawn carriage to the top of a snow mountain. 

Edited by Forum member
She's a big fan of the Donner Party. Can't wait to get eaten.
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54 minutes ago, StitchPunk said:

Maybe he is repulsed by the idea of sex. Plenty of people are and not because something is wrong with them. They may just find the thought nauseatingly gross. There's a number of reasons to think so. They should have talked about it before, but that's on both of them. Not every adult has to be into it. Like not all adults smoke, drink, go to clubs, drive, do drugs, etc.

If he wants a marriage with no sex, he needs to be upfront about it and seek out someone else who is repulsed by sex. Evelyn is a virgin but expects a traditional marriage which includes sex and having  children. It wouldn't be fair to go through with the marriage if he wants something else. 

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2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:


I don't think most devout Catholics or Evangelical/Fundamentalists see sex as "only for procreation".  They generally see it as only to be experienced within marriage, but most see it as a pleasurable thing, ordained by God  for procreation, enjoyment and for marital bonding.  

I agree. The old Puritans were a lusty lot. They didn't want any blaspheming or skipping church or becoming Quakers or anything, but they were all about a healthy, vigorous sex life, at least for married people.

2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I think Libbylips has been watching too many Hallmark Christmas movies. Quaint little towns, perfect soft snowflakes, just the right amount, never turning to ice. That's not real life. She needs to get her head out of her ass. 


I just had to laugh heartily when Libby was waxing ecstatic about her dream snowy wedding. Some years ago there was a horrific ice storm here (Boston area) followed by plummeting temperatures--the result was about 6 inches of ice, everywhere, and it wasn't budging. Plus it was about 3 degrees out. I remember seeing a feature on the news of a brave young couple whose wedding was taking place that weekend. They managed it, but only about a quarter of the guests could make it. The bride, bless her heart, was just fine, happy, said she'd always wanted a winter wedding. Now there is someone who can make lemonade out of lemons! 

I'm reserving judgment on Nikki. I don't think she's the heroine of this little drama. I think she has a little gold digging of her own going on--what does she see in that big palooka she's married to? She knew that her husband was basically supporting David. She has access to google, so I'm not buying that she was completely ignorant of what sponsorship entails. I think she'a bit of a shit stirrer. Like her brother.

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9 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

If he wants a marriage with no sex, he needs to be upfront about it and seek out someone else who is repulsed by sex. Evelyn is a virgin but expects a traditional marriage which includes sex and having  children. It wouldn't be fair to go through with the marriage if he wants something else. 

I wouldn't discuss my sex life on camera. I wouldn't discuss my income or spending habits. I wouldn't discuss personal health issues. I totally get why he wanted out of that room.. I will throw him some shade about not watching the damn show to see what he was getting into. He could have maybe done some googling about Claremont before he went there also. 


Come to think of it NONE of these fiancées seem to have a grasp on how to vet any of their new beaux. Doesn't Catfish air in any other countries?

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2 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Agree about Andrrrei and Libby's Dad.  The, "I'm not paying for the wedding because you didn't ask my permission to marry Libby" crap is nonsense.  If he doesn't want to pay, because he doesn't approve of the marriage, or because he just doesn't want to pay, (or because he can't afford a horse drawn carriage, on top of a mountain, in the snow) fine.  But that was a BS excuse.  

I loved how Andrrrei, just kept smiling, whacking golf balls and saying, "Fine, I've got it.".  

You can betcha old Turnip on Two Stilts wasn't expecting that!

Andrrrei really did turn the tables on him, and if Libby's Dad had the sense God gave a goat, he'd respect his new son-in-law!

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My response was to the comment I quoted which said maybe David is repulsed by sex and that is normal. Not wanting to talk on camera is normal, entering a marriage with a woman who wants sex when you don't is not normal. And he also said he didn't want to talk privately about it either. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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38 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:


Did Evelyn go commando up until now, because she thinks bras & panties are 'for sex'?  She seems to need more talking because those usually come OFF for sex; she's still confused.


Reminds me of the worst joke ever about the two religious virgins who got married, and on the wedding night, the father without the benefit of coarse language tactfully explains to the son that he's supposed to stick the part of his body that protruding into "the place where she goes to the bathroom."

A few minutes later, virgin daughter is on the phone whispering, "Mom! He just stuck his foot in the toilet! What do I do next?"

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

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17 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

I wouldn't discuss my sex life on camera. I wouldn't discuss my income or spending habits. I wouldn't discuss personal health issues.

Sorry, SpankyDoll, your application for casting on a TLC reality series has been denied.

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1 hour ago, alegtostandon said:

I wanted so badly to watch him struggle getting those pieces of luggage up those spiral stairs!

I think he actually DID struggle.  We saw him try to figure out how he was going to do it (yeah, carry the TWO heavy pieces at the same time and leave the one small piece for later).   We saw only the result of the two of them taking the luggage into their honeymoon suite.

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9 hours ago, Drogo said:

Evelyn:  Won't it be weird just being naked together, like, with our naked bodies and stuff?

Mrs. Dave Grohl:  No sweetie, the human body is beautiful and a hoo-hoo is designed for a pee-pee.

David on their wedding night, probably:

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Mother Evelyn neglected to tell her about all the other fun things she can do with a pee-pee. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I just don't get why she's married to a dumbass like Chris.

Maybe Chris was Nikki's married boss.  There was that office affair and he was SO appealing because he he was a tall, good-looking guy, who took charge, had businesses, spent money, and seemed like such a generous person.  Then...she gets pregnant.  He gets a divorce in order to "do the right thing."  Now, after they're married, Nikki sees what he really is and she needs to take charge to make sure things don't go bad for herself, their kids, and her brother.  

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12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Our second wedding wasn't a "big fancy wedding" but we did have a second one. With the K-1 visa, you have no idea when it's going to arrive so it's very hard to plan a ceremony. Most venues in my area fill up a year, even two years, in advance. Because the 90 days start ticking away the second the visa comes in, it makes it difficult to set an actual date. We got married at the court house when the visa came in, for immigration reasons. However, both of us are only children and our families wanted an actual ceremony. We had our "wedding" about 8 months later. His family and friends flew in from England, mine came in from all over the US, and we had a great time. Our whole wedding cost around $2,000 and that included the live band and open bar. It wasn't fancy but it was fun. Though we were technically married at that point, I am glad we did the actual ceremony for our families. My mother-in-law died of brain cancer a year later and it's nice to have those pictures of our family members together. 

Totally makes sense to me in that context. We didn't do the K1 but rather got hitched at the courthouse while soon to be spouse was visiting on a B1. Neither of us wanted any kind of ceremony, so we just had close family with us and went out to celebrate afterwards. Everyone's reasons are different, so I'll tone down my judginess a bit.

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2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I thought most churches were fundementalist and that just means that they believe in the Bible fundamentals as literal. It doesn't mean they can't wear bathing suits and post them on instagam. I don't know. I'll google it. 

It really depends on the denomination and the congregation of any given church. Fundamentalist do take holy books at their literal word: Duggars,FLDS, Mennonite, Pentecostal. Still, lots of churches are not fundamentalist. Evelyn's family doesn't appear to be fundamentalist. The women wear pants and cut their hair. This tends to be a huge faux pas in fundamentalist circles. I think they are just somewhat conservative Christians with the young marriage and virginity thing. 

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I was watching Evelyn and her mom and Husband Arwen walked in.  I paused the TV and I asked him if if he thought Evelyn was pretty.  He said, “um, she’s okay, I guess.  Then Nicole came on, and he said, “That other girl is pretty, but this blonde one is certainly NOT.”

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10 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Annie was so smug to Nikki on their girls' night out, basically, "Chris pay for me for ten years. He's my new John. Get used to it, bitch."

Then she smiled and told the cameras, "Chris pays for me. I don't feel bad. I don't care."

With friends like David Pour, who needs enemies?

Even though they co-sponsored her, I truly doubt it will be easy to force any support $ out of them that they don't want to give freely.

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On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:59 PM, Former Nun said:

I think he actually DID struggle.  We saw him try to figure out how he was going to do it (yeah, carry the TWO heavy pieces at the same time and leave the one small piece for later).   We saw only the result of the two of them taking the luggage into their honeymoon suite.

How convenient that the camera only showed David looking at the bags and then up at the spiral staircase, before the bags miraculously appeared at the apartment door.  That poor guy could barely haul himself up those stairs, so, there is no way he could do it with two heavy bags. I am willing to wager that production did the lifting for him.   


On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 5:22 PM, bichonblitz said:

I just don't get why she's married to a dumbass like Chris. Let's face it, the guy isn't the sharpest pencil in the box which makes me wonder if he is pissing away all of his money and is going to end up as broke as David.

Chris may be a dumbass, but he is wealthy.  A five bedroom house with a pool in a decent area of LA starts at $2.6 Mil.  And, given that beautiful women in LA are a dime a dozen, seems to me that Nikki hit the jackpot.

Edited by Adeejay
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10 hours ago, Drogo said:

Evelyn:  Won't it be weird just being naked together, like, with our naked bodies and stuff?

Mrs. Dave Grohl:  No sweetie, the human body is beautiful and a hoo-hoo is designed for a pee-pee.

David on their wedding night, probably:

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It kinda reminded me of that Golden Girls episode where they're talking about their "firsts" and Rose asks "That first time, didn't it seem like a ridiculous thing to do?"

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One thought - if Aika had to choose between that 2-carat diamond ($13,000) and Josh's vasectomy reversal ($15,000), do you think she'd also want a pretty band to go with the engagement ring?  Maybe she's going to use the choice as a bargaining chip, because - really - would YOU want to have his baby?  And if the choice is left to him, he'll spring for the ring.

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9 hours ago, Boofish said:

Evelyn dressed as Bill Cosby while discussing sex with her mother is the type of television that should be getting awards.

I wish I could like this comment 582 times. I laughed incredibly hard.

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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

My response was to the comment I quoted which said maybe David is repulsed by sex and that is normal. Not wanting to talk on camera is normal, entering a marriage with a woman who wants sex when you don't is not normal. And he also said he didn't want to talk privately about it either. 

A lot of people don't realize that not wanting sex is even an option. Very few people talk about it and a lot of people just assume they will want it. It's difficult to understand how you feel if nobody else seems to feel the same way. He might not fully realize she sees sex in a different way. Like how some people don't realize they're gay until after they're married. They might not realize it themselves.

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Oh, like, where to start...

Like, it was not cool of Mrs. Nikki to like tell Annie that Louisville sucks. And I wish the cameras were following her and that Neanderthal around--THAT would be interesting, because they don't seem to be on the same page about much, at least as presented on this show. As far as their house, it wouldn't surprise me if it's a rental. The social media stuff about him is centered on Louisville. Annie can play the victim card but she is a user. Too bad the firehouse and the city aren't up to her new, LA standards. I don't think David Pour will live for 10 more years, certainly beyond being a sick, disabled old man. Hope I'm wrong. 

I too continue to be more impressed by Andrrrrei. It's one thing to try to put on a brave face to a manipulator or abuser that they are not getting to you, but his conviction is strong and comes from within. I wonder if it bothers him at all that Lippy seems a pampered rich girl, working PT for Daddy, who has probably paid for everything up to now for her, and that she shops in a high-priced bridal boutique and for a top-tier wedding venue when they were supposed to watching their money. Why not a courthouse marriage with lunch afterward now and a big ceremony later? Those Stepford Shrews are from hell, they all look the same (boring) and think they are The Shit, and why does that sister-in-law keep inserting herself? 

Azan's "Yep" made me cackle. (beat) "Yep." No green card is worth what he is going through. What good is it if you lose your mind? Better to be poorer, saner, and with his family in Morocco. 

I also LOL'd when David Es-Spain said during the cooking episode, "I think it's going to be great" while rubbing and patting all over his face. On "Seinfeld," Jerry S. said that the way you touch your face when talking about your relationship reflects how good or bad it is--the worse it is, the more you keep moving your hand up your face til you're rubbing your eyes and saying, "I HAVE to get out!" I don't blame David for not wanting to talk about their sex life in front of cameras, although with him I think there are probably deeper issues. Maybe he'll close his eyes and think of England (or Granada, or something or someone else). Why did Makayla go into the dressing room? That made my skin crawl. 

Josh certainly does pound the alcohol, which surprises me given some background info about him out there. Aika is greedy and a sulker and whiner. I feel they are the most contrived couple, maybe set up by the show. 

Edited by Tuneful
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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:


Reminds me of the worst joke ever about the two religious virgins who got married, and on the wedding night, the father without the benefit of coarse language tactfully explains to the son that he's supposed to stick the part of his body that protruding into "the place where she goes to the bathroom."

A few minutes later, virgin daughter is on the phone whispering, "Mom! He just stuck his foot in the toilet! What do I do next?"

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Now you've done it. 

Two virgins marry. Next day dad is talking to the son. That wedding night was something, huh boy? Yeah Pop, it was great. She sure is pretty, son. Sure is. Was it a fun night? Oh yeah, and you know what Pop? The way she was acting, I think I could have fucked her!

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It's getting so I don't want to check in here for more comments because it causes me to contemplate Evil-yn's twat.

Astonished at David.  He truly has nothing going for him.  He is fully, totally, 100% a loser.  Run, Annie.  He's a drunk and he'll never amount to anything.

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9 hours ago, Indy USAF said:

No, it was my fault.  I know a guy that lost his job unexpectedly during the K-1 process so he needed a sponsor.  Its my understanding that the sponsor has to help out until they get their green card.  If the marriage falls apart after that, etc. then all they're obligated to do is to help them get home.  I don't know where they came up with a 10 yr commitment?  That's definitely not the case!

It really is a 10 year commitment. I married a foreign spouse and I am legally financially responsible for 10 years (with a few exceptions/circumstances). We didn't do a K1, but either way the 'sponsor' is on the hook for 10 years. What I'm not 100% on is what happens if the couple divorces within the 2 years that the spouse is on the conditional green card. Or, if the foreign spouse obtains citizenship between years 3 and 10.

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