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1 minute ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I mean if she knows he only had 1500 USD to give to the family (which is about 1300 too much IMO) from the 15K that they wanted....why are they looking at the XXL premium water buffalos at the farm instead of the scratch n dent, open box, refurbished buffalos in the shed for 1/10 of the price?

That's what makes me think he has kind of sort of told her but not totally because he's grown used to the blow jobs.  

That did look like the beefiest buffalo in the country, didn't it?  It was the Jesse-on-steroids buffalo.  

20 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

I think she is in for a rude awakening. 

That will be her nickname for the wedding night.  

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I will say that May is super cute and I love Molly's youngest daughter's personality !

Elizabeth certainly does look like a different person on her phone. I would have never guessed that was the same person, either. 

David Spain won points this episode, but I may have to deduct those after seeing next week's preview.

David Poor really is a sad sack, isn't he?

Oh, Nicole...you truly are the gift that keeps on giving! 

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1 hour ago, Chickabiddy said:

“You want to know another fun fact? You are  marrying a foreigner. Get used to it. Bon Appetite.”

 I think I loves me some David. He just may be the perfect man to tame that shrew. I wish I were a better person and not  delighting so much in the rude awakening that is waiting for Evelyn. 

1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

He had me at Bon Appetite, I want to be his friend. I also love how he scoffed at the American Dream and said he had a great life in Spain thank you very much.

I was all about David after his smackdowns and letting her know his shit was just fine thanks. He should have added "It's nice you've been planning this wedding for 18 years. Did you consider the person you were marrying might have some ideas? Or were you just going to pop him into place like it's not his wedding too?"

But I'm not giving him advice, 'cause he lost me with next week's previews. 


29 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

I'm thinking he's wearing scrubs.  For what reason I don't know, but they are comfortable.  It would also be difficult to know how to dress appropriately for that occasion.  

Clearly it calls for a pink lace ankle-length dress with white chunky heels, DUH.

Edited by SnarkKitty
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5 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

he was yammering that he used to have all that stuff but the divorce took it all or whatever

How long ago was the divorce?    And the ex only got half, maybe 75%.   Sure he had to pay an attorney which can deplete the emergency funds, but the divorce ends at some point.  Does he then start rebuilding his funds?   Nope, he goes to Thailand and lives off his friend's money while proposing to every girl he meets.     Guy deserves to get taken.

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36 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

I don't think Azan is making any attempt to even be polite to Blimpy.  And he doesn't give a shit about May, other than to use her as a focus for his arguments with Nicole.  I have been a defender of Azan in the past, but no more.  He has a pinhead and he was being a total prick.  

I should rephrase that. I can't tell if he has genuine affection for May. But I do think he was bothered that a toddler was used to eating junk food. Just like when I see a parent smoking in the car with their baby inside. I don't have any attachment to that child, but I feel bad and angry that he/she is being subjected to an unhealthy situation. 

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34 minutes ago, Splithair said:

Andrei is throwing up so many red flags, they may have been used to create David's water buffalo outfit. First, the submissive crap. Then the visa overstay, which may very well ruin the chance of him getting the K-1. On top of that, if he has an arrest record and lied about it, definitely not happening. Perhaps the biggest one, in my opinion, was when Elizabeth told the lawyer that she's concerned about how he'll react to being "interrogated."  If dude can't keep his cool for the short duration of the interview, which is necessary to get here and marry this woman, what does that tell you about what kind of guy he is?

This does not bode well.

8 minutes ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Amen! Kudos to David for standing up to her. She is a smug, insufferable, immature little brat. "There's no such thing  as a European dream", are you kidding me with this?! He had an awesome life in Spain and he threw it away for this little brat. Go home David!! Go home!!!

I just wanted to reach through the tv and wipe that smirk off her face.  We have the least programs for our citizens in the industrialized world.  She is sooo immature.

Is there 2 Davids?  The water buffalo guy and the guy with Evelyn?

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29 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

How long ago was the divorce?    And the ex only got half, maybe 75%.   Sure he had to pay an attorney which can deplete the emergency funds, but the divorce ends at some point.  Does he then start rebuilding his funds?   Nope, he goes to Thailand and lives off his friend's money while proposing to every girl he meets.     Guy deserves to get taken.

After the divorce he had a large stroke so he probably had or even has medical bills.

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Water buffalo is quite delicious - good beef (had some when I visited Egypt).  David should have researched Thailand laws and things like dowry *before* wanting to marry yet another woman. And he keeps finding the cash to buy her what she wants/pays for some dowry. Annie is getting a good look at what she is getting - an older guy with.... nothing. Maybe she'll get to live in America. Who knows.

Evelyn, weddings involve two people - it's not just your 'white carpet' day. Do you have a visit at Kleinfeld scheduled? It is also your husband's wedding and he may want some input in to your 'dream' day.  The wedding day is something both of you plan - together.  David is not an accessory for you. And that is all it is - a day where you get your hair done and wear a nice dress. Marriage is what comes after - 24/7/365. David #2 did have some good comebacks for her. What I saw on the preview is him attacking her friend. Her friend Michaela does have concerns - Evelyn is a young and immature 18 with little life skill and experience and David is 27 - almost going on 30.

I did crank up the Manics' Europa Geht Durch Mich as an homage to the European dream.

Elizabeth, your Andrei is raising an awful lot of red flags. The two of you need to have a loooong chat about any future life you plan together.

Azan, you really have zero say in how Nicole currently raises her daughter.  A lot food in grocery stores is now convenience food.  People have busy schedules. Also depends on how much money Nicole has to buy food. Fries and chicken nuggets are fine once in a while. Things like fruit and veggies may be expensive if you don't have a decent salary. Produce and meat are expensive here, and with winter coming and any bad weather in California (where a lot of our veggies come), prices skyrocket.  You can probably help her with healthy grocery shopping. Living in Florida means probably some farmers' market stalls and the like. All you seem to want is the Green Card and you are looking at Nicole as being less of that source.

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34 minutes ago, Awfarmington said:

I should rephrase that. I can't tell if he has genuine affection for May. But I do think he was bothered that a toddler was used to eating junk food. Just like when I see a parent smoking in the car with their baby inside. I don't have any attachment to that child, but I feel bad and angry that he/she is being subjected to an unhealthy situation. 

He's going to be shocked when he gets to Florida, USA and sees how many toddlers are used to eating junk food.

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5 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I get Evelyn wanting the tuxedos in her wedding.  But why doesn't she just get her family to pay the extra $500?

European guys have nice suits.  Why doesn't she just ask if that's what they are bringing and what general color they are etc?  She can tie them all together with a nice lapel flower.  And then have the bridesmaids wear dresses in the same color family but different styles to make it all seem coherent yet not matchy matchy.   Quite frankly unless this is the most made up fake argument ever, he should just tell her don't worry about what everyone else is wearing and just worry about ALL EYES ON YOU MY VIRGIN BRIDE and she should eat that shit up.  I know she cares about her instagram wedding and pinterest board but she's marrying her dream imported guy so she needs to get a grip.  LOL

4 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

He's going to be shocked when he gets to Florida, USA and sees how many toddlers are used to eating junk food.

Agree.  If it's that important to him then he needs to find another target for the green card.  She's not going to change.

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Hard to tell what kind of guy Luis is yet, but I didn't care for some of his comments about Olivia's behavior.  Not that he doesn't have a right to his opinion or that his comments were even incorrect, but I just hope he doesn't think he's going to be some sort of father figure that lays down the law. She's 17 and he is just popping into her life all of a sudden; the best he can hope for is a friend/mentor type of relationship. 

I dated someone who was 7 years older than me, but had their first son really young. I was only 8 years older than him, and there was no way I was ever going to try and play some sort of parent/step-parent role with him. If Luis has good intentions, treats Molly well and is respectful of Olivia and her relationship with her mom, I think she will eventually come around. Kids, regardless of their age, know when someone is for real or not.

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1 hour ago, Cranky One said:

Elizabeth certainly does look like a different person on her phone. I would have never guessed that was the same person, either. 

Right?! I thought I was the only one who noticed this. When we see her through a phone lens she looks so different, much prettier IMO. Weird. 

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46 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I get Evelyn wanting the tuxedos in her wedding.  But why doesn't she just get her family to pay the extra $500?

Exactly! And if they can’t afford to pay for the tuxes, then they are planning a wedding they cannot afford!! No, Evil-yn, your friends do not owe you a big expensive wedding. If you want tuxes, then book more and better singing gigs!!!

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Olivia is acting like a bitch. She doesn't have to like the situation but she could try to be polite. 

I kind of feel sorry for David. I'm sure he didn't expect that these people would be such greedy assholes. He's willing to pay them for their daughter but if he doesn't have what they want then he just doesn't. i wish he'd just say they can't get married then since nothing is good enough and walk away. I bet they'd change their tune real fast. 

Evelyn is such a terrible fucking bitch.

Nicole shouldn't have started calling Azan 'daddy' if she didn't want to hear his opinion. Azan HAS to stop Nicole and her daughter from acting out in public. Morocco doesn't fuck around. THEY HAVE TO BEHAVE.

Mark my words, Elizabeth will get her ass beat by that guy. I can tell he's abusive. I've never gotten such a bad vibe from anyone else on this show. Btw Elizabeth may have to move to wherever he lives if she wants this psycho so bad. If they let him in, I'll be very confused. She can't even trust that he won't fly off the handle in his interview. She's scared shitless of his reactions. Her sister couldn't even joke with him when they had their last "hoo-ha". It's this type of guy that ends up killing a woman. 

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2 hours ago, Sprockets said:

So I'm wondering why the application hasn't been rejected already.  


I know, and it shows that she knows exactly who he is.  So why is she with him?  Does she have to go to Dublin to get laid?  

I'm guessing it will be rejected if either thing is true. 6-7 months is really not that long for the process, but it could be taking longer if they are finding discrepancies. I could be wrong, but I don't think his interview has been scheduled yet, has it? If it hasn't, how long is she planning to stay there and wait? Unless she is just wanting to visit him, there is no point to her being there for the interview anyway. 

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We're being punked, right? Because the Elizabeth through the photo lens and the Elizabeth on our screens CAN'T be the same person. I absolutely cannot tear my eyes away from her. I've never seen someone photograph so differently before. 

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I consulted some etiquette books and apparently the proper attire whilst water buffalo shopping IS weird lounge jammies.  Who knew.  

I'm kind of warming to Luis.  He's totally an opportunist, but I feel like he picked someone he was moderately attracted to, and it won't be love, but it won't be awful.  

Spanish David gets no props from me.  He picked her, now he has to deal with her. 

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6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I am just fixated on Elizabeth's mouth.  

It looks to me as though  she has had a cleft lip repaired and the bright lipstick accentuates it. She wasn’t wearing any during the cell phone filming. Also,because she was filming down on herself a little, you don’t see the lip straight on or or the difference between the 2 sides of her nose which IMO are remarkable.    Also, I laughed out loud when David sighed and said”I guess I have to go water buffalo hunting now”. Too funny!        

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5 hours ago, jumper sage said:


Is there 2 Davids?  The water buffalo guy and the guy with Evelyn?

Yes,  referred to on this site as David Poor and David Spain. Thank you Pedro for Family Chantal so we can continue the fun. 

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33 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

"Quality of life" = not-so-subtle dig at what a shithole the United States has become.  Europeans by and large don't want our "way of life."  

Then he shouldn’t have come. If he doesn’t want to live in the US, then don’t. If he wants to live somewhere larger and warmer, he should have said so before getting engaged and moving to a small NH town. Spain has the Internet. He could research what it was like there. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Evelyn lives in a small town. If he prefers Spain, and he has every right to, then he should have suggested they live there and if Evelyn didn’t want to then maybe they weren’t right. 

But he proposed and moved to this town of his own free will knowing where he was going. 

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27 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Then he shouldn’t have come. If he doesn’t want to live in the US, then don’t. If he wants to live somewhere larger and warmer, he should have said so before getting engaged and moving to a small NH town. Spain has the Internet. He could research what it was like there. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Evelyn lives in a small town. If he prefers Spain, and he has every right to, then he should have suggested they live there and if Evelyn didn’t want to then maybe they weren’t right. 

But he proposed and moved to this town of his own free will knowing where he was going. 

OMG.  We might be seeing the foreign equivalent of the American who goes overseas without doing any research first!  I guess every country has its Larrys and Nicoles and Pauls.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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34 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

But he proposed and moved to this town of his own free will knowing where he was going. 

I think it may be more a case of he's realizing what a zero Evelyn is.  He seems like a pretty savvy guy.  

5 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Because I stayed up all night watching those Looney Tunes cartoons.

You are a dedicated researcher.  I admire you.  

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12 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

I think it may be more a case of he's realizing what a zero Evelyn is.  He seems like a pretty savvy guy.  

That could be. I’m not sure I get savvy from him but I could be wrong. To me he seems like a man who chose a sheltered teenager thinking he would be in charge and is now discovering that there is no creature on earth you can control less than a teenager LOL (says the mom of 3 teenagers). 

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1 hour ago, Sprockets said:

I think it may be more a case of he's realizing what a zero Evelyn is.  He seems like a pretty savvy guy.  

He's apparently not THAT savvy. 

Edited by mamadrama
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I love Younger Daughter Molly! "Ch ch ch cheese!"

Fun fact; Elizabeth (and Karine) need lessons on which lipsticks look good with their coloring. 

Why did Annie ride in the back of the truck to her village? David Poor tearing up … he really has deluded himself that he's in a loving relationship.

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Azan’s food discussion was obnoxious.  Why does Nicole need to cook for him?  He is an adult he can cook for himself.  If he expects such gender roles he better be taking 3 jobs to support the family.  Then the frozen food stuff, nothing is wrong with things being frozen, it is a good method of preservation and things like frozen veggies have lots of benefits.  I cannot believe he though chocolate was better than fries when sugar and not fat is most people’s problem. 

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1 minute ago, Bryce Lynch said:

It really isn't cool to hint a spoilers in a non spoiler thread.  

But he isn't that savvy, at least from my perspective. He presumably got to know her at least before he came over here. From the conversation at the breakfast place, it sounded as though this was an old argument about the tuxes. And she admitted herself that she generally hung up on him whenever they argued. Yet Dude came over here anyway, so...

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17 minutes ago, Mercolleen said:

Fun fact; Elizabeth (and Karine) need lessons on which lipsticks look good with their coloring. 

Karine especially.  What is that horrible color?  



Why did Annie ride in the back of the truck to her village? David Poor tearing up … he really has deluded himself that he's in a loving relationship.

Someone had to ride in the back.  Or David could have been tied to the bumper like a water buffalo and been forced to run along behind.  

He does think he's in a loving relationship, all evidence to the contrary.  He even convinced himself the "villagers" (that's her family, nitwit) were celebrating his glorious arrival.  They were celebrating his supposed bank account.  

Edited by Sprockets
a word
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11 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

“You want to know another fun fact? You are  marrying a foreigner. Get used to it. Bon Appetite.”

 I think I loves me some David. He just may be the perfect man to tame that shrew. I wish I were a better person and not  delighting so much in the rude awakening that is waiting for Evelyn. 

So, okay, I posted this before I saw the preview of David throwing shade at Mckayla (or however it's spelled) for being a single lady. What a dirty dog. This would go a long way to explaining why he is a 27 year old virgin, though. He is not hot enough or rich enough to overcome a stank attitude like that. It also explains why he and Evelyn have such an attraction. Assholes usually find each other.

The jury is still out. Previews can be misleading. However, I may just  enjoy hate watching these two assholes battle it out for supremacy. Pass the popcorn. I'm in.

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10 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Also, I was rolling my eyes hard at how he's so worried she's going to cook high octane junk food for him. I mean, first of all, of course she is, secondly -- you're not going to be able to work in the States for a while, dude. You cook while your girl's out there slinging lattes or whatever. Because fuck traditional gender roles, and also if you actually want Nicole to diet, what better way to support that than to cook healthy for her, and occasionally cook together? I guess the answer there is he doesn't have any interest in being supportive, just getting his digs in.


10 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Nicole doesn't have time to cook healthy meals because why? You know that kid is on a steady diet of nuggets and fries. 

I highly doubt it Nicole cooks anything. It's all take out and microwave dinners.

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