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S14.E01: Break Down the House; S14.E02: Get Off on the Pain

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Season 14 opens as Meredith and the team are focused on helping Owen’s sister after her shocking return, and Amelia faces a conflict over a patient. Meanwhile, Bailey is forced to give Grey Sloan a facelift after the fire, and the doctors are introduced to a few new faces that spice things up around the hospital.

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3 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:


Grey's, are you feeling okay? What show is this? They were actually referring to things like real people do...who wrote these episodes, I could watch this all season long!


Krista Vernoff is back, and Grey’s is all the better for it. I appreciated everything you mentioned, plus Mama Hunt’s return. Continuity was excellent, and the pacing was on point. The outdoor Seattle scenes (real and SS) were much appreciated.  We had the first mention of Montana since it happened. I hope this is a harbinger of a good season 14. 

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I definitely saw the tumor thing coming, but it was more a wishful thinking on my part. I'd actually forgotten about it by the time Amelia asked Andrew's sister for the MRI-orgasm thingy ma jingy. So, it was certainly a surprise at the end! But can anyone tell me what the 14x03 trailer said? The captions doesn't show up for that and I'm hearing impaired. Ugh.

Definitely loved all the throwbacks! And Meredith/Alex scenes that were not toxic! It was like season 2 Meredith/Alex, ah! Love it!

I never really liked Teddy and thought she was a self-righteous bitch this episode (14x01 mostly) but I love that she stopped Owen from kissing her in 14x02. The mention of Henry (I think that was his name?) was nice too, didn't he die though? Also, didn't Owen cheat on Cristina with Teddy as well? It's kind of ironic that both Amelia and Cristina don't want children and their husband cheated on them with the same woman. Or something to that extent.

I am so happy the Jackson/Maggie was kept to a minimum. It seems like the writers actually are in that population who believes romantic relationships between step siblings is incestuous. Yay writers. I love that Jackson was so insistent on talking to April, and again she is giving up on him. I really wish she'd let him talk. I have to wonder what is going through Jackson's mind? I'm under the impression he does want to be with April. Back to Maggie, I love the. references to her first episode and her somewhat bonding with Richard. This is what I meant by that second sentence, Maggie is acknowledging Richard is her father! This makes me happy for other reasons, it seems familial dynamics are so dysfunctional on this show! So it's nice to see something somewhat resembling normalcy here.

I really don't know what to say to the whole Meredith/Nathan/Megan thing. Didn't Nathan cheat on her? And Megan was held hostage for a decade, but they were nice? It makes absolutely no sense!

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Great show tonight!!! Wow Amelia has a tumor?!!?!?! The way she has been acting, yeah it makes so much sense!!!! Owen needs to know ASAP!!!! That sub intern lady who screamed when she saw blood, and was taping herself talk, was so annoying!!! I don't like her! And all the sub interns trying to find a dead body for Nathan's ex wife, were so dumb. It's not even funny. The only smart one is the nerd with glasses.

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That was ... promising.  I like the lighter tone.  Also it felt like they were finally treating the characters like people with history and not just plot points to or a bag of tics.  So many salient references to people and their relationships with each other, past and present and not just forgetting it because it doesn't work for the plot on the page.

I am very exasperated by the introduction of DeLuca's sister, but I loved the arguing in Italian and Arizona's facial expression.

I will say I was surprised by Amelia's diagnosis and in retrospect it makes sense.  It is the most I have been interested in Amelia since she started the show.

I would say Nathan's tone-deaf proposal and everything surrounding Jo and the glasses intern were the two biggest needle scratches.

But everybody else just felt like they brought their A-game.

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I think Amelia having a Tumor is a cop-out. I thought they were going to really go back how they showed that Richard was drinking again that Amelia was smashing Oxy again and using it like booger sugar. I have to say that arc on PP was one of my favourites (minutes the whole "Ryan was the love of my life." Nonsense and bringing it on to Grey's would have been really good as well. 

I also feel they'll use the tumor in a way to fix what's going on with Owen + Amelia - where the truth of the matter is they shouldn't have gotten married at all. and I think Teddy doesn't have the guts to be with Owen. Because if I loved someone that much - truthfully, I wouldn't have an affair with them, but i would seriously lay down the ultimate line (and then stop doing what she does which is basically get all ticky with anyone who has Owen's penis inside their vajayjay). I do think Amelia's thing of  - "Owen has his Miracle, and my brother is still dead, so i have to not be here" is perfectly reasonable. (and as we have zero idea how long Derek died now i think its' still okay to be upset about it when Miracles happen).


Bailey: you don't have to wear high heels. you easily could wear flats. 

I missed a good chunk of the first episode (sticky internet connection), so i missed what exactly was wrong with Megan (who is recasted, right?) and what was up with Jaw Guy. 

and Arizona and Italian sister had way way way more chemistry than Eliza and Arizona. 

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They dialogue on this show was more contrived then usually.  Why does Megan have to have all that cutesy dialogue.  It's annoying.  

Why would Joe sleep with the glasses guy?    It really doesn't make sense.  She didn't seem drunk.  She obviously had no attraction to him so why do it?  

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I would say Nathan's tone-deaf proposal and everything surrounding Jo and the glasses intern were the two biggest needle scratches.

Nathan, I think is overcompensating with Meghan. The last time he saw her they had a fight and then years later the guilt of her being left behind, he's trying to make it up to her for all those years. Not saying a part of him doesn't love her but it's a gap of many years  and then trying to continue where they last left off is not the right time. It should be about her recovery time and leave the relationship issues for a later time.

Jo on the other is addicted to doing stupid things. Sleeping with glasses guy (it's not as if she was attracted to him or even desired to sleep with  him, she just did it) and then immediately hooking up with Alex after the fallout from the previous season. Are they sure that Jo doesn't have a tumour too? Because she's just out there.

Amelia. Well I guess it explains her behaviour lately. Although I agree it sounds like a cop-out. She's not out of control it was the tumour. I wonder how long will the show make Amelia keep this a secret from Owen until it's too late. And since it seems like she's the only brain surgeon in America who perform the surgery, she's screwed.

April/Jackson. I thought they were a couple after Montana. Jackson doesn't seem like the type to be vague with the status of their relationship. And no no no to Maggie and Jackson, they're step-siblings. This is not Days of Our Lives where it's okay to hook with pseudo family members.

Edited by redfish
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This Amelia brain tumor plot point reminds me of that show-within-a-show plot point on the Friends version of Days of our Lives...where when Dr. Drake Ramoray, the neurosurgeon, "died" due to a brain injury, Joey indicated that the only one who could have saved Dr. Ramoray's life was Dr. Ramoray himself.

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This was better than last season. The dialogue was pretty good. I laughed at Arizona's reaction to the Italian speaking.  

I did like that they touched on the Amelia being upset that her brother still wasn't alive and her comment about the boy not having a painkiller addiction. With her addictive personality, I thought it was going to be a sex addiction, so I was surprised that it was a brain tumor. 

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22 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

When was the George callback? When Meredith was breaking stuff?

Alex and Meredith were walking down the hallway together, Alex was telling Mere about Jo sleeping with the Baby Intern. Mere was responding how it was really about Alex, and then she said "like sleeping with George was really about Derrick." Alex responded with "I still cant believe you did that."

There was a mini reference to George and Lexi, but only that Webber brought up Alex's essay to get him into the program was about having cancer in his balls, which he never had. We found that out when Lexi and George broke into the records to find out how close he had been to passing his Intern Exams. Lexi was dying bc she had slept with Alex and knew his essay was a big fat lie. So only a mini reference bc you had to remember who we really found that information from the first time around.

I really hope this is how the whole season is. They did a nice job setting up future storylines too.

Edited by SnoGirl
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That was the soapiest thing that's ever soaped.

One actress being swapped for another, pretending the audience wouldn't notice? - Check!

A child whose existence is revealed in a dramatic fashion? - Check!

A love triangle? - Two of them! edit: actually there were three love triangles if you also count April/Jackson/Maggie.

A never/rarely been done high-risk procedure accomplished successfully? - Two of those, as well!

A brain tumor discovered by accident? - Check!

Someone's sibling shows up and happens to both hook up with their sibling's roommate and land a high-level job at the sibling's workplace without any formal interview process/hiring committee? - Check!

Edited by chocolatine
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8 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

That was the soapiest thing that's ever soaped.

One actress being swapped for another, pretending the audience wouldn't notice? - Check!


I didn't notice! So good on them I guess. If it's Owens sister that they switched that's a standard one seeing as they probably didn't lock down a actress yet.

Other than Maggie's tell it like it is moment that wasn't really her business, I loved this premiere. Soapy or not, it felt like actual thought was put into fleshing out characters, writing them correctly and actual thought put in. 

Oh I also didn't like the dressing down Ben got by Bailey regarding Jo. Yes, he does get to have input when that's explicitly what Jo had been asking for. He wasn't butting in or mansplaining  (ugh I hate that term). He was trying to help a friend that wanted said help. She can take his thoughts into consideration or not.

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Irrespective of textual quality or narrative direction, this two-hour premiere felt like a real pivot -- tonally and dramatically. More than anything else, the palpable change was exactly what had to happen following the disappointment that most in the fanbase (myself included) felt throughout most of Season 13. I think in the months to come there'll be a lot of pieces celebrating Vernoff's return. She brings history and a more pronounced sense of humor; I do worry about her story choices and the occasionally affected dialogue, but those concerns are certainly not unique to her tenure, so I'll reserve judgment until it's no longer possible. Frankly, Season 14's premiere, simply in its commitment to being different, invites optimism over how the rest of the year might progress and how the show can move into, what many hope will be, a new era. 

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15 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I didn't notice! So good on them I guess. If it's Owens sister that they switched that's a standard one seeing as they probably didn't lock down a actress yet.

Yep, it's Owen's sister. Last season in the flashbacks/dream sequences she was played by Bridget Regan, and tonight by Abigail Spencer. Bridget Regan is somewhat well-known (I've only seen her on Jane The Virgin, but she's been on other shows, too), so I thought she was locked down, but apparently not.

Edited by chocolatine
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Remember when Arizona wasn't shallow? I guess the writers are going to keep shoehorning her into relationships until one awkwardly and forcefully fits enough. Very happy to see Dr. Minnick gone, and while Carina Deluca isn't the worst, she's far from great.  The Deluca's speaking in Italian is going to get old real quick. 

I wish they did more with Teddy. I wanted more Teddy. It was great to have Kim Raver back, and I would've liked to have seen her interacting with Bailey and maybe even have had an Arizona, Bailey, Teddy scene at the bar or something. They used to have girls nights. 

Speaking of shallow, Alex/Justin is looking so good! It was nice that Alex and Jo got to communicate for once. 

April was great in both hours. 

The zeroes, I loved that Alex called the sub-interns that, are annoying. 

I'm just not invested in Meredith and Nathan enough to even pretend to care about the love triangle. I would prefer Meredith cut her losses and focus on other things.  

Edited by funnygirl
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After last year's entirely miserable season, the Season Premiere was a breath of fresh air.


I enjoyed the call backs to "old" Grey's.  And there was resolution to much of last year's monotonously tense and miserable, never-ending faux drama.  Jackson/April finally discussing their situation, Teddy, Megan & Mom confronting Owen about his non-marriage.  Ben & Bailey having fun....loved the bit about naming the construction crew members "doctors".  Plastics Posse. 

A nice bit of writing for the terribly underutilized DeLuca, and Jo Wilson.  Alex is back!

I was so pleasantly surprised by this episode.  I hope the season maintains this level of story-telling.  I was really ready to give it up after last year, which is sad.  All I want from Grey's is some fun and some characters to really like.   DeLuca's sister looks promising.  The sub-Interns were hilariously awful....and Richard telling off Alex & Mer, and then Bailey was fantastic.  If they'd get rid of Amelia and Katherine Avery, I'd be ecstatic.

Grey's is back, which is great for Thursday evenings (and it helped that I finally got my satellite back today after 2 1/2 weeks of DVR only after Hurricane Irma). 

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Um.. yeah. This was underwhelming to me, which by the looks of the forums tonight I’m alone and that’s okay.

I just wasn’t all that excited about anything that happened. Except for the ending with Amelia but that feels kinda like when Izzie had her cancer thing. 

Nothing really interests me anymore.

Also I dislike the Jo/Alex pairing and I like DeLuca. He’s my favorite character on this show.

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The way Jo treated Glasses made it hard for me to root for her and Alex to get back together.  Nothing wrong with her not being attracted to him, but then stealing his surgery was just gross and bullying

Maybe they'll put him with April since that seems to be over.

Enjoyed the rest of it... it was good to see Teddy and Abigail Spencer.

Glad they explained Amelia's condition because her character was making no sense at all.

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You know, writers, I don't care how many times you have your characters say what Alex did was because he thought DeLuca was hurting Jo.  I really don't care.  What he actually did was beat a man almost to death.  I don't give two shits why he did it because he did it and he did it to a completely innocent man.  You can't just have your characters basically sing "Bygones!" and have it be fine; it will never be fine with me.  When Bailey said Alex wouldn't hurt a fly, I laughed out loud because it was such a load of crap.  Alex is an asshole and a bully and has been the entire duration of the show (if George were still alive, Alex would still be bullying him).  This doesn't mean that I don't enjoy watching him or am not invested in him; what it means is that you can't have him commit a felony and then try to pretend retroactively that it's not a big deal or that his motivations were pure or whatever other bullshit.  If they're not going to have Alex suffer any actual punishment for his crime, I'd rather they just never mention it again so that I don't get pissed off each time it is mentioned. [/rant]

Also, as soon as Amelia went twittering to Dr. Amore about orgasming in the MRI machine, I knew a tumor was coming.  Since Derek is dead and you can't operate on yourself, Ames, and since you two are/were apparently the only surgeons capable of such removing such a goliath of a tumor, I guess it sucks to be you, hon!

Otherwise, I thought this was pretty great, and I laughed multiple times (intentionally).

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3 hours ago, Hello Lady said:

Amelia has a tumor, which sister operates?? 

My guess is both.  Meredith, of course, will find a miraculous and impossible way to operate on the tumor, but then something happens and Maggie has to operate on Amelia's heart.

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Since Amelia has a tumor, I wonder if we'll see any of her sisters or her mother show up. Poor thing was pretty much abandoned on her wedding day; I wonder if they'll show any concern for her if they think she's dying. 

The sibling rivalry between Maggie and Meredith was interesting with the Ellis comparisons. I liked how Richard told Maggie that he likes to take credit for her being so good. 

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9 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I thought it was better than almost every episode from last season.

I agree. I really liked the episodes. Hope it continues like that

I'm just not sure what I think about the Amelia tumor situation. But there are always plots like that

And yes, Meghan was a pleasant surprise, did not expect that

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I really hope that they are not trying to make Jo the new Christina.  She is a whiny self centered bitch with a constant look of pain on her face.  Sleeping with the bumbling, myopic nerd who dropped his glasses in the cavity of your patient was just stupid to watch.  And really who's glasses are really that loose?  Jo needs a dramatic demise.  Seeing that the show is taking a more soapy turn the possibilities are endless.  Karev is due for another relationship disaster.

The references in the past are giving me hope for a better season.  Watching past episodes on Lifetime makes it obvious why the past seasons and characters are far superior than the current ones.

Quit trying to make Arizzzona happen.  A dramatic demise for her as well.  Maybe a train accident?  Hell I'd even settle for a piano to fall on her head.

Edited by mytmo
Conjunction junction what's your function
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I thought the premiere was a fantastic reaction to what the show turned into last year (dark, boring). Vernoff hit the nail on the head in a post-show interview, where she mentioned that most fans probably assumed that Alex and Jo would just keep fighting because that's what we've become used to seeing. Instead, Alex sat down and said what he needed to say. I really found myself rooting for them again, and it was nice to see Jo on her own dealing with Steph leaving and getting to rock a surgery. She's been used as a prop for too long, and I want to continue to see her as a badass surgeon and a complicated character in her own right. Sleeping with the sub-intern makes total sense to me; like Meredith said, it was more about Alex than anything. Jo hasn't slept with Alex since season 12, which was months ago in the show's timeline, so it wasn't a matter of her being drunk, but a matter of her being lonely and frustrated and seeing a decent-looking guy who was being nice and was attracted to her. If you haven't been there before, well then... lucky you, I guess? 

I also liked them turning most expectations about Megan on their head, in that she came back relatively OK. I also loved how they handled the 'love triangle', with Megan and Meredith both being total adults about it. I thought Meredith was fantastic the entire episode; Vernoff seems to really get her character, and I believe she's determined to showcase a more mature, strong (but still light) Meredith. The woman has been through hell, and she handles any crisis like a pro at this point. I loved Richard constantly referring to how much she's like Ellis. 

I loved Bailey tonight, too! Another character that I think Vernoff knows how to handle much better than anyone who was writing for her last year. Bailey is tough, but she always used to be likable. I really liked what she said to Ben about not understanding how scary it could be for Jo to see men utilizing violence in front of her... and then, even more, I loved what she said about Karev. 

Overall, it feels like the comedy is much more organic under Vernoff - rather than wacky, it's actually sexy and fun and it grows from the characters interactions rather than just absurd, forced situations. Like, sure Arizona hooking up with DeLuca's sister is ridiculous and soapy, but it was pulled off really fun and funny and sexy. And the way it tied back to the greater arc (having Amelia get in the MRI) was smart. 

It was also great to have April vocalize what she felt about Montana, after the showrunners last year had it literally ignored for several episodes. It feels like Vernoff binged the show and basically said, 'here's what needs to be fixed, here's what needs to be addressed.' Every character had something to do in the episode, and it never felt rushed or forced. The pace and tone were both very similar to the earlier seasons in the best way possible. 

Edited by BaseOps
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10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

That was the soapiest thing that's ever soaped.

One actress being swapped for another, pretending the audience wouldn't notice? - Check!


I didn't think they pretended the audience wouldn't notice.  Owen mentioned that "even his memories of her she looked different, i'd forgotten what she looked like" (Sorry i'm paraphrasing) when he was talking to Teddy.  I honestly thought that was a rather clever way to handle it.

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Well that was unexpected and pleasantly surprising.  I am not yet ready to declare that "Old Grey's is Back!" since we still have 22 episodes to go, but if Krista Vernoff 's influence is felt over the majority of this season, it will definitely be an improvement over the last few.  People actually communicated!  Jo is funny again AND a competent doctor!   Meredith smiled and laughed and was the compassionate person I remember for the most part!  There was a balance between characters/storylines and it wasn't just the same old characters only interacting with each other!  Yay!

It wasn't perfect, and I found some of the developments/retcons a bit jarring (Alex and Jo haven't talked at all in 10 episodes and now they are joking around?) And I find Amelia's tumor to be a pretty big cop-out as far as explaining her behavior (I never watched PP so this is how she has always been for me). I mean if they didn't blatantly use a brain tumor to explain Izzie's bitchiness way back in seasons 4-6, then its hard for me to believe it now.  Either that or there are a LOT of brain tumors floating around that hospital.  I'm not really looking forward to more Owen/Amelia/Sisters angst, so I hope that Amelia figures out a way to do brain surgery on herself and they wrap it up quick.  Either that or she and DeLuca's sister can orgasm the tumor out through her vajayjay.  I don't really care as long as it doesn't get completely dragged out.   I don't think Kim Raver is staying but I would be all for Owen and the show trading Amelia in for Teddy.

I also agree with NUguy514 that the Alex deification is a bit hard to swallow as well, and he is my favorite.  He did beat DeLuca to a pulp, he does have violent tendencies and I"m not 100% convinced that he was "rescuing" Jo when he served up the beat down on DeLuca.  I am for sure that he isn't a puppy who wouldn't hurt a fly, though I don't think that he would ever hurt Jo.  All that said, I am rooting for him and Jo again, though I kind of wish that the reconciliation wasn't quite so slapped together, but hooray that they didn't drag Alex's secret out for another 15 episodes.  They still have a lot to work out, but it was nice to see them be honest and have a semi-real conversation for once.  I loved Jo's walk of shame and her face when she got a good look at the intern's basement dwelling in the light of day LOL!  I also loved that Alex laughed in her face about it and she took it well.  And of course I really LOVED all of the callbacks, including the cringey George/Mer sex.  

Surprisingly, I am interested in Megan's son and I thought that the actress was a good fit.  However, seeing her play a sister and interacting with a character named Teddy just made me miss the show Rectify.  If you haven't seen it is is incredible!  

This was a good start, lets hope it continues!

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Oh Brother...Grey's is back and is it back....


First the writers for this season clearly didn't compare notes from last season because there were a couple of WTFS...

Let's dive in, shall we?


Amelia is Izzie 2.0...Amelia cannot just be an addict and not want children...nope she clearly has a brain tumor...okay whatever

Owen and Teddy-don't care...I like Teddy more than Owen BY far but still don't care

Riggs, wife, Meredith...OMG let's pretend that this is angsty love triangle instead of a mess...Meredith and Riggs have all the sparks of wet matches and Meredith is barely into him...so this isn't a love triangle...

Alex...He deserves better than this show-he should get a spinoff

Jo...I hate her...and as usual they have her in a sh*tty plot...

Maggie and Jackson-just stop


Never thought I see the day that I don't root for one couple on this show

I am routing for Alex to get a spinoff

Edited by dmc
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8 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

You know, writers, I don't care how many times you have your characters say what Alex did was because he thought DeLuca was hurting Jo.  I really don't care.  What he actually did was beat a man almost to death.  I don't give two shits why he did it because he did it and he did it to a completely innocent man.  You can't just have your characters basically sing "Bygones!" and have it be fine; it will never be fine with me.  When Bailey said Alex wouldn't hurt a fly, I laughed out loud because it was such a load of crap.  Alex is an asshole and a bully and has been the entire duration of the show (if George were still alive, Alex would still be bullying him).  This doesn't mean that I don't enjoy watching him or am not invested in him; what it means is that you can't have him commit a felony and then try to pretend retroactively that it's not a big deal or that his motivations were pure or whatever other bullshit.  If they're not going to have Alex suffer any actual punishment for his crime, I'd rather they just never mention it again so that I don't get pissed off each time it is mentioned. [/rant]

Also, as soon as Amelia went twittering to Dr. Amore about orgasming in the MRI machine, I knew a tumor was coming.  Since Derek is dead and you can't operate on yourself, Ames, and since you two are/were apparently the only surgeons capable of such removing such a goliath of a tumor, I guess it sucks to be you, hon!

Otherwise, I thought this was pretty great, and I laughed multiple times (intentionally).

At the point where he was arrested, went to trial, etc...what more do you want to occur?  I guess he could go help for his anger issues/that could be a story line.

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there really should have been at least some reference to Alex getting anger management counseling/working through issues. Because I don't believe he wouldn't hurt a fly . . . he demonstrated some anger issues right there and Jo is right to be concerned about it.

But I mostly blame crappy writing boxing in the character.  Don't have Alex nearly beat someone to death. If you go down that path, don't expect me to believe he wouldn't hurt a fly unless the fly hurt Jo and that Jo should be cool with that explanation.

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- My limited knowledge of Italian ended up being useful for this episode lol.

- Much better episode than a lot of last season.

- Still uneasy with how they're handling the overall fallout of Alex beating up DeLuca but I pretty much accepted that that was what they were going to do.

- Laughed out loud at Maggie comparing herself to Meredith with Richard.

- Amelia has many faults but Owen going up to her and being like "Hey, all the women in my family hate you so you have to go to therapy", was incredibly dumb and rude.

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13 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

But can anyone tell me what the 14x03 trailer said? The captions doesn't show up for that and I'm hearing impaired. Ugh.

Amelia:  I have a 10cm tumor in my left frontal lobe.  


Andrew:  Shouldn't we tell someone?

Amelia:  Keep your mouth shut.


Amelia:  I'm fine.

Dr. Tom Koracick (new doc played by Greg Germann of Ally McBeal fame):  You are not of sound mind and you haven't been for years.  


Weber:  You are in with people who love you  (or "You're arguing with people who love you."  -- the music made it difficult to tell which he was saying)


Maggie:  What's wrong?  

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I found the premiere watchable which is more than I can say for last season so that's good.

I liked Megan, but I found the situation kind of WTF. I'm glad they didn't go the amnesia or PTSD route, but I kept forgetting that she was held captive for 10 years and wasn't just Owen's sick sister who came home for treatment.

I liked Jo and Ben's scenes as well as Alex and Meredith's. Given how Alex/Jo were completely dropped last season, the reconciliation felt kind of WTF too, but I did like their scenes. I liked how Alex reacted to Jo and Glasses. 

Bailey didn't annoy me for the first time in forever.

I groaned at the tumor reveal. Has Amelia had the tumor the whole time she's been on Grey's because she's pretty much sucked the whole time. 

Jackson and April have been in limbo forever, so I hope they let them both move on for good, or at least a good long while.

Edited by Evie
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It was nice to see Teddy, until she was rude to Amelia and Meredith, and then she continued down that road, with a marriage intervention in his sister's room. When it comes to that, the sister can sod off, too. 

I see no chemistry between Riggs and Megan. I don't believe that she was a long lost love that he never got over. She seems to be have been fine without him, all these years. 

I haven't finished watching yet, but good for Amelia telling Owen he could have teddy, if he wanted her. Sod off Owen.  

Jo having awkward sex with the intern, reminded me of Meredith and George. Poor George who never got to have a great relationship, and died a horrible death. 

Edited by Anela
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9 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Megan. She was played by a different actress in the flashbacks/dream sequences last season.

Oh, thanks.  I didn't pay much attention to her last season because I didn't really care.  :-)  This actress did well though, so the switch clearly didn't bother me!

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