SunnyBeBe June 6, 2018 Share June 6, 2018 (edited) I thought Matt was found not guilty of the DWI and if there are more before that, it's ancient history. Too old to be relevant. I don't think voters mind people filing law suits, defending law suits or being eccentric. Plus, it's Oregon. Maybe, he's bothered by accusations of adultery, but, if Amy is on a tv show with him and his girlfriend, then, who's right is it to complain? How bad could they be? I suspect it really was the time involved. Plus, it's not just working, it's campaigning and that can be very brutal on your body. Edited June 6, 2018 by SunnyBeBe 4 Link to comment
Spike June 6, 2018 Share June 6, 2018 Didn’t the party for Amy say she is 55? Everyone keeps saying 54. Tori may be a teacher, but I don’t think grammar is part of kindergarten curriculum. And she always says “drive safe.” Funny that they found beavers on the property, as beaver was Matt’s downfall. 4 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Quote I thought Matt was found not guilty of the DWI and if there are more before that, it's ancient history. He had a prior DUI in 2002-2003. If my kid was hit by a drunk who had a prior DUI in 2002-2003 you can bet your ass I wouldn't be all "Ancient history, its like he did NOTHING wrong". Also, it goes to character. Quote I don't think voters mind people filing law suits, defending law suits or being eccentric. I think having a history of complaints and lawsuits can be awkward if publicized. You'll notice that Matt doesn't mention these things on the show. Quote Maybe, he's bothered by accusations of adultery, but, if Amy is on a tv show with him and his girlfriend, then, who's right is it to complain? How bad could they be? I Matt was approached by a politician who is a known right wing Tea party republican. I very much doubt Matt would be campaigning as a Democrat, he would be campaigning as a right wing Republican and would no doubt play up his good morals and Christian background. Except... that he's divorced and pretty clearly was having an affair with an employee under him. Also there's just the fact that he was banging an employee. Some people find that morally tetchy. 15 Link to comment
mythoughtis June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 5 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said: I don't know why the "wedding barn" hasn't been used anymore. Some have said it was just producer driven but they have a beautiful setup, why not use it. Wedding barns in my neck of the woods fetch a pretty penny, in the ballpark of 5k a weekend. That's a Friday evening rehearsal and Saturday wedding. If you choose to use the Sunday you can get that day for 2k, so a weekend could bring in 7 grand, not bad. Is that what Jer & Auj are planning? Why not get a start on that now, X out the month of October for pumpkin season. It's really a no brainer. They were not allowed to charge money for those weddings because they didn’t pass whatever inspections needed for use of the barn- including bathrooms. 10 Link to comment
kicksave June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 20 hours ago, MitaJo said: Jeremy had me rolling my eyes, offering his opinion on when Matt should retire from the farm, move to Arizona, run for Senate (WTF is that about anyway?). Of course Matt should put his life on hold to coincide with Jeremy's plans. Your dad is old and handicapped. What the hell else are you doing that you can't be at the farm, learning what you need to do to run it? I hope this book you guys are writing isn't what's putting things on hold. Zach doesn't even seem like he cares one bit about that place. And why exactly does it all depend on Zach and Jeremy? I know Molly moved away and all, but Jake doesn't want any part of it? Not even off camera? Amy, maybe you could learn how to run the farm if you took your ass down there and demanded your seat at the table. Matt has been doing this to you for years and you allowed it. You had an excuse when the kids were still in school, but they've all grown up and are out of the house. You no longer have any excuses. I'm getting so tired of her complaining about how she doesn't have a life since the divorce. That's on you. Matt has moved the hell on and is living it up, all up in your face and you sit there an take it. You refused to leave that house, so you have to either suck it up and deal or move away. The whining and "woe is me" act is tiring. Make a damn decision already and stop hemming and hawing about what you may or may not do. Looks like your family is tired of that crap too. Jacob is a bigger slacker than his brothers...smokes pot all day, hangs out with his fiancée and dogs, takes road trips...that’s about it. He’s never worked either. Don’t know how he and the fiancée are going to support themselves when they get married. 17 minutes ago, Rap541 said: He had a prior DUI in 2002-2003. If my kid was hit by a drunk who had a prior DUI in 2002-2003 you can bet your ass I wouldn't be all "Ancient history, its like he did NOTHING wrong". Also, it goes to character. I think having a history of complaints and lawsuits can be awkward if publicized. You'll notice that Matt doesn't mention these things on the show. Matt was approached by a politician who is a known right wing Tea party republican. I very much doubt Matt would be campaigning as a Democrat, he would be campaigning as a right wing Republican and would no doubt play up his good morals and Christian background. Except... that he's divorced and pretty clearly was having an affair with an employee under him. Also there's just the fact that he was banging an employee. Some people find that morally tetchy. Don’t forget the trebuchet incident...I’m surprised there aren’t more safety violations on that farm during pumpkin season when so many people are wandering around that place with all the broken down “projects” lying about. 5 Link to comment
Shmoopaloop June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 2 hours ago, sATL said: and don't forget the outside grill (s). I know a family who went 2-3 months while doing a kitchen remodel. Grilled salmon and veggies one night, burgers the next, steaks on occasion, all kinds of chicken with veggies, etc. Their grill had the burner option - so anything in a pot. Dropped fish in the turkey fryer. All kinds of cooking can be done elsewhere. Just keep an eye on the weather. :) We did this for awhile. The grill and the microwave were our best tools. 2 Link to comment
Mountainair June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 15 minutes ago, Shmoopaloop said: We did this for awhile. The grill and the microwave were our best tools. Luckily when we recently re did our kitchen we didn't have to deal with not having running appliances. We turned our Master Bedroom into the kitchen and turned the old kitchen into the master bedroom so I was never without a completely functioning kitchen (lots of holes in walls and dust everywhere not to mention power tools making noise while the youngest tried to nap but we survived). We've had several large snowstorms that have left us without power for days at a time and we have relied on our outside grill and camp stove. I've also heated bottles in a pot over our wood stove since I was an awful human that did not breastfeed. We have a generator now so naturally we've never lost power for more than an hour since we purchased it. I like Matt with Caryn and I think she's really an attractive lady. I'm still firmly on Amy's "side" in the whole divorce but I do like Matt and Caryn together. There's no way I could give up that beautiful farm. I don't understand why the boys didn't have houses built on the farmland in the first place. That being said, I would have raised my children with the expectation that the farm was going to be theirs someday and taught them how to work and run the damn thing. You know their intentions well before this point in everyone's life. 11 Link to comment
BusyOctober June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 2 hours ago, sATL said: and don't forget the outside grill (s). I know a family who went 2-3 months while doing a kitchen remodel. Grilled salmon and veggies one night, burgers the next, steaks on occasion, all kinds of chicken with veggies, etc. Their grill had the burner option - so anything in a pot. Dropped fish in the turkey fryer. All kinds of cooking can be done elsewhere. Just keep an eye on the weather. :) PS - don't forget about the crock-pot . Right! And aren’t those two hipster doofuses all about being outdoors and communing with Mother Earth? Don’t they dance barefoot around campfires while wearing Carhart work coats and beanies before getting down and dirty in treehouses? Fire up a grill or fire pit and roast some hot dogs or chicken or something! Gah! They are really so helpless. We did a mini remodel in our kitchen, and like others said here...the fridge rolled into the mostly empty dining room. We set up a couple of saw horses with a board to make a table & set up coffee maker, crockpot, microwave and toaster on it. It was kind of inconvenient, but we survived very nicely. That said, I do think their situation is double suck-filled because they don’t have a sink. That is waaaay more inconvenient. But Jerk decreed they would designate the UPstairs bathroom as the interim “kitchen” to wash dishes and bottles. Whhaaaa? if you have a downstairs bath or half bath, why wouldn’t you use that one? Who’s lugging everything up and down? And why? “Always More” back-ass logic from those two I guess. 11 Link to comment
booboopbedoo June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 47 minutes ago, kicksave said: Don’t forget the trebuchet incident...I’m surprised there aren’t more safety violations on that farm during pumpkin season when so many people are wandering around that place with all the broken down “projects” lying about. Plus that illegal worked who murdered/drugs or whatever 39 minutes ago, Shmoopaloop said: We did this for awhile. The grill and the microwave were our best tools. Us too Did dishes in the top used a kettle and the BBQ we did it for 3 weeks 1 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Quote Plus that illegal worked who murdered/drugs or whatever He was busted for cocaine possession, not murder. Where that is problematic for Matt the politician is that Matt worked very hard to keep Camerino in the country, which might look bad depending on your views. It also means there might be more dirt to dig up on Matt's employees. He might not want the scrutiny, especially since he's on record as being fine with being the owner who dates his management. 1 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Quote Speaking of which...didn't he give the business of those accessable steps for dwarfs to Zack??? I don't think Zack has run with that plan...of course...Amy's boy. So, no, that's not actually what happened in that episode. For starters, Matt was not giving Zach that business at all. He went on camera with how he was worried about how Zach would support his family because Zach is an incompetent fool and basically explained how he was making up a job for Zach. This was all a plot point for the show. DAS still exists but frankly any argument that its a shining example of Matt's incredible business prowess and ingenuity is a bit silly. The business went dormant after Mike died and it was basically hauled out for this episode to provide a plot point and to let Matt bitch to America about one of his kids. Matt did not give Zach any real responsibility in the company at all. Zach's job for that episode was to be a nice host to the photographer and the dwarf family doing the photo shoot. Hilariously, while there is now a website with these photos, the old DAS website is still available for viewing. Matt made no expectations of Zack and beyond this episode really cares very little about DAS at all. Matt did not give Zach this business. It's really rather obvious that no one including Matt really gives a shit about the stool business anymore. This was a fake made up situation. Matt did not give Zach any business and Zach didn't run with a plan because he was never given anything to run with. Don't get me wrong - Zach doesn't impress me as a human being but the narrative of "Matt gave Zach a business and Zach did nothing because he hid behind his mama cause he's a useless mama's boy ENTIRELY DUE TO AMY, as Matt his father has absolutely no responsibility in raising his boy, his responsibility to raise his children ended once the pregnancy started, Matt's role was to fuck and make a baby and as a man he is to be applauded for throwing up his hands and cowering before his bitch wife and letting her ruin his sons" isn't true. 11 Link to comment
LPBWfan June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 On 6/5/2018 at 11:40 PM, SuzyLee said: I have never seen someone bitch and moan as much as she does about every. single. bit. of. minutae. She never seems happy with Ember (sigh). When I was a new mom fresh from the hospital many moons ago, I was thrilled just to be able to bond with my happy, healthy baby. I knew full well how lucky I was and was grateful for it. Sure, I was tired and had very little help from a totally useless ex-husband, but I didn’t harangue over every little detail, mainly because I didn’t have time. I was too busy working to put food on the table and maintain my health insurance, something that these spoiled brats have never had to worry about. Hey, “Auj?” Try getting up three times a night to feed/soothe your crying baby, getting back up for work in the morning, working for 9+ hours, coming home, and starting dinner while feeding/soothing your baby, then get back to me about how tired you are. Bitch, please. Enjoy your baby and treasure these fleeting, precious moments with her before you turn around one day and realize that you navel-gazed your way through the best parts. Playing devil's advocate here, but what if she has a bit of Post Partum Depression going on? 8 Link to comment
zenme June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 (edited) I thought Zach made it clear on a prior episode--maybe the during the divorce or wedding seasons (?), that he doesn't want to run the farm, and that Jeremy likes the projects and that he was good with Jeremy running Roloff Farms. I seem to recall it was shortly before the weddings because I think I remember Audrey being there and wondering why she was sitting there like she was going to be Audrey, Duchess of Pumpkin Patch. Edited June 7, 2018 by zenme 4 Link to comment
ginger90 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Link to comment
Ina123 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 (edited) I'm pretty sure that I understood Matt and Caryn to say that the AZ home was for long weekends and maybe a couple of weeks for the winter here and there. I don't think he has any intention of leaving the farm for any long period of time right now. We aren't seeing the scheming on camera but IMHO, Matt and Jeremy are slowly and meticulously shoving Amy off the farm. They are both devious. I wouldn't trust either of them. Amy doesn't really need that big house but stays just to piss Matt off. These people deserve each other. Edited June 7, 2018 by Ina123 4 Link to comment
VioletNevermind June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 7 hours ago, LPBWfan said: Playing devil's advocate here, but what if she has a bit of Post Partum Depression going on? I hear you, and I did consider that, but she's always been like that to a certain extent. She acts like she's too good for whatever she's doing and whomever she's with at a given moment. Also, I notice that she seems to be able to pull out those smiles for that blog of hers. #AlwaysMore. Bullshit, that is. 7 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 13 hours ago, Spike said: Didn’t the party for Amy say she is 55? Everyone keeps saying 54. Tori may be a teacher, but I don’t think grammar is part of kindergarten curriculum. And she always says “drive safe.” Funny that they found beavers on the property, as beaver was Matt’s downfall. Yes, Amy is 55. And you owe me a new keyboard for your last comment, @Spike. 2 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 2 hours ago, ginger90 said: Heck where's Chris. Run to him. He's your everything...right? I think Chris is just there for himself. I often wonder how much his appearing on the show has helped his real estate business. Hiring a reality show real estate person. Free advertising. Chris has prospered. 1 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Anyone who buys a house from a real estate agent because he's dating a reality show whore kinda deserves what they get, in my opinion. :) This is like one of the arguments that gets tossed around in the Real Housewives of NY threads - If Bethenny Frankel is such an awful person, why do people think associating with her will boost their popularity? If Amy Roloff is so terrible, how is dating her giving Chris good advertising for his business? He actually wasn't in the most recent episode so... 4 Link to comment
Phoebe70 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 20 hours ago, sATL said: And does the farm do anything beside grow pumpkins and have the little attractions? I sure which I could see a profit/loss statement for each little line of business they claim to be so dear- ie pumpkin salsa, pumpkin bread, trinkets in gift shop? Just who is their customer - local school field trips ? And what ever happened to her "glamping" idea at the farm? Remember that episode where she threw together a few tents and some cots and called it glamping? She screwed that one up royally and served dinner like 2 hours late in the dark, from what I recall. 54 minutes ago, Rap541 said: Anyone who buys a house from a real estate agent because he's dating a reality show whore kinda deserves what they get, in my opinion. :) This is like one of the arguments that gets tossed around in the Real Housewives of NY threads - If Bethenny Frankel is such an awful person, why do people think associating with her will boost their popularity? If Amy Roloff is so terrible, how is dating her giving Chris good advertising for his business? He actually wasn't in the most recent episode so... It's the fact that she's a "celebrity." Even a hated celebrity still brings in business. Look at the Kardashians, even Janelle from Teen Mom 2. People will associate with Chris simply because he's dating Amy, perhaps to try to find out the scoop on what she's really like, what the show's really like behind-the-scenes. Makes no sense to me, but it happens all the time. 2 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Quote And what ever happened to her "glamping" idea at the farm? Remember that episode where she threw together a few tents and some cots and called it glamping? She screwed that one up royally and served dinner like 2 hours late in the dark, from what I recall. The "glamping" idea is much like the wedding idea - it was done on the show but the farm isn't zoned for commercial businesses so they can't run what amounts to a hotel or a wedding venue for that matter without bringing everything compliant. The farm gets away with basically running a carnival because Matt is cleverly skirting the zoning laws by insisting that he's essentially running a vegetable stand and selling his own produce and all the attractions are trappings. They never got paid by anyone to have weddings on the farm, and they can't rent out camping sites without making HUGE changes that would cost money. I get why it's popular to blame Amy for not following thru on the bed and breakfast/glamping but it has the same problems that the wedding venue has and Matt is not publically chided for letting the wedding business idea slide. These were never real businesses, they were done to make tv episodes. 9 Link to comment
MargeGunderson June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Which leads me to the question how much is this farm really bringing it? Is it really just pumpkin season? They can’t be making much money off of it. Link to comment
SongbirdHollow June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Doesn't give a shit about the stool business LOL 13 Link to comment
kicksave June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 11 hours ago, LPBWfan said: Playing devil's advocate here, but what if she has a bit of Post Partum Depression going on? If I were married to slacker hipster wannabe Jermy, I would be depressed too...with or without a newborn. 27 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said: Which leads me to the question how much is this farm really bringing it? Is it really just pumpkin season? They can’t be making much money off of it. They have their side businesses...salsa, Matt's books, farm tours(which they overcharge for). If they didn't have TLC providing them with a steady income they would be in dire straits. 4 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 On an aside - I loved watching how completely out of touch with reality that Jeremy and Auj are. So their kitchen is torn up. Rather than make simple meals like salads, or microwave food (they had a fridge and they own a microwave) or sandwiches or cold cereal - I am mentioning numerous no stove needed options for a reason - what are these two SHINING EXAMPLES OF MARITAL MATURITY doing? They're driving to Chik fil A, while complaining about how their mommies don't have food options for them. They're also complaining about having to eat out yet again and how terrible fast food is.... I mean, fucking really, what a horror show for these two poor little victims, life is so fucking hard for the journey of Jer and Auj. If it needs to be spelled out - with a working fridge, you can have lovely salads and sandwiches at home. You can make an easy meal of cold cereal at home. With the addition of a microwave, you can heat up frozen dinners and have a meal at home. If you have paper towels and plastic utensils, you don't even have to wash dishes. This is all less expensive and less time consuming than driving to a fast food place every night with a baby. 11 Link to comment
gonecrackers June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 I think that story line of nothing to eat, fast foods etc, was too stupid even for them to pull off. Who wouldn't be using a microwave, toaster oven, etc? It's a no brainer. But isn't it a fact they were staying with her mom during the remodel? So it's all just nonsense. I can't understand why people sign up to do shows that make up shit like this & turn them into snarkable fools. But if that's what they want, then they have to expect & deal with it. 8 Link to comment
Phoebe70 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 19 hours ago, Spike said: Tori may be a teacher, but I don’t think grammar is part of kindergarten curriculum. And she always says “drive safe.” YES. Plus when she speaks she says "like" all the time. It's very distracting and not how a teacher should be speaking. Audrey is guilty of this too, but at least she's not educating an entire class of impressionable younger students. (I know, that's how the younger generation speaks now, but it still drives me crazy!) 4 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 I think the farm is paying for it's self by being a 'reality show farm'. Most of the scenes are filmed there. We all like watching life on the farm. It's the beauty and the setting that draws tv fans to the show. All the crap that Matt comes up with is just frosting on the farm cake. Things interesting to watch be built and sometimes falter. I would not be a bit surprised if in fact TLC didn't pay for that new ship and all the painting and rush to finish. Made quite a story line episode and I'm sure they are scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for new material! Imagine this same group living on Main Street USA. No plot and nobody wants to watch three lazy boys and two divorced parents fight. But we do love watching scenes on the farm. At least I do. 5 Link to comment
stitcher73 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 21 hours ago, Rap541 said: I can give you numerous reasons why Matt decided against a run for office. 1. His history of DUIS would come up. It's not ancient history, people would remember. 2. His unsuccessful lawsuit against the county would come up. So would the history of complaints against his practices on the farm. 3. Running the farm, he could face more scrutiny from the county and the media because he would be a political figure. 4. Frankly, it would be a job where he would have to do things on someone else's schedule, and do things he finds dull. He would have to give up two years of his life. 5. He would have to reveal his political beliefs and leanings. No dancing, no avoiding. Matt strikes me as unwilling to take a public stand that could effect his bottom line. And honestly, he might not win, and he isn't likely to handle that well. He also may have to leave the show. I can't remember who it was or when, but a TV personality decided to run for office and had to leave his TV gig because, under campaign law, it was unfair advertising. 2 Link to comment
Rap541 June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Quote I think that story line of nothing to eat, fast foods etc, was too stupid even for them to pull off. Who wouldn't be using a microwave, toaster oven, etc? It's a no brainer. But isn't it a fact they were staying with her mom during the remodel? So it's all just nonsense. Yup, they moved back in to Auj's parents house for the several weeks this took to get sorted. The problem, really, is that I can believe these two were that clueless about how to feed themselves. Quite honestly, my biggest problem with this whole plotline is their insistence on portraying themselves as the victims of a horrible thing. Their remodel went bad. All they do is whine. Auj needs to be supported as a "trooper" for summoning toe courage to exist after this torture fest. Please, bitch. Let me spell out all the things these two selfish asses should be grateful for, instead of whining how they're in a terrible nightmare. Having the kitchen remodel go bad is disappointing. However these two idiots have expressed no concern about the money involved to fix it. Having a kitchen nto work is disappointing. However neither of them have to juggle dealing with it and dealing with going to work or getting time off. Both have family in the immediate area who can and do provide meals. Meals that are free. They have the money on hand to eat out. Have we heard these two express any relief or joy at the idea that they have first world problems? 14 Link to comment
Celia Rubenstein June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 Don't those two idiots talk about how they order food all the time? Curry etc. (via grub hub or whatever it is called where they live). Why is it such a horrifying ordeal for them to do that now? Sheesh. It's not like I've ever noticed them in the kitchen cooking anyway. I think the most they've ever talked about making was a smoothie. Screw them and their whining. Jeremy needs to skip a few meals, anyway, it looks like. Yeah, I said it! 11 Link to comment
Libby June 7, 2018 Share June 7, 2018 (edited) 4 hours ago, Rap541 said: Yup, they moved back in to Auj's parents house for the several weeks this took to get sorted. The problem, really, is that I can believe these two were that clueless about how to feed themselves. Quite honestly, my biggest problem with this whole plotline is their insistence on portraying themselves as the victims of a horrible thing. Their remodel went bad. All they do is whine. Auj needs to be supported as a "trooper" for summoning toe courage to exist after this torture fest. Please, bitch. Let me spell out all the things these two selfish asses should be grateful for, instead of whining how they're in a terrible nightmare. Having the kitchen remodel go bad is disappointing. However these two idiots have expressed no concern about the money involved to fix it. Having a kitchen nto work is disappointing. However neither of them have to juggle dealing with it and dealing with going to work or getting time off. Both have family in the immediate area who can and do provide meals. Meals that are free. They have the money on hand to eat out. Have we heard these two express any relief or joy at the idea that they have first world problems? This is so true. Life is hard. Really, really bad things happen. This kitchen thing is a blip on the radar. So is having to give your baby formula if breast feeding doesn't work out. These two are going to have to toughen up. Edited June 7, 2018 by Libby 6 Link to comment
riverblue22 June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 The Roloffs can't be making a living from pumpkin, salsa, and bread sales. Their wealth must come from the show. If the show is cancelled they will sell that farm and maybe that is Amy's fear. Matt will head off to Arizona but what will she do? Chris won't be proposing--I guess she would end up buying a house near Zack and Tori and hoping Chris hangs around. They have hit the bottom of the barrel with story lines. 4 Link to comment
woodscommaelle June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 I think it was Jeremy who said that Ember makes dinosaur noises. And then later on Aud make the same sound. It was kind of funny. 2 Link to comment
woodscommaelle June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 20 hours ago, LPBWfan said: Playing devil's advocate here, but what if she has a bit of Post Partum Depression going on? Then that would suck. But she's still a giant pain in the ass. 4 Link to comment
Celia Rubenstein June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 5 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said: I think it was Jeremy who said that Ember makes dinosaur noises. And then later on Aud make the same sound. It was kind of funny. It stood out to me as one of the only moments of pleasure I've seen them take in their daughter. Usually they do nothing but complain about what a struggle it is to deal with anything associated with her. 4 Link to comment
woodscommaelle June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 3 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said: It stood out to me as one of the only moments of pleasure I've seen them take in their daughter. Usually they do nothing but complain about what a struggle it is to deal with anything associated with her. Yes! Jeremy seemed happy. We don't see much of that. 11 hours ago, Jeanne222 said: Heck where's Chris. Run to him. He's your everything...right? I think Chris is just there for himself. I often wonder how much his appearing on the show has helped his real estate business. Hiring a reality show real estate person. Free advertising. Chris has prospered. Yup. I don't find him to be genuine. At all. 1 Link to comment
camom June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 (edited) It bothered me that Matt and Amy mentioned more than once that they needed to talk to "the boys" -- meaning Jer and Zach -- about the future of the farm. I assume they are the two who might have an interest in running it, but they seem to forget that they have four children. Financially, Molly and Jacob should have as much of an interest as their brothers. It should be a family discussion. Why do Jer and Auj always call Ember "baby girl?" The child has a name, use it. Where Matt and Caryn were looking at housing in Arizona is just down the street from me. Somehow I don't think they would be the best of neighbors. Edited June 8, 2018 by camom 2 Link to comment
zenme June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 Btw, am I the only one who thought Marty Klebba looked good? Damn good. 6 Link to comment
4N6MAL June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 On 6/6/2018 at 10:16 AM, Literata said: When we see Ember begin eating solids, it likely will be via a series of selfies with Mom in which both are garbed in "Always More" and Audrey talks incessantly about how the process is so difficult and inconvenient for her. And can someone please tell me (even though I know the answer) why Ember is constantly dressed as if she is doing a fashion photo shoot? At her age she should be living in Onesies! 3 Link to comment
Absolom June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 Ratings this week: 1.685 viewers and .3 rating. 2 Link to comment
mythoughtis June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 (edited) 10 hours ago, camom said: It bothered me that Matt and Amy mentioned more than once that they needed to talk to "the boys" -- meaning Jer and Zach -- about the future of the farm. I assume they are the two who might have an interest in running it, but they seem to forget that they have four children. Financially, Molly and Jacob should have as much of an interest as their brothers. It should be a family discussion. Why do Jer and Auj always call Ember "baby girl?" The child has a name, use it. Where Matt and Caryn were looking at housing in Arizona is just down the street from me. Somehow I don't think they would be the best of neighbors. Molly lives out of state. Although she might end up being a silent partner type. No idea whether Jacob wants anything to do with the farm. Zach has said repeatedly that he doesn’t want to run the farm, although I suppose he might be willing to be a silent partner to keep it in the family. I do not know why Amy and Matt persist in trying to force him into co-running it. Especially when Matt and Jeremy have both consistently implied that Jeremy will be the one that runs it and lives on the property. It should also be noted that anytime Amy and Matt mention just ‘ the boys’... it’s possibly a reality show driven storyline rather than a real family thing. Edited June 8, 2018 by mythoughtis 1 Link to comment
Phoebe70 June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 Just watched the episode last night and I came up with a drinking game....take a shot every time Matt says "snowbird" or every time Jeremy praises Audrey for being such a "trooper" during the kitchen repair. I still don't understand why Jeremy and Audrey are making such a huge deal about the kitchen. Yes, it sucks that the dishwasher leaked. Yes, it is an inconvenience, but not what I would consider a HUGE ordeal like they made it seem. I rolled my eyes so hard when Audrey said, "It's like an arrow through my heart." Seriously? If a little water damage is the worst thing that's ever happened to her, she should consider herself lucky. Three months ago my house flooded and there was 4" of water throughout the entire 2,200 sf. Add in 2 teenagers, a husband and two cats...yeah, it sucked but it still wasn't the end of the world. It took 3 months for repairs (just finished up last week actually) but we survived and no one is scarred for life like poor Audrey is. Having a baby that isn't crawling or eating real foods is actually better during this type of situation, as opposed to a hyper toddler or older child. Someone please explain to me Jeremy's logic as to having to use the UPSTAIRS sink to rinse out dishes?! Huh? The way he kept going on and on about how wonderful Audrey was about the situation, about what a "trooper" she's been...give me a break. It's called LIFE. Crappy stuff happens and you put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Put a microwave and a hot plate in the living room and get over yourself. 12 Link to comment
4N6MAL June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 My two pet peeves are for Jeremy and Audrey. Jeremy, please stop biting your nails!!! Your fingers look like you use an electric sander to file them! And I cannot stand that Audrey is called "Auj"! Okay, vent over! Thank you for your kind attention. 6 Link to comment
JocelynCavanaugh June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 Eh, I'm no fan of these two, but having to rip out your brand new kitchen and start all over is a pretty big deal. No one claimed they'd be scarred for life, as far as I could tell. I've been noticing this a lot lately in our culture: people say something is bad or complain about it, then others counter with hyperbole, like "it's not the end of the world"/"no one died"/"you'll live", when the original complainer never set the bar that dramatically high in the first place. They were just saying that something happened and it sucked, because it did. That's fair game. Sometimes people need to put things in perspective, sure, but at the same time, it's not like we're only allowed to be bothered or upset by the top 1% of worst things that could happen to us. It's related to that whole "first world problems" nonsense, which assumes that people who have clean running water and stable(ish) governments are not allowed to acknowledge their problems. Then we see people like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain succumbing to suicide, and people say "How could they do that? They had everything! It makes no sense!" I'm definitely not equating a home renovation disaster with suicidal depression, just pointing out that not allowing for a true spectrum of negative experiences, even for affluent white people (sorry we exist!), leads to major cognitive dissonance. 17 Link to comment
Phoebe70 June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 2 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said: Eh, I'm no fan of these two, but having to rip out your brand new kitchen and start all over is a pretty big deal. No one claimed they'd be scarred for life, as far as I could tell. I've been noticing this a lot lately in our culture: people say something is bad or complain about it, then others counter with hyperbole, like "it's not the end of the world"/"no one died"/"you'll live", when the original complainer never set the bar that dramatically high in the first place. They were just saying that something happened and it sucked, because it did. That's fair game. Sometimes people need to put things in perspective, sure, but at the same time, it's not like we're only allowed to be bothered or upset by the top 1% of worst things that could happen to us. It's related to that whole "first world problems" nonsense, which assumes that people who have clean running water and stable(ish) governments are not allowed to acknowledge their problems. Then we see people like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain succumbing to suicide, and people say "How could they do that? They had everything! It makes no sense!" I'm definitely not equating a home renovation disaster with suicidal depression, just pointing out that not allowing for a true spectrum of negative experiences, even for affluent white people (sorry we exist!), leads to major cognitive dissonance. I agree that it's a hassle, an inconvenience. But to listen to Jeremy mention many, many times what a "trooper" Audrey was ridiculous. 7 Link to comment
Rap541 June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 Quote No one claimed they'd be scarred for life, as far as I could tell. I've been noticing this a lot lately in our culture: people say something is bad or Quote complain about it, then others counter with hyperbole, like "it's not the end of the world"/"no one died"/"you'll live", when the original complainer never set the bar that dramatically high in the first place. They were just saying that something happened and it sucked, because it did. That's fair game. Joceyln, you are a good person, and I do accept your point - I wouldn't want to have to tear out my kitchen after just installing it. It's just that to listen to Jer and Auj as they go thru life, every event that isn't them getting licks from a unicorn is a horrible trial that they are so desperately struggling to smile bravely thru. The baby has a little difficulty feeding, OMG WE'RE IN A NIGHTMARE OF HORROR OH JESUS HELP! Auj has a common problem post child birth, OMG JESUS SPARE AUJ SHE HAS THE WORST MASTITUS EVER THE NURSES SAID SO! They have to tear out the new kitchen because Jeremy isn't the mechanical genius he's been portrayed as OH DEAR GOD PLEASE HELP US BE GOOD TROOPERS THROUGH OUR SUFFERING! I find these two frustrating in that we NEVER see them express any joy or gratitude over the real reality, they are financially well taken care of, they are lucky enough to get to spend significant quality time with their child when most couples their age have to struggle with day care. These two have really been blessed and all they do is bitch and bitch and bitch about their minor problems and demand gold stars and trophies for bearing up under their horrible trials,.. their horrible trials that really aren't horrible. Frankly, I sometimes wonder what Jeremy would do if he had a real problem to deal with. Like Daddy Matt dropping dead unexpectedly. Or his mom getting ill. A house fire where the house is totaled. An accident where he or someone in the family is crippled. A kitchen issue like this sucks, I agree. I just never see these two express any gratitude that they have easy, pampered lives compared to the vast majority of people in this world so their demands that they be praised for suffering thru a few meals that weren't organic gets pathetic. 21 Link to comment
JocelynCavanaugh June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 23 minutes ago, Rap541 said: A kitchen issue like this sucks, I agree. I just never see these two express any gratitude that they have easy, pampered lives compared to the vast majority of people in this world so their demands that they be praised for suffering thru a few meals that weren't organic gets pathetic. No doubt these two are generally unsympathetic and bad poster kids for the issue! I think they’re lazy and entitled, too. I’ve just been thinking a lot lately about some of the narratives that have started to develop around concepts of suffering and privilege and some of the exaggeration that escalates conversations and I wanted to throw out a different POV. No disagreement on Jeremy and Audrey in general, though! 8 Link to comment
Mindthinkr June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 On 6/7/2018 at 11:51 AM, SongbirdHollow said: Doesn't give a shit about the stool business LOL Lol...was the pun intended? 2 Link to comment
Rap541 June 8, 2018 Share June 8, 2018 Yes :D 3 Link to comment
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