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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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2 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

tell me how this works, the family is the show, the family is on the farm which is the setting for the show. Does each member of the family get paid X amount of money from TLC or does the family/farm get paid then dispersed from there. 

Good question, maybe someone out there knows, I hope a percentage goes to some of the farm animals who do more and are more entertaining than Jers&Aujg

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Jeremy had me rolling my eyes, offering his opinion on when Matt should retire from the farm, move to Arizona, run for Senate (WTF is that about anyway?). Of course Matt should put his life on hold to coincide with Jeremy's plans. Your dad is old and handicapped. What the hell else are you doing that you can't be at the farm, learning what you need to do to run it? I hope this book you guys are writing isn't what's putting things on hold. Zach doesn't even seem like he cares one bit about that place. And why exactly does it all depend on Zach and Jeremy? I know Molly moved away and all, but Jake doesn't want any part of it? Not even off camera?

Amy, maybe you could learn how to run the farm if you took your ass down there and demanded your seat at the table. Matt has been doing this to you for years and you allowed it. You had an excuse when the kids were still in school, but they've all grown up and are out of the house. You no longer have any excuses.  I'm getting so tired of her complaining about how she doesn't have a life since the divorce. That's on you. Matt has moved the hell on and is living it up, all up in your face and you sit there an take it. You refused to leave that house, so you have to either suck it up and deal or move away. The whining and "woe is me" act is tiring. Make a damn decision already and stop hemming and hawing about what you may or may not do. Looks like your family is tired of that crap too.

Edited by MitaJo
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I like Z&T better than the other two but omg they are going to be - or actually already are - those people who have NOTHING to talk about unless they’re discussing their kid who of course comes out brilliant and perfect in every story. We get it — you’re sooo worried about feeding your kid safe food. Either buy organic oatmeal and rice cereal or get grandpa Matt to grow oats and put a rice paddy in at the farm. I assume T is going to be a stay home mom? They seem traditional like that but damn she needs to go back to teaching and him to soccer simply to have something to say that isn’t about J.

Love that Jer can’t possibly take on a larger role at the farm for 2 years. What are you so busy with Jer - did Harvard Business School offer you admission into their MBA program?? Let’s be real in 2 yrs he and Z will both have a 2nd kid and then all 4 of them will sit around whining about - do you know how hard it is to have TWO babies?? Can’t possibly deal with the farm right now.

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Omg, ALL of them were so boring tonight. Why is this show an hour long? And how many times did Matt say the same thing over and over in his TH's?

Caryn makes me happy

Caryn and I have a great future together

We have a good thing going

Caryn always supports me

Caryn and I like warm weather

Caryn and I have so much in common

Caryn Caryn Caryn

STFU Matt!!!!

Tori needs to go back to work. She's becoming annoying.

Jer and Aud's kitchen flooded because he refused to buy Aud a new dishwasher? Way to go, handyman. Aud was NOT pleased. 

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I, frankly, do not understand Amy's obsession with Matt and Caryn. Amy has moved on, and Chris seems to try to treat her better than Matt ever did, but the animosity comes across as very contrived. I'm sure most of that is producer-driven, as, if they didn't have that, what would the show have? (Remember when TLC had the "life unscripted" tag line. Yeah, right) Yes, I know Matt was a bastard to Amy and the kids, may or may not have had an affair while married, but, for pete's sake, both their lives are better now, so accept it and move forward.  I would have hoped they were not such fame whores and would have told TLC to go fuck themselves by now, rather than do this claptrap.

Matt is a controlling bastard - reminds me so much of a former boss: built a family "dynasty," employed all family members, had "people" to do all the scutt work, could not give up any control, so the heirs had no tools to work with, scutt workers no longer available and no one able to pick up the slack, company now defunct, with lardass kids forced to find)real jobs. Matt bills himself as the visionary, but without his people, he is nothing. I'm not blaming him for his limitations, but he has never grown up, so how can we expect his kids to grow up? I actually admire Zack and Tori much more than Jer and Auj, as I think Z&T really are invested in their lives and their child, where J&A make me want to vomit with all their attempts to present as this wholesome new age couple, ready to offer "sage" advice to others, while being completely clueless about the realities of parenting. 

If the gossip is true, I'm sure Matt and Caryn will winter in AZ or wherever they supposedly bought, and still be back in full force for pumpkin season. 

Meanwhile, the kids better figure out who their "people" are, or be prepared to sell the farm, as their parents have given them nothing to work with.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Caryn and I have a great future together

Caryn and I like warm weather

Caryn and I have so much in common

At least it's good grammar.  I get so tired of the (just an example), "Caryn and me are flying down to Rio."    "Me and my friends won the lottery."   ETC.     

As for what Caryn and Matt have in common, maybe it's that they both admire Matt.

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3 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Enjoy your baby and treasure these fleeting, precious moments with her before you turn around one day and realize that you navel-gazed your way through the best parts. 

...and you had millions of witnesses.

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7 hours ago, salvame said:

I, frankly, do not understand Amy's obsession with Matt and Caryn.

I think Amy is jealous of Matt and Caryn's relationship. Not because she cares about Matt but that she see's they are fully committed to each other and their future plans include each other. She doesn't know what the future holds with Chris and fears she may be alone eventually. Chris is a let's take it one day at a time don't pressure me let's just have fun kind of guy. No promises for any more than he is willing to give right now. Amy needs and wants more than that and I don't blame her. She's 54 not 24. Time's a wastin'.

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I think Amy is jealous of Matt and Caryn's relationship. Not because she cares about Matt but that she see's they are fully committed to each other and their future plans include each other. She doesn't know what the future holds with Chris and fears she may be alone eventually. Chris is a let's take it one day at a time don't pressure me let's just have fun kind of guy. No promises for any more than he is willing to give right now. Amy needs and wants more than that and I don't blame her. She's 54 not 24. Time's a wastin'.

I think you have a point here--Amy doesn't know what her future holds re: Chris, and here are Matt and Caryn thinking about (already have?) buying a home together. Also, she still has no idea whether or when Matt wants to retire and if any of her children want to or are capable of running the farm. As you said, she is 54, and perhaps he does not at this time want to run the farm herself--but she has to start making plans for herself regardless of what Matt is doing.

If they need more help with the business, hire more help or get Jeremy in some kind of "apprenticeship" at the farm full-time so he can take over if her wants the farm eventually. If he's "top busy" to do so and Matt wants to retire, tell dear boy that the farm will be sold.

I know it's easy to say, but why is Amy so concerned with being part of a couple at this age. I get not wanting to be alone or lonely, but one can be lonely even in a relationship/marriage.

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I don't understand how Amy can continue to live in that house, near Matt and the DW.  Now wonder she's miserable.  If I was her, I'd sell my portion to Matt, move off the property and get a nice house or condo that doesn't involve a lot of work.  The house is wayyy too big for her (no pun intended), as it's just her and her dog and occasionally Chris.  Why subject yourself to seeing your ex and his mistress on a daily basis?  Move on, Amy.

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I like T & Z, and Jackson is one of the cutest babies ever!  But the nonsense that comes out of T & Z's mouths about parenting is making it hard to keep liking them sometimes.  WTF with the tears over a six month old moving on to solid foods??  Did Tori think she'd have Jackson hanging off her boob until he went to college?  And she can still breastfeed if she wants to supplement or keep the whole bonding thing going, right?  Some moms nurse their kids until they're in pre-K (which I think is weird).  She could use her breastmilk to mix in the cereal too.  As for hand wringing over not knowing what Jackson will be eating...again, WTF?  Organic, all natural foods exist. You know what also exists?  FOOD LABELS! Read a label or 20 to educate yourself on which brands have additives or artificial ingredients.   And then the 2 of them acting astonished that Jackson figured out "so quickly" how to open his mouth to eat!  He must be a baby genius!! T & Z don't understand that suckling & eating, much like breathing air & flinching when startled, are primative, innate abilities all humans have?   Or do they think other babies stay up late to watch YouTube videos to learn how to eat mush off a spoon?

Well, the old adage of "be careful what you wish for" came back to bite me in the ass.  I have been begging not to hear Odd's constant refrain of  "mastitis" in every episode.  So,  this week's episode removed all mention of Odd's current boob status (my guess- still wrapped in cabbage leaves), but replaced it with "Arizona! Caryn!  Caryn in Arizona!  Me & Caryn love Arizona! Caryn may invest in property in Arizona! Snowbirding in Arizona!  Love the heat, good for my bones....in Arizona!!"  Now I have to get down on my knees and pray there is never any episode showing a post natal, nursing Odd visiting Matt's retirement home..."Mastitis is Mesa!" or "Achey in AZ!" would just about kill me.

Jerk really showed his colors to Matt.  Too bad Matt can't see that Jerk is not interested in letting Matt retire or move on to a new career because neither of those plans are inconvenient <<for Jerk>> at this juncture.  That kid truly expects to go on "blogging" and spewing hipster wisdom over the internet with his wife AND being the owner of Roloff Farm.  He's had 25+ years of living with his physically disabled father. He has seen the pain and difficulties Matt has lived with, yet doesn't seem to have offered more than "Hey, it's pumpkin season!" awareness  to what it takes to own and run a working farm. 

Amy, Jerk, Zach & Matt are true fools is there hasn't been any real talk about the future.  None of these people ever sat down to plan (beyond assuming) what would happen to the Farm in the event of either parent's retirement, dibilitating injury, death, or divorce & re-marriage?  Especially after the divorce, there should have been financial & estate planning done with the help of professionals.  All the adult kids should have been included in conversations about what they each want to do and what M & A want.  I have to believe that these things actually have been discussed IRL, & all this "what will happen???" drama is drummed up for a "story". If not, the entire Roloff clan is dumber than portrayed onTV.

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19 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I like T & Z, and Jackson is one of the cutest babies ever!  But the nonsense that comes out of T & Z's mouths about parenting is making it hard to keep liking them sometimes.  WTF with the tears over a six month old moving on to solid foods??  Did Tori think she'd have Jackson hanging off her boob until he went to college?  And she can still breastfeed if she wants to supplement or keep the whole bonding thing going, right?  Some moms nurse their kids until they're in pre-K (which I think is weird).  She could use her breastmilk to mix in the cereal too.  As for hand wringing over not knowing what Jackson will be eating...again, WTF?  Organic, all natural foods exist. You know what also exists?  FOOD LABELS! Read a label or 20 to educate yourself on which brands have additives or artificial ingredients.   And then the 2 of them acting astonished that Jackson figured out "so quickly" how to open his mouth to eat!  He must be a baby genius!! T & Z don't understand that suckling & eating, much like breathing air & flinching when startled, are primative, innate abilities all humans have?   Or do they think other babies stay up late to watch YouTube videos to learn how to eat mush off a spoon?


I've gotta say -- compared to the drivel we're subjected to from J&A, I'll take this any day. To be honest, though, that could be because I'm a new grandma to a baby who just started eating solids! My daughter's pediatrician spent quite a long time with her and my son-in-law on the process -- what foods to introduce when, how to do that, etc. And because the "eating mechanism" is so different from the sucking mechanism, it's not something all babies catch onto immediately. Honestly, I love that T&Z are so enamored with Jackson. When we see Ember begin eating solids, it likely will be via a series of selfies with Mom in which both are garbed in "Always More" and Audrey talks incessantly about how the process is so difficult and inconvenient for her. 

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Last week I posted an unintended spoiler.  I had no idea it would happen in last night's episode. I said that Amy is miserable when Matt and Caryn are around, but, if they aren't, she would still be complaining and unhappy. She demonstrated this last night.  Granted, we don't know exactly how much of the stuff is contrived for the camera, but, I don't think that Amy is good enough of an actor to feign her contempt for those two.  I really hope she's able to work through her torment, because it's going to continue to eat at her from the inside.  Matt and Caryn will be enjoying nice times by the pool, grilling out, attending events, etc. while Amy stews in misery over water under the bridge.  I wonder who she thinks its hurting.  Sometimes, you have to ask yourself if you want to be right or want to be happy.

She seems to have a good relationship with Chris.  And he doesn't seem to indulge her loathing.  I wonder how long she'll tolerate that.  I do think that they tell Amy's friend to make comments to her that sort of sting.....I guess someone thinks that's amusing.

I agree about Tori and Zach.  Many parents are eager to start solids.  The baby gets more satisfied with the solid foods as his needs have increased.  It's not the end of the world.  I wonder if they are just obsessing too much, since it's their first. 

I empathize with Jer and Auj.  They have really been through it. I know it sounds like they complain a lot, because they really do, but, all new parents have struggles and the ordeal with Ember, then the kitchen.  Sometimes, the struggles seem never ending. I suspect Jer later regretted being so short with his dad about the farm.  I also suspect that the prospect scares him.  His confidence has been shaken.  I get that.  

For the first time, I'm really wondering if they will sell the farm.  I'm glad that Matt's not running for office.  

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I was only watching while playing Candy Crush, so was somewhat distracted.  (Hey, I was on a winning streak!)

Anyway, the one line I do remember was when Amy was talking about Jackson and said he was the "most adorable baby EVER."  Gee.  I bet Jer and Auj loved seeing that . . . with no mention of Ember.

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50 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I was only watching while playing Candy Crush, so was somewhat distracted.  (Hey, I was on a winning streak!)

Anyway, the one line I do remember was when Amy was talking about Jackson and said he was the "most adorable baby EVER."  Gee.  I bet Jer and Auj loved seeing that . . . with no mention of Ember.

Yeah, as a grandparent, when you slip up and say something like that, you quickly follow up with, "He and Ember are the two most precious babies in the world. I'm so lucky!" That way the other parents with a baby don't feel slighted.  I suppose they are used to it, though.  I don't think Amy will favor one grandchild over the other, just because she favored Zach over the other children, I mean, just because she has issues with Jer. lol

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I am not a farmer or anything like that, but doesn't it seem like a waste if the only thing they grow is pumpkins ?  The farm is technically only open in October so what does everyone do the rest of the year ? I read they give 30 minute tours of the farm year round and it is 300.00 for 1-3 people and 25.00 for each additional person, sorry but that ain't no Disneyland. What is Amy doing all day in the big house ? Certainly not making salsa or pumpkin bread all day 

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3 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am not a farmer or anything like that, but doesn't it seem like a waste if the only thing they grow is pumpkins ?  The farm is technically only open in October so what does everyone do the rest of the year ? I read they give 30 minute tours of the farm year round and it is 300.00 for 1-3 people and 25.00 for each additional person, sorry but that ain't no Disneyland. What is Amy doing all day in the big house ? Certainly not making salsa or pumpkin bread all day 

I've wondered that too.  I've tried to compare Roloff Farm to a farm that is near my community.  I don't think it is as large in acres as Roloff, but, they have it all going on.  It's a huge deal, every day of the year their staff is working to keep the place going. They have to attend to the animals, maintain the grounds, repair fences, paint, plant, sell inventory, give tours, host birthday parties and other events, etc.  But, the one near me also sells bedding plants in the spring, has Christmas light show, sells Christmas trees, wreaths, gift shop, hay rides, train rides, etc.  The animals need daily care and the barns, fences, etc. need regular maintenance too, but, I would think that Amy, Jer, or Zach could manage it. I mean......

Here's a link for what I'm talking about.  I wonder if it might be too much for the Roloffs, though. 


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12 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Well, now I have truly heard everything.  This doofus considered a run for state senate.  No, actually, he was “presented with an opportunity” and being “pressured” to run.  I love Amy’s (totally accurate!) comment about how his past would be brought up, complete with snarky side-eye.

Amy's reaction was awesome.  The first thing she said was about how all your past comes up when you run for office.  Then she repeated it.  And Matt dismisses her (as usual), "I know how it works".   So just how would he handle all the DUI business?  I guess we will never know.  But kudos to Amy for speaking up like she did.  

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Poor Auj and Jer. Having to go out and get fast food everyday until the kitchen is fixed. Guess they have never heard of a grocery store in which they can buy food and perhaps go to Amy or Auj 's parents homes and cook up some meals and put in a refrigerator and reheat in a microwave. Of course that would entail them actually forking money over to buy food and then actually having to spend time preparing it. Other than perhaps talking in a kitchen, they don't seem to know what a kitchen is for except to store Auj's essential oils. Never have seen either one ever fixing a meal.They usually are shown sitting on their hands, waiting to be served. Of course Zach is as clueless and thinks he is a master chef because he has slowly figured out how to make a sandwich. As far as Matt goes, I will assume his kitchen is used as a large junk drawer and either TLC feeds him or Uber eats is on speed dial.

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18 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I've wondered that too.  I've tried to compare Roloff Farm to a farm that is near my community.  I don't think it is as large in acres as Roloff, but, they have it all going on.  It's a huge deal, every day of the year their staff is working to keep the place going. They have to attend to the animals, maintain the grounds, repair fences, paint, plant, sell inventory, give tours, host birthday parties and other events, etc.  But, the one near me also sells bedding plants in the spring, has Christmas light show, sells Christmas trees, wreaths, gift shop, hay rides, train rides, etc.  The animals need daily care and the barns, fences, etc. need regular maintenance too, but, I would think that Amy, Jer, or Zach could manage it. I mean......

Here's a link for what I'm talking about.  I wonder if it might be too much for the Roloffs, though. 


Hi! I used to live over that way and still have friends with kids in the area and Hillridge Farms is THE PLACE to go for school filed trips with young kids if my facebook feed is any indication! 

I don't give a crap about Jer and Auj and their house woes. We are in year three of a total house renovation and I have three kids (8,5,2). My husband is doing the work himself in his spare time while he is not working 50 plus hours a week. Difference is my husband knows what the hell is he is doing and owns his own business. Can they not get a camp stove or a hot plate and cook their damn meals in the living room? Entitled ass wipes. 

I love me some Baby J- he is such a cutie and makes me want another baby so bad! I'm done though so I'll have to live vicariously through Zach and Tori. Did they not have a highchair they could feed him in? I'm happy to hear that so far he is a normal dwarf baby with no major health issues like Zach already had at that age. 

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I quite love how the kitchen mess and how Jeremy fucked it up was pretty casually glossed over. You know if Zach fucked up his house that Matt would be right there to tell us what a fuck up it was. 

I also like how the marrieds didn't mention (unless I missed it) that they actually moved to Audrey's parents place while this was going on because you know, it was such a nightmare.


Poor Auj and Jer. Having to go out and get fast food everyday until the kitchen is fixed. Guess they have never heard of a grocery store in which they can buy food and perhaps go to Amy or Auj 's parents homes and cook up some meals and put in a refrigerator and reheat in a microwave. Of course that would entail them actually forking money over to buy food and then actually having to spend time preparing it. Other than perhaps talking in a kitchen, they don't seem to know what a kitchen is for except to store Auj's essential oils.

Honestly, what would these two precious little victims of themselves do if on top of this horror show of no working kitchen, they actually had to get up each morning and go to jobs??? :O


Well, now I have truly heard everything.  This doofus considered a run for state senate.  No, actually, he was “presented with an opportunity” and being “pressured” to run.  I love Amy’s (totally accurate!) comment about how his past would be brought up, complete with snarky side-eye.


I think Matt was flattered to be asked but I doubt very much that he seriously considered it. He summed it up rather well, that he'd spend his time in Salem... that would be work. Work that if he skipped out on, he'd be judged. No casual "I need some sun!" vacations. 

And yes, I think Amy had a fair point and not just about the DUIs. Ben Starr, the guy asking him, was a Tea Party republican. Matt Roloff is VERY careful to never ever reveal any sort of opinion other than "gobblygoo! Dwarfs can do anything! I love Caryn!"  - I know the Roloffs are politically conservative but you'll NEVER hear Matt Roloff endorsing Jeremy and Auj's "homosexual marriage is wrong" views because Matt Roloff cares first about the dollars. If he was a politician, he'd have to commit to some actual views and not back away from them when the fans get pissed. 

Honestly, I really just don't care if they sell the farm or not. It's not the horror show they are making it. Amy? Sell the farm, and take the money to a financial planner. You'll be fine as long as you aren't a gambler or throwing all your money down dumb business ideas. Matt? Sell the farm and find yourself a different hobby. But if either of you are really dedicated to "the boys" taking over the farm, then someone needs to sit Jeremy's lazy ass down and explain to him that if he wants the farm, it's time he stopped playing at being a kept man, and stepped up. Christ, he's fucking twenty eight and he still thinks his parents need to dance to his whims. Jeremy? What if Matt drops dead tomorrow? Because he could. What will you do when Daddy isn't there? Aside from spend until it's gone?  

I have a terrible suspicion Jeremy has no understanding that he's an adult now. 

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28 minutes ago, beeziebee said:

Amy's reaction was awesome.  The first thing she said was about how all your past comes up when you run for office.  Then she repeated it.  And Matt dismisses her (as usual), "I know how it works".   So just how would he handle all the DUI business?  I guess we will never know.  But kudos to Amy for speaking up like she did.  

Not just the DUI, but also whether or not Matt was stepping out on Amy before their divorce. That's bound to come up as well. 

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On 6/5/2018 at 11:46 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:

Ideas like going thousands of dollars over budget on an ugly pirate ship that sits awkwardly and inexplicably in the middle of a grassy field, not finished in time for pumpkin season and unable to satisfy building codes or pass inspection so that people can go on it when it finally is finished, thereby making it an utter and complete waste of time, money, and space? Ideas like that?I

A few more ideas like that and Matt will drive the farm into bankruptcy.

Amen. Matt is a vacuous spendthrift who has gone through hundreds of thousand of thousands of dollars on junk. His "projects" lie around the farm in disrepair...rotting away and unsafe for anyone to play on. His latest vanity project, the pirate ship, is a perfect example of how Matt overspends and then lacks the discipline to get it built and prepared in time for pumpkin season....so now it will sit all winter getting wet and moldy. There is nothing that Matt has "built" that has added any value to the farm. 

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Honestly, you can even find a relatively decent meal in the deli section of a Fred Meyers, which I know they are close to. What would these two do if they had an actual crisis?

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Background problems hurt some politicians. Others, not so much.  Still, Matt is entitled to some R&R, imo. I'm glad he's choosing to go that route. I just love Caryn.  She's got a good attitude about things. And so pragmatic. I can see why he likes her. 

I always thought that Amy had some good traits too.  She can be quite charming and fun.  I see no reason that she couldn't take over the farm duties, if Matt was away a lot. She's smart and good with most people. 

  I wonder why Amy always complains that she didn't do things for herself.  That she was somehow left out. She has everything that most women her age could dream of: a man who loves her, children who love her, precious grandchildren, college education, financial security, nice vehicles, nice home (could be sold for equity), great friends, unlimited travel, ability to provide college education for children, hobbies galore, vanity projects, career in being motivational speaker, any clothes she wants, spa treatments, and much more.  I can't figure out what she's complaining about that she doesn't have.  The biggest thing is that she has options.  A lot of people don't have options.  

I would think that Matt and Amy, in a nice way, could explain to the kids, that they (the kids) need to get on the parent's timeline.  You can't dictate all the time and may have to accommodate those who are offering you a great opportunity.  But, I think they addressed that a couple of seasons ago and the adult kids just weren't on board yet.  So,......I'd likely say, now or never and if you snooze, you lose. lol  

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14 minutes ago, Hpmec said:

Assuming that Matt does sell the farm and the show is cancelled soon thereafter, I would expect to see a People magazine article in 5 years asking, "Where are the Roloffs now?" It's fun to speculate. The article would most likely have a pic of Matt lounging by a pool in a 55+ community in Arizona where Caryn would be serving as resident manager. Amy would probably have moved to a 2 bedroom condo in Portland and, after a failed stint as a restauranteur with a breakfast and lunch joint called Amy's Kitchen, would be having some success as a realtor based on name recognition alone. She and Chris would still see each other occasionally, but he would remain non-committal about the future.  Tori would probably have gone back to teaching while Zach would be soccer coaching for more than one team. Jackson would be prepping for Kindergarten after a couple of successful years in preschool. After separating and divorcing, Jer and Auj would sell the house they couldn't afford in the first place. She would most likely be living with her mother, writing a blog about the hardships of life as a single parent, scouring dating sites looking for rich hipsters, contacting children's talent agencies trying to get Ember some work, and generally being miserable. Jer would be thankful Amy's condo has a spare bedroom because he'd be spending most of his time there, watching tv and occasionally checking out Craigslist job listings -- but not finding anything to his liking. Amy would dearly love to throw him out, but wouldn't want to see him standing in a parking lot holding a "homeless and hungry" sign, which would be the alternative. 

All speculation aside, the show really is past its prime. There's a lot of nastiness between Amy and Matt that isn't fun to watch. Jer and Auj are a shitshow. Zach and Tori are boring. The babies are too young to be doing anything interesting. Matt is itchng to get out of Dodge. To paraphrase the latest Bachelorette slogan, "Let's end this damn thing!" 

I love it !!!

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Honestly, Jermy and Auj are the whiniest millennials I've ever seen. Jermy should never have attempted to remodel the kitchen. He has no experience in doing that kind of work...especially the plumbing. He is not a professional contractor. Can he hang a picture? Yes. Can he unclog a toilet? Probably. But remodel a kitchen? No way...I'm not surprised that he messed up and now it has to be torn up and done over..what a yutz. When you remodel a kitchen you can still use your other rooms to house a coffeemaker, a toaster oven and small microwave. We did when we remodeled our kitchen...you just use those appliances in the living room or dining room and you can make breakfast, lunch and snacks. You can get quality and healthy dinners from a variety of restaurants...you don't have to get in the car and go to fast food joints every night. Jermy is just so entitled and arrogant...he actually has a really bland personality. Almost emotionless...unless it comes to talking about selling the farm...that topic seems to get him worked up. He will never be able to run the farm...even in two years. He lacks any kind of managerial skills, has never worked for anybody or anything so his executive skills are non existent. Also, a lot of the farm management requires math...something he sucks at. I don't see Zach being an active participant in managing the farm. He's a slacker like his brother and has little interest unlearning anything new about farm management. If Jermy gets total control of the farm, it will be bankrupt and in foreclosure within two years.

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They really should just sell the farm. Matt is tired of all the work and responsibility. Amy shows no interest at all in the day to day operation of it other than making sure her salsa and baked good are sold there during pumpkin season and questioning how much Matt spends. Jacob and Molly could care less. Zach doesn't want to be involved at all as he knows how much work it takes and and work is not his forte. Jer's only interest in it is when the farm comes up for discussion, and he has a look of panic, and wants to make sure he isn't going to be screwed out of anything. Of course, he believes it all should belong to him and the farm will magically run itself. Amazingly I now believe that Caryn does actually care for and is totally devoted to Matt. And Matt seems to be totally in love with her. Amy is stuck in a play date and let's see how things go relationship with Chris. So I think some of her dislike for Caryn comes from jealousy and also she doesn't want to see Caryn enjoying the proceeds of the farm whether it is sold or not.

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Yeah, it seemed like when Matt mentioned the Arizona trip, possible retirement and running for office, it really pushed Amy's buttons. She seemed to panic.  Maybe, she's worried of being left behind.  It's like, be careful what you wish for.  She didn't want to see Matt and Caryn......then she realizes that she might not see Matt and Caryn and she freaks out. 

One trait you need with the Pumpkin farm is creativity and zeal.  You can hire some accountants to handle the books, if you need help. But, you have to be zealous about your product in order to sell it to the public.   Amy has shown her creativity before. Recall her fundraising drives?  They had a golf focused fund drive and it seemed to be quite popular.  They did an auction once.  She could come up with ways to keep the farm amusing and vital, if she wants to.  Maybe, she's just done with it.  I get it. She's a little young to retire, imo, but, if you can afford it, why not? 

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4 hours ago, Adiba said:

I think you have a point here--Amy doesn't know what her future holds re: Chris, and here are Matt and Caryn thinking about (already have?) buying a home together. Also, she still has no idea whether or when Matt wants to retire and if any of her children want to or are capable of running the farm. As you said, she is 54, and perhaps he does not at this time want to run the farm herself--but she has to start making plans for herself regardless of what Matt is doing.

If they need more help with the business, hire more help or get Jeremy in some kind of "apprenticeship" at the farm full-time so he can take over if her wants the farm eventually. If he's "top busy" to do so and Matt wants to retire, tell dear boy that the farm will be sold.

I know it's easy to say, but why is Amy so concerned with being part of a couple at this age. I get not wanting to be alone or lonely, but one can be lonely even in a relationship/marriage.

Well said. 

Amy also strike me as more of a "city" person now that she is single. She likes go to restaurants, dances, entertaining friends, cooking, coffee shops, etc. Not sure how far the farm is from civilization, but at 54 she really should be think does she she herself being "out there". I think in one of the birth episodes - one of the kids even commented how long it takes to get to the hospital and they live in like a suburban neighborhood.

Yes, she has less physical limitations that Matt, now,  - but we all know aging into 60s,70s, 80s + , can be a mother - esp. if you start out with a challenge. I would be a little more concerned about quick healthcare facilities and being close those who might be neighborly assistance, than to be "out there" prancing around in an excessively big empty house. All of the girl friends she invite over - find out if there is a place to buy where they live.

I'm surprised neither divorce attorney recommended one buy the other out.  I guess the attorneys/judge/court were tired  and said- "just split ownership in everything down the middle , live where you laid you head last night, and cut me my check. Deuces - I'm out. "

And does the farm do anything beside grow pumpkins and have the little attractions? I sure which I could see a profit/loss statement for each little line of business they claim to be so dear- ie pumpkin salsa, pumpkin bread, trinkets in gift shop? Just who is their customer - local school field trips ?

And I agree. Jeremy has supposedly watched his father, who has limited mobility, work himself daily on the farm. What has he done to take the burden off his father? Yes, Matt should be thinking semi-retiring at the least. Hiring more people is great - BUT I don't see Jer knowing enough about what goes on to get qualified people to do the job. Also, inheriting the family business also means taking it to the next level - can't keep doing business doing the same as the last 24 years. Jer & Zak don't strike me as "visoinary business purpose driven" people.

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I don't know why the "wedding barn" hasn't been used anymore. Some have said it was just producer driven but they have a beautiful setup, why not use it. Wedding barns in my neck of the woods fetch a pretty penny, in the ballpark of 5k a weekend. That's a Friday evening rehearsal and Saturday wedding. If you choose to use the Sunday you can get that day for 2k, so a weekend could bring in 7 grand, not bad. Is that what Jer & Auj are planning? Why not get a start on that now, X out the month of October for pumpkin season. It's really a no brainer.

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I don't know much about those rustic wedding venues, but, it seems to me that the barn isn't large enough for most things. Some fire code issues were mentioned on the show before due to too many guests. Not everyone could come into the barn.  And, they have no where for changing clothes, prep. etc.  There is money in it, but, it also takes up every weekend of your time, because that's when most weddings occur. Plus, it's the violation of privacy.  Having all those guests every weekend....to a famous person's residence...I could see how it might be a little scary, when you live right there.  Lots of unstable people. Might need more security. Of course, it is an option.  You do what you have to to earn a living.  Maybe, Jer and Auj need to consider it.  You can't always start at the top with the job of your dreams.   

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Amy hates the idea of Matt and Caryn gone and nobody to bitch at and about.  That is Amy's world.  Talking about them.  The only time I saw her smile was when she make the smark remark to Matt about his past.  Drinking and drugs in his far back past would not be a problem for most voters.  Everybody has a past.  It's the now and the future folks worry about.

Amy has made a career out of complaining and bitching and thought Matt would always be there to take it but he left and Caryn is about fed up with her too.  Matt and Caryn do all the work and Amy does all the bitching.  What a show.

I noticed no Chris last night.  Surely by now he has felt Amy's rath and maybe he is taking a step back.  Amy was even evil eyed to her friend who was helping her get rid of some of her stored crap. 

Amy does not want to go anywhere.  She wants to live in the big house, bitch at Matt and Caryn and have parties with sometimes and maybe Chris and her make believe friends that all look like actors to me.  She pays and they come.

Nothing she has done has been successful.  She tried giving talks and that didn't pan out.  She tried an online loaf cake business and the bakery had rats.  She tried a B & B and that was unsuccessful. 

Now she has a guy that won't commit and I think who just likes the paycheck, free stuff and camera time.  It works for him.

The boys are worthless.  Zack should be a stay at home dad.  Tori looks so good because Amy and Audrey look so bad.  She's just 'in the mix'.

I think Matt running for Senator would be a very good thing.  I don't think moving to Arizona and doing nothing will suit him at all.  Even though he has his physical disabilities he has a very good mind for getting things done.  I do wonder why he said no???  I wonder if the cost of running for office is what stopped him?  I would think contributors would cover expenses but not sure about all of that.

Speaking of which...didn't he give the business of those accessable steps for dwarfs to Zack???  I don't think Zack has run with that plan...of course...Amy's boy.

I don't want the show to end.  What would we bitch about if not for the Roloffs?

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3 hours ago, kicksave said:

If Jermy gets total control of the farm, it will be bankrupt and in foreclosure within two years.

Absolutely! Surely Matt and Amy realize this, right? They should just sell, split the profits and go on living their lives. If they want to leave an inheritance for the kids and grands then set up a trust. What ever the kids get, they get. Done! See how easy that is, Roloff's? 

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I can give you numerous reasons why Matt decided against a run for office.

1. His history of DUIS would come up. It's not ancient history, people would remember.

2. His unsuccessful lawsuit against the county would come up. So would the history of complaints against his practices on the farm.

3. Running the farm, he could face more scrutiny from the county and the media because he would be a political figure.

4. Frankly, it would be a job where he would have to do things on someone else's schedule, and do things he finds dull. He would have to give up two years of his life.

5. He would have to reveal his political beliefs and leanings. No dancing, no avoiding. Matt strikes me as unwilling to take a public stand that could effect his bottom line.

And honestly, he might not win, and he isn't likely to handle that well.

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I felt a little sad watching Amy start to get rid of stuff from the family home. Nobody wants to see things not go as planned. Most people get married with the best of intentions. It's sad when it doesn't work out.

I don't think that the way things happened would have been Matt or Amy's first choice.

Sometimes people just can't make it work. Very sad...

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6 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am not a farmer or anything like that, but doesn't it seem like a waste if the only thing they grow is pumpkins ?  The farm is technically only open in October so what does everyone do the rest of the year ? I read they give 30 minute tours of the farm year round and it is 300.00 for 1-3 people and 25.00 for each additional person, sorry but that ain't no Disneyland. What is Amy doing all day in the big house ? Certainly not making salsa or pumpkin bread all day 

I don't think they even grow most of the pumpkins. I think they truck them in for resale. 

Caryn certainly handles Matt better than Amy ever did. The disdain on Amy's face towards Matt would make any man run. Caryn gets her way by making Matt think he's in charge. 

Edited by SongbirdHollow
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6 hours ago, kicksave said:

Honestly, Jermy and Auj are the whiniest millennials I've ever seen. Jermy should never have attempted to remodel the kitchen. He has no experience in doing that kind of work...especially the plumbing. He is not a professional contractor. Can he hang a picture? Yes. Can he unclog a toilet? Probably. But remodel a kitchen? No way...I'm not surprised that he messed up and now it has to be torn up and done over..what a yutz. When you remodel a kitchen you can still use your other rooms to house a coffeemaker, a toaster oven and small microwave. We did when we remodeled our kitchen...you just use those appliances in the living room or dining room and you can make breakfast, lunch and snacks. You can get quality and healthy dinners from a variety of restaurants...you don't have to get in the car and go to fast food joints every night. Jermy is just so entitled and arrogant...he actually has a really bland personality. Almost emotionless...unless it comes to talking about selling the farm...that topic seems to get him worked up. He will never be able to run the farm...even in two years. He lacks any kind of managerial skills, has never worked for anybody or anything so his executive skills are non existent. Also, a lot of the farm management requires math...something he sucks at. I don't see Zach being an active participant in managing the farm. He's a slacker like his brother and has little interest unlearning anything new about farm management. If Jermy gets total control of the farm, it will be bankrupt and in foreclosure within two years.

and don't forget the outside grill (s). I know a family who went 2-3 months while doing a kitchen remodel. Grilled salmon and veggies one night, burgers the next, steaks on occasion, all kinds of chicken with veggies, etc. Their grill had the burner option - so anything in a pot. Dropped fish in the turkey fryer. All kinds of cooking can be done elsewhere.  Just keep an eye on the weather. :)

PS - don't forget about the crock-pot .

Edited by sATL
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