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S07.E07: The Dragon And The Wolf

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Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into any book talk you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

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Definitely a much quieter episode this week. I have to admit that it dragged for me in parts. Too much standing around talking and standing around waiting for talking to start. 

I can tell I'm just all the way over Cersei because I was bored as hell during her big scenes with Tyrion and Jaime, which I know objectively featured some top notch acting. The illogic of this plot to keep her around for the final season has just ruined it for me; I can't really engage with the emotions of it. And Jaime is abandoning her way too late for it to be meaningful for me. She blew up the sept and caused their son to commit suicide, but *this* is what did it? Nah. 

I know this will probably be a point of contention, but to me this episode made it clear that Sansa and Arya's fighting last week was sincere. Sansa didn't catch on to Littlefinger's manipulation until the end of their first scene tonight-when he made the absurd insinuation that Arya wants to be Lady of Winterfell. That's what snapped Sansa out of it. He doesn't know Arya and he miscalculated. Kind of love that this was his downfall. And however dumb this plot was, I'm happy Sansa and Arya are back on the same side and I'm not holding the bad writing against either character. 

Also found the Jon/Daenerys sex scene (and the Rhaegar/Lyanna reveal) very underwhelming. All that build up, for an awkward 10 seconds with creepy Tyrion standing outside. Why did I ever let myself believe this show might be interested in depicting a serious romance?

Edited by stagmania
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"I'm a slow learner. It's true. But I learn."  Sansa.  Line of the night for me.  Everything building up to it was stupid though. Hope Sansa and Arya have a great Season 8.

How much you think the special effects for Ice Dragon costed?  All I could think about during the final scene.

Jon is stuuuuuuuuuuupid.  Sansa's reaction to Littlefinger telling her Jon probably wants to marry Dany was interesting.

Sex scene with Jon and Dany was hilarious! I'm floored by them interposing it with flashback scenes of Lyanna/Rhaegar and adding Bran's voiceover.  This is not how you treat endgame, one of them will die, my money is on Dany.  

Edited by dirtypop90
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Bronn is looking extra dirty these days!

I loved the way that the Dothraki wildly interweaved between the stately Unsullied. And Dany being fashionably late was awesome.

Every time I see that bitch Cersei, all I can say is die!

I am sure those calling Jon an idiot will commence in 3…2…1…I get his point, and I get there point. Consider this though, no matter what Jon had said, Cersei will have done whatever suited Cersei. I sure hope Cersei, the real villain, gets called out on her villainy as much as some will call Jon stupid.

Cersei is so willing to point out Tyrion’s downfall but this winch does not take responsibility for anything. I have no sympathy or empathy for her.

Qyburn looks like a straight up pedophile!

So glad that Jon said the witch was not a reliable source.

So, did the slob kicking Theon’s ass just tire himself out mostly?

Littlefinger getting the finger! YES!

I am still unimpressed by Euron. And I knew Cersei accepting the truce was too sane for her. Jamie is an annoying idiot. Jamie is the stupidest Lannister. The only sane thing Cersei has said. Why does Cersei not think whatever will come for her? I actually hope a wight gets Cersei.

I have never been so happy to see Sam and Gilly. I mean that. Tell the news!

Bow-chick-a-bow-wow. Aegon’s (Jon) ass! Yummy.

Oh my! Viserion! Tormund better survive.

Edited by Enigma X
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6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Down south, I think Tyrion has to be designated this season’s Least Valuable Player.  After bungling Dany’s initial invasion, he then conceived of a grand stratagem to win Cersei’s alliance that ended up costing them one of Dany’s three dragons (and yes, he told her not to go, but the whole stupid mission was his idea in the first place; had his advice been followed, he would instead have cost Dany her main allies in Westeros) and did not even succeed in convincing Cersei to join them.  Really, Dany would have been much better off if Tyrion had fallen overboard on the way to Westeros, rather than having him around trying to convince her to try to conquer Westeros without ever spilling blood.  Oh, right,, and that led to the White Walkers getting through the Wall too.

Tyrion has become the dumbest person in Westeros. I am convinced that more than ever that he is subconsciously trying to win over Cersei or at least save her and Jaime. Dany needs to dump his treacherous  ass.

Edited by SimoneS
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Just now, stagmania said:


Also found the Jon/Daenerys sex scene (and the Rhaegar/Lyianna reveal) very underwhelming. All that build up, for an awkward 10 seconds with creepy Tyrion standing outside. Why did I ever let myself believe this show might be interested in depicting a serious romance?

Large part of me feels like they did it this way because of the lack of chemistry between the actors.  Very weird they didn't get them a real love scene like robb/talisa and jon/ygritte. This show has never pretended to care about true romance though so :shrugs:  But still expected Jon and Dany would be treated better. 

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10 minutes ago, SeanC said:

True to form, the plot that sent him off was really dumb.  How and when did Sansa figure all this out?  What prompted this sudden revisiting of things like Littlefinger’s dealings with Ned Stark?  There’s not even a hint of an explanation.  It would tend to indicate that (assuming GRRM ever publishes the next book(s)) we’ll eventually get a more narratively satisfying story of Sansa outwitting Littlefinger, though.


I thought Bran (the all-seeing) simply told them what Littlefinger had done -- which sort of raises the question of why he didn't do so earlier.

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Oh shit. What an episode.

Well, it has happened. Jon/Aegon finally boned his aunt Dany. Although after that meeting with Cersei if Aegon/Dany need to bone to cement their partnership and for them to rule Westeros, I'm all for it. Jaegon Sandsnow and Dany are the leaders Westeros needs. Not perfect, but certainly have more humanity than Cersei. Did creepy Bran have to explain Jon's parentage AS Dany and Jon started rocking the boat?

I did find it interesting that Lyanna and Rhaegar were in love. Makes Ned's decision more understandable.

I guess Jamie peaced out on Cersei finally. Good, but I stopped caring about that plot a long time ago.

Peter Dinklage is such a great actor. Not many people can convey the love and loathing he feels for his family at the same time with such skill, but he does it time and again. And Lena Headley also did the same during that scene.

Go Theon. Can't believe I'm saying that but, yeah, go Theon.

I don't care if it was sloppy writing, Sansa finally killing LF was everything. Loved that she said "I'm a slow learner" to drive home the point. One thing bothered me: Arya is a leftie. It's a big deal in both the books and the shows that she fights with her left hand. But I could have sworn she killed LF with her right hand. And love Sansa and Arya talking at the end. They;re not close yet, but it's a start.

The ending with the WW's looked scary. Gulp. And this time I don't think Dany's dragons can save them.

But Season 8 can't come soon enough.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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5 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Someone reassure me that Tormund isn't dead.  Right now.

No way do I think that Tormund or Beric go out like that. I am confident that they are both alive.

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*whew*..now I can form some coherent thought, needed some time to process..

Loved both the Cersei/Tyrion and Tyrion/Jaime scenes.  So much said with body language and facial expressions. Cersei really is the worst and is so far up her own ass that she can't see straight. Even with the wight she is still trying to betray people, YAY for Jaime leaving her behind and going South, I hope he gets a chance to send a Raven to let Jon know that the Lannister soldiers aren't coming. Also Jaime's face when Cersei had the Mountain on him, heartbreaking even though I hate his attachment to Cersei. Well is that snow I saw in Kings Landing? Cersei is now alone, she has alienated the LAST person she truly had in her corner.

Still icked out by Jon/Dany sex, but then again she is the first young woman who he isn't related to (that he knows of) that he has come across in a long time...so I can see the attraction on his end. His speech to Theon about being a Greyjoy and a Stark will probably come back into play when he has to be a Targaryen and a Stark. Speaking of Theon, I guess he is getting his bravado back. The Reek persona is still strong in him but you could see some of the old Theon in there.

Hmm.. I thought Bran was waiting to tell Jon about his parentage before anyone else, hence why he didn't tell Sansa/Arya, why would he randomly tell Sam...oh...right....plot point and of course Sam remembers and btw that was totally the Viserys actor playing Rhaegar..

Really enjoyed the last scene between Sansa/Arya, and really loved the three Starklings calling out Littlefinger on his crimes..I do wish he would have suffered more though lol.that slice to the throat was way too kind...So who commands the Vale now?


ACK...now how long do we wait for the final season...

Edited by bluvelvet
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9 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Down south, I think Tyrion has to be designated this season’s Least Valuable Player.  After bungling Dany’s initial invasion, he then conceived of a grand stratagem to win Cersei’s alliance that ended up costing them one of Dany’s three dragons (and yes, he told her not to go, but the whole stupid mission was his idea in the first place; had his advice been followed, he would instead have cost Dany her main allies in Westeros) and did not even succeed in convincing Cersei to join them.  Really, Dany would have been much better off if Tyrion had fallen overboard on the way to Westeros, rather than having him around trying to convince her to try to conquer Westeros without ever spilling blood.  Oh, right,, and that led to the White Walkers getting through the Wall too.

Yep, it's all tyrion's fault. People can't do their job, blame Tyrion. Jon makes a catch the wight plan in the dumbest way possible, let's blame tyrion.  Tyrion's plans may not have been the best but it's not his fault that people executed his plans in the worst way possible.

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The pacing of this episode felt very uneven.  Tons of ponderous slow scenes in the beginning featuring Cersei and build up to the wight (which underwhelmed me), super fast "Oh hey, Littlefinger, you're a traitor" and "Oh by the way, Jon's a legit Targaryen and the true heir to the Iron Throne."

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The Jon/Theon scene was the best part of the episode for me. Both of them discussing what made them, them. Jon calling Theon a Stark with the Stark music swelling. Theon getting his metaphorical balls back and taking back leadership to go save Yara. Hell yeah.

Cersei is dumb. Tyrion is dumb. Everyone is an idiot on this show.

And yeah Sansa you are a slow learner. It really took you seven episodes to figure out that LF was up to no good?

Goodbye LF. You were utterly pointless this season, but oh well, at least this dumb WF plot is over.

Bran's monotonous talking is getting on my nerves.

Edited by anamika
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8 minutes ago, prospazzinator said:

I needed Rhaegar to have been a little more good looking than what we got. Yes, I'm shallow.

He looked distractingly like Viserys, which was an odd choice. If I didn't know better I'd think it was the same actor.

2 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

Large part of me feels like they did it this way because of the lack of chemistry between the actors.  Very weird they didn't get them a real love scene like robb/talisa and jon/ygritte. 

Exactly-we didn't even get to see their first kiss, and that scene was not what I would call passionate. Makes me wonder whether they're just very bad at this, or this story isn't going where I think it is.

6 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Someone reassure me that Tormund isn't dead.  Right now.

They would never kill him offscreen.

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Poor Viserion.  He's got holes in his wings and he's being ridden by pointy head.

Looks like Jaime has finally had enough.

I fucking hate Cersei.

I'm glad Sansa doesn't have to be fed to Drogon, but I still don't like her.

Jon and Dany....well, alrighty then.

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1 minute ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Revealing Jon's parentage in the same episode he has sex with his aunt is disgusting. There is no amount of "hotness" makes incest root worthy or sexy or anything good.

It is sad that this is an unpopular opinion. I guess the producers know their audience. 

I think it was a message to the audience -- don't get too attached. Don't start rooting for them.

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