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S19.E18: Live Eviction #5

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2 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Frankie's sister Ariana for the kitty ears as they are her signature, she even sells limited-edition versions online... and yes, it's a thing.

Thanks!  Pop culture gets further away in my rear view mirror every year.  I think I couldn't care less; and then I do :)

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Is it just me or are Random Chance HOH competitions not really fair? They should be Marked for Banishment TM Season 1 BB.

Well, that could have ended any worse....Josh is going to be insufferable. On top of all that Paul won't even have to put his hand up you know where to make Josh his sock puppet as there is zero suspense in who will be nominated.

It would take a miracle but now Cody must win the contest and guarantee himself safety, then managed to   have his name pulled for veto and win the veto and take Jess of the block or vice versa with her. We need this to happen though because if not  the next three weeks will be Pagonging Cody, Jess, Mark and Elena in that order  unless somehow Mark or Jess win HOH coming ahead.

Paul is such little shit the way he send everyone out to do his dirtywork in the back yard to stir things up. I cannot believe we have to put up with that douce for two summers in a row!

I will say this about that craziness in the back yard. There is an old play that is really funny called YOU CAN"T TAKE IT WITH YOU and it climaxes in an all out crazy comic send  up of madness and when I saw the insanity going down in that backyard that play came instantly to mind!

Funny, Jess taking on Raven was reminiscent of what Cody did with  Paul that made her blow a fuse last episode. Odd.

Even odder was a random moment when we had Cody, Jess and Alex all sitting along together at the kitchen bar. I would have loved to have seen the live feed on what that was all about!

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Is it just me or do they have to leave Raven out of any group decision from now on?  The girl can't play the game to save her life.  This is twice now she has screwed up.  With that being said, I liked that Jess used the hex.  Paul really needs to be put in his place.  Anyone?  Anyone?

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did Kevin join in the bullying?  I'm hoping I can still respect him 


I don't think he did.

That group bullying was one of the most chilling things I've seen on this show. To quote Basil Fawlty, this is exactly how Nazi Germany started.

When Jess called out Paul's cult to him, I wanted to hug her. The one thing that always surprises me every summer is that I become fans of the people I hated the first week or two. It's like always picking the slow line at the grocery store. But that's my relationship with Cody and Jess. Hated them week one. 

Oh and Paul's "disrespect the game" bullshit? Spare me. 

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Hey, Matt got some different shirts. Finally.

Well, we saw the video so Cody lied right to Jessica's face about his early deal with Matt? And lol at Matt being all "bros before heaux." Jessica just made herself look silly.

So Jessica apparently thinks she looks like Ariana Grande when she wears the cat ears and a ponytail and does all that silly preening. Sure. Ariana Grande after she's been rode hard and put up wet for 10 years.

I think that whole Lord of the Flies thing was instigated by Production  to keep this from being a boring week heading toward a foregone conclusion. Problem was that most of the houseguests couldn't sustain it without going way out of bounds. They ran out of safe material and made the mean girl and her boyfriend look like victims.

I am 100% okay with that HOH outcome. Josh was happy like a kid on his birthday. Jody are 100% fcuked unless Production pulls some more shenanigans to protect them. Which they most certainly will.

(And about the "rewarding bad behavior" issue, a lot of the BB winners have won for being the best at doing the worst. Josh is just extremely open about it. Front-stabbing versus back-stabbing...?)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

Is it just me or do they have to leave Raven out of any group decision from now on?  The girl can't play the game to save her life.  This is twice now she has screwed up.  With that being said, I liked that Jess used the hex.  Paul really needs to be put in his place.  Anyone?  Anyone?

I'd like to lock him in a box until the season is over!

1 minute ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hey, Matt got some different shirts. Finally.

Well, we saw the video so Cody lied right to Jessica's face about his early deal with Matt? And lol at Matt being all "bros before heaux." Jessica just made herself look silly.

So Jessica apparently thinks she looks like Ariana Grande when she wears the cat ears and a ponytail and does all that silly preening. Sure. Ariana Grande after she's been rode hard and put up wet for 10 years.

I think that whole Lord of the Flies thing was instigated by Production  to keep this from being a boring week heading toward a foregone conclusion. Problem was that most of the houseguests couldn't sustain it without going way out of bounds. They ran out of safe material and made the mean girl and her boyfriend look like victims.

I am 100% okay with that HOH outcome. Josh was happy like a kid on his birthday. Jody are 100% fcuked unless Production pulls some more shenanigans to protect them. Which they mist certainly will.

(And about the "rewarding bad behavior" issue, a lot of the BB winners have won for being the best at doing the worst. Josh is just extremely open about it. Front-stabbing versus back-stabbing...?)

Josh is a crybaby who needs his @ss spanked! 

1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:


A. Thank Frankie's sister Ariana for the kitty ears as they are her signature, she even sells limited-edition versions online... and yes, it's a thing.

B. I've always for some reason enjoyed the cat ears thing; and on halloween? Always hot. Jessica put Alex to shame with those tonight though and I know she just did it just to prod Alex. Alex always wears her busted Target version ears and there was something about Jess hiding Alex's, so it was the perfect time for Jess to bust hers out... as Will Smith said 'The difference is I make these look good !'

I am in no way appalled or swearing off the show because people looked ugly (esp. Raven... wow, you're UGHLY when you are angry, where did the happy sunshine go? Huh Raven??) this is just standard shit-stirring Big Brother which is what they look to create every year. Bravo. That was nuts. But not a first by any kind of longshot.

I felt much worse about Howie's attack on 'Busted' April in the house until and after she cried. There was the whole Aaron season... etc. this was just par for the course imo. As my friend would say: "Eh... it happens."

I also knew that production wouldn't let their precious Hex not be used... I guess production made her a better offer than Paul.

On BBUK they supply cat ears and all the weird vests like Josh wore. Seems odd to me Jess would just show up in a brand new pair tonight, while greasy looking Alex has worn hers non stop. Ewwww

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Well that was a waste of a week.  I sucks that Josh won HOH because while I am no fan of Cody or Jessica, I would have rather had a Cody HOH.  If only to mess with Paul, because let's face facts we are probably stuck with Paul until at least the final five if not longer.

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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

A. Thank Frankie's sister Ariana for the kitty ears as they are her signature, she even sells limited-edition versions online... and yes, it's a thing.

Julie Newmar beat her to it, followed by Eartha Kitt (and, briefly, Lee Meriwether?), so, no, nothing about Ariana is original.

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48 minutes ago, NorthstarATL said:

Julie Newmar beat her to it, followed by Eartha Kitt (and, briefly, Lee Meriwether?), so, no, nothing about Ariana is original.

No one is saying she invented it. She's  helping to make it a popular "thing" right now.

I hate watching a bunch of people play someone else's game. No one under Paul's thumb had even a hint of alternate plans. The scheming is a lot of the fun but all we are getting is the same thing week after week. I would even take the group turning on Raven for opening her big mouth. Do something else! Anything.

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9 hours ago, mojoween said:

Julie got all het up about the girl ON CRUTCHES taking too long and yet the show still ended early.  Settle down, Julie.

Right?  Oh, pardon her, Julie, while she tries to manage two crutches and a leg-shaped golf club thingy...

I kept waiting for someone to step up and offer to at least hold one of her crutches, since she was clearly having trouble, but I forgot what self-centered toads most of these people are.

9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

These people are assholes but I can't feel sorry for anybody because the people they're being assholes to are also assholes.

ITA.  Scorn for all, sympathy for none.

Also, Raven sucks.  Kathy Griffin used to joke about how when she finds out a celeb she likes is a Scientologist, she's out.  Well, when I find out someone has a GoFundMe, I'm out.

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This show is not entertaining anymore, most of them in there are just unwatchable.

I get Jess wearing the cat ears, she looks like Arianna. Not sure why Alex is obsessed with them.

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I'm really over this season. I am beyond disgusted. I haven't even had a major beef with Paul.....until now. The way he is using Josh as his weaponized bully and calling everyone in his group "dogs" just disgusted me. He is smart and he plays the game well, but he has let his status in the house go completely to his head. I was furious watching the episode last night. I am loathe to use the "bully" word, because it gets thrown around so loosely these days. But that is exactly what I was watching last night. 

Paul tells psycho-Josh to turn it up to 30. He's inciting this bullshit. Then Cody takes Jessica outside, ALONE, so she can calm down. So they can get away from the drama. And Paul rallies them all to go outside and bother them. What's the fucking point? What do you hope to accomplish? I don't mind some psychological warfare, but this is way too over the top, even for more. 

Previously I was just disgusted by the sheep who were FOLLOWING Paul around. And they're still pathetic. Who LETS themselves get called someone's "dogs" and is just okay with it? I would tell him to fuck right off with that shit.  But this also shows just what an ego-maniac this dude is. He's fine when HE'S on the outs, and he has to scramble and manipulate and really play hard. But this dictatorship is just insanely uncomfortable to watch. 

I have no choice now but to root for Cody, Jessica, and Mark. 

And I still like Kevin. I don't watch the feeds, but he seems to be friendly with everyone and stay out of the drama. But right now, this group-think, herd mentality bullshit is leaving such a bad taste in my mouth, I don't even know if I want to watch any more. And now JOSH is HOH? My worst freaking nightmare. This will be a miserable week, for sure. I just want to FF to when Jody are gone, and possibly Mark, and these people have to turn on each other. Losers. Pathetic. Every one of them. 


I had other thoughts about other parts of the episode, but I'm so pissed right now.....I can't even remember. 

I did laugh my ass off when Kevin saw the Veto as an impromptu brass knuckle. He's so great. 

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9 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Is it just me or do they have to leave Raven out of any group decision from now on?  The girl can't play the game to save her life.  This is twice now she has screwed up.

Raven is awful. No poker face at all. When they were agreeing to Jessica's terms for not using the Hex, I saw her in the background and it was Bad Acting 101. ,


8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Well, we saw the video so Cody lied right to Jessica's face about his early deal with Matt?

I couldn't figure out if Cody was lying or genuinely forgot that conversation. Things have changed so much since then, I don't even really find it relevant. 


7 hours ago, backformore said:

What I got from this episode was that Josh's circus song and pot-banging is done on Paul's orders.   Josh is completely under Paul's thumb,  and  whatever he does as HOH will reflect that. 

Yes. He is totally Paul's puppet it's gross. I just don't get how anyone ELSE in the house can stand that shit. It's obnoxious as hell. I told my husband last night that if it were me, I would grab my own pots and pans and join in and be super over the top, worse than Josh. Act like I'm having such fun with him. Maybe having TWO pot bangers would finally call Paul off. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

Raven is awful. No poker face at all. When they were agreeing to Jessica's terms for not using the Hex, I saw her in the background and it was Bad Acting 101. ,


I couldn't figure out if Cody was lying or genuinely forgot that conversation. Things have changed so much since then, I don't even really find it relevant. 


Yes. He is totally Paul's puppet it's gross. I just don't get how anyone ELSE in the house can stand that shit. It's obnoxious as hell. I told my husband last night that if it were me, I would grab my own pots and pans and join in and be super over the top, worse than Josh. Act like I'm having such fun with him. Maybe having TWO pot bangers would finally call Paul off. 

Paul would like that, his orders, but the chickens shit just stands by and watches

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Kevin could seriously be the dark horse of this season. Could he be on the radar any LESS than he is right now? He's funny, peace-keeping, and talks about things other than game, which has to be refreshing for these people. I'd love to see him to get to the end.

I hate Cody and I hate Josh. I feel kinda bad for Mark. Jessica pisses me off, but she shows glimmers of independence and level-headedness in her DRs, and I can't help but root for that. I loved Paul last season, and I don't hate him yet, but man, he's skating on thin ice. Knock off the god complex Paul. It's not a good look on you.

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9 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I don't think he did.

That group bullying was one of the most chilling things I've seen on this show. To quote Basil Fawlty, this is exactly how Nazi Germany started.

When Jess called out Paul's cult to him, I wanted to hug her. The one thing that always surprises me every summer is that I become fans of the people I hated the first week or two. It's like always picking the slow line at the grocery store. But that's my relationship with Cody and Jess. Hated them week one. 

Oh and Paul's "disrespect the game" bullshit? Spare me. 

Amen. We've seen Paul manipulate the house guests, but attempting to do that with viewers is beyond the pale.  Either he goes, or I do. He's at Frankie J. Grande levels for me now.

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5 minutes ago, F. M. said:

Paul would like that, his orders, but the chickens shit just stands by and watches

No, I meant if I were Cody, Jessica, or Mark. If Josh were trying to annoy ME - I'd join in. 

6 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

I hate Cody and I hate Josh.

I think Cody is hot-tempered, and has made some major game mistakes. I think he's not a very good team player. But I don't think he is an intentional asshole like Paul or Josh. I think a lot of his bluster has been RE-active, whereas these two are being PRO-active. Cody wouldn't have been my first choice, but I am despising this herd mentality bullshit so much that I hope somehow he and Jessica can be safe this week. 

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 I haven't even had a major beef with Paul.....until now. The way he is using Josh as his weaponized bully and calling everyone in his group "dogs" just disgusted me. He is smart and he plays the game well, but he has let his status in the house go completely to his head. I was furious watching the episode last night. I am loathe to use the "bully" word, because it gets thrown around so loosely these days. But that is exactly what I was watching last night. 

Paul tells psycho-Josh to turn it up to 30. He's inciting this bullshit. Then Cody takes Jessica outside, ALONE, so she can calm down. So they can get away from the drama. And Paul rallies them all to go outside and bother them. What's the fucking point? What do you hope to accomplish? I don't mind some psychological warfare, but this is way too over the top, even for more. 

Previously I was just disgusted by the sheep who were FOLLOWING Paul around. And they're still pathetic. Who LETS themselves get called someone's "dogs" and is just okay with it? I would tell him to fuck right off with that shit.  But this also shows just what an ego-maniac this dude is. He's fine when HE'S on the outs, and he has to scramble and manipulate and really play hard. But this dictatorship is just insanely uncomfortable to watch. 

I have no choice now but to root for Cody, Jessica, and Mark. 

This, this, this, a thousand times this.

Not making excuses for you anymore, Paul. You're just a mean, petty little man with a god complex. And your tactics are downright fascistic: designating an "out" group and treating them as subhuman in order to solidify the loyalty of your minions? Straight out of the Goebbels handbook. 

This would be the perfect time for Josh to turn on his owner, but he's a beaten dog -- it won't even occur to him.

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Julie to Christmas: "Can you please hurry the fuck up?"

So annoying watching person after person trying to putt the ball slow and straight. THE RAMP IS TITLTED TO THE OUTSIDE LANES! IT IS NOT GOING TO STAY STRAIGHT!

Kind of amazing how most of the cast doesn't even get a single DR. That's how useless these people all. It's all Paul all the time. 

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8 hours ago, backformore said:

What I got from this episode was that Josh's circus song and pot-banging is done on Paul's orders.   Josh is completely under Paul's thumb,  and  whatever he does as HOH will reflect that. 

This "social experiment" has gone way off the rails.  I find it scary that Josh, a 23-year old, physically imposing man, is willing to just go off on Paul's orders.  And Paul?  Just honestly go away and never ever come back, anywhere, ever.  His posturing was beyond ridiculous - he storms through the kitchen like a chihuahua on speed, dramatically proclaiming, "GAME ON" while his minions look on and await their instructions.  Jody goes outside to escape the insanity, and Paul gleefully hops up and yells, "EVERYONE OUTSIDE!!  WHEEEE!"  Alex goes all Hello Kitty Batman, can hardly wait to run outside, only for her to sit by and watch others do Paul's dirty work, in this case Raven (who I sincerely hope never teaches another dance class again for the rest of her life).  Sadly, there are only two or maybe three who understand just how terrible it is for an entire house to gang up on two people who are calmly sitting in a hammock, but no one dares stand up to Paul the Great Vet and Almighty Leader.  It's really sickening, and I feel dirty for watching.  I guess I will continue in the hopes that somehow, some of these idiots will grow their very own brain and see Paul for what he is, and see this situation as all kinds of wrong.  I realize I'm setting my hopes very high for this group, however.  At this point Mark is my only beacon of hope, and he kind of broke my heart as he stood inside the house watching the drama in the backyard...a kid who himself was formerly bullied, he seemed frozen and kind of stunned at what was going on.

At this point, does the $500,000 even matter?  I mean, to anyone except Paul?

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11 hours ago, me5671 said:

Double-post deleted.  New content?  Um, okay…

It was somewhat amusing to watch the Big Bad Bullies do all their screaming at C/J from at least 50 feet away.  Perhaps Production had laid down some ground rules about this?  Perhaps that's even why Cody and Jess had retreated to the hammock?  I don't know.

 But anything that makes Josh scream himself hoarse is a good thing, IMO.  I can only hope.

I wonder, if C/J threw the pans over the wall (as Paul's hero, Dickless did to Jen's clothes way back when), would they be replaced?  (Jen's clothes weren't.)  Probably they would, as it's clear that Paul and his Lying Monkeys are the "heroes", according to Grodner. Urgh.

Edited by Halting Hex
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27 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Sadly, there are only two or maybe three who understand just how terrible it is for an entire house to gang up on two people who are calmly sitting in a hammock, but no one dares stand up to Paul the Great Vet and Almighty Leader.

I was glad to see that Matt seemed ashamed of the whole thing in his THs. But at the same time, he just sat idly by while it was happening. I know it's perceived as risky to go against Paul. But why are there not even WHISPERINGS of it?

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Just now, ghoulina said:

I was glad to see that Matt seemed ashamed of the whole thing in his THs. But at the same time, he just sat idly by while it was happening. I know it's perceived as risky to go against Paul. But why are there not even WHISPERINGS of it?

Matt, Mark, Paul, Jessica and perhaps Kevin...is there any chance they team up and take out Paul and the Sheeple?  Sadly, they have to get past Josh's HOH first, and if Josh doesn't immediately nominate Cody and Mark and then strut around the house in his tutu yelling about meatballs for the week, I'd be shocked.  Wondering if there's a 1% chance someone could explain to Josh that he is nothing but Paul's lapdog/puppet/bully machine so that he'd comprehend?  Sigh.........never mind, I know the answer.

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Wondering if there's a 1% chance someone could explain to Josh that he is nothing but Paul's lapdog/puppet/bully machine so that he'd comprehend? 

Josh would take it as a compliment.

No, don't ask me why. I don't get it either.

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6 minutes ago, Frankie90210 said:

I wonder why everyone who quits watching the show has to make an announcement. (?)

Because they're feeling frustrated and think perhaps others here can relate? 


I rarely quit shows, but I can totally understand why one would stop watching this shitshow. 

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4 minutes ago, Frankie90210 said:

I wonder why everyone who quits watching the show has to make an announcement.

Because we love it, we're angry it's come to this, and we feel the need to vent?  This is a forum dedicated to the show, after all; it would seem an appropriate venue for such declarations.


I have my opinions about the series, just as you no doubt have yours.  Sorry if you don't care for mine. 

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I wonder if Julie Chen is a Paul fan. I remember reading that she liked Evel Dick of all people, so maybe she just has terrible taste in HGs. Maybe that's why he's getting a favorable bs edit, and why all the effort was made to made Cody look like he was unsupportive of Jessica, when that is not the reality at all.

There has to be a reason for this madness.

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1 minute ago, Jel said:

There has to be a reason for this madness.


Producers of these long-form game shows have a very weird idea of what their audiences want. Survivor was ruined for quite a few seasons when Burnette and Probst turned into The Hantz Family Sadism and Psycho Hour. 

Seems to be the same kind of thing with Grodner and Little Paul.

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Paul as HOH yet again makes it all so predictable. Yawn. Hopefully there's another twist coming? 

It's uncomfortable watching humans degenerate into a bunch of bullies.  It's actually scary to think that we can be so easily brainwashed into gang warfare. Maybe we're being manipulated by editing?  People who have the time to watch the feeds might have the real story.  I did notice that while the backyard bullying was going on, some camera angles showed HGs sitting about chatting in the background. And they all seem like best buds when on the sofa talking to Julie.  

Another week of Paul strutting about and yelling at us from the DR.  And probably more "Josh, bang the pans!!"  (Network Powers That Be - newsflash.. this is NOT entertainment).

Hope Kevin wins it all.

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9 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Let's find the silver lining amongst all the ugliness in tonight's episode:

1) Kevin.

2) Kevin's dapper outfit.

3) Kevin instinctively knowing how the Veto can be used as brass knuckles.

4) Kevin's little side-step as he took his golf shot.

5) Kevin.

100 X THIS!!! That guy is just the BEST. He is officially my new TV BF....If only we saw him more!! Veto medals make great brass knuckles....LOL

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I couldn't figure out if Cody was lying or genuinely forgot that conversation. Things have changed so much since then, I don't even really find it relevant. 

Insofar as we're talking about one or two sentences from a conversation some 3+ weeks ago, my leanings were toward a faulty memory as well.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I was glad to see that Matt seemed ashamed of the whole thing in his THs. But at the same time, he just sat idly by while it was happening. I know it's perceived as risky to go against Paul. But why are there not even WHISPERINGS of it?

Remember the last time Mark even voiced an opinion in opposition to Bucky Beardo's harassment agenda?  Mark caught a Josh-led backlash which almost led to him getting pulled from the House.  So I can understand why today's Mark might act with an overabundance of caution.


42 minutes ago, Jel said:

There has to be a reason for this madness.

Don't know whatever gave you an idea like THAT.

Edited by Nashville
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1 hour ago, Frankie90210 said:

I wonder why everyone who quits watching the show has to make an announcement. (?)

Since it was me you originally quoted, I'll pipe in, too.   I was having fun with this show.  But then it became too producer-manipulated in favor of one particular HG and it frustrated me to no end.   They basically took my show away from me.    The anger I was feeling over it was not worth it, and so I felt the need to state my ultimate decision to drop the show.   This forum is all about our opinions, after all. 

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Well I'm still the only person who LOVES Paul ! That guy is playing the GAME and it the other nitwits let him??? Good for him! I just watched a re-run of Survivor (the one with Woo and Stephen) and NO ONE liked the guy they all voted for to win. But he won for 1 reason---He played the game-he manipulated, he lied, he was sneaky, and he's a million bucks richer. Now in REAL life I wouldn't want to be around someone like that but in a GAME?? Hell Yeah! Bring it on! I'd be bored out of my mind if was all Kumbaya and we all love each other and Oh I can't vote my friends out. This is the 3 times a week, highlight of my day! The scheming, manipulation, etc. Big Fun for Me!

Full Disclosure-Last year was my first BB experience and I'm so sad I missed this before! Know I'll on Amazon looking for past seasons to watch....

I like Mark. Such a big teddy bear. I just want to make him cookies with a big glass of milk..(I'm Grandma age so....just think he's a cute kid) 

Still hating Cody the Robot. There's something wrong with him.

I HATE the dam cat ears. All I could think watching that little girl in her cat ears, boobs falling out, hanging on some guy she barely knows...Shudder....Not what we fought for equal rights for! She just looks like a little girl pretending to be a playboy bunny...UGH

Josh is HOH??? Oh Lord. Not a fan of that kid...he really needs therapy. 

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1 hour ago, Frankie90210 said:

I wonder why everyone who quits watching the show has to make an announcement. (?)

Because people know that CBS probably has interns reading various locations to judge how the season is going so that they can adjust their course. Announcing you are dropping the show and why might influence how Production handles this type of situation this season or in future seasons. It is a form of pressure, one of the few that viewers have.

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There is nothing to like about Paul. He is a bully. He could not get Cody and Jessica out using conventional methods so he reverts to an organized campaign of harassment in order to get the to DOR or to throw a punch. That is not great strategy, that is being a lame ass who can't handle that the game didn't go his way this week. He is not playing the game, he is harassing people. Those are two separate things.

Paul is an ass. Production should shut down his bullshit as soon as they can because what is happening is wrong and not fun to watch.

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6 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

He could not get Cody and Jessica out using conventional methods so he reverts to an organized campaign of harassment in order to get the to DOR or to throw a punch.

And worse yet, the little coward got other people, like dimbulb Josh, to do his dirty work for him.  Paul is a worm.  No, a parasite on a worm.

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Jess and Cody played such a poor game the week of Jess' HOH (and Cody's wasn't much better), but omg, I just can't with a week of Josh being HOH.  Cody may be a cold fish and not very personably, but Josh is an outright bully, who will not let anything go and he enjoys the hell out of harrassing other people.  I had really hoped Cody, Jess or Mark (or maybe even Elena) would have won HOH and widdled down the other side, put up (or back door) Paul, Raven, or Josh.  Now I just have to hope that one of them wins the temptation competition, and another wins veto.  I do expect that one of those 4 will end up going home, though.  Even if the rest of the house "turns" on Josh, they will probably still follow whoever Paul says to go home this week, and all 4 can't be saved (at best, 3 can).

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I'm a newbie but it's got to get more interesting when only Paul and his faithful minions are left and must begin picking each other off each week.  Until then we've got to wade through a whole lot of 'Paul Says' unfortunately.

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FYI, I'm pretty sure this thread is only for things that aired during the episode. There seem to be people giving details about things that happened only on the live feeds. I understand that people want to back up their opinions but maybe y'all could take those posts to one of the live feed threads?

I'm surprised at all the outrage at alleged producer manipulation this season.  Of course, TPTB are manipulating things, they always have. That's absolutely nothing new. There's no more manipulation this season than any other season. And TPTB seem to have given Jessica (Halting Hex) and Cody (Battle Back) just as many manipulated advantages as Paul so it's not skewed in Paul's favour.  And, yes, those 2 advantages were just as powerful, if not more, than Paul's temptation.

As for TPTB changing things because people say they're boycotting the show, I doubt that's ever going to happen. And the main reason it's never going to happen is that 90% of the people who say they won't watch anymore still watch anyway. As long as the ratings are good (and they are), TPTB are gonna keep doing what's been working for them.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know who looks worse, ringleader Paul or the spineless followers?

What do you expect the house to do?  You have got three big targets that are going after each other (Paul vs Cody and Jessica), why step up and become a target themselves?  Let them hash it out and then make a move.

They didn't let them hash it out, though; they let Paul supervise while they harassed his targets for him.  I guess what I expected them to do is simply "the opposite of what they did."

50 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Insofar as we're talking about one or two sentences from a conversation some 3+ weeks ago, my leanings were toward a faulty memory as well

Or telling Matt what he needed to hear at that moment in order to get him to understand why Paul needed to go before Alex/Jason, and not really meaning it. 

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1 hour ago, Gummo said:

Survivor was ruined for quite a few seasons when Burnette and Probst turned into The Hantz Family Sadism and Psycho Hour. 

Big Brother hasn't learned the lesson Survivor did: people watch these shows for escape. Nobody wants to root against a villain -- it's tiresome and unpleasant. Make them all sort of likable, with notable exceptions (Jeff Varner, who did make national news) and you get a much more enjoyable season.

Where I think they hugely miscalculated was with Cody. It's no coincidence, I think, that Jessica received the temptation the week she was Cody-less. The week she was the true underdog and truly on her own. Cody shot himself in the foot, partially his own doing, partially because circumstances forced him to nominate a third of the house, like he said. But that should've been it for him -- charming exit interviews aside.

The show is so in love with their Battle of the Alphas that they completely miss the fact that Paul is much more evenly matched with Jessica. Paul vs. Jessica would be fascinating -- she has a social game, she has connections with Elena, and could pull in Mark, and Kevin. Cody is this Alpha albatross they've tied around her neck because they are obsessed with showmances and Alpha males, so an Alpha male in a showmance is like gold for them.

Bringing Cody back into the house was a terrible decision, TV-wise, because it's created this climate of unlikable guy vs. unlikable guy, where we all lose, and Jessica has gone back to her role as Stand By Your Man as opposed to actually playing the game. Cody needs to go, because then it will get interesting. If Mark, Elena or Kevin wins HoH, she doesn't go up, I don't think. 

But all of this -- all of it -- is tied to Cody. When it's Cody vs. Paul, Paul wins in a heartbeat. Paul vs. Jessica is where it gets interesting. Jessica is collateral damage, and I hate hate hate that once again, a woman is throwing away her game for a man -- only this time it's the show and their twists that are making her do it and not the guy himself.

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Things BB19 has taught me about myself:
1.  Even though Publix commercials & Hallmarks movies always make me cry, I now know I have a heart of stone because I felt absolutely no sympathy or pity for Cody.  I find nothing appealing or deserving of admiration in the way he's presented himself (or been presented?) on the broadcast show - which is all I judge by.

2.  When it comes to noise & yelling, I have nerves of steel to go with my stone heart.  Maybe it's from raising 4 kids?  The arguing, pot-banging, goofy dancing, etc. would have me rolling my eyes at the childish behavior, but it'd have to go a lot farther for me to feel like I was being bullied or intimidated.  (Sticks & stones, and all that).  I relate much more to Meghan who broke down when accused of being a bad person, as that's what would hurt me.  Not silly shenanigans in the backyard. 

I notice that whether they're actually mindless minions or just players hiding, for now, behind a bigger target, the majority of the house seems to get along with Paul on a personal level, but even Cody's own "girlfriend" has trouble dealing with his horrible (at least BB-wise) personality.  I was also reminded this week of the whole Pao Pao incident, so any musings I had entertained for a Jessica comeback/redemption quickly evaporated.

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1 hour ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Well I'm still the only person who LOVES Paul ! That guy is playing the GAME and it the other nitwits let him??? Good for him!

This is how I felt up until last night. I just do not see rallying his "barking dogs" to follow TWO people around the house and harass them as playing the game. I think it's crossed over from beneficial game play into just mean-spirited bullying. JMO

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