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S12.E04: We Have A New Puppet Master

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While the fallout from The Quiet Woman leaves Shannon and Kelly both stunned, the ladies move on with their lives as Shannon takes her daughter Sophie out for a driving lesson and Kelly looks to improve her love life from the inside out with vaginal rejuvenation. Lydia’s mom, Judy throws a birthday party from her grandson Stirling, where Vicki forms an instant bond with new housewife Peggy. Tamra looks to break the cycle of parental alienation and divorce in her family.

Edited by KungFuBunny
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What is it with these women and their vaginal rejuvenatation's? And if Vicki thought it was so icky why did she accompany Kelly? Maybe Lydia's mom should have tried fairy dust, would have been cheaper. 

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14 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Cute birthday party!

When is this kid's birthday because they had promotional materials from The Emoji Movie, which was released on July 28, 2017.

Assuming that the camera car that was following Shannon and Sophie was actually filming Sophie driving, Sophie is a terrible driver. Yes, she's 15, but she's so bad that I'd be afraid to take her on the highway.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I guess I never properly thanked my mother for reading the paper while she was "teaching me to drive".

So, thanks mom!  I learned nothing but I'm not psychologically scarred by the experience.

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9 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I guess I never properly thanked my mother for reading the paper while she was "teaching me to drive".

So, thanks mom!  I learned nothing but I'm not psychologically scarred by the experience.

My Mum just tossed me the car keys and told me to practice driving & parallel parking - oh, and to pick up a pack of smokes for her on my way home.

Only 2 hours 'til it airs here in SoCal - I might need a power nap, unless the episodes is a total snooze ...

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I honestly can't remember much it was so boring.

Can't stand Lydia or her mom.   Nothingness.  They must be broke to come back to the show.  Broke and stupid.

Vicki?    If I thought I was anywhere near her, even a few miles , this non-believer would be wearing a triple strand of garlic around her neck , have a rabbi, priest and Linda Blair as my bodyguards.

I know the only reason Andy keeps her is so that one day someone she has lied about or scammed will kill her while filming.

Better yet, she decides to get vaginal rejuvination and the probe eletrocutes her.   Killed by her love stank.

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19 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

This was the worst Housewives episode of all time.

Seriously. And except for Miami and Potomac, I've watched every franchise.

Really dont want to see anyone having hoo ha rejuvenation, and not interested in teenage daughter's driving lesson. An hour of watching paint dry would have been less boring.

Wont they all have to film together when they go on the group trip to wherever they're going?

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1 minute ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It truly was. I just couldn't even pay attention at all. The problem is that on this franchise, unlike most of the others, I don't really find any of them particularly interesting. AT. ALL. When they are doing their one-on-one stuff, or stuff with their families, I just don't really give two shits about any of it. My only interest seems to come when they are interacting in a group. 

From what Tamra said in interviews before the first show aired, this season will be very different, as they tried to take it back to it's roots - where they didn't film a lot together, but did more individual stuff. Like it was the first couple of seasons. The problem is, none of them are interesting enough (IMO) to pull this off. 

They can't turn back the clock at this stage, we all know these women/their families too well for that (except Peggy and I have no interest in getting to know her at this point). 

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6 minutes ago, parrotlover said:

Seriously. And except for Miami and Potomac, I've watched every franchise.

Really dont want to see anyone having hoo ha rejuvenation, and not interested in teenage daughter's driving lesson. An hour of watching paint dry would have been less boring.

Wont they all have to film together when they go on the group trip to wherever they're going?

They will film together, but just not as much as in the past. Which means more boring shit like we saw tonight. 

This is a quote from Tamra about the season:

"I don’t know what Kelly and Vicki did most of the time because I was filming much more with Meghan and Shannon. Peggy is the new girl and I didn’t film with her all that much either. This season, there was lots of filming done individually and a focus on family stuff, whereas in the past there was lots of group stuff. I could be wrong but that’s how it felt."

My guess is that she says she could be wrong because she doesn't know how the final edit will look. They could take a group dinner and turn it into 3 episodes to take up more time, and show less of the individual stuff. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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So the only thing remotely interesting to me was Meghan saying she was Tweeted info about Kelly having a boyfriend, which I can totally believe. Then Kelly retaliating saying Jim had a mistress, which I can also believe. Well, maybe a mister but something is going on with him and all of his trips out of town.

If Peggy is supposed to be a way for Vicki to redeem herself and show how loving she is towards cancer patients, um, no. Move along Bravo, that dog won't hunt.

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Well, I didn't think it was the 'worst' housewives' episode. 

I did kind of enjoyed Shannon and Tamra visiting.  And I loved Shannon in the car with her daughter.  Memories.  But I didn't take my daughter out in real traffic.  That was gonna take time.  Just around the two lane quiet roads in the neighborhood first.  And school parking lots.  Getting a little too close to the curb there....  This is what Driving school is for.  Let them go out in real traffic with that car.  And it has two brakes.

I do feel for Tamra and lack of a relationship with her daughter but there's more problems with those kids than just that.  Both she and Simon have to get their shit together as parents.

Yikes.  Ryan the early years.  Look at how far he's come.  At least you could look at him then and not get creeped out.  And then there was naked waisted and well...  I do think think he had a screwed up childhood.  I think what he was saying that Simon was an asshole but at the same time Simon was trying to straighten him out.

Kelly - just go away.  You always sound so dumb and why do have to be exposed to your stupid procedures while you're trying to be so funny.  You're just not all that.  Far from it.

The birthday party was cute.  Two minutes of the party would have been fine.  More than enough.

Vicki is doing a redemption tour with new woman.  I still don't know how I feel about her yet.

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It's such an important time in a teens life, to have good, loving parental figures supporting him and giving him unconditional love. I don't think he ever had that. Only criticism once the untended, uncared for little tree grew into a warped and twisted big tree. :( so sad...

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53 minutes ago, dosodog said:

David needs to be the driving instructor in the Beador household. But I felt stresses with her lane changes.  I might have said Sophie, Sophie, SOPHIE too.  

Aspen is the smartest baby ever.  Meghan not the smartest mom.  I'm childless and even I could understand baby Aspen's screams were about the evil woman mom let back in.  Those were baby cries of "Danger Danger!" There is a demon in here!  Get the salt and holy water! Where's my dad?  Somebody, anybody with a brain.  GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME!"


Didn't Sophie say something like, it would be much easier driving with Shannon than David?  In what universe?!?!  I wonder if she would like to reconsider that opinion.

Seriously, Megan thinks the baby can see ghosts so it's not much of a stretch.  Heck, we can all see Kelly is a demon and we can't see ghosts.  Well, I guess I should only speak for myself.

I loved the clips of Vicki fighting with every new girl every.  Except, I think, Shannon?  It seems like they got along pretty well pretty quickly, but they are making up for it now.

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Poor Vickie, she is really trying so hard to be likeable, lol! It's killing her! The real Vickie is so much more comfortable rolling her eyes and making snide comments at the new girls. Now she can't be nicer to the newbie. Almost like Ramoner kissing Bethanny's ass like there's no tomorrow! You can see the pain in Vickies eyes as she forces her grimaces into grins. Lol!

32 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

If anyone's interested, Shannon is on WWHL. She's down 15 pounds and is now 29% body fat. She looks  pretty good. 

Wow! Good for her! Not easy...

Edited by VedaPierce
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I'm sure some of those attending the Erasing Family event have legit grievances, but how many are just fucked up people who were awful parents and their kids now make the choice to cut their toxicity out of their lives? We will never know...

It hurts Tamra's feeling that her mom didn't want to show up to this event. What about Sydney having her feelings hurt because she's begged HER mom to stop talking about her publicly? Only Tamra's poor widdle huwt feewings matter, right? Stupid, narcissist Tamra.

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From someone who has gone thru bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstruction, I am having a hard time with this woman putting it out there. You'd be hard pressed to find more than 5 close friends who knew all my business at the time (10+ years ago).  I didn't get 100,000 dollars worth of diamonds to cope, and I didn't do it on tv. I guess I am supposed to respect her, but I just can't. I have scars real and emotional....I am just unhappy with this "storyline".  I get women do this now because it's preventative and thankfully mine was 99% as well, she's obviously not had a "humbling" experience because glitter is hard to get off and she doesn't want it on her. She could learn a thing or two from Lydiot's mom....some shit doesn't matter, you're alive and can afford to have the best doctors make you look like nothing's happened. Not many of us are that lucky. 

Also, Ryan you suck. Get a job, loser. Grow the fuck up. 

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11 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

Honestly, Peggy bores me. She seems pleasant enough, something just doesn't click for me. They are not doing so great with casting.

And why was Kelly invited back after her many meltdowns of rage and shit throwing last season (70's party, Ireland trip, yelling c--- in the restaurant)??! Not to sound too "Dubrow" but Kelly is classless and vulgar across the seasons. I don't want to see her ugly mug ever again after this season. 

I'm looking forward to watching her chip-clip the ever annoying Meghan Mouth next episode! Then watching Megan's eyes bug out as she realizes that she's just been insulted. 

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5 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm looking forward to watching her chip-clip the ever annoying Meghan Mouth next episode! Then watching Megan's eyes bug out as she realizes that she's just been insulted. 

I just caught a little of that clip on WWHL, and I thought it very rude of Peggy.  But then I was happy Megan was talking back to Vicki.  Maybe we'll learn more when it actually airs.

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Shannon, even though you're sometimes crazy as a loon, I remain a fan.  So, I think the least you can do for my loyalty is give me Archie.  'k?  Thanks!  Lord knows I've been trying to get Bambi from Kyle for years.

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Did anyone catch the side eye/stink eye Monique (Kenny's wife) gave Tamra at the house?

At the "Erasing Families" event, was Tamra supposed to make an "inspirational" speech?

I want to punch you in your throat, and then I want to punch you in your throat again 


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59 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

I guess I'm not the only one who thinks Jimmy may be In-The-Closet, lol.  

Oh NO. We lived in Milwaukee when he played with the Brewers and he was the biggest, sleaziest bird dog in the world.  He'd be at all the hot bars picking up different women all the time.  Our season tickets were next to the wives section, behind home plate, and we got to know a couple of the wives (his stayed in St Louis), and the stories they told about his behavior were amazing. 

This was the only RH that I watched, and it was my guilty pleasure.  Now, I will probably stop watching.  The show has become boring, as have all the characters.  It's just not watchable anymore. 

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