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S19.E13: Head of Household #4; Nominations #4

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Some choice quotes from Cody:

"Now that I'm in a position of power..." (in the DR)
"It would be petty for me to put you up..." (to Paul)

Uh... who won HoH? Not your garbage smelling, concrete wearing, spray painted ass. 

Also, fuck off, Raven. Why do you always sound drunk when you're in the DR? 

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Josh you need to shut your fucking trap.  Yelling "meatball" 6,467 times is the lamest insult I have ever heard. 

Jess and Cody you can stop your persecution tour any damn day now.  You know that your isolation is quite a bit your own damn fault, right? 

Watching her tick off all of the ways life is coming up her was SO irritating and made me annoyed with the idiot houseguests who thought punishing the MARINE over and over was going to accomplish their goals.  At least Jason has a brain.

Edited by mojoween
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Hey Paul, that fur you're wearing looks absolutely ridiculous.

Josh, please please find another insult. You look and sound like a third grader.

Cody, stop whining and just play the freaking game.

Jess, I understand your reasoning on the noms, but you're isolating yourself just like your boyfriend did week one. Not a good move, sweetheart. 

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5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Hey Paul, that fur you're wearing looks absolutely ridiculous.

I... uh... kinda like it? Not on him - it turns him from a douchenozzle to a furry douchenozzle, no argument there - but a women's version of that wouldn't be horrible. 

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3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Jess, I understand your reasoning on the noms, but you're isolating yourself just like your boyfriend did week one. Not a good move, sweetheart. 

Really, those two totally believe they are all power when they are HOH - they sure don't learn from their mistakes!  She was even wearing her sunglasses in the room trying to be a gangsta lol with all her mighty power.

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I can't take Josh at all. He acts like a tough guy one second talking trash then starts to cry when things don't go his way? How about DON'T talk trash if you can't back it up.

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Ugh!  The disgusting little love birds.  Jess, you don't have the votes to "run this house".  They all still hate you and your little Cody too.

Mr. and Mrs. Meatball  LOL!

I understand Christmas being happy to compete, but that whole "challenge beast" thing can backfire.

Josh is so annoying.  Using those punishments on the Codybot were useless.

Cody is emotionally disconnected from reality.  The Paul sparring was funny.Of course they are bot totally lying to each other.  Cody looked almost convincing and almost human.  Again with the "loyalty" BS.  Nobody owed you anything!

WTF with the Saran wrap?  omg.

Poor Ramses.  He's probably toast.  The house will keep Josh just to annoy Codica.  They may try and backdoor Paul.  Not sure he would go.

Jess winning this HOH just postpones the inevitable, but this and the hex should get her to jury.  I believe it expires after next week. Was she talking about keeping it for after getting through next week?

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4 minutes ago, endure said:

Really, those two totally believe they are all power when they are HOH - they sure don't learn from their mistakes!  She was even wearing her sunglasses in the room trying to be a gangsta lol with all her mighty power.

I thought they behaved pretty reasonably, considering the house is aligned against them. At least they are not stupid enough to trust anyone, and they (and ONLY they) are playing for themselves, and not for "Your Boy" Paul. I hope they figure out a way to backdoor Paul, though, as none of the hamsters will have a clue what to do without him!

  I AM surprised that they didn't have everyone stand on one leg in the challenge. They would have for Paul, to give him a leg up.

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Paul is a "rocker?" I thought he worked at a clothing store. I guess "famewhore" would be too on-the-nose?

Jessica does realize other people vote in the house besides Cody, right? I really don't think they have the votes to get Paul out.

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Count me in the number with no sympathy for Josh. You spend the entire competition attacking the eventual HOH, but you can't take it when she strikes back. 

I don't think it was a bad idea to avoid going after Paul. Those idiots are clearly all following him off the cliff. The way he held court with the entire household, telling them how they would proceed if they won HOH had me rolling my eyes. And speaking of his royal obnoxiousness, not sure you should gloat when your competitor goes down after an hour and a half in a comp in which you lasted less than a minute.

I enjoyed that everyone was having conversations where they talked about how they loved and trusted each other only to say the opposite in the DR. It made for good tv. 

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Those 'punishments' were the lamest thing ever.  I'm so disgusted because tonight it hit me that I'm not going to like this season of BigBrother.  What a bummer.  Sadly I'll still watch and complain about how boring and predictable it is. 

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22 minutes ago, PaperTree said:


Jess winning this HOH just postpones the inevitable, but this and the hex should get her to jury.  I believe it expires after next week. Was she talking about keeping it for after getting through next week?

I believe her temptation lasts four weeks.

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Wow, that was a fascinating comp to watch! What excitement! I was impressed by Christmas though since she was a one legged woman in an ass kicking contest...

Josh is SO bipolar it's unreal, he quickly cycles from feeling he is the baddest coolest person on the planet to curled up the fetal position sucking his thumb. His wittle feelings get hurt anytime anyone says just about anything to him and he crushes like a damned dixie cup and is blubbering like a baby. "It wasn't being on the block it was what she said " *sniff* *blubber* *crumble* Yes Josh, words hurt don't they??

I wonder how curly Jess' hair is naturally as she obviously straightens it. Yes, these are the world-changingly important things I ponder during such a scintillating ep.

Loved that Kevin has been doing his 'wraps' for a year even if he admits he doesn't sleep very well. He is a mighty odd duck.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Josh really is psychotic. I really loved Cody telling him that she didn't want to talk. You treat people like that and run your mouth then wants to go beg for your safety 2 mins later and cry over someone else running their mouth at you? Get the hell out of here. Then he's crying over it? Jess went far too easy on him in that nomination ceremony. 

That comp was interesting, 10 versus 2 is the most ridiculous thing ever.  I was eye rolling at the house meeting and all the 10-2 talk, they think that makes them look endearing to America? 

Kudos to Jess for making it to the end and Cody as far as he did with everyone else after him and just finishing 3 other endurance comps. Yet Mark, Paul, Kevin and Josh could only last minutes after doing nothing for days.

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I won't wish long term harm on Paul, but how about a severe case of laryngitis and a stiff, painful neck?  He'd still bug in the DRs, but the insane head bobbing and shouting would be greatly reduced.  Raven would probably start whispering and wearing a neck brace as well. 

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Is Cody actually a trained military sniper? That might explain his laser-like focus.

Um, Paul, please explain to me why Dominique was a bigger threat than Jessica and just had to go. At least Dom wouldn't have been dickmatized.

Doesn't Jessica hang with high rollers as part of her job? Wonder how her lack of common grammar works out for her in that role. Guess her looks override it, at least for men.

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Hey, like Cody or Jess or don't like them...a power shift is always fun in reality TV and this was quite the trifecta from the  Hex, To the Battle Back and to HOH. Plus they are playing a much better game this time and best of all Cody still isn't believing Paul. The only problem with trying to back door Paul would be is no one would keep Ramses or Josh over him.

This I think was the first time that Alex didn't even get a speaking part other than as the comp host. I'd like to get some insight on how she feels about Cody being back. There was that certain interplay between them early on where it appeared he was carrying a torch for her. Does it still burn somewhere or is he Jess all the way now? If he is with Jess this almost looks like a possible solid couple like Brandon and Rachel as opposed to one where you have an order issued against you by a judge months after leaving the house.

If that fat jogger had been yelling at Josh he would have been in tears!

2000-that's how long I've been watching CBS reality TV and I think Cody completly shutting Josh down by sayinng "She doesn't have time for you." is one of my top five moments ever...right up there neck and neick  with Shi Ann the She Devil winning the arm/bucket competition on SURVIVOR when she needed to.

What did Paul have on his head during the Kevin body wrapping segment. For a moment I was like...who let Austin back in the house because he looked like a dead ringer from the distance....either that or Jesus....either the WALKING DEAD ONE or the DIVINE one.

Matt continues to bug as he sits there like a bump on a log contributing nothing. He's starting to reminded me of Nicole's ride or die....who I forget his name now. How the heck did he get cast other than by his looks?

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I don't tune in to watch that lil rat faced escort straighten her ratty extensions. I think camera guys were being bitchy cus we sure saw a mess there. 

Nice try giving her a chance to cry about her dad. Did nothing for me other than cause me to watch hopefully for one of her lashes to disengage. 

Cody is still an asshole.

Paul's a narcissist.

Kevin is a hoot! Seems to be the only one in there with any humanity.

Josh needs to go home cus he's obvs not right in the membrane. But it WAS Paul urging him to blast off on Cody. 

This is a hard season for me cus I don't think ANY of them deserve to be there really. 

What a mess.

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12 minutes ago, Rosebud1970 said:

Re: Josh.

That boy ain't right in the head.



Just everyday mentally challenged?

Something ain't right with him.

Yes, this. There's something wrong with him and Cody may not be touching him because he has trained in restraint but the others he's getting in faces off may not. 

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I don't actually like either Cody or Jess but am glad they are in power this week as I can't stand seasons led by one individual.

i would actually pay money to know exactly what the casting agents were thinking by putting Josh in the house.

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Josh needs to go home.   He's not dealing well with being away from his parents.  HIs emotions run from one extreme to another, he's not OK. 

I was never a fan of Cody.  but seeing all of them gang up on him, especially when he had garbage dumped on him and then get yelled at, made me uncomfortable.  Imitating junior high bullying tactics is not entertaining.  Why did the "distractions"  have to be bullying? especially when Josh was already taunting them with insults.  How about a distraction of someone singing?  or telling jokes, trying to get them to laugh and lose their concentration?  

Jessica has picked up on the Amazing Race/Bachelor phrasing,  talking about "Cody and I's relationship."  

all the other houseguests blindly follow Paul.  I don't get it.  

Edited by backformore
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Paul, please retire that dead muskrat around your shoulders that you call fashion.

Josh, please unglue your tongue from the bottom of your mouth so I can understand what you're saying.

Cody, please blink once in awhile.

Also, kudos to the editors for the Kevin-Mark-Paul sequence of their DRs being cut off because they all lost so quickly. 

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I sincerely hope that Josh goes home this week because I worry that he is going to have a full fledged psychotic break on national TV. Between his Aspergy personality; his possible steroid use and what appears to be a rapid cycling bipolar disorder, this is way too much stress for him. He annoys me but it's more than that - he seems very fragile mentally and this house isn't a good place for that. Yes, we like to be entertained but hopefully not at the expense of  the mental health of a young man.

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17 minutes ago, backformore said:

Josh needs to go home.   He's not dealing well with being away from his parents.  HIs emotions run from one extreme to another, he's not OK. 

I was never a fan of Cody.  but seeing all of them gang up on him, especially when he had garbage dumped on him and then get yelled at, made me uncomfortable.  Imitating junior high bullying tactics is not entertaining.  Why did the "distractions"  have to be bullying? especially when Josh was already taunting them with insults.  How about a distraction of someone singing?  or telling jokes, trying to get them to laugh and lose their concentration?  

Jessica has picked up on the Amazing Race/Bachelor phrasing,  talking about "Cody and I's relationship."  

all the other houseguests blindly follow Paul.  I don't get it.  

I agree. It felt unnecessary when every houseguest was ganging up on the two. I kept expecting someone to get uncomfortable about it, or at least to tell Josh to knock it off. Instead, Paul is passing messages to Josh to keep him going. It was gross.

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To me, Jess looks like a middle schooler with breasts who raids her mommy's makeup and hair accessories.  Cody said she was the sexiest female contestant in BB history.  I think we know what turns him on ;)

Ok, I'll be nice.

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5 hours ago, tickles said:

I guess everyone who questioned why Jess nominated Josh now has the answer.

I'd be glad to see him go! Paul telling him what to say during the comp was a chicken shit move. Take off the butt ugly fur vest Paul! Make your own moves. 

Cody and Jess, shake up these boring dweebs please!

1 hour ago, backformore said:

Josh needs to go home.   He's not dealing well with being away from his parents.  HIs emotions run from one extreme to another, he's not OK. 

I was never a fan of Cody.  but seeing all of them gang up on him, especially when he had garbage dumped on him and then get yelled at, made me uncomfortable.  Imitating junior high bullying tactics is not entertaining.  Why did the "distractions"  have to be bullying? especially when Josh was already taunting them with insults.  How about a distraction of someone singing?  or telling jokes, trying to get them to laugh and lose their concentration?  

Jessica has picked up on the Amazing Race/Bachelor phrasing,  talking about "Cody and I's relationship."  

all the other houseguests blindly follow Paul.  I don't get it.  

I don't get it either, they are letting Paul win, and this is why we tune in?

At least Cody/Jess have a plan. I'm giving it a couple of weeks, if we don't see dumb Elena or rigid Raven do something, I'm out..zzzzz

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2 hours ago, Star Aristille said:


I believe you mean *nasal whine* CORRRRRRREEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

1 hour ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

Also, kudos to the editors for the Kevin-Mark-Paul sequence of their DRs being cut off because they all lost so quickly. 

That was actually pretty classic. It's also as if they heard us talking about how stupid DRs during comps talking about comps are and set us up the bomb!

The odds are SUPER low that Paul will ever abandon that fur jacket. This is a guy who wore a g'damn pool floatie around his waist for weeks. It's one of his 'charms' that he just can't let things go and/or know when a gag is over.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Jessica isn't good at this game. Cody isn't good at this game either. Jody is worse than the sum of both on their own.

The noms are good if the plan is to get rid of Ramses. If Josh was really your target, you could have nominated someone else who has allies.

Maybe they can pull Ramses down and put Paul up.

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I felt bad for Ramses. Being told he's not the target is no comfort when he becomes collateral damage and gets sent home.  Because Paul will tell them to, and the lemmings will blindly obey.

And we will be stuck with crazy Josh.

Please please let somebody grow a brain besides Jess and Cody and shake this up.

Edited by Suzysite
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This show. Got me so fickle this year. 

First I was a fan of Cody and his straight forward, no-ass-kissing style. I found it refreshing. But he took it too far. He wanted to work with this large group, but not consult them on anything. Horrible social game, and I branded him an idiot. Plus, I couldn't stand his girlfriend. Last night? I found myself rooting for one of them to win HOH. 

I'm not a Paul hater. He grates sometimes, but overall I enjoy his game play. I can't get mad at him for running that house and trying to boss everyone around. They're LETTING him! It's the rest of the house I'm annoyed with. No one has a damn mind of their own. Paul is ONE person, but they're all content to do his bidding? BO-RING. So yea, I'm happy to see Cody come back and Jess win HOH, and hopefully shake something up. 

I wouldn't even care if he and Paul teamed up together. At this point, the way 90% of these losers are playing, they deserve for Paul to go to the end and win it all. 

But I was pretty impressed with both Cody and Jessica in that HOH comp. Josh has got to be THE most annoying person alive, but they kept their cool. I loved how every damn person in that house was piling the punishments on them, but Cody was right - all it means is that YOU lost. Bring it on! 

I'm actually finding myself impressed with Jessica, in general, right now. Tarantula eyelashes aside, she's actually coming off fairly shrewd and level-headed. She knows this is just one week, that they have to think long term in order to survive after that. And I appreciate that Cody is being very humble, and happy to let her call the shots. 

But...she did still say, "Christmas, if it's any constellation". Pass because she caught it herself?

Best part of the episode? Kevin's nightly Saranwrap routine and Paul's commentary!!! "Cling wrap at night will keep you tight" - "This ain't 1953. You can go to the gym!" Bahahahaha, I was dying. I swear, if Kevin is ever evicted, I'm rioting. 

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6 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

The odds are SUPER low that Paul will ever abandon that fur jacket. This is a guy who wore a g'damn pool floatie around his waist for weeks. It's one of his 'charms' that he just can't let things go and/or know when a gag is over.

NAILED IT!!!! I couldn't put my finger on it, but THIS ^ is what I can't stand about Paul in a nutshell.  That and the way the sheeple hang on his every word and directive. God people, play your own game!!! 

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Um, Paul, please explain to me why Dominique was a bigger threat than Jessica and just had to go. At least Dom wouldn't have been dickmatized.

Dominique committed the unforgiveable sin of "betraying" Paul!! High treason!! No one dare strike a blow against the Mighty Ego of Paul I of the Kingdom of Big Brother! Also Paul had no idea that Cody was coming back so he probably figured he'd just get her out the following week once he dealt with the Traitor.

I hope Cody or Jessica win POV and pull Ramses. The idea of putting up Alex is a good one. I thought of Kevin, no one would vote against him, but it might be even more polarizing, plus set Kevin against them. Alex is already against them, so, why not? I think it would be too soon to put Paul up, better to leave him feeling secure and weaken his support base. I want to see him go but putting him up would make others more eager to protect him right now.

Jessica could put Elena up, too, clearly as a pawn. They are kind of friends and Elena might say OK since the goal is to get Josh out.

ETA: I want Kevin to win. He's in my age bracket and I have a TV crush on him.

Edited by Lamb18
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Talk about irony. Okay, maybe not irony. What's the word I'm looking for? Hmmm...I'll tell you what I'm trying to describe and you tell me the word for which I'm looking.

The word I'm feeling for the way they all schmoozed with Jess & Cody right after they all piled their lame HOH punishments on them. What tools. And go...

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11 hours ago, vb68 said:

Jess, I understand your reasoning on the noms, but you're isolating yourself just like your boyfriend did week one. Not a good move, sweetheart. 

Can you expound on this? Because I'm just not seeing it. She nominated Josh, who no one can stand, and Ramses, who I don't think anyone really cares about. She made a point of talking to other people in the house and trying to mend fences. I didn't see her isolating herself at all. 

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11 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

Did Josh refer to himself as "your boy"? STOP THAT.

He sure did, and I about did a spit-take.  I found it unreasonably funny that Josh is trying to take over Paul's shtick.  I guess they're both meatheads who like to yell and be the center of attention, so I suppose it makes sense.


2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

House guests have been yelling in the house for years.  I seriously doubt any of them are doing it all on their own.

Regarding the yelling...they have to know that the louder and more over-the-top they are, the more screen time they will get.  However, there is a  - shall we say - "finesse" to being a good DR yeller on BB.  Paul, while incredibly obnoxious, does tend to have a way with words and phrases, and has the occasional ability to actually say something moderately amusing.  Elena and Ramses, on the other hand, yell nice and loud, but have nothing interesting to say...i.e. "my HEAD IS ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK, so I have to WIN THIS COMP and I KNOW I CAN DO IT BECAUSE I HAVE TO WIN but my legs were SHAKING and it was SO HARD and MY SHOULDERS WERE SO SORE so I had to STEP DOWN.  GAHHHHHHH!!!"  That's not doing it right.  Meanwhile, Josh just goes in and scream-mumbles some scary stream-of-consciousness that no one can follow.  For the record, I am very sad that I've given this meaningless topic so much thought.

Jody/Conica...LOLZ.  Conica sounds like a brand of copy machine.  I like it, it matches Cody's personality.

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2 hours ago, phlebas said:

Jessica isn't good at this game. Cody isn't good at this game either. Jody is worse than the sum of both on their own.

The noms are good if the plan is to get rid of Ramses. If Josh was really your target, you could have nominated someone else who has allies.

Maybe they can pull Ramses down and put Paul up.

This is exactly what I was thinking - but make sure Paul know he is 100% not the target and that Josh is, otherwise Paul's underwear will be in a twist.  Since Paul was fanning the flames of Josh's hate, knowing that it would make Josh more of a target than he already was, I don't think Paul would be heartbroken if Josh was booted.

Not a Cody and Jess fan, but watching how everyone took such great joy in seeing them being garbaged on during the HOH, I am kind of rooting on them for a while, and hopefully they can stay long enough to get rid of Paul.  

Edited by Boilergal
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39 minutes ago, laurakaye said:


Regarding the yelling...they have to know that the louder and more over-the-top they are, the more screen time they will get.  However, there is a  - shall we say - "finesse" to being a good DR yeller on BB.  Paul, while incredibly obnoxious, does tend to have a way with words and phrases, and has the occasional ability to actually say something moderately amusing.  Elena and Ramses, on the other hand, yell nice and loud, but have nothing interesting to say...i.e. "my HEAD IS ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK, so I have to WIN THIS COMP and I KNOW I CAN DO IT BECAUSE I HAVE TO WIN but my legs were SHAKING and it was SO HARD and MY SHOULDERS WERE SO SORE so I had to STEP DOWN.  GAHHHHHHH!!!"  That's not doing it right.  Meanwhile, Josh just goes in and scream-mumbles some scary stream-of-consciousness that no one can follow.  For the record, I am very sad that I've given this meaningless topic so much thought.

I have also given this meaningless topic some thought, and I have always wondered if part of it doesn't have to do with the fact that they have a microphone but no feedback in their ear. If they are talking to someone behind the scenes, perhaps they don't realize that they can be heard without yelling. It may also be that the producers have to speak loudly to be heard, in which case they may be modulating their voices based on the person they are speaking with, to the detriment of all of the viewers ears.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

This show. Got me so fickle this year. 

First I was a fan of Cody and his straight forward, no-ass-kissing style. I found it refreshing. But he took it too far. He wanted to work with this large group, but not consult them on anything. Horrible social game, and I branded him an idiot. Plus, I couldn't stand his girlfriend. Last night? I found myself rooting for one of them to win HOH. 

I'm not a Paul hater. He grates sometimes, but overall I enjoy his game play. I can't get mad at him for running that house and trying to boss everyone around. They're LETTING him! It's the rest of the house I'm annoyed with. No one has a damn mind of their own. Paul is ONE person, but they're all content to do his bidding? BO-RING. So yea, I'm happy to see Cody come back and Jess win HOH, and hopefully shake something up. 

I wouldn't even care if he and Paul teamed up together. At this point, the way 90% of these losers are playing, they deserve for Paul to go to the end and win it all. 

But I was pretty impressed with both Cody and Jessica in that HOH comp. Josh has got to be THE most annoying person alive, but they kept their cool. I loved how every damn person in that house was piling the punishments on them, but Cody was right - all it means is that YOU lost. Bring it on! 

I'm actually finding myself impressed with Jessica, in general, right now. Tarantula eyelashes aside, she's actually coming off fairly shrewd and level-headed. She knows this is just one week, that they have to think long term in order to survive after that. And I appreciate that Cody is being very humble, and happy to let her call the shots. 

But...she did still say, "Christmas, if it's any constellation". Pass because she caught it herself?

Best part of the episode? Kevin's nightly Saranwrap routine and Paul's commentary!!! "Cling wrap at night will keep you tight" - "This ain't 1953. You can go to the gym!" Bahahahaha, I was dying. I swear, if Kevin is ever evicted, I'm rioting. 

I feel the same way about Cody. His flat affect didn't bother me, and I actually found it refreshing among the yelling, screaming and rending of garments we generally get in the DR. Then he lost me with his decision to try to make a big move without even a cursory attempt to bring anyone on board, and with his attitude. Now, I can't even be that mad at him insisting that there are only two alphas in the house, because everyone is following Paul like they have never had an original thought in their lives. At some point, it has to occur to someone that they are at the back of the pack, and that they will be first to be taken out. I keep hoping for even an iota of self-awareness from any of these people, but I am just not seeing it. Even if this week is a "waste" in the sense that their target remains, I think it is not a bad strategy to take the temperature of the house and play nice. They have secured at least two weeks of safety and with Paul deciding to "stir things up," they very well may find themselves with allies.

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Also Paul had no idea that Cody was coming back so he probably figured he'd just get her out the following week once he dealt with the Traitor.

But Paul the Vet, more than any of them, has experienced the Battle Back and knows how it can turn plans upside down. I think he should've allowed for the likelihood that Cody (and some other evicted housesguests) would at some point be given the opportunity to get back in the house. I think he let his ego get in the way of good strategic play by not evicting Jessica when he had the best chance. At the very least he would've prevented her from going to jury. The whole thing smells fishy to me and it seems like Paul was in on the Production scheme to have both Cody and Jessica back in the house as BB19's big romance story.


Paul, please retire that dead muskrat around your shoulders that you call fashion.

But it is the height of fashion in northern Westeros.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Can you expound on this? Because I'm just not seeing it. She nominated Josh, who no one can stand, and Ramses, who I don't think anyone really cares about. She made a point of talking to other people in the house and trying to mend fences. I didn't see her isolating herself at all. 

Jessica is a different person and player with Cody in the house. She only consulted with him about the noms. She mended fences while he was gone, but she didn't bring anyone else on board with her plans prior to nominations. That's what Cody did week one. Jessica and Cody both tend to isolate themselves, at least in terms of strategy.


14 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I... uh... kinda like it? Not on him - it turns him from a douchenozzle to a furry douchenozzle, no argument there - but a women's version of that wouldn't be horrible. 

Haha.  Yeah I only meant it looks ridiculous on Paul. 

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