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S07.E02: Stormborn

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48 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

So last week's bedpan torture was to prep Sam for oozing greyscale grossness. Knew there had to be a reason. 

So does Greyworm have equipment?

And both the bedpans and oozing pus needed to be intercut with food scenes. I'll never eat a chicken pot pie again (this week.)

Greyworm has all the equipment he needs. Inside his mouth.

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Well, that was an incredibly bad start for Team Dany, I see.  They had everything planned out, but apparently never factored in Euron just showing up and fucking everything up for them.  So, now all (or the majority?) of the Greyjoys and Dorne fleets are already out of the game.  It did look like Ellaira, Yara, and youngest Sand Snake got captured, with the other two dying at Euron's hands.  I wonder if they just randomly picked which Sand Snake lived, because I could see a lot of it being because Keisha Castle-Hughes just wanted out because she can probably find better work, while Jessica Henwick has her hands full chilling with the former Knight of Flowers on Iron Fist.  Either way, bad news for Dany.  Since this only the second episode though, I'm hoping this is their big loss for the season, and they'll regroup and fare better next time.  That said, I suspect this going to end with a lot of people dying no matter what.

Ah, in typical Game of Thrones fashion, they counter last episode's nudity-light episode with probably one of the more extensive nudity scenes in quite some time. Still, I guess it's nice that Grey Worm and Missandei to have one moment, since they clearly had feelings for one another and he's going off to try and take out Castley Rock.  Because he's totally going to die, right?

Loved the Varys and Daenerys scene.  I like that Daenerys remembers what he did and is understandably wary of him, but I think Varys was correct in what he said, and I do believe him in that as long as Dany truly wants to help the people, he will back her to the end.  I'm under no false impressions that he isn't a snake and out for himself, but I do think he has a code that he will follow, and he won't simply abandon her unless all over options have been exhumed.

Never change, Olenna.  Never change.

Jon and Sansa continues to clash, as Jon has now taken Dany up on her off to meet.  It is so frustrating because I think Jon is clearly right to do this, but it really is hard to convince everyone else he is, because no one has seen what he has seen, so they don't realize that, yes, this is risky, but they really have no other option against the Walkers.  Either way, looking forward to those two meeting.  And maybe more stuff with Tyrion, still I did enjoy their exchanges way back in season one.

Sam's stuff is still a bit boring, but I did like him putting himself on the line to try and save Jorah, due to his loyalty to Commander Mormont and everything he did for him.  Hope Jorah pulls through.  And I kind of hope he does end up being reunited with his family, because Jorah and Lyanna meeting up sounds pretty fun actually.

Arya's changed her mind and actually is going to Winterfell?  Too bad she'll miss out on Jon, but hopefully she and Sansa will reunite.  And maybe she can shake Littlefinger for good measure.  And, holy crap, Nymeria?!!  Hot Pie?!!!

Randyll Tarly continues to be a good continuation of the "proper, deep voiced, dick bag father character", that both Tywin and Roose most famously brought to this show.  There always has to be one!  But credit where credit is due, Jaime seemed to know how to work him.

Man, forget Jaime, Cersei, and even Euron: Qyburn might be the biggest threat to Team Dany, if that crossbow works.  They really need to get someone to sneak in and off him and his twisted, but brilliant mind.

Oh, hi, Melisandre!  Better hope Davos doesn't try and ice you next week!

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26 minutes ago, dramachick said:

There must be a reason for Theon's survival, but I can't imagine what it could be. He's no good to anybody and should just curse the gods and die.

He got Sansa away from Ramsay Bolton.  Their jump has to be worth something.

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If anything happens to those dragons I am going to be pissed.


i don't mind too much this one battle lost but I am sick to death of good losing all the time. If it looks like it's going that way I'm out.


it was Nymeria wasn't it? Why did Arya say it wasn't you?


and seriously show? Sending her to winterfell to just miss Jon?

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5 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Qyburn's crossbow is the best weapon for taking out stationary dragons the world has ever seen.  

If there's one thing dragons love to do when they're invading a city it's Staying Perfectly Still while you line up your slot.  

Lulz, right?! Good luck getting that heavy ass crossbow into position and having a perfectly aligned shot at a flying dragon that can spit fire. 

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2 minutes ago, G-Man said:

I wonder since Ellaria and her daughter are captured who will be in charge of dorne

Maybe Odo will time shift from Deep Space Nine and take on Ellaria's Brother's face????

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I confess that most battle scenes bore me silly (maybe it's a girl thing), but I had my eyes glued to the screen right up to the last second of this one.  I think I held my breath, even.  Fingers crossed that Theon's got something in mind - he looked pretty purposeful as he started off after the big ship.  There was no possible way to rescue Yara, so at least now there's a hope for rescue later.  

I do like that things are moving right along this week.  Can't wait to see where things go from here. 

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14 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Qyburn's crossbow is the best weapon for taking out stationary dragons the world has ever seen.  

If there's one thing dragons love to do when they're invading a city it's Staying Perfectly Still while you line up your slot.  

And isn't it mostly made of wood? I'm sure that won't be a problem at all.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

And Gendry's still rowing that fecking boat. 


1 hour ago, Popples said:

Maybe he'll pass Theon.

And clonk him good with an oar as he goes past...

1 hour ago, AimingforYoko said:

So Jon got a raven from Oldtown and a raven from Dragonstone. Did Edd and the Night's Watch eat all their ravens? They still don't know about Bran?

They'll show it when they have time for a Bran scene.

Went back to see which Sand Snake I predicted would make it - nope, got that wrong.

Edited by riley702
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Just now, BitterApple said:

Lulz, right?! Good luck getting that heavy ass crossbow into position and having a perfectly aligned shot at a flying dragon that can spit fire. 

They are going to kick the crap out of any dragon skeletons in their path. 

There's a reason Howitzers aren't used for moving targets. 

1 minute ago, lucindabelle said:

There is no way Theon could have saved yara. Jumping overboard was a pretty good alternative.

youd think Nymeria would have at least sniffed her affectionately wouldn't you?

He knew Euron wanted nothing more than to kill her in front of Theon. He took that possibility out of play and his sister is alive. So far it was the right move.  

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1 hour ago, Calamity Jane said:

It's a throwback to season 1 when Arya told her father she wouldn't grow up to be a lady in a castle - "That's not me" - and she's realizing that being Arya's pet isn't what Nymeria is going to do.  

Ah, thanks.  I was working on a theory that Bran might have been warging through Nymeria and Arya sensed it wasn't quite Nymeria in there, but this makes more sense.  Except I've been waiting six seasons for The Return of Nymeria! and I'm not going to be satisfied with a one-and-done cameo.  I'm still hoping she can come bounding out in timely fashion and do something to save Arya in the future, other than not devouring her.  (I don't want to hear how expensive it is to produce direwolf footage either, if they have the money to mount a battle every other week.)


So handy the velcro tabs on the Dragonstone loungewear, but then I kind of chuckled through the love scene because last week @Nashville proposed that Greyworm could always "be there for her."  And he was!

Those were two lovely long lean sexy bodies, penis or no, though, eh? 


Well . . . I'm going to give Theon some credit for not lunging and sacrificing himself to a sword in the belly following a quick throat slash for Yara.  I replayed and he did look more craven than crafty, but there's still time for him to come up with a rescue plan.


Agree that winning King's Landing through siege was not exactly convincing as a brilliant battle plan.  Pfft.  Cersei and the gang at the Red Keep hoard all the supplies while the citizens drop from starvation and no one's going to give a damn if the troops outside are local Westerosi.  Come on, show; don't tell me it's raining.

Edited by candall
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5 minutes ago, candall said:

Agree that winning King's Landing through siege was not exactly convincing as a brilliant battle plan.  Pfft.  Cersei and the gang at the Red Keep hoard all the supplies while the citizens drop from starvation and no one's going to give a damn if the troops outside are local Westerosi.  Come one, show; don't tell me it's raining.

I'm surprised that no one brought up the fact that starving people to death isn't any more likely to win hearts than killing everyone in a quick shot of dragon fire. 

As far as the cinematography, how bad ass of a shot was that when Euron's ship slowly appeared into view? 

Edited by BitterApple
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Didn't see the big battle coming so soon with Eulon, though in retrospect I guess I should have. 

As they should have as well

So they are stealing Rob Stark's plan to take Casterly rock. 

I find myself not really caring about Jorah and his illness.  Seems like about the least important thing to care about.  And seriously in all the years of this disease, only twice has anyone ever thought, hey let just remove the infected skin of this incredibly slow moving disease and see if we can cure it that way?  Seems like the first thing you'd try. 

I hope Theon has something else planned. 

Agree the Crossbow isn't likely to work well on a moving target.  I doubt you can load it that fast.  Even if you hit them once, I would think the Dragon keeps going and just burns you do death.  You'd need a whole bunch of those, not just one. 

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32 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Qyburn's crossbow is the best weapon for taking out stationary dragons the world has ever seen.  

If there's one thing dragons love to do when they're invading a city it's Staying Perfectly Still while you line up your slot.  

Why not go to Laketown and borrow the Smaugbow? Not like they still need it..... 

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Man, this episode opened strong. That whole dialogue between Dany and Varys was terrific. I was honestly worried for Varys for a bit. He won her over being a man for the peeps tho! 

Then it just kept getting better with Jon leaving Winterfell to Sansa, being invited to see Dany, getting Sam's message so he would go to see Dany. I can't wait.

Jorah will be cured! I hope it doesn't kill Sam though. 

Ayra, who I forgot to give mad props too last week, is still my favorite on the show. Her story is just getting better and better too. At first, I thought "that isn't you" meant that this dire wolf is an offspring of Ayra's direwolf. But after reading the thread, I suppose it could be a follow-up to "that's not me".

Fucking Theon. Anyway, Urine proved himself quite the threat this week. A gleeful threat too. I guess his gift was the woman who killed Cersie's daughter. Pretty good gift.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Maybe he dies rescuing Yara from King's Landing? That would be a nice redemption arc and a good way to finally put him out of his misery.

That's kind of what I expected to happen tonight. Theon rescuing his sister, killing his uncle, and likely dying in the attempt. They keep inching toward a redemption story for him, and yet they missed an easy one in this episode.

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21 minutes ago, LisaBLingLing said:

The Hound is wandering around the North with the Brothers Without Banners, isn't he?  What are the chances he and Arya cross paths again?

Seeing as how his name kept coming up in her Braavos sl, I'd assume they have to reunite at some point, this season or next.

After being so stingy with the wolves over the years, I wonder if tptb would spring for a whole pack for Nymeria if that plot point were never going to come up again. 

Wow, Cersei/Qyburn, just go ahead and pointlessly damage a historical artifact that even Robert refused to destroy.

Is there any reason Jon couldn't have told Sansa in private that he'd be leaving and she'd in charge so they could another public argument and she might even support him in front of the bannermen? Excited for the Jon/Tyrion reunion and Dany meeting her secret nephew, though.

Melly's back on Dragonstone! If she ever goes in the painted table room again, I'll be chuckling thinking of how Dany and crew have no idea that Mel/Stannis conceived a shadow baby on there.

46 minutes ago, Drogo said:

He knew Euron wanted nothing more than to kill her in front of Theon. He took that possibility out of play and his sister is alive. So far it was the right move.  

Yeah, I don't really get how people expected him to help her right then. If he'd charged, Euron and/or his men would have just killed both of them. The idea that he could just easily kill Euron if he tried is baffling to me. The battle was already lost and the way Euron was fighting, I doubt Theon would stand much chance even without the PTSD. Euron wants them both dead. With them split up, he at least has some reason to keep Yara alive, as bait. And if Theon does mount a rescue mission, it would be the perfect way to make up for her failed rescue of him.

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1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

Dany is irritating the hell out of me and Jon is showing the opposite traits of what Dany is doing to annoy me, so maybe she'll learn by example.  My primary problem with Dany in this episode is thinking that making an imperious summon to Jon to bend the knee to his Queen is a good idea.  For all the dialogue about knowing people aren't waiting for her return, unlike her brother, she doesn't seem to actually get it.  As expected, Tyrion seemed to massage that message.

When they meet, it will be the launch of a new ship.

Jon and Dany, sitting up in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g ...

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Glad to see Tom Hopper on the show as Dickon Tarly and I hope he isn't much like his father.  I found myself wanting Sansa to STFU and I hope she does well as temp Wardon-ess of the North and continues to verbally smack Littlefinger down.  How did Euron find Yara & company?  

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1 hour ago, LisaBLingLing said:

Alternate opinion on Theon.  He knew charging Euron in that situation was suicide.  He would die and so would Yara.  He lived to fight another day, somehow.  I suspect his decision will prove important and ultimately the right one.

Or not.  

That is exactly how I saw it too. Theon and Yara's navy had already gotten their asses kicked. Euron had a sword to Yara's throat. What could Theon really do at that point? If Theon had made one step towards him, Euron might have killed Yara on the spot. And he would have killed Theon for sure. Yara should have been telling Theon to get away! 

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Last week, I mentioned that Sansa/Jon really need to have a family meeting prior to their time in front of all the Lords of the North.  Dude.  There isn't that much to do at Winterfell; have a god damn MEETING, so y'all don't look so piss poor in front of the team.    IMO, some of Kit's finest work was in that hall and when he and Littlefinger when at it.  The look on his face with Lyanna told him to stay was heartbreaking.  I love that he left Sansa in charge; that's a great deal of trust.  I hope she can hold it together.  

It was lovely to see Hot Pie, and I loved Maise's face when she heard Jon was at Winterfell.  I loved the small scene with Nymeria; where is Arya's place?  

Man, the timeline on this show is so difficult!  A raven from Dragonstone made it to Winterfell, but The Night's Watch hasn't send (or they haven't gotten) anything about Bran to Jon/Sansa?!

I don't know what was going on with Dany this week; I'm not sure I felt consistency in how EC has been playing the character.  She was very flat; I can fanwank that Dragonstone has her our of sorts, but it was a little offputting to me.

I don't care how anyone else feels about it:  I love Greyworm and Missandei.  They are beautiful and adorably in love.  That means that, clearly, one or both of them are going die.   Slightly OT:  Watching all the Comic Con footage all weekend revealed to me what a GORGEOUS smile Jacob Anderson has and I'm sad we never get to see it.

Part 1 of Tyrion/Dany's plan has already been derailed.  That leaves The Tyrells and if they have any loyal bannerman (and that's questionable b/c it is all on Tarly's shoulders) to lay siege at King's Landing.  That doesn't bode well at all.   While in the moment, I was like "WTF.  THEON.", I realize now that he would have lost all if he stepped in at that moment.  Euron/Cersei won the battle, and I hope it gives false swagger that they will win the war.

Qyburn is a smart, nasty asshole, isn't he?!  Man, I can't wait until this all blows up in his face, but how many have to die for that to become a reality?!  I also hope they don't kill one of Dany's dragons; that would be terrible.

I'm loving Sam at the Citadel this episode.  He and Jorah shared some good scenes, and I'm hoping the greyscale goes away.  That cut between Jorah's rotting flesh and the pie was clever and horrific.  Damn you, show!

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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

though i have to wonder. if Sam was willing to do that to my Jorah - why was it all "meh, you're gonna die." obviously they had something. i"m more curious how did that thing spread/thicken/darken so quickly. 

The cure Sam is attempting is banned because the last maester who tried it got infected and died of grayscale.

What, did Sam discover latex first and then decided to try to save Jorah?

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I can't wait until Arya reaches Winterfell.

Unfortunately, it appears she'll miss Jon but she should at least be reunited with Sansa at long last -- show better not be teasing this after the near miss in the previous season.

Maybe even Bran will make it down for the Stark family reunion.

But she may leave in a fit of rage when she realizes that Lady Mormont has usurped her role as the precocious little girl.

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1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

Isn't Littlefinger on her Master List of Kills? RIP Baelish (although I hope it's Sansa who does the killing).

Thing is, what purpose does LF play in the story now?  He doesn't have any other cards to play does he?  Among the remaining contenders to the throne, he's got the least, just some guys on horses.

Plus he's got liabilities, chief among them that punchable face with the smirk that pisses people off.

If Arya does kill him, she probably won't be saving that face.

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3 minutes ago, KaleyFirefly said:

That is exactly how I saw it too. Theon and Yara's navy had already gotten their asses kicked. Euron had a sword to Yara's throat. What could Theon really do at that point? If Theon had made one step towards him, Euron might have killed Yara on the spot. And he would have killed Theon for sure. Yara should have been telling Theon to get away! 

Yeah, I was waiting for her to tell him to save himself, but I guess she still has doubts about his loyalty. I do not. He was willing to try turning himself back over to the Bolton men to buy time for Sansa in 6.01. The difference here is that he can better help Yara by not sacrificing himself.

Was anyone else distracted by Missandei leaving the door wide open? 

After the show had Euron actually build his promised 1,000 ship armada from islands with few trees, within the space of 5 eps+ a hiatus I think I've stopped wondering about things like travel times and the spread of news.

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Yeah, I don't blame Theon for jumping ship. His uncle is freaking maniac. I know the show got a lot of criticism for making him something of a wuss...until now.


Well played, show. Well played.

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Some of this episode was so dumb. 

I get why the show wants Jon in Dragonstone, but I don't get why Jon thinks he needs to go himself. He should send Sansa. Tyrion would see her because she used to be married to him, she's the sister of the King in the North. She could take Brienne and Pod. And her word sent back would be trusted. 

Also, when Little Lady Mormont tells you your ass belongs in the North, you stay in the North. 

Also, "I know I'm leaving on a long journey, but you better not touch my sister while I'm many miles away or else" was epically dumb. 

Tyrion's plan wasn't great either- where did they think Euron would go with his fleet if not Blackwater Bay? You have to go past King's Landing to get to Dorne from Dragonstone. They'd notice a fleet passing by. 

Liked the wolves, though. 

I really hope they are more creative than hooking Jon and Danaerys up romantically. It's just so boring. 

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1 hour ago, Calamity Jane said:

I confess that most battle scenes bore me silly (maybe it's a girl thing), but I had my eyes glued to the screen right up to the last second of this one.

Sorry, that's not a girl thing. I love fight scenes and battle scenes. My favorite so far was "Hardhome."

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I really hope Euron isn't the new Ramsay. The guy came out of nowhere, got a Klingon Promotion, built a fleet overnight on an island with no trees, found the enemy on the open sea - at night - and then killed some of the best fighters the show has put forth. SuperEuron!

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Theon: Westeros' Ultimate Survivor

Webster's just announced that they have changed the definition of "coward" in their dictionary.  It is now simply a picture of Theon Greyjoy.

Sam: "Okay, just bite down on this while I skin you alive"

I now hate Euron more than ever for ruining that scene between Yara and Ellaria.  But the good news is, he's doomed.  Ruining a hot sex scene in GoT is the kiss of death for any character.

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Whew that last scene was a nail bitter. This show always does a great job of raising the tension level toward the end of the episode.

As amazing as it was seeing Euron's fleet materialize out of the night. It did make me wonder how on earth no one on any of Yara's ships noticed. Was no one on watch? Minor nitpick but it kind of took me out of it for a moment. Also how does Dany not have that intel? I don't believe Varys wouldn't know. So it just seems like a miss for the sake of advancing the story/

I have always hated when animals on this show die. Each dire wolf death has been a knife to my heart. I cannot deal with Cersei of all people potentially killing a dragon. We have seen these 3 from eggs until now. I am very attached and don't want to lose any of them. I am here however for one of them lighting Cersei up.

I adore Lean Headey but please please show let this be the end of the Lannisters (minus Tyrion). Cersei is every bit as digusting as Joffrey and Ramsay and her end better be brutal.  If the final season is the WW then we need to wrap up the human villains. Jamie can go to. I will never be on board with redemption for him. He pushed a 10 year old to his death and has never once showed an ounce of remorse. He remains complicit with everything Cersei continues to do. I shudder just thinking about the gloating Cersei is going to be doing with Ellaria next episode.

One thing that surprised me was that people seem to know or at least be suggesting Cersei blew up the Sept. I assumed she would try and pin it on Dany and Tyrion to draw further comparisons to the Mad King. I can't believe any of the Tyrell banner men would follow her knowing or suspecting that. She's essentially no better than the king she's speaking out against. They are the same. Both using wild fire to kill people. Although it seemed Tarly was scared of her as well in his conversation with Jamie. Dany take note and listen to Olenna!

I've wanted to see Highgarden since I first heard about it. I hope I don't just get to see it sacked.

The Nymeria scene was everything! I always forget that Ghost was the runt so his siblings are always so much bigger.

Edited by Couver
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2 hours ago, G-Man said:

I wonder since Ellaria and her daughter are captured who will be in charge of dorne

Basically whoever shows up in leather cracking a bullwhip. I mean, the previous king's entire secret service consisted of one guy with an axe, so it's not like "stable infastructure" is one of the core principles that Xenaville was founded on. Oberyn Martel was the only A-list character to emerge from that loony place, and, even in his case, you could make a fairly sound argument that his cause of death was over-acting.

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Ugh, I expected the greyscale to be dry and flaky not moist and oozy. I so wanted Sam to cover his face somehow.

These two episodes have been a bit Sam heavy but I suppose if he saves pretty Jorah and is helping with his research that can be forgiven.

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Sucks to be Jorah and Sam. I liked when sam realized that he might want a shot himself first. Where'd all the milk of the poppy go, though? And why does everybody in a world based on medieval northern Europe suddenly have rum? Is this season sponsored ny Bacardi? Is Captain Jack Urine their new mascot?

Not clear on how skinning somebody with a disease that quickly and immediately spreads by touch is likely to work. Sam is so good at this that not one bit of pus from the removed tissue got onto the newly exposed tissue? What is he, a Bolton?

I'm ashamed to say that I actually almost kind of liked Littlefinger for a few seconds. When word was announced that Tyrion Lannister was working for Danaerys Targaryan and wanted to meet with Jon Snow, even Baelish forgot about plotting for a minute and just got the same almost-giggly expression that the rest of us constantly watch this show with. He might as well have been suddenly eating popcorn.

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1 hour ago, CletusMusashi said:


I'm ashamed to say that I actually almost kind of liked Littlefinger for a few seconds. When word was announced that Tyrion Lannister was working for Danaerys Targaryan and wanted to meet with Jon Snow, even Baelish forgot about plotting for a minute and just got the same almost-giggly expression that the rest of us constantly watch this show with. He might as well have been suddenly eating popcorn.

Okay: that's fucking hilarious.  Littlefinger as fangurl!  I'll have to watch that scene with my finger on the pause button.

eta: @CletusMusashi!  Upon rewatch, I decided that the very next thing I must do is gif the shit out of LF's reaction.  It was exactly as you described.

Edited by voiceover
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I guess the main takeaway from this episode is, Olenna knows best. Tyrion's plan was solid but it did not account for outside factors. Daenerys probably should have laid waste to King's Landing and worried about the politics afterwards.


There is no way Theon could have saved yara. Jumping overboard was a pretty good alternative.

That scene was hard to read. My first though was Theon's PTSD caused him to run/jump, however, he could have also seen the futility of trying a rescue in that moment. I guess we will find out soon enough where his mind was at. Either way I did feel really bad for Yara, she has shown more loyalty to Theon than anyone and to watch him leave her to their sociopathic Uncle must have been crushing. I hope this is leading to Theon having one last heroic moment because I would like to see Yara survive all of this.

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4 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Sucks to be Jorah and Sam. I liked when sam realized that he might want a shot himself first. Where'd all the milk of the poppy go, though? And why does everybody in a world based on medieval northern Europe suddenly have rum? Is this season sponsored ny Bacardi? Is Captain Jack Urine their new mascot?

Bwah. I was wondering about the rum also. Maybe they were "discovering" the West Indies while we were all paying attention to the Game of Thrones or more likely they are being cautious because of the current opioid epidemic. Regardless you would think that Sam would brought milk of poppy with him as it is an effective pain reliever and he did want Jorah to stay quiet.

Edited by SimoneS
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5 hours ago, scrb said:

The cure Sam is attempting is banned because the last maester who tried it got infected and died of grayscale.

What, did Sam discover latex first and then decided to try to save Jorah?

I did say in another board, look at Sam get greyscale now. like he has to do what he's doing without touching any of the yucky bits, touching the yucky bit of the knife, and spread that thing on the yucky bits without touching jorah's skin. 

lotta yucky. 

I am going to assume they were out of Milk of the Poppy. 

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