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S09.E16: Three Tequila…Floor!

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Husband was in the room for five minutes before he couldn't cope anymore and had to leave "they are all yapping like dogs... don't they have any moments of quiet?!"

Me: "but that's why they are good tv, no one wants to watch people being quiet on tv"... and proceeded to laugh at so many zingers tonight! Good ep.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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18 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think Carole outdid herself last night with her "Stockholm Syndrome" and referring to Sonja as Tinsley's "captor".  Well done Carole.   Bethenny was right Sonja is not doing herself any favors by aligning with Ramona.  However, I do think Sonja feels just as entitled as Ramona.

Maybe I was getting a little dizzy from all the room rushing but weren't there only upstairs rooms in the main house?  It was a beautiful property and I don't quite understand why Ramona and Sonja feel the need to share a room.

Tinsley was correct to give her #1 slot to Bethenny.  Further proof she is a good houseguest. 

I don't get the whole room thing....at all.

Every vacation we take with our grown children, they always try to insist DH and I take the best room in the house because we pay for the house. Nope.  We take turns, or give the largest room to one of the children who needs a crib in their room.  DH and I need a bed, a TV, and we're good.  

6 hours ago, Yolo said:

They really need to get rid of the franchise, we get mentally ill women that need real help, drunk bitches and the clueless. Oh, let us not forget the HOES? WHERE ARE THE ACTUAL HOUSEWIVES??

I disagree.  The only bitches on the franchise are Ramona and Sonja.  

I don't think they are mentally ill either.

8 hours ago, Sonoma said:

What the fuck is a "lee"? Did Ramona say she avoids the press like a lee? Or alee? Like Ali? I'm seriously perplexed and curious. What a dumb tw@t.

Did someone catch what she said and can you transcribe for me please?

A leak.

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Page Six article from February 18, 2017. It doesn’t say ungrateful or inconsiderate anywhere.


The conversation in Mexico where they showed the flashback of Ramona telling Tinsley she should bring the hostess a gift – I agree. Tinsley is an ungrateful, entitled, whiny twat.

Tinsley moved into Sonja’s for 5 months for emotional support. Twatsley brags about going shopping every day. She is not in a financial bind. She was not staying there to save money for the security and deposit. She was looking at apartments in the $9000 range and stayed at Sonja’s for 5 months. If she can spend $700 on one top and does this on a daily basis, then she could have given Sonja money for a repairman for the brown ice fridge. She could have paid for a handyman for the townhouse. She could have paid for a service to clean the townhouse. She could have bought Sonja a 10 pack of Sharpies. She could have paid for Sonja’s property taxes or water bill or electricity bill. Dale mentioned a tin of cookies, that only cuts it if she was financially unable to contribute more. Had Tinsley given Sonja anything, she would have listed them every time the subject has come up and yet not once has she mentioned anything. All she does is cry her woe is me each time. You and your Barrel Curl wig - Shad Up!

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7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Guess different strokes.  Just made me sad looking at an older lady falling down drunk & sloshing her words.  She may have been laughing.  I still thought it was sad.  Auntie Mame?  Lu?  God no.  Auntie Mame was fun & totally self-aware & full of wit & sharp sarcasm.  That's not Lu at all & never will be.  OK, she does make some occasionally witty & sarcastic comments & true, she isn't quite the ridiculously pretentious, haughty, judgmental, snooty-to-the-max phony-baloney she was in earlier seasons, but that's still in her.  Oh, that's still in her.  Anyhoo, falling down drunks are not hilarious to me, whatever their age & even if they are phony-baloney pretentious assholes like Lu.

Now OTOH, slutty Lu?  That, I can get into.  C'mon Lu, start looking for Mexican pirates.

Older Lady. ??☹️

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4 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I don't get the whole room thing....at all.

Every vacation we take with our grown children, they always try to insist DH and I take the best room in the house because we pay for the house. Nope.  We take turns, or give the largest room to one of the children who needs a crib in their room.  DH and I need a bed, a TV, and we're good.  

I disagree.  The only bitches on the franchise are Ramona and Sonja.  

I don't think they are mentally ill either.

Maybe I shouldn't have used the term mentally ill. My point is something's definitely wrong with folks(RAMONA & SONJA) that choose to act the way that they do. That's all!!

Edited by Yolo
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26 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I don't get the whole room thing....at all.

Every vacation we take with our grown children, they always try to insist DH and I take the best room in the house because we pay for the house. Nope.  We take turns, or give the largest room to one of the children who needs a crib in their room.  DH and I need a bed, a TV, and we're good.  

Sounds like you raised them to be appreciative, respectful, and gracious and now they know how to be appreciative, respectful, and gracious adults unlike our two POS embarrassments to the USA and humanity in general, Ramona and Sonja.

I don't know how old your children are, but I'm guessing they aren't in their 60s. It always makes me cringe when younger people present better than their elders.

When Sonja said her daughter would never act like her, she should have been embarrassed as all hell.

Nice username, btw!

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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21 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I agree. Ramona does bring it out of Sonja, but she's no saint on her own. I think Sonja actually LIKES to align herself with Ramona, because Ramona always comes off worse. So it ends up making Sonja look better. 

Ramona claims Sonja embarrasses her and Sonja makes the same claim about Ramona! They feed off of each others over inflated sense of entitlement while putting the other down behind her back. LOL

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I thought Carole's bones were going to crumble and turn to dust when Dorinda squeezed her for the balloon game. She seems delicate and brittle.

Tinsley jumped up and down at the dinner and had a full on temper tantrum, wow, the outfits she wears suit her personality to a T

Luann is lucky she was drunk so she didn't do some damage when she took the second tumble. 

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11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I have been to Mexico many, many times (Puerto Vallarta - very near Punta Mita, where they are staying, Cabo, and the Riviera Maya) - I have found the staff at almost every resort to be the most kind, hard working, pleasant people.  I was very, very upset to see the way Ramona treated the villa staff.  I actually think this behavior is something very normal for Ramona - I recall her acting this way when they went to Morocco, as well.  

Although, I don't recall this behavior when she was "hosting" the trip to the villa in St. John.

This - so much.  And they really appreciate any attempt by you to communicate in Spanish rather than English.  Helpful, kind and wonderful.  

Speaking of Spanish - I wonder if the staff got even with Madam Imperious by answering her in Spanish, smiling and nodding the whole time:

Ramona (snapping fingers):  Here, I need you to put this away now.  I am exhausted.

Steward (in Spanish, smiling, nodding):  Of course you pizza-faced asshole.  

Ramona:  And I want my tea in the morning, at precisely 8:30 a.m., with lemon and brewed to a temperature of 110 degrees.

Steward:  Of course, you ugly American bitch.  I will spit it in until the right temperature is achieved.

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16 minutes ago, Yolo said:

Maybe I shouldn't have used the term mentally ill. My point is something's definitely wrong with a person that chooses to act the way that they do. That's all!!

I think they do exactly what they are paid to do.  Nothing wrong with getting drunk and taking a tumble.  It's happened to me.

Ramona is in a class by herself.

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15 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Sounds like you raised them to be appreciative, respectful, and gracious and now they know how to be appreciative, respectful, and gracious adults unlike our two POS embarrassments to the USA and humanity in general, Ramona and Sonja.

I don't know how old your children are, but I'm guessing they aren't in their 60s. It always makes me cringe when younger people present better than their elders.

When Sonja said her daughter would never act like her, she should have been embarrassed as all hell.

Nice username, btw!


My kids are early 30's.

8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I kinda hate these looks, but they remind of the totally gorgeous white slip dress Carolyn Bessette wore when she married John-John.  


And there was something about her in Vanity Fair yesterday-


I bet Carole wishes she had a fraction of her effortless style.

Carole does have a very effortless style.  It's not everyone's taste, but she wears it well.

Loved her swimsuit top.

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9 hours ago, bagger said:

I'm sure Sonja would so she needs to shut the f up

Her one job - besides semi-willing bedmate to septuagenarian Daddy Warbucks - involved breathing through her nose.  Ho-nja needs to take a stadium full of seats.

You don't get fired from a restaurant for how you handle reservations for rich dude customers unless you're also trying to handle their very much married scrota.  Scroll down...




If I had a time machine I'd travel to that gorgeous place and offer Dorinda all the booze on the planet if she'd chuck Dragonja (LOVE IT!) and their purses into the waters below.  One only regrets what she didn't do, Dorinda!

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1 hour ago, Sai said:

The New York Housewives are pure gold!

I have to agree.  All the other Real Housewives have begun to bore me, so this is the only version I watch now.  All that wild arm flapping while yelling at each other is kind of fun too, pretty soon a housewife is liable to get punched in the face.

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I’m not a B fan, but she was truly the VIP of that episode.  She was a trooper while she was sick and looked really nice at the dinner.  Ramona is completely off the chain.  She’s such an ugly person.  I’ll never know how Mario kept his sanity after living with her for so long.  I felt so bad for the poor lady when Sonja was dragging her up to help with Ramona’s bags.  I couldn’t agree with B when she seemed to be blaming Sonja’s bad behavior on Ramona, though.  Sonja is a grown woman and it’s on her if she behaves like an ass (which she did).  I wish Dorinda had thrown not only their luggage in the pool, but both of them.  Plus, I would hope that the water would make them both melt!!! Witchy witches, indeed!!

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8 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

My apologies.  You mentioned cancelling the franchise.

Yes...Atlanta, OC and BH are becoming very boring IMO. It's more entertaining on this forum then watching those trainwrecks at times.

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3 minutes ago, Yolo said:

Yes...Atlanta, OC and BH are becoming very boring IMO. It's more entertaining on this forum then watching those trainwrecks at times.

I'm still enjoying them.  

Do love the comments here.

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I like that Lu was so drunk she had to leave the dinner but still totally checked herself out in the mirror on the way out of the room.  She does fall gracefully LOL.  Can laugh since she didn't get hurt. 

Beth really looked awful in the first part of the trip.  Could tell she wasn't feeling well.   That did not stop her from handling it to Ramona.   This is the first time I ever liked Bethany   

Tinsley was really upset over that article.  She should just move out.  They hardly show the roommates like they did with Luanne.   I don't have a big place and have had people stay with me when they were getting their stuff together.   Can't remember how many family/friends stayed with my parents throughout the years.  Never once did occur to anyone that they should buy us a gift 

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48 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Ramona claims Sonja embarrasses her and Sonja makes the same claim about Ramona! They feed off of each others over inflated sense of entitlement while putting the other down behind her back. LOL

I know!  Isn't it great!

I might not throw them a life preserver if drowning but I will watch them freak out every week about seating arrangements....

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Tins....if you want to play in the pool with the big Sharks, stop crying, stomping your feet and running out of the room every time you get pissed off! Use your words. In this group, you have to think fast and speak loud.  Like when you yelled at Ramona at the dinner table to SHUT THE FUCK UP! I want to see more of that Tinsley.

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12 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Can't remember how many family/friends stayed with my parents throughout the years.  Never once did occur to anyone that they should buy us a gift 

Well, I can only hope that you promptly reported all of their (perceived) shortcomings to Page 6!!!! :)

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13 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I know!  Isn't it great!

I might not throw them a life preserver if drowning but I will watch them freak out every week about seating arrangements....

Can you imagine them fighting over the seating arrangements for the life rafts on the Titanic???

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6 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I'm still enjoying them.  

Do love the comments here.

I still watch so I can come on here and talk to all of you, but Vickie, Kenya, Dorit, Jill and Ramona work my dam nerves!! LOL

Edited by Yolo
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1 minute ago, FlyingEgret said:

Can you imagine them fighting over the seating arrangements for the life rafts on the Titanic???

No, because Ramona would have taken one lifeboat for herself (and maybe some luggage) ;p

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It appears that since Dorinda was "indisposed" Luann decided to be the designated drinker.

Ramona is pathetic and obviously does not follow medical orders (such as no sun after a peel, etc.)  It's no wonder she looks like crap.  All I could think of while looking at her was veal carpaccio. Also . she kept referring to Tinsley as "Tince-lee".  Of course, she can't correctly pronounce other things, so why am I surprised?  

I hope she enjoyed the kryptonite...

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24 minutes ago, tribeca said:

I like that Lu was so drunk she had to leave the dinner but still totally checked herself out in the mirror on the way out of the room.  She does fall gracefully LOL.  Can laugh since she didn't get hurt. 

Beth really looked awful in the first part of the trip.  Could tell she wasn't feeling well.   That did not stop her from handling it to Ramona.   This is the first time I ever liked Bethany   

Tinsley was really upset over that article.  She should just move out.  They hardly show the roommates like they did with Luanne.   I don't have a big place and have had people stay with me when they were getting their stuff together.   Can't remember how many family/friends stayed with my parents throughout the years.  Never once did occur to anyone that they should buy us a gift 

Exactly. We've taken in several friends and family members over the years and have never expected a gift in return.  We did it to help them out. 

I forget who it was that originally said it but it was about how true acts of charity that are done for the right reason are done without public recognition. If you are doing it to get the public recognition then you aren't doing it for the right reason.

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9 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I kinda hate these looks, but they remind of the totally gorgeous white slip dress Carolyn Bessette wore when she married John-John.  


And there was something about her in Vanity Fair yesterday-


I bet Carole wishes she had a fraction of her effortless style.

Thanks so much for that link; CBK is an idol of mine.  I think Carole has pretty good style but everyone's different.

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13 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


Sonja is the one who planted the story.

That alleged email from Ramona regarding Tipsy Girl is a fake too. Bethenny would not stick up for Ramona.

Tinsley needs to grow up. Stop whining like a child having a tantrum. You really think this is so damaging compared to your mugshot?

Exactly!  They were dancing around last season because they were in page 6 and now they don't want publicity?  Please.  I wish Tinsley wouldn't let these old crones get to her.  Incidentally, I'm a nice but snarky old crone.

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2 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Exactly. We've taken in several friends and family members over the years and have never expected a gift in return.  We did it to help them out. 

I forget who it was that originally said it but it was about how true acts of charity that are done for the right reason are done without public recognition. If you are doing it to get the public recognition then you aren't doing it for the right reason.

And Tinsley was, ultimately, quite charitable with Sonja.   She gave her a storyline (besides her evergreen SL about fucking one dude and lying about it to another in order to get dinners paid for), Tins gave decent advice about stemming her references regarding Tom in front of Lu, defended Honja during Dorinda's rant-n-read in the Hamptons - all to be treated with disdain and malice by Sonja.

ITA that Tinsley seems pretty nice in a clueless, grew up with a degree of privilege kind of way.  The fits are not a good look but hell, she was likely full of tequila and realizing how nasty Sonja has been.

Honja is every bit as vile as Ramona, to me.

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WTF did I just watch ?!?!? When the most likable person of an episode -for me- is Bethenny.... Please, gimme a rope !

Ramona and Sonja are totally insufferable ! (I know, call me Captain Obvious...)

If I were there, I would have thrown both of them in the pool before we even started to see the rooms, and told : No worries, Bitches ! As you're #6 and #7, you'll got plenty of time to get out the swimming pool. And I also would have given Ramona "her" noodles. F*ckYa !

Edited by Diane Mars
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22 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

Can you imagine them fighting over the seating arrangements for the life rafts on the Titanic???

And they'd bitch about the song choice of the band.

“Nearer, My God, to Thee”, ugh, that song is so played out.  Freebird!!!!

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Ok so I'm on my about 87th viewing of this episode cause I don't have shit else to do today.

I need to know what a gavone animal is. I googled, but I am still unsure. Please help! I'd love to start saying it.

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9 hours ago, jenny2682 said:

have been watching for 20 minutes and why does Bravo think we want squabbling over rooms ad nauseam?I have a fucking headache over two post menopausal women fighting and scheming for a room that they will be staying in for 5 days in paradise. Spoiled, self involved, self indulgent and repugnant.

I confess: I recorded it and started to watch after the Ninjas were asleep and turned it off when Dorinda left the room with Ramona still petulantly squatting on the bed. 

Srsly, Andy: give us something entertaining!! Watching as a bunch of skinny-ass rich women scutter around from room to room, arguing about sleeping arrangements -- it is NOT the look; it is NOT tv remotely worth watching.

BRAVO, you may think that lots of exasperated comments about Ramona = great viewership. I say you're on thin ice keeping her, since the rest of the cast's truly entertaining minutes really don't balance out the revulsion of having to watch her. Let her go!!!

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I'm rewatching since my husband is at work and I can turn the volume way up....I watched last night while he was trying to sleep.  ??

The part I could not rewatch was the scene of Ramona and Sonja kissing and petting each other as they stroked their own egos.  Gag me!

I'm giving a side eye to everyone being 1.5 hours late for dinner.  Carole and Lu are pretty prompt, and neither said a word about being late.

I hate Dorinda passed out.  I love a drunk Dorinda.

Is Mexico 2 or 3 episodes?

How in the hell did Mario stand Ramona's grating voice and attitude for so long?

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56 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Beth really looked awful in the first part of the trip.  Could tell she wasn't feeling well.   That did not stop her from handling it to Ramona.   This is the first time I ever liked Bethany   

This reinforces what I always thought rocketed her to fame during her 1st stint on RH and hurt her during her spin off and during her confrontation with Lu last season. Beth needs a foil crazier and more rabid than her to make her look like the chorus. In the beginning she played against Jill, Kelly, etc., and you couldn't help but root for her but against the face of patently avg like Jason and his family, she didn't come off so well. Last season, it was Lu, who does have her idiosyncrasies, plays it too cool (not uncool) in the face of unprovoked unhinged Bethanny.

Ramona is just the villain she needs - no self awareness, selfish, ridiculous, mean and clueless all with a soupcon of malice. 

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9 hours ago, Yolo said:

They really need to get rid of the franchise, we get women that  have a hard time taking responsibility for their own actions, drunk bitches and the clueless. Oh, let us not forget the HOES? WHERE ARE THE ACTUAL HOUSEWIVES??

You know, this gets all my likes. I'm not sure what I expected when I started watching, but it wasn't the first 20 minutes of Tequila Part 1. 

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10 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Ok so I'm on my about 87th viewing of this episode cause I don't have shit else to do today.

I need to know what a gavone animal is. I googled, but I am still unsure. Please help! I'd love to start saying it.

I assumed Bethenny meant Gabon, as in a species of monkey. 

I thought she was making the point that they aren't wild monkeys, swinging from the vines and peeing on 'intruders' to mark their territory. 

I don't know that I'm correct but that's my best guess. 

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In a past season Luann hosted a trip to Morocco, I think, and someone was late for dinner.  Luann royally went off on them saying they weren't at a hotel and I'm not sure they were even allowed to eat.  So now she doesn't bother showing up on time either?  

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