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S09.E15: Oil And Vinegar

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I  was confused as to why Dorinda told only Tinsley that she needed to cut her hair, when Ramona, Carole and Sonja all have long hair.   Carole did have hers shortened, and I think it looks good, but it's still long compared to Dorinda's hair.  I think they all look fine with the length they've got.  If Tinsley is happy with it, then they should quit bugging her about it.  To each his own.  That's a very personal decision - and yes, I think she would look good with a shorter haircut, but that is going to be a big step for her, so they should back off and let her work out the important issues she has.  The length of her hair isn't on the top of her list of issues to deal with!

  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Ok, so Ramona is on the Love Connection.  She said that she didn't get married until she was 37.  So if she was married 30 years that makes her 67 years old.  

Oh and. I don't know if it's her tops or her boobs dropped but she is looking very matronly in the chest area.

When John gave Dorinda a good pounding, she forgot her luggage in Queens. Apparently, Mario was so good he obliterated Moaner's ability to do math.

  • Love 12

Ro, So and Tinsley could all use a good chopping of their hair.  If anyone saw Tamra on WWHL... this attests to it.  She looked like she had a Kelly Ripa bob.  She never looked so good.  Turned out it was 'fake' and her hairdresser pulled the long hair back and up.  I think So, Ro and Tinsley hang on to their hair like it is a blanky.  I get Kyle Richards keeping the long hair because it's all hers and it's gorgeous.  But even she has shortened it up.

Heck, I even give Beth props for cutting her hair. 

  • Love 13
20 hours ago, Lemons said:

I don't know how far I should go with this but I didn't understand what she meant by underside. 

I had some laser hair removal years ago.  It was my experience that I had to go back many times before it was effective.  They made it look like it's one and done.  Does anyone out there know if they've made advancements in the procedure to make it more effective in less treatment time?

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I had some laser hair removal years ago.  It was my experience that I had to go back many times before it was effective.  They made it look like it's one and done.  Does anyone out there know if they've made advancements in the procedure to make it more effective in less treatment time?

I had my downstairs and underarms done around 3 years ago. It was a series of sessions around 6 weeks apart because hair is on different growth cycles. 

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:


Tinsley's hair could use a little punching up, but I'd get real annoyed with these queens of extensions telling me to cut my hair every five minutes. The truth of the matter is that Tins is about a decade or more younger than all of them, and they're seething with jealousy over the fact that she can go out in Eloise clothes and barrel curls and still pull it off. Maybe only for a couple more years, but she looks and acts youthful, and not in Ramona's desperado manner.

Ramona is much older but Bethany is also in her 40's like Tinsley and the others are about ten years older. I don't consider ten years give or take to be much difference when you're talking about women's friendships. 

Tinsley might look youthful next to the other women on the show but put her in a NYC club with women in their 20's and she would stand out like a neon sign. Her look is dated and she has terrible style. She is so pretty I can only imagine what she would look like without that platinum 90's hair and thick eyeliner.  You'd see real jealousy if Tinsley ever got a proper makeover. 

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

This is very, very interesting!!  Now I want to know exactly how Scott and Carole met!!


This is funny to me. Scott reminds me of a few people I used to work with, from my former company's Chicago office. The whole time I was thinking, I bet I know someone who knows him. Sure enough, I knew someone who worked at CouponCabin! 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, film noire said:

This takes a bit of the Real Guy shine off him: "In 2009, Kluth told Crain’s that he’s a “Real Housewives” fan, but added, “If that’s how the other half lives, I don’t want to be in it.”


Ha! I was saying that I found his business relationship with Kate Goalie and now his RH connection suspect, but this and the revelation of his Kennedy obsession in light of him knowing Carol paints a specific picture of a special kind of douche. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Ha! I was saying that I found his business relationship with Kate Goalie and now his RH connection suspect, but this and the revelation of his Kennedy obsession in light of him knowing Carol paints a specific picture of a special kind of douche. 

"I've been watching RHONY  for almost a decade -- and I collect grassy knoll artifacts -- and literally clip coupons for a living --  but I am a Nice Guy!" 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 11
9 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

I'm from Minneapolis and love Dorinda, so her thinking Mary Richards lived in Manhattan broke my heart. (We even had a statue of Mary, but the street it was on has been under construction for literally YEARS and commuting in downtown Minneapolis is a nightmare right now).


I am an astrology nerd so I loved finding out that Tinsley, Carole, and Scott are all Leos! I was only annoyed when they did the "oh no my ex was a Scorpio" stuff because astrology is about so much more than your sun sign -- everyone has a chart with all the planets and stuff. Someone either here or on TwoP analyzed Bethenny's chart and it explained a LOT.

As a Scorpio I am a little insulted about that statement "Never marry a Scorpio," I don't think any of my husbands feel or felt that way.

  • Love 23
6 hours ago, Lemons said:

Ramona is much older but Bethany is also in her 40's like Tinsley and the others are about ten years older. I don't consider ten years give or take to be much difference when you're talking about women's friendships. 

Tinsley might look youthful next to the other women on the show but put her in a NYC club with women in their 20's and she would stand out like a neon sign. Her look is dated and she has terrible style. She is so pretty I can only imagine what she would look like without that platinum 90's hair and thick eyeliner.  You'd see real jealousy if Tinsley ever got a proper makeover. 

That blonde, heavily eyelined make up is sooo Boca, you can go to any upscale restaurant in Meisner Park and see 17 Tinsley's her age and older with that look, it's the Boca Babe look.  They are looking for the old men with money, no heirs, one foot on a banana peel and the other in the grave, Tinsley should get such a man.  Coupon Scott does not seem polished enough for her.

I think Dorinda is right about lopping off a few inches but Tinsley is convinced her hair is her personality.  To each his own. 

  • Love 9

Since Dorinda brought up the Mary Tyler Moore show, here's a nod to Sonja sung to the MTM theme song:

Who can turn the men on with her snatch?
Who can take a nothing date, and suddenly make him into a catch?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it
With each flirt and every little movement you show it

Sex is all around, no need to waste it
You can never tell, why don't you taste it
You're gonna blow him after all
You're gonna blow him after all

  • Love 16

All that hoopla about dreading asking Ramona to Mexico and talking about how Bethenny hasn't asked Ramona to Mexixo and in the end, Ramona got the invite, talked herself out of an invite and then decided she was going to go anyway. This episode was a bit boring (and I could have seriously gone without Sonja's scene) but the previews for next week's episode looks drama filled. Tinsley entire storyline has been about being stuck in the past, stuck in what's familiar to her. If it was a mission just to get her to consider living in a different part of the city, imagine how much harder and attached she is to things that help identify her look? For women, our hair in a lot of ways is our security blanket. With all that Tinsley is dealing with, the hair is the last thing in the last that I would push to see her change.

The Bethenny/Ramona showdown was interesting because I felt like both were guilty of what they were accusing the other of. There was certainly irony in Bethenny broaching a conversation about how she felt about Ramona and then Ramona told her it's not all about Bethenny as she proceeded to make it all about Ramona. Ramona is delusional in grasping at straws for any sign that Bethenny likes her. She seemed completely horrified in her TH about how someone would take Bethenny's approach when trying to make amends and invite someone on vacation....completely ignoring the fact that Bethenny doesn't care for her, want to be around her and doesn't want her on vacation but Ramona should know damn well that Bethenny had to ask because they were filming and production preferred the entire group together.

  • Love 5
On 7/12/2017 at 10:31 PM, KungFuBunny said:

You have to love the Bravo Editors.

Dorinda is trying to get Tinsley to cut her hair

Dorinda TH: At some point long hair becomes aging. It has the reverse effect. You know, you sort of become a lyceum? (Not sure what word D used) at the back and a museum from the front. You’re like, oh look at that young girl and then they turn around and you’re like….UgggAaargh

Cut to Ramona walking to the table


I missed the connection! Thank you! Toooo funny.

  • Love 4
On 7/12/2017 at 11:41 PM, breezy424 said:

And then we have the queen of exaggeration telling Ro to stop screaming at her.  Feel what you will about Ro, but she wasn't 'screaming'.  Beth saying to Lu in the Berkshires that she fucked everyone was screaming.

I can't stand Ro but I do have to say she can be empathetic.  She was to Tinsley just last episode.  She was to Beth when Beth was bleeding all over the car and the planet. 

I don't think Ro is ever truly empathetic. Thats just a sociopath knowing how to act, and I do mean act, in certain situations. It makes me shudder and gives me chills. Pure evil.

  • Love 13

 Oh my gosh! It's a dying brand! Ramona was right, which is why she's hustling in other other areas like real estate and Shark Tank. 

Not to defend Bethenny, but SkinnyGirl has been hugely popular.  Even if sales are declining now, it sold a shit ton for almost 10 years, she made millions off it, and no one can dispute it was a colossal success.  Alcohol is trendy and something else cooler and newer will come along eventually.  But most people looking to create something new in the liquor market will see B's product as an example of a success story to emulate, not a failure.  No one - NO ONE was buying Ramona's wine.  It's no contest.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 17

Not to defend Bethenny, but SkinnyGirl has been hugely popular.  Even if sales are declining now, it sold a shit ton for almost 10 years, she made millions off it, and no one can dispute is was a colossal success

Absolutely. The deli meat deal illustrates that it's  obvious from the people that see the inside numbers see the brand as successful.  No way would they partner with a dieing brand.

And of course she continues to expand what she does.  It is what people with real money do.  They take that money and make it work for them.  You need millions to flip real estate in NYC but you can make millions.  You don't show up on Shark Tank with an empty bank account.  That is their money they are spending.

Meanwhile she flies private about 75% of the time. She spends nearly every weekend when she doesn't have Bryn someplace having a vacation.  She's making more money every day.  If I felt like wasting the energy to hate anyone on tv I would hate Bethenny for living my best life.  Well next to Oprah, then Bethenny.

  • Love 11

According to several sources Tinsley has been dating Scott Kluth for about 6 months. They were seen together in Chicago in early June, and apparently he was buying Tins a blue Channel handbag ($5,500)!! I think they are perfect together: a nerdy guy with NO game, and an eternal debutant! 

I agree with others that Adam has never been as upbeat as he was around Tinsley. He and Carole bring out each other's drab nature. 

That salon owner with the front row seat to Sonja's crotch was creepy. I was surprised that Sonja is new to Brazilian waxing. When my daughter and her friends told me I needed to try it my response was that I didn't want to look like a prepubescent girl. However, don't knock it until you try it! It feels so clean and fresh that I doubt I will ever be full bush again. 

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

According to several sources Tinsley has been dating Scott Kluth for about 6 months. They were seen together in Chicago in early June, and apparently he was buying Tins a blue Channel handbag ($5,500)!! I think they are perfect together: a nerdy guy with NO game, and an eternal debutant! 

I agree with others that Adam has never been as upbeat as he was around Tinsley. He and Carole bring out each other's drab nature. 

That salon owner with the front row seat to Sonja's crotch was creepy. I was surprised that Sonja is new to Brazilian waxing. When my daughter and her friends told me I needed to try it my response was that I didn't want to look like a prepubescent girl. However, don't knock it until you try it! It feels so clean and fresh that I doubt I will ever be full bush again. 

So, are Tinsley and Scott a business deal or lovers?  Hmm.......maybe, it'll add interest to the show. 

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Ro, So and Tinsley could all use a good chopping of their hair.  If anyone saw Tamra on WWHL... this attests to it.  She looked like she had a Kelly Ripa bob.  She never looked so good.  Turned out it was 'fake' and her hairdresser pulled the long hair back and up.  I think So, Ro and Tinsley hang on to their hair like it is a blanky.  I get Kyle Richards keeping the long hair because it's all hers and it's gorgeous.  But even she has shortened it up.

Heck, I even give Beth props for cutting her hair. 


Tinsley is just flat out embarrassing. I'm perplexed how this woman was ever considered an "It" girl to begin with. I suppose being blonde and having a wealthy family she married into somehow made her fascinating? She's not pretty enough for me to overlook her many issues and accept her as some sort of media darling.  Surely there are more interesting, more beautiful women in New York.  She's vapid, childlike and while she graduated Ivy League, she either pretends to be the ditzy blonde for attention or connections got her accepted and through school.  I've yet to hear her hold a conversation in which she sounds like a high school graduate.  

Although I think it's obnoxious to give unsolicited advice on hair and looks, I get the impression her stunted adolescence turns all the women off and is why they seem to treat her with such little regard.  I think they all think she needs to grow up and that she's holding onto her 20 year-old style.   If it wasn't for her "Mortimer" connection, I would think Carole would treat her like the idiot that she appears to be.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 11
On 7/13/2017 at 10:00 AM, Normades said:


The date was cringe worthy.  I think Tinsley was pretty wasted, but seriously Carole is now the expert on how to behave on dates?  After seeing her on the date Lu and Jacques set up for her, I think not. 

But the advice was good, right? Got to give a girl points for being able to self-reflect. She said that watching herself back on that date on TV was cringeworthy for her. Nice that she wanted for Tinsley to not make the same mistakes with a Bravo TV crew filming her every move. 

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I  was confused as to why Dorinda told only Tinsley that she needed to cut her hair, when Ramona, Carole and Sonja all have long hair.   Carole did have hers shortened, and I think it looks good, but it's still long compared to Dorinda's hair.  I think they all look fine with the length they've got.  If Tinsley is happy with it, then they should quit bugging her about it.  To each his own.  That's a very personal decision - and yes, I think she would look good with a shorter haircut, but that is going to be a big step for her, so they should back off and let her work out the important issues she has.  The length of her hair isn't on the top of her list of issues to deal with!

I'll admit, I'm kind of surprised at her.  I would think the whole NY it girl image was about defying convention and taking risks people wanna copy you for.  I think she'd benefit from a chop if for no other reason than, although it's an ok style, it looks dated on her.   But getting back to this^.  None of the other women listed said they wanted to change.   Carole has cut her hair.  Ramona doesn't have long hair to start, she's got long extensions.  Which, imo, also have an aging effect.  I know stress and stuff takes its toll but she (Ramona) went to fixing what wasn't broken.   Will ya'll look at her in this shot at Beth's wedding, 53 years old looking 39.    Sonja has to keep some length, trollops need hair long enough to be a) yanked or b) receptacle.  



1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

All that hoopla about dreading asking Ramona to Mexico and talking about how Bethenny hasn't asked Ramona to Mexixo and in the end, Ramona got the invite, talked herself out of an invite and then decided she was going to go anyway. This episode was a bit boring (and I could have seriously gone without Sonja's scene) but the previews for next week's episode looks drama filled. Tinsley entire storyline has been about being stuck in the past, stuck in what's familiar to her. If it was a mission just to get her to consider living in a different part of the city, imagine how much harder and attached she is to things that help identify her look? For women, our hair in a lot of ways is our security blanket. With all that Tinsley is dealing with, the hair is the last thing in the last that I would push to see her change.

The Bethenny/Ramona showdown was interesting because I felt like both were guilty of what they were accusing the other of. There was certainly irony in Bethenny broaching a conversation about how she felt about Ramona and then Ramona told her it's not all about Bethenny as she proceeded to make it all about Ramona. Ramona is delusional in grasping at straws for any sign that Bethenny likes her. She seemed completely horrified in her TH about how someone would take Bethenny's approach when trying to make amends and invite someone on vacation....completely ignoring the fact that Bethenny doesn't care for her, want to be around her and doesn't want her on vacation but Ramona should know damn well that Bethenny had to ask because they were filming and production preferred the entire group together.

Right and people generally don't use stuck to describe a circumstance they like.  She said I don't want to be the person I was.   Now I dunno, maybe they should've responded to that a bit less literally and interpreted it as some internal existential zen thing.  But if she is to be believed, I'm not mad at them at for suggesting it.  If you use the word reinvention, I'm likely to be all: 



1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

As a Scorpio I am a little insulted about that statement "Never marry a Scorpio," I don't think any of my husbands feel or felt that way.

LMAO!!  I see what you did there.



1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

Since Dorinda brought up the Mary Tyler Moore show, here's a nod to Sonja sung to the MTM theme song:

Who can turn the men on with her snatch?
Who can take a nothing date, and suddenly make him into a catch?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it
With each flirt and every little movement you show it

Sex is all around, no need to waste it
You can never tell, why don't you taste it
You're gonna blow him after all
You're gonna blow him after all

Damn your forever-more theme song mind corruption.   Sang it.  Beret and all.

8 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Bow to the master!!!

Lol!  Hardly, but thank you, I curtsy the compliment!

24 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Not to defend Bethenny, but SkinnyGirl has been hugely popular.  Even if sales are declining now, it sold a shit ton for almost 10 years, she made millions off it, and no one can dispute it was a colossal success.  Alcohol is trendy and something else cooler and newer will come along eventually.  But most people looking to create something new in the liquor market will see B's product as an example of a success story to emulate, not a failure.  No one - NO ONE was buying Ramona's wine.  It's no contest.

See Ramona can try it but, even if this were accurate, it's a such a womp-womp of an argument, I don't know why she bothers.   Like Mo? She's not at the helm boo, she lit that shit up and at its hotness, sold it for all the coins in all the land.   So please, in the name of how the hell did Dr. Dre become a billionaire with a B on some headphones, you need to quit hating on a bitch's hustle.  The SkinnyGirl factory could burn down to the mortar, Bryn's kids are straight.   Lookit, if you really want to dig at her, you'd tell her as fucked up as it may have sounded, you kinda had a point all those years ago on the Brooklyn Bridge huh?   I mean we'd get to watch her pull your eyelift threads clear on through to China, but you know, worth it. 

10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Ok, so Ramona is on the Love Connection.  She said that she didn't get married until she was 37.  So if she was married 30 years that makes her 67 years old.  

Oh and. I don't know if it's her tops or her boobs dropped but she is looking very matronly in the chest area.

Did you see that?  If I didn't know better I'd say she knows how to contain the kook.  Guy #1 was an oddly self absorbed goomba.  #2 cursed in his opening description - ok, it'll sound pot meet kettle coming from me - but I...is this how people really talk without any familiarity? (on tv no less).   Guy #1 cursed too but I'm not sure he knew any other words to be honest.   Guy #3 was a catdaddy.   5 years her junior, full head of silver hair, from all appearances he knew how to talk to and around a lady and had (claimed to have) never seen RHONY.   I'm dying to know what part of the country he lived in because she dumped him a few weeks later citing his being outside the UES 15-minute radius.   Maybe he lives in Queens lol! 

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, jennylauren123 said:

I don't think Ro is ever truly empathetic. Thats just a sociopath knowing how to act, and I do mean act, in certain situations. It makes me shudder and gives me chills. Pure evil.

Random reason to both dislike and snicker about Ramona-Queen of the Divorce Blues, unless of course a little green passes her palm. http://realitywives.net/blogs/ramona-singer-attempted-sell-announcement-split-mario-singer/

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Ro, So and Tinsley could all use a good chopping of their hair.  If anyone saw Tamra on WWHL... this attests to it.  She looked like she had a Kelly Ripa bob.  She never looked so good.  Turned out it was 'fake' and her hairdresser pulled the long hair back and up.  I think So, Ro and Tinsley hang on to their hair like it is a blanky.  I get Kyle Richards keeping the long hair because it's all hers and it's gorgeous.  But even she has shortened it up.

Heck, I even give Beth props for cutting her hair. 

I'll never understand the long hair hate.  

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, film noire said:

"I've been watching RHONY  for almost a decade -- and I collect grassy knoll artifacts -- and literally clip coupons for a living --  but I am a Nice Guy!" 

I'll be honest, the guy doesn't strike me as all that nerdy. I know from nerds, and while he may be less smooth than some of his buds, he is hardly all that socially awkward and it looked like he had no problem engaging Tinsley. 

Part of why he seemed familiar is that the Chicago men I knew were sort of jokey and a little fratty in a non assuming and still kind of appealing way. If I knew Scott I probably would have liked him.

I can buy that he's a nice guy. But nerdy? Nah. He's too reality-savvy for that.

  • Love 9

I'll never understand the long hair hate.

Here's my take on it.  Hair reaches a length where it is just weighed down by the volume.  It has no style.  These women spend a fortune on the dress, the make up, the facialist and then top it off with a long mass of string.  If you want it long you need to employ the 10 people doing Erika's mane.

Dorinda didn't say chop it all off.  She said 3 inches.  Give the haircut some shape and style.  Anyone can just grow a ton of hair, ok maybe not Ramona who is buying a ton of hair.

I don't hate long hair.  I just think there is a point where it has no style.

  • Love 19

Ramona could still look damn good if she went back to her old hairstyle and watched the fillers, plumpers.  Also, she looks much heavier than she is with the bigger boobs and the frumpier style of dress to conceal weight  gain.  Her body looked pretty damn good when she was at the personal trainer in her workout gear.  She is in better shape than most 20 year olds I've seen.  Just making a hairstyle change and dressing to show off her figure instead of hiding it would make her look incredible.

  • Love 14
15 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Here's my take on it.  Hair reaches a length where it is just weighed down by the volume.  It has no style.  These women spend a fortune on the dress, the make up, the facialist and then top it off with a long mass of string.  If you want it long you need to employ the 10 people doing Erika's mane.

Dorinda didn't say chop it all off.  She said 3 inches.  Give the haircut some shape and style.  Anyone can just grow a ton of hair, ok maybe not Ramona who is buying a ton of hair.

I don't hate long hair.  I just think there is a point where it has no style.

I think a lot of women hold onto their long hair because of the misconception that men think it looks better.  There was a woman I worked with who wore her hair long well into her 40s because her husband told her he liked long hair.  It was so dated and made her look so old.  Finally, she got it cut into a cute bob and guess what?  He loved it.  She looks 15 years younger and so chic.

Also, I'm so tired of yellow mermaid style hair.  The long, parted in the middle, barrell curled hair.   It may look cute on 20 year olds, but it doesn't look that great after 35.  Remember when Alexis Bellino chopped off her hair into a beach wave bob?  It looked fantastic on her!

  • Love 16
19 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Tinsley never once asked that blind date guy what he did for a living, where he lives or was raised, what college did he attend, hobbies, favorite foods, ever been married, have kids or knows another language!  Instead she put a spotlight on her divorce and drinking and then made out with him, I would have done it so much better than her.  This shows me that she is not really interested in finding a husband or even a long term boyfriend. 

I have been channeling my inner Housewife, I am getting eyelash extensions (in preparation for my son's wedding, I want to see if I like them before the big day or if I should stick with glue ons) and this past Monday I did a little Botox (only my 3rd time) and the doctor and I had a conversation about the whole Housewife look and how to avoid it...Ramona's name came up and I asked the doc to steer clear of what ever the hell made her look like that, we laughed and laughed! 

so, how does one avoid the hw look when botoxing?

  • Love 2
Just now, jaybird2 said:

so, how does one avoid the hw look when botoxing?

That is such a good question! There's a definite line -- up to a point, Botox and fillers look okay-good, but then one injection too many or something and it gets into Brandi Glanville weirdness territory. Those women don't look young or old to me, just kind of all the same -- unnatural. It's like a body dysmorphia thing they all have, where they think that face full of fillers, the cheeks especially, looks good.  What's reasonable, one or two treatments maybe, until it's all gone? I don't know.

  • Love 4

I don't think it's a misconception that men like long hair, I think the majority actually do.


But with that said, Tinley's look got her popular because she was a leader in that style, and she had the look first and everyone copied it.  This is what she is hanging on to.  The long bob is already out there, so she will not be a leader with that style, she will be following.  That's not what she wants to do.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Jel said:

That is such a good question! There's a definite line -- up to a point, Botox and fillers look okay-good, but then one injection too many or something and it gets into Brandi Glanville weirdness territory. Those women don't look young or old to me, just kind of all the same -- unnatural. It's like a body dysmorphia thing they all have, where they think that face full of fillers, the cheeks especially, looks good.  What's reasonable, one or two treatments maybe, until it's all gone? I don't know.

I think that's it -- they don't know when to stop.  They can't stand the look of one wrinkle.  And I think it's the overdone fillers versus the botox that gives them that waxy unnatural look.

I get botox done between my brows.  It's so subtle you wouldn't know I had it.  The lines from me furrowing my brow are there but are less noticeable ( didn't plump it up through fillers.)  So it makes me look younger but it doesn't completely erase time either! 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

According to several sources Tinsley has been dating Scott Kluth for about 6 months. They were seen together in Chicago in early June, and apparently he was buying Tins a blue Channel handbag ($5,500)!! I think they are perfect together: a nerdy guy with NO game, and an eternal debutant! 

I agree with others that Adam has never been as upbeat as he was around Tinsley. He and Carole bring out each other's drab nature. 

That salon owner with the front row seat to Sonja's crotch was creepy. I was surprised that Sonja is new to Brazilian waxing. When my daughter and her friends told me I needed to try it my response was that I didn't want to look like a prepubescent girl. However, don't knock it until you try it! It feels so clean and fresh that I doubt I will ever be full bush again. 

Sonja was getting waxed, she was getting her hair permanently removed! LOL 

6 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I don't think it's a misconception that men like long hair, I think the majority actually do.

Oh yeah -- I mean that they think men only one that mermaid long hair look.  You can keep your locks fairly long, but not have it weigh you down and men will still dig your hair.  

I think Tinsley, Ramona and other women mistake that look for being youthful.  When in reality, it doesn't make them look fresh.  It makes them look desperate to hang onto their youth.

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I think that's it -- they don't know when to stop.  They can't stand the look of one wrinkle.  And I think it's the overdone fillers versus the botox that gives them that waxy unnatural look.

I get botox done between my brows.  It's so subtle you wouldn't know I had it.  The lines from me furrowing my brow are there but are less noticeable ( didn't plump it up through fillers.)  So it makes me look younger but it doesn't completely erase time either! 

That is the sad part.  Ramona was on track to look like a real good 60.  Like Sophia Loren, Christie Brinkley, Tina Turner 60.  Those shots should be metered like asthma pumps or something.

ooh, girl, follow ups?

scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt, really.

can you make expressions or is that an exaggeration?

how long does it last before you notice it wearing off?

  • Love 9

When your face cannot move at all like Jaq Laurita, you went too far.  I find it very distracting to watch someone, both on TV and IRL, whose face cannot move and they show no expression whatsoever.  It's like I stare at them looking for some inkling it is a real person and there is none to be found.   Jaq's is so bad she talks like she has lockjaw - it's really off-putting.


Someone at my work is like that and when she gets up to give a presentation it's so distracting how her face does not move or show any inflection to correspond with what she is saying.  Picture someone at a podium saying "I'm really excited to introduce our new concept.... " but their face is so botoxed that it registers nothing at all.  It's weird.

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I don't think it's a misconception that men like long hair, I think the majority actually do.


But with that said, Tinley's look got her popular because she was a leader in that style, and she had the look first and everyone copied it.  This is what she is hanging on to.  The long bob is already out there, so she will not be a leader with that style, she will be following.  That's not what she wants to do.

I'm actually NOT a long hair-hater; I'm over 40 and still have long natural hair that hangs down to the middle of my back. My mom is nearly 73 and still rocks her shoulder-length curls. Unlike Dorinda, I don't believe every woman should automatically cut her hair just because she's over a certain age---mom and I take good care of our natural hair and make sure that it has plenty of bounce and volume; the minute my hair starts looking like limp/thin hay is when I'll start going shorter.

Sadly, a lot of these Housewives desperately cling to their long locks/ratty extensions, and it just looks frumpy and dated, not fresh and healthy. Tamarah Judge and her tired old extensions from OC immediately comes to mind; she looked sooooo much better with her cute faux bob the other night on WWHL! And Ramona looked so much sassier and more youthful with her own shorter hair. Bethenny's current cut looks fabulous on her. And although I actually preferred her with her original longer extensions, I'm proud of Carole for finally taking them out and rocking her natural hair again. Sonja's length seems just fine to me, being long enough without being too long, and she seems to get regular trims so it works.

Sure, Tinsley shouldn't automatically get rid of her long extensions just because she's older now, but just because her curls just look so tired and limp and it weighs her face/look down overall. Even if she just went about 2-3 inches shorter and got some bangs and maybe added some highlights/lowlights it would totally boost her style and give her more of a youthful edge. She doesn't have to get that now ubiquitous long bob every other woman is getting, but she could just stand to update her look a lil' bit. The tired old Little BoPeep/Alice In Wonderland/Baby Jane style is just so old hat and boring on her now, and she's got the face/body to really rock something edgier!

Whoever said that the only woman who seems to rock the super long blonde extensions is Erika Jayne is damned right---but she has the style team/money/attitude equipped to keep all that faux hair looking fabulously on point. Hell, even Kyle was wise enough to get a necessary trim last season.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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18 minutes ago, Jel said:

That is such a good question! There's a definite line -- up to a point, Botox and fillers look okay-good, but then one injection too many or something and it gets into Brandi Glanville weirdness territory. Those women don't look young or old to me, just kind of all the same -- unnatural. It's like a body dysmorphia thing they all have, where they think that face full of fillers, the cheeks especially, looks good.  What's reasonable, one or two treatments maybe, until it's all gone? I don't know.

'up to a point' but what point.....2, 3, 4 injections?  should the dr say 'no more'?

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