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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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17 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Abbie's family do dance - I assume to music. LOL

Maybe she's seen a musical or two.

Whoever it was who took the photo from Abbie's sister's wedding has a whole bunch of photos from musicals which she seems to have actually been in - she seems to be going to a music school as  far as I can gather. Some pretty nice travel photography on her instagram as well, including some that look to be from Catholic cathedrals in Europe where a group she was in appear to have performed.

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12 hours ago, cereality said:

JD and Abby are announced by a DJ, come running in, and start dancing their first dance – what exactly will JB and Michelle do? Drag their 27 yr old son who are already left and cleaving off the dance floor by the neck??

God, how I would love to see this happen. But, given the years of brainwashing and total control Jim Bob and Michelle have over their adult children, I doubt that JD would ever dare to do it. Nor do I think Jim Bob would ever let it get to that point. He must be aware by now that Abbie's family permits dancing at their weddings (the Duggars avidly follow social media, if we've seen that picture, they have) and I think he'd be determined to nip it in the bud. He'd see it as a symbolic gesture, a threat to his authority. He's already had to deal with Jeremy weaning Jinger away from her family's influence; he's not about to let another set of in-laws challenge him. All he has to do is sit JD down and say "You want to dance at your wedding? Fine, go ahead.  But your days as a pilot are over. You'll never fly another one of my planes again. And you can support your new wife by scrubbing toilets alongside your brother-in-law. Daddy giveth and Daddy taketh away."

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I think JB and M are fine with Jinger and Jeremy. They're good for the brand. I'm guessing they're a bit jealous of J & J though. Jeremy is someone JB has never been, nor ever will be - tall, dark, handsome with some charisma. Michelle probably thought Jinger's life is what she signed up for.

But I don't think J & J have veered far enough from the script to worry JB & M. And I doubt JD & Abbie will either.

I would love to know if Jana, the older girls and Michelle spent enough time teaching the Lost Girls the family spiel. They need to do more talking heads so we can see if there's any hope left there.

Edited by GeeGolly
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I loath to give JimBlob any credit but if he takes a businessman attitude towards dancing then  IT WILL BE GOOD FOR THE RATINGS.

The show needs at shot of adrenaline because the last weddings are blah and the babies shrug.

Blame the heathenous activities on AbaDaba's family but long time viewers would love to see a wedding without JimBlob's input in the planning.

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JD was the one who walked by a bar and tattled to JB about seeing crew members drinking there on their day off,  so I wouldn't count on him rebeling to the point of dancing. Sure, he might lower himself to politely attend a wedding of an in law where they had dancing, but music at his own wedding? Not gonna happen. 

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3 hours ago, louannems said:

I personally hate watching the weddings, wedding planning, showers, proposals, etc.  I'd rather them just film day to day stuff in their respective homes.

I do too. It's the same crap over and over. Trips to Miss Fakey Fake Renee. Miss Cindy valiantly trying to come up with a design scheme based off the Goodwill decorations the Duggars have given her. Lethargic, uninspiring bridal showers. Endless explanations about courtship. And on and on and on.....

Normally I love the preparations that surround weddings, but these people are so God-awful at it, it's not even fun to watch for the snark.

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22 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Plus, Abbie's hair is of average length.  

She should go full Felicity with her hair.


And go full Nadezhda on Michelle (just half kidding). 

Edited by kokapetl
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3 hours ago, lascuba said:

JD was the one who walked by a bar and tattled to JB about seeing crew members drinking there on their day off,  so I wouldn't count on him rebeling to the point of dancing. Sure, he might lower himself to politely attend a wedding of an in law where they had dancing, but music at his own wedding? Not gonna happen. 

When was this - recently? Or when JD was much younger? 

5 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

God, how I would love to see this happen. But, given the years of brainwashing and total control Jim Bob and Michelle have over their adult children, I doubt that JD would ever dare to do it. Nor do I think Jim Bob would ever let it get to that point. He must be aware by now that Abbie's family permits dancing at their weddings (the Duggars avidly follow social media, if we've seen that picture, they have) and I think he'd be determined to nip it in the bud. He'd see it as a symbolic gesture, a threat to his authority. He's already had to deal with Jeremy weaning Jinger away from her family's influence; he's not about to let another set of in-laws challenge him. All he has to do is sit JD down and say "You want to dance at your wedding? Fine, go ahead.  But your days as a pilot are over. You'll never fly another one of my planes again. And you can support your new wife by scrubbing toilets alongside your brother-in-law. Daddy giveth and Daddy taketh away."

Well, sure, he can say that. But- JD will still have his pilots license and logged flight time. He can get a job outside of JBs control 

Edited by mythoughtis
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John and Abbie can have 2 receptions, one for teevee and one for Abby's close family and friends. Tori and Bobby had a 2nd reception for his family in Florida and it looked a lot nicer than the one that was filmed.

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2 minutes ago, Lunera said:

John and Abbie can have 2 receptions, one for teevee and one for Abby's close family and friends. Tori and Bobby had a 2nd reception for his family in Florida and it looked a lot nicer than the one that was filmed.

Really -- where are the pics of that one? I also imagine it was nicer bc it was paid for by Bobby's family who are somewhat more middle class/well to do. IDK though with TLC money, can't you get TLC to pay for any kind of reception you want, or no? I mean maybe not bc if there were TLC money involved then why were Jill/Jessa/Jinger's receptions so chintzy? You'd think it'd be in TLC's interest to pay for a good party bc it's a LOT of filming/episodes -- more than another made up craft or home improvement project and viewers are more likely to tune in for a wedding than JD building another playground for his siblings.

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I don't know about the latest weddings, but some of the Duggars had the reception at the church/parking lot and the afterparty at the TTH. We saw a video filmed of Michelle at one of the afterparties. (Also a younger Josie was in the video.) These latest receptions where they are sitting down at tables, may not have the same kind of after party.

I don't expect too much of a difference between this wedding and most of the Duggar weddings. I do think her mother will be more involved since her kids are all grown and many of them are married and moved out. 

Edited by Temperance
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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

When was this - recently? Or when JD was much younger? 


Younger...not a teen or anything, but it wasn't recent. Still, I think fundie males aren't likely to change for the better. 

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2 hours ago, cereality said:

Really -- where are the pics of that one? I also imagine it was nicer bc it was paid for by Bobby's family who are somewhat more middle class/well to do. 



Top picture is from the 1st reception 

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1 hour ago, lascuba said:
4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

When was this - recently? Or when JD was much younger? 



Younger...not a teen or anything, but it wasn't recent. Still, I think fundie males aren't likely to change for the better

It had to be before Joshgate.  I'd like to think that JD has grown up a bit and realized that in the grand scheme of things having a couple of beers after work is not really so awful.  People in glass houses and all that...

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That's Bobby's parents house -- we've seen it before for his graduation party. So it just looks like an at home dinner party, though given that it's clearly at night and there's a 2nd cake and rented tables and chairs, clearly they fed their guests a meal. Though Bobby's parents also fed everyone a full dinner at the rehearsal dinner in Tenn. too. Just looking at their home etc. on the show, and the fact that they only have 3 kids, they're clearly a middle/upper middle class family. I don't think they necessarily understand or appreciate the country, fundie, I have 19 kids on a budget ways that their son has married into.

That being said, I don't think ANYONE throws as chintzy of a party as JB does. Even amongst not well to do fundies -- Anna's parents even fed the guests as we saw trays and trays of chicken salad, pasta etc. It's possible that the Bates didn't do as much for Tori's wedding bc she was going to have a "real" reception in FL and bc she acted like the reception was SUCH an inconvenience (she walks out of the wedding moments after the vows, turns to Bobby and says, let's go say hi to the people and get out of here -- and then proceeds to feed him cake with a knife bc she didn't see a fork and couldn't wait a second for someone to hand her one; so I could see her saying - a meal? No way that adds an hr, let's do cake + punch fundie style and I can go get it on). But we did see Kelly planning for Michaela's wedding and she was going over how much BBQ chicken they were going to need. So not suggesting that fundies throw a party feeding guests steak and salmon, but other fundies at least do casual food so guests that have spent hours driving, spent money on gas and maybe a hotel, are at least being fed ONE meal.

JB OTOH takes the approach of -- leave your gifts over there, head on out to the parking lot for a dixie cup of ice cream, and thanks for coming, y'all, see you at the next one! I know there have been after parties for some/all of the weddings -- Si, Jessa -- come to mind, but reality is their own family is so huge that I bet the people going back to the house are just their own family, aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents, a few special fundie families like the Bates and Paines, and the other 800 guests can just make their way to the exits. So he still isn't feeding everyone they invite to the weddings they host as open calls.

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3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

It had to be before Joshgate.  I'd like to think that JD has grown up a bit and realized that in the grand scheme of things having a couple of beers after work is not really so awful.  People in glass houses and all that...

Considering how JD blamed Satan for Joshgate, I think he'd become even more of a stickler for their ridiculous rules, not less. He wasn't raised to have rational responses to anything.

Edited by lascuba
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22 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

"Lord of the  Dance  " is one of my favorite  hymns also. I will go the sleep  with  that song  running  through  my head.  What a perfect  earworm.

I love it as well...This made me go look up my favorite version. Way back in the late 70's/early 80's I was rather enamored of a British operatic baritone named Benjamin Luxon. I actually sent him a fan letter once and got a very nice response - two whole sides of a sheet of paper! LOL. Aside from Opera, he did some albums of Victorian songs, and, later, teamed up with American folk singer Bill Crofut for a couple of albums. I was lucky enough to see him at Tanglewood a couple of times. I've never heard a version of Simple Gifts/Lord of the Dance that makes me smile as much as this one.

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28 minutes ago, McManda said:

Probably because they look like metal folding chairs that got slipcovered.

That's exactly what they are. One leg is visible on the chair in the center of the photo. 

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I thought Bobby was an only child? 

2 hours ago, cereality said:

That's Bobby's parents house -- we've seen it before for his graduation party. So it just looks like an at home dinner party, though given that it's clearly at night and there's a 2nd cake and rented tables and chairs, clearly they fed their guests a meal. Though Bobby's parents also fed everyone a full dinner at the rehearsal dinner in Tenn. too. Just looking at their home etc. on the show, and the fact that they only have 3 kids, they're clearly a middle/upper middle class family. I don't think they necessarily understand or appreciate the country, fundie, I have 19 kids on a budget ways that their son has married into.


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4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Bobby has two younger sisters.

Wow I had no idea. I thought he said he was an only child. 

Back to the rapture couple, have they announced  a date yet? I know the engagement is too new but they probably have the church secured by now.

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11 hours ago, lascuba said:

JD was the one who walked by a bar and tattled to JB about seeing crew members drinking there on their day off,  

When did this happen? How silly. Was it on tv? I haven't seen many of the early episodes. 

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44 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

When did this happen? How silly. Was it on tv? I haven't seen many of the early episodes. 

When Joshgate #1 happened, that was one of the stories that former crew members told to Gawker.

1 hour ago, LilJen said:

JD & Abbie: She cuts her hair!!

Ok I was all for "rapture" being in the title but that's just perfect. 

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12 hours ago, lascuba said:

When Joshgate #1 happened, that was one of the stories that former crew members told to Gawker.

If that whole story was true, there were aspects that made many readers question it.  It was tough to know.

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On 7/28/2018 at 10:15 AM, lascuba said:

JD was the one who walked by a bar and tattled to JB about seeing crew members drinking there on their day off,  so I wouldn't count on him rebeling to the point of dancing. Sure, he might lower himself to politely attend a wedding of an in law where they had dancing, but music at his own wedding? Not gonna happen. 

I find JD and Abbie charming, and I'm very much on team JD right now, but that doesn't mean that JD isn't a self-righteous prig and a snitch at heart. We've been charmed by courting couples before only to have them shake us awake with their social media (e.g. Jessa and Ben). I do hope that finding some happiness in his own life will make JD less likely to bother others.

Edited by cmr2014
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23 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I love it as well...This made me go look up my favorite version. Way back in the late 70's/early 80's I was rather enamored of a British operatic baritone named Benjamin Luxon. I actually sent him a fan letter once and got a very nice response - two whole sides of a sheet of paper! LOL. Aside from Opera, he did some albums of Victorian songs, and, later, teamed up with American folk singer Bill Crofut for a couple of albums. I was lucky enough to see him at Tanglewood a couple of times. I've never heard a version of Simple Gifts/Lord of the Dance that makes me smile as much as this one.

I've never heard the Lord of the Dance!I love it. I fell down the rabbit hole of youtube following the song. One of my favorite folk songs was Gift to be Simple and this is a perfect companion! Thank you Crazycatwoman and Jynnan!

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36 minutes ago, Catlyn said:

I've never heard the Lord of the Dance!I love it. I fell down the rabbit hole of youtube following the song. One of my favorite folk songs was Gift to be Simple and this is a perfect companion! Thank you Crazycatwoman and Jynnan!

We used to sing Lord of the Dance in the kids' choir at church when I was in gradeschool, I've always really liked it.  Of course, I'm a heathen Catholic so I didn't learn about dancing being sinful like the REAL Christians did.  We even sang it in church during Mass, oh the heresy!.

Edited by doodlebug
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For balance: someone on FJ also quoted JD as saying "when the children start having children, it's time for the parents to stop." I have no idea what episode this was from, but if he did say it, good for him.

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16 hours ago, graefin said:

For balance: someone on FJ also quoted JD as saying "when the children start having children, it's time for the parents to stop." I have no idea what episode this was from, but if he did say it, good for him.

What about Kendra's mom? She's not that old!!

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2 hours ago, MamaMax said:

What about Kendra's mom? She's not that old!!

Still applies,  in my opinion. If you have grandchildren, then stop having children.   That’s really what he was saying.  Age itself ( although important because I really wouldn’t want to be raising teenagers at 60) is not the driving factor. It’s that your adult children would like you to be helpful as grandparents. 

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27 minutes ago, Heathen said:

It isn't a grandparent's or anyone else's responsibility to be "helpful" with someone else's kids, whether related or not. 

Maybe you’d  prefer.... present in their lives. Grandparents are special people to grandchildren and grandchildren should feel loved by their grandparents. As for me...I actually do believe it’s pretty important to me to be helpful to my children... since I brought them into this world. It’s one of the reasons I had 2 rather than 19.   People who resent their children and grandchildren for being in their way miss out on much more than they realize.   That’s not to say that some children and grandchildren shouldn’t be avoided. There always a bad apple or two.  

Michelle and J.B. have missed out on really knowing more than a couple of their 19 children. They are really going to miss out on knowing many of their billion grandchildren. I bet after 50 they give up even calling them by name. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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At 48 I have to recover from taking care of my one year old granddaughter! It's exhausting. I just don't have the energy I had when I was a young mother of 2 in my 20s. I don't know how I did it!

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