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S19.E06: Nominations #2; Den of Temptation #2

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The new HoH is crowned and nominate 2 Houseguests for Eviction and a new houseguest is tempted by America in the Den of Temptation.


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Damn you Cody for making me root for Paul. The level of simmering rage coming off of Cody in the HOH room was scary.

Jessica, you tied your fate to the biggest ass in the house and the assiness clearly rubbed off on you. I swear even your looks left you this episode - skin looked blotchy as hell (stress?)

While I believe Jessica and Cody were wrong in the way they treated Josh, they were not wrong (man-baby indeed). 

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Each time they played the hilarious freak-out music when cutting to Cody during Paul's HoH reveal, I swear I was waiting for Rush's "Tom Sawyer" to start up. Gah, now I need to go buy that mp3 IMMEDIATELY!

Hey, Jessica and Cody: you can tell Josh to stop talking as much as y'all want, but he doesn't have to do it! I'd have stuck in that room verbally taunting the shit out of them, likely ending up with a bloody nose but also one fewer opponent in the house. C'mon, someone bite the bullet and get those rabid dogs to bite!

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As much as I dislike Paul; watching "helpless" Cody and crying Jessica made my day.

It's impossible to tell how many tries were made and which one was really easiest.  I would have also gone with the wide ramp curve.  The straight one was too skinny.

Lying and backstabbing are the way this game is played Jessica dear.  Kevin just showed how it's done, throwing heat onto Ramses.

Gee Cody for someone who doesn't like "victim noises" you certainly are making a lot of them.

Good move Josh.  That sympathy is worth gold.  Cody shows what a scumbag he is and Jessica is a word I choose not to use.

Then she ducks out of the HOH charade (ed. to whine in the DR).  Cody glaring like a psychokiller.  Nice edit, show.

Bad idea Paul, this is playing with fire.  Mark is right.  Put up Cody's allies and backdoor him.

That horror movie voice is just too cheesy.  Voodoo dolls are cool!  Elena's doll has matching boobs.  LOL.

What a crappy temptation!  Just a one shot deal.  If she refused it (like anybody would after Paul got safety) would she be eligible for future temptations.?

Face it Jess, America doesn't like you.  I hope we get to vote on a curse this season.

Nice job Christmas  picking the 3 loser amigos to wear the costume.

I hope these people realize that Paul has to go once his safety runs out.  He can't win HOH every time.

Smart move Paul.  Don't bully your allies.  Alex has to go along.  

No Paul.  You proved last season winning is not luck.  You picked the wrong person for F2 and lost :)

With Josh and Alex on board, this should work.

I agree that this is a good spot for Ramses to free himself from his curse.  Could Paul have changed the noms after he revealed it?  Ramses  still could throw a wrench into the plan.

Edited by PaperTree
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Out of all (8?) people that voted for Jillian, Cody and Jessica pick the weakest one to go after. Mark says "I voted for Jillian to go" and Cody gives him a bro hug. 

Classic bully moves.

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Ok, fine, Cody is awful. Stop acting like a petulant child. He still isn't as awful as Jessica. 

I don't understand why all these idiots are saying they trust Paul. It would be one thing to say I trust that his plan is to target Cody and our interests align this week, but they keep talking about how they trust him without question. 

Kevin continues to somehow slip under the radar, despite taking a temptation and straight up lying about his vote.

Mark as the voice of reason. Pawns sometimes go home. Don't risk people you need and remove votes from your team. 

Ramses is probably correct that this is the week to do it, though it could throw a wrench in the plan to backdoor Cody. On the other hand, it reduces the chance that Cody plays in the veto competition.

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This is the one show that I watch that makes me verbally respond to the TV when the people say stupid shit.

Cody: "I don't know what happened."

Me: "Big Brother happened, dumbass."

Jessica: "Blah blah blah Cody and I."

Me: "Blah blah blah Cody and me."

6 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

What was the temptation?  I had a kitchen emergency (my tomato fell onto the floor and splatted) and I missed it.

Christmas can swap places with a person drawn to participate in the Veto comp (but not one of the nominees).

She then got to choose three people to be cursed.

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9 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

What was the temptation?  I had a kitchen emergency (my tomato fell onto the floor and splatted) and I missed it.

She gets to replace one player in the Veto competition, but only once for the season.

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This season started out with great promise. It seemed to have been one of the best casts in a while but it all unraveled once Paul was trotted out. It has literally become THE PAUL SHOW.

Not only do we have the Executive Producer working overtime to protect her pet and shepard him to the winner circle but now we have people in theory that are competing with him for the half million actively  helping him win.

I couldn't believe it when they started giving Paul tickets.

Can someone please explain how over half a dozen people would willingly give  up a summer of their lives, leave behind family, friends and their jobs all is order to help guarantee some famewhore creep from last season is the winner for the money they are allegedly competing to win for themselves? I sure as hell can't figure it out.

Cody going home would be the worse thing that could happen right now because then there would be NO ONE against Paul and with Alison Grodner propping him up with safety he would take complete control of the game.

MAVEN should have had a wake up call that Paul was willing to risk them and they are likely at the bottom of the pecking order.

By the way...we should all be prepared for the Alison and her producing team to "influence" Christmas in the diary room at some point in the future when her using her "Ring of Replacement" will be a way to save Paul if he finds himself in jeapardy some how. It's going to happen people so lets just sit back and wait to see what scenario is involved for this to happen.

The only thing I liked from Paul tonight was the last DR where he carefully laid out how a Ramses veto win could upset his plans. I have little doubt given the producers manipulations that since Paul is guaranteed safe next week too then they will find a way to manipulate a Ramses win so they cut Jose loose and keep the Paul vs Cody feud going as of right now its the only real storyline the show has (we didn't even get any Alex/Cody/Jess triangle tonight).

I really hate that Alex is anywhere near the block....if the America Vote wasn't likely a fraud and Alison picks the DOT winner...then I would think she would get the votes. She strikes me as the true fan favorite. I like Christmas and all but she's drunk on the Paul Koolaid.

Edited by North of Eden
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Somebody's going to need to explain to me like I'm stupid why Paul initially picked two people from "his" side of the house as pawns as opposed to -- as Mensa candidates Mark and Elena pointed out -- two people who aren't really on his side. I guess maybe he didn't want to make enemies, but he certainly didn't make more friends.

I like Josh. I shouldn't, but I feel for the kid. He's clearly in over his head and some of these people are really mean.

Edited by Eolivet
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9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Cody going home would be the worse thing that could happen right now because then there would be NO ONE against Paul and with Alison Grodner propping him up with safety he would take complete control of the game.

Yup. This is going to ruin the entire season and basically give Paul the win. Which is probably what AG wants since he didn't get to win last year.

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I really don't understand the need to backdoor Cody here. If Paul puts up Cody and Jessica,  yeah they play in the veto competition but only one could win, so even if one does win the other still goes home. But Paul puts up the pawns, they pick the other Veto players at random so Cody and/or Jessica could still be picked to play, however if one of them wins,  now they would keep the noms the same and none of them would go home!! Why take that risk!? It doesn't  make any sense to me!

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46 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I couldn't believe it when they started giving Paul tickets.


They're playing smart.  Paul can't be voted out this week (or next) and he has a huge target to go after.  Why not do him a favor this week and maybe he'll return one in the coming weeks?

Edited by Gemma Violet
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22 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I really don't understand the need to backdoor Cody here. If Paul puts up Cody and Jessica,  yeah they play in the veto competition but only one could win, so even if one does win the other still goes home. But Paul puts up the pawns, they pick the other Veto players at random so Cody and/or Jessica could still be picked to play, however if one of them wins,  now they would keep the noms the same and none of them would go home!! Why take that risk!? It doesn't  make any sense to me!

I think the goal is to get Cody out. They don't see Jessica as a threat. Cody or Jessica could still be picked to play, but a chance at playing is better than absolutely having both of them play from their perspective. 

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Grade school Cody must've been a lot of fun on the playground. He seems like the "taking my ball and going home" type to me. What a colossal sore loser baby. ?

Kevin is low-key shady. That was interesting the way he straight up lied to Cody's face about his vote and essentially threw Ramses under the bus. He might be a dark horse and I'm okay with that even though I am still Team Alex.

"I'm not into dolls." Okay then, G.I. Jerk with the flung poo grip. Thanks for letting us know.

Oh geez, I hope Ramses didn't just ruin everything.


Yup. This is going to ruin the entire season and basically give Paul the win. Which is probably what AG wants since he didn't get to win last year.

So are they switching to the Bachelor/Bachelorette model where the runner up gets to star in the next season? That'll kill Big Brother because we'll already know who the intended winner is. The entire season then would be mostly about winning 2nd place.

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Wow, I really dislike both Cody and Jessica. Victim noises indeed. His bottled rage and her eyebrows are scary.

Paul is an interesting guy, and I'd still like to see Alex vs Paul. I don't know why viewers are handing Paul the win already...he's a long shot after his safety is up IMO. 

I keep forgetting Matt, Raven and Elena are even there.

Edited by CrazyDog
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5 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Wow, I really dislike both Cody and Jessica. Victim noises indeed. His bottled rage and her eyebrows are scary.

VICTIM NOISES is the new phrase we use in my house as a replacement for whining, bitching, or moaning. 

"But I don't wanna do the dishes." "Hey. Watch those VICTIM NOISES."

Edited by Callaphera
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14 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I don't know why viewers are handing Paul the win already...he's a long shot after his safety is up IMO. 

Agreed. I think he's toast once his safety is up. I do hope he's around long enough to make jury though. He amuses me. Plus, I don't want a summer of showmances. *gag*

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1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:

I don't know why viewers are handing Paul the win already...he's a long shot after his safety is up IMO. 

Because the players are handing it to him. Giving him that HOH like that was just pathetic. Only like 2 people were trying the rest were giving him all their tickets. 

14 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

VICTIM NOISES is the new phrase we use in my house as a replacement for whining, bitching, or moaning. 

I laughed out loud of that fight because they called Josh out so right, this was just like 40 minutes after he plopped himself in the voting chair in the DR and mumbled his vote like a child pouting. 

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13 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I laughed out loud of that fight because they called Josh out so right, this was just like 40 minutes after he plopped himself in the voting chair in the DR and mumbled his vote like a child pouting. 

I mean, Cody wasn't wrong. But Jessica was throwing down her own VICTIM NOISES later in the DR during Paul's HoH room reveal. I wonder how he'll feel when he goes home and watches downloads the episodes into his robot brain and sees that moment. 

19 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

It's this year's "I feel a certain type of way."

I so prefer VICTIM NOISES to that. 

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2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Somebody's going to need to explain to me like I'm stupid why Paul initially picked two people from "his" side of the house as pawns as opposed to -- as Mensa candidates Mark and Elena pointed out -- two people who aren't really on his side. I guess maybe he didn't want to make enemies, but he certainly didn't make more friends.

I like Josh. I shouldn't, but I feel for the kid. He's clearly in over his head and some of these people are really mean.

I think Paul is dumb to put two people from his own alliance on the block. He should put Cody & Jessica on the block.

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I did lol when Cody said he could tell from Kevin's body language he was telling the truth about his vote. Dude, the guy  couldn't even look you in the eye. Whatever Cody did in the Marines didn't involve psy ops. 

I will root for Ramses like I have never rooted for anyone in a veto comp before, if only for the irony of Paul's temptation acceptance coming back to bite him on his shouty ass. (And then hope that Big Baby alienates enough people with his breakdowns and  freakouts that the house votes him out instead of Alex.)


Giving him that HOH like that was just pathetic.

I haven't seen such pathetic sheep since the Cult of Cappy. Disgusting.

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45 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Victim Noises would make a nice internet nickname.  

I am so tempted to change my name from Callaphera to VICTIM NOISES now. But I feel like I'd be stepping on the toes of the person who changed their name to "Overwhelming No". Which is still the best name ever.

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The upcoming temptation is the Halting Hex.  "Whether on the block or not, they can halt any one of the next four evictions during the live show, making it a non-eviction night."  Voting ends July 19th at 12pm Eastern.

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I think the reason the others "gave" the HOA to Paul was because they knew he still had safety from being put in the block. 

I agree that Josh is a tad over emotional, but no need for Cody and his puppet to bully him the way they did. Cody really scares me, that non-blinking glare that he gives.  

Just curious, Cody went into the den after Christmas, he was too macho to acknowledge the voodoo dolls.  If he had happened to, wouldn't he have noticed that his & Jessica's were missing?

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1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

I haven't seen such pathetic sheep since the Cult of Cappy. Disgusting.

 Actually, what this (sadly) exactly like it the season of Survivor that Boston Rob won.  Since those fools got starry-eyed over him and all but handed him the win on a silver platter without any prodding (presumably) makes me feel there's no way Paul can lose since Grodner is pretty openly doing anything it takes to keep him in.  Ole Ally has always had a taste for jerks and assholes, but at least the objects of her obsession usually had some eye candy value.  Paul's not every interesting to watch on mute. 

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59 minutes ago, K-9 said:

The upcoming temptation is the Halting Hex.  "Whether on the block or not, they can halt any one of the next four evictions during the live show, making it a non-eviction night."  Voting ends July 19th at 12pm Eastern.

Good lord, these twists are ridiculous. But if they give us more moments like the P.O.P., I'm here for the drama!

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I mean, Cody wasn't wrong. But Jessica was throwing down her own VICTIM NOISES later in the DR during Paul's HoH room reveal. I wonder how he'll feel when he goes home and watches downloads the episodes into his robot brain and sees that moment. 

I so prefer VICTIM NOISES to that. 


I do too, actually. 

And it WOULD make a great name for a punk rock band.

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Damn if I didn't feel some sympathy for Josh after that. Yes he does need to learn to let things lay and basically just to grow a thicker skin. But Cody and Jessica focusing on him like a laser beam when they got deserted  by their whole team reveals some not very pretty character insights. Cody won't risk a confrontation with the dudebros who betrayed him much more directly than Josh.

And Cody drowning in his VICTIM NOISES.  Seriously.  The lack of some self-awareness there is  a little overwhelming.  If Josh is in over his head, Cody is as well in his own way.  

Paul's cockiness is expanding nearly every second.  It's not fun watching someone, especially who is already obnoxious, who already knows they basically have the whole thing on lock. I think in the long run it's better right now to be Alex and be the underdog.   She has to be a contender for that massive temptation next week.  I'd say it's either her or Kevin. 

Edited by vb68
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How is the curse of having to put yourself on the block anywhere close to equal to having to wear a toad costume? Ramses got screwed, that just seems really unfair. 

I didn't like Cody from the second I saw him, but damn if I'm not rooting for him and Jess over Paul. I can not stand Paul. His beard just looks gross and dirty, sorry but it does. And every time I see him all I can think about is him wearing that stupid duck pool float all last year, shouting friendship all day long, and him kissing Nicole and Corey's ass constantly. Ugh. It's obvious that he's our predesignated winner.

Everyone except for Jess, Alex, and Cody are complete sheep. 

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3 hours ago, Summerday said:


I didn't like Cody from the second I saw him, but damn if I'm not rooting for him and Jess over Paul. I can not stand Paul. His beard just looks gross and dirty, sorry but it does. And every time I see him all I can think about is him wearing that stupid duck pool float all last year, shouting friendship all day long, and him kissing Nicole and Corey's ass constantly. Ugh. It's obvious that he's our predesignated winner.

Everyone except for Jess, Alex, and Cody are complete sheep. 

Thank you! This post sums up every thing that is wrong about this season perfectly!

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7 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I will root for Ramses like I have never rooted for anyone in a veto comp before, if only for the irony of Paul's temptation acceptance coming back to bite him on his shouty ass.

I woke up this morning and realized I was an idiot....Ramses is unlikely to compete, Paul is likely to convince Christmas to use her power to substitute herself in the competition. I only hope Christmas wants to play her own game instead of Paul's, and realize it's a long summer and that veto could come in far handier for her down the line when the herd is thinned. 

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5 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I woke up this morning and realized I was an idiot....Ramses is unlikely to compete, Paul is likely to convince Christmas to use her power to substitute herself in the competition. I only hope Christmas wants to play her own game instead of Paul's, and realize it's a long summer and that veto could come in far handier for her down the line when the herd is thinned. 

Christmas cannot sub herself in for Ramses. She's only allowed to replace a veto player who was chosen by random draw, not a houseguest who is nominated for eviction. 

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6 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

I think the reason the others "gave" the HOA to Paul was because they knew he still had safety from being put in the block. 

I agree that Josh is a tad over emotional, but no need for Cody and his puppet to bully him the way they did. Cody really scares me, that non-blinking glare that he gives.  

Just curious, Cody went into the den after Christmas, he was too macho to acknowledge the voodoo dolls.  If he had happened to, wouldn't he have noticed that his & Jessica's were missing?

I was wondering the same thing; but I believe the cauldron had a shallow ledge with just smoke rising around it.  Production probably just put the "dolls" back when they were rearranging the room before Cody entered

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Smart strategy to give all the tickets to one person. Those ramps looked hard, so Paul definitely benefited from getting more shots than anyone else. I don't really care that Paul is HOH. He has safety right now anyhow. So whatever. 

Cody continues to be massively stupid. I regret anything I said about appreciating his straight forward game. There's not being fake (for instance, I wouldn't go see the HOH room of someone I hated and knew was gunning for me.) and there's totally tanking your game because you refuse to acknowledge the social component of it. Sure, there's really nothing he and Jessica can do with Paul right now. But what's the sense in pissing off the other half of the house? He was such a total dick to Josh and Ramses. And while you may not be able to garner enough votes no matter what you do, one of those guys might be able to help you in the Veto comp (Ramses, unlikely, I know) if you....you know...tried to actually work with people. Cody just thought he could form an alliance, then storm through the house doing whatever he wanted, and his alliance would hold. Ha. Idiot. 

This is why I can't help finding myself rooting for Paul. His personality grates and I'm over "vets" returning, but he knows how to play. He knows how to talk to people, how to rally. He listens to people and doesn't dictate. I couldn't quite figure out if he actually changed his mind about putting Raven and Matt up because of his group's protestations, or if that was his plan all along - to prove what a democratic HOH he is, but either way, he made the right move in the end. Although, I have to say, I do NOT understand his insistence on putting TWO pawns up. I think he should have at least put Jessica up. Because as it stands now, if Jessica or Cody won HOH, and left noms as they are, Paul's whole plan would be fucked. Better to put ONE target up when you're shooting for a backdoor scenario (tm Josea). 

And yes, I realize that's a moot point, because Cody and Jessica CAN'T play in Veto. But Paul doesn't know that. Actually, I wondered why Christmas didn't tell him. I don't think it would hurt her game for people to know she won that temptation, and it would have helped Paul with his nominations if he had that info. He could have just put Cody and Jessica straight up there. Boom. Done. 

But anyhow, when you have two people who aren't even IN your alliance willing to be pawns, you're playing a pretty good game. That's all I gotta say. 


In other, not-super-gamey news:


Josh and his damn tears. What the fuck??

Kevin. Kevin makes me laugh. What was it he said about keeping Christmas? "If a woman made you breakfast in the morning, would YOU vote for her?" My husband yelled, "Nope" from the other room. And I really needed to hear the rest of the story he was telling Ramses when Ramses got called into the Den of Temptation. He was saying, "Now when the police come in, by the time you get from the door to the phone booth......" and he got cut off. What the what what??? Come on, I need to know more!!!!

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12 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Cody in Paul's HOH room looks like he's smelling a bad fart.

I loved the sinister music they played every time they focused on him. 


4 hours ago, Summerday said:

How is the curse of having to put yourself on the block anywhere close to equal to having to wear a toad costume? Ramses got screwed, that just seems really unfair. 

Wait, I thought the Vetoad thing meant they couldn't participate in the Veto? Haha, did I totally misinterpret this punishment???

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