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S04.E14: Reunion, Part 1

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57 minutes ago, snarts said:

Landon's fake tears,  pretending to care, when the attention isn't on her.  Loved the previews of her getting called out on the obnoxious flirting.  

I hope Kathryn gets the help she needs. Shep too.  

Landon's tears were fake and the sentiment felt forced and phony, but Kathryn's fake crying was 1,000 times worse.  I don't know how she managed to squeeze out a few tears (maybe Craig's handkerchief had onion juice on it?).  

  • Love 8

My favorite parts of the ep:

- Andy simultaneously looking uneasy and  giving Kathryn the side eye for going to rehab "just" for pot

- TRav's skin... he looked like he had a facial, maybe dermabrasion a while ago and some subsequent collagen treatments

Shep looks super rough. That last shot of him was kind of depressing and ominous. And any time Craig brought up his drinking, he'd talk over him.

1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

It seems that Craig and Naomi are trying to work things out.  Maybe Gizmo will make a surprise visit at the end of part two.

Knowing Gizmo, he'll come out at the end wearing a white tux jacket and carrying mint juleps on a silver tray.

  • Love 21

What was going on with Landon's and Austin's hair?  It was so orange--I think they put some Sun-in in it or something.  

Wow Kathryn looked dreadful.  She looked like a corpse.  Come on makeup people, at least give her a little brighter blush or bronzer! 

Is Naomie's nose getting bigger?  I still don't know why she and Craig keep working on their relationship.  Oh, and Craig, it's not "light of day" it's "time of day" but whatever, you knit baby onesies for your friends so I'll let that one pass.  So they reached rock bottom, but now they're dating again, but still fighting.  I think they're done.   Craig is a catch and I don't believe he's appreciated at all.  

I think Shep just crawled out of bed.  

  • Love 9

Wow, Shep is an asshole. What exactly is his problem with Craig? I'm not buying that he's pissed that Craig lied about passing the bar. No one gets that upset about a friend lying about their own career. And he can not possibly be that upset about losing the bachelor auction to Craig. If he is...that's just pathetic. 

Can Shep really not understand that Craig not wanting to jump into bed with any and everyone is not a bad thing? Sounds like Craig prefers to have an emotional connection instead of one night stands...what exactly is so horrible about that? Shep sounded like a 7th grader when he was trying to mock Craig for not sleeping with Kathryn.

This. I agree with you. I do not get Shep's problem with Craig. Did Craig kick his puppy or something? Craig is definitely not perfect, but it seems everything he does or says Shep will mock Craig at every turn. Like you said Craig seems like he wants an emotional connection and not just bed hop. Why is that a big deal to Shep? I also like that Craig has hobbies besides getting drunk and sleeping around. Grow up Shep.

Sigh, more TRav and Kathryn drama. It is the same shit different reunion. I just do not care. I do not like either of them and think they are both horrible.

I still like Austen. I do not think Austen is really like Shep at all, even though the show seemed to try and introduce him as Shep Junior.

I am glad Jennifer's son is doing well, but I do still dislike Jennifer. 

I was glad there was minimal Landon so far. I did hate hearing her dolphin laugh in the background.

  • Love 23

Well, that was sure dark and depressing...oh you zany, fun filled, kids you!  What could they possibly have to say that would require Reunion Part II??  Oh! I know, we can listen to a RE-re-analysis of Katheryn's Rehab (did you know she went to rehab? I had no idea...jeeesh!).

Leave it to dear old Bravo to smash a show into the ground.  Where do they hire their Producers, the Lowe's and Home Depot parking lots?

IMHO, Andy Cohen better have a backdoor plan for his next gig.  

  • Love 6

I watched it again because I wanted to hear the exact wording on Kathryn's statement of sobriety.  She said she'd been sober for about 8 months and then said, "I can say I guess probably that's the truth."  Yeah, that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement to me.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but she was lying through her teeth.

I used to like Shep but now he just comes across as a complete douche bag.  And he looks awful.  When he made some stupid comment about "What should I do, join a monastery?"  Andy said he should cut back on his drinking and he completely ignored the comment.  Twelve drinks a day?  And to that he said, "what's normal for one person doesn't have to be to another."  My goodness, if you're having twelve drinks a day, you have a major problem.  

  • Love 11

To me, Kathryn seemed like she might be on some kind of SSRI (or maybe Xanax) and maybe her dose is too high so it's making her seem foggy. Who knows. She has been through a lot in the past few years and has said she suffers from anxiety. 

Craig and Naomie, we've all been there. Stuck in a toxic relationship, everyone around can see you need to break up, but you're so far in you're unable to accept the fact that you should not be together. They need to cut their losses and move on. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, ProudMary said:

I watched it again because I wanted to hear the exact wording on Kathryn's statement of sobriety.  She said she'd been sober for about 8 months and then said, "I can say I guess probably that's the truth."  Yeah, that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement to me.  I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but she was lying through her teeth.

I used to like Shep but now he just comes across as a complete douche bag.  And he looks awful.  When he made some stupid comment about "What should I do, join a monastery?"  Andy said he should cut back on his drinking and he completely ignored the comment.  Twelve drinks a day?  And to that he said, "what's normal for one person doesn't have to be to another."  My goodness, if you're having twelve drinks a day, you have a major problem.  

Shep (and Easter Island head Thomas) are given perpetual passes on their behaviour concerning substances. Yet young Kathryn is the one that everyone wants to point fingers at and shame. 

  • Love 13

Shut up, Shep. You are not hosting the show. 

Kathryn, honey. There is a great big world out there and you need to find your place in it. Stop obsessing over who is sleeping with or friends with your baby daddy. You have no control over it and frankly it's none of your business what he does with his life as long as it doesn't affect the kids in any negative way.   Move the fuck on. 

I thought Thomas had a lot of self control. I could see him biting his tongue trying not to respond to Kathryn's BS. Then he finally let loose at the end. I hope there's more of that to come because as far as I'm concerned Kathryn blaming others for her problems went on way too long. Jennifer was the highlight defending herself while everybody else just sat there like idiots. Are they afraid of her for some reason? Landon defended herself, too, but nobody likes her so it didn't matter. 

  • Love 14

Craig hit it on the head with his comments about Shep projecting his own behavior onto others. Shep's what I call a mean drunk, and I'm sorry but 12 drinks a day is a drinking problem. It's not normal, no matter who you are.

Kathryn got a lot of flak, but she brought it all on herself. And she will continue to point fingers and blame everyone else. It's part of the disease, and until she comes to terms with being an addict, she will never get better. Shrugging her shoulders and saying "I don't know" in regard to Jennifer's baby's father was shameful. Absolutely awful.

If I were Kathryn, I'd be most concerned about ever seeing her children again after last night's TAPED display.

  • Love 15

It just all seemed so.....dark. Shep looks like he is a drink away from death, and I'm convinced he's just plain old fashioned jealous of Craig's looks. Kathryn, sigh, stop blaming the world, sober up, make something of yourself while there's time. The faces everyone was making when she kept proclaiming she was sober convinced me if I ever get the chance to play poker with these people - I'm in. Landon, just be quiet and get some conditioner for your hair. Thomas you're no better than Kathryn so just stop with all the judgment. I think I need a shower after watching that. Where was Whit????

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, ilovetrashtv said:

To me, Kathryn seemed like she might be on some kind of SSRI (or maybe Xanax) and maybe her dose is too high so it's making her seem foggy. Who knows. She has been through a lot in the past few years and has said she suffers from anxiety. 

Yep, she thinks she's clean bc she's 'only' on prescription drugs. Part of her stoned look is 3 lbs of eyelashes!

i didn't appreciate the mini-Intervention on Shep when at least 1, if not many, of the others drink A LOT.

That last bit, Travs voice was shaking; with which emotion, I don't know. He needs to think with his biggest head when around Katherine bc she has a spell on him.

  • Love 3

Neurochick is absolutely right about the leftover Real Housewives of Potomac dress that Kathryn had on.  

Cam's remarks about I'm doing this for my husband doesn't sound too warm and motherly to me.  Loved how she got called out on her comment of how she loved watching Austin and Chelsea's budding romance then you see the footage and it was all team Shep.  She is the biggest hypocrite on the stage.

I did not know there was rehab for marijuana only.  Maybe Kathryn can get Andy a referral discount.

Shep hates any guy who's girl rejects his advances thus the ire for Craig.  He's also a typical mean drunk.  Affable my ass.

Landon should really go into acting with her ability to cry on cue.  Timing though she needs to work on or at least come up with a better excuse.  Didn't she see Thomas did not have a hankie for her?

Count Whitney didn't really have a season so no chair for him.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Andy smokes pot daily so at Kathryn going to impatient rehab for pot naturally had him swallowing his disbelief tumblr_nirg9pIre31t4fgzeo1_500.gif

I have seen people with a marijuana addiction. It's not as desperate as some of the other addictions that people are more familiar with, but it's still damaging. My first job out of college was working on a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration study. Marijuana addiction happens. Additionally the way Kathryn described her marijuana use made it pretty obvious that she was self medicating and needed to be prescribed some medications for mental health. It's possible even probable that she's not on the right dosage of an actual medication for her mental health issues.

For folks like Andy who think that marijuana is harmless, there is the increasing number of individuals being diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome to set them straight.

I remember reading an interview with Naomie before the season started. She admitted that Craig and Shep were not friends before the show so their relationship is more of a detente than los dos amigos.

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Watching this again and Kathryn is really appearing like she is on some type of downer meds be they legal or illegal it looks like she can barely keep her eyes open and that she is in slow motion cognition.

IF she is is on Xanax or similar, you'd think the Bravolebrities would learn from others mistakes.  We've seen many housewives on reunions who have taken too strong a dose of Xanax (or would later claim as much) acting similarly - I'm thinking about OC Vicki specifically in the fake cancer aftermath reunion.  Very similar zombie state and dull reaction.  

My favorite exchange during the whole episode was between Landon and Kathryn with Landon trying to pull a Taylor Swift "I want to be excluded from this narrative" in regards to Thomas and Kathryn's relationship and Kathryn saying that Landon has made plenty of remarks.

Landon: Give me an example.

Kathryn: The time you said that I needed shock treatment.

Landon: Okay, that's fair.

The casualness that Landon conceded that point to Kathryn had me cackling especially because Landon goes from hating Kathryn to trying to use Kathryn to make Landon look more sympathetic, often within seconds of each other.

  • Love 20
11 hours ago, Michichick said:

Jennifer came in just for a segment, as happens with many secondary/tertiary cast members during reunions. I'm sure we will see others next week.


Naomi had a segment, Jennifer had a segment and we see Chelsea in the previews. 


Kathryn ugh, this women's drives me to madness lol. She's so entitled and nasty. She is just such a liar. I can't stand Thomas either those 2 deserve each other, (those poor children, dealing with these 2 idiot parents for a long time.) I have never seen 2 more suited assholes.  Yes, Thomas was on good behavior this episode but we all know him.  They both are horrible people. 

I'm glad Kathryn was called out on "not drinking one sip". I hate that Kathryn throws in "I'm a mother" constantly. Yeah, because she's a mother she can't spread rumors???  Ok.. 

Andy's face did make me laugh when Kathryn said she didn't spread the rumor she just repeated it lol.

I Iike Austin. I started out not really caring about him. He's really grown on me. I'm not sure if he and chealsea are a match, she is beautiful. Anyone know if they are still seeing each other?

I go back and forth with Craig. When he's sewing and gardening  or building stuff and  talking to gizmo, I really like him. When he's around the group he annoys the hell out of me.

I know Landon is disliked by many but I don't mind her. Yes,  she does say dumb shit sometimes, but I like her.  I think if I had to around Kathryn I would have a hard time holding my tongue too. 

I'm glad cameron is pregnant if that's what she wanted. At least we won't have to hear that fake storyline again. 


The shock treatment comment didn't  impress... They  have showed that clip over and over. Kathryn should have come up with something else Landon said. 

I'm not really sure why Landon can't have an opinion about Kathryn. Kathryn has said  disgusting things  to Landon for a couple years,  but for some reason Landon must stay quiet?  

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 11

Well, I get why Shep has issues with Craig.(Though Shep also has HUGE issues.)   IMO, Craig is very dysfunctional and has a sketchy MO on the show.  Plenty of flashback scenes to remind us.  And Naomi's change of attitude...OMG. Did she get an attitude transplant or what?  I'm not sure which Naomi we saw.  Her or her twin that's in DENIAL.  Anyway, with that willingness to accept Craig, warts and all and just allow him to let his freak flag fly.....thing may actually work out for them.  Go girl.  lol Not really.

Unless Shep really wants to grow up and get sober, no intervention will work.  People with unlimited resources and no real incentive to change, usually don't.  Look at Thomas.  So, it might take Shep another 20 years to find that itch.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

What was the comment?  I totally missed that!

I didn't bother to look it up((because it may have likely already been taken down)), but it was on one of the reunion preview clips on Bravo's website. While Thomas was discussing how he had a case of Down syndrome in his immediate family and that Jennifer was so brave to have her son despite his early prognosis when many folks opt to abort pregnancies with such issues, Kathryn was shown muttering to a non-reactive Craig that Thomas told her to get an abortion "both times."

Given her usual tendency to exaggerate and embellish, I'm not so sure I buy that comment((I'm willing to buy that Thomas offered that up as a possibility if she was interested, just for her sake, but I have my doubts that he encouraged that outcome)). At any rate, I would've kept that to myself if I were Kathryn, and definitely not air out such a damaging comment on national television. But then again, Kathryn only cares about Kathryn, so it doesn't surprise me that she tossed that out so flippantly.

40 minutes ago, imjagain said:

I'm not really sure why Landon can't have an opinion about Kathryn. Kathryn has said  disgusting things  to Landon for a couple years,  but for some reason Landon must stay quiet?  

Seriously! Kathryn can sure dish it but she can never take it. Such a hypocrite---and I hate the way she orders Landon to stop doing things; kudos to Landon for at least standing up for herself and telling Kathryn that she has no right to boss her around the way she does. I doubt I could stay quiet if I had to deal with the ongoing wrath of the "hillbilly femme fatale" either.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 13

I really don't want to speculate about Kathryn being on anything; it's sort of off-limits for me.  But I will say a lot of the housewives have admitted to taking Xanax or other anti-anxiety meds before the reunion, so it wouldn't be surprising to me if some of the Charm-ers did as well.  

I liked Kathryn's hair. 

The hostility from Shep to Craig was so bizarre.  You'd think Craig ran over Shep's dog or something.  I don't understand Shep's insistence on tearing Craig down at every opportunity.  Also, twelve drinks a night being normal is ... a real problem, man. 

  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:
52 minutes ago, imjagain said:

I'm not really sure why Landon can't have an opinion about Kathryn. Kathryn has said  disgusting things  to Landon for a couple years,  but for some reason Landon must stay quiet?  


My problem is that Landon wants to have an opinion while simultaneously wants to say she's not involved and I have always found her "Thomas is using me as a weapon against Kathryn" nonsense since it removes her own agency when it comes to actively participating in it. Like just own that you don't like her and I'd have more respect. But it's the "Say a rude remark" and then backtrack with some tears that annoys me with Landon.

  • Love 13
14 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

Whatever I liked about Cameran went out the door when she said it was selfish for her not to have a baby.  I'm childless by choice and nothing angers me more than when I'm accused of being selfish because that reasoning makes no sense, it's bullshit.   How does not wanting something make someone selfish?

Shep is looking rough and very unhealthy.  I've never understood his allure or found him to be good looking but his friends and family have to be worried about his health.  He needs help.

My take is that if you make a conscious decision to not have children, it's no more selfish than making the conscious decision to have children. I think both decisions are a bit selfish because it's based on a personal want or choice but I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.  We shouldn't shame others or assume that others want what we want. I feel angry for you that people would be so brazen to put your in that position to have to defend your right to want and feel the way you do about a certain issue. This isn't the 1800s where women were only seen as good for keeping the house clean, cooking and being a reproductive canvas for macho men to sire an heir.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, RedInk said:

Y'all, the set is so ugly, it's disconcerting. They went full Mama's Family. 

I wish that these ladies had the find fashion sense of Ms. Naomi Oates Harper. Interesting that Southern Charm Naomi was wearing something off the shoulders, lol. (Logo plays reruns of Mama's Family and I may or may not DVR them, heh...)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, BloggerAloud said:

My problem is that Landon wants to have an opinion while simultaneously wants to say she's not involved and I have always found her "Thomas is using me as a weapon against Kathryn" nonsense since it removes her own agency when it comes to actively participating in it. Like just own that you don't like her and I'd have more respect. But it's the "Say a rude remark" and then backtrack with some tears that annoys me with Landon.

I hear what you're  saying. I think Landon has owned that she doesn't like Kathryn. Both to craig and cam. She said a couple episodes ago she doesn't want to be around Kathryn. She was happy with putting a band-aide , and just moving on. It is hard I guess doing the show,  as everything has to rehashed over and over. 

As far as Landon saying Thomas using her as a weapon, I only heard her Start saying that, maybe after key west. She saw how nasty Thomas got when she tried to put a "band-aide" on her relationship with Kathryn. I can see how it was eye opening for her, to see Thomas in a different light. (why she didn't see it after the dinner last season idk, hello! ) . I think Thomas was using Landon against Kathryn. And yeah Landon probably should have known that. Maybe she didn't care because she didn't really like Kathryn. She's human and Kathryn is hard to like, especially with her nasty mouth aimed at Landon.   Thomas is a vile man, why anyone would want to spend time with him  is beyond me. 

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, imjagain said:

Thomas is a vile man why anyone would want to spend time with him  is beyond me

One of my biggest problems with this show is Thomas and his ability to sort of just glide through everything because he's pretty good at keeping everybody at odds with each other. I think that's why he was so unnerved in Key West when Landon and Kathryn momentarily got along because it would put his ass on the hot seat. But Kathryn can't keep her shit together long enough to not outsource all of her anger towards him to whatever woman is closest to Thomas at the time. 

I am still confused at how Bravo could look at Shep, with all the footage they chose to air of him all season long, and thought, "We should make him the lead in a series about looking for love." IF anything, Shep needs some sort of life coach kind of deal at best. He looked so awful at the reunion, all types of sweaty. 

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