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S19.E02: Season Premiere (Part 2)

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Yes, Christmas looks like a blond Kirstie Alley. I was just looking at some pictures. Oh,  Cody dead-eyes voted for Jillian. Josh and Mark voted for Christmas - physical competition motive. Funny seeing the guys afraid of the girls.  It's fun hearing strategizing from people who know the game.  Hey Josh, no crying in Big Brother, oh wait, you're supposed to cry in Big Brother but only in the Diary Room.

By the way, Josh, I think every human being is a genuine person. (Or "ingenuine" as the geniuses on The Bachelorette like to say.) Josh, it also is not God guiding you. Oh no, now it's Nicole! So I wonder what Paul is thinking (PISSED). NOT MY BOY no longer is the coolest kid in the house. Kevin just sitting there, who's this girl? Big deal. Paul is so thrilled to sit on the Chopping Block couch listening to Nicole say her speech. Guess what, Paul? Get over it, NOT MY BOY.

(I still like Nicole. The first episode I ever watched of Big Brother Nicole was wearing the Germitard and I was wondering why. Someone else had some kind of costume on, too.)  BB is such a weird grownup summer camp.

I thought Whistlenut said the pig team, but is was pink. Nice to see the squirrel. But Nicole is not a filly, Whistlenut, you don't have to read the cue cards that carefully. I guess I have to cheer for the blue team to lose even though I like Megan.  Creep Josh. Safe for a week, then bye by! On the other hand Mark carries on with a dislocated finger. Smart Christmas, she moves an apple close to the edge for the next orange. I wonder if Nicole almost said "Corey" instead of "Cody." Now I see why Whistlenut wears a cowboy hat. Without it on he looks 20 years older. Megan, don't care about what Josh said. Hand him the shovel and watch him dig his own grave.

Fun - NOT MY BOY vs. Cody! Go Cody!! Ha ha even the tree doesn't even like NOT MY BOY.

Edited by Lamb18
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6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

By the way, Josh, I think every human being is a genuine person. (Or "ingenuine" as the geniuses on The Bachelorette like to say.

Ingenuine is correct, disingenuous is not. 

@Lamb18, your post makes no sense!  LOL  I am in PST so reading here to know the scoop.  

Edited by wings707
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Well, Josh doesn't need anyone to hand him a shovel. Megan, don't apologize, fight back!! On the other hand maybe playing weak is a good strategy. Josh, saying "genuinely I think you're a nice girl." I'd like to see her do some combat moves on him. Yeah, Kevin chew him out. Now did Josh refer to himself as "your boy"? Whistlenut playing dress-up with Paul. How nice. Great, Cody and Matt are the dude-bro team, with Mark. Cody's first smile in the house.

16 minutes ago, wings707 said:

@Lamb18, your post makes no sense!  LOL  I am in PST so reading here to know the scoop.

Wings, my posts won't make any sense until you watch the episode. After a reread they are kind of nuts. You might not understand them after watching the show.

Edited by Lamb18
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I kind of like how Megan is playing. I hope she's just putting on the weak act. Now I wish I hadn't voted for Cody. I only voted for him so he could take out Paul.

5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Is Josh on the low end of the sprectum? Is he 12? I just can't with him.

Maybe he was just being real.

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The pretty little filly with the golden mane.

Well, shucks, don't you have a purty mouth, Jason.  And now, let's see you squeal like a pig.  

As for Josh, there are no words.  I read on another site that he "has the potential for crazy."  YA THINK?   But his selfishness helped Kevin dodge a bullet, as he wasn't forced to throw the comp, which I really suspect would have been done in a clumsy fashion.  In any event, Josh should be fun to watch on the feeds for the one week he'll be around.   And did I miss something?  Did Megan say anything negative about him?  Before now, I mean, because I'm surprised she doesn't scream when she sees him and realizes they are alone together in a room. 

And the more Cody talked the less I liked him.  Despite his talk about wanting the team that was strong and "wouldn't break," it looked to me like he was gravitating toward the jocks and cheerleaders, and dismissing the "outsiders," as he put it.  Asshat.

Edited by Thalia
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Listen, Josh. I get anxiety. I understand the feeling. But bro, you've been in the house for one day. You were safe. You're practically freaking out in the DR after a day? Recruits, man. He's also the worst; I thought he'd be entertaining, but he isn't quite there. He's pretty gullible, though. It was nice for Christmas to calm Paranoia Josh down. Also, he's a mumbler in his DR. I didn't think there'd be something as bad as a shouter.

Megan's worried about an all guy alliance. Megan, the woman-hater? Oh, how the tables have turned. 

Hey, BB? I know there may be new fans coming in, but we DON'T need to hear about what HOH is and what a comp is and whatever from the houseguests before HOH happens. We don't need people telling us the rules and how the game works TWICE every episode. So please stop.

FUCK OFF, NICOLE! Hey! It's been months since I last said that! 

Funny that Kevin didn't have to throw a thing for the first round, because Josh took care of the first round for him. LOL at Cody calling Josh a loser as he walked by. Ok, that was harsh and so uncool. That didn't make him look great. However, I do really like how Cody hates Josh now, because Josh is a pretty off person. Which either means he's gone in the next two weeks, or he's stuck with us until jury. 

Kind of funny that it was Paul vs Cody. Also, that one shot of Cody's wide eyes as he's balancing the tree is the most hilarious shot of the episode. I will say that Cody is impressing me. Three out of three competitions he's been in, and he's won all three. Also, Paul is so getting the Pendant. 

Bonus points to Mark, for fighting through with an injured finger. 

LOL, Paul, a nod during a competition is NOT an agreement. You gotta get a worded confirmation. Idiot still doesn't know how to play the game.

Also, I love that the predicted fight was not predicted, since the temptation wasn't even the money one! Josh is a delusional idiot recruit. I don't like Megan, but I got her confusion with the fight. Like, Josh wasn't even a target! He was freaking out for no reason and actually created a target! 

I like Paul in small doses, I really do. I found some of his antics hilarious last season. I LOVE that Cody just didn't care about his antics. #TeamCody, even though it'll blow up in his face for next week! Cody is just so self-aware and seeing through people's shit. It's absolutely beautiful!

Great, the first Bro Alliance. Kill me, because I like the guys, but I don't want them dominating. But...this may be the first Brolliance that I might like. Is this real life? Or is it a fantasy? I'll give it a few days; I'm sure it'll wear off. 

So, Josh apologizes to Megan, which is nice of him, but he seems short tempered and too emotional. That could really damage him. I'm respecting him A LITTLE BIT because he did apologize and seemed genuine, but his behaviour worries me. He's crazy, but not in a good way. But he's sticking around, so I'll enjoy his fights as long as they remain relatively harmless. 

Seriously, loving Cody's lack of caring about other people's problems. His "conversation" with Megan was HILARIOUS. He's harmless at the moment, so that's what makes it fun to watch. 

Mark lost a few points with him wanting to keep Paul. Like, dude, keeping a vet is dangerous. But you know what? Cody actually proving that he's watched the game? Good for him for keeping a level head. Once again, I just love when someone can detach the emotions and stay focused on the game. His Jessica crush aside, he's been doing a great job at seeing the whole picture. 

And Cody nominates Jillian and Megan. It does suck for them, but it happens. I was becoming a slightly bigger fan of Megan. Jillian is one I still don't like, so I don't care. 

I'm going to expect my opinion about Cody to change once the feeds come on, so if I do a sudden turnaround for the next episode, that's why! 

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I'm confused why that one girl said that it was suspicious that only guys voted for Jillian and Christmas but every girl voted for Cameron so how is that different?

No no NO.  I have PTSD too, Paul.  Seeing Nicole sure made me feel some kind of way.

Elena honey you look nine million billion times better without the heavy makeup.

Kevin sees the entire house erupt in excitement when someone new walks in and he doesn't even try to fake it?  Just sits there like grandpa waiting for the kids to come over and tell him who that hep new cat is.

Christ's sake can that dude speak in any language other than cowboy?

That's some bullshit, BB, to make throwing HOH a consequence and then make the next comp a team one.  Luckily that other crazy guy took care of it for him. 

Why does Megan look so different in her DR's than when she is walking around the house?

Dude?  Dude.  DUDE.

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Um, Cody doesn't look like any fun. Lighten up, dude! He's sort of good looking and doesn't have tattoos so I'll give him a pass this week. I actually like Megan and hope she can get herself off the block. I hope Paul goes home. His DR's are tiresome already. So Kevin doesn't know anybody, right? Recruit. WTF?

Edited by ByaNose
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I still don't like Cody and think he'll become problematic later. Also his definition of outsiders = anyone not conventionally attractive. 

Josh looks like Sanders Kennedy. He's gonna be one of those who creates drama over stupid shit. 

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1 minute ago, hoosiermom said:

Am I the only person on earth that likes Paul? Hated him in the beginning of his season but then grew to like him although I don't remember what is was that made me change my mind.

My thing with him isn't about hating him directly. He's not my favourite and he can be irritating, but I like the guy, I like his antics at times, and he's grown as a player. He's just associated with another Vet twist, and I'm sick of seeing the vets being forced into the game and dragged to jury. I needed a season without any returnees so the majority of my annoyance with Paul is due to that fact. Sorry, Paul. Like Cameron, it isn't your fault that Grodner has a hard on for vets and screws things up. 

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3 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

Am I the only person on earth that likes Paul? Hated him in the beginning of his season but then grew to like him although I don't remember what is was that made me change my mind.

I also like him.  He does some questionable unfortunate things but he also makes me laugh.

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8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I hope Paul goes home.

I'm more convinced now that he'll get his three weeks of safety.


8 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Um, Cody doesn't look like any fun. Lighten up, dude!

I did love the way he sat there stoned faced at yourboy's dumbass shenanigans.

I think the vote on Cameron made everyone think and both sides pretty much got each other pegged. 



"Megan I just don't  like you that much." lol 

Yeah, that was way harsh.  Dude doesn't have the social game for this.

Edited by vb68
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9 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:

Am I the only person on earth that likes Paul? Hated him in the beginning of his season but then grew to like him although I don't remember what is was that made me change my mind.

I love Paul.  He makes me laugh.  Hoping he doesn't get back-doored.  

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20 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Is Josh on the low end of the sprectum? Is he 12? I just can't with him.

My guess is he's not on the spectrum at all ... he's just a total jackass.  My goodness, who cries about missing their family and friends on Day Two?!  Taking the golden apple was such a stupid move.  He's put a massive target on his back for no reason at all.

LOL... Cody is gonna be this season's Devin from BB16.  He's entertaining but laughably bad at this game.  His nomination speech to Megan was so blunt and tactless that I hurt my sides laughing at him.  This guy has no gamesmanship at all.  I noticed he's so judgmental about the "selfishness" of other players.  Only one person can win, buddy.  It's not selfish to hope you won't get put on the block.  I predict that he'll be out fairly early in the game, but purely for entertainment purposes I hope he lasts until jury at least!

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I'm old and forgetful - in Kevin's intro package, did he say he'd watched the show? Because he could be playing dumb. Throw in a bit of "hard of hearing" and he could have a good racket going.

And since I was trying to watch this, Battle of the Network Stars, and Gay for Play at the same time, I missed how the teams were decided. It couldn't have been random right, since the guy who had to throw it wasn't on the team with the guy Grodner wants to save at all costs. I've got to get a DVR.

Josh is going to be an exhausting rollercoaster until he's gone. Oy vey.

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Stupid of Cody to make enemies so early in the game.   Getting rid of Paul would have been an EASY elimination.  Cody wouldn't have gotten any blood on his hands.

Edited by twilightzone
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Cody is heinous. I knew he would be, but I let his Paul hate in ep 1 tempt me. But no, he's the worst. I predict the very second the feeds come on he will say or do something super gross.

This season will be bros getting rid of the women they don't want to fuck, like it ends up being most seasons, but there's a few insane people so hopefully we'll at least get some drama filled feeds out of it.

Mark is dumb as fuck. Does he actually think the friendship bracelet thing is real? LMAO! But also ugh at the show getting just what they wanted out of that whole thing. Paul won't even need the amulet of safety; these fools will keep him anyway because he has a penis.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I won't use the words I want to say how much I despise Josh.

Good call Xmas on the eviction vote.  Know your enemy if you can.

Megan seems smart gamewise.  She and Xmas need a secret power alliance.

Drag in Queen Nicole to rub it in Paul's face.  "It's soooo excitiiiiiting".  I forgot how much I hate her.  Please let this be a one-off appearance,

Cowboy gotta go.  

Interesting Golden Apple temptation.  

Dislocated finger.  Funny (strange/odd) how it's the muscleheads who always seem to be the ones getting hurt

C'mon Ramses.  If you're a fan, you know challenge beasts are targets.  Calm down!  I really want to like you!

Paul was the only logical choice to try for the HOH on his team.

Commando Cody (and his Lost Planet Airmen} kicks ass.

"I'll never yell at my kids again"  yeah right dickhead.

BTW aren't chaps assless by definition?

The 3 amigos taking out Paul would help the women.  I like Megan. Hang tough.  That thing with mamma's boy Joshy in the kitchen was deranged.  Then the deranged apology.

I know editing rules all, but I missed interrogator Megan asking Cody a question.

As always, The Power goes to the new HOH's head..

"I'm going to assemble my team of loyal suck-ups who will carry me on their shoulders to my great and glorious victory!!!"

"I'm going to set the tone for the whole game"  Spare me the hubris dude.  

Backdooring Paul would be way cool.

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Okay, Josh, dude, you gotta chill. It's, what, Day 2? Did Megan glance at you wrong on the way to the bathroom one morning? And the Golden Apple taking was just stupid. But hopefully you're amusing for the time we're stuck with you until your eviction.

I thought for a minute I liked Cody. His comments about Josh were spot-on and he doesn't fall for Paul. But then he went and had to make a Bro-alliance, with the 'hot' girls as his second tier and no. I can't. Plus his 'I don't like you' to Megan. Sure, that might be true, but you're supposed to be playing a game. A social game. Fake it if you need to.

I like Megan. Maybe it's because she's being picked on, but she seems cool to me and she reacted to everything pretty well. If the girls stay on the block, I'd want her to stay over Jillian.

Elena looks so much better without all the makeup. She was beautiful in her DRs tonight.

Overall, I still like most people, but I can't wait for the feeds to see what they are like in a non-edited fashion. Just a few more hours!

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I know Josh did something galactically stupid -- however, the time to do something galactically stupid is when one has safety for a week. Because a week is like a month in Big Brother time, and five other people are going to do five stupid things before Josh has a chance to be nominated again.

He's oddly like a Big Brother savant -- he threw the safety comp right after the second clue and ended up being right, and then he screwed over his team, but he bought himself an extra week for people to forget about what he did.

Not a Big Brother savant? Cody. Yeah, you can backdoor Paul, but pretending like Paul's antics don't mean anything in the game is just stupid. If people are charmed by him, they're not going to vote for him -- no matter how many times you nominate him. Social game is a thing, Cody -- and in this show, it's the most important thing.

Edited by Eolivet
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I think the reason Josh started his insane dislike of Meghan is that, during the poisonous snake competition, Megan said something about getting out the buff guys---and she didn't mean Josh!

Cody defines "the outsiders" by a strictly conventionally attractive standard, how disappointing.

I also sighed at the bro alliance that was so natural that it practically need not be uttered.

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Ugh, Cody is so gross and frustrating. "I can tell I can't trust them." Shocking that he knows the trustworthy people are the conventionally attractive women and bros. Dude clearly has zero social game. If someone not in his group talks to him, it's like talking to a wall.

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Yeah add me to the anti-Cody team once he picked his appearance alliance.  I do hope Megan survives, though I like Jillian too.  I don't think anyone I like will escape the block (I like the misfits), so I guess I'll just hope they can take control next week.  

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Megan handled that way better than anyone should have. Poor girl was like: what did I do?

I am still digging Christmas. She seems like a genuinely cool person. Honestly, most of this cast seems pretty cool. Except Josh. He is terrible.

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Oh, for fuck sake. Second show, and we already have the bro alliance. What is it about famewhore guys vs. famewhore women? The guys are always, always "Dude. Bro. Like, I trust you. Yeah, like I got your back, bro. Yeah, dude, we're good". And that is it.

Meanwhile the famewhore women are so concerned about the relationships the other women might have with the bros, vs. what relationships they themselves have with the bros, with a side of bitchy comments about everything the other women are wearing/saying/doing. 

And please note the "famewhore" adjective. Because I know this is not what happens in regular society. 

So someone mentioned in the last episode thread that Cody reminded them of Jim Caviezel. Also, Monte from BBOTT. I see him as a BB mash-up of both faces, which always ends up in a very weird, disproportional face. I feel mean saying this, but I also kind of hate him, so whatever. 

Goodbye Megan, you were totally stupid to talk about getting rid of anyone watching that first competition, and you just don't have the support, at least from what we were shown. Paul will get the three weeks safety, so the backdoor won't be in play. I think Megan goes over Jilllian, but who knows. 

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Oh, for fuck sake. Second show, and we already have the bro alliance. What is it about famewhore guys vs. famewhore women? The guys are always, always "Dude. Bro. Like, I trust you. Yeah, like I got your back, bro. Yeah, dude, we're good". And that is it.

These people are screened to insure they are they exact types the show wants them to be and will play the exact way the show wants them to. I'm still waiting for the first "How did Josh pass the psych screening?" of the season. Here's a hint: they're screening for nut jobs like this loser. He's borderline mentally challenged and borderline psychotic - just what the show is looking for.

This couldn't have gone any worse, frankly. Cody is a giant asshat who's so full of himself it's ridiculous. I don't give a damn what he respects and doesn't respect. He's going to ruin this season if he's not gone soon. 

Jock bros, frat boys, hot chicks vs. "the outsiders." Yawn. Never saw that before! How original.

Edited by iMonrey
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I like Megan and Jillian and hope they get Josh out before he hurts somebody.  That guy is scary crazy and Megan or anyone will not be free to snark or say anything without him erupting.  I'm walking on eggshells just watching.  Another boring Cody white bread taking out of the game the girls he doesn't want to sleep with.

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Nicole? Oh FFS. But I loved that Kevin had no clue who she was. Did he bother to do any homework on the show at all?

It probably wasn't smart for Megan to show her hand so early in the game. And then she still ended up with Josh going nutso on her for no logical reason.

Cody reads to me like one of the hosts from Westworld. One that's about due for a software update. He is so dead behind the eyes. He's fairly dead in front of the eyes too, at least until he starts talking about "The Babes" and Jessica in particular. Wonder if she'll be perceptive enough to work that to her advantage?

What's the deal with the cowboy hat? Does he sleep in it too?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Is Josh on the low end of the sprectum? Is he 12? I just can't with him.

I don't know how he past the psych tests! He will end up self evicting. Crying? Grow a pair, missing family after 48 hours, makes for a long summer ( for us!)

Cody's military life has done a number on him imho, although he soon umm perked up, when he saw Jessica and the girls.If he thinks he can backdoor Paul, think again. TPTB won't let that happen to your boy, ( barf) 

I like Christmas, and I like Matt.

2 hours ago, ByaNose said:



Nicole's voice grates on me, ugh!

1 hour ago, hoosiermom said:

And let us not forget that anything we get to vote on, CBS has the right to ignore those votes and do what THEY want!


Edited by F. M.
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2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I still don't like Cody and think he'll become problematic later. Also his definition of outsiders = anyone not conventionally attractive. 

Josh looks like Sanders Kennedy. He's gonna be one of those who creates drama over stupid shit. 

cody thinks attractiveness = trustworthy

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I forgot how tiresome it is to watch this show live instead of dvr'ing through the *endless* repetition of what the rules are and rehashes of what we already know. And who thought it would be fun to hear Nicole, who never met a "t" she could pronounce, say "bu-on" and "ro-un" a dozen times, instead of "button" and "rotten"?

And goodness knows I would have forwarded through Josh's Vanessa levels of insanity. What a baby. A psychotic baby.

I noticed that Cody's eyes are a little less dead when he's talking to people as opposed to talking to the camera in the DR. Yeah, he turned out to be a dick but I laughed out loud at his stone-faced observation of Paul's antics. And what was up with Paul-- you don't say "Safe no matter what" and expect that to be a binding contract. 

I feel bad for Megan being caught in the crazy and I agree with Jillian's assessment that once you're on the block, people find it easy to see you there again. 

Edited by Mystery
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wow, i do watch this show. which i am ashamed of because i'm middle aged. but it's kind of fascinating in a sociological way. and every year i think that things will improve. that it won't be racist and sexist and ageist. and this year is the worst yet. 2 black people. well, one is a two-fer. black and gay. the one gay person. the women are almost all blond, of course. but i think there are more fake tits this season than ever. it's kind of horrifying. there are going to be so many showmances this time.  it's cool that so many of the contestants are smart and educated but they behave like idiots. one old guy and 2 or 3 who are somewhere in between. the men who are younger than the Dad all look and behave the same way. oh yes, and one latino. and you would think that these women have never seen a man with gray hair. they must go crazy after the guy on the Trivago ad.

so i'm done. not doing it this time. if i ever tune in at the beginning and there is a real cross section of the human race, i'll stick around.

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Big Brother hates us. Otherwise they wouldn't have made Nicole say so many double-t words. Guh. I cringed at her patented "I'm soooo exciiiiited". Also? I swear her nostrils got closer together since last season.

Cody puts me to sleep. Watching paint dry would be more exciting and entertaining than watching Cody in either the DR or in the house. 

Jessica, I realize you're probably proud of your boob job. It's very lovely. But you can wear a bikini top that shows off the girls without making me think you're a soft breeze away from a nip slip. I guess it works on Cody, though, so that's something?

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