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S09.E08: Return of the Berzerkshires

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think she's always known the truth about cheater Tom.  But rather than accept the truth (or save face), it's easier for her to claim that the other women are jealous.

We don't know that she has/hasn't accepted it because she doesn't talk about it. That said, if she's not saying anything why keep bringing it up except to be an asshole? It's not like they're friends.

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I hope Carole is not giving her interpretation of what Barbara said to her at the charity auction.   Because Carole's version is very different from how I understood it. 

So much for being a journalist.  Carole account did not reflect the conversation she had with Barbara K. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 18

The ladies should move on, some of this crap is so old. Rhony, Lu is  married!!!!!

I love the way Dorinda throws herself into Christmas, snippy remarks about that from the bitchy peanut gallery.

I think Sonja is a bitch, jealous of Lu and Tinsley. Tinsley move asap, using Sonja's fake intern to open a door, sacrilege! 

Do Carole and Bethenny really just sit in that bedroom like 12 year olds, that's flipping hilarious, but very sad. Talking of sad, wtf is Carole wearing in her PI? Horrible dress, kind of like the saddo dress at the last reunion .lol

  • Love 13

Tinsley, hun, have you never heard what my grandma used to say -- that fish & guests stink after 3 days?  Sure, Sonja is a loon.  Every Bravo watcher anywhere knows that.  Not sure why you don't know that, Tinz.  But you've over-stayed your welcome & you're a rich woman.  Go stay in a hotel or get a fucking apartment like the rest of us do.

First time I saw Tinz with straight hair.  She looked good.  That ridiculous curled style she so stubbornly sticks to makes her look like a crazy person.  

  • Love 14

I am sure that this has been asked and answered, but why in the HELL is Tinsley living with Sonja?  I thought Tinsley got a huge settlement from Topper...why would she live with anyone, much less lunatic Sonja in Casa Creepy Filthfest?  I know a story line for Sonja and all that jazz, but this show has become ridiculously unwatchable.  I think I have only seen a total of 3 episodes this entire season (so boring) so maybe I missed something?  I just check out the posts on here. Way more entertaining!

  • Love 10
21 minutes ago, telemachus2 said:

Watching this episode, I found myself feeling uncharacteristically sorry for these desperate, hangry crones...

I know, right?  Pathetic is not a good look for these gals.  Plus, I don't want to feel pity for any of them and right now I pretty much feel pity for all of them.  About as much fun as watching paint dry.  Instead, I think I will go watch a 60 year old movie on TCM.

  • Love 2

Sonja is ridiculous, and she sounded like a total nutter. Was she drunk? I guess not because drunk Sonja is usually light-hearted and fun. This Sonja was just a bitch. And what is with her using the dog getting out of the house as an excuse again? She used it that season she wouldn't let the gals get out of the cold rain. She said she couldn't have the door being endlessly opened because the dog might get out, run into the street and be killed. So is Connor just not ever allowed to open the door because of the dog? What a loon. 

On 5/25/2017 at 2:10 AM, BBHN said:

I think it isn't a case of these women having nothing going on in their lives, it's a case of Bravo choosing what they want to show us and fashioning a story line out of that.

And Bravo being worried about the season being dull is a great copout for Bravo if viewers aren't interested.

Yep. Press coming out of the season was that Bravo was extremely disappointed because there wasn't enough drama this season. Not sure if true, but it was reported there was so little drama that the season will have less episodes than in prior seasons. God forbid there was probably just footage of them having fun in various groupings. Not what Bravo wants to show us. 

  • Love 19
On 5/25/2017 at 2:05 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

This is the season now?  The rest of 'em blathering about Tom being a cheater?  That's fucking it?  Seriously, no shit, this is it?  Again?  Have these broads no lives at all?  Now I'm finally getting why Bravo was so worried about the season being dull.  And I'm supposed to care whether Bethenny sells her joint for 5 mil?  Fuck NO!!!  I couldn't care less.  Honestly, I lost interest & watched Rachel Maddow.

Scoobie, I watched Rachel as well, then watched the crazy HW's later. Rachel is always a good choice. 

I don't think this is going to be the whole season, as usually the dynamics of the season alter a bit after episode 10 or so (although you have a good point because last season the Lu/Tom drama did go on and on...)

I have no interest in the "Tom is a dog" storyline, simply because we all know he is a dog. Lu's dog. She would no doubt pick up his shit as well. Got it Bravo. The problem is that in reality, I do think these chicks would be talking about it. At my work, we would be talking about it endlessly, pondering the whys, analyzing the situation from every possible angle. Shit, we do it just when someone is consistently late for work. Why are they always late for work? Have anything to do with their lousy husband? The fact that they drink too much? Problems because of the bill collectors that keep calling to ask to talk to them? Doesn't mean there is nothing going on in our own lives, it's just human nature, even if it is not very nice. That is just what many people do at work, or even with casual friends about rumors that are going around. They are just not being filmed while doing it. 

  • Love 19
3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Is it normal for ex-wives to get the ashes of their former husband? Also, Tinsley worded her mother being single oddly, she was like my parents divorced several years ago and then her dad died two years ago so now she is single. Um wasn't she single as soon as she got divorced?

Not saying this is the case but some Southern Baptists believe that you are still married even after divorce.  So, in the eyes of the Lord, they are committing adultery until their ex dies. 

  • Love 1

I think Dorinda's family lives close to her Berks house.  Last year, her sister was close enough to drop by and play Santa.  The year before, Dorinda said her father used to do work at the house when he worked for the phone company.  So I'd imagine that Dorinda is hosting family gatherings over the holidays, not to mention other friends who probably don't want to come around the HWs after the disastrous sushi/do you want a meatball party but would stop by for cameraless parties.

Last week or so, I had the (mis)fortune of running across a '10 rerun of Dr. Phil with Tinsley, her mother, and her sister and I ended up watching that train wreck.  Basically, the story was about meddlesome mothers and they showed these incredibly contrived clips of Tinsley's mother acting all sort of weirdly controlling and I'm pretty sure it was in conjunction with/at the same time as Tins' first go at reality tv.  Suffice it to say that after seeing that Dr. Phil, I hoped her mother wasn't going to turn up on this show and I was disappointed to see her on tonight.  The mom seemed innocuous here, but from the Dr. Phil ep, she just personifies 'thirsty', so I'm hoping that was the last we'll see of her.

The Tom storyline, like the election storyline, is just so damn boring because we know how it turns out even before the season started.  If production couldn't force these women to talk about something other than what would have been spoiled by real life events before everything was edited and broadcast, they should have pushed the start of filming to after Lu's wedding and delayed the start of the season airing by about 3 months.  No need for a giant gap like when there was the salary dispute between seasons, but I doubt 3 months of a delay would have changed the ratings all that much.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, lasandi said:

What part of Lu saying she doesn't want to hear it don't any of them understand?  It's got to be that they don't have a storyline of their own so let's harp back on Lu's life.  Lu is a woman of a particular age, not a kid, been married and been cheated on.  She may give a fuck, but she ain't saying.  I would be so sick of the lot of them telling me stuff I don't want to hear or deal with.  i'd be screaming STFO of my Life. 

She could have chosen to leave the show. But she decided she would rather have her life and relationship be dissected on the show by her "co-workers" in exchange for a paycheck. Oh well. 

5 hours ago, F. M. said:

She said she was joking, I believe her.

I don't. I think she was dead serious.

5 hours ago, BBHN said:

I think it isn't a case of these women having nothing going on in their lives, it's a case of Bravo choosing what they want to show us and fashioning a story line out of that.

And Bravo being worried about the season being dull is a great copout for Bravo if viewers aren't interested.

Exactly.  Not to mention that if I has a choice between "my story line is that my fiancé is likely cheating on me" and "my storyline is boring/non-existant but I'm still getting paid" - I'd certainly prefer the latter! 

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, lgprimes said:


I must have missed part of last week's episode-- why is Bethenny selling the apartment she just moved into?? Where is she going to live?

I think it's a set up for her new real estate show. Bethenny & Frederick will become renovators. Fred has his own show on Million Dollar Listing. It's kind of silly that they both agreed on the selling price of her appartment.

  • Love 4

Why aren't the Haus Hags doing an intervention with Sonja's living conditions?

what about SN-sley playing tonsil hockey with strangers?

Why hasn't anyone sat down with beffy and vetted her dating habits?


I dated a woman who - during the winter - slept with the window open when the temp outdoors was in the mid forties.  Do's house being 64 degrees reminded me of the "thermostat wars' that take place in an office.

The hand that adjusts the thermostat, is the hand that heats the room.

  • Love 3
On 5/24/2017 at 10:29 PM, zoeysmom said:

I want Bethenny to have all the success she desires in her various endeavors but damn quit with the gossiping.  It is not a good look. You don't see titans of industry or highly successful CEOs running around spreading gossip.  Bethenny is better than that-or she  write a gossip column. Her revisionist history regarding she and Jason is laughable.  It was a whirlwind romance they were involved over a year before she got pregnant.  She and Jason couldn't leave the room without saying, "I love you".  It didn't work for them it doesn't mean everyone is sentenced to her type of divorce.  Bethenny's life is not a cautionary tale it is her story.  Luann and Tom don't have children together and they are both successful in their own right.

I want Bethenny to save her energy for beating up on Ramona.  To now claim she is Luann's friend-a couple of weeks ago she told Luann she did not care what Luann thought of her.  Bethenny wants to be part of a gang bang.  Same with Carole who was calling Luann a liar.  They are not friends.

I get your point about the gossip (although don't think you can be on a reality TV show if you don't gossip), but really, why should Beth change anything if it is working for her? She got the Smithfield gig and the Shark Tank deals after we saw her call Lu a whore and a fuck doll. After she showed Lu pics of her guy making out with someone else. She still found great success in her business ventures despite all of this. I agree that one wouldn't think that this would work out this way for most people, but it has worked out this way for Beth. Either because her brand is strong enough to take it, the folks involved in her business ventures don't care, or because she has a reputation as a hard worker and good business woman that delivers. Whatever the reason, and folks have been speculating since she came back that her behavior would harm her brand, it looks like she continues to thrive no matter how much she gossips or snarks. So why change anything now? 

  • Love 13

You don't see titans of industry or highly successful CEOs running around spreading gossip

Probably because the majority of them aren't on this type of reality show.


I want Bethenny to save her energy for beating up on Ramona

So she shouldn't stop gossiping and being nasty in general, she just needs to direct that attitude and behavior to people that aren't liked by certain viewers?

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 9

We don't know that she has/hasn't accepted it because she doesn't talk about it. That said, if she's not saying anything why keep bringing it up except to be an asshole? It's not like they're friends.

I liken this whole issue to a teenager being told by her parents that she can't date a certain young man, which inevitably causes a rebellion and a F.U. attitude on the part of the young lady.  The more these women bring up Tom's alleged infidelities, the closer they're pushing her to him, or so it seems.


If there is one thing we non-Americans have learned from your TV shows (especially sitcoms and dramas), it's that y'all decorate the fuck out of your homes come Christmas time ;)

Guilty as charged! ha ha.  Seriously, I don't have nearly as many decorations as Dorinda, but I enjoy decorating the house in a tasteful way at Christmas.  A lot of it has to do with the memories attached to said decorations that were bought or given to me over my lifetime.  Sometimes it's like finding little treasures that you forgot about when you only open the boxes once a year.   Most of us don't go all Griswold on the decorations though!  Also, I loved seeing them decorate Christmas cookies.  That's a childhood tradition I carried on with my son.  One is never too old to decorate cookies! 

I was trying to figure out if the ladies were calling the chimney flue a flute.  It sounded like somebody said they opened the "flute."  I could've heard that wrong.  I'm glad they didn't catch the place on fire!

Edited by ChitChat
  • Love 10

I think Lu knows all about Tom but doesn't care because he has a nice NY residence, the Florida properties, a boat, etc.  I don't buy for one second that it's strange for her to say "ours," she was comfortable with that from day one.  I'm sure she has some money, but based on her stand alone special, she's an opportunist.  She knows the game and she gets the wedding she didn't get with the count.  She probably figures that she can deal because Tom knows where home is (because he owns it) and they get along. I'm sure she can't just come out and say that, but the funny thing is that if she did, the ladies would at least stop talking about the cheating because most of them have been there or are trying to get there and probably want to know her secret--looking at you, Sonja (Tom probably liked the benefits but I'm sure he saw what a loon she is).

  • Love 13
58 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

She could have chosen to leave the show. But she decided she would rather have her life and relationship be dissected on the show by her "co-workers" in exchange for a paycheck. Oh well. 

This can be said for each and everyone of these broads at some point or another. In fact I think it would make an appropriate caption for each when they have those first episode of the season set-up shots/narrations.

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Probably because the majority of them aren't on this type of reality show.

So she shouldn't stop gossiping and being nasty in general, she just needs to direct that attitude and behavior to people that aren't liked by certain viewers?

No she should direct her energy and someone she feels truly harmed/hurt her was not a good friend tp her.  I feel Ramona was out of line towards Bethenny and would rather see her use her energy to address Ramona's behavior than gossiping about Luann and Tom.   

  • Love 10

I DID IT NICE! Love Dorinda. The enthusiasm with the decor. Big light bulbs! <3

Did Ramona say the FLUTE was open ? Instead of flue. Kadooz! 

How many Dalmations did Bethenny skin for her Berkshires coat? Luann wasn't walking in as the big bad wolf, you were Cruella de Ville walking in Ms. B. Regina George and the plastic Carole gossiping in their pjs. Vile. Bethenny literally said to Tom to his face last week " sorry if I caused you any drama" and then turns around and cranks up the drama dial. She is fake as shit and always has been. And always will be! 

If Tinsley is paying rent, and we all know that she is or producers are paying something to Sonja then Connor can answer the damn door.

Textes is everything ! Hee 

  • Love 19

How many Dalmations did Bethenny skin for her Berkshires coat?

Dang, you really need to follow the woman on twitter cuz you have so many questions.   It is a Stella McCartney and so therefore a vegan coat.

But what irritated me most about last night is we are focusing on Ramona texts.  Ya, ya she got texts.  Why weren't we hearing about what a woman named BARB said to Carol.  The only time we saw Carol talk about it was with B in a room by themselves with the door closed.  What Carol heard is far more germane to the issue than Ramona's texts.  I can fake a text on my phone.  They don't mean anything.

  • Love 7

My thinking about Sonja and the door situation is this, someone comes to her door for whatever reason, to deliver flowers or UPS or what ever for whom ever and Conner is there, is he supposed to hide behind the couch and pretend no one is home?  What about the team of unpaid interns Sonja has, none of them are trained to get the door? 

I heard Ramona refer to the flue to the flute. 

Dorinda's tree trimming control reminds me of a friend of mine, you get caught putting on the tinsel in a clump instead of one strand at a time and it is high treason! 

I loved the cake and I loved that Dorinda said if there is enough wine the cake will look beautiful, she clearly does not sweat the small stuff.

If we all chip in can we get a house in the Berkshires? 

  • Love 18
6 hours ago, F. M. said:

She said she was joking, I believe her.

I thought she meant she was joking about drugging him so she could check his entire house. But I did believe she meant she checks his phone. 


6 hours ago, bagger said:


Soooo, Sonia's "assistant" and Sonja just sit around the house not answering the door unless they know the person knocking is calling on Sonja? It has taken me all these ours to figure out how to phrase that without sounding as stupid as Sonja did in that arguement but yep, yeah, no way to avoid it. 


At the commercial break, I called over to my husband - "If I ever get an assistant, he can only open the door for me. If you have some hats delivered, you have to get your own hats". He looked at me like I was nuts. I know husband-wife is different than roommates, but this is seriously the shit you get mad about??? If opening the door would cause Conner to completely forget what he was supposed to be doing for Sonja, perhaps he needs to be let go. And see a good neurologist. 


3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yep. Press coming out of the season was that Bravo was extremely disappointed because there wasn't enough drama this season. Not sure if true, but it was reported there was so little drama that the season will have less episodes than in prior seasons. God forbid there was probably just footage of them having fun in various groupings. Not what Bravo wants to show us. 

I can see this. Because aside from the never-ending Tomgate, this season has been pretty light and fun for me. And that's actually how I prefer it. I'd watch the 3 Stooges try to light a fire and Carole shop with Adam's parents any day. Happily. 


3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Maybe just for herself? Because it makes her happy? 

Right? I think she likes it. It probably reminds her of when she and Richard and Hannah were all together. My mom has been a single, empty nester for 4 years now and she still does all her Christmas stuff. It makes her happy. Plus, we don't know, Dorinda may have holiday parties and family over that we don't see on the show. 

  • Love 23

At the commercial break, I called over to my husband - "If I ever get an assistant, he can only open the door for me. If you have some hats delivered, you have to get your own hats". He looked at me like I was nuts. I know husband-wife is different than roommates, but this is seriously the shit you get mad about??? If opening the door would cause Conner to completely forget what he was supposed to be doing for Sonja, perhaps he needs to be let go. And see a good neurologist. 

Too funny!  I thought that was an odd thing for Sonja to say about her assistant, poor guy.

  • Love 12

100% they are all jealous.  Let's call it what it is.  Every one of them is mad because Lu is getting exactly what they hoped would happen to them, meet someone of a certain UES level in society and get MARRIED to him.  She is locking it down, getting the Penthouse, the vacation house, maybe a yacht?

I don't think Bethenney is jealous, since she can afford all of that on her own, and wouldn't be the public-image wife while the husband screws each and every side piece he can stick his dick into.

As for Carole...she might want companionship, but like Bethenney, she seems happy to live south of the UES and doesn't seem to be in a rush to get remarried anyway.

  • Love 19

I loved the cake and I loved that Dorinda said if there is enough wine the cake will look beautiful, she clearly does not sweat the small stuff.

The irony that the frosting said 'I made it nice' was too funny.  If I was a guest and she served me the cake all tossed about with that inscription I would seriously laugh so hard I pee my pants.  It's all in the presentation.  This whatever attitude of Dorinda's is one of her better qualities.

  • Love 23

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