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S04.E05: Craig Of All Trades, Master Of None

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2 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

How I would love to see Whitney swanning thru Patricia's house in a caftan and singing show tunes (let's get real with it son).

Walnutqueen here's a good source for food ect.,delivered to your door (chewy.com TM). Sorry I know this is OT.

The only problem I forsee with Whitney & caftans is him hanging upside down in a dark closet - Ain't nobody needs to see that.

  • Love 18

Certain caftan-loving Bravo stars--Patricia, Asa, Kyle... who else--should make a website called "Caftan Collective" and sell various caftans, benefitting underemployed Bravolebrities. 

Landon could design the site

Craig could manage production 


Watching again, Shep's retelling of his basketball defeat rivaled the storytelling of a grizzled Confederate soldier retelling the Battle of Gettysburg. "I was ahead! I was ahead! If it wasn't for that darn whipper snapper  I would've maintained my honor and that of the great State of South Carolina!"

Edited by ivygirl
Additional thoughts not needing an additional post
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

She's a stone cold sociopath.

As long as we're armchair diagnosing, I'd go 100% narcissistic personality disorder. 

That lunch scene was quite a display. I hope to all that is holy that is the last time Jennifer agrees to aid and abet that shitshow. It's one thing to be a Bravo reality show Friend Of when you just show up and stage a couple fun conversations with your gal pal and tag along to parties where you take a backseat while the cast screams at each other. But when you have Real Shit happening in your life, it is completely nuts to show up for no other purpose than to be abused on camera.

This was an interesting episode -- no event to get them all together in one place. I liked it.

I think Shep is over this show. I found him utterly delightful in the first season, largely because he found himself so delightful. I think his shambolic lifestyle has become less charming to him as the show has held it up in front of his face. One thing I really do like about him is that he really doesn't like to fight with his friends. He could barely summon any words or outrage to display when he was supposed to reprimand Austen for breaking bro code.

  • Love 10

My thoughts:

1. Kathryn isn't a bad person, she's mentally ill. She needs a good therapist and psychiatrist, stat. 

2. Craig continues to be the worst, while thinking he is the best. "I want her to appreciate me as much as she should." At first I thought he was going to say, "I want her to appreciate me as much as I appreciate her." #1 douche award, Craig. Why Naomi is still with him is a total mystery to me.

3. Landon also tied for the absolute worst. Plz get her off my screen, yesterday.

  • Love 17

Well Kathryn lacking any shred of compassions is no great surprise.

But why is Jennifer so desperate to please this monster?


As for Craig, Naomi has every right to be concerned about his lack of drive, because as she said, she wants to have money so they could travel.  Maybe she buys into Landon's theory about getting to really know someone by traveling with them.

But sweet young Naomi may be something of a slave driver.  If they do another season, all may not be copacetic between them despite Craig passing the bar.

  • Love 3

Hearing about the details of Jennifer's baby's situation is heart-wrenching.  I mean really, it's absolutely heart-wrenching.  How can any sane person not offer sympathy to someone whose newborn baby is experiencing this?  Kathryn isn't just nasty or cruel or ridiculously self-absorbed, she is an absolute loon!

  • Love 18
13 hours ago, ilovetrashtv said:

My thoughts:

1. Kathryn isn't a bad person, she's mentally ill.

She may indeed be mentally ill, but she is also a fetid piece of shit who can choke on a bag of dicks for all I care. Seriously, she needs to be institutionalized. If there really is a god, CPS will see this episode and deny her access to those poor kids, who despite being the offspring of two fucked up adults, are infinitely better off without any contact with that sicko. I can only imagine the mind fucking that she will try out on her kids when they are older. 

I am tired of BravHo parading mentally twisted fuckwits on TV for fun and profit. It's sick. 

Edited by gingerella
because 'their' and 'they're' are not the same...
  • Love 18

Kathryn is a narcissistic sociopath. She is incapable of having any feelings for another human being. Why, why, why do people like that procreate? It's best if those children are kept far away from her for now. Or forever. 

Naomi nailed it with Craig. He really showed us who he is. He wants to buy a house, rent it out and watch the checks come in while he sits on his ass? That pretty much sums up Craig. I have news for Craig. Being a landlord is a bitch. I work with property owner's every day and it is constant upkeep, maintenance that needs to be done, things always breaking down. Rental investments are money pits. Cameran was right about everything she said, he has no idea what he's talking about. 

TRav was cranky in every scene he was in. He's right when he told Whitney that he has lost his mojo, and is getting too old. He can't just walk in to a bar with his tight pants and get every chick in there to drool over him anymore. Those days are long gone. He seems really sad about it, too. How pathetic. 

  • Love 21

i'm not even through the episode yet, but I have to weigh in on Shep. Who is he sleeping with? Who finds this ageing twig armed flabby bodied floppy headed manchild attractive?!! (apart from Whitney). And Austen is not much better, or Craig. Of all the reality shows I've had the pleasure of perusing, THESE guys get off the easiest as far as self maintenance is concerned. All they are is a semi attractive head in a gingham shirt and khakis and deck shoes. Under all that, it's flab and bone. There is no muscle. I can make THIS prediction about all the boys on Southern Charm. Once they hit 40, it'll be brewers droop all the way. That won't stop them attempting to pick up the laydeez, though. It'll just mean an ugly scene in the bedroom. (TRav already, hence the coke, no doubt). This kind of man loves to blame his attempted conquest for his inability to do the deed. Shep better be very careful with his health, because heart problems will also mess with his 'love life' bigtime. 

Landon is an abysmal twat. Few are hated more than bogus food critics skiving free food/booze. She just outed herself to every hospitality worker in the country, along with the whole Yacht hook up crowd. I'm glad about that, I hope it translates to food borne hepatitis for Landon within 6 months. She is utterly unbearable. I wonder if this 'seasoned traveller' could tell me the capital of Switzerland? Or Poland? Or Canada? I doubt it. 

Edited by queenjen
  • Love 22
5 hours ago, Missmissie173 said:

Just one more thing.  Sorry this was from last week, but I think it is such a Non Sequiter - Why would Whitney yell "Tits Ahoy" before boarding the Shep Express?  God, that is weird...

Because Whitney NEVER misses an opportunity to make an awkward attempt to appear heterosexual. I thought he said 'twat', but whatever. After waiting over an hour for his main crush to turn up for his date tonight, he could barely keep from whining at TRav. He'd made his 'darling, I'm home' drink all perfect and everything, bourbon with just a SPLASH of co-cola, not to mention that oyster and seafood spread that sat waiting. Then we got the uncomfortable conversation about Thomas' trousers losing their mojo and Whitney's super extended metaphor about in cabin baggage, when all Whitney wanted was for TRav to take him out back and glory be. Poor Whit. If he just came out, we'd all adore him, instead he wallows in the worst misogynist garbage on any reality tv show, pretending to be totally straight. Like, I'm the guitarist in a band called Renob, because that's Boner backwards, straight. (even if he does play a Chanel guitar totally without any irony whatsoever).

  • Love 23
8 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Now that Craig has passed the bar, it will be interesting to see how he manages to avoid working.

Absolutely. Craig is arrogant. Craig told us all tonight what a catch he is, he's a good guy? right? He's a rom com guy? Naomi should appreciate him. While he does sweet fanny adams. Basically, Craig is behaving like he is retired. He moved to Charleston to study, met a group of guys who live off mailbox money and has figured that this is going to be his dream also. In all the obvious ways. A clothing line: how is Rob Kardashian's sock company going, I wonder? Or, an investment property - Cameran was looking at one for him that was 200+k. That means rental income will probably be $200-300 a week, minus all the attendant taxes and expenses, especially with a management company.

Craig expects not just a living, but to live in luxury in return for his existence on the planet. He MIGHT have lucked out with Naomi, she's obviously a hard worker from a wealthy family (unlike Craig) and maybe she just wants a good looking (and I don't think Craig is good looking and he needs  his adenoids removed) house husband to squire her around to events while she CEOs a company during the day. Or maybe not. It might just be a phase and a couple years down the track, she'll wake up and kick his lazy arse to the curb. 

What Craig is signing up for is depression. If he continues to actively avoid working and continues to flit from idea to idea and leave things to the last minute, he'll be left with nothing but the memory of his potential and his youth. He won't have any actual real experience in anything and he'll be just another broke skeevy old guy. As Naomi says, people are judging him by his actions now, not by what he says. Craig is essentially frittering away his time and trying to avoid a real job. He's arrogant. 

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Congrats to you, Horseteeth.  So far, every ep this season, I've come away thinking what a fucking jackass you are.  Way to bash Chelsea, you fucking arrogant asshole.  And he put down Austen too, all while demanding that Austen keep him in the loop on what he's doing with Chelsea.  WTF?  When he said Chelsea wasn't his type anyway, I threw a pillow at my TV.  You are really pathetic, Horseteeth.  Ah, but far from the most pathetic on here.

Any sympathy I may have had for Kathryn evaporated completely & totally.  She is despicable.  Her treatment of Jennifer was simply hideous.  No other word.  HIDEOUS!

OK, the sewing was adorable.  I am so loving Craigie-poo now.  When he said in a TH a few eps ago that baseball was his life when he was a kid, I didn't believe it for a sec.  And then he showed his lack of any baseball prowess in the batting cage with Horseteeth.  Well, Horseteeth did say something about how Craig's whole family are jocks except for him, so maybe there's some shame & embarrassment going on that he doesn't have much athletic ability or interest.

Craig said they filmed him for sometime hitting balls and pretty much just showed the misses. He played baseball.  I sometimes tire of the "make Craig look stupid" storyline.  Same with the Step & Repeat, Craig got it to the event an hour before and production would not let the restaurant employees put up the Step & Repeat. 

What I don't understand is after four seasons of reality star pay, it would seem prudent to me Craig invest in a little rental property.  Taxes have to be killing him.  I think it is wise that as someone under thirty he build an investment portfolio and spend the non-filming times, studying for the bar (it worked) and travelling with Naomi.  He and Naomi seem quite content which makes me wonder if the scene between the two of them was not a little amplified.  Their tiff tonight made me wonder how much of a dream Naomi is to live with day in and day out.

As to Horseteeth, he evidently is getting his own show on finding true love.  Who cares? Shep doesn't get that 9-12 drinks a day might indicate a problem or stand in the way of finding true love.   When this show winds down I see a future for Craig in entertainment law-he will certainly know how reality TV works.  ;-D. 

  • Love 13

Landon was so obnoxious with her Vail/Aspen talk. Ugh.  I do believe that she said those things to the yotme.com people. I do believe she made the comment about her hanging with billionaires, not millionaires. Landon's attitude is gross, making her even less attractive than she already is. She has nothing to offer. She, Craig, and Kathryn need to all rent a house together and be the new Three's Company.  I'd watch that!

  • Love 10

Thomas talking to himself while drinking, thinking about calling Landon, and "a day date" had me cracking up. He really is a funny guy when he's basically sober.

Kathryn can disappear any minute now, please Bravo. That lunch was hard to watch, she is a heartless, cruel, self-centered bitch. Addicts are that way anyway, but I think it's just her basic personality to yell "me me me me" all the time. If you click on another link in the article link above, Jennifer is suing Kathryn for saying Thomas is the baby's father. I am sure Lee isn't happy about it either, so I hope they totally destory what's left of that creature.

Craig said how much he loved sewing when he took Home Ec in high school. 

Craig buys a sewing machine which has the embroidery attachments.

Craig wants to start a fashion line.


Craig is gay.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Watching again, Shep's retelling of his basketball defeat rivaled the storytelling of a grizzled Confederate soldier retelling the Battle of Gettysburg. "I was ahead! I was ahead! If it wasn't for that darn whipper snapper  I would've maintained my honor and that of the great State of South Carolina!"

Not to mention, he was up 2-0. 2-0! He wasn't winning by 15 points or anything. He even told Austen they should only play to 7. I don't know if I'd brag about that.

  • Love 2

I find nothing endearing about Craig. Naomi was simply stating the obvious. You can't jump from thing to thing with no drive or direction and expect to get anywhere. The fact that he immediately responded with an attack on her "acting ignorant, stupid" is a play right out of the Narcissist Handbook, attack and misdirect anytime someone dates to put the mirror of reality up for you. I know a lot of you think it was a small thing but it set off huge red flags for me about the underbelly of his true self. Naomi Has every right to want an equal focused partner. Why she remains with him is a mystery.

kathryn needs serious mental help, but I'm not sure they can treat sociopathy. The fact that she is still focused on Thomas and who he sees or befriends shows how crazy she is. Honey, that ship has sailed. Her eye rolling at Jennifer's plight was nauseating and disturbing.

Dear Shep, 8 or 10 or 12 drinks a day makes you a borderline alcoholic. You aren't cute or endearing or attractive. Delusion thy name is Shep.

I love this show!

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Thomas talking to himself while drinking, thinking about calling Landon, and "a day date" had me cracking up. He really is a funny guy when he's basically sober.

Kathryn can disappear any minute now, please Bravo. That lunch was hard to watch, she is a heartless, cruel, self-centered bitch. Addicts are that way anyway, but I think it's just her basic personality to yell "me me me me" all the time. If you click on another link in the article link above, Jennifer is suing Kathryn for saying Thomas is the baby's father. I am sure Lee isn't happy about it either, so I hope they totally destory what's left of that creature.

Craig said how much he loved sewing when he took Home Ec in high school. 

Craig buys a sewing machine which has the embroidery attachments.

Craig wants to start a fashion line.


Craig is gay.

Craig is gay because he likes to sew?

The only people who are remotely worthy of compassion imo are the children of the cast.

Kathryn acted like a total and complete addict. Yeah, I can see why she does not have custody of her kids, wow.

Thomas and Whitney are straight out pathetic (on the show) and Shep is not far behind. Too old for that crap.

Edited by LIMOM
Sawing and sewing while neither make a gay are not the same thing!
  • Love 8

Where did Craig suddenly get all this money to be investing in real estate and sitting around sewing and playing with the cat instead of having a job? Did he come into a big inheritance when I was in the bathroom? And why is Cameron so worried about Shep being an aging playboy when 50-something Thomas is hanging around acting like a spring breaker in perpetual heat? Why doesn't she focus her concern on that train wreck? Speaking of which, if you want to live a happy life and be a good father, then you probably shouldn't go about it by trying to fill the role of stepmother to your children with a woman who the children's actual mother hates and mistrusts. Cameron, do you see what Thomas is doing here? Leave Shep alone and get on this!

  • Love 6
50 minutes ago, sadie said:

Dear Shep, 8 or 10 or 12 drinks a day makes you a borderline alcoholic. You aren't cute or endearing or attractive. Delusion thy name is Shep.

Seriously!! He was laughing like it was no big deal, but he's going to have a trashed liver in 10-15 years if he keeps that lifestyle up. He's so tall and used to the booze that it probably goes right through him, but at 37 and above his health/looks will start fading quickly. And there's nothing remotely sexy about early onset cirrhosis and heart disease.

Speaking of nothing remotely sexy, Thomas feels like he's "lost his mojo" likely because he can't easily bag gals 35 and under anymore at the bars/clubs. Now that he's hooked up with Kuckoo Kathryn and has two bastard children from the deal he's already upped his already excessive baggage count((former felon, known womanizer, single dad of two kids under age 5)). Add to that the fact that he's visibly aged greatly in just 4 years, and all he's really got going for him is his money/infamy and maybe bits of charm here and there. That doesn't exactly bode well for quality younger women likely looking to start their own families and marry a man with a clean record and a healthy future.

He needs to be far more realistic and date a woman MUCH closer to his own age. Preferably a woman who's been divorced once or more and has older children, so she has her own baggage and would be more willing to forgive his past transgressions while looking forward to someone young at heart to grow old with who wouldn't mind reliving her earlier mothering years with young stepchildren. But of course, T-Rav stupidly still thinks he can rate 20-30 somethings, so he's his own worst enemy in this case.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 16

Jennifer's emotion truly pulled at my heart, and I think a portion of her emotion was reaction to Kathryn's abominable behavior towards her, more specifically how far she has fallen and awful she has become.  As in, I can't believe I am sitting here right now, this is happening and the person I once knew has been replaced by this horrible human being.

  • Love 16
17 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

And why is Cameron so worried about Shep being an aging playboy when 50-something Thomas is hanging around acting like a spring breaker in perpetual heat? Why doesn't she focus her concern on that train wreck? Speaking of which, if you want to live a happy life and be a good father, then you probably shouldn't go about it by trying to fill the role of stepmother to your children with a woman who the children's actual mother hates and mistrusts. Cameron, do you see what Thomas is doing here? Leave Shep alone and get on this!

I suspect Kathryn would hate any woman that Thomas is interested in, or seems to be interested in.  If he does ever get into a relationship with someone, I fully expect Kathryn to lose her shit and hate that woman with the fire of a thousand narcissistic suns.

  • Love 13

The lunch scene was horribly painful. Kathryn stood to lose nothing by being empathetic, and her lack of compassion came off as monstrous considering she's also a mother and must know what it feels like to worry about the health of a baby.

So does Shep have a hangover every single morning? Because even the thought of drinking 8-12 drinks per night every night is making me nauseated.

  • Love 16

But of course, T-Rav stupidly still thinks he can rate 20-30 somethings, so he's his own worst enemy in this case.

I think 20-30 somethings are the only ones naive enough to take on Thomas. A once-married woman with children of her own would not touch Thomas' situation with a ten foot pole, especially the prospect of 18 plus years of insta-motherhood with Kathryn's two children.

Interesting to find out that Shep's dad had an early heart attack. I wonder if that factors into his avoidance of settling down ... the feeling that the same is headed his way so live it up now.

Landon just offended the whole town of Vail. Guess we won't be seeing Vail on Trovare any time soon. 

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, izabella said:

I suspect Kathryn would hate any woman that Thomas is interested in, or seems to be interested in.  If he does ever get into a relationship with someone, I fully expect Kathryn to lose her shit and hate that woman with the fire of a thousand narcissistic suns.

If I were a single woman in Charleston, and completely out of mind possibly interested in Thomas, all of the baggage he mentioned to Whitney (drug arrest, jail, two little kids) wouldn't worry me half as much as becoming prey to Kathryn's crazy-stalker behavior.  I would be more afraid of what Kathryn would do to me than dealing with all the rest of Thomas' issues.

Thomas worried about losing his mojo, and not being able to "own" a bar while wearing a great pair of khakis - geez - get a clue!  You can't pick women up like you used to because everyone knows your past, and the fact that the mother of your children will hunt any woman down and God only knows what would happen.  Women have to be steering clear of Thomas more because of Kathryn than for any other reason (well, maybe because he is turning into a pathetic, drunk, leering old man, but that's beside the point, LOL!)

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, so Craigie-poo is laying around his house (or is that Naomie's parents' house?) all day & has no job or any job prospects & he's clearly not a trust fund brat, so uh, how is he able to pay for 200 thou houses?  See, this is where this show (kinda like Vanderpump Rules) gets sticky & sorta loses me.  That pesky fourth wall.  Just like, how can jobless penniless Kathryn afford to go to the most expensive rehab joint in the country?  And how can Snowflake afford to live & keep going her ridiculous whatever website shit she's got going on?  They're all surviving quite nicely on Bravo paychecks.  Ah, but they're strictly forbidden to say that.  Idk, this aspect loses something for me about the show.

ITA. Now that we're in the 4th season the original cast members are making good money and clearly some of them are putting it to use and/or spending it lavishly.  So like all the reality shows, their lives are no longer real the way we saw them in the first couple of seasons. I follow some of the Charmers on Twitter and a few blogs so I know what's happening in their current real life and it makes a disconnect with what's going on on the show, which was filmed 7-8 months ago.

Unfortunately for Shep (and this is backed up in interviews with him that I've read) he now thinks he needs to earn his Bravo check by "making the show interesting" and it's backfiring on him. He was interesting just has he was in the early seasons, but this season he's coming across so badly.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Eliz said:

As long as we're armchair diagnosing, I'd go 100% narcissistic personality disorder. 

You hit it right on the head. One of the main traits of narcissistic personality disorder is the absolute lack of empathy towards another. Kathryn couldn't be more detached from that conversation if she had actually been in Malibu instead of in front of Jennifer.

Of course, Kathryn is spewing on her social media that "Jen knows the whole truth about what happened in that scene, etc. etc" But you don't get to pull that shit anymore when your credibility is shot to zero. No basic decency of even apologizing on calling her manipulative or fishy, after the fact. Heck, even Shep apologized to Landon after that whole debacle on her website launch and recognized he hurt her as a friend.

NPD is absolutely right.

  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

After watching Kathryn with Jennifer, what concerns me most is what she could do to Kensington if she sees Thomas being nice to her.  That woman has major issues and is, to me, potentially dangerous.

Exactly. It scares me that she is the biological mother to such an adorable little girl who will likely grow into a beautiful woman---I don't think she could handle her daughter eventually eclipsing her own beauty and "stock" when she hits her teenage/young adult years. She definitely has displayed some NPD traits and unless Kathryn gets some serious mental help, she could really mess with that girl's mind/well-being Mommy Dearest-style if she's allowed more intimate contact with her down the road. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, izabella said:

I suspect Kathryn would hate any woman that Thomas is interested in, or seems to be interested in.  If he does ever get into a relationship with someone, I fully expect Kathryn to lose her shit and hate that woman with the fire of a thousand narcissistic suns.

Maybe, but maybe not. An unknown quantity is just that, and fraught with possibilities, both good and bad. But Thomas knows for an absolute, certain fact that Kathryn hates Landon (and for good reason -- she's one of the most hateable people I've ever seen). It doesn't help that Landon's showed almost as little interest in Thomas's children as Thomas does.  Think of the person you've hated the most in  your life, and then try to imagine that person being put in charge of loving and caring for your children at least half the time. It's a situation that would drive anyone to desperation, and I'm sure Thomas knows it.  (Not that I believe he's really all that interested in Landon. This whole "she's one of us and I must have her" storyline  seems ridiculously contrived.)

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Anybody know how much BRAVO pays these chucklefucks per episode? I would love to know. It might explain why Craig and Landon are in no rush to get real jobs.  

Since the show has proven to be a success, I'm willing to guess six figures for a season, maybe 5 figures for newer cast members/friends of. That seems to be the going rate for the more successful reality shows, with the Real Housewives getting the biggest paychecks. That's not even including the potential endorsements/promotional appearance fees they can get on the side if they have the right teams promoting them.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Would you be able to fit into a cat caftan (zero to twenty pounds).

My left foot might fit into one elaborately embroidered one. I would need a second one for my right foot and an xxl for my fat cat Ruby Tuesday.

My left toe probably wouldn't fit into such a thing.  My cat would leave me scarred & bleeding if I ever attempted to fit him with a cat caftan, so I'd have to enlist the help of Patricia and her martini butler (or better yet, just send me Whitney, and I'll let the more intolerant backyard critters tear his face ... off).  :-D

I think Thomas should just settle down and marry Whitney - they could bond over their tragic trousers, if nothing else.  Then Craig could be their best-dressed part-time pool boy ("earning" yet another useless degree), and Shep could fill in for one of the polo ponies.  Katheryn could occasionally fly in on her broomstick, and Patricia & Cameron could take turns hosting lovely brunches.  I'd watch THAT show!

  • Love 2

Naomie seems like a doer and a go-getter. I'm sure she loves Craig, but is frustrated that he doesn't seem as ambitious as she is. He wants to do all these things, but Naomie understands he needs to focus on one thing at a time. I can only imagine what Naomie's parents--father in particular, must think. Who knows, maybe Naomie's dad gives her a hard time about Craig. I know if she were my daughter, I would. 

  • Love 6

I don't know about starting his own clothing line but passive real estate income (like renting out a home) is pretty easy work.  If he's willing to do the maintenance like painting and the yard work, he could do well.  Otherwise, there isn't much work other than dealing with problem tenants.

He must have some cash saved up from Bravo paychecks so either put that in the stock market or in real estate.  He doesn't necessarily need rental income to do more than cover the mortgage and property taxes, if there's a good chance the property will appreciate in value in a couple of years.  I don't know Charleston real estate so maybe he has reason to think it would be a good investment.

Will also say, he might have better odds of doing some entrepreneurial things like a clothing line to get rich than looking to draw a salary at a law firm.  Or what Naomi wants to do with her MBA, get a high-paying job but unless she get stock at some company which blows up, she'd still be another wage earner, though with a salary that lets them live well.

If he talks business with Thomas, he probably realizes he has a better chance to be independently rich like Thomas doing something entrepreneurial.  

Honestly, just wait for the inheritance from the parents.  If Naomi doesn't have many siblings it could be a big payday.  Marry her and give the rich in-laws some cute grandchildren to get them to love you even more.

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Anybody know how much BRAVO pays these chucklefucks per episode? I would love to know. It might explain why Craig and Landon are in no rush to get real jobs.  

Here is an idea:  http://www.irealhousewives.com/2017/02/tom-sandovals-vanderpump-rules-salary.html  Sandoval was making $15k per episode way back in the show's third season.  Last season Vanderpump Rules ran over 20 episodes.

Craig at $15,000.00 per episode x 14 episodes a little over $200k a year. (Last season was 14 episodes.)  Craig and Naomi are besties with the Vanderpump Rules fools.  I am also told these tools on Southern Charm get paid for appearances in the off season.  Naomi probably gets paid something for each days work.  On Vanderpump Rules one of the things the producers had to change up were the waiters/bartenders living off their wages.  It is no longer realistic as we see them in New Zealand, driving Corvettes, footing the bar bill for a wedding.

The untold story of Kathryn and Thomas' child support/custody battle is she was knocking down a pretty penny, hardly the poor single mother of two.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, zenme said:

Landon was so obnoxious with her Vail/Aspen talk. Ugh.  I do believe that she said those things to the yotme.com people. I do believe she made the comment about her hanging with billionaires, not millionaires. Landon's attitude is gross, making her even less attractive than she already is. She has nothing to offer. She, Craig, and Kathryn need to all rent a house together and be the new Three's Company.  I'd watch that!

When that yotme nonsense happened, I was so irritated that Shep took the yacht guys' side without speaking to Landon. The billionaires not millionaires comment just didn't sound like what we'd heard from Landon up until now. I rescind my rebuke of Shep. Landon absolutely made that billionaires comment. She is ten times more obnoxious than I'd ever realized. How on earth did she manage to keep this delusional snobbery undercover? I have to think that the crew hated Kathryn so much that they left scenes with Landon being awful on the cutting room floor.

Craig's dinner was an opportunity to use those rhetorical skills he acquired in law school. Failed completely. I knew what he was going for (there are many ways to use your law degree and working at a firm and going to court is just one of the ways and not the only way), but the path he's taking to get to his point was rough.

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