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S04.E03: Step and Release

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4 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

God, those scenes of Horseteeth trolling after young chicks was making me wanna vomit.  In a sea of gross men on this show (and Thom-ass & Count Chocula are pretty damn gross), to me, Horseteeth is far & away THE grossest.  Man, if Austen is seeing Horseteeth as someone to look up to & emulate, then he's as gross as the others.

I've said since the end of season 2 that Shep will settle down in 15 to 20 years when he accidentally knocks up Kensie Ravenel. He's increasingly delusional about his own desirability and self-righteous about rejection. He's been turning into TRav 2 for quite some time. 

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What Naomi is doing with Craig (beyond his looks) is baffling! She is stunning, ambitious, intelligent and speaks fluent French! Gah!!!  Surely this tv persona her and Craig are showing us is manufactured because their pairing simply makes no sense. Run Naomi, run! 

Shep is simply gross at this point. What little looks he had are being eaten by booze. His personality makes me heave! Trav is equally gross only 20 years older. Grow up dude.  Landon needs someone to teach her how to speak and discontinue that horrendous laugh, ugh.

Whitneys comment about the only thing his mother and Craig had in common was breathing air made me laugh out loud and I'm stealing that line for my own use!!! 

I love Cameron's style. Girl always looks amazing! That said, the way she coddles Trav and Shep is puzzling. When her and Whit were on the phone with Shep and she told him"I'm proud of you." Wtf? Proud of what exactly? That he has a trust fund? Cuz talking skeezily behind her friends back about hooking up with her is the opposite of proud behavior? 

Kathryn makes me sad. She is stunning and photographs like a dream, she has access to society and could probably have had an amazing life but is just throwing g it away. Sad.

I love this show!

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I felt for the modeling scout trying to diplomatically give Kathryn advice.  Like, don't show pictures from high school.  Show up looking the way you want them to see you = put some make up on dumbass!!  Kathryn tweeted before the episode started that it was bad one, I guess the meeting was why?

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Way to much Landon. Again. 

If Shep wants to continue to pick up random women in the local Charleston bars, then he should stop wearing those damn redneck hats and stop pulling his clothes out of the dirty clothes laundry basket. Jeez, Shep, you're not so young and adorable anymore, it's going to take some effort from here on out!

I thought RTAV didn't want to go to Naomi's charity function because Kathryn would be there. I didn't see any Kathryn. Anybody else see her? 

Speaking of Kathryn, if you are going on a modeling interview at least put your eyebrows on and wear mascara. Especially if you are going on an interview where your looks are everything. 

Craig is not going to get any job or take the BAR as long as he's getting BRAVO checks. Life is easy for him now, he got lucky, it won't last forever. We all know Craig likes things easy. 

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I've said since the end of season 2 that Shep will settle down in 15 to 20 years when he accidentally knocks up Kensie Ravenel. He's increasingly delusional about his own desirability and self-righteous about rejection. He's been turning into TRav 2 for quite some time. 

I was giving this way too much thought last night, and considered what would happen to Shep down the line. In 15 years, when he decides he wants to get married, he'll be chasing after a 28-year-old Cameran type, who will go nowhere near him because she has some semblance of class and sense. Then he'll get set up with a Kathryn type and repeat the sins of the father (TRav).


The other part of this episode that cracked me up was actually Whitney. He made sure he matched his shirt to the color of Patricia's boudoir/parlor.

Edited by ivygirl
Added *** to clear up an apparent non sequitur
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17 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Show up looking the way you want them to see you = put some make up on dumbass!!

A good friend of mine was with the Ford Modeling Agency in NYC back in the 80s. She showed up for her interview wearing no makeup, jeans and a t-shirt. They hired her on the spot. She told me they want to see how your look naturally, then go from there. But Kathryn went beyond that, disheveled is not a winning look.

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I am not enjoying this season and I love this show :(  The fact that Kathryn would even consider capitalizing on her children for her own gain (i.e., getting them into modeling so she can book jobs) is horrendous.  I always enjoy Cam, Shep and Whitney (I know).  I have strongly disliked Craig from the moment in Season 1 where he said he "felt bad" not participating in daytime partying with the others because he had to work.  You feel bad because you have adult responsibilities?  You think you're letting people down?  That guy has no ambition and he never will.  He's just a dumbbell from Delaware.  There's nothing wrong with being from Delaware, I just mean he's not even a native of the area and is such a poser.  #runnaomierun  Thomas is old and disgustingly gross.  Landon is one of the most repellent cast members on Bravo besides Dorit.  I wish they had found better mid-series replacements.  I miss the old days before Kathryn got knocked up.  Now she's just washed up and it's low tide. 

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I was feeling under the weather yesterday so I fell asleep half way through this. Shep's friend reminded me of Eugene from The Walking Dead. Surely everyone that runs into Shep in charleston knows who he is by now. I can't imagine ever wanting to sleep with him even if he was attractive. The fact that he admitted to trying to hook up with a girl he slept with the night before (but forgot) is so disgusting. I know fame whoredom knows no bounds but seriously girls, get some self respect!

Thomas talking to himself in the mirror and pretend welcoming Landon to his home made me laugh! He's still gross though! 

No way do I believe that Cam doesn't work out regularly. Most women in their 30's (I'm one of them) have to work out to maintain that type of figure.

The charity function looked like a shit show and I have yet to figure out what they were auctioning and for whom but I did laugh at the constant Step and Repeat goof up!

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12 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

A good friend of mine was with the Ford Modeling Agency in NYC back in the 80s. She showed up for her interview wearing no makeup, jeans and a t-shirt. They hired her on the spot. She told me they want to see how your look naturally, then go from there. But Kathryn went beyond that, disheveled is not a winning look.

I immediately pictured Gia Carangi :)  Because she could show up in jeans and a tshirt and blow it out of the water.  Kathryn's definitely no Gia Carangi, although it seems like the path of her life might be headed in the same direction.

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Forgot to say that I believe these guys consider themselves southern gentlemen. They need to dust off their southern etiquette books, because bedpost notching and guffawing lewdly about bonking random women is trashy (the ultimate southern insult). As my mother would have said, their behavior -- in public no less -- is common as dirt.

And Craig has absolutely no inner depth. He's all facade and pretense. He annoys Shep because he wants to be a Shep - the effortless trust fund life. I'm sure he's got his eye on the Olindo's wealth.

Edited by pasdetrois
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50 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I was giving this way too much thought last night, and considered what would happen to Shep down the line. In 15 years, when he decides he wants to get married, he'll be chasing after a 28-year-old Cameran type, who will go nowhere near him because she has some semblance of class and sense. Then he'll get set up with a Kathryn type and repeat the sins of the father (TRav).


The other part of this episode that cracked me up was actually Whitney. He made sure he matched his shirt to the color of Patricia's boudoir/parlor.

...and Landon looked like she was wearing Patricia's old drapes

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Where is the part where any of these fucking cutout dolls have anything rootable? Help me out here!

Cam I love you and your style and I want to look like you in my next life, however the phrase is upward trajectory. 

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The problem seems to be that Kathryn can't find a neutral makeup look.  It's either spackled on and over the top, or she's not wearing any.  When you go to a modeling agency you want to look natural and fresh.  For some people, that means you need to put on a little makeup, just to even things out and play up your best features.  Kathryn especially needs (as someone else mentioned) eyebrows and a little help with the lashes.   

I just realized that Naomie reminds me of Katey Tur, the MSNBC political reporter! 

Edited by Nancybeth
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Chelsea, what's so baffling about a guy who likes girls that are 5'8"?

Katherine, you make me Sad.Such wasted potential. You are young, get your head outta your asss and reinvent yourself as something legit.

Edited by Nancypants
Bad salad
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Yeah, I should be so lucky to look like Cameron BEFORE vowing to "get in shape"!!! We're the same age, and my kingdom for that metabolism and figure, if it really is just genetics. I do, however, think a lot of these Bravo women simply don't...eat, or at least when the cameras aren't rolling in preparation for their upcoming filming. Don't know about Cameron, but I think I once Read Lisa Rinna admitting "I'm hungry all the time!" which I found refreshing. You do what you gotta to be "camera ready," but I know for me it would be a giant sacrifice and so, so much work; I suspect for the vast majority of them it is too. Working out only gets you so far.

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12 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

The problem seems to be that Kathryn can't find a neutral makeup look.  It's either spackled on and over the top, or she's not wearing any.  When you go to a modeling agency you want to look natural and fresh.  For some people, that means you need to put on a little makeup, just to even things out and play up your best features.  Kathryn especially needs (as someone else mentioned) eyebrows and a little help with the lashes. 

ITA.  Except for the mascara running down her face, she looked pretty and natural in her mugshot from several years back.  The lighter red hair was so much more youthful.  The Ariel red she was sporting for a while there was way harsh Tai.

Edited by RedDelicious
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From the recap:


 do not care about this storyline. I don't even care that Shep told Whitney he and Chelsea banged, which under other circumstances would send me into a rage spiral, but it's just so boring. Maybe it would be different if either Chelsea or Shep seemed intensely interested in the other, but that is not the world we are living in. 

I agree with this so much. Cameran seems much more into the idea of Chelsea and Shep than Chelsea and Shep actually are. Chelsea couldn't be more "meh...." when Cameran asked her about their little sleepover. The whole thing just seems so contrived to give both Cameran and Shep some storyline this season - Cameran of finally finding "the one" for Shep, and Shep finally settling down. These three have been friends for a long time, well at least Chelsea/Cameran (back from their Gwynn's days) and Chelsea/Shep. If either one of them wanted something to happen, it would have happened by now.

And the Austen angle isn't helping at all. He's just a blah guy at this point, and the only interesting thing he's done so far, and not in a good way, is to tell his hookup that her walk of shame isn't too far from his place.

Speaking of Austen and his hookup, does he know that he and TRav have also "cross-pollinated" as well?! Is that what they call it in the South. Because everywhere else it's just being Eskimo Brothers.

14 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I like Chelsea, but I think she's a little too camera-savvy,

Well, being from Survivor would do that to you, where 50% (or even more) of what is shown on TV is mostly out of context, and still being one of the heavily watched shows and where the contestants get criticized the most from the littlest, stupidest things to the biggest ones.


13 hours ago, Pickles said:

Does anyone seriously believe that Chelsea and Shep did NOT have sex on their sleepover date? Umm, no.

You know, one thing that stood out to me last night was when Chelsea and Cameran were talking at the event and Chelsea was like "C'mon, you know that I would not sleep with Shep knowing what I know about him...." and Cameran just nodded in agreement.

What does she know??? Does he have ED?! Does he have STDs?! What is it, Chelsea?? Spill the beans - inquiring minds want to know!

Edited by slowpoked
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Forgot to say that I believe these guys consider themselves southern gentlemen. They need to dust off their southern etiquette books, because bedpost notching and guffawing lewdly about bonking random women is trashy (the ultimate southern insult). As my mother would have said, their behavior -- in public no less -- is common as dirt.


This.  I was late to the show, but I clicked in just as Shep was proclaiming that he once didn't remember the name of the woman he'd slept with the night before when he saw her the next day (or something like that).  Very funny.  Pigs.

Edited by Thumper
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Kathryn trying to be a model is as fake & idiotic as Snowflake's unoriginal business ideas or Craig's babble about still wanting to be a lawyer or Cam's constant bullshit about not wanting children or Horseteeth's bragging about his ability to sleep with different young chicks every nite or Count Chocula talking like a bro about pussy (ugh).  It's just silly scripted crap.

If that's what this show was always about -- I mean dumb scripted crap, it didn't seem as obvious as it is this season.

Kathryn showing pics of herself at 14, when she's now over 25 made me giggle.  And so did the crazy hair & her no makeup ghoul/zombie/vampire look.  She thinks this is gonna get her modeling work now?  And just who does she think would hire her after she speaks of failing a drug test & losing custody of her kids in her TH?  What legit company would wanna be associated with that shit?

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42 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

C'mon, you know that I would not sleep with Shep knowing what I know about him...."

I guess everyone who watches this show knows he's a hosebag.

3 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

Heh, I just googled Kathryn Dennis mugshot and you're right, RedDelicious

Also, check out these pre-Southern Charm (pre T Rav)_photos of her.  Warning, the article is completely ridiculous. 


Big difference to see a 19 yr old that's not yet had two kids or snorted a pound of coke.

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Sounds like Shep does care or else he wouldn't mention Craigs "shenanigans."

in Kathryn's defense, I would think that the modeling agency told her to show up with no make up. They want to see your bare face, not your face with a little make up.

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I have absolute shit for taste but I actually really like this season and I really liked the episode. Do I think some, if not all, of the situations are contrived/plotted/scripted with Bravo's elephant touch? Oh, hell yes. The Chelsea/Shep/Austen storyline was obviously created in the fevered brain of a desperate Bravo producer, much the like the Shep/Cameron real estate pairing of yesteryear.

It's also better that Whitney is has less to do with driving the plot but is still used in talking heads. His talking heads make me laugh out loud and this episode was no exception. On Craig aspiring to be a philanthropist like Patricia, "The only thing that Craig has in common with my mother is that they both breathe air."

2 minutes ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

ALL WALKER ALL THE TIME. Would watch 10/10.

Yes. Why the producers didn't make him part of the Chelsea/Shep/Austen love triangle/quadrangle is beyond me. If only we had a time machine to take us back to Season 1 and Walker could've been another of the Kathryn's cast hookups and possible baby daddy. What a wild sweet coupling that would've been. Sigh.

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4 minutes ago, Babyfoot said:

The Chelsea/Shep/Austen storyline was obviously created in the fevered brain of a desperate Bravo producer,

I think they're testing the waters right now with Chelsea because IF there will be a Season 5, it seems like production is finally done with Kathryn. Either they can no longer tolerate her serious real-life drama, or someone with a conscience has realized that celebrity only makes Kathryn's situation worse. 

I mean, Eliza was the one who was leaked as the new cast member when they started filming, but so far she's rarely been in the show. Chelsea is right in the middle of two main storylines for this season. And if you look at the Bravo website for SC, she is heavily featured in there. From the looks of it, both Jennifer and Danni have no interest in being main cast members. Don't know about Naomie. But if Kathryn is gone, obviously they need to replace her with another woman, lest TPTB be accused of being even more sexist than they already are now.

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16 hours ago, imjagain said:

Kathryn talking about why she wants to start modeling again,   "my children are getting older"  what the bloody hell? Older than newborn,  yes, older than that. 

I don't care about Chelsea and Shep. I don't care if they had sex.  I don't care if they like each other, I don't care. 

Thomas is just gross. 

Craig and Naomi make a beautiful couple. Naomi can do much better, just saying. 

I am about to date myself but Kathryn saying her kids are getting older reminds me of that scene in "Look Who's Talking" when Kirstie Allie's character is trying to convince her son's birth father to get back together and he says that he is too old and that "he's raised his kids..." and she was all "Raised them??? They are 11 and 9. What, did they move out and get jobs???" So ridiculous.

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So, out of all the Step and REPEATS Craig has posed in front of on this show, he's always thought it was called "step and release"?  Really?

Remember back to good ole season one when Craig was an intern at a law firm and he would even show up to work? Until the cameras showed up and then he decided to "work from home" aka recover from hangovers.  Craig has it in him to work, and that might be the worst part, he knows he can, he just doesn't want to.  Dude, you weren't born into money and just because your girlfriend was, it sure looks like she and her parents have your number, so you won't be getting a free ride.  Its only a matter of time before the show ends and Naomi either becomes a  CEO in her own right and/or finds a successful guy who is supportive and not bitchy.  Craig's whole monologue about both of them wanting to get to a place where they don't have to work and just travel...he seems to think that's 6 months down the line vs the reality that it's 40 years down the line and called retirement.  Even TRav has an office that he goes to.  Shep has his dive bar investments, Cam is a realtor.  The only one with a lifestyle remotely like the one Craig dreams of is Whitney and I'm not even sure Whitney is that thrilled with it.

I could care less about Cam's friend and who's she's dating between Shep and Austen.  Shep doesn't want to settle down and it appears that he compares every girl he remotely thinks about seeing twice to Cam.  You had your chance Shep, that ship has sailed.

It seemed to me that Katherine went to the office without makeup in the hopes that she would look younger than she is.  The thing is 24 isn't old, especially for modeling in Charleston, it's not like she's flying to Paris.  I thought the talent scout was really kind to her and the meeting probably happened in exchange for advertising on the show.

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14 hours ago, fliptopbox said:

Was it just me or did the guys (Shep, Thomas, Austen, Whitney, and mullet-man) look out of place at the bar? They just looked so much older than anyone else there.

Yes he looked totally out of place. But was the highlight of the show.

My problem with Naomie is she's kidding herself if she thought she fell in love with the next best lawyer. Like Maya Angelou said- believe them!  So stop trying to halt the procrastination and either love him or drop him.  Or fully accept what bothers her and stop bitching. That annoys me when people date and then have expectations they'll change. They won't!  

Shep and I are same age and no kids no marriage.  For me sans the trust fund.  And I love to drink, go out, live a very easy life.  I can't figure out why he would care about Craig at all.  It makes no sense so I have to go with editing.  And it kind of makes me sad he'd do that. Unless he really thinks he's speaking words of wisdom to Landon and Craig. And then- fuck off Shep- the majority of us go to sleep knowing our shortcomings and have the "oh I need to do this or that"- we are just lucky enough to not have outsiders point them out.

eta- I used the F word twice and felt Tarantino in the bad way 

Edited by KnoxForPres
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I really felt sorry for Kathryn during that modeling scene - she looked so worn out, and it wasn't just the lack of makeup. She seems defeated, and must feel as if she was used as a broodmare and then sent out to pasture. Yes, she screwed up with drugs - but Thomas went to jail for drugs and now he's a big drinker (at least). My guess is some strings (family connections) were pulled to get that fool full custody.

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1 hour ago, scenicbyway said:

So, out of all the Step and REPEATS Craig has posed in front of on this show, he's always thought it was called "step and release"?  Really?

Remember back to good ole season one when Craig was an intern at a law firm and he would even show up to work? Until the cameras showed up and then he decided to "work from home" aka recover from hangovers.  Craig has it in him to work, and that might be the worst part, he knows he can, he just doesn't want to.  Dude, you weren't born into money and just because your girlfriend was, it sure looks like she and her parents have your number, so you won't be getting a free ride.  Its only a matter of time before the show ends and Naomi either becomes a  CEO in her own right and/or finds a successful guy who is supportive and not bitchy.  Craig's whole monologue about both of them wanting to get to a place where they don't have to work and just travel...he seems to think that's 6 months down the line vs the reality that it's 40 years down the line and called retirement.  Even TRav has an office that he goes to.  Shep has his dive bar investments, Cam is a realtor.  The only one with a lifestyle remotely like the one Craig dreams of is Whitney and I'm not even sure Whitney is that thrilled with it.

I could care less about Cam's friend and who's she's dating between Shep and Austen.  Shep doesn't want to settle down and it appears that he compares every girl he remotely thinks about seeing twice to Cam.  You had your chance Shep, that ship has sailed.

It seemed to me that Katherine went to the office without makeup in the hopes that she would look younger than she is.  The thing is 24 isn't old, especially for modeling in Charleston, it's not like she's flying to Paris.  I thought the talent scout was really kind to her and the meeting probably happened in exchange for advertising on the show.

i agree with what you said about Craig. My fiance's Uncle put in a good  8am-8pm and sacrificed time with his family so that now he  is able to travel and do all sorts of cool stuff. Unless you are born with a sizable chunk of change you gotta put in the hours. 

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6 hours ago, Mountainair said:

No way do I believe that Cam doesn't work out regularly. Most women in their 30's (I'm one of them) have to work out to maintain that type of figure.

She does, which is what she said, the way she handled the exercises it's clear she works out she also posts a lot about it on instagram. Chelsea was talking about in he past when they lived together ie several years ago that she didn't work out.

Was Mullet duse his friend from Ashville? I seem to recall another folically challenged dude that they hung out with on the way to the cabin.

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1 hour ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

So Walker is apparently Walker Trull, who also goes by the unlikely moniker Crab Claw.   

Un-mulleted, he's ... rowr.   


I'm confused. Is "Crab Claw" a performance artist or something? Was the mulleted look a statement on society's perception of "southern rednecks" to make us stop and think about our prejudices? I can't even fathom what the "deep meaning" behind a crab claw necklace and oven mitt would be. Maybe a take on Mr. Krabs (from Sponge-Bob) money-grubbing Charleston high society?

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8 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Craig is giving me the Talented Mr. Ripley.

Cameran has the looks and wardrobe to die for.

One of the truest things I've ever read is the nanny's testimony that Kathryn considers her children to be toys or dolls. I'm pretty sure her substance abuse kept her from bonding with her children. Plus, she's a wealth-seeking narcissist, so there's that.

Agree that Shep is headed to TRav-land. Combined with his judgmental nature, it's not a good look. And speaking of looks, I think this show has held up a mirror to Shep's face. He's used to adoration and doesn't know how to handle it when viewed unfavorably.

Cams is looking great this season.  Hair, face, body & clothes look nice.  She was wearing a gorg dress in her scene last ep with Jennifer.  Thus far, all her clothes are really nice.  My prob with her is every time she opens her mouth this season she's throwing out so much bullshit.  I don't believe any of her scripted crap -- and we're getting a shit-ton of it thrown at us from her.  This stuff about never working out, or being so into setting up Horseteeth, & this shit about being so invested in him & Chelsea getting together, & the never-ending babble about not wanting a child?  I don't believe any of it.  But worse than being obvious bullshit, it's boring as hell & tiresome.

Actually, given his lifestyle, Horseteeth doesn't look too bad -- from a distance.  His prob is he needs to make an effort to look good.  If he doesn't plaster down his wild hair & dress half-way decently, he can easily look like a wreck.  In general, he dresses like shit.  His clothes always have that just-pulled-out-of-a-rumpled-pile-on-the-floor look.   At least Thom-ass makes a concerted effort to mostly dress very dapper.  Not Horseteeth.  He usually looks so damned ragged.  He looks like he sleeps till 5 PM every day.  I'll give him that getting drunk every nite hasn't taken a toll on his face -- yet.  That's only a matter of time.  And Count Chocula's faux hipster look (along with the dyed hair) combined with this bro shtick he's giving this season is making me cringe.

Naomie is a good looking gal.  She is giving a Katy Tur vibe, as stated earlier.  I also think she looks a bit like a young Charlotte Rampling.

Honestly, I'm not getting what's going on with Kathryn.  I'm expecting her to be devastated over losing custody of her children.  She's the type to be emotional about it on cam.  Yet we're not seeing that.  I wanna feel sorry her, not even considering anything we know about her, but just as a caring mother losing all custody of her children.  But I'm getting a vibe from her scenes that she seems maybe relieved on not having the kids.  Hope I'm wrong.  It's actually nice to see Thom-ass, who's been an irresponsible oaf for over 50 years, to take responsibility for his children.  But how long will his sense of responsibility last?  His track history ain't good.  The thought of being dependent on him for anything is downright scary.

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All these idiot frat boys bore the shit out of me - from the newbie to the old baby-daddy asshat, none of them are worth spitting at! Please tell me all these women are only interested in the cameras and the paycheck.

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4 hours ago, slowpoked said:

Shep tweeted this in response to him picking on Craig early this season:

As much as I've stated endlessly how I can't stand him, this makes me like him a bit.  He's basically telling Bravo to fuck off & he's refusing to keep their secrets about the scripted crap going on -- even tho I'm sure he's contractually bound by them to do exactly that.  Hmmm, good for him!

Look, it makes no sense why he'd be all over Craig.  He barely seems to care about his own family.  And he seems to have no true friends, other than useless drinking buds & the sleazy random young chicks he implies he has sex with every nite .  So why the fuck would he be so invested in Craig?  Even Cams said she couldn't care less whether he takes the bar or not.  Does anyone -- other than Naomie or his parents?

Any implication that Shep is all over Craig cuz he's jealous of him is dumb.  He clearly looks absolutely fine with his life.  He doesn't seem jealous of anyone, least of all Craig.  So the implication that he's jealous of Craig (coming from Craig & directed by the producers) makes zero sense.  Craig calling him a loser made no sense either.  You can pass judgement on him (and I do) for sleeping till at least 1 every day & getting drunk every nite & chasing after young chicks every nite.  But he can afford to live this lifestyle.  I suspect Shep is getting frustrated by the rep this show is giving him.  There is probably more to him (and I mean much more positive stuff) than what we're seeing.  His family (who seem like fancy-shmancy accomplished people) can't be thrilled about how this show portrays him.

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18 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

He's basically telling Bravo to fuck off & he's refusing to keep their secrets about the scripted crap going on -- even tho I'm sure he's contractually bound by them to do exactly that.

Too late now. He's in trouble for this, I'm sure.

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Yeah, but Shep's tweet is not just revealing about himself.  More importantly, he's hinting that Craig has got a lot of bullshit going on.  Is he saying Craigie-poo is fucking with the producers -- as well as confirming the scripted crap?  Juicy, juicy!  Luv, luv, luv to know Bravo insider secrets.  It's so rare to get this cuz Bravo clearly must scare the absolute shit outta ALL their reality slaves from opening their traps about the fake bullshit going on in EVERY Bravo show.  So thanks Shep, for relaying this.  Don't expect it to happen again.  Right about now, the overlords at NBC/Universal are swooping down on Shep.  I'm expecting him to be pulled into a scene similar to the Howard Beale/Ned Beatty scene in Network.

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16 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

No, it's not just you.  They all look old in that crowd -- well, not so much Austen.  Look, Horseteeth is kidding himself.  To 21 year old girls, he's an old man.  They're looking at his fat wallet.  When that girl screamed, "Who's the old guy?", I honestly didn't know who the fuck she was talking about -- Thom-ass, Count Chocula or Horseteeth.  

Gotta say,, Horseteeth is being especially skeevy this season -- in addition to being a total asshole.  OK, he's being an asshole to Craigie-poo & Snowflake, who both deserve to be told they're operating in dreamland, but still, Horseteeth is a jackass -- and a really, really sleazy jackass at that.

And just WTF is going on with Count Chocula?  He & Thom-ass are hanging out & trying to be "bros" with Austen?  Seriously, what the fuckety fuck is up with this shit?  Why the hell would Austen, who's what, like 30 years younger than those 2, cruise for chicks with them?  Austen hooking up with Chelsea to get a rise from Horseteeth is scripted bullshit.  Anyway, why would Horseteeth care at all if those 2 hook up?  He seems fine & dandy hooking up with random sleazy girls after his wallet.

So what does Thom-ass see when he looks in the mirror?  I see a waddling bloated old drunk.  He seems very happy when he looks in the mirror.  Is he seeing his image from 30 years ago?  Or is he just drunk or high?

OK, so we saw several reasons tonite why most girls would break off with Craigie-poo in 2 seconds.  He seems like a useless loser. right?  So why the hell is Naomie with him?  Is she an idiot?  Nah, I don't believe that.  If anything, she seems calculating.  Well, ya kinda have to break the 4th wall.  It's sorta like figuring out why Britney would be with a well-known horrible lowlife character like Jax.  So why is Naomie with a seemingly useless loser like Craigie-poo?  Er, to get a spot on a national TV show?  Or maybe because now he's not the useless loser we're seeing on the show (that's scripted crap) since he's probably making decent dough from Bravo?  Hmmmm.

Ha, ha, ha, ha .. I'm peeing my pants.  You are "spot on" girl.   I haven't laughed this much in a long time.  Priceless !

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, but Shep's tweet is not just revealing about himself.  More importantly, he's hinting that Craig has got a lot of bullshit going on.  Is he saying Craigie-poo is fucking with the producers -- as well as confirming the scripted crap?  Juicy, juicy!  Luv, luv, luv to know Bravo insider secrets.  It's so rare to get this cuz Bravo clearly must scare the absolute shit outta ALL their reality slaves from opening their traps about the fake bullshit going on in EVERY Bravo show.  So thanks Shep, for relaying this.  Don't expect it to happen again.  Right about now, the overlords at NBC/Universal are swooping down on Shep.  I'm expecting him to be pulled into a scene similar to the Howard Beale/Ned Beatty scene in Network.

That's a great tweet for sure- and confirms my theory it's out of left field for Shep to give a damn about Craig. Thanks for sharing.  

I do actually believe Craig and Naomie's arguments. I may be naive and stupid for doing so but it doesn't ring like scripted docudrama to me.  But what the hell was he talking about wanting to be rich, and travel- and give back?  Slow down kid- your employment is a Bravo show with an expiration date.  I want to be rich by selling a chicken casserole here and there for 10 grand; but alas I get my ass in the office and do insurance in the meantime.

Southern Charm is must see TV for me though I'll give it that. It's one of the few shows I dutifully watch on my DVR (miss you so much Big Little Lies!).  I think it's because it doesn't have a Screech- I kinda like everyone. I even like Whitney quite a bit. Sorry for the most outdated reference but I couldn't think of modern day example (Glanville, Kim Richards maybe)

Edited by KnoxForPres
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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

As much as I've stated endlessly how I can't stand him, this makes me like him a bit.  He's basically telling Bravo to fuck off & he's refusing to keep their secrets about the scripted crap going on -- even tho I'm sure he's contractually bound by them to do exactly that.  Hmmm, good for him!

Look, it makes no sense why he'd be all over Craig.  He barely seems to care about his own family.  And he seems to have no true friends, other than useless drinking buds & the sleazy random young chicks he implies he has sex with every nite .  So why the fuck would he be so invested in Craig?  Even Cams said she couldn't care less whether he takes the bar or not.  Does anyone -- other than Naomie or his parents?

Any implication that Shep is all over Craig cuz he's jealous of him is dumb.  He clearly looks absolutely fine with his life.  He doesn't seem jealous of anyone, least of all Craig.  So the implication that he's jealous of Craig (coming from Craig & directed by the producers) makes zero sense.  Craig calling him a loser made no sense either.  You can pass judgement on him (and I do) for sleeping till at least 1 every day & getting drunk every nite & chasing after young chicks every nite.  But he can afford to live this lifestyle.  I suspect Shep is getting frustrated by the rep this show is giving him.  There is probably more to him (and I mean much more positive stuff) than what we're seeing.  His family (who seem like fancy-shmancy accomplished people) can't be thrilled about how this show portrays him.

Meh, I'll give everyone on this show a pass about not seeming to have any real friends.  Their real friends have to agree to appear on camera, and if Shep, et al, are running with the wealthier, higher class set in Charleston, the volunteers are probably few and far between.  Shep said he was going to a friend's wedding in Rhode Island, yet we've never seen that friend, so.  

Shep is clearly an intelligent, articulate man, and you're right that the show portrays him as a layabout playboy when viewer don't see his real interactions with friends, family, coworkers, colleagues, etc.  Which is true for all reality shows, but unlike the Housewives, who essentially sign up their entire family for the camera, the cast of Southern Charm is under no obligation to share intimate family moments or drama.  Which is kind of nice in some ways, but makes the cast, primarily Shep, lack a little more depth than we could be giving them credit for.

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