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S07.E16: Big Buddha Brawl

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This episode was exhausting to watch! Wow! Rinna needs to STFU! It's ok if she has selective memory, makes remarks about someone else's husband and accuse someone of drug use but when someone challenges her about the same things she freaks out. 

I knew pantygate would raise its ugly head again ( or as Kyle said 'tweeter'). And what a blow up! Erika said everything was fine but I guess they needed to get in another fight about this for the drama. 

Eileen used a poor choice of words, immediately apologized, but Erika went crazy anyway. I'm conflicted about the over the top way Erika reacted but then again I don't know how nerve wracking it would be to have a child as an LA policeman. 

The reunion is going to be a huge shitstorm! 

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, cyberfruit said:

The biggest issue on this show is that no one knows when to shut the hell up. Eileen accidentally got caught in the crossfire trying to mitigate the situation and became the target of misdirected anger, but as soon as Erica turned on her she should have said, "I'm sorry!" and then buttoned her lip. Erica would have probably have continued to unravel because her ultimate trigger was revealed, but on the flip side, Erica might have also calmed down if Eileen, and everyone else around her, had shut the hell up.

I would have been as silent as Dorit, and I don't even like the woman. 

This. I've said it since Eileen first appeared on the show.  Her neediness is exhausting. I could never be around this woman IRL. She never, ever knows when to SHUT UP and stop!

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Fuck you Erika. I understand the worry for your son, but your reaction was way OTT. You made me feel sympathy for Eileen and I'm not sure how to handle that. BTW...you looked like hot buttered ass at that dinner.

Really fuck you, Rinna. This episode cemented your place as my most hated Howife ever. You disgust me more than Tamra, Gretchen, Madame Dubrow, Kenya, Jillzy, Aviva, and Brandi combined. I hope your ass is nailed to the wall at the reunion. Also, whipping out the baggie during your TH wasn't cute or funny. It was fucking juvenile.

I really liked that red wire wrapped around Dorit's ponytail.

Ummm, I thought she was more like hot margarine ass.

Butter is real?

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, lunastartron said:

Who said Erika repeatedly brought it up? 

What i wrote is that Erika repeatedly said that her conflict with Dorit was resolved, over, and done with as well as that she had no issue with Dorit.

Now, she's contending exactly the opposite - that her dispute with Dorit is still plaguing her.

Its plaguing Erika because Dorit keeps bringing it up. Erika was tired of it being talked about. I don't blame her for being upset. 

The issue really could have been done if one of these women just said  "Hey e!! Your who-ha is showing"

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

OMG.  I need a Xanax.

Me too. I despise Lisa R. and Dorit in so many ways. Rinna was completely unhinged tonight. And  Dorit did that thing I hate when people attempt to apologize by saying "if I offended you."  But as bad as Rinna was, Erika repeatedly attacking Eileen for a very poor choice of words was even worse. Wow. Eileen has always defended her so that was a shock to watch.

  • Love 23
5 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Fuck you Erika. I understand the worry for your son, but your reaction was way OTT. You made me feel sympathy for Eileen and I'm not sure how to handle that. BTW...you looked like hot buttered ass at that dinner.

Really fuck you, Rinna. This episode cemented your place as my most hated Howife ever. You disgust me more than Tamra, Gretchen, Madame Dubrow, Kenya, Jillzy, Aviva, and Brandi combined. I hope your ass is nailed to the wall at the reunion. Also, whipping out the baggie during your TH wasn't cute or funny. It was fucking juvenile.

I really liked that red wire wrapped around Dorit's ponytail.

Haa ha I know what you mean, I actually felt sympathy for Eileen too and that's WEIRD.  Rinna OTOH continues to trainwreck herself into the ground.

  • Love 9
Just now, Jack Terrier said:

My one wish (it wasn't granted) is that Dorito would have stood up and yelled at Rinna, "why don't you go blow up your lips some more!"  TM Kim Richards.

Oh god that would have been brilliant!

I know I wish she had reacted better to that insane question too.  But I loved the Big Lip remarks from Kyle!

  • Love 10

Eileen is the only one of the bunch of them that I'd save if we were on a sinking ship and I could only save one of them. I had a problem in the past with the way they make fun of or take seriously Lisa Rinna's bag of pills. I think that with all the drug deaths in the news recently and so many people dying, sometimes 7 in the same city in a weekend of overdoses, is something that should be taken seriously. Lisa Rinna pulling a pill out of her bag, holding it up in front of the camera for laughs and suggesting that it would help 'lift' Dorit because she was 'being a downer' isn't funny or even appropriate anymore.

  • Love 19

Well that was insane.

I think I saw a new side of Erika that I didn't like but maybe a side we all been waiting for.  When this chick is upset she doesn't let go.
Granted what Eileen said to her was in poor taste, I don't think she was at all wishing ill or death on Erika's son.  That death glare was SCARY SHIT!  I thought Erika was going to cut her.  I was almost worried Eileen.

As for Lisa R there is not enough of "STFUs" I could possibly say about her.  Talk being a pot stirring little hypocrite.  First, she and Eileen couldn't help but add their two cents into Erika/Dorit's nonsense argument.  Then she tells Dorit to own her shit (mind you all this bitch is still saying she can't remember that she claimed Kim was near death).  Cut the to dinner, 2 years after attacking Kim for coming for her husband then comes for Dorit the same way.  BISH!!! Only difference Dorit was way classier to not smack the hell out of her.  Then she had implied Dorit might be doing drug.  So she escaped three smacks to the face.   Lisa R is just repugnant at this point.  I can't take her at all.

Dorit needs to learn how to drop it and stop talking a lot in circles trying to win an argument.  She looked pathetic when she and Erika had their stuff.  I do however defend her when Lisa/Eileen felt the need to jump in and then had the nerve to tell LVP she couldn't defend Dorit.  That's bullshit.  

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 24
36 minutes ago, Snappy said:

Just when I thought I couldn't dislike Rinna any more, I'm proven wrong.

Why does Erika feel the need to name drop all her designers? Oh wait, I know, insecurity. She loves dishing it out but she sure can't take it.

I know!  I never thought I'd dislike her anymore, now she's just beyond annoying, she is creepy.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Jel said:

Well that ship has sailed. How ironic that she was so worried about appearances that she ended up making the hugest spectacle of herself. This makes her flashy v look tame by comparison. 

Lisa Rinna just ugh. She's the worst. The literal worst.

Right.  That would be a joke if she promised not to embarrass Tom then dress with less clothes than a hooker.  And yes Lisa Rinna continues to be the absolute worst.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Seriously, WTF was all that  horseshit??  Erika and her "you don't know what I go through at night" business... My nephew is a Houston policeman and I worry about him every single day, don't get me wrong. But her reaction was WAAAAAYYYYYY out there. Maybe she was drunk??Do find it hilarious that she reared back and bit Eileen's face off, just because Eileen has always kissed the ring.  

I think the rumor they don't have a close relationship was proven here because her reaction was completely insane and way too angry.

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, tinaw said:

Its plaguing Erika because Dorit keeps bringing it up. Erika was tired of it being talked about. I don't blame her for being upset. 

The issue really could have been done if one of these women just said  "Hey e!! Your who-ha is showing"

This makes no sense. Dorit didn't bring the matter of the panties up since prior to Game Night, when Eileen revived the issue and Erika said it had been resolved. 

Literally three or four months had passed between that and Hong Kong.

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, rustyspigot said:

Well I have to get back to QVC, but I have to ask, were you doing coke after that dinner months ago? So amazing and ridiculous and out of left field. I'm still laughing. I guess Buddha cleared Rinna's mind. HA!

And Eileen questioned someone's acceptance of an apology? WHAT?

I have been daydreaming that Rinna and Eileen would leave for almost 2 years now.  I'm still holding on to it!

  • Love 8

On a bit of a humorous note, did anyone else expect LVP and Kyle to pull out popcorn at some point either on the Junk or at dinner? Just me?

The gondola ride and cow encounter were amusing as well. As was the glow/choir at the sight of Chanel and LisaV taking her bag home.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
Rinna made me forget a funny.
  • Love 21

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