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S34.E03: Survivor Jackpot

Tara Ariano

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Good for Troyzan! I barely remember him from before, but he seems pretty cool and laid back. As to idols, location of clues, etc.... every player has a camera person assigned to them. If they don't do anything interesting, we don't see that footage. Once they knew Troyzan found the clue, production puts the idol for that clue into play. Now, there's nothing that says another person on that green team couldn't have spotted it and pocketed it. Which was why I was sweating at Troyzan taking his time to stuff it in his underwear.

Sandra is an idiot. First, you don't kill any animal during fawn/birthing season. It's why deer are hunted in the fall & winter, their kids are basically able to take care of themselves by then. I am wondering if production might have stepped in had they tied one of them down to chop off it's head. At any rate, I am ready to bid the queen adieu.

Tai.... you haven't learned a thing. He is so easily manipulated, which is why he got as far as he did before. He couldn't pick up on the fact that Brad was playing him to get him to vote the way Brad wanted.

I laughed at JT sending everyone out in the ocean. As Varner said, it was brilliant. Varner wears that tie the same way other people have worn sport jackets or other out-of-place clothing. It's his fashion statement. :)

Bye Caleb, won't miss ya. You were boring. Among a whole lot of boring people.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Euriph said:

The goat issue wasn't a big deal to me. I mean Goats are not naturally found in Fiji anyways (Island after all).....plus they eat Everything! On the other hand, couldn't they keep the goats for milk? ((could waste food)) I still should congrats them for catching them. [I would still disapprove if they ate them because they had plenty like chickens. I just wouldn't be disgusted by it] 


Mana was an hot mess tonight! I'm not satisfied by the game play by some player but some shined I guess. In every situation I can conceive, this vote out only benefits two players in Mana, Culpepper and Sierra. (let's be honest Sierra did nothing but vote though) Culpepper is now the only physical member of that team and he eliminated a possibility in power dynamic (Debbie, Caleb, and Tia).  Although, I still don't get how this benefit Hali other than surviving an extra moment until next time. She still is out of the mix and could be in danger next time!

How Mana could look and how it looks now: 

(if Hali was able to manipulate herself into the Season 32 group)- Tai, Debbie, Caleb, and Hali [on the outs of the alliance]; Sierra and Culpepper would be in danger. This would of put Tai, Caleb, and Hali in a better position in their camp. Tai would have a better leader position too.....too bad he is a follower. (actually too much of one that he can be manipulated to flip and flop anyway)

(If they voted out Hali)- Tai and Caleb would have a strong alliance and Debbie could be easily a third wheel. One of those three could easily have a strong leader role while Sierra and Culpepper are on the outs. (Oh Tai, You could of been in a great position if you just kept Caleb)

(Reality)- Brad seems to have a stronger leadership role. He has plenty of moves he can make like vote out Hali (still on the outs), vote out another season 32 player...(Debbie more than Tai because he has Tai in his pocket), or move closer to the season 32 group and take caleb's place. (vote out Sierra or Hali)


  Yeah, she talked back to Sandra but Michaela speaks her mind all the time. (or shows it) This doesn't show that she has improved gameplay just focuses on what people like about Michaela. She is very opinionated and that can be received beneficially towards  viewers who have the same belief/opinion. (aka not killing a baby goat) I see no change in her gameplay....She could be perfecting her last gameplay by not speaking gameplay. (reason why she was voted off is because she showed that she was able to come up with a strategy and be strong in competition.) 

I thought Michaela handled the situation and handled Sandra beautifully.  She read the room and knew everyone else was on her side.  She then, in a non-confrontational,  non-judgmental way,  put out the idea of eating the chickens instead and everyone agreed.

It was a masterful example of how to handle a passive aggressive bully like Sandra.  

Also, though she didn't actually "talk back" to Sandra, if she had, so what?  Sandra might fancy herself the "Queen" of the tribe, but unless she finds a six pack of idols she won't be around much longer.

  • Love 12

If Tai were not an old, scrawny, Asian, homosexual man, I think he would be one of the most hated castaways in the history of the show, for his combination of inappropriate behavior, utter disloyalty, and inept game play.

Can you imagine a straight man sexually harassed a woman the way Tai did to Caleb the last time they were on the show?

I don't see Tai as a sweet, innocent, easily manipulated person.  I see him as a guy with no real moral or ethical compass (except where it comes to chickens) who is also bad at strategy.  

1 hour ago, violet and green said:

Highlight: Troyzan grabbing that HII.

Other highlight: JT and the 4 others letting the goat and her tiny kid go. Sandra, ugh.

Spewing that Caleb went over Hali - yeah, good plan.

Tai should have been the one to go.  Physically weak in challenges, unreliable in alliances and in a bromance with Caleb.  They had to vote off either Caleb or Tai, IMO, but they chose the wrong one. Caleb could have helped in challenges and while I don't know how loyal he is, he couldn't be less reliable than Tai.

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 18
7 hours ago, awaken said:

Does sierra actually draw her eyebrows on each morning on the island?

I think the conclusion last time was that they're tattooed.  Whoever did it started them too low and close together, almost  in the corners of her eyes, and it makes her pretty face frowny.      You're in for a treat when her blond bushy real brows start growing in.

5 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

To be honest, I thought everyone out there except Sandra was a hypocrite. They will kill chickens, but not goats? Michaela, especially, was perfectly happy to kill the chickens because "they are for eating". Whatever, Michaela.  It was as bad as people who buy Big Ag meat, but get uptight about those who kill their own. 


You make perfect sense Azshadowwalker, but we can't help it.  Most of us just have more heart for our fellow mammals than we do for fowl, and more for fowl than we do for fish, and more for fish than for the dead cabbage plant. I thought Michaela was about to cry and so was I.  Also, there's a difference between a quick killing by an expert in a slaughter house and JT possibly mangling the job and leaving a motherless kid to starve.

  • Love 21

I didn't realize Caleb went out on only day 9 last time. I guess it's fitting that he went out again on the same day. I wasn't one who really disliked Caleb, but I wasn't a huge fan either. I can't say I will miss those bedazzled jeans, that's for sure. I do think if they wanted to break up the bro-mance, Tai would have been the better option, since he's not as strong in challenges. Although, with the way they're already switching tribes up, that might not even matter. And Tai does seem easily malleable. 

Speaking of, I felt this was just too early for a tribe swap. I'm sure it's not unprecedented, but the show JUST started last week. Everyone is talking about how the new makeup will affect dynamics and I was still getting used to who was on what tribe. 

I was just glad to see the new "red" (can't keep up with all these tribe names) tribe was safe, because I like pretty much everyone there. Malcolm and Aubry are my front runners, and I've always had a nostalgic fondness for Varner. I really loved JT his first time around. (He played horribly his second time, so we'll see.) I WANT to love Michaela because she's such a challenge beast. And I do think she has a good head for the game, she just lets her heart get in the way. A LOT. Sandra is the only one I really cannot stand. 

I am so glad she didn't get her way with the goats. When even the country boy (who likely has hunted a time or two) is balking at the idea, you know it's bad. I don't see it as hypocritical, because it was a mother and a baby. What do you do - kill the mother and leave the poor baby to fend for itself? Kill them both and eat a baby goat??? No. That's the reason we have hunting "seasons", because you don't mess with mamas and new babies.  I'm a carnivore and I have no issues with hunting, as long as it's not trophy hunting and done in an ethical way. But they already have chickens (which we don't even know they'll kill) and other food and they can fish. No need to break up mommy and baby. It just made me see Sandra as callous as hell. And I notice SHE wasn't offering to kill the goat. Just eat it. 

  • Love 7

I'm not going to hate Sandra for wanting to eat the goats.  They all eat chickens, they all eat fish.  What's the difference (in theory)?  And there was no way it was going to happen anyway.  I'm positive as soon as they started talking about catching the goats production told them, "um, no."  So Sandra insisting they kill the goats was just to create drama.

4 hours ago, Pazlovejoy said:

It's interesting that so far, two of the three people eliminated have been physically strong males

I don't know if this will happen, but if there are several tribal shake ups (and I do hope they mix it up every couple of weeks) it doesn't do any good to keep the stronger men in the game.  Next week they might be on the other team.  Strength isn't an advantage when you don't have enough time to form bonds with your teammates.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, PerfidiousAmber said:

I liked the twist of the idol being hidden at the immunity challenge, and that Troyzan actually managed to snag it. Didn't we see the younger Kelly W. do this at a challenge before? It's gotta be difficult.

Yup. Wentworth had to do it, for sure, and there was maybe another time they utilized this kind of Idol? Personally, I love the idea of hiding them at challenges. It makes you really have to work for it. 


9 hours ago, PerfidiousAmber said:

I never liked Andrea much in previous seasons although I can't remember exactly why (old brain trying to remember 34 seasons ha ha) but I was pretty unimpressed by her ridiculously transparent attempt to set Troyzan's mind at ease. A child could see through that.

Ha! You're not alone. Some things I remember very specifically, but most of the time it's - "I know I don't like you (or do like you), but I just can't quite put my finger on why. You did something that rubbed me wrong, I just know it!" I have that feeling with Andrea. 


And yea, I agree that she was super obvious in her handling of Troyzan. As was Tai talking to Cirie last week. For returning players, some of these guys have NO game. 


8 hours ago, awaken said:

Does sierra actually draw her eyebrows on each morning on the island?

I think she had them tattooed on? And it looks really awkward when she's out there and her natural hair starts to grow in.

  • Love 1

IMO - Sandra really doesn't want to be there, playing Survivor again.  She wants to be the only two-time winner ... that's for sure.  So, she'll work to stay around until she gets rid of the other winners.  Then, she'll put herself in position to be voted off.

Afterthought:  how "fortunate" that she began the game on the same team as Tony and, after the shuffle, she's on the same team as JT.  

Edited by DallasGypsy
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Honestly a very disapointing vote. IT remeinds me of last season when those two scumbags who will remain nameless voted off their strongest player Michalea when there was no guarantee the merge was happening in the next episode.. For two people who have played the game before Sierra and Culpepper do not seem very smart. They are playing way too far ahead. Now is NOT the time to be worrying about after the merge. Now is the time to remain as strong as possible. Speaking of Culpepper are we seriously going to have to hear Monica named dropped every week?

 I don't think they were worried about the merge.  Brad was worried about the Caleb / Tai / Debbie connection.  Vote out Hali, and those 3 suddenly have the majority.  They go to tribal again and Caleb is no longer a sure thing.  Now it's just as likely Brad or Sierra go home to the 3 who played together.

9 hours ago, awaken said:

Does sierra actually draw her eyebrows on each morning on the island?

LOL...as others have mentioned, when her blond eyebrows start to grow in, she'll look like she's wearing two fuzzy caterpillars on her face.  I hope she sticks around long enough so we can see that, it's a great source of amusement for me.

Troyzan finding the idol clue appeared to be a re-creation.  He walked past the bottle and almost did a spit-take when he turned around and grabbed it.  Didn't look real to me at all.  But I do love the hiding of idols at challenges.  I found it odd that there was so much time spent (in reality, probably only about 15 seconds but I'm used to my Survivor moving at a faster clip) with the camera focused on Troyzan's tribe, Troyzan leaning on the puzzle board, and everyone saying "Oh my God" over and over.  In hindsight, I know there's a ton of downtime at challenges while cameras are adjusted, Probst gets his makeup touched up, etc.  It seemed like an oddly long segue, though.

The entire floating on the raft scene was way too long, as was the goat scene.  Were they lacking in footage or something?

And if you KNOW that JT is looking for the idol?  PADDLE THE BOAT BACK.  It's not as if they needed JT to rescue them.  Same with Troyzan running off and the rest of the tribe standing there talking about how they can't let him wander off by himself for more than a few minutes...and then they continue to stand there while he finds the idol.  These players should know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can't leave the person on the bottom of the alliance alone for any length of time, especially if you know exactly what they're doing.

Careful, Ozzy!  Cirie wouldn't look you in the eyes when you were chatting!  She might already be bending your brainwaves with her magic, so watch out!

Sandra's self-imposed "Queen" status has totally gone to her head.  She can go next week.

Weird Tribal Council camera work, too...those Sierra side-angles were awkward.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm not thrilled to see all these guys running around in their underpants. 

I initially read that as, "I'm not thrilled to see all these goats running around in their underpants," and I wish there had been goats in underpants because that would have made this episode slightly less worthless.

The whole goat segment.
Troy finding the HII.
Caleb, who I don't even like, getting voted out while annoying Debbie, utter waste of space Sierra, and Fuck You Brad Culpepper survive.

Puzzled by:
Everyone sitting on the raft going, "oh, JT left us out here. There is literally nothing we can do about it."
Tai rubbing sand all over his body.

The bat.
The fancy striped lizard.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. Wentworth had to do it, for sure, and there was maybe another time they utilized this kind of Idol?

Jeremy (eventual winner of Second Chances) also swiped a hidden Immunity Idol at a challenge.

2 minutes ago, Apocalypso said:

Could someone please tell me at what point Malcolm was skipping?  I missed it but I have the episode taped; just don't want to rewatch the whole hour.  Thanks.

He skipped over to the pillows and blankets nuNuku won after they chose their reward after the challenge.

Well, I'm not gonna miss Caleb at all, and my hatred of him from BB16 is the main reason why.  Sure, he wasn't that bad here on Survivor.  Doesn't mean it absolves him of what he did on BB.  At least not in my eyes.  That said, Tai is the most wishy-washy player I've seen, and I wouldn't trust him, either.  Won't be upset to lose him any time soon.

I've gotta say, though, that I was very impressed with how Brad handled Tai and got him to relent to voting out Caleb.  He didn't have much finesse in Blood vs. Water, so to see him demonstrate so much of it was incredible.  At the same time, though, it's Tai, who, as said above, will listen to anybody.  But still, the fact that he managed to turn him without setting off any warning bells was a nice feat on his part.

Glad that Cirie feels safe on the newly-formed Tavua.  Hope she can wrangle something.  She already has Sarah and Zeke, so just Ozzy and/or Andrea will seal the deal for her.

The goat exchange didn't bother me, either.  The tribe eats the chickens, so eating goats shouldn't be against any rules, either.  That talk about letting them go had to be producer-prompted.

Just for the boot, good episode.

  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

 Same with Troyzan running off and the rest of the tribe standing there talking about how they can't let him wander off by himself for more than a few minutes...and then they continue to stand there while he finds the idol.

That was too funny.  While they were busy patting themselves on the back I was waiting for someone to ask, "Gee, where is Troyzan anyway?"

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Honestly a very disapointing vote. IT remeinds me of last season when those two scumbags who will remain nameless voted off their strongest player Michalea when there was no guarantee the merge was happening in the next episode.

Yikes. Jay had one of the nicest post-merge edits I've ever seen and his Survivor legacy is going to be "He Voted Out Michaela" (like Ciera's "She Voted Out Her Mom").

9 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I don't remember JT having such a strong Southern drawl in his previous season. You can hardly understand what he's saying.

Agreed. He sounded like Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain a few times.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, Apocalypso said:

Could someone please tell me at what point Malcolm was skipping?  I missed it but I have the episode taped; just don't want to rewatch the whole hour.  Thanks.

I believe it was when he went to pick up the reward of pillows and blankets.  He was also singing a song called "We Finally Won Something." :)

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Lunula said:

Gotta say, I've watched this show since season 1 - don't think I have missed one episode. I have written to CBS about the cruelty they've allowed to happen to the chickens over the seasons. When they throw them off boats, grab them by legs and wings and basically terrorize them so they can then starve them at camp before killing them - that's just wrong. But had they killed those goats, I would've deleted my season pass and never watched again. This is supposed to be entertainment and that shouldn't fucking include cruelty to animals all televised on prime time. 

Sandra just needs to go. Her idiotic outburst last week after she pulled off that blindside was so childish and unnecessary, and I cannot stand watching her anymore. 


I FF'd through the entire goat thing, because I heard rumblings before the episode that a goat may be killed. I would have stopped watching Survivor also. That is not the type of entertainment needed on TV. Good idea about writing to CBS. I am going to do that also. I am so happy to hear they didn't kill a goat.

I don't mind Caleb and think they were crazy to let him go. I didn't watch Big Brother, so maybe that is where dislike for him comes in. 

I have watched every season but I only remember Troyzan by name. Was he liked or disliked? I read a Facebook Survivor page and he seems well liked over there.

And I agree that Sandra must go....ASAP.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, TVWatcher12 said:

I used to like Sandra but wow - no more! She was semi-nice the first time she won. She would be the first to go! 

I think she is in big trouble the next time her tribe goes to TC.  She is a arrogant, controlling, useless in challenges, a 2 time winner and a strategic threat.  Unless some pair gets the bright idea of trying to bring her to FTC as a goat, I think she will be gone at first chance.

  • Love 2

Extra +1s to @azshadowwalker, @Superpole2000, and anyone else who pointed out the hypocrisy of the holier-than-Sandra survivors. I hope they're prepared to turn down any lamb or veal that might be in a reward. Not to mention milk, which typically comes from a grieving mother whose calf has been taken away and shoved in a veal crate. Unless, of, course, they pass the "we're really starving" test, in which case everything is fine, amirite?

Edited by 303420
  • Love 16

Have I mentioned how much I hate this season?  They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with returning players.  Right now the only ones I give a rat's butt about are Malcolm (only because of his uncanny resemblance to Rupert Friend and since Quinn is the series punching bag on "Homeland" this season I need one without blood and bruises), Cirie (because Cirie mojo), and Troyzan (old fart power!).  JT, who was once my age-inappropriate Survivor crush, is not aging well, and you'd think he could have used some of that million to get that tooth fixed.  Tai is a walking Asian stereotype.  My girl Michaela gets NO air time at all.  The rest of them?  All interchangeable. And the producers know it, that's why they keep switching the tribes around.

  • Love 3

I found Caleb really subdued this time around.  I really hope that there wasn't any long term consequence of his medical emergency his last time on the show.  I would have liked him to stay around a bit longer.  I'm surprised anyone thinks Tai would be loyal to an alliance.  

I'm still kind of scratching my head over why on earth they are calling this a game changer season as I find most of the contestants really forgettable.  

As for Sandra, her actions were pretty consistent with what I remember about her.  She kind of eggs people on to do what she wants, but she herself won't actually take the action, then turns around and reminds others of the actions taken by those whom she manipulated.  For example, she was egging on the killing of the goats, but excused herself from actually doing it by saying "I don't know how..."  It's really not too complicated to figure out, but by claiming that she squarely puts the actual death of the goats (should they kill them) onto someone else and she has clean hands.  It could even become an argument of 'but JT killed the goats-he should go.'  Fortunately, the goat killing was avoided (and like many others, I would never have watched another episode even though I have watched every episode of this show and even watched the episode in which MIke killed the boar [which I was horrified about]).

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, 303420 said:

Extra +1s to @azshadowwalker, @Superpole2000, and anyone else who pointed out the hypocrisy of the holier-than-Sandra survivors. I hope they're prepared to turn down any lamb or veal that might be in a reward. Not to mention milk, which typically comes from a grieving mother whose calf has been taken away and shoved in a veal crate. Unless, of, course, they pass the "we're really starving" test, in which case everything is fine, amirite?

I don't think it was hypocrisy as much as people having different comfort levels.  If they found a mother dog and her litter of adorable puppies, would it be hypocritical to shudder at the idea of eating them, while having no problem eating the chickens?   

The fact that the goats were mother and kid made it more problematic.  They would have to kill both or neither, and the kid might not have even been edible.

At any rate, I don't think they were really judging Sandra for wanting to eat the goats, but just expressing that they were not comfortable with it.  If anything Sandra was more of a hypocrite in wanting to eat the goats, but wanting someone else to do the dirty work of slaughtering them. 

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Pazlovejoy said:

 I hope this season is the last we see of Tai. He may actually be smart and practical in real life, but on Survivor, he's a ditzy invertebrate.

This is just the greatest description of Tai.  I can't stop laughing.

10 hours ago, Maverick said:

 What the hell are Caleb and Cullpepper wearing?  Caleb is bad enough with his denim rolled up knee high looking like he's about to go to the crick to hunt some crawdads but what as up with Cullpepper's mauve capri pants?

Oy, no kidding!!  And the belt buckles!

I  am a vegetarian, but I don't have a problem if people eat meat as long as the animals are raised/slaughtered humanely (which could be through personally hunting them).  While I knew that the survivors were probably not allowed to eat the goats, the thought of the kind of bungled, bloody, disastrous mess those yahoos would probably make trying to slaughter a goal -- not to mention the way goats scream -- had me cringeing until that segment was over.

My favorite moments:

Troy finding that idol. So suspenseful, and well-played.  I know people hate him, but I'm kind of fond of this jerk. At least he is enjoying himself!

Michaela petting the baby goat.  For the awwwws.

Malcolm skipping. (!!)

  • Love 4

I am bored with the Idol.  

They should tell them half way through that there is no idol this season - after they've all dug up half the island.  That would be funny.

I'm also tired of the constant alliance talk.  The earlier seasons focused a bit more on 'day to day' life and the survivors came across as a bit more personal and relatable.  Now it's too procedural and set-up.  Like the the producer says 'go over there and talk - we have cameras set up'.

Anyway, finding it boring so far. They need to shake things up somehow.

  • Love 6
31 minutes ago, Special K said:

I  am a vegetarian, but I don't have a problem if people eat meat as long as the animals are raised/slaughtered humanely (which could be through personally hunting them).  While I knew that the survivors were probably not allowed to eat the goats, the thought of the kind of bungled, bloody, disastrous mess those yahoos would probably make trying to slaughter a goal -- not to mention the way goats scream -- had me cringeing until that segment was over.

I agree.  How on earth they would have been able to actually carry out the deed humanely.... I shudder.  And which to kill?  Kill the baby and you leave the grieving mother.  Kill the mother, and besides the fact that the baby is now doomed, you now have too much meat.  There are only 6 on the tribe.  They can't eat an entire goat at one time.  How would they preserve the rest?


Also - Probst told EW that if they had decided to kill the goat production would have let them!!!!!!!!!

Edited by DEL901

I find myself likingTroyzan and Brad.  I did not expect this!

36 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Probst told EW that if they had decided to kill the goat production would have let them!!!!!!!!!

I am sickened and sad by this.  I had a close relationship with a heard of goats for many years.  They are precious, sweet animals. Very loving. Notice how the baby goat comfortably cuddled in Sandra's arms. They were easy to catch because they trust people will feed and be good to them.  Those were not wild animals; they clearly belonged to a goat farmer and either escaped or were turned loose.  The mother is a Nubian (breed), the same as the heard I help tend in rural MA.  

And to think I have been defending Sandra.  Never again.  Jeff, you are despicable. 

Yes, I eat meat (this question is probably coming) but I draw the line at goats, octopus (smart), deer and elk.  Oh, and I don't eat boneless, skinless chicken breasts, either, I hate them.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

Yikes. Jay had one of the nicest post-merge edits I've ever seen and his Survivor legacy is going to be "He Voted Out Michaela" (like Ciera's "She Voted Out Her Mom").

Agreed. He sounded like Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain a few times.

In my book it will be anyway. That was one of the most short sighted, ignorant moves I've ever seen in the game. And his smirking little buddy seemed to just go along with it just for the sake of  "I'm on SURVIVOR...I want to be seen "making a move".

Remember in Gabon when those morons decided to kill and eat that poor turtle? I know it's hypocritical, but I give zero fucks about eating chicken or fish - I do, however, have a huge problem with eating goats, boars, turtles, etc. ESPECIALLY when these people have rice, fruit, vegetables, and an ocean full of seafood to eat. It's just not necessary. I didn't even like that they chased after and tied up the goats - why do you have to interrupt these animals in their natural habitat? I'm not some tree-hugging vegan, but I hate that they even handled the goats to begin with- especially the baby. Unnecessary!

Also, I am confused. Brad Culpepper......he didn't suck. Like, I watched this episode just waiting to shout obscenities at my screen, but then... PLOT TWIST! Brad Culpepper decorates the camp and tells us about his love of antiquing. He refers to Hali not as some naive, ditzy girl but as a "budding attorney" and gives her props on how well she's acquitting herself at TC. He has a convo with Tai and gently persuades him to change his vote using subtle manipulation. I mean, granted, it's Tai, but still - I feel Like Brad Culpepper is slowly morphing into Fasier Crane. Just watch, next episode he'll tell us he has box seats at the opera and buys vintage sherry.

After seeing his dorky little skip+song, I'm officially on the Malcolm bandwagon. Still does nothing for me physically, but he's a cute person.

Also, on a shallow note - has Sierra had work done? Her face looks very off to me. Like she's had fillers in her face and lips. Not even going to mention The Eyebrows....

Edited by Sugar
  • Love 10
16 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

In my book it will be anyway. That was one of the most short sighted, ignorant moves I've ever seen in the game. And his smirking little buddy seemed to just go along with it just for the sake of  "I'm on SURVIVOR...I want to be seen "making a move".

Wait, why was it ignorant and short-sighted? I'm a Michaela fan, but she had just outed herself as being smarter than the average bear, and they knew a merge was coming. Also, I would not want Michaela on any jury (too bitter), especially if I were Jay. You can hate the move because it got someone you like voted out, but I hardly think it was ignorant

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I imagine Sandra getting tired of the others' lack of spine, going into the woods with the goats. "Listen to me. Momma, you bit me on the nose and got away with your kid. In one week, I want you to bring three of the biggest males you can find to our camp. If they're assholes, all the better. Do we have an understanding?" Seriously, I'm still holding out hope Sandra wasn't really craving goat. Also, I'd expect her to tell Tai that the chickens committed suicide. "Hey, I didn't see the blade until it was too late. Nothing could've been done."

@Lantern7, I love your imaginary Sandra conversations. And I can totally see and hear her say this!

As for goat gate, I would have kept both at camp, because having milk would have been great (and a good + recurrent source of proteins) - plus the kid is cute and having cute animals around you decreases stress level. Therefore, less paranoia at camp :)

Impressed by Brad playing Tai like a fiddle, I liked that he knew what decision he wanted but also knew that he wanted it to come from Tai, and also how to get him there. I keep forgetting that the guy is a lawyer. Then again, it's Tai we're talking about here, so quite easy to influence as long as you let him think it's his idea. Which only a surprising number of people have thought of doing (I remember Aubry as another Tai-whisperer, but that may be all).

Less impressed by how Andrea was so transparent with Troy - and worried because she's been rather invisible so far, this is the first interaction of hers that I remember seeing this season, which doesn't really bode well.

Oh, and when that one tribe arrived at that camp that had nothing: Ozzy immediately takes stocks of the situation ("not too bad, there are more coconuts here, etc.") and in the next scene we see fresh fishes hanging from hooks. It was like an accelerated synopsis : 1) basic fishing gear, 2) Ozzy, 3) fish back at camp.      

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, Sugar said:

Wait, why was it ignorant and short-sighted? I'm a Michaela fan, but she had just outed herself as being smarter than the average bear, and they knew a merge was coming. Also, I would not want Michaela on any jury (too bitter), especially if I were Jay. You can hate the move because it got someone you like voted out, but I hardly think it was ignorant

I agree.  I love Michaela, but Jay removing her as a threat was a valid strategy.  

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Hey...I'll admit it.  I'm a total hypocrite.  I'm an omnivore, but other than fishing, crabbing, and clamming, I have zero interest in harvesting my own protein.  Wait.  "Zero interest" indicates apathy.  No.  I am actively squeamish and loathe to kill chickens, pigs, cows etc. for my consumption.  But I'll eat 'em--after I decently purchase them from the store.  But I'm not starving.  If I were, then I could probably do it--snivelling and crying and begging forgiveness the whole way.

This lol. And I think this is all fine because you (and I) are able to realize that feeling this way makes us hypocrites. At least we're self aware! 

I actually fast forwarded most of the goat scene because I wasn't about it in any way. But mostly tbh because to me it felt like theater and was just completely fake to me. Although that was when I assumed they would never be allowed to kill the goat. Probst is saying something different now, but I'm not entirely sure I believe him.

2 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Puzzled by:
Everyone sitting on the raft going, "oh, JT left us out here. There is literally nothing we can do about it."

I could not stop laughing over that scene. I was like, 'uh, why are you just sitting there and letting him do it then?' And then Varner being all, "Well he's screwed if he gets the idol." Kinda the opposite actually, buddy! A lot these people are not coming off like they've played 2, 3, and even 4 times at all.

I never really hated Troyzan tbh. I found him hilarious in One World. And I am quite enjoying him so far this season. I loved his reaction to getting the green buff, like he was so puzzled by another color and had no idea what was happening lol. And him crying over the idol clue was cute and endearing. And I just love HIIs being in challenges. Like @KimberStormer said, it's just really exciting TV.

I did hate Brad last time, but I'm finding him kinda enjoyable so far this season, which makes me feel dirty.

I've always liked Andrea, but I do struggle to remember what she's actually done. I am pretty sure I did find her impressive, but I don't know why lol. But I still like her because she's pretty and funny lol.

I'm always so puzzled by all the 'Hali only got cast again to fill the cute girl role' simply because she is not pretty to me. I find her face very strange. But I like her a lot and I was so worried she'd go tonight. I have high hopes for her, which is why I'm disappointed it appears she did absolutely nothing to save herself. Sure, they might have edited it out, but based on her face and body language at TC I'm pretty sure she thought she was a goner so I'm thinking she didn't do much to stay. Sigh. I really want her to be a good player, dammit!

I found myself liking and being attracted to Ozzy, Malcom, and JT in this ep and I previously hated all three. But I am feeling their looks this season, which is funnier to me since so many seem to think they're all more unattractive now than they were before.

I went into this season hating most of them and expecting to hate this season, but so far I find it mostly boring but I am weirdly still kinda into it. LOL I don't know!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9
17 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Those poor goats.  I don't know why they left it up to Sandra.  

They didn't leave it up to her though. Several people wanted to catch the goats. And after they caught them, they all sat down, discussed it, and took a vote. There was certainly no threatening or bullying or strong-arming or anything even remotely close to that on Sandra's part. 

And I really don't understand why so many people think Sandra is evil because she wanted to eat a goat. So did other people. And, unless you're a vegan, you have no reason at all to be upset. If you eat meat, you really don't have a leg to stand on here. (Generic "you", not anyone in particular) Why is it ok to eat the chickens but not the goat? And "honoring" the animal before you eat it (which they mention all the time on cooking shows) is just a bunch of BS people say to make themselves feel better. If you really wanted to honor the animal, you wouldn't eat it. I guess the hypocrisy just really bothers me. If you eat meat, you're just as "evil" as Sandra.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 11

I think voting out Caleb was a really dumb choice for the tribe this early in the game, and I think Tai is a really dumb player. I know the show loves him based on the number of talking heads he gets but he's the reason I almost boycotted this season. Some may find his child-like persona endearing but I think he's just creepy and weird. For one thing I don't think he's very bright, and for another thing he seems to have been infantilized his whole life because of his size, and he just rolls with it, playing the man child. He talks like a five-year old, and it's not a language barrier thing either - he just acts like a small child. It isn't cute to me, it's just weird.

I did not watch whatever season Brad was on so I have no prior opinion of him but he apparently latched onto what an easily manipulated idiot Tai is. Caleb would have been loyal to Tai but Brad has no reason to be. 

Caleb was really no threat to anyone - he's not the brightest bulb in the box. He earned a lot of animosity on Big Brother for "stalking" a female houseguest but in reality he was manipulated into doing that by the dude-bros in the house who got a kick out of seeing him go after her. They were the ones who continued to urge him to pursue her and convinced him she was into him. He's actually a pretty decent guy - just not real smart. Just look at the way he tolerated Tai's creepy obsession with him and even seems to still consider him a friend. Tai couldn't have made a dumber choice.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

I agree with you azshadowwalker. There is no pleasant way to kill animals for human consumption. If you didn't want to see the goats die in this episode (I didn't) then don't order a hamburger, BLT, or chicken salad tomorrow. Out of sight, out of mind isn't a good enough philosophy on this issue.

I don't wholly disagree with this statement and I'm not a vegetarian, though I don't eat a lot of meat and no beef, veal/lamb (no baby animals), goose or duck. I actually do spend more to buy "humanely raised" meat and/or from local farmers, when possible. Of course, I have no clue what actually happens, but I can at least try to take a stand. Also, as a scuba diver, I don't eat a lot of marine life because it hurts my heart that I take dive vacations to see these creatures, and then eat them. I had to leave the table recently on a trip to New Orleans because someone ordered turtle soup. No lie.

The bigger issue for me is having to watch it on prime-time TV for entertainment. These people are NOT STRANDED on a deserted island. They are not going to starve to death. I tune in each week to watch the competitions and to explore the psychology and yes, the drama - not to watch animals slaughtered by people with dull machetes who have no clue what they are doing and are probably going to get food on a reward challenge the next day. Hearing that baby goat scream like that made me nauseated...

I don't like trophy hunting either, as I think killing for entertainment is sick.

Edited by Lunula
  • Love 13

Sandra just seemed like "If someone can prepare & present me goat dinner I'll eat it up yum yum good" but she wanted nothing to do with the transition from adorable goat baby to baby goat dinner. It was the people that most would be involved in that process that didn't want to do it and balked at the idea. She was all "yeah lets do it" but she was just envisioning a nice prepared goat dish not any part of the slaughtering & preparation. Not that that excuses or damns her either way though.

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Sandra just seemed like "If someone can prepare & present me goat dinner I'll eat it up yum yum good" but she wanted nothing to do with the transition from adorable goat baby to baby goat dinner.

She said she would help clean the carcass to strip it off the meat (not a fun job). She said she didn't know how to kill it, but I fully believe she would have killed it had someone told her what to do.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Sugar said:

Remember in Gabon when those morons decided to kill and eat that poor turtle? I know it's hypocritical, but I give zero fucks about eating chicken or fish - I do, however, have a huge problem with eating goats, boars, turtles, etc. ESPECIALLY when these people have rice, fruit, vegetables, and an ocean full of seafood to eat. It's just not necessary. I didn't even like that they chased after and tied up the goats - why do you have to interrupt these animals in their natural habitat? I'm not some tree-hugging vegan, but I hate that they even handled the goats to begin with- especially the baby. Unnecessary!

Also, I am confused. Brad Culpepper......he didn't suck. Like, I watched this episode just waiting to shout obscenities at my screen, but then... PLOT TWIST! Brad Culpepper decorates the camp and tells us about his love of antiquing. He refers to Hali not as some naive, ditzy girl but as a "budding attorney" and gives her props on how well she's acquitting herself at TC. He has a convo with Tai and gently persuades him to change his vote using subtle manipulation. I mean, granted, it's Tai, but still - I feel Like Brad Culpepper is slowly morphing into Fasier Crane. Just watch, next episode he'll tell us he has box seats at the opera and buys vintage sherry.

After seeing his dorky little skip+song, I'm officially on the Malcolm bandwagon. Still does nothing for me physically, but he's a cute person.

Also, on a shallow note - has Sierra had work done? Her face looks very off to me. Like she's had fillers in her face and lips. Not even going to mention The Eyebrows....

Excellent post!  I agree with every word.  I love Brad's passion for decor and Malcolm's delight with it.  So cute.

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