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S04.E07: A Honeymoon and a Courtship


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I swear I thought Austin said 'I'm going to ask Joy to intercourse with me' instead of enter a courtship with me.

This honeymoon is boring the shit out of me. And it should...why should anyone be watching anyone else's honeymoon? 

If my husband (or whoever I was with) didn't tell the water taxi driver to hurry the fuck up as I was getting ill I'd be pissed. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Jinger looks like the cat who swallowed the canary.

I see what you did there.  Hee!

3 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I am surprised that Joy was allowed to sit in the middle of the truck. Michelle refused to let Jess's sit next to Ben in Bens truck. 

Joy was sitting on the outside.  She seemed ticked about something and almost slammed the door on her leg. 

I fell in love with Australia during the 2000 Summer Olympics, but I’ve been wanting to go to ever since Oprah surprised her studio audience with a free trip.  I think Beck overreacted when she saw the newlyweds snogging.  I am willing to bet that no one has ever accused her of having a sense of humor.

I am starting to see Jinger in a different light.  She seems uneducated, uncultured and immature. Jeremy is probably wondering what the heck he has gotten himself into.   Joy appears to be as dumb as a box of rocks.  How is it that Jason is the only Duggar kid with a deep Southern accent?

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Joy said Austin vowed not to hold hands in courtship... just as Josh and Anna, and Jill and Derick didn't. Remember the scandalous evening when Jill and Derick( or was it Jessa and Ben? )  were next to each other in a prayer circle and Michelle intervened? 

I am surprised that Joy was allowed to sit in the middle of the truck. Michelle refused to let Jessa sit next to Ben in Bens truck. 


Of course, because Meechelle wanted to sit next to Bin.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, McManda said:


I don't understand. Jeremy has the most "normal" life of them all - he went to college, played pro(-ish?) soccer, has non-fundie friends, has had girlfriends before, even ... omg, slept with girls before (/sarcasm). He's tall, dark, and handsome. He shouldn't be giving me vague Michelle vibes.


I think this is a big reason why he gives a lot of us some kind of nutso-bananas vibe. There's just something that doesn't match at all among his background, the fact that he picked out "meek" Jinger, and his (creepy?) demeanor. All three seem super-jangly at odds with one another in a way that I just can't make sense of . But I get the very strong vibe that it's wrong ... somehow.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

According to Joyless they are taking the high road and pleasing the "Lort". FU to Jinj and Babe? These people drive me insane

That's why there's so much horrible crap happening in the world. God's too busy spying on teenagers to make sure they don't hold hands or masturbate to make sure babies aren't starving to death.

  • Love 21
5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

"I think Joy is going to be very surprised because she is not expecting a courtship to take place at this point, but Austin I think is ready, and I think Joy is really ready. They are both very mature, and I think they make a good match."       -Jim Bob Duggar

I call bullshit. 

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, sheshark said:

Babe and Jinge were like a breath of fresh air between the 'back to Arkansas" scenes.  Did he say his digeridoo playing sounded like a fart?  And did your family have a digeridoo in the house (because it is believed to make you become pregnant).  And the smooching and sleevelessness.  Does Jinge know that sushi is a no-no for preggos?  I enjoyed it. 

I can't decide whether or not I like Jeremy.  On one hand he seems much more modern than the Duggar family which is a nice refresh from Ben and Derrick.  He still gives off a creeper vibe though.  I was shocked to hear Jeremy say that the digeridoo sounded like a fart.  I've never heard any of the Duggar's use "bathroom language" before.  It was interesting to see Jeremy sort of test Jinger throughout this epsiode - almost making fun of her at times.  When Jinger said that women weren't allowed to play the digeridoo because they can get pregnant and Jeremy throws in something like "did your family have a lot of digeridoos?".  Jinger seemed uncomfortable during most of the episode and for good reason as most of these experiences are new to her... wonder what the fam will think about her scandalous shoulders being revealed. 

  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

am starting to see Jinger in a different light.  She seems uneducated, uncultured and immature. Jeremy is probably wondering what the heck he has gotten himself into.   Joy appears to be as dumb as a box of rocks. 

Yes yes yes yes yes.

Joy, by far, has got to be the dumbest Duggar.  And there was nothing natural about the courtship scene between those two. Holy shit that stare between them at the very end when she's sitting next to him in the truck. That was scary!

Edited by woodscommaelle

I think Jeremy will have a bad case of buyer's remorse.

Meek is all cute and adorable...until you realize you have married a child who needs to be supervised, helped and guided through everyday situations.

Jeremy is also the most "worldy" of all of them.  What was once quaint will probably be super annoying.  I don't think Jeremy is really that sincere.  This is some religious fling for him and he very well might change his mind in the near future. 

  • Love 10

I'm almost scared to say this, but Jeremy actually grew on me in this episode.  He seemed  so much more outgoing & personable to the people in Australia than the whole Duggar clan would combined.  He struck up conversations with everyone they met.  I know some of it was for the show but it was much more refreshing than watching Jim Bob pass out family pictures to anyone that was around or the older boys sitting like slugs staring into space. 

I liked Jer & Jinge on the car ride to the restaurant.  Did anyone else notice he correctly said driving on the "opposite" side of the road, not the "wrong" side as I think Boob & the rest kept saying when they were in Europe.  Jeremy seems to be like Mr. Barb- the more you tell him to stop doing something aggravating, the more he does it. We were the same way when driving in St. John. They really seemed like a normal couple.  I liked seeing Jinge in her sleeveless tops & dresses. Hopefully that's a start.

BTW, Joy had to know what was coming when Austin started talking to her on the rock.  There was no smile, twinkle in her eyes or anything showing she was happy about it until the very end after he asked her and then she didn't seem thrilled.  But at least being asked on the rock was better than the home office with Ma & Pa Duggar in attendance. 

Hopefully Michelle didn't  see Joy sitting in the middle of the front seat in the truck.  Remember Michelle put herself between Jessa & Ben when they went to visit his family?  We did assume that was because she wanted to be squished next to Ben, not to separate them. 

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Yes yes yes yes yes.

Joy, by far, has got to be the dumbest Duggar.  And there was nothing natural about the courtship scene between those two. Holy shit that stare between them at the very end when she's sitting next to him in the truck. That was scary!

That stare when Joy looked up at Austin when they were sitting in the truck - all I could think is that she was copying the look that Jinger always gives to Jeremy.  This is how Joy thinks she's supposed to be around her new suitor.  There is zero chemistry here. 

  • Love 5

Is Austin going to work at the camp?  Is Jim Bob going to let Joy move to the camp? Seriously, he already let Jinger go, at least temporarily, is he going to be willing to let go of another daughter?

Whatever happened to Jim Bob's dream of having all 19 children live in house built on his twenty acres?  He is losing out on his compound.

  • Love 1

I'm getting terrible vibes from Austin and Joy.  He couldn't even name something unique about her other than the obligatory "diligence" and "a heart for the Lord".  I'm those thing too, Austin.  Where's my walk to the cliff?  My brothers would have thrown him over the edge.  

Austin: "I've known her since she was five."

Joy:  "We met five years ago."

Austin:  "We grew up going to church together and were friends."

Joy: "This dude just started showing up one day."

They need to get their story straight. 

"Babe, you're freaking me out...*whispers* to be honest." *remembers to keep sweet* "....but you're doing great!" It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Although I could do without the bedroom eyes, it was interesting to see Jinger show a little bit of personality and humor.  She seems to be more "with it" than her siblings and is more willing to just go with the flow.  She even admitted that Jeremy has already expanded her mind a bit. 

Jinger's face when she said "It's not like we just got married or anything." was great.  I don't know if I'm annoyed because I think she looks like a child who was just told "no" or if I applaud her for showing some personality. 


Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 14
57 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Sinner Twin is hot. He's the only Duggar male to stir up impure thoughts in my head. 

Who is Sinner Twin? The one who looks like Austin with the short blonde hair (the one eating at the counter when Austin came over to ask for JB); or the other curly haired one - who I personally don't find handsome AT ALL though maybe everyone else does?

  • Love 2

I think Jinger is kind of adorable now that we see the old spark that she used to have as a child. Free Jinger didn't start for nothing. I like her wrinkly nose and real joy. Jessa just does that fake little laugh, Jill just does a toothy grin with sad eyes, and Joy just looks lobotomized. Lonely lovely Jana just looks pleasant. 

Jeremy seems to be enjoying that she's along for the ride to normaltown. She was wearing a pretty tight little sweater and skirt there in the park. That's a hell of a lot sexier than pants. Don't they realize how turned on some guys are by those little skirts they like? 

Now once again - what DOES Ben do? I'm still lost on wtf is going on there. 

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

I have watched this show prettyy much from day one and I demand to know who replaced my spunky little Joy with a Stepford robot?  Someone needs to be held accountable for taking the life out of that girl's eyes!

Her parents? She seemed like a REALLY happy kid when she got to run around barefoot playing kickball with her brothers. But I'm sure somewhere around age 10 her parents said- ENOUGH, you are a GIRL, it isn't LADYLIKE, and who will marry you if you become athletic and work with your hands?? So then she was forced to be with the older girls, wear skirts, act like she was soooo excited for each of them who was courting and popping out babies, and act like that's what she wanted too bc that's how she was supposed to act. Though I do remember a recent (within 1-2 yrs - maybe when Jill was courting) interview where she did a TH with Grandma Duggar and said she wasn't sure she'd get married bc it's too much work. I was STUNNED and left wondering if she'd be hitting the prayer closet when Ma and Pa Duggar saw such an act of defiance. Interesting Grandma Duggar did not seem the least bit bothered or annoyed; didn't do any of the - oh God will put it in your heart, when the right one comes all you'll want is marriage and babies; though she was probably happy to see a granddaughter have an opinion.

Having your life pre-determined for you - by age 10 (or at birth really due to gender) has a way of killing your spunk. She'll go through the motions of what she's supposed to do, but you know she doesn't want it. I know she comes across dumb, but she would've done so much better if they had allowed public school. Not saying she'd be class valedictorian - but I see her as the kind of girl who'd be a solidly average student but would keep her grades high enough to play a sport every season, would be super tight with her teammates and coaches. And then would gradate HS and get a job that was also team oriented. The Duggars are so sexist - if the brothers are doing house flips with Austin, Joy would be the perfect girl who could be involved in deciding on design; working to make sure the bathtubs etc. that would be best for the house fit structurally and with the budget; staging etc. I think she'd get into something where she felt a part of the team for a real project where she could get her hands dirty too.

  • Love 13

I had the show on, muted, and at the end saw some teaser clips labeled "next season." Urgh. Which included some scene with Austin and JIM BOOB in what looked like a house Austin was flipping. I didn't un-mute it so I'm not sure. There were also scenes of Jessa going into labor, Jer/Jing grocery shopping, and Joy/Austin. They are draggging things out. Not sure when "next season" starts, but it looks like Henry will be months old before they get around to showing his delivery. I spoze that's fine with the leghumpers - and maybe at this point that's all the audience that TLC is aiming for.

So - the show will go on, and Jim Bob will get more face time. 

  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, Magoo said:

Color me surprised, but I loved Jinger and Jeremy on their honeymoon. They were normal, relaxed and fun. They both seemed up for new experiences and new food. I think Jeremy is really going to push Jinger out of her tater tot casserole mindset, as much as their shared religion will let him. Jeremy clearly enjoys meeting new people, and Jinger seemed  super game to go along for the ride because he makes her feel safe. They were fun to watch. I hope they stay far away from Duggarville, Arkansas. 

Derick and Jill went to some sort of production when they were first married and we were easily fooled; this time I am a bit more skeptical. These 2 were fun to watch though and they do need to stay away from Arkansas. This episode was surprisingly full for a Duggar couple; it makes you wonder if Jeremy had input into their itinerary. They also seemed to jump into each thing and laugh about it instead of being completely robotic. Maybe they will be able to carry a show and maybe Jeremy has the gumption to go for it. It's the family, Jill and Joy segments that are ruining 'counting on'.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Portia said:

Did Jeremy really say "fart"? I gusss I missed it, and I'm shocked. I guarantee that kind of talk doesn't fly with his in-laws. In my experience, nice Southern church kids aren't allowed to say anything cruder than "poot."

I'm Southern, but not a church kid, and 54. I'm still not allowed to say that F word.

I was surprised by Jeremy saying it too.

Poor Joy looks and acts about 14 years old. She is way too young to enter into a courtship, especially when she can't even hold hands.

Edited by MischaMouse
  • Love 2

I don't understand how 'fart' is somehow more vulgar than 'poot' which sounds more like poo....(I had never heard the term 'poot' used, I think until I read Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood. It's not something we say in Australia.) I do know a few people who had to say 'fluff' instead. Language usage is weird and fascinating.

  • Love 4

Haven't watched yet, saw this in an article

He tells the camera crew, "Watching Jinger cook, she's beautiful, and so it was getting a little hot in the kitchen…I think [the cooking instructor] Bec was uncomfortable with a couple of newlyweds in her kitchen, but we were there for a nice romantic time. Must be thecrustaceans and the garlic…natural aphrodisiac."






Edited by ginger90
yet not tet!
7 hours ago, flyingdi said:

I have watched this show prettyy much from day one and I demand to know who replaced my spunky little Joy with a Stepford robot?  

You don't need Miss Fisher to solve that Murder mystery. Jizm Bob and Muskrat Head are wholly responsible. 

7 hours ago, cereality said:

Who is Sinner Twin? The one who looks like Austin with the short blonde hair (the one eating at the counter when Austin came over to ask for JB); or the other curly haired one - who I personally don't find handsome AT ALL though maybe everyone else does?

It may be a "compared to what?" situation. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

How the hell does someone over the age of 10 not know that a joey is a baby kangaroo?  I guess the SOTDRT didn't cover that during the one week they weren't discussing religion. 

I'm 66 and I didn't know it. I'm fairly well educated and work in the engineering field. I only know that Aussie girls are called "Sheila's" because of the bathroom labels in Outback restaurants. LOL.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, truthtalk2014 said:

So far in the show, Jinge seems to have much less enthusiasm to being with Baabe than before the marriage.  I think the first time sex was a wake up call.  I'm sure she also had issues with waking up without makeup.  


11 hours ago, mjstrick said:

I swear I see a hickey on Jing.  Unless it's a birthmark I've never noticed.  Bow chicka bow bow.


11 hours ago, Brown eyed girl said:

Is it just me or did I see a hickey on Jinger's neck ? When she has her hair pulled back you can see it. 

mjstrick beat me to it. 

To quote a urban phrase:  Babe "put it on her" (link) .  Jinger didn't look the same in the hotel room before they left for the airport. I wonder was she screaming/crying "Baaaaabbbbeee"..

why did they get a room with two double beds, as opposed to one king size ?

Edited by sATL
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Haven't watched yet, saw this in an article

He tells the camera crew, "Watching Jinger cook, she's beautiful, and so it was getting a little hot in the kitchen…I think [the cooking instructor] Bec was uncomfortable with a couple of newlyweds in her kitchen, but we were there for a nice romantic time. Must be thecrustaceans and the garlic…natural aphrodisiac."




The teacher-chef could see that Jeremy was getting "warmed up" and she knew they were newlyweds. Why did she (the chef) sit down and eat with them ? Let the two horny lovebirds go off in a corner, look into each other eyes, play footsie, and eat their aphrodisiacs in peace.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Magoo said:

Color me surprised, but I loved Jinger and Jeremy on their honeymoon. They were normal, relaxed and fun. They both seemed up for new experiences and new food. I think Jeremy is really going to push Jinger out of her tater tot casserole mindset, as much as their shared religion will let him. Jeremy clearly enjoys meeting new people, and Jinger seemed  super game to go along for the ride because he makes her feel safe. They were fun to watch. I hope they stay far away from Duggarville, Arkansas. 

I totally agree.  Jinger and Jeremy  were so normal and as is typical of honeymooners.... so lovey-dovey. The cooking scene and chef's slight reprimand  must have driven Michelle and Jim-Bob over the top once they saw it.  Good for you Jinger and Jeremy!  Jeremy is definitely bringing a new level of "worldliness" into her life......and she has to be a bit stunned.  But hang in there Jing.  And do hope Jeremy doesn't have buyers remorse.    DO hope the TLC cameras follow these two once they're home in Texas as the contrast could be telling.....since back in Arkansas we have  yet another "courting" couple  but much more aligned with the Duggar cult.   Austin and Joy won't be going anywhere .  And yes, those Duggar boys seem a little TOO fond of Austin.  One of those boys better get to "courting" soon or people are going to begin to wonder. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, cereality said:

So Austin has some marketable abilities? He's a mechanic, construction guy/house flipper, runs a bulldozer businesses, and has a pilot's license? Wow. Fundie overachiever. No wonder he gets along with JD. So his dad has said he should (or must?) flip 5 houses before getting married? I assume it's so he gets a business going/saves some money before taking a wife. Not a horrible plan - as much as I hate these people. Apparently 4 flips already done -- fingers crossed they were real sales to someone that isn't JB.

This is why John David said he is closer to Austin than the other brother in laws, they basically has everything in common.

I read where Joy is 19 and Austin is 22.  I don't know why I thought Joy was younger.  I guess because she doesn't have the maturity of most 19 year-olds.  Austin seems pretty solid though.  But ee's almost a replica of JimBob with the way he thinks and that's sad.  Not a typical 22 year-old by any stretch of the imagination.  But Joy "seems" happy about the courtship.  When Austin asked if he could give her a "side" hug, I almost screamed - WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

We know from the summer previews they showed that Austin is going to ask to marry Joy.  I guess he already has since it was a preview of a show that's already been taped.  I feel bad for Joy.  There's so much world out there that she will never ever know about.  Austin will mentally beat her down just like Josh did Anna.  The writing is on the wall.

I really like Jinger and Jeremy.  He is opening her eyes to a brand new world and it's great watching her grow up and blossom right on TV.  They are natural together, none of it seems phony to me.  The other Duggar couples are so weird together.  You would think they were strangers.

Once Joy marries and leaves home, it will all fall on poor Jana.  It seems like JimBob is intentionally keeping her single.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, cereality said:

Who is Sinner Twin? The one who looks like Austin with the short blonde hair (the one eating at the counter when Austin came over to ask for JB); or the other curly haired one - who I personally don't find handsome AT ALL though maybe everyone else does?

The sinner twin is the one with the curly hair who always sits on the right during the talking heads. I personally don't know how he "sinned," maybe someone can enlighten me. 

11 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

So, Austin "admires" Joy's diligence and ability to work hard?  Is she a mule or plow horse?  Sheesh, this is such bullshit.  Joy is a baby.  I guess this is what it looks like when a young girl's value is reduced to her uterus and ovaries. 

I thought I also heard him say she knew how to delegate, which I thought was a really odd thing to say about the person you want to court.  How romantic!

I agree with others that there seems to be zero chemistry between the two.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I haven't watched the episode yet but reading these comments I'm cringing for Joy. She's become so robotic lately that it kills me to see her this way. And not holding hands until marriage???? you've gotta be kidding me.

This crew believes courtship and engagement are two separate and distinct life events. Joy said that Austin stated he will not hold hands during courtship. So I suspect they will at engagement.

Hey I worked with kids for decades and if fart is the worst they ever say you are lucky. Really,  fart makes people uncomfortable? I got called a MF'er by a 2 year old and the mother just stared and gasped "I don't know where he learned THAT". I just stared back.

I think Austin and the other Duggar have a bromance going on which is why Austin is marrying his sister because  it's like the next  best thing.

ETA- its down to a medical fact, everyone farts and it's about a quart of gas per day.

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Is Bec, the cook, a long lost Duggar?   She sure has the receding hairline going on.  I guess I should be thankful her hair was pulled back but that definitely wasn't a flattering style.  No wonder we thought she was a man. 

That is a little harsh :-/. She is a chef the braids helped her keep her hair out of the way. She should have taught Jinger to braid. I know its a snark site but I hate snarking on people who might be perfectly nice ( unlike the Duggar lot who spread a lot of hate/ignorance ect).


I think I need a lobotomy because I really enjoyed the Jinger and Jeremy episode. Compare them to Derrick and JIll. Those two dimwits can barely string together a sentence vs Jinger and Jeremy who had fun little banter and made *gasp* jokes!!!

They really need to drop the little segments with the duggar boys. its awkward and boring as fuck. Austin is a major creepo and i feel really awkward watching anything that has to do with selling joy off. My heart hurts for her. She is too young and stupid to make this decision right now

They should really just focus on JInger/Jer and Jessa/Bn. The only four kind of non awkward people with personality. 

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 4

Just a few random things.

Why does Jim boob have an office? Is he in there ordering more cases of Aquanet?

I wonder if Joy is mature enough for courting, but at least he is nice to look at.

Was Jinge wearing pants with that flannel shirt when they arrived at the hotel in Sydney?

I know they are newlyweds, but for a Duggar she was getting kind of randy. Thought someone was gonna have to turn a hose on them two!

One last thing do the Duggars own stock in a scarf company? Cause what the hell, in every episode at least two or three girls are wearing them.

  • Love 3

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