CrinkleCutCat January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 I think they added an extra zero..... more like 3,000 than 30,000, and even that seemed a stretch! 6 Link to comment
This2getsold January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 ^^^ Agree. Hubs and I were comparing it to one a friend owns that is 2000 seats. Didn't look even that big. 2 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 25 minutes ago, swankie said: You would think Eden would get a clue since every time she opens her mouth the person she's talking to ends up with a WTF?! look on their face. I wonder what she thinks of the way she's being edited when she watches the show. They're really painting her as a looney toons if you ask me. And I'm going to be really petty now and say that for being Vidal Sassoon's daughter, her hair is really unimpressive. I am at a loss why Eden thinks she could roll on to the scene and the Richards sisters would want her help or at least be honest and straightforward offer it up instead of running around creating for an opportunity to save them for themselves. Grilling Kyle and talking to Rinna, LVP and Dorit about Kim aren't helping matters. Add to that her continuing comments about her the relationship between Kyle and Kim reminds her so much of her relationship with her dead sister. Did she say tonight her sister's death was inevitable because that is just who she was? I read her twitter, no one needed help painting her looney she does quite an adequate job on her own. 17 Link to comment
Popular Post Lizzing January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 Something bugs me about Dorit & PK's house. Sure, I figure it's a rental, possibly just for filming, and impersonal in that way, but it's more. First, the show's transition into or out of their scenes either shows a quick overhead shot or a ground shot from the side with the garages; to me, that leaves the house looking like some kind of weird condo building. Then there's the 2 parties we've seen, both starting out in what I guess is a great room, but weirdly small and/awkward for what appears to be quite a large house. The kitchen even seems smallish for the size of the building. I'd love to see a floor plan for that place. As for tonight's episode, if PK could set up an entire "private club" out back for Dorit's party, why the hell couldn't they set up Culture Club outside in that backyard? Eden is one weird chick. So, she broke up with a guy because she picked a fight for him using nicotine replacement the way nicotine replacement is supposed to be used, and he called her "Type A"? And she seemed offended by the notion of eating a hamburger? She better stay away from Kyle's white party, with all the Fat Burger trucks. Maybe her hasty exit from PK's party was really about those passed mini burger apps. I liked the episode parts in Greece; I don't mind the EJ performance because she's hurting no one with her little shows and she & Kyle got along great. Plus, good vacation porn shots. 26 Link to comment
queenjen January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Erk. HOW many times did we need to hear Kim Richards blathering nonsense about how she feels about her grandkid being born and it's like having your own and it's like..ah!? She said the SAME THING badly about 5 times, then it was regurgitated again later when Camille makes the 'She's nice' comment about Eden to Kyle and Kim. I think Eden is a plant. I don't know in what universe production decided to reanimate the Kim Richards sobriety sob story, but no one knows Eden and this is all she's got. Oh, and a chest that looks like it's been hit by a molten lava medicine ball, which would be tragic, but she obviously hasn't noticed herself. Dorit and PK's short term rental is looking every bit as though it is. Where is the furniture? And the CRAP they have laying about? I saw a text wall hanging that looked like an eye chart and some bobble head type toys in PK's den (I hate what 'PK's Den' just made me feel..skeevy man), I guess it matches the printer in the kitchen and the poor flower lady was just trying to go with the decor and the vibe? Which, as Dorit described it, was 'found on the side of the road'. Exactly. It looks exactly like you've picked up crap from the side of the road and furnished your rental with it. Cute seeing Jagger dancing his ass off, NOT cute seeing PK unroll his sluglike tongue when Boy George came on. Kyle looked amazing in that black dress with the gold hardware, Dorit looked bizarre in that mossy green pleated skirt thing. Actually, I was whingeing about Kyle wearing pleated satiny things a few episodes back that swamped her. Psych, Dorit! That was so last week. 3 Link to comment
swankie January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 8 hours ago, BlackMamba said: PK is 49? Can we see the birth certificate on him? That dude favors he's over 60! PK is one of those people who probably looked old even when he was young. His sagging jowls and double chin really ages him. 11 Link to comment
queenjen January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 2 hours ago, zoeysmom said: Did she say tonight her sister's death was inevitable because that is just who she was? I read her twitter, no one needed help painting her looney she does quite an adequate job on her own. OMG yes. She did indeed and then she said about her sister 'she just couldn' like this' as she flailed her arms at the BH outdoors. I didn't know whether she meant her sister wasn't cut out to live the BH lifestyle or just wasn't cut out for life in general or what. She comes across as someone who 5 years ago was making statements like this, and like Kim R is GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! and then claiming she was psychic. Now, she's doing it and claiming she's a Sober Woman. Ever since I've followed her on Twitter, my feed has filled with hashtagGoSassEden! hashtagwalkinyourpower etc etc. I'm shortly going to be unfollowing. Eden is another weirdoid awaiting the right cult. 15 Link to comment
Popular Post walnutqueen January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 (edited) So, lemme get this straight. Eden dates a guy for 3 weeks, makes him quit smoking, then rails on him for popping a Nicorette after he eats an unauthorized cheeseburger. Because a nicotine substitute isn't anything like a Xanax smoothie, Alky Sommer. And he has the temerity to call her Type A, when really she's just a messy interfering billy sitch who didn't receive enough kisses as a child. I see you, Eden. You can go away now. Edited January 25, 2017 by walnutqueen typo 52 Link to comment
Popular Post Jel January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 Eden hugs people for an inappropriately long time; I get contact awkwardness from it. 42 Link to comment
queenjen January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 16 minutes ago, walnutqueen said: So, lemme get this straight. Eden dates a guy for 3 weeks, makes him quit smoking, then rails on him for popping a Nicorette after he eats an unauthorized cheeseburger. Because a nicotine substitute isn't anything like a Xanax smoothie, Alky Sommer. And he has the temerity to call her Type A, when really she's just a messy interfering billy sitch who didn't recieve enough kisses as a child. I see you, Eden. You can go away now. Exactly. It made no sense, maybe she IS getting the 'bitch edit' so that we overlook the travesty that is Dorit and Pk. Xanax and its ilk have been connected to development of dementia. I was really happy to hear that after having it prescribed for almost a decade (!) for panic and anxiety. Never abused it, never even noticed it, but suddenly, all the doctors here in Australia (every one of them!) are panicking about this prescription. And any related to it, like valium. You now have a situation where the GP has to make a call to some faceless government agency before they prescribe valium. Xanax is considered 5x more powerful than valium. I'm now left wondering if my lymeopause is something worse, kicked off by being medicated. I don't run around like Eden, but my memory and mood is definitely not what it was. Very powerful drug though, it's not a laughing matter, despite it's casual popularity in the howives universe. ie. 'TAKE A XAAAAANAAAAX' from Ramona. You can not consider yourself 'sober' in the AA sense on this drug, I'm sure. 9 Link to comment
mwell345 January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 I liked Kyle and Erika in Greece. Liked when Kyle commented on the "prayer". I thought she was a good sport, attending the rehearsals, posing for the pictures, etc. I also liked the roller blading segment, and that they called Erika to wish her luck. Rare episode when Eileen doesn't get on my last nerve (but I think that place is now shared by Dorit and Eden). And of course I liked Boy George. But Eden and Dorit can both take seats. Dorit couldn't wait to tell LVP about Rinna's pills (clearly the blind item someone referenced previously is Rinna) but I thought LVP handled it well - either something's there or it's not. You could tell Dorit was just telling Lisa to be gossipy and that she hoped LVP took the info and ran with it. LVP is too savvy for that and Boy George walked away. (Maybe he can't stand Dorit either). As for Eden - really - Shut Up and stop stalking the Richards sisters with your ridiculous "insights" and "concern". And the talking heads about Kim can stop too. If I were Kim, right about now I'd be livid. (I would have been livid last week when Lisa Rinna and Eden had the convo in the store for starters). As for Kim, (and I am not a fan), I thought she looked good, and conducted herself well even in light of Eden's stupidity. The old Kim would have immediately gotten defensive. I also liked that she greeted Rinna nicely. Dorit's husband apparently studied Jim Marchese and Richard Wakile - grab any camera time you can and keep thinking the viewers want to see you. Trust me, they don't. 18 Link to comment
Jel January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Both Eden and Rinna use their "concern" as a battering ram. 22 Link to comment
Popular Post motorcitymom65 January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 28 minutes ago, walnutqueen said: So, lemme get this straight. Eden dates a guy for 3 weeks, makes him quit smoking, then rails on him for popping a Nicorette after he eats an unauthorized cheeseburger. Because a nicotine substitute isn't anything like a Xanax smoothie, Alky Sommer. And he has the temerity to call her Type A, when really she's just a messy interfering billy sitch who didn't recieve enough kisses as a child. I see you, Eden. You can go away now. So Eden is all about facing and fighting your addictions, but can't understand a guy using nicotine gum properly to kick his smoking habit? I thought Carlton irked me more than any new gal, but was wrong. The creepy way she was looking at Kim, and her forcing LVP to kiss her on the lips completely freaked me out. 34 Link to comment
Popular Post rehoboth January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 I loved Kyle this episode for .... eating. Thank you Kyle. Sometimes Kyle is a housewife and sometimes I think she is one of us looking at all the strange "housewifey" goings on. I would be starving too after watching Erica prepare and perform for hours with her cheesy costumes, fans and entourage. And it was pasta at that! 32 Link to comment
Juliegirlj January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Pretty sure Dorit's home used to belong to JLo and Marc Anthony. Cant believe I'm saying this, but Kyle was cute. Dont like Erika's stage manager . Her interactions with Tom are phony. 15 Link to comment
queenjen January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 It did belong to JLo and she took every single fixture and furnishing, by the looks. Also, I'm beginning to think I didn't see what you all did, this episode. For instance, did Boy George play a song? Because I'm hearing he did Karma Chameleon and all I got was a couple of notes. And I didn't see Kyle chowing down on a bowl of pasta in Mykonos, and I know I would have noticed that. I'm wondering whether we are getting the cheap abridged 'direct from the US' edit here in Oz... Link to comment
ghoulina January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Eden is quickly becoming my least favorite Housewife on this series. Girl has some issues. What was with that story she told LVP? She was busting her man's balls about smoking and eating cheeseburgers, and then when he dares to call her out on her Type-A, controlling ways, she thinks that's just the most egregious thing ever??? Wow. And I'm so over her wise, all knowing look any time someone talks about any thing that's even tangentially connected to addiction. I'm not Kim fan (and I'm quite sick of seeing her), but she was talking about a pretty benign, normal situation. She's got a grandkid coming and it's reminding her of how she felt when she first had HER kids. It's not a big deal. It doesn't mean she's going to relapse or needs to work through it. Calm the fuck down. (I'd tell her to calm her tits, but I don't think that's possible.) What was up with Rinna and the bag of pills at Eden's house? That was crazy as hell. IMO, people who carry their vitamins/medications around like that are doing so because they don't want people to know exactly what they're taking. It's weird. Most sane people carry their pills in a pill case, or the original bottles. Some type of organized fashion. That was sketch as hell, and I didn't think Eden's reaction boded well for her either. Them girls are weird. Once again, FF/dozed through most of Erika's scenes. Was "sex on a platter" supposed to be a prayer??? I will say, I give Kyle major props for hanging in there the whole time. My ass would have been in bed at 3:00 a.m. I'm too old for that shit, vacation or not. So PK is seriously only 49? I would have pegged him as 10 years older. But I'm horrible with guessing ages anyhow. Rinna looked like she stepped straight off the Love Boat and into Dorit's house. Dorit was, once again, being a tacky bitch by bringing up what Erika wore at her last party. I didn't like the t-shirt dress either, but she's constantly putting her foot in her mouth. Not every thought needs to be given life, honey. Did Boy George/Culture Club really only play one song? After all that fuss? 21 Link to comment
Booger666 January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 (edited) 1 minute ago, Booger666 said: I'm surprised how much I enjoyed the Erica and Kyle in Mykonos segment. They were lighthearted and fun together. Erica needs to drop Erika Jayne and Kyle needs to drop the TVLand show and they both need to do a whacky travel show a la Paris and Nicole. Edited January 25, 2017 by Booger666 5 Link to comment
ghoulina January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 8 hours ago, breezy424 said: Porsha wanting a sleepover was adorable. Yes! So cute. I love the idea of LVP having her over for some girl time. That's the Lisa I really enjoy - family stuff, personal stuff, not all these gamey interactions with the other girls. 20 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Eden does not sound any better in print: They are exact quotes from the show from Eden. 2 Link to comment
b2H January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 I get the discussion on Eden - I lived with a member of the program for eight years and there can be some who believe they need to save everyone that isn't in the program, when they encounter someone 'out of control'. However. I simply do NOT agree with Kim being back on the show. She may need the money and Bravo may need the story line, but this isn't helping her. Not one bit. This is exploiting her situation and it is NOT a good thing. She needs to stay off the show in any capacity for a very long time, maybe permanently. 12 Link to comment
Primetimer January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 It's P.K.'s birthday and, almost, Kim's intervention in this week's episode. Plus: Boy George! View the full article Link to comment
BusyOctober January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 So PK can tell Kim Richards to knock off the stupid attempts at an English accent, but he can't give his wife the same advice? Anyone remember the good old days of The Soup w/ Joel McHale? Remember how he referred to Mamma June (from Honey Boo-Boo "fame") as the 'human thumb'? I think we've found the missing thumb mate. It's PK. He is so repulsive. I love Boy George, so it's hard to figure out why he is so friendly with Dumbwit and PK. I guess living rent free with 2 sycophants is enough motivation? Good for him walking away from the gossip session. And good for LVP being somewhat reasonable about it too. If it's vitamins/sleeping pills, who cares? Most of the women in NYC & BH carry those ginormous $30k designer handbags because they need to tote their gallon-sized ziploc baggies of "supplements". Kyle looked fan-freakin-tastic this episode. Keep up whatever you're doing (except I wish you'd burn that crocheted ruff you wear in TH's). Greece looked like a good time for Kyle & Erika. Eden needs to be a one-and-done Housewife. She is nuts and an egomaniac. What's with her pissy attitude about not being greeted properly by people she met 2.3 seconds ago? First she's put off that Kyle gave her "zero love" at her Game Night. Then she gets upset when Kim - who Eden called out at Game Night - doesn't fawn all over her at Dumbwit's party. These women barely know you and you have behave very assertively any time they see you. I'm guessing both Kim & Kyle are very reserved and skittish around new people as a result of living with their crazy mom, and her insistence on keeping secrets and being child actors. K & K probably have a lot of trust issues, so they are not the Type A personality like Eden (yes, I said it Eden and I'm not even on a hamburger and nicotine infused high). I'd be happy to never hear Eden lecture the world on how recovery works per the Sassoon Salon of Sobriety again. I'd also be glad to not have to look at her half deflated, wrinkled titties anymore. Unless using a ruching stitch on boobs is a new plastic surgery trend in BH, Eden is a candidate for 'Botched'. Those puppies be puckered. 13 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Rinna looked like she got her party outfit from Disney's Tomorrow Land. 6 Link to comment
Popular Post Baltimore Betty January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 I find all the hugging and kissing every time these women see each other or say good bye to be exhausting. 34 Link to comment
SweetieDarling January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 I thought Erika handled herself very well when she was greeted by Dorit with "Well, you look gorgeous! This is a step up from the last time you came to my party in a t-shirt dress." How are you supposed to respond to a comment like that? I'm glad Erika seemed to brush it off and enjoy herself at the party. It was also a nice change of pace to see her laughing and smiling with Kyle in Greece instead of her normal expression of complete boredom. 19 Link to comment
laurakaye January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 2 hours ago, walnutqueen said: So, lemme get this straight. Eden dates a guy for 3 weeks, makes him quit smoking, then rails on him for popping a Nicorette after he eats an unauthorized cheeseburger. Because a nicotine substitute isn't anything like a Xanax smoothie, Alky Sommer. And he has the temerity to call her Type A, when really she's just a messy interfering billy sitch who didn't recieve enough kisses as a child. I see you, Eden. You can go away now. From Eden, I heard the words "48 hours," "mint," "cheeseburger," and "Type A." As I struggled to form these words into a plausible explanation as to why she broke up with her boyfriend, I relaxed a little when the look on LVP's face perfectly mirrored my own confusion. I still don't know what Eden was talking about, but I'm over it. Kyle seems to be aging in reverse, and good for her. This season, she looks better than ever. I don't typically carry around a baggie full of pills, but it seems like if you store your pills like that, eventually you're going to have a baggie full of pill dust. Maybe that's what Rinna blends into her smoothies. I don't really listen to Dorit for content anymore, I listen to see which accent - if any - I can pick out of her sentences. British? Irish? Aussie? Northern Minnesota? I wonder if she chooses her accent of the day like some women choose their perfume. Fascinating. 9 Link to comment
SweetieDarling January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 9 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: Rinna looked like she got her party outfit from Disney's Tomorrow Land. Garanimals? 3 Link to comment
TattleTeeny January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 (edited) Jeezalou, Rinna--at least buy a cute little container for your mobile pharmacy! Edited January 25, 2017 by TattleTeeny 9 Link to comment
Popular Post ghoulina January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 17 minutes ago, laurakaye said: From Eden, I heard the words "48 hours," "mint," "cheeseburger," and "Type A." As I struggled to form these words into a plausible explanation as to why she broke up with her boyfriend, I relaxed a little when the look on LVP's face perfectly mirrored my own confusion. I still don't know what Eden was talking about, but I'm over it Lisa's face in that moment was everything. She was waiting for some big, horrible thing the guy did...and all she got was cheeseburgers and Nicorette gum. This is the woman who deals daily with the cast of VPR, for crying out loud! There needs to be knocking up a hooker in Vegas or flying an ex out to comment on the uniqueness of your penis, before you will impress HER. 34 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 29 minutes ago, b2H said: I get the discussion on Eden - I lived with a member of the program for eight years and there can be some who believe they need to save everyone that isn't in the program, when they encounter someone 'out of control'. However. I simply do NOT agree with Kim being back on the show. She may need the money and Bravo may need the story line, but this isn't helping her. Not one bit. This is exploiting her situation and it is NOT a good thing. She needs to stay off the show in any capacity for a very long time, maybe permanently. Eden's issue is she is basing her opinion of Kim on one interaction and Kim was very much in control during the conversation at Game Night. Not liking someone's behavior or disagreeing with their approach does not warrant one being out of control. That is why Eden is unable to discern Kim's expression of anxiety of her daughter's pregnancy and a red flag. Eden seems to think the "sober" person has to be in control and subject to statement correction, I am pretty much alone here, but I thought Eden's comments at Game Night were unnecessary. There is nothing to say that Kim's program is all about love. Maybe Kim's program is about standing up for herself and making amends. How do any of us know whether or not Kim is better or worse off doing the show? According to Kim and Kyle, when Kim begins to drink she isolates herself. Kim has tried the talking about her recovery approach and claims to have heard from many who benefitted from her situation. She relapsed and decided she need to work her program differently. When she went to PK's Birthday party she lively and engaged and seem to take the request to stop with the bad (and loud) British accent in stride. For Kim this has become another role with some reality mixed in. Kim has taken a huge step back from the show for the past two seasons. I am quite certain she is off the traveling squad. I believe the trips are not in Kim's best interest especially the European ones. So far Kim has gone to Game Night and a party where she had the opportunity to meet Boy George. I think Kim goes to the Great Gatsby party next week. 11 Link to comment
Popular Post ElDosEquis January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 11 hours ago, Bronzedog said: I sometimes take Xanax. Discuss. You kids and your new fangled pills....they all are spelled with z's and x's. I liked Quaaludes. Loved them, as a matter of fact. 6 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said: I think they added an extra zero..... more like 3,000 than 30,000, and even that seemed a stretch! So, everyone on TV this week is having a problem with counting the crowds. 27 Link to comment
Normades January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 For me, Boy George won the MVP this episode. I thought he sounded good and actually sang not lip synched or autotuned (Looking at you Erika), so props to him. Plus his comments were fun and he called out Dorit and walked away. Excellent job! Eden is WAYYYYY out of line. Clean up yourself before you go for Kim. After last night's revelations, I'm beginning to think Kim is cleaner and more sober than Eden. They can shut it with the enabling BS. Hanging up on your sister the day she died and bragging about it later, just WOW! If you are helping someone who is working on their sobriety, then you are not enabling. Someone might want to tell Rinna that if she were pulled over in my state with controlled substances in a baggie and not in their prescription pill bottles, she might find herself in some legal trouble! Not sure how they roll in Cali, tho. Once again, those who point fingers and scream loudest about others are the ones who have the most to hide. 21 Link to comment
ElDosEquis January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 (edited) 8 hours ago, queenjen said: It did belong to JLo and she took every single fixture and furnishing, by the looks. Also, I'm beginning to think I didn't see what you all did, this episode. For instance, did Boy George play a song? Because I'm hearing he did Karma Chameleon and all I got was a couple of notes. And I didn't see Kyle chowing down on a bowl of pasta in Mykonos, and I know I would have noticed that. I'm wondering whether we are getting the cheap abridged 'direct from the US' edit here in Oz... When you use/borrow music for a production, you need to pay a royalty to the artist. You can use, I think it is 8 seconds or less, without being charged for that use. That is why you get shitty music - like a top ten Billboard Dance Music song - for cheap or for free. I am sure EJ thinks that playing her autotuned, repetitious, EDM on Bravo will get her to number one with a bullet? We have other cheap and abridged talent here in the US, Bravo does not hold the patent on that? Edited January 25, 2017 by ElDosEquis 4 Link to comment
chick binewski January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 5 hours ago, Lizzing said: Something bugs me about Dorit & PK's house. Sure, I figure it's a rental, possibly just for filming, and impersonal in that way, but it's more. First, the show's transition into or out of their scenes either shows a quick overhead shot or a ground shot from the side with the garages; to me, that leaves the house looking like some kind of weird condo building. Then there's the 2 parties we've seen, both starting out in what I guess is a great room, but weirdly small and/awkward for what appears to be quite a large house. The kitchen even seems smallish for the size of the building. I thought the same thing about their house last night. The shots are always strange - from the steep drive to that corner by the front door that everyone seems relegated to at every party. 31 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said: I thought Erika handled herself very well when she was greeted by Dorit with "Well, you look gorgeous! This is a step up from the last time you came to my party in a t-shirt dress." How are you supposed to respond to a comment like that? I'm glad Erika seemed to brush it off and enjoy herself at the party. Dorit & PK seem like they made the same mistake as a lot of other egotistical newbie RHs - they sat down with a plan of 'we're gonna show them how it's done'. Between Dorit's attempts at measured insults that she thinks come off well because she inserts a "darling" or "quite" every once in a while to PK's 'isn't Mykonos overrated' while correcting other RHs behavior they seem like they deserve each other. Bravo and the OC cast didn't like Gretchen & Slade for a number of reasons, yet Bravo seems to always be looking for the new Gretchen & Slade and it doesn't work because nothing they give is genuine. 10 Link to comment
ElDosEquis January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 3 hours ago, queenjen said: OMG yes. She did indeed and then she said about her sister 'she just couldn' like this' as she flailed her arms at the BH outdoors. I didn't know whether she meant her sister wasn't cut out to live the BH lifestyle or just wasn't cut out for life in general or what. She comes across as someone who 5 years ago was making statements like this, and like Kim R is GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! and then claiming she was psychic. Now, she's doing it and claiming she's a Sober Woman. Ever since I've followed her on Twitter, my feed has filled with hashtagGoSassEden! hashtagwalkinyourpower etc etc. I'm shortly going to be unfollowing. Eden is another weirdoid awaiting the right cult. I can hardly wait for her to talk about the mother ship, the one behind the comet. 11 Link to comment
ElDosEquis January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 11 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said: It's weird how she talks about things being cool and awesome in a bland tone at times. Like she wants it to be true but can't even convince herself. She sees how much her assistant charges her to get excited about her 'talent' and decided NOT to shell out the extra cash? 6 Link to comment
ivygirl January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 1 hour ago, laurakaye said: From Eden, I heard the words "48 hours," "mint," "cheeseburger," and "Type A." As I struggled to form these words into a plausible explanation as to why she broke up with her boyfriend, I relaxed a little when the look on LVP's face perfectly mirrored my own confusion. I still don't know what Eden was talking about, but I'm over it. LVP's reactions were great, and felt very genuine... trying to set Eden straight. But my favorite part was the edited-in reactions from the ducks and ponies. 18 Link to comment
twilightzone January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 7 hours ago, rho said: I think Dorit is very lucky that Eden is so unbearable. At this point it's probably safe to say she won't be the worst newcomer this year. I just get flashes of Brandi Lite from her. I see Eden more in the mode of Carlton - someone obviously with an agenda to come on the show with guns blazing to take someone down. I don't think it's a coincidence that BRAVO has only given her friend status, instead of making her part of the main cast. I don't see her or Dorit lasting, 10 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Boy George on Dorit's accent: I watched Boy George and Dorit last night on WWHL-for a newbie she did a great job-even with PK chiming in from the audience. Boy George of course was great. She was wearing one of those bizarre body suits with lace over the top dresses and Andy had her stand up and he commented on what great body she has. I would concur-I think she could rock a T-Shirt dress, but why? 7 Link to comment
Yours Truly January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 3 hours ago, mwell345 said: I liked Kyle and Erika in Greece. Liked when Kyle commented on the "prayer". I thought she was a good sport, attending the rehearsals, posing for the pictures, etc. I also liked the roller blading segment, and that they called Erika to wish her luck. Rare episode when Eileen doesn't get on my last nerve (but I think that place is now shared by Dorit and Eden). And of course I liked Boy George. But Eden and Dorit can both take seats. Dorit couldn't wait to tell LVP about Rinna's pills (clearly the blind item someone referenced previously is Rinna) but I thought LVP handled it well - either something's there or it's not. You could tell Dorit was just telling Lisa to be gossipy and that she hoped LVP took the info and ran with it. LVP is too savvy for that and Boy George walked away. (Maybe he can't stand Dorit either). As for Eden - really - Shut Up and stop stalking the Richards sisters with your ridiculous "insights" and "concern". And the talking heads about Kim can stop too. If I were Kim, right about now I'd be livid. (I would have been livid last week when Lisa Rinna and Eden had the convo in the store for starters). As for Kim, (and I am not a fan), I thought she looked good, and conducted herself well even in light of Eden's stupidity. The old Kim would have immediately gotten defensive. I also liked that she greeted Rinna nicely. Dorit's husband apparently studied Jim Marchese and Richard Wakile - grab any camera time you can and keep thinking the viewers want to see you. Trust me, they don't. See I keep things like this in mind when Kim has had attitude and grievances. This is why I'm never that quick to criticize Kim when she's standoffish with some of the cast. Or brings up something that bothered her regarding how her name constantly comes out of their mouths behind her back. We see the TH's and the blatant callousness by using her addiction as fodder. I get that she can't expect them not to talk per se but there's a difference between discussing some of the shocking events surrounding Kim and poking fun at it in TH's or being unnecessarily cruel when addressing the subject. They feed a negative narrative and then wonder why Kim isn't all smiles and giggles the next time they are in the same room. Completely bothered that the addict has the nerve to be annoyed with people batting around her addiction in TH's all the while mocking and disparaging her struggles. But yeah, the nerve of Kim to be steely or less than friendly in their presence, or point out her dislike over some of it. That doesn't make sense to me. 5 Link to comment
ElDosEquis January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 45 minutes ago, Normades said: For me, Boy George won the MVP this episode. I thought he sounded good and actually sang not lip synched or autotuned (Looking at you Erika), so props to him. Plus his comments were fun and he called out Dorit and walked away. Excellent job! Eden is WAYYYYY out of line. Clean up yourself before you go for Kim. After last night's revelations, I'm beginning to think Kim is cleaner and more sober than Eden. They can shut it with the enabling BS. Hanging up on your sister the day she died and bragging about it later, just WOW! If you are helping someone who is working on their sobriety, then you are not enabling. Someone might want to tell Rinna that if she were pulled over in my state with controlled substances in a baggie and not in their prescription pill bottles, she might find herself in some legal trouble! Not sure how they roll in Cali, tho. Once again, those who point fingers and scream loudest about others are the ones who have the most to hide. Politicians and preachers come to mind? My mom once told me, "Watch for the people who carry on the loudest and make a scene during a funeral, THOSE are the people with a guilty conscience, mostly for being an asshole to the deceased....." 7 Link to comment
kokapetl January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 (edited) 2 hours ago, queenjen said: It did belong to JLo and she took every single fixture and furnishing, by the looks. Also, I'm beginning to think I didn't see what you all did, this episode. For instance, did Boy George play a song? Because I'm hearing he did Karma Chameleon and all I got was a couple of notes. And I didn't see Kyle chowing down on a bowl of pasta in Mykonos, and I know I would have noticed that. I'm wondering whether we are getting the cheap abridged 'direct from the US' edit here in Oz... I'm in Australia and I saw Kyle eating pasta, it was during the leopard print swimsuit dawn photoshoot. I heard absolutely zero Boy George singing. Eden is a real weirdo. She takes benzos, and doesn't "drink"? So she's only "sober"? And what was on Lisar's rollerblading shirt that had to be blurred? Edited January 25, 2017 by Kokapetl 6 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Kyle is not messing around: 13 Link to comment
zoeysmom January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Eden still without a clue. Kyle doesn't feel threatened about another sober woman being around Kim. Erika and Kyle's discussion about her mother were fairly organic and Kyle has had the better part of a year to get to know Erika. The context of Kyle's mother came up with Erika asking about the sitcom, loosely based around Kyle's mother. I hate the term #MYTRUTH. it is pretty much calling ones self out of touch with reality. 14 Link to comment
janie2002 January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 Kyle was a real trooper, that looked like a boring time in a beautiful place. What a waste! She pretty much just followed Erika around and was a cheerleader, you know she wished she was home instead of "working" The good thing is Erika seemed reall appreciative of her being there, and they seemed to form a friendship. Dorit doesn't bother me, and Im glad the episodes haven't been so vanderpumpcentric. It makes me like her more in small doses. 7 Link to comment
ElDosEquis January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 7 hours ago, Lizzing said: Something bugs me about Dorit & PK's house. Sure, I figure it's a rental, possibly just for filming, and impersonal in that way, but it's more. First, the show's transition into or out of their scenes either shows a quick overhead shot or a ground shot from the side with the garages; to me, that leaves the house looking like some kind of weird condo building. Then there's the 2 parties we've seen, both starting out in what I guess is a great room, but weirdly small and/awkward for what appears to be quite a large house. The kitchen even seems smallish for the size of the building. I'd love to see a floor plan for that place. As for tonight's episode, if PK could set up an entire "private club" out back for Dorit's party, why the hell couldn't they set up Culture Club outside in that backyard? Eden is one weird chick. So, she broke up with a guy because she picked a fight for him using nicotine replacement the way nicotine replacement is supposed to be used, and he called her "Type A"? And she seemed offended by the notion of eating a hamburger? She better stay away from Kyle's white party, with all the Fat Burger trucks. Maybe her hasty exit from PK's party was really about those passed mini burger apps. I liked the episode parts in Greece; I don't mind the EJ performance because she's hurting no one with her little shows and she & Kyle got along great. Plus, good vacation porn shots. BH has tons of wonderful home/architecture styles. You can drive down the street and see modern/Tudor/Spanish/Georgian styles in a few blocks - People will buy a property, gut the building and put up a McMansion that overtakes the footprint of the lot. Some houses are tasteful, others are just boxes that have no charm. 1 Link to comment
Popular Post njbchlover January 25, 2017 Popular Post Share January 25, 2017 2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said: I thought Erika handled herself very well when she was greeted by Dorit with "Well, you look gorgeous! This is a step up from the last time you came to my party in a t-shirt dress." How are you supposed to respond to a comment like that? I'm glad Erika seemed to brush it off and enjoy herself at the party. It was also a nice change of pace to see her laughing and smiling with Kyle in Greece instead of her normal expression of complete boredom. I thought that comment by Dorit was completely rude and totally insulting. Erika did handle it with grace and class. Hey - I thought the t-shirt dress was ugly, and I commented on it here, but it was wrong of Dorit to make that comment. Dorit talks about how her parties need to have the right guests, the right food, drinks, ambiance, etc. How about starting with the hostess needing to have the right amount of class to not insult her guests the minute they walk in the door? Does Dorit give her guests a "dress code" for her parties? 33 Link to comment
breezy424 January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 22 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: Eden still without a clue. Kyle doesn't feel threatened about another sober woman being around Kim. Erika and Kyle's discussion about her mother were fairly organic and Kyle has had the better part of a year to get to know Erika. The context of Kyle's mother came up with Erika asking about the sitcom, loosely based around Kyle's mother. I hate the term #MYTRUTH. it is pretty much calling ones self out of touch with reality. I think Eden needs to join Hashtags Anonymous. She needs an intervention. 19 Link to comment
njbchlover January 25, 2017 Share January 25, 2017 2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said: Jeezalou, Rina--at least buy a cute little container for your mobile pharmacy! Maybe Erika will buy Rinna a Chanel pill container for birthday! ;-) 9 Link to comment
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