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Aftermath in the Media

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COS made a huge mistake not scooping Leah into the celebrity center (upon her first TV series) and kissing up to her.   When you join as a celeb you hear nothing about the abuse but if you become an actor while already there and witness to the horror, see what can happen!  LOL! 

They might have been able to stop her but oh no, they had to harass her at Tom's wedding.  What were they thinking?!  They knew she had a big mouth!  What did they think she would do?  It gives me much pleasure to think about how COS helped create her book and this series by poking the bear.  LMAO 

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5 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

^^^ Ain't that the truth?  Hasn't the CO$ been suspiciously low-profile lately?  Guess I'll have to wander over to Tony Ortega's site to see if there are any updates on Clearwater.

Tom is building an opulent residence (3 stories, I think) in one of the buildings in Clearwater.  I am sure his wretched excess is being funded by COS.  Even though he has millions to do this himself he does not have a tax exemption.  There is a tour online, it isn't finished so you can't see much other than what will be there.  

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Tom is building an opulent residence (3 stories, I think) in one of the buildings in Clearwater.  I am sure his wretched excess is being funded by COS.  Even though he has millions to do this himself he does not have a tax exemption.  There is a tour online, it isn't finished so you can't see much other than what will be there.  

I'm sure it will be extremely tasteful and modest.  As if.

Didn't OJ run to Florida to protect his assets?

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4 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

I'm sure it will be extremely tasteful and modest.  As if.

Didn't OJ run to Florida to protect his assets?

FL has no state income tax which I just realized!  AZ does.  

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10 minutes ago, wings707 said:

FL has no state income tax which I just realized!  AZ does.  

Yes - and I think FL law protects residences from civil suits, as in the Fred Goldman claims against OJ's estate.  

We've got our eyes on you, Tommy.

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Tom knows there is a lot of bad press out there.  The guy who is in the mummy with him waxed poetic about him way too much in two interviews he did.  It was obvious he had been told to praise Tom.  No one ever goes that far talking about their acting cohorts in a movie, not even about Meryl Streep.   It was creepy, really. 

He talked about how great his entourage was, too.  Gag

Edited by wings707
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On 6/25/2017 at 3:59 PM, spiderpig said:

I'm sure it will be extremely tasteful and modest.  As if.

Didn't OJ run to Florida to protect his assets?

I think OJ ran to Florida in order to scour golf courses for the real killer.

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2 hours ago, cynicat said:

I think OJ ran to Florida in order to scour golf courses for the real killer.

Which was made easy by the fact that he saw him in the mirror every morning when he shaved . . . left the rest of the day free to actually play golf.

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On 6/25/2017 at 3:54 PM, wings707 said:

Tom is building an opulent residence (3 stories, I think) in one of the buildings in Clearwater.  I am sure his wretched excess is being funded by COS.  Even though he has millions to do this himself he does not have a tax exemption.  There is a tour online, it isn't finished so you can't see much other than what will be there.  

The one positive about global warming is it could wipe Clearwater off the map.

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On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 3:38 PM, wings707 said:

COS made a huge mistake not scooping Leah into the celebrity center (upon her first TV series) and kissing up to her.   When you join as a celeb you hear nothing about the abuse but if you become an actor while already there and witness to the horror, see what can happen!  LOL! 

They might have been able to stop her but oh no, they had to harass her at Tom's wedding.  What were they thinking?!  They knew she had a big mouth!  What did they think she would do?  It gives me much pleasure to think about how COS helped create her book and this series by poking the bear.  LMAO 

They take the sledgehammer approach to everything.  This group in its fanaticism needlessly wastes countless dollars and resources investigating, harassing, and litigating against people.  They don't care because they take in way more money than they spend, but you would think the waste of time and energy to basically accomplish nothing of value would be enough to motivate them to change their ways.  But I think Miscavige and the other cretins that run this enterprise actually get off on all this nonsense, it's just an outlet for their sadistic natures.

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On 6/25/2017 at 6:38 PM, wings707 said:

COS made a huge mistake not scooping Leah into the celebrity center (upon her first TV series) and kissing up to her.   When you join as a celeb you hear nothing about the abuse but if you become an actor while already there and witness to the horror, see what can happen!  LOL! 

They might have been able to stop her but oh no, they had to harass her at Tom's wedding.  What were they thinking?!  They knew she had a big mouth!  What did they think she would do?  It gives me much pleasure to think about how COS helped create her book and this series by poking the bear.  LMAO 

COS was sucking up to Leah by bringing her into Tom's orbit. But yeah, that was during King of Queens and not Fired Up or Saved By the Bell. However, Leah's mom was a pretty big deal in the COS and when Leah got to OTIII, her mom had already learned about the volcano and the thetans.

I think it was definitely a case where Leah was a true believer for years (even if she was a smartass) and honestly thought that Tom was not following the COS rules. TC is an exception because Miscavage treated him like a demigod ever since Tom joined. Basically, he could do anything and still be the prince of Scientology.

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 7:01 PM, ketose said:

I think it was definitely a case where Leah was a true believer for years (even if she was a smartass) and honestly thought that Tom was not following the COS rules. TC is an exception because Miscavage treated him like a demigod ever since Tom joined. Basically, he could do anything and still be the prince of Scientology.

Completely agree.  I read her book when it came out and this was the beginning of her leaving Scientology.  She witnessed Tom not having to follow any of the rules or held to any of the standards that she was and it infuriated her. 

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Aftermath won the Television Critics Association award on Saturday for best reality series. Building momentum for Emmy noms!

Part of Leah's speech: "I spent most of my life being told the world outside Scientology would fail me, that I would fail, and that without it I wasn’t worth a whole lot. I thank you for proving those theories wrong."

Who knows if this person was really at the ceremony, but it's a funny tweet regardless:


Edited by 2727
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On 1/6/2017 at 5:48 PM, Maizie131 said:

fastiller - I like Comcast's synopsis of the show way better:

"Scientology:  A War Without Guns"

"Ex-members of the Church of Scientology who crusade against it; actress Leah Remini discusses her fight against the Church of Scientology and her goal of making it lose its tax exempt status."

...And, for the hundredth time as I've done over the past couple months watching her docu-series, after reading this, I say out loud, "YES!  Leah - You go girl!!!"  Network TV once again, and combined w/her past couple months on A&E...I'm convinced this little lady's gonna shut these assholes down!  (Can I get an "AMEN!!??"  - hey - we're talking about closing the doors of a "church," right?)

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  They messed with the WRONG lady here.

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On 1/6/2017 at 8:01 PM, AndreaK1041 said:

Ha! I said out loud "Yeah Leah, get 'em!" at the end of Tuesday's show. My husband is starting to think I'm Scientology crazy. 

I talk to her all the time.  I'm very encouraging.  A little insane perhaps, but encouraging.

And she is what she is.  She's a Jersey girl with an attitude that comes from that, from being abandoned as a child, and from being taught by Scientology to attack people who criticize her.  

To use a quote from MY religion, you reap what you sow.  They are reaping.  She's not going to let go.

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On 1/18/2017 at 11:15 AM, laurakaye said:

Basically, this is "I know you are but what am I?" and "you're a big meanie poopy-head and no one likes you," only slightly re-worded.

I love at the end how it pointlessly talks up Miscavige.  Because whatever.

You forgot "I'm rubber, you're glue", and "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me".

and the every popular (nanny nanny boo boo)

On 1/18/2017 at 11:46 PM, wings707 said:

 Very exciting to learn A&E is proud of Leah and applauds her work. We are definitely going to get another season. 

We are.  As I write this the season premiers next week.  But, it's not about another season.  It's time to end this "thing" as Leah calls. it.  It's not a church so it doesn't deserve to be called that.

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So happy for Leah and the rest to be recognized with an award at the Television Critics Association annual show.   Hopefully that will push "Aftermath" to a big Emmy win next month.  

As for the ending of "the Thing", "Going Clear" got things started but it really did take someone like Leah to make it all come together with "Aftermath". 

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12 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I did, too! (Also, I'm a Tulane alum, @TheGreenWave - love your username).

Woohoo!!!  Thanks!!  NOLA through and through!  :-)

I'm waiting for the scene where she turns to Rindah, takes off her earrings, and says to him, "here, hold these."  Next season will be insane!

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After watching this show and obsessively reading basically everything I could about Scientology, I occasionally feel like there's no more to learn. Silly me, though. According to this interview with Leah, if you recruit, you make 10% on what your recruit spends on courses. That really surprised me.

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1 hour ago, BabyVegas said:

After watching this show and obsessively reading basically everything I could about Scientology, I occasionally feel like there's no more to learn. Silly me, though. According to this interview with Leah, if you recruit, you make 10% on what your recruit spends on courses. That really surprised me.


What?  I never knew that! So it's a Cult AND MLM?!?

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4 hours ago, BabyVegas said:

After watching this show and obsessively reading basically everything I could about Scientology, I occasionally feel like there's no more to learn. Silly me, though. According to this interview with Leah, if you recruit, you make 10% on what your recruit spends on courses. That really surprised me.


I never knew that. However, I guarantee that 10% goes right back to the church.

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On 8/15/2017 at 9:00 PM, Cupcake04 said:

What?  I never knew that! So it's a Cult AND MLM?!?

So Scientology is basically LuLaRoe with a side of thetans?

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14 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:


The Cult responds to season premiere.  It's their usual rant that it's all lies to make $.  They seem to be going after A&E more than Leah though.

It is rich (no pun intended) that "the church" accuse the show of being after money. The church is obsessed with extracting money from its members. 

I can't with all the talk about Leah and Mike inciting hate crimes against the church. Having said that, I have thrown a brick through their window in my mind.

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On 8/16/2017 at 7:07 AM, Cupcake04 said:


The Cult responds to season premiere.  It's their usual rant that it's all lies to make $.  They seem to be going after A&E more than Leah though.

I thought this portion of the Co$ statement was against everything the "church" stood for:

"Regarding your allegation on mental health, this too is false, and as we do not treat those who are mentally ill, we encourage such individuals to be examined by a competent doctor."

I'm pretty sure the Co$ just recommended seeking help from a psychologist or psychiatrist!

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I had to chuckle because after I finished the new ep on the DVR last night, I turned off to find South Park airing "Trapped In The Closet". And I pull out my gun!!!! (not literally, if you've never seen that episode....and if you haven't, you should).

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4 hours ago, juliet73 said:

I thought this portion of the Co$ statement was against everything the "church" stood for:

"Regarding your allegation on mental health, this too is false, and as we do not treat those who are mentally ill, we encourage such individuals to be examined by a competent doctor."

I'm pretty sure the Co$ just recommended seeking help from a psychologist or psychiatrist!

good catch! I missed that! 

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On 8/17/2017 at 9:29 AM, juliet73 said:

I thought this portion of the Co$ statement was against everything the "church" stood for:

"Regarding your allegation on mental health, this too is false, and as we do not treat those who are mentally ill, we encourage such individuals to be examined by a competent doctor."

I'm pretty sure the Co$ just recommended seeking help from a psychologist or psychiatrist!

I took it to mean that they encouraged them to see a medical (competent) doctor vs. a psychiatrist (incompetent) and that it was a dig at the psychiatric profession.  They don't treat the mentally ill i.e. they don't give them medications.

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3 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I've clicked enough links in here that youtube has added a Scientology attack ad on Leah to my ad rotation no matter what I'm looking at.

Same. I have gotten many YouTube ads with Leah's dad talking about what a terrible daughter she is.  Of course he's not even a Scientologist and always used to make fun her for it, and she was a Scientologist when she supposedly treated him so poorly. So you know it's doubly stupid.  

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On 8/15/2017 at 6:00 PM, Cupcake04 said:

What?  I never knew that! So it's a Cult AND MLM?!?

Let's face it, CO$ being a pyramid scheme is really all that was missing in the equation.

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The "Church" has started buying ad space on Instagram. They splice scenes of Leah together terribly to try to make her look like she's just doing this for money. Fortunately, based on the comments, most people can tell it's BS and are reporting the ads as a scam. How desperate must Scientology be at this point?!

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