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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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Maybe the tin-foil hat is going to my head.  But this just seems fishy to me.

My understanding of the timeline is that the "pool incident" occurred on Sunday, and the on-set "bosses" were aware of it by Monday.  (i.e. the producer, allegedly Corrine's handler not showing up; Corrine being cut off from alcohol; etc.).  But filming isn't halted until sometime on Tuesday, and that plug was pulled by WB. (We don't know what when WB first became aware).

Point being, there was plenty of time for the cast and crew to be interviewed and all of the raw footage reviewed before shooting was halted and everyone was sent home.

I maintain that shutting down production and sending everyone home was A. Big. Deal. (Financially, logistically, PR-wise).

If this is as clear cut a case as TPTB want us to believe, why does it get to that point?  

It's easy enough for WB to have sent attorneys and investigators to the set to interview everyone and view the footage.  I can't imagine their "investigation" consisted of anything else.

Indeed, doing that would've been better.  They'd have been getting people's recollections closer in time to the event, and before the cast/crew had more of a chance to talk to each other and possibly influence each other's stories.  Also, it ensured that they'd get a crack at getting statements from these folks before any of them lawyered up.  

Also, the first and primary instinct of any organization in a situation like this is risk-containment.  And the best way to contain that risk is to keep everyone where they were, in Mexico, and away from the press.  

It would've made much more sense to shut down filming for a few days, do that investigation on-site, and resume filming without any "official" announcement.  Sure it would've leaked along with all the other spoilers.  But they could say "there was a concern, we investigated it, and confirmed that nothing happened."

To take the step of shutting everything down and sending everyone home, only to apparently start all over again a week later, just makes no sense to me.

1 minute ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

So.... giant publicity stunt everyone connected with the show was in on? 

Actually, that is starting to make the most sense to me.

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I don't understand where the idea that Corrine's overly sexual activities would her tarnished her image and kept her from getting a show is coming from. They picked Corinne to head a show because she is sexually silly, outrageous and an exhibitionist. Nothing about what she was purported to be doing on that tape would have had entertainment execs clutching their pearls.*

I'm starting to believe Corinne's producer was just as drunk as the cast. Woke up early and drunk dialed Warner Brothers and gave out way too much information, lol. She's looking not very bright right now and she crashed the gravy train Corinne was hoping to ride around on.

Oh well, I don't watch this show. I only came over for the scandal so I guess the party's over for me. I should look into buying some stock in Valtrex though because it looks like this petri dish is going to stay around for a while!


*Editted to add, I searched for a synopsis of Corinne's possible reality show and it said this so maybe she was supposed to be cleaning up her image.

 Corinne might not even be available for the show, as she revealed to us that "a lot networks" have approached her about starring in her own show that would feature her family, including the nanny who launched a thousand tweets, Raquel, after viewers met them during her hometown date in Miami.

Edited by lids
5 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I thought people often had sex on  these shows so I don't understand why this was different. On Big Brother it happens and it is on live feeds!

I think sometimes they do, but it's more under the covers, in a dark bedroom, and caught by a night vision camera so it's blurry and green.   NOT out in the open in front of everyone, in daylight.

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9 hours ago, Artsda said:

What "a lot of networks?" LOL I doubt any networks will be touching her now.

I think you're right. There is something very strange with all this. The producer/friend says one thing, the cast says another. Corrine gets all lawyered up, and DeMario basically gets called a rapist I haven't seen on thing that reads the same as the other .To me, all this screams. fake , but why?

So when we see them, we know they , ahem, take care of the cast? That's BS for a start. I don't truss Mike Fliess or Chris Harrison, they just got a ton of free publicity, for a show about drunks hooking up. 

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I certainly don't think the show set this up for publicity. I'm still undecided on if Corinne did it to get publicity or to say she didn't cheat on her boyfriend, or if this was 100% the idiot producer who started it all acting on her own. I'm leaning towards option 3.

I just don't see what the show would have gained. Sure they got their name out there, but they also put many people off so it would probably be a wash, as far as viewers, losing some to the disgusting nature of the scandal and gaining a few to see the aftermath. I doubt that many people who weren't already going to watch will now want to watch, not enough to make it worth the cost. It cost them a shitload to shut down production, fly everyone home, then start again and fly everyone back. They could have just kept rolling if they had set this up.

Best case scenario is that the producer didn't think it would go this far, that she was trying to defend Corinne's honor. She sees the tape, freaks about because she knows Corinne has a boyfriend and fears that any of this will make air (not the porn bits, but at least the making out and enough suggestion that boyfriend might ask questions (or if not the boyfriend, it might cost Corinne her own show) and made the complaint in an attempt to keep them from airing anything. And then it just snowballed.

At any rate, hose down the sheets and let's get back to business. lol

  • Love 13

Glad to hear it's back on... I think. I do hope, though, that they were serious about making some changes — at least enough that they're not just plying the cast with alcohol 24/7 and hoping for the best (i.e. that fun stuff happens, but nothing that crosses anyone's lines). Looks like we'll never truly know what happened, but it really does sound like both participants got too drunk to be getting it on, and, assuming that is indeed the case, I hope that this doesn't completely screw up DeMario's life forever. As for who's responsible if that is indeed what happened, the two of them together, for sure, but also production. Although it is certainly true that no one is forced to drink, it's also true (in some jurisdictions, anyway. No idea about this one.) that the party providing the booze holds a high degree of legal liability in cases where something happens. Bars can be held liable for drunken situations, and even party hosts sometimes, so from a legal standpoint, the show, the network, and/or the resort where this takes place could be legally responsible for any number of things.

I guess the point I'm getting at is that unless they legitimately change up the culture of drunkenness and way overserving on this show, they're just delaying the inevitable some more. I guess we'll see what happens...

But to be honest, if all this results in Corinne not being on, I won't miss her.

I've actually never really watched The Bachelor or any of the spin-offs, but for some reason I've been really interested in this story and have been following this thread for the past week.

But I have to ask, why was Corinne supposedly going to get her own show and what in the hell was going to be about? I had never even heard of her before all of this happened. Why is she so special that she gets her own show. I've never heard of any contestant on these shows getting their show unless was to be the next Bachelor or Bachelorette.

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10 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

But I have to ask, why was Corinne supposedly going to get her own show and what in the hell was going to be about?

Because she's conventionally attractive, shameless, overtly sexual, self-entitled, spoiled, and helps her daddy run his multi-million dollar business (playing tetris in the corner of their condo during working hours to keep her out of trouble).

But to answer your question... I have absolutely no idea why.

  • Love 5
51 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

I've actually never really watched The Bachelor or any of the spin-offs, but for some reason I've been really interested in this story and have been following this thread for the past week.

But I have to ask, why was Corinne supposedly going to get her own show and what in the hell was going to be about? I had never even heard of her before all of this happened. Why is she so special that she gets her own show. I've never heard of any contestant on these shows getting their show unless was to be the next Bachelor or Bachelorette.

I never heard anything about HER show specifically, but pure speculation I'm guessing it was going to be on ABC Family. They recently had two other Bachelor spin-offs: one with Bachelor couple Ben and Lauren, and another with a set of twins who were on Ben's season and also on Paradise last summer.  Two shows and counting seems like a precedent to me: who's marketable from a season to spin off on the sister network? Corrine was definitely the "star" contestant from the last season. 

56 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

But I have to ask, why was Corinne supposedly going to get her own show and what in the hell was going to be about?


43 minutes ago, locomoco said:

Because she's conventionally attractive, shameless, overtly sexual, self-entitled, spoiled, and helps her daddy run his multi-million dollar business (playing tetris in the corner of their condo during working hours to keep her out of trouble).

But to answer your question... I have absolutely no idea why.

She's also a 25-year-old who has a "nanny" (who is really the family's housekeeper, but Corinne refers to her as her nanny).

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I certainly don't think the show set this up for publicity. I'm still undecided on if Corinne did it to get publicity or to say she didn't cheat on her boyfriend, or if this was 100% the idiot producer who started it all acting on her own. I'm leaning towards option 3.

I just don't see what the show would have gained. Sure they got their name out there, but they also put many people off so it would probably be a wash, as far as viewers, losing some to the disgusting nature of the scandal and gaining a few to see the aftermath. I doubt that many people who weren't already going to watch will now want to watch, not enough to make it worth the cost. It cost them a shitload to shut down production, fly everyone home, then start again and fly everyone back. They could have just kept rolling if they had set this up.

Best case scenario is that the producer didn't think it would go this far, that she was trying to defend Corinne's honor. She sees the tape, freaks about because she knows Corinne has a boyfriend and fears that any of this will make air (not the porn bits, but at least the making out and enough suggestion that boyfriend might ask questions (or if not the boyfriend, it might cost Corinne her own show) and made the complaint in an attempt to keep them from airing anything. And then it just snowballed.

At any rate, hose down the sheets and let's get back to business. lol

I agree with much of what you said; however, multiple sources have stated that the producer filed the complaint without witnessing the incident firsthand or seeing a tape of it. Reports said that after hearing hearsay information second and third hand is when the producer filed the complaint. Just speculating, but I wonder if the producer heard what happened and thought it would ruin Corinne's reputation and chances for her rumored upcoming reality show, so she made the complaint with the intention of only hoping to stop the footage from being aired, never realizing how far it would go?

  • Love 1
On 6/20/2017 at 6:01 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

So.... giant publicity stunt everyone connected with the show was in on? 

(Why yes I am quoting myself :))

Well, lookey here:

2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Per RS,  Both Corrine and Demario will be returning to BiP and filming begins this weekend!   Ohhhhhh, yes.  

Methinks now that Show knew exactly what it was doing putting all the sexy stuff out there to lure in more viewers and yes, everyone was in on it.

  • Love 1

I absolutely hate this trend of unlined dresses. I find it so tacky. With that being said, at least it kinda sorta makes sense here. They spent the majority of their courtship on a beach in bathing suits on Bachelor in Paradise. I can sort of be okay with it, in that sense.  

Oh goodness, those eyelashes!

Otherwise, Im very happy for them :)

  • Love 5

Ew to the dress, ew to the fake eyelashes, and ew to Evan. I still can't see how anyone can be sexually attracted to the guy.

ETA: Just read the People article linked upthread. Quite a bit of revisionist history going on there:


Having met on the set of Paradise, the (what seemed to be an unlikely) duo was immediately drawn to each other.

They conveniently forgot to mention that Evan first tried to make a move on Amanda, and that Carly gave numerous talking heads about finding Evan repulsive and having to throw up after their first kiss.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Ew to the dress, ew to the fake eyelashes, and ew to Evan. I still can't see how anyone can be sexually attracted to the guy.

ETA: Just read the People article linked upthread. Quite a bit of revisionist history going on there:

They conveniently forgot to mention that Evan first tried to make a move on Amanda, and that Carly gave numerous talking heads about finding Evan repulsive and having to throw up after their first kiss.

I just rewatched the season and that was not their first kiss. It was their first official date.

3 minutes ago, wonald said:

I just rewatched the season and that was not their first kiss. It was their first official date.

Didn't they have to set some sort of kissing record on that date, in front of a bunch of people? I distinctly remember Carly running to the bathroom to throw up immediately afterwards. And then talking at length about how the kiss made her ill.

Edited by chocolatine
20 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Didn't they have to set some sort of kissing record on that date, in front of a bunch of people? I distinctly remember Carly running to the bathroom to throw up immediately afterwards. And then talking at length about how the kiss made her ill.

Yes, that all happened on their first official date. Their first kiss was a casual goodnight kiss in which Carly had to make the first move and then she complained about what a bad kiss it was and how she couldnt believe that he had 2 kids. BUT she didnt throw up afterwards.

4 minutes ago, wonald said:

Yes, that all happened on their first official date. Their first kiss was a casual goodnight kiss in which Carly had to make the first move and then she complained about what a bad kiss it was and how she couldnt believe that he had 2 kids. BUT she didnt throw up afterwards.

Gotcha. But it doesn't really matter whether she threw up after their first kiss or their second, the point is that Carly at first made it very clear that she wasn't attracted to Evan, but now everyone is pretending that theirs was a love at first sight.

Edited by chocolatine
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