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S08.E01: It's Worse Than We Thought


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I always find it very frustrating watching meri dance around a topic. Like their conversation in the backyard. She just has such a hard time with plain old honesty. I always wish she is asked direct questions. There was so much left unsaid and the air was so thick with resentments they both have towards each other.

Their conversation was kind of fascinating to me. They kept pretending it was about Mariah, and using Mariah as a stand-in for their own feelings about the situation. ("I think Mariah is upset that you kicked me out of the house..." etc.) If talk ever veered too close to their actual feelings, Kody insisted that they can't have the conversation without their therapist present. What type of person demands a third party present in order to have an honest conversation with your spouse, other than someone in the middle of divorcing?

As far as Mykelti, it was frustrating to me that they focused on the proximity of the wedding to Maddie's as being the problem. They kept saying they didn't want Mykelti to upstage her sister, or that they couldn't afford 2 weddings in a year, and that's why they didn't want her to get married so quickly, rather than focusing on the real issue: that Tony is a creeper and Mykelti changes her mind on a whim, so the chances of this marriage lasting are pretty slim. Some of the adults kind of said this to the camera, but no one said it to Mykelti. Kody is such a fan of his therapist, he should have asked Tony and Mykelti to see her for some pre-marriage counseling. It seems like any neutral third party would be able to see that them getting married is a terrible idea.

  • Love 24
14 hours ago, what said:

Tony seems like an entitled jackass. No wonder Kody doesn't like him - he sees himself in him!

Bwahahahahahahahahaha!  Oh Kody, it's like looking in the mirror, isn't it??  Crazy eyes, sloppy hair, spending money that he doesn't even have...meet your new son-in-law, dude!!

11 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Tony was kidding about the loan.  Most of the wives and Kody said so on Twitter.

I don't think that guy was kidding at all.


As usual, the Browns are skirting around the issues.  Mykelti getting married two months after Maddie has nothing to do with upstaging Maddie and everything to do with Mykelti making a really bad decision with a really suspect guy.  The Browns had to know that popping out kid after kid would eventually cause certain events - like weddings - to cluster together and stress everybody out.  But they need to quit using that as a lame excuse.  Mykelti strikes me as a child who probably didn't get a whole lot of parent time and wants to get married so quickly just to push her parent's buttons and see what happens.

As for Kody and Meri, they are going to be stuck, and Meri is going to remain miserable, unless she finally admits that the divorce wounded her to the core.  I doubt she will, however, because Kody can come back with, "but it was your idea!"  It was her idea, but I wonder if she was using the whole "divorce for the sake of the kids" to gain some good wifey points...or perhaps she never thought Kody would actually do it.

Did anyone else get squicked out by Kody and Tony sitting knee to knee on the bedroom couch?  First of all...icky place to have a conversation about marriage.  Go sit on the back porch or take a freakin' walk around the cuddle-sac or something.  Also, they both looked gross and sweaty and I wonder if Christine went in the room with a can of Febreze after they were done talking.

And Kody has easily packed on about 30 pounds.  His gut is huge.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 18

So did Mykelti and Fat Tony get married in August?

I've looked a bit on social media and can't seem to find an answer.  

TBH, I looked for about 2 seconds and couldn't stomach any more searching after I read that Fat Tony introduced Mykelti to real burritos.  I'm scared that "real burritos" is a euphemism for something else and I don't need that kinda stuff in my head.    Blech.  

  • Love 19
43 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

Does not sound like I missed anything!  

Oh hell no, you do not get a pass!  Now go watch it. 

Meri never wanted a plural marriage, I would put money on that.  She thought she had to.  Too young and sucked in by her religion.  Her only way out is to fall in love and leave having a man in her life to give her what monogamy offers.  Not impossible but a long shot. 

Her lack of exposure to anything outside of this life style crippled her ability to speak her mind and insecurities in this set up.  Wanting a wet bar like everyone else was a cry for love. She felt out of the loop very early in this game, before Christine joined them. Kody is a shit head. I hold little hope that she will gather her wits and speak her mind. If Nancy were any good she would have done it by now. 

Fat Tony (thanks again MWB). And another thanks goes to island girl for the Meatwad from Aqua Teen reference. Love it.

  • Love 10

Kody should have grown a pair and withheld his blessing. So what if they elope? It would save him a lot of money and it probably won't last anyway. And if anyone should have premarital sex, it's those two. She better make sure he has a penis before she seals this deal. Speaking of deals, I was super put off with the continued use of the word "negotiations". Between whom? The couple, or Kody and "Tiny" (as he typoed on Twitter)?

  • Love 8

Does Kody not realize that by pushing the whole no sex before the wedding thing, he is essentially guaranteeing that Mykelti will literally sprint down the aisle toward Weird Tony? 

If he was a decent father, he'd go buy her some satin sheets and a box of condoms and pray she forgets about getting married. Priorities, Kody .... priorities! 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 18
14 minutes ago, chuckity said:

So did Mykelti and Fat Tony get married in August?

I've looked a bit on social media and can't seem to find an answer.  

TBH, I looked for about 2 seconds and couldn't stomach any more searching after I read that Fat Tony introduced Mykelti to real burritos.  I'm scared that "real burritos" is a euphemism for something else and I don't need that kinda stuff in my head.    Blech.  

Real burrito must mean something else.  Wink, wink.

If they really mean burrito, I call bs.  I live close to the browns and there are a bunch of authentic Mexican restaurants in our area.  Vegas has a huge Hispanic population.  Now I'm  hungry for .99 taco Wednesday at my favorite Mexican take out place.  And I don't mean taco bell.

  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Kody should have grown a pair and withheld his blessing. So what if they elope? It would save him a lot of money and it probably won't last anyway. And if anyone should have premarital sex, it's those two. She better make sure he has a penis before she seals this deal. Speaking of deals, I was super put off with the continued use of the word "negotiations". Between whom? The couple, or Kody and "Tiny" (as he typoed on Twitter)?

IMO they actually stand to MAKE money from this clusterfuck of a nuptial. TLC will foot the bill, that's certain. This is Honey Boo Boo style dysfunction waiting to happen. Ratings GOLD. 

It's going to be interesting to see the in-laws. Will they bring one keg or two?!? 

The burritos comment just killed me. 

Fat Tony. Omg.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

The audience doesn't know Tony, so joke or not, saying Kody should take out a mortgage to pay for the wedding was in poor taste. Especially since the Browns probably don't have enough equity in their homes to pay for gum. 

Also in bad taste to say he's not going to wait forever.  Really?  Or what?  Elope or break up with Mykelti?  My impression was the latter.  Agreed....Mykeliti can do better.  

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Does Kody not realize that by pushing the whole no sex before the wedding thing, he is essentially guaranteeing that Mykelti will literally sprint down the aisle toward Weird Tony? 

If he was a decent father, he'd go buy her some satin sheets and a box of condoms and pray she forgets about getting married. Priorities, Kody .... priorities! 

Am I possibly the only person who feels that based on her Instagram, M & FT have already done the deed? 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this episode actually had a little bit of meat on its bones.  Tony . . . damn, where the hell did Mykelti find this jackass?  He has what my mother calls "the crazy eyes."  You can see just enough of the whites on all sides of the irises to get creeped out.  The 40-year-old mom in me is shaking her head and imploring Mykelti to run for the hills because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this relationship will not work.  It simply will not and that is a fact.  I thought Tony had a hell of a lot of nerve suggesting that Kody n' wives take out a home equity loan to pay for their wedding (!!!).  Those were the words of someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone else's feelings and has no clue how the big boy world works.  If you want a fancypants wedding and you don't make fancypants money, then you cut back until you can afford it and if you still can't afford it, you buy a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store and go to the courthouse.  I'm sick of this modern-day expectation that parents enter this process with a gun to their heads and are expected to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for their precious angel to get married, taking out loans and maxing out credit cards.  How about we spend that kind of money on a 50th wedding anniversary party?  I digress . . .

I love that Tony showed up in a wrinkled, too-small t-shirt with an unbrushed mop of hair to meet the parents.  He clearly couldn't have cared less about making a good impression.  I relish the fact that Kody has met his match, but I hate that yet another young, naive girl is choosing to bind herself legally to the first guy that comes along (looking at you, Duggarettes).  These kids are adults and do not have to listen to Kody.  Kody doesn't seem to fully realize and accept that.  Half my life ago, when I had just turned 21, I did the same thing Mykelti is doing, but slightly worse.  I met an unemployed, physically and emotionally abusive asshat a few years older than me, he proposed after we'd known each other for three weeks, I accepted, and a week later, we were married and I was living with him in his childhood bedroom at his mother's apartment.  My parents and friends begged me, some literally on bended knee, not to do it, but I didn't listen.  I was In Love™ and thought I knew better than everyone else.  Of course it was a disaster and we divorced and I had no one to blame but myself.  My mom and I call those three-and-a-half years my Twilight Zone Years.  I know all about mistakes and the impact that early ones have on the rest of your life.  Sometimes as parents, we have to allow our grown kids to make mistakes without our interference if we want to maintain a relationship with them.  Mykelti is hard-headed and is clearly starved for attention (who can blame her?), so she'll have to learn the hard way anyway.  When real life hits her right between the eyes one day and she comes to her senses, she'll look back and wish she'd listened to those boring grown-ups.  Hopefully, the marriage won't be too terribly bad before Tony inevitably fucks up in some major way and it all ends.  For now, I'll enjoy watching Kody twist in the wind.  Lord knows he deserves it.

Oh, and Kody?  The fact that you think they're not going to have sex just because you asked Tony not to (which was super creepy, by the way) is absolutely adorable.  I almost felt some sympathy for you in that moment before I remembered what a joke of a husband and father you are. 

Agree with EVERY word you posted.   Also, your final paragraph - did you also get the feeling that they had been having sexy tmes already?  I surely did.  

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

When damn near every adult person describes Mykelti as impulsive, flighty, immature and her own mom calls her ditsy, I tend to believe them and think this rush to marriage is a very, very bad idea. Plus, Mykelti, I think you can do better. 

Her own mom WHO IS AFRAID OF TOASTERS, I might add!

2 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this episode actually had a little bit of meat on its bones.  Tony . . . damn, where the hell did Mykelti find this jackass?  He has what my mother calls "the crazy eyes."  You can see just enough of the whites on all sides of the irises to get creeped out. 

He does indeed have the crazy eyes!  And a bit of the gay, I suspect.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you be you, boo--marrying into a well-known FLDS clan isn't going to change anything.

Frankly, the guy gives me the willies.

36 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Speaking of deals, I was super put off with the continued use of the word "negotiations". Between whom? The couple, or Kody and "Tiny" (as he typoed on Twitter)?


2 minutes ago, JoannKB said:

This was creepy. Kody kept saying he and Tony were "negotiating the contract" like he was selling off his daughter for two goats and a cow.

I was waiting for the cow to be put on the table as part of the negotiations!  I hate that paternalistic "ask for her hand in marriage," "give the bride away" bullshit, anyway.  I got a good nudge in the side at a wedding last month when the pastor asked "Who gives this woman?" and I hissed through gritted teeth "SHE GIVES HERSELF..."

  • Love 18

I have a feeling Mykelti is going to have a lifetime of bad decisions. They all keep saying how impulsive she has always been. The girl just doesn't think. I didn't like doughboy Tony but I'm not a fan of Mykelti, either. She's going to be one of those kids that the parents are always going to worry about. As long as she's married to Tony, I can see them popping out a bunch of kids, getting fatter and fatter and living on welfare. Just my opinion, of course. 

Cody is done with Meri. He knows deep down that Meri was all for leaving him for another man, it just backfired on her. He's not going to forgive that, so he is going to pretend all is well and see as little of her as possible for as long as she puts up with it. Their relationship was going downhill as soon as Robin entered the scene and the whole catfish thing just brought it to another level. They need to put each other out of their misery and get a divorce. 

Shallow observation here, Robyn looks like hell. She hasn't lost the baby weight this time around, she is so pale, no makeup and looks miserable. Have her lips gotten even thinner or is it the extra weight in her face that is throwing me off? 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 15
21 minutes ago, tobeannounced said:

That People article that was linked to upthread says Maddie is pregnant!  Also, how awkward is that engagement pic of Mykelti and Tony?  I'm cringing with secondhand embarasment.  It's all just so weird.

Talk about an oh snap.  Mykelti:  People is going to have a blurb about my bridal shower!!!  Maddie:  Yeah, the same day they announce that I'm carrying the first Brown grandchild.  SO SUCK IT.

  • Love 13
19 minutes ago, JoannKB said:

This was creepy. Kody kept saying he and Tony were "negotiating the contract" like he was selling off his daughter for two goats and a cow.

But Kody already has two goats and a cow. And an ugly bird. 

I agree with the poster who said the December wedding was already a done deal. Mykelti's reasoning that it would be too cold in December for an outdoor wedding was laughable. Ya live in the desert, sweetie. Millions of people travel to Las Vegas to be married in the winter because they are escaping actual winter weather in other parts of the country. Sheesh. And while Tony saying Kody could take out a home equity loan may have been scripted I have no doubt he meant it. That, and sneering at the idea of a backyard wedding. Not good enough for Fat Tony. 

Mykelti really is marrying her father, Fat Kody. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 16

Mykelti is an idiot.  Tony is an opportunist.  This will not end well.

Let's break this down.  Mykelti was born into a polygamist nightmare, with idiots as parents, and her 'bonus mothers' weren't much better.  All of the adults were spending most of their time navigating the intricasies of a polygamist marriage, with all the politics that entails.  Even when Kody wasn't around, she knew that he was with another wife and his other children.  Her mother was focused on Kody first (When can I have him to myself for a night again?  How can I stay relevant to him when he's with the other wives?), her sister wives (How can we all get along?  What are they saying about me to Kody?), and raising her own kids while also babysitting the kids of the other wives, and there always seemed to be another kid coming down the pipeline. 

In such a situation, with so many people living in each others pockets, roles tend to be assigned.  Mykelti was assigned the immature ditzy role.  Some kids are slow to mature and need help learning to think and plan ahead, set goals and achieve them, etc.  With no real one on one time with a mature, caring adult, she was never able to grow out of it.  Mykelti probably jumpied from one thing to another, and tried to get attention through grand gestures that didn't quite work out.

Now that she's older, Mykelti has managed to pull off the biggest stunt of all.  Show up during the preparations for Maddie's wedding and announce that she is also engaged and expects all the attention that Maddie is getting.  Bonus points for bringing along creepy Tony, he's sure to make an impression.

Too bad she can't snag the award for having the first grandchild.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

But Kody already has two goats and a cow. And an ugly bird. 

I agree with the poster who said the December wedding was already a done deal. Mykelti's reasoning that it would be too cold in December for an outdoor wedding was laughable. Ya live in the desert, sweetie. Millions of people travel to Las Vegas to be married in the winter because they are escaping actual winter weather in other parts of the country. Sheesh. And while Tony saying Kody could take out a home equity loan may have been scripted I have no doubt he meant it. That, and sneering at the idea of a backyard wedding. Not good enough for Fat Tony. 

Mykelti really is marrying her father. 

Average temperature in Vegas for December is in the high 50s. They will get married inside.  

  • Love 2

Just one more thought: Christine, please shut up! She was calm enough with the whole Tony and Mykelti thing, then she goes back to her loud, opinionated usual self. She had a whole lot to say about Maddies wedding. Back off, woman. Let others speak. I swear sometimes it seems she's on medication. I can see where Mykelti gets it from. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, tinaw said:

Meri has been upset since Robyn has been in the picture. VedaPierce you are so right when you say Meri should just say she is upset that Kody divorced her. I think Meri has been upset with each additional wife.

Makes me wonder how much of a "Sister wife" she wanted to be. 

Should be an interesting season

It was very telling when one of the wives on the couch said they had never planned a "monogamous wedding" before and Meri jumped in with "yes we did, mine and Kody!"  Makes me think that she entered her marriage at the young age expecting to be the only wife. 

  • Love 16

My take on Tony is pretty simple.  He isn't the brightest bulb on the string.  The "home equity" suggestion...I watched it twice and I honestly have a different thought.  It reminded me of when your kids are about 4 or 5 and they really don't have a good grasp on the concept of money.  You try to explain to them that you just don't have the money right now to spend on something frivolous and they give you that "look" and say...""OH!!  Mummy...you just go to that machine and punch the buttons and it gives you LOTS of money!!""

The clueless dumb ass look on his face when he said that if Kody wants to hold off on their wedding is about money well that's an easy fix.  You can just go into a bank and take out a loan against your house.  I mean... I don't think he has a clear mature understanding of money or anything close to an adult understanding of life.  Between Dopey Tony and Ditsy Mykelti...well....they both have a whole lot of growing up to do. 

A real tell is the couple that own the Pawn shop who have now been called her "Utah parents" and her own Mother didn't have a clue that she was serious about this guy.  Sorry, but that means that they aren't that tuned into her at all. 

I thought it was also a small tell when they were insisting the wedding had to be in the summer, outside, with everything GREEN (just like someone elses wedding...) and so THAT is why the wedding has to be N O W.  Christine brought up having the wedding in her backyard and Mykelti shot her a "look" and said ""No...I'm not having it in YOUR backyard""  We have only gotten bits and pieces about the whole thing when Christine told Mykelti she wasn't allowed to come back home.  Yet they are now saying THEY sent her to Utah for a few months before she was supposed to come back home and return to college (but...but...college is really really H A R D)

I really felt for Mykelti when she was telling how Christine was so giddy and happy for Maddie...yet Christine was less than thrilled and obviously trying to hold back because she had a camera on her face when Mykelti brought up marriage.  She had a clear expectation in her head of Joy and Happiness from her mother.  Joy bestowed upon her, not her half sister, when she announces that she too has found Mr Eternal Wonderful.  She didn't get joy, but poorly hidden horror.  Kids remember that shit.  When she says that Dopey Tony is going to protect her and never ever hurt her...oh my...that shows her clear immaturity.  Her and Maddie have only 6 or 7 months in age between them...but leaps and bounds in maturity (and I don't think maddie is necessarily ready to jump in with marriage and motherhood either)

other thoughts....using the word negotiation to talk about the marriage is just way too creepy.  It makes it sound like he is selling off his daughters and wants to get the contract wording right. 

And Tony....he just completely creeps me out.  Every photo of him and Mykelti looks like they found something on Pintrest and they are just trying (poorly) to recreate something they think looks romantic.  There is clear chemistry between Caleb and Maddie that shows on camera.  There is nothing...zip...between Mykelti and Dopey Tony.  They can say all the love words, they can physically put their arms around each other, but there is no chemistry between them.

  • Love 8

I forgot to mention..did anyone else find it creepy and/or controlling and/or terrifying when Kody went into his spiel about how the cat fisher wasn't even real? If they all ignore it and stay away from the Internet or conversations with people not related to them, it's simply a figment of everyone's imagination?

The old ostrich-maneuver!

Edited by MarysWetBar
I don't even know a Jody so just stop it, phone!
  • Love 13

1. Drinking game winning phrase: a tossup between "we're polygamists" and "see Nancy." 

2. Frankly, if any of the Brown kids want a fancy wedding, they'd better do it now while the TV show gravy train is still on the tracks. There won't even be pastries on a wet bar when the mansions are gone. 

3. Bullshit on Kody thinking filming the discussion with Meri was a "mistake." I could see the ratings dollars floating across his beady eyes.  

  • Love 3
Just now, wings707 said:

Average temperature in Vegas for December is in the high 50s. They will get married inside.  

We go to Las Vegas almost every January and are lucky enough to pretty much always hit low to mid 70s temperatues. (Except last year where it was colder than where I travelled from in Canada). I hate really hot weather and that is my fav temps. Though I don't understand why Mykelti would want to get married in August when average daytime temp in LV is over 100. I would definitely want to get married inside then! 

  • Love 2
32 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

I agree with all of you wonderful snarkers.  I labored through the episode.  And in addition to everything already posted, what is up with Meri's green grass back yard in Las Vegas?????? And a hose to water?????  Who pays that water bill???  

Our environment pays the price, sadly. I live in the desert and have xera scaping as do most here in Arizona and in Vegas, too. It is irresponsible to have a lawn. Shame on them. 

Christine is afraid of toasters? I missed this. Granted I have been lax in some seasons. 

Poor Fat Tony.  He might redeem himself in the future. I would love to see him speak out about the problems he sees in plural marriage citing examples in the Brown family.  Now that would be a fabulous plot line. Come on TLC, you can do it. Double dare ya.

The temp warms up in January, username fatigue.  Same thing here in AZ. One baby cold snap a year usually in December. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Oy. Between Tony and Caleb, I would take Caleb any day. Tony seems like the type that I would kick out of my house with no hesitation if my daughter brought him home. If he was joking about equity, fine, but that's really not the kind of joke you lead with. He came off immature and rude and that's not the impression you want to make.

Is Mykelti that desperate? She can do so much better than Tony.

  • Love 6
56 minutes ago, Amers said:

The most telling moment was when the Moms were on the couch and someone said this was their first monogamous marriage. Meri said no its not. Ours was the first. That right there spoke volumes. She never wanted that life style. 

Wow!  I almost want to watch the show to hear Meri say this!

Man, it must be so exhausting to be in this family. Everything they even attempt to discuss is coded and steeped in so much delusion it's beyond frustrating to even listen to.

He and Meri didn't divorce because they were struggling and had been for years but because of some ridiculous paranoia about adopting Robyn's kids immediately for their own protection.

Meri didn't pull away because she actually yearned for a monogamous relationship, but because she was bored/empty nest syndrome/she was finding herself.

Tony and Mykelti can't get married in August, not because they're too young, barely know each other, and are hopelessly immature, but because it might make Maddie upset (did anyone even think to tell Mykelti to just go talk to Maddie and see how she feels?) or wipe out Kody financially. (I fully expected that when Tony said there are ways around that, he was going to suggest they'd pay for a cheap wedding themselves. Nope. Home Equity Loan. LOL. Maybe it wasn't an intentional joke but it sure had me laughing. And if Kody was wracking his brain to figure out a way to slow them down, it never occurred to him to simply say honestly--"If you want to get married in August, you'll have to pay for it yourselves because I can't afford another wedding so soon after Maddie's. Wait till the spring (so Mykelti can have her green park), and I'll pay it for then." Problem solved.

I too think the "don't have sex until..." ship has already sailed. Mykelti is the most headstrong kid of all of them, she isn't waiting one second longer than she's willing. I also think she probably calls all the shots in her relationship with Tony. So Kody appealing to Tony to not have sex, to wait till December, to whatever whatever, is literally barking up the wrong tree. Mykelti is the one who will decide.

But anyway, that convo with Meri was the worst. She wanted to say so much that she felt she couldn't express. I don't think it was necessarily because of the cameras either. These people aren't used to having honest conversations. None of the wives feel they can express what they personally need and want because of Kody's baseline response that anything said or done has to be for the good of the whole family not any one person (Everyone remembers Kody and Christine's horrible stone pile-building anniversary trip with their therapist in tow, right?)  Which is, of course, bullshit if he's the one person who wants something.

And if it wasn't already clear, Kody's sheer terror at the idea of any kind of one-on-one intimacy with anyone (his wives, his kids, whoever) was on full display this episode. That coward was practically pleading with Meri not to make him talk about anything at all until he had buffer Nancy in the room. To be truly honest with anyone it would require him to be truly honest with himself first and I don't think he wants to do that at all. I think that's why polygamy was so appealing to him, he could surround himself with as many crowds as possible and never have to be alone with himself or delve into his own deluded brain.

He amazingly insists that if he doesn't acknowledge something (anything), it doesn't exist. Okay, sure. Let's see how that works with your mountains of debt when the show is over and the bank comes to repossess your homes. You can insist it didn't happen while you huddle under your cardboard box with your 14 or 15 kids (whoever hasn't escaped by then) on the side of the road.

Edited by taragel
  • Love 20
59 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

I hate that paternalistic "ask for her hand in marriage,"

this reminds me of what I wanted to say.  So Tony is going to play Mr. Chivalry and ask for her hand, very old fashioned and respectful.  But the moment it doesn't turn out as he had imagined, it's mortgage the house and I won't wait forever???  It was all an act, he didn't respect the idea at all.  

  • Love 8

I have a feeling FT's appeal is a combination of things, including but not limited to:

  • She thinks he's the best she can get
  • They've "exchanged hormones" and she likes it (go Mykelti, but dang. No reason to rush the marriage)
  • Maybe some jealousy over attention Maddie's getting 

And three biggies:

  • She wants to be right when she says FT will always protect her
  • Minimum-wage retail work sucks (according to her) and doesn't pay the real-life bills that came from dropping out of college because
  • College was "hard"
Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 15
50 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Shallow observation here, Robyn looks like hell. She hasn't lost the baby weight this time around, she is so pale, no makeup and looks miserable. Have her lips gotten even thinner or is it the extra weight in her face that is throwing me off? 

Her frown is so pronounced, it looks like her lips are going to touch her chin.  And that's saying something.


40 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

But Kody already has two goats and a cow. And an ugly bird. 

This line was one of those moments where I don't get the joke...and then I do.  And then I laugh/snort/choke.  At work.


35 minutes ago, Zahdii said:

In such a situation, with so many people living in each others pockets, roles tend to be assigned.  Mykelti was assigned the immature ditzy role.  Some kids are slow to mature and need help learning to think and plan ahead, set goals and achieve them, etc.  With no real one on one time with a mature, caring adult, she was never able to grow out of it. 

And that's what's so freaking sad about a family this large, with little to no parental one-on-one time because the mom is too busy dancing to get dad's attention, and dad is either hiding on someone's couch or hunting around for another wifey.  My daughter is a teen and has a tough time with setting goals.  I would never, however, call her ditzy because that's a name that sticks, and it becomes an excuse for the kid..."well, if my parents think I'm ditzy, I must be, so what's the point of trying?"  It's just like the Duggar family.  Too many individual children and not near enough time to appreciate each one's individual personalities. 

30 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

The clueless dumb ass look on his face when he said that if Kody wants to hold off on their wedding is about money well that's an easy fix.  You can just go into a bank and take out a loan against your house. 

But isn't the dude in banking??  He's probably already checked into Kody's mortgage records and credit scores and done some calculating to see how much he can weasel out of his poor, dumb, future father-in-law.  Even if that amount is somewhere around $37.59.

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So... my sister and her husband were engaged after a week of dating.  HOWEVER... they were engaged 3 years before they married and paid for the entire thing by themselves, both the wedding and all of their items for the house that they needed (except for the towels, those were bought for them).  They have been married since then (1994).

I don't like this Tony guy.  There is something really, really off about him.  And the nerve to suggest they take out whatever on the house? No.  If you are that desperate to get married, elope and get your own apartment right away. (I don't know if I am allowed to say this on here, but I suspect that Tony and mykelti have already had sex).

And I agree with whomever said Truely needs a speech therapist.  That was the first thing I said!!!

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