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S11.E19: Reunion Part 1

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15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Who else thinks Vicki got her eyes done right after the Galmis accident? LOL Oh and Kelly needs to back off the lip filler, she is really close to Rinna territory now. Also, Kelly is one angry, nasty angry, with memory, issues woman.

Very first thing that popped into my head.  And it needs to be said again and again Vicki is a despicable person who believes she is the fun bus but really the only reason others are laughing is because she has toilet paper stuck in her pantyhose.  They are not laughing with you they are laughing AT you.  She sucks the fun right out of the room.  I think Briana's only purpose is to show that see, Vicki can't be all that bad because she raised THIS.  We have no idea what young Vicki was like so perhaps little Troy and Owie will be dealing with their own 'Vicki' when they reach adulthood.

My takeaway is it was Michael's idea for Kelly to get on the show.  I picture his atty's paralegal watching her on the show and taking copious notes.  She is CLEARLY effed in the head and very volatile.  She changed the entire tone of the reunion for me in a very bad way, just vicious.  I expect more police reports in her future and I am not even Miss Cleo.

  • Love 19

My favorite parts last night:

Vicki's "And I didn't buy them for myself!" in reference to the flowers in Ireland when no one even asked. I actually LOL'ed. 

Shannon listing off three horrible insults Kelly had hurled at her over the course of a week and Kelly responding with, "Everybody just does everything to you, don't they?" Um... ???

Andy's double-take that Vicki still insists she only took HALF a Xanax at last year's reunion. LOL, rite.

  • Love 15
15 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

She looked like she was smuggling watermelons in a big blue garbage bag.

Vicki needs to be taught a lesson and there should be a petition signed by thousands sent to Bravo to have her fired. She's way out of line. "get off my show". Kelly is funny at times but way too disruptive. Shannon looks like she gained a few but still looks good. Tamra is starting to look her age, her body is great though. All I could think of looking at those gazongas of Kelly was....


  • Love 20

I wish Andy would've called Vicki on the "my show" thing instead of just grinning like a monkey about it. By Vicki's [lack of] logic, why shouldn't we consider it Tamra's show? She's been on since season one as well.

I know these shows run on drama, real or manufactured, but, even given that, Kelly isn't a good choice for this show. She's not volatile in a good way for reality TV. She's only moderately bright and seems to have some very real mental health concerns, chief among them hair-trigger rage issues -- a really bad combo. She goes from zero to homicidal in the blink of an eye, and seem to literally lose complete control of her own words and actions. She needs to go, for her own sake as well as the safety of others.

Speaking of leaving, I honestly wish Vicki would just go already. It's been 11 years of nothing new with this narcissistic nothing. I never even thought it was possible for a human being to age 11 years without acquiring even an ounce of maturity, self-awareness, and empathy for others, yet Vicki's managed it. I'm beyond over it. I fully believe that the minute cameras stop filming her, she'll cease to exist as an entity in the world. And it can't come a minute too soon.

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Trying to explain anything to Kelly would be like talking to a wall. She really cannot follow a point from A to B. 

Holy crap, you are not kidding.  This chick is seriously not bright.   I'm starting to think that's why she came in guns a-blazin'.   She's super defensive and is always on the attack for no reason - I believe she knows that about herself and resents it, so I think she strikes before anyone strikes her.   

I still want her gone.  At this point, I already know I won't be watching if Vicki is back.  I don't think I can watch Kelly again, though - even if my longstanding prayer is answered and Andy finally sends Vicki packin' from "her show".  

  • Love 11

I thought it was weird that Michael Dodd called Vicki, expressing he was ready to file for divorce, after the 2nd (or so) episode when Kelly told the women at Meghan's house about Michael's NPD diagnosis.  It's not weird that he was ready to file, but that he called Vicki.  He just doesn't seem the type to seek counsel from Vicki.  (Well, no one should, but he struck me as having slightly more sense than that.) 

For all the hype of this being a tough reunion, it certainly hasn't delivered yet. 

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I wish Andy would've called Vicki on the "my show" thing instead of just grinning like a monkey about it. By Vicki's [lack of] logic, why shouldn't we consider it Tamra's show? She's been on since season one as well.

I know these shows run on drama, real or manufactured, but, even given that, Kelly isn't a good choice for this show. She's not volatile in a good way for reality TV. She's only moderately bright and seems to have some very real mental health concerns, chief among them hair-trigger rage issues -- a really bad combo. She goes from zero to homicidal in the blink of an eye, and seem to literally lose complete control of her own words and actions. She needs to go, for her own sake as well as the safety of others.

Speaking of leaving, I honestly wish Vicki would just go already. It's been 11 years of nothing new with this narcissistic nothing. I never even thought it was possible for a human being to age 11 years without acquiring even an ounce of maturity, self-awareness, and empathy for others, yet Vicki's managed it. I'm beyond over it. I fully believe that the minute cameras stop filming her, she'll cease to exist as an entity in the world. And it can't come a minute too soon.

Tamra came on in Season 2.  But I see it more as Tamra's show because she seems to be the central "wife".  Andy Cohen has called her the perfect "Housewife" because she always stirs it up and isn't afraid to go for the kill.

  • Love 6

Nitpicking the wardrobe, but it seems all of Shannon's dresses are too short waisted for her.   The red one in the intro, the one she wore to her renewal ceremony and last night's dress - they all look too short in the waist.   Hated Tamra's dress.  Sick of Vicki with some off the shoulder number - those always remind me of Wilma Flintstone.   But Kelly's dress absolutely takes the cake.   What in the name of Christmas was that thing?   If she actually set out to find a more ill fitting, less attractive, least flattering dress she couldn't have found a better one.  

  • Love 16
10 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I wish Andy would've called Vicki on the "my show" thing instead of just grinning like a monkey about it. By Vicki's [lack of] logic, why shouldn't we consider it Tamra's show? She's been on since season one as well.

She hasn't, actually.  She didn't come on till season 3, I think.

50 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

All I could think of looking at those gazongas of Kelly was....


That is frighteningly close to the actual dress.  Is that a baby in there?  Is it alive?  Eek.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I wish Andy would've called Vicki on the "my show" thing instead of just grinning like a monkey about it. By Vicki's [lack of] logic, why shouldn't we consider it Tamra's show? She's been on since season one as well.

I know these shows run on drama, real or manufactured, but, even given that, Kelly isn't a good choice for this show. She's not volatile in a good way for reality TV. She's only moderately bright and seems to have some very real mental health concerns, chief among them hair-trigger rage issues -- a really bad combo. She goes from zero to homicidal in the blink of an eye, and seem to literally lose complete control of her own words and actions. She needs to go, for her own sake as well as the safety of others.

Speaking of leaving, I honestly wish Vicki would just go already. It's been 11 years of nothing new with this narcissistic nothing. I never even thought it was possible for a human being to age 11 years without acquiring even an ounce of maturity, self-awareness, and empathy for others, yet Vicki's managed it. I'm beyond over it. I fully believe that the minute cameras stop filming her, she'll cease to exist as an entity in the world. And it can't come a minute too soon.

From what Heather has said, Vicki pretty much plays the "my show" every Reunion, she was surprised they aired it.  Obviously it is getting the most comments.  Tamra came on Season 3, but I do believe she has become the star, because she does something of interest each season.  Divorce, Eddie, engagement, setting a date, baptized, and now the fitness competition with the cheesy trophy.

Kelly and her, "drama, drama, drama."  No one has done such an amateurish job of stirring up fake drama around herself more so than Kelly.  Every opportunity she has said something ranging from inappropriate to atrocious and hideous and then blames others.  Kelly thinks each and every scene needs to be about her all the time.  For someone who rages over Heather commenting on events that don't directly concern her, she sure wanted Shannon to step in and chastise her guests in Kelly's defense.  Shannon made her choice, after Kelly came unglued over the Nina woman asking what the purse looked like, the escalating behavior by Nina and Kelly, Shannon made her choice-she asked Kelly and rude Michael to leave.   If heather defends Kelly comes unhinged and extraordinarily rude.  let Heather talk, and then tell her she is pretentious.  I find it hard to believe her 730 exam didn't yield any indications of a personality disorder and that her husband was just fine with being labelled a narcissist.  Being an executive is not interchangeable with narcissism. 

Oh I hope your wish comes true with Vicki, there is just zero left in the Vicki tank.  Don't care about her boyfriend, her kids or grandkids.  She is like a stale joke that keeps getting repeated.  She is no longer entertaining and was never really endearing.  I am thinking if she can have an eyelift in the middle of filming there is probably big gaps in her daily calendar.   When asked what other Bravo show Vicki would be on (it was a group question) Vicki said she didn't know because she doesn't watch TV, had not even seen the last four episodes.  Gee that means she didn't hear her daughter call her a dirty fighter.  I am thinking if you earn a big chunk of change from appearing on a TV show, you should probably not say you don't watch TV.

  • Love 14
27 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

I thought it was weird that Michael Dodd called Vicki, expressing he was ready to file for divorce, after the 2nd (or so) episode when Kelly told the women at Meghan's house about Michael's NPD diagnosis.  It's not weird that he was ready to file, but that he called Vicki.  He just doesn't seem the type to seek counsel from Vicki.  (Well, no one should, but he struck me as having slightly more sense than that.) 

For all the hype of this being a tough reunion, it certainly hasn't delivered yet. 

Maybe he figured Vicki would spill the news since she is the local gossip hound.  Saves him from having to tell nuclear Kelly himself.  Kinda smart now that you think of it.

  • Love 5
56 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

Holy crap, you are not kidding.  This chick is seriously not bright.   I'm starting to think that's why she came in guns a-blazin'.   She's super defensive and is always on the attack for no reason - I believe she knows that about herself and resents it, so I think she strikes before anyone strikes her.   

I still want her gone.  At this point, I already know I won't be watching if Vicki is back.  I don't think I can watch Kelly again, though - even if my longstanding prayer is answered and Andy finally sends Vicki packin' from "her show".  

You know, my wife and I really liked the version of Kelly that we saw in the season finale. The one where she's not drunk, is relaxed, and being funny. If that's the Kelly that Meghan knows, no wonder Meghan likes her. I think Kelly would have been much better off if she'd just come into the show with her mind open as to where she fits and if she'd just been herself instead of trying so hard (and drinking so much). We kind of hope she comes back next season and just decides to be herself. If she won't just be herself, then she can stay off the TV.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Christi said:

Who was "Inky Dinky Do"that Vickie was referring to  in the beginning?

Yeah I had NO clue what she was on about with that nonsense.  Only from reading the posts on here today did I discern that she was referring to Brooks.  I'm sure she thought it was just another adorable Vicki-ism, like "going potty" or "no scratchy the woody." 

She's truly reprehensible.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

Ha! I'm so with you posters that thought her eggs were somehow in her glass art instillation. I guess they'll have to move if the eggs are ever used, just like their reason for moving this time was an "planned" bedroom for Coco. Andy would be SO disappointed if she put her embryos into the glass or foundation. He's asked at least twice for her Jewish eggs and I think he's serious.

Na, Andy was joking. Just ask Kelly.

Tamra contradicted herself when she claimed that a narcissist (Simon in her case) doesn't change, then said that Simon changed after their son moved in with her and refused to speak to him. OTOH I have never believed that Simon is a narcissist. And Kelly wouldn't either, since he is not a successful businessman.

I don't understand why, when Vicki continues to claim that she was taken in by Brooks, Heather (or anyone for that matter) doesn't bring up the lies she has told, inlcuding that Terry sent a medical friend of his over to Vicki's to give Brooks an IV in the middle of the night. Why do they continue to let her away with this crap? I hope someone brings up the KillAllCancer scam. Vicki is getting away with way too much on her show.

Wow, I didn't even recognize Gretchen in the picture. WTH has she done to herself? OTOH I could not tell the difference between Vicki pre eye lift and post eye lift. Looks the same to me. Apparently there is no middle ground with regards to plastic surgery in the OC.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

And the fact that you sent a FAAAMILLY VAAANNN!!! To fit all those fat people into.  You're DIRTY!!!!

That's it! I'm giving you the evil eye. 


(This conversation: more entertaining than the reunion.)

3 hours ago, 918lux said:

Wow.  Gretchen has totally destroyed her face.

Right? It doesn't even look like her. I actually think Kelly is the best looking one in that picture.

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Tamra contradicted herself when she claimed that a narcissist (Simon in her case) doesn't change, then said that Simon changed after their son moved in with her and refused to speak to him. OTOH I have never believed that Simon is a narcissist. And Kelly wouldn't either, since he is not a successful businessman.

Ha, the whole narcissist conversation was hilarious. Tams just got done expression how she and Simon are getting along much better now, but then she slams him on national TV. 

  • Love 6

I need a shower. With water hot enough to scald.

I used to think Brandi (from RHoBH) was the stupidest person I'd ever seen open her mouth on TV. Wow, I owe her such an apology. Kelly Dodd literally cannot understand the simplest bits of logic, can she? Quite apart from mangling pronunciation (which even my quite intelligent but tongue-tangling husband can do), she just doesn't follow the bread crumbs at all. What did she allegedly study in her alleged attendance at her alleged university? And she's not just stupid, she's vicious. I hope beyond words she doesn't come back.

Vickie. Oh, Vickie. Bless her heart, she looks like a decent human being next to Kelly -- even though next to every other H'wife on the couches, she looks like a fake-tanned, false-faced, pile of nasty. "Get off my show." That little bit, which she oh-so-brilliantly repeated in front of Andy just in case he missed it the first time, might be the last nail in her Bravo career coffin.

I did feel sad for Meghan when she learned that only one of her embryos had successfully implanted. Even Jimmy seemed regretful. The only moment in the show so far when I haven't been completely annoyed by him.

Tamra still doesn't understand much about being a Christian, but neither of the women (Kelly and Vickie) lecturing her about how she's a bad Christian do either. Bless all their little hearts.

I still need a shower, y'all, but I feel better now that I've gotten some of this off my chest. Ready for next week?

  • Love 10

I have heard rumors that Vicki has a no fire clause in her contract, but I doubt Bravo was ever that desperate to cast or keep Vicki. Vicki herself admitted that she was threatened with a demotion to friend of housewife if she didn't film with "Inky Dinky Doo" /Brooks. 

Personally I don't care if Vicki loses her yit should she be fired. I am hoping her over the top comment about it being her show is because she thinks it may be her last season. 

Andy telling Kelly she is the most polarizing housewife would have been so much more satisfying if she actually understood the meaning. ?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

You know, my wife and I really liked the version of Kelly that we saw in the season finale. The one where she's not drunk, is relaxed, and being funny. If that's the Kelly that Meghan knows, no wonder Meghan likes her. I think Kelly would have been much better off if she'd just come into the show with her mind open as to where she fits and if she'd just been herself instead of trying so hard (and drinking so much). We kind of hope she comes back next season and just decides to be herself. If she won't just be herself, then she can stay off the TV.

But she would still be so dumb. I mean she is honestly the dumbest person I have ever seen on one of these shows. I would put her on the same level as Teresa G, and that is so hard for me to wrap my mind around.

For me, this is what I cannot get past. I cannot find a person who is this dumb entertaining. At all. She doesn't even seem to have a handle on basic verbal communication. Is that some sort of a social disorder? She cannot read body language or grasp innuendo. Trying to listen to her converse with the other ladies was mind boggling to me, and for the most part none of them are overly smart. 

And then of course there is the fact that she is a raging racist. I wonder if that TMZ video will get addressed at the reunion. It just figures, IMO, since racists are usually really dumb. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

I have heard rumors that Vicki has a no fire clause in her contract, but I doubt Bravo was ever that desperate to cast or keep Vicki. Vicki herself admitted that she was threatened with a demotion to friend of housewife if she didn't film with "Inky Dinky Doo" /Brooks. 

Personally I don't care if Vicki loses her yit should she be fired. I am hoping her over the top comment about it being her show is because she thinks it may be her last season. 

Andy telling Kelly she is the most polarizing housewife would have been so much more satisfying if she actually understood the meaning. ?

I am sure someone in Vicki's camp put that out.  The contracts are pretty basic, they are usually three year contracts with Bravo retaining the right to release someone at any time.  The reason they are three years, so if a RH gets incredibly popular she can't bolt and go to another network and start her own show.  With these shows, it is very easy to not get asked back-don't do or say anything, or don't show up for filming, what is difficult is try and get someone to perform at a level that is ready for prime time. So if you are keeping a RH against her will she can underperform.  What becomes difficult is when a RH is out of storylines (Gretchen). Years ago some genius producer thought a good storyline for Tamra was a robo-baby.  It was awful and Tamra complained about the inane nature of such a stunt.

  • Love 4

Vicki is the personification of a nose flick--immature, stupid, and annoying.

Thanks to Stassi from Vanderpump Rules, I've decided that every time Kelly blows up it's the same pattern of how Stassi described being so drunk you shit your pants. I wish I could remember exactly what she said. It was along the lines of "We were drinking and I had too much. I thought I had to let out a little fart, but halfway through I realized something was wrong. By then it was too late and just had to let it finish. It was gross and embarrassing." That's Kelly. Everything starts off ok. Something happens and she gets a little bit defensive. She intends to let out a little fart (i.e. what she thinks are snarky little jabs back, but aren't--you're a cunt or walk away), but shits all over everything and forces everyone to stay in the room with her and her shitty drawers.

  • Love 17

Vicki must have had a good bit of down time if she had an upper and lower eye lift in the spring, because she would not have wanted to be on camera.  I had that done mid April, and was not comfortable being seen for quite a while.  Between swelling and bruising, it does take time to recover.   But then, I don't have professional make-up people at my disposal.  

I sincerely hope that Vicki gets the Jill Zarin treatment and is history.   She is bad enough, but then we also get the cow named Brianna and her angry, raging husband too.  I feel so bad for those 2 little boys. I can't wait to hear Vicki and B rail against the Marines again for holding ragey Ryan hostage in Oklahoma.  I love Oklahoma City.   My daughter lives there.

Almost forgot - Andy please fire Kelly too. 

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But she would still be so dumb. I mean she is honestly the dumbest person I have ever seen on one of these shows. I would put her on the same level as Teresa G, and that is so hard for me to wrap my mind around.

For me, this is what I cannot get past. I cannot find a person who is this dumb entertaining. At all. She doesn't even seem to have a handle on basic verbal communication. Is that some sort of a social disorder? She cannot read body language or grasp innuendo. Trying to listen to her converse with the other ladies was mind boggling to me, and for the most part none of them are overly smart. 

And then of course there is the fact that she is a raging racist. I wonder if that TMZ video will get addressed at the reunion. It just figures, IMO, since racists are usually really dumb. 

Kelly is dumb and mean. Porsha on Atlanta was entertaining enough when we thought she was just dumb, but when we learned that she could also be violent....that shit stopped being funny. Gina's (RHoMelbourne) dumb assistant is funny enough. However, Lydia (also RHoMelbourne) isn't entertaining because she's dumb and racist. Sierra on Below Deck is entertaining because she's so dumb. When she was a little less than clear with Kyle about her lack of feelings for him, she became a little less likable. Her actions weren't enough to make her unlikable. You can be dumb and stay on a show. You just can't be dumb and something bad. Kelly is dumb, mean, and a bigot. If Kelly wasn't an asshole, we might be laughing our asses off at her second season with new malaprops and made up vocabulary.

Sonja Morgan has been able to walk that tightrope like a pro. She's delusional and dumb, but mostly not malacious.

  • Love 5
49 minutes ago, Bebecat said:

I wish so much Andy would fire her on TV, lol. I know it will never happen and that the shows were taped long ago, but I can dream. So anxious and nervous today, am immersing myself in only taped shows or books, no news.

I can picture it and it makes me giddy.  

Andy:  Vicki this isn't your show, its mine and we have received too many complaints from crew and cast about your abusive behavior.  The tribe has spoken and you have been voted out.  No please, you may leave now.  Um not in a few minutes, now. Lady let the camera man down from the wall, Kelly quit biting his ankles, SECURITY!  

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, doublek61 said:

I think my favorite part of the "How dumb can Kelly be?" tour was when Andy commented that she was the most polarizing housewife they had ever had.....

And she thanked him.

I guess on "Planet Dodd" polarizing is a compliment?

Kelly thanked him because she "won" - Andy did say she's the "most polarizing" after all.  She's not dumb, she's polite...


Edited by FlyingEgret
Auto correct didn't auto correct
  • Love 4

<sheepishly admitting in a whisper> I didn't know that was Lizzie. I thought it was a drag queen. 

I saw her at an event a couple months ago where she was hawking her bikini line, and she looked like her normal, cute self.  Not sure if she just set her makeup to hooker or what.  Her features are already so big she doesn't need all that makeup!  Unlike Gretchen whose face looks like mashed potatoes without makeup.  I remember someone on here saying that and it's too hilarious not to repeat.  

  • Love 7

Kelly is clueless.  She 'thinks' her college degree somehow makes her a special snowflake.  Unfortunately, for her, the viewers don't buy it.  Shannon has a degree plus she went to law school.  Doesn't Heather have a degree as well?  Crap.  She doesn't even have a grip on the the correct pronunciation of words, no less, than she thinks she's the only one who does a google to find out information about her cast mates? Meg could give her an education in that department.

Ok.  I liked Lizzie.  Yeah, I know.  She is over the top in her bathing suit line but she knows her market.  Nothing wrong with that.  I don't have to agree with the classlessness of what she sells  but I give her credit none the less.  I'll go back to the corner on this.......

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 8
On 11/8/2016 at 1:26 PM, pbutler111 said:

I wish Andy would've called Vicki on the "my show" thing instead of just grinning like a monkey about it. By Vicki's [lack of] logic, why shouldn't we consider it Tamra's show? She's been on since season one as well.

I know these shows run on drama, real or manufactured, but, even given that, Kelly isn't a good choice for this show. She's not volatile in a good way for reality TV. She's only moderately bright and seems to have some very real mental health concerns, chief among them hair-trigger rage issues -- a really bad combo. She goes from zero to homicidal in the blink of an eye, and seem to literally lose complete control of her own words and actions. She needs to go, for her own sake as well as the safety of others.

Speaking of leaving, I honestly wish Vicki would just go already. It's been 11 years of nothing new with this narcissistic nothing. I never even thought it was possible for a human being to age 11 years without acquiring even an ounce of maturity, self-awareness, and empathy for others, yet Vicki's managed it. I'm beyond over it. I fully believe that the minute cameras stop filming her, she'll cease to exist as an entity in the world. And it can't come a minute too soon.

I don't think we know even a tiny fraction of what's going on in Kelly's marriage.  Seeing what an awful character Michael is, it can't be good.  And Michael's way too smart not to have a pre-nup, so you can be sure Kelly would wind up with nothing -- or not much, if she divorces him.  So Kelly ain't going nowhere.  She'll work the show as long as they want her.  Does she have a screw loose or is she just playing nutty to save herself a place on the show so she can save some dough to finally divorce whackjob Michael?  

Yeah, I think Vicks should be booted off this thing.  She makes the show unbearable to watch for me because she's so despicable.  But vile, despicable people seem to be what the majority of people want now.  So Satan Andy is just giving viewers what they want -- by serving up a clearly disgusting lying liar like Vicks.

You know, I was annoyed as hell to hear Vicks say the show was hers, and even more so when she seemed to order Shannon off "my show".  So Satan Andy's reaction to this struck me as oddball -- at first.  But it's very telling.  He doesn't mind her saying that.  Well, I give her credit that she's NEVER tried in ANY way to wrestle control of the show from Satan Andy or his minion producers.  And that's very, very different from the shit Jill Zarin tried to pull, which got her banished from NYC.  

Vicks' many, many lies, which could have easily backfired on her, actually provided storylines for last season & this one.  So as maddening as Vicks' presence is for some (many?) of us, Satan Andy's reaction to Vicks' "my show" comment confirms she ain't going nowhere.   Man, she's ruined this show for me, just as the Frankelstein monster has destroyed NYC.  Pretty soon Bravo viewing will be but a distant memory for me.  Even Vanderpump Rules seems tiresome & too obviously & stupidly scripted for me to enjoy anymore.  Sigh.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 9
17 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I find it hard to believe her 730 exam didn't yield any indications of a personality disorder and that her husband was just fine with being labelled a narcissist.  Being an executive is not interchangeable with narcissism. 

I agree Zoeysmom...but then why would we believe that she was telling the truth? Vicki, her BFF wouldn't know the truth if it bit her on the ass and I suspect Kelly's 'truth' is a fluid thing.


I guess on "Planet Dodd" polarizing is a compliment?

It is if you think polarizing means 'calm, cool and collected'. You know, like Grace Kelly (not a knock to Grace, who was often referred to as an ice queen).

Edited by Beden
  • Love 3
14 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But she would still be so dumb. I mean she is honestly the dumbest person I have ever seen on one of these shows. I would put her on the same level as Teresa G, and that is so hard for me to wrap my mind around.

For me, this is what I cannot get past. I cannot find a person who is this dumb entertaining. At all. She doesn't even seem to have a handle on basic verbal communication. Is that some sort of a social disorder? She cannot read body language or grasp innuendo. Trying to listen to her converse with the other ladies was mind boggling to me, and for the most part none of them are overly smart. 

And then of course there is the fact that she is a raging racist. I wonder if that TMZ video will get addressed at the reunion. It just figures, IMO, since racists are usually really dumb. 

This is all true, but she's a much more likeable person when she's not trying so hard and isn't drunk.

19 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

I wish Andy would've called Vicki on the "my show" thing instead of just grinning like a monkey about it. By Vicki's [lack of] logic, why shouldn't we consider it Tamra's show? She's been on since season one as well.

I know these shows run on drama, real or manufactured, but, even given that, Kelly isn't a good choice for this show. She's not volatile in a good way for reality TV. She's only moderately bright and seems to have some very real mental health concerns, chief among them hair-trigger rage issues -- a really bad combo. She goes from zero to homicidal in the blink of an eye, and seem to literally lose complete control of her own words and actions. She needs to go, for her own sake as well as the safety of others.

Speaking of leaving, I honestly wish Vicki would just go already. It's been 11 years of nothing new with this narcissistic nothing. I never even thought it was possible for a human being to age 11 years without acquiring even an ounce of maturity, self-awareness, and empathy for others, yet Vicki's managed it. I'm beyond over it. I fully believe that the minute cameras stop filming her, she'll cease to exist as an entity in the world. And it can't come a minute too soon.



I just want to say " Hey, Vicki, get off OUR SHOW!" 

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Vicki trying to shut down the Brooks conversation reminded me of Ramona on RHONY trying to shut down discussion of her divorce from Mario a couple seasons back.

How about when she got mad and slapped the arm of the couch!  She was seriously loosing her shit over it.  They have just got to get rid of Vicki.

In that photo I actually think Peggy looks the best.  Vicki continues to dress horribly and seriously need to put her granny boobs away.

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