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S04.E09: The Sea Was Angry


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Well, this was a fun episode. The psychic guests made for so much snark. 

I mean, right from the get go I loved the pre-board meeting. Captain Lee is rattling off all the "fun" facts about the primary and her company, and Ben concludes with - "So she's a total whackjob". Let's just state the obvious. Then Kate proceeds to read his palm and predicts angst over meals and gluten issues. That shit had me rolling! And she was half right!

Ben and his schedule OCD. I feel for ya, Ben. I am the SAME way. I get all twitchy if things get off schedule. But I get exasperated with him, because this isn't his first rodeo. When you're serving others, they run the show. Not you. He should know by now that guests may wake up late while on charter, or at different times, or feel ill and then later feel better. I get that he's got a lot of prep work to do with no one to help, but he needs to be a bit more amenable to going with the flow. 

Anyhow, I think my favorite part, hands down, was when Captain Lee joined the guests for dinner. The primary was all, "I sense your mother here with us" - "Nope. Still alive". "Oh, but you recently received some paperwork about her."  - "Nope." "Changing the subject - you've been in love with the sea your whole life." - "Nah, never seen it til I was 35." Their faces. Their exasperation. It was amazing! Captain Lee, never change. 

Kate's reading was pretty hilarious as well. "I see animals around you. You'll get a dog one day". Yea, so will 75% of the population. Then we get the cliched "tall, dark, and handsome" man in her life. He likes nuts. Bahahaha! I kept waiting for Kate to point out that she's seeing a woman, but I guess she wasn't as intent on bursting their bubble as other people. 

But then we took a sudden trip to awkward town when Emily was getting HER reading. Wow, Ben, way to be a total prick to one of the guests, as well as embarrass the girl you're trying to date. I got where he was coming from. Emily seemed worried about what still might be there between him and Kate. Plus, he's clearly super skeptical about psychics. So I think he both wanted to reassure Emily and prove some sort of point to the psychic. But wow, wrong call. Bad, bad move. I was surprised Emily still went out with him, so she must really like him. But he needs to dial it back a notch. 

Ben strikes me as the kind of guy who has casually dated a lot, but probably hasn't seriously dated much. He seems pretty immature and out of his depth when trying to navigate things. But I thought they were cute on their date. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

Oh wow, Captain Lee's facial expressions during the Psychic reading , PRICELESS!

How about when she told him he had a purple aura, and that's why he's a good captain.....and he just stares back at her with this, "the fuck you just said?" face? Gah, I loved everything about it!


9 hours ago, Bravome said:


Kelly is such a douche, he didn't get the girl so he tries to make it out like Emily is a player trying to say she was flirting with him, ben and nico so she has her choices.


Yea, the way *I* remember it is that Kelley and Nico made some sort of bro, "the best man wins" pledge and both went after Emily; while she was nice, but not overly flirty with either. I don't recall ANY flirting between her and Ben, until after he swept in at the last minute and sent her flowers. Kelley definitely loves some revisionist history. 


9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Ben's brother does sound exactly like him. He and Emily have no future because they are a decade apart.

Many couples with 10 year age differences have had successful relationships. If anything, I'd say Ben is a few years younger than Em maturity wise and THAT might be why they don't make it. 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Adultosaurus said:

Do you know what transvestite means?  The mod is dinging me for going off-topic but really - do you?

....that he's from Transexual, Transylvania? 

I have to give it to Kyle for being so open and nonchalant about his preferences/sexuality on camera with people who are basically strangers. He just put it all out there, no fucks given.

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13 minutes ago, Madame Helvetica said:

....that he's from Transexual, Transylvania? 

I have to give it to Kyle for being so open and nonchalant about his preferences/sexuality on camera with people who are basically strangers. He just put it all out there, no fucks given.

That was SUCH a good conversation, for being so candid.  "Well, I favored A and B so I thought it meant this, but then I met C and realized my natural attraction was for that, more than this.  So now I'm with C and we suit each other and we're very happy." 

And the rest of the crew is not only not judgmental, they're positive and supportive.  "I knew I liked you!"  Ben made me smile--"I probably shouldn't be digging into someone's personal preferences, but I don't know much about this area and I need to brush up."

If only everyone who bumped up against ways that were different from their ways wanted to brush up, instead of:  My way right, your way wrong.

  • Love 23
8 minutes ago, candall said:

That was SUCH a good conversation, for being so candid.  "Well, I favored A and B so I thought it meant this, but then I met C and realized my natural attraction was for that, more than this.  So now I'm with C and we suit each other and we're very happy." 

And the rest of the crew is not only not judgmental, they're positive and supportive.  "I knew I liked you!"  Ben made me smile--"I probably shouldn't be digging into someone's personal preferences, but I don't know much about this area and I need to brush up."

If only everyone who bumped up against ways that were different from their ways wanted to brush up, instead of:  My way right, your way wrong.

It was by far the bright spot of the episode for me. I've been finding some of the "Kate's a lesbian now!!!" stuff a little cringey, if Bravo-typical. For a channel that broke ground with Queer Eye, they really lose their shit when a character 'dips her toe into the lady-pond' and I'm not sure it's a great look. So when I saw a "coming out" discussion teased for this week for Kyle, I was a little concerned, but I thought this moment was really beautiful. 

There were some words and phrasing in the talk that were a little clunky - imo it's nobody's business what Ashley's genitals look like, but it's up to her to be annoyed with Kyle over that, or not - but the overall tone was very gentle and supportive, and Ben's attitude was great. There was a quick moment towards the beginning of the scene where Kyle explained that after his first experience, he started to seek "it" out more - it meaning hooking up with other transwomen - and Ben didn't quite hear or understand, and Kyle looked uncomfortable with having to repeat himself. I'm not doing those 10 or so seconds justice because I haven't rewatched the clip, but there was a sweet little reassurance there that he just wanted to understand what Kyle was saying, not that he (Ben) was reacting negatively. 

Of course, they're teasing that next week he'll talk to the deckhands about it, and Sierra might be an asshole about it, so we'll see, but I loved the reaction this week.

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I think Kyle likes to tell stories to see what reaction he can get from people. Not believing most of what he puts out there. Guy is a weirdo. 

Ben and Ems relationship. They have NO chemistry.  Judging from the phone conversation Ems had with her posh daddy, I got the feeling he thinks his daughter dating a chef is beneath her. 

I usually love Capt'n Lee's take no bullshit attitude but I thought he was rude at dinner. The guests invited him, shouldn't he try to be gracious and charming even though he thinks the primary guest physic is a nutter? There have been a lot worse that he had to suffer through dinner with.   Would he approve of his team treating guests like that? 

The People's Couch boys. How do they even know these women? They were hilarious as usual. "Mommy and Daddy need to stop fighting". Love them! 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Why does it seem like all the problems the deck crew is having started after Kyle came? When it was just the three of them after the other guy left,  Kelley, Nico & Lauren seemed to get their jobs done just fine & without Capt Lee's  criticism.  Kyle joins the crew & heads start rolling (mainly Kelley's).  Can't quite figure it out. Maybe the producers or powers that be needed a new story line so they chose the deck crew.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I think Kyle likes to tell stories to see what reaction he can get from people. Not believing most of what he puts out there. Guy is a weirdo. 

This.  And I don't believe Kate's reaction - neither last week when she was all, "Oh, I LOOOVE you" when he told her about living on the streets in London nor this week when she was all starry eyed and "I KNEW I liked you.  You're so evolved!" over his surprise reveal. 

Kyle is seeking attention but she is a phony who not only rolled her eyes at him but I'd bet dollars to donuts she and Ben often have a good laugh at Kyle's expense behind his back.

He's an odd duck for sure, but I think he makes the show more interesting. I enjoyed the discussion because like Ben said, people like to know things.  It's helpful when someone can define trans terms instead of making someone feel stupid for either not knowing or being confused.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Why does it seem like all the problems the deck crew is having started after Kyle came? When it was just the three of them after the other guy left,  Kelley, Nico & Lauren seemed to get their jobs done just fine & without Capt Lee's  criticism.  Kyle joins the crew & heads start rolling (mainly Kelley's).  Can't quite figure it out. Maybe the producers or powers that be needed a new story line so they chose the deck crew.

Kyle has so little yacht experience that Kelley really shouldn't be delegating things to Kyle and walking away. So when Kelley had Kyle tie up the pool, Kelley should have been right next to him checking all of the lines. I think that Kyle being generally genial and ready to do his job has given Kelley a false sense of security about Kyle's skills.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 5

Ben is just ridiculous with his it breakfast or brunch question. Only half the guests had eaten, who knows if people were going to want to eat right after yoga and the primary was still in her room. if I were one of the guests who had just finished breakfast and Kate inquired if I would want lunch later I would think WTF? let me digest a little. We have seen plenty of Ben's lunches that looked pretty easy to throw together in an hour or two which would give him enough time after the guests had all eaten or not eaten breakfast and chill before Kate asked them if they were going to like lunch or some afternoon snacks.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

Why does it seem like all the problems the deck crew is having started after Kyle came? When it was just the three of them after the other guy left,  Kelley, Nico & Lauren seemed to get their jobs done just fine & without Capt Lee's  criticism.  Kyle joins the crew & heads start rolling (mainly Kelley's).  Can't quite figure it out. Maybe the producers or powers that be needed a new story line so they chose the deck crew.

I think that happens a lot. Everyone bonds over mutual hatred of the bad egg. With Trevor gone, they had no one left to bitch about and things get sloppy because they're all buds who just want to hang out. I think it goes back to Kelley's leadership style. He wants to be friends with his crew, as opposed to Lee and Kate who do a good job of keeping some distance and exerting their authority when necessary. 

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, rho said:

I don't understand how Kelley was throwing Kyle under the bus, nor do I see how Nico was defending him????? That whole business was weird. The whole deck crew is a mess. 

That confused me, too.  Kelly blamed Kyle for not tying it properly, Nico says "I saw it happen and radio-ed that it was happening but nobody listened to me!" and Kyle thanks Nico for defending him?  Maybe something was cut out. The damn thing also appeared to be surrounded by the little watercraft, which seemed odd -- do they just drop them down there not tied/anchored to anything?


12 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

They've even got a psychic in the cast of RHoMelbourne. Bravo loves to use a psychic to talk shit and reveal the things that the cast talks about off camera or the cast talks around. They used one on last season of RHoOC to put it out that in the universe that Brooks was faking cancer. They used one on RHoNY to reveal that most of the women thought Dorinda and John were a terrible match and not meant for each other.


They also used one on RHoNY to say that Mario was cheating, didn't they?

Loved seeing the People's Couch boys and that they were not jerks, even though I was a little scared at first.

I suspect poor psychic lady was a victim of Bravo prep "The captain would really like to make contact with his deceased mother, who died when he was at sea when he was 18 years old..."

And Ben likely was under orders to interrupt Emily's reading with his question, which explains his hostility [because I really don't think he'd treat an unsuspecting guest like that, but he was huffy from the get go, the psychic was disturbed (maybe because that wasn't in the script she got?) and Emily forgave him pretty readily without any explanatory "you were really rude, I couldn't believe you did that" conversation (shown).] Much easier to do if you know it was out of his control.   

  • Love 3

There was some weird editing going on last night...there's no way the conversation about Kyle's sexuality happened right after Ben and Emily got back from their second date.  On the date, Em's hair was curly, and by the time they got back to the boat, it was quite, uh, puffy because of the wind and the humidity.  But when we saw them in the salon watching the laptop and talking with Kyle and Kate after they had changed out of their date clothing, it was straight again.  You can't tell me she went downstairs, brushed it and THAT magic happened.  Or that she took a shower and blew it out right before going to bed.  I'm not shocked or anything, I know it happens all the time in reality TV, it was just super-noticeable.  My guess is that they wanted that conversation to "happen" before the drag queen ep next week.

  • Love 8

So I think Kyle is more of a leach type that will be whatever gets him somewhere with whoever he is trying to use (like Fear the Walking Dead's Strand...a bit of a con man). That's just my feeling.

Ems and our boy, Ben...I have this feeling they have been dating before this season started. They pretended to have just met for the show.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Nanu160 said:

Then see if you Really want to come back and tell us all that Kyle is a weirdo due to his sexuality which you choose not to understand. Kyle is cool, yo.

Well, Kyle didn't really understand his own sexuality at first, so there's that. 

But, nah.  His sex has nothing to do with how I feel about Kyle.  Having sex in dumpster and happily bragging about it on national TV?  That's weird. 

Maybe not as cringe-y, to some, as being caught eating a booger on national TV, but certainly more destructive.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 7

I think Nico is trying to say that he either saw that Kyle failed to properly tie off the pool or saw it in the early stages of floating away and tried to radio someone, but everyone was busy talking and not listening to their radios. I'm not really sure that it's a defense of Kyle, but I guess Kelley as the bosun should have been available by radio.

  • Love 1
  14 hours ago, rho said:

I don't understand how Kelley was throwing Kyle under the bus, nor do I see how Nico was defending him????? That whole business was weird. The whole deck crew is a mess. 

That confused me, too.  Kelly blamed Kyle for not tying it properly, Nico says "I saw it happen and radio-ed that it was happening but nobody listened to me!" and Kyle thanks Nico for defending him?  Maybe something was cut out. The damn thing also appeared to be surrounded by the little watercraft, which seemed odd -- do they just drop them down there not tied/anchored to anything?


  13 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

They've even got a psychic in the cast of RHoMelbourne. Bravo loves to use a psychic to talk shit and reveal the things that the cast talks about off camera or the cast talks around. They used one on last season of RHoOC to put it out that in the universe that Brooks was faking cancer. They used one on RHoNY to reveal that most of the women thought Dorinda and John were a terrible match and not meant for each other.


They also used one on RHoNY to say that Mario was cheating, didn't they?

Loved seeing the People's Couch boys and that they were not jerks, even though I was a little scared at first.

I suspect poor psychic lady was a victim of Bravo prep "The captain would really like to make contact with his deceased mother, who died when he was at sea when he was 18 years old..."

And Ben likely was under orders to interrupt Emily's reading with his question, which explains his hostility [because I really don't think he'd treat an unsuspecting guest like that, but he was huffy from the get go, the psychic was disturbed (maybe because that wasn't in the script she got?) and Emily forgave him pretty readily without any explanatory "you were really rude, I couldn't believe you did that" conversation (shown).] Much easier to do if you know it was out of his control.   

I think the producers get blamed for things they wish they'd thought of. I know the behind the scenes people manipulate things where they can, and editing contributes a lot to that, but I don't think all of reality TV is an episode of Unreal. I think most of the time we're seeing people doing/saying dumb shit, it's just because they're doing and saying dumb shit, all on their own.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think Nico is trying to say that he either saw that Kyle failed to properly tie off the pool or saw it in the early stages of floating away and tried to radio someone, but everyone was busy talking and not listening to their radios. I'm not really sure that it's a defense of Kyle, but I guess Kelley as the bosun should have been available by radio.

At the time Kelley was off the boat driving the guests on the rubber raft so if Nico saw it and wasn't more proactive than just saying something on the radio thend that does not reflect well on him. Also, it wasnt the first time that Kyle had set up the pool so Kelley even having to remind him to tie it off doesn't reflect well in him. he might be new to yachTS but he isn't new to boats and knots.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Nanu160 said:

Hey KyleHaters, Rewatch the Trevor Episodes, culminating with him harvesting a Booger from his nose, inspecting it, then eating it in his Coveted Top Bunk. Then see if you Really want to come back and tell us all that Kyle is a weirdo due to his sexuality which you choose not to understand. Kyle is cool, yo.

So can't they both be weirdo's? And I really could care less about Kyle's sexuality (which I do understand, thank you), it's all of his other bullshit stories I find suspect. He just has too many of them. It's like he makes them up for shock value. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


The People's Couch boys. How do they even know these women? They were hilarious as usual. "Mommy and Daddy need to stop fighting". Love them! 

All I could think during the episode was, do these groups of people know one another? It was really odd to me that it felt like two groups of people were just placed on one charter, even if only to promote People's Couch. 


Ben and Emily's relationship is baffling. It actually made me mad that he said "you're so sweet" in reaction to her hiccuping. I felt like he sees her as a cute plaything/doll, not a person. No surprise given the nearly 15 year age gap. But from seeing Chef Ben's Instagram, they are still together. 

  • Love 1

I think most psychics are bullshit and cons. But have Native American relatives and ones who practiced witchcraft and voo doo and also think sometimes people can be more intuitive or lock in on strange energy or even place curses or make charms. Because I was raised having those sides of my family I don't find it more strange than prayer or religious idols. 

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

There was some weird editing going on last night...there's no way the conversation about Kyle's sexuality happened right after Ben and Emily got back from their second date.  On the date, Em's hair was curly, and by the time they got back to the boat, it was quite, uh, puffy because of the wind and the humidity.  But when we saw them in the salon watching the laptop and talking with Kyle and Kate after they had changed out of their date clothing, it was straight again.  You can't tell me she went downstairs, brushed it and THAT magic happened.  Or that she took a shower and blew it out right before going to bed.  I'm not shocked or anything, I know it happens all the time in reality TV, it was just super-noticeable.  My guess is that they wanted that conversation to "happen" before the drag queen ep next week.

Yeah, this whole episode felt weird. I'm usually willing to suspend disbelief but there was no reason for this episode to be 15 minutes longer. We barely even got any face time with the guests who I loved!!! Instead we get 5 uninterrupted minutes of Ben talking to a thumbnail of his brother and the never-ending saga of the forgotten pizza. It feels like they mod-podged this episode with random bits and thought no one would notice.

12 hours ago, Lamima said:

So I think Kyle is more of a leach type that will be whatever gets him somewhere with whoever he is trying to use (like Fear the Walking Dead's Strand...a bit of a con man). That's just my feeling.

Ems and our boy, Ben...I have this feeling they have been dating before this season started. They pretended to have just met for the show.

No doubt, Kyle's a grifter. I don't think he has ill intentions, just hustling to make ends meet. He doesn't seem bright enough to pull off the long con.

But interesting point about Ben and Ems. I didn't realize they were still together. I totally buy this theory. Wasn't he allegedly dating an Emily when he hooked up with Kat a few seasons ago? Hmmm, methinks the chef doth protest too much ;)

9 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

I can't believe I forgot to mention Emily's charming phone call with her family.  From the way they call her "Rabbit," (which, she kind of does look like a rabbit) to the way her dad wanted photos of Ben, it was seriously the cutest!  Such a change from Rocky's calls home last season.

Lol yes!

Sierra's phone call home a few weeks back after the Ben/tuna meltdown kind of brought back Rocky memories. I don't remember much except she always threatened to go home. I bet her parents just leave the phone off the hook and walk away sometimes. Good on Sierra for sticking it out instead of pursuing her career in the juice world or whatever.

Edited by rho
  • Love 2

I think a juice store or juice delivery service would make ok money for her but she'd have be in the optimal area to cater to that clientele and have to get her produce direct from local farmers and inexpensive reliable distributors. She would need a night person to clean, cut, and freeze all the fruit before am. I've worked in the cutting room when I cross trained once and it's not fun to spend 8 hrs in a freezer or fridge LATE while standing or walking on cement. Which is wet from the fruit and greens and condensation so slippy slippy. 

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Kickboxer said:



Nico and Lauren were both douchier than normal, maybe they were still hungover from the night out.  The male guests were a hoot so many times, gossiping about Kate and Ben (mom and dad) fighting, the response to the heavy bag being full of Speedos. I don't watch the People's Couch but may start. Hey! Cross-promotion that worked.

The People's Couch is a hoot!  I would love to see the Zeno family or the Golden Girls Trio  on Below Deck. 

At first, I couldn't admit to watching a TV about other people watching TV shows, but I think it's my favorite Bravo program.

I wish the psychics had been background and we got more delicious, snark commentary about the crew from the guys.  Mommy and Daddy fighting had to be just a small  portion of their conversations.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Maccagirl said:

Oh my gawd, you made my day.  As I was reading your post, I had the character's voices in my head reading them to me!!  Thanks so much for the giggles.

You're welcome! It's the first ep that got me hooked and it's been my favorite ever since!

And I was thinking: it's too bad Kelley wasn't golfing off the deck on this ep. Then we REALLY might have had a Seinfeld moment, if a whale came by at just the right/wrong time!

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So..... some of you think Ben and Emily have been dating before this show?   hmmmmm....... I thought Ben was jealous of Kate not seeming to care about him anymore and be so into her girlfriend.  He seemed totally shocked by that idea, in my opinion.  But now that rho (above) mentions it, I think he did say that he was dating a girl named Emily!  Of course it could be another Emily. I've been thinking Ben was just acting (possibly Bravo instructed?) like ''Eureka! I've discovered the girl of my dreams!" when he's around Emily.  It didn't seem real to me.  But maybe he's been acting all along because they've dated before..... I'm totally confused.

LOVED the Seinfeld reference! My favorite episode, such great writing!  "The sea was angry that day my friends.  Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli"  LOL! 

  • Love 1

Ben need for the guests to eat their meals on a schedule is beyond ridiculous.  "Is this their breakfast or brunch?" go round with Kate was just another example of Ben's not realizing he is in the service industry.  It is his job to cook what the guests want, when they want it.  In this case because of bad weather,  the guests were seasick and main charter guest was locked in her cabin tossing her cookies. (Did he really want Kate to go ask her about breakfast vs brunch then and there?!) The guests who were feeling better were doing Yoga,  while others were ready for breakfast.  It was an unusual morning, however, Ben is a professional chef and should have been able to adapt.  He could have done a buffet so the guest could eat what they wanted as they began to feel better.  After, if the guests wanted lunch and dinner, it is Ben's job to do it. 

  • Love 6

Guess we know now why Kyle was cast.

Loved seeing the three couch surfers - I've been missing People's Couch.

James' (Ben's brother) name on Ben's device read "Jengo Robinson." There's a Jengo Robinson who is a screenwriter, and who's also involved with aviation - maybe that's the international corporate gig that James referred to during the conversation with Ben.

Ben is still unraveling. His treatment of the psychic was very rude. He seems to be quite insecure. I think he's the one that Captain Lee goes after, presumably after another ridiculous meltdown. I continue to think he and Emily are having a showmance.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So can't they both be weirdo's? And I really could care less about Kyle's sexuality (which I do understand, thank you), it's all of his other bullshit stories I find suspect. He just has too many of them. It's like he makes them up for shock value. 

Yeah, I get the same vibe. We've all come across a Kyle or two in our lives lol. Has a story for everything, has experienced everything. The Most Interesting Man in the World, Dos Equis style.

Maybe something was left out in editing but his reaction to the whole Sierra situation is a bit over the top. Many others felt the same last week on various interweb sites but are now tripping over themselves to congratulate him for his bravery (and good on him, I liked the way that scene was handled). His telling Lauren that he'll leave London if Sierra visits and the TH about if Sierra ever comes knocking on his door it'll be slammed shut or something like that. Boy bye. To paraphrase Nico, you got denied, it happens, move on. Meanwhile he has someone back home presumably who he's even more involved with  than this dude Sierra just met smh. 

*She was rude on the "date" but I think she got annoyed with him being so forward and didn't react with the most class.


21 hours ago, ryebread said:

This.  And I don't believe Kate's reaction - neither last week when she was all, "Oh, I LOOOVE you" when he told her about living on the streets in London nor this week when she was all starry eyed and "I KNEW I liked you.  You're so evolved!" over his surprise 

Eyeroll inducing for sure. But I like that Kate sort of called him out on WWHL when she said she was surprised that he revealed that he had a thing with some other girl back home after all the Sierra drama.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Adultosaurus said:

I think someone posted the video here, but they did a FB Live and said they were just friends (maybe last week?) so I think you're right.

When Kate was asked on WWHL if she thought Ben and Emily would last, she looked over at Capt Lee (who was also a guest) and asked how many more episodes there were lol.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Ben need for the guests to eat their meals on a schedule is beyond ridiculous.  "Is this their breakfast or brunch?" go round with Kate was just another example of Ben's not realizing he is in the service industry.  It is his job to cook what the guests want, when they want it.  In this case because of bad weather,  the guests were seasick and main charter guest was locked in her cabin tossing her cookies. (Did he really want Kate to go ask her about breakfast vs brunch then and there?!) The guests who were feeling better were doing Yoga,  while others were ready for breakfast.  It was an unusual morning, however, Ben is a professional chef and should have been able to adapt.  He could have done a buffet so the guest could eat what they wanted as they began to feel better.  After, if the guests wanted lunch and dinner, it is Ben's job to do it. 

I feel for Ben here. First, remember, he's on a boat with a limited amount of provisions for each meal. He's supposed to plan for emergencies, contingencies, etc. but at the end of the day he has ordered food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, and various snacks (for example), and he's got to figure out how to make what he has last while still maintaining some consistency in the food and people's individual preferences. If breakfast is turning into brunch, and brunch is going to be followed by lunch and dinner is going to be at 9pm instead of at 7:30 as a result, it actually does impact what food comes out. He can't serve a dish that takes two hours to prepare and cook if he's only got 45 minutes to get dinner on the table. He also can't prep a meal and then not serve it, because he can't afford to waste the food. 

In Kate's defense, there is also the limitation of the fact that discussions around the basic planning for service, etc is done with the primary only. So in this case, the primary is sick in bed, guests are eating, some other guests may eat shortly, and the only person who can definitively advise Kate as to whether this should be considered breakfast or brunch is tossing her cookies behind closed doors.  Kate doesn't want to make an executive decision, and she feels like Ben's been around enough to know that he should accept that his day may be shot to hell due to the lack of information and move on. 

  • Love 6
On 10/29/2016 at 11:57 AM, Rebecca said:

I think Kelley's management "skills" are unimpressive to everyone. 

Yeah, he's unfit for a leadership position, that's for sure. He's trying too hard to be friends with the crew members that he supervises. That's at least one of his problems. Another is that he's letting his penis distract him from doing his job and doing it well. Maybe he should go be a stripper. Then, he'd have ladies fawning over his physique all the time and he could get laid practically any time he wants to. As it is, he spends no time supervising his crew; he just expects them to know what to do. (In all fairness, I would have expected Kyle would know to tie the pool to the boat, as well, but I would still have looked over his work to make sure it was done right. After all, the guy is new to yachting, even though he's not new to working on a boat.)

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On 11/1/2016 at 10:10 PM, rho said:

Even though I still don't buy the romance, I think Ben and Ems are cute. Probably because I'd much rather watch them go on adorably awkward staged dates than listen to another dumb word out of Kelley's mouth or watch Ben bicker with Kate. But asking a psychic if their relationship will pan out after a single date was too much. So embarrassing!

The worst part of that was he was only using their new dating relationship as fodder to make the psychic lady look bad. He has an axe to grind with psychics because he doesn't believe in such abilities*. And so he just went in there and asked if there was a future for his relationship with Emily in order to put the psychic lady in a bad spot. If she'd been smart, she'd have said 'yes' because that would have taken the wind right out of his position**. After all, you can't argue with or humiliate someone who's agreeing with you. And I think it's terribly low class to force Emily to be part of the hatchet job by virtue of the fact you're asking about your relationship with her. If you want to do a hatchet job on someone, then man up and do it yourself. Don't involve unwitting (and likely unwilling) bystanders in your "reputation murder spree".

* From what they showed of these psychics, they clearly were fake. At least the older lady was. The younger one that Ben attacked wasn't shown enough. However, I don't discount the possibility that a psychic somewhere has genuine abilities. There are, after all, stranger things between Heaven and Earth than you or I could imagine.

** Even if this lady has genuine abilities and her truthful answer based on those abilities was "no", she should have said "yes" because I would have expected her to be able to see this argument coming. And she should have known it was coming not based on her being psychic, but based on how the general public perceives and reacts to psychics.

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Also, Ben doesn't have a sous chef or a prep cook or anything...except for an occasional assist from the interior, he's going it alone.  So he's got to figure out his schedule for the day, to include prepping for the next meal and planning the one after that. 

I realize that these guests are chartering a yacht and should be able to get whatever they want, but I think Kate could be a little more, uh, directive about scheduling meals.  And putting out a buffet, or being more proactive about saying, "We'll do snacks now with dinner at 9," or whatever would help.

For what it's worth, Ben and Emily are both posting cutesy photos of themselves together on social media...who knows whether it's real or whether they're just trying to carry out a storyline.

Edited by Nancybeth
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On 11/2/2016 at 6:48 AM, Kickboxer said:

Nico and Lauren were both douchier than normal, maybe they were still hungover from the night out. 

I don't think Lauren was douchey. The fact is that she was so drunk from the previous night that she couldn't remember anything she did or conversations she had. So, she's surprised that Kate's attitude toward her has changed and can't understand why, even though Kate's attitude toward her is perfectly reasonable considering that Kate was the sober one. Lauren was yet another fine example as to why one should not drink to excess.

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4 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

I feel for Ben here. First, remember, he's on a boat with a limited amount of provisions for each meal. He's supposed to plan for emergencies, contingencies, etc. but at the end of the day he has ordered food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners, and various snacks (for example), and he's got to figure out how to make what he has last while still maintaining some consistency in the food and people's individual preferences. If breakfast is turning into brunch, and brunch is going to be followed by lunch and dinner is going to be at 9pm instead of at 7:30 as a result, it actually does impact what food comes out. He can't serve a dish that takes two hours to prepare and cook if he's only got 45 minutes to get dinner on the table. He also can't prep a meal and then not serve it, because he can't afford to waste the food. 

I agree with all this.  However, my issue is that as a professional chef, Ben should be able to deal with hiccups in his "schedule" without having a meltdown.  His tantrums, which the guests have overheard, are inexcusable.  How many times have we seen him scream and throw things in the galley? I am not a Kate fan but I am glad she stands up to his immature and bullying behavior.   

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21 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I agree with all this.  However, my issue is that as a professional chef, Ben should be able to deal with hiccups in his "schedule" without having a meltdown.  His tantrums, which the guests have overheard, are inexcusable.  How many times have we seen him scream and throw things in the galley? I am not a Kate fan but I am glad she stands up to his immature and bullying behavior.   

I'm a bit more, sanguine about the whole thing since I think of chefs (especially today's crop) as the "tortured artiste" types. My personal interaction with folks that are nowhere near the CIA level chefs has been that they will loose their shit over even the most minor of things (improper prep, ingredients not being available from a purveyor, requests for certain preparations from guests, etc., etc.) The "OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!!" speech because he's failed to listen when Kate has said as a way to end a rant "Yep, dinner will be at 9pm" is par for the course in many professional kitchens today. 

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The "tortured artist" excuse does not fly with me.  Ben is down right abusive when things do not go his way.  To me Ben is not unlike a wife beater.  I am not calling Ben a batterer, I am just looking at the psychology of it.  A batterer does not randomly "lose control", they generally don't lose it and beat their bosses or random people on the street.  They wait until they get home and "lose it" on their loved ones.  Ben takes his anger out on his coworkers.  Ben would never take his anger out on the Captain.  He does have control over his anger but he chooses to act out on it with people who he can control with it.  Kate frustrates Ben so much because she is not afraid of Ben's anger.  She expects Ben to be professional and to do his job without throwing a fit every time things do not go his way.  Artist or not most people deal with on the job frustrations and they do not go around throwing hissy fit at the drop of a hat.  If he can't take the heat, he need to get out of the kitchen/galley and find another job.

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