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S15.E07: There IS Crying in Fashion

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I already posted in last week's ep thread how baffling it is to me that the judges keep losing their shit over machined appliques sewn to a garment.  And now not only is this "high fashion" but it's apparently a "high fashion" design/construction technique worth stealing!  And when they showed the judges examining Jenni's dress close up - you could see that the damned appliques were only kind of tacked on and there was all kinds of pulling where they were attached - in addition to the puckering and pulling at the seams of the dress.  Christ on a cracker.  In what world did that look better than Laurence's or Rik's?

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6 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Anyone else notice that Jenni was also full of herself when she stated "and I've been sewing with these nails" and then went on to state how fabulous that made her. 

To me it just made Jenni the person too stupid to cut her nails before going into a competition where she'd have to be using her hands a lot.

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8 hours ago, PepperMonkey said:

Did MahJing actually say "envisionalize?"  Did Jenni actually say she was going to keep on "sequencing?" I know I heard Corny say volumptuous.

Also, I kind of get what Dexter and Erin were saying about Jenni using Erin's technique from just last week. Don't think they were at all saying Erin has the patent on bedazzling. But it was the exact same shape as the appliques Erin used like week on homely coat, and it's also not exactly been Jenni's lingua franca on the show. Bedazzled appliques HAVE been Erin's "esthetic", however. Having said all of that: Dexter! The lovefest with Erin has to stop. You're both feeding into each other's fantasies that what you're making is perfect, even, when, no.

Noticed that Nathalia said at the "cocktail party" that Cornelius was one of her best friends and they tried out for the show together. Did not she say, on the first show, in fact, that they went to design school together and she was "surprised" to see him there? Don't make me go back and watch; I'm hoping someone remembers.

The fashion: I LOVE Tasha, but after these challenges, I'm questioning how she got on the show, also. Idc about her personal style; if she doesn't sew for herself, it can be hard to find fashion in her size, especially when your resources are so limited. I'm also kind of wondering how MahJing got there, too. Brik, I've already had doubts about, but he actually had a passable dress last night.

I'll probably have more later, but, finally, for now. WTF with that fabric, Corny? Where did you see anything even remotely like that in the club, by which to be inspired? He's one note, too. I'm hoping for Cornelius and Nathalia to be out soon, but since this is first and foremost a reality show, they'll be around til almost the end because they bring the drama.

I agree on all your points.  Jenni did copy Erin very directly and I am glad Nina pointed that out.  Why she won is beyond any logic.  Usually I can figure out the judging choices but not this one. 

I think Tasha was cast, in part, due to her size, style, personality and general look being very different than anyone in the past.  And maybe   they arenot  having as many skilled designers apply.  ???  

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Dexter so overdid the fringe. Rik's looked nice but too aprony for me. 

I hate those sparkly embellishments and was kind of surprised anyone would want to "own" that technique. But, you go girl!, Erin. At least you didn't actually try to not be in the top this challenge.

I had been hoping for a Nathalia boot. That chandelier dress, oy. And I, too, wonder how Tasha might have just worked with what she already had, floral print and all. I saw her selecting that stuff at Mood and wanted to remind her this is not for a garden party. 

She hadn't won a challenge but she got 5k for something. I liked her but I'm a sucker for underdogs.

Brik surprised me. A lot.

For reasons I can't explain Heidi's pantsuit reminded me of Gainsborough's Blue Boy. I said it was inexplicable but there it is.

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After watching last night's episode and seeing how Heidi thought Jenni's dress was Erin's, I think they need to keep the anonymity factor fully in place until both the winning and losing pieces are determined.  Then they can have the models come on to the catwalk wearing the top 3 and bottom 3 designs.  The designers would then come out and stand next to their model (perhaps surprising the judges on occasion).  The judges can still, at that time, give the designers info on why each design was selected for top and bottom.  With the "anonymous" system they have now, once they judge all the creations, then the designers are  unveiled and the judges are more apt to bicker and persuade the others to keep a certain designer over the others, etc.   Let's start a petition to make the winning and losing selection fully anonymous!!!

Edited by Maccagirl
Typed Jenni's name as Jess - don't know where I got that one!!
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12 minutes ago, Maccagirl said:

Let's start a petition to make the winning and losing selection fully anonymous!!!

I would actually love that, but the show will never do it since apparently clothing has to have some deep meaning or story behind them in order to be considered fashion. Heaven forbid the clothes actually speak for themselves instead of us having to hear how when the designer was a small child they would sit by the fire and watch their gran knitting sweaters for blind kittens and it inspired them to grow up to be a designer and that is why the dress they just made, crappily, has pictures of kittens *and then there are tears because gran is dead* and the designers are so moved by the personal connection to the hideous outfit that they grant the talentless hack the win.

Lawrence's dress was incredibly well made for the short time they get, detailed but not fussy, fit the challenge of making a cocktail dress and actually very wearable. Of course it didn't win. Let's give it to the shapeless sack with the bedazzle glued to it. Can't argue with the aufing though. But it should have been a double with Nathalia (WTF was that mess) going as well.

RE: Nathalia's dress. While her first attempt was slightly skaterish it was worlds better than what she presented. It looked, at least what we saw of it, fairly well made, a bit more elegant and it highlighted her expensive fabric better than the hot mess she sent down the runway. just...wow. But she was probably kept because unlike the very nice and normal Tasha, she will bring the bitchiness the show loves.

Edited by Mabinogia
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2 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I would actually love that, but the show will never do it since apparently clothing has to have some deep meaning or story behind them in order to be considered fashion. Heaven forbid the clothes actually speak for themselves instead of us having to hear how when the designer was a small child they would sit by the fire and watch their gran knitting sweaters for blind kittens and it inspired them to grow up to be a designer and that is why the dress they just made, crappily, has pictures of kittens *and then there are tears because gran is dead* and the designers are so moved by the personal connection to the hideous outfit that they grant the talentless hack the win.

Lawrence's dress was incredibly well made for the short time they get, detailed but not fussy, fit the challenge of making a cocktail dress and actually very wearable. Of course it didn't win. Let's give it to the shapeless sack with the bedazzle glued to it. Can't argue with the aufing though.

Sadly, i think you are correct; they'll never go for it and we are left with enduring more sad stories, justifications, etc. Sigh. 

Laurence was robbed for certain.  That robbery was criminal and should result in jail time for all the judges.    I agreed with the aufing as well.

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10 hours ago, Lesia said:

That guest judge was the model in the "Blurred Lines" video from a few years ago.  She really didn't contribute anything coherent or insightful last night.

She also played Ben Affleck's mistress in Gone Girl. I've also seen her a lot on Go Fug Yourself because she frequently appears in public wearing next to nothing.

Laurence was totally robbed. I thought "Oh, that back" (in a good way!) when the model turned around and when I saw the chesterfield detailing on the sleeves, I was like, sign me UP. (I think I could wear my strapless backless bra with it. Braless is a no go.) That detailing was so gorgeous! Black is conventional but that dress would work in other colors too - royal blue or purple, navy, burgundy ...

I was shocked that the apron dress was in the top. That was not a cocktail dress. And I'm with Sars - I adore that caramel leather in a boot* or a jacket, or even a skirt - but that dress was bad. That yellow strap looked like a mistake.

I'd have sent Nathalia home over Tasha. I like Tasha better as a person and Nathalia's dress was so, so sloppy. Tim was right that the direction in which Tasha was initially going was too daytime.

Dexter's model has great legs. Strong.

*I saw Brooke Shields on the street once in SoHo, right after (might have been the day after) the 2008 election and she was wearing an oversized cardigan wrap sweater, leggings, no makeup, and these GORGEOUS boots in that color. One of the most beautiful pairs of shoes I have ever seen in person.

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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

That detailing was so gorgeous! Black is conventional but that dress would work in other colors too - royal blue or purple, navy, burgundy ...

That's a great point and speaks to how well designed the dress was. It wasn't relying on the material or a pattern to make it special. It was the actual design that made it special. I often have to wonder how shortsighted the judges are. I think they chose Jenni because of the whole "stealing the idea from Erin" storyline rather than because they thought it was the best garment. That is how far this show has sunk.

I mean, I get the whole "fashion as art " idea, that's what the avant garde challenge is for, but fashion, by it's very nature, is meant to be wearable. It's meant to be something that people want to put on, something they can wear to a particular place (such as a cocktail party), something they would be willing to pay money for. I just don't know who, exactly, would pay money for Jenni's junior high home ec project dress but I would put money down right now for Lawrence's dress in black, or a deep blue or red, even a subtle print or a slight metallic material. Bottom line, I want that dress! And isn't that the point, to make shit people will pay for?

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I feel like Cornelius should have been in the bottom. Not only did it not read cocktail, it made his model look much larger than she is. Shame! 

Laurence gives me my life. What a lovely reserved woman she is. It's so refreshing to see how she comports herself in a medium where famewhores flourish. It's even more interesting because I imagine she has actually struggled with real adversity and has led a fascinating life. No doubt she was robbed here as her work was exemplary.

It is sad that the judging has become what it has with the best looks rarely winning. I remember that Indian woman from a couple seasons ago getting wins with questionable looks. PR has fallen on that old adage that any publicity is good publicity. Again, SHAME!

However I will say I thought the guest judge held her own and provided some insight. I certainly liked her more than some here did. I also agreed with her about Natalia's dress. There was at least an idea there. Tasha had nothing. And she seems like a lovely lady, but to say she looks slovenly would be putting it kindly. It's almost like they let her compete as a charity case so she would have somewhere to sleep for a period of time. Just yikes.

Edited by delicatecutter
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3 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

To me it just made Jenni the person too stupid to cut her nails before going into a competition where she'd have to be using her hands a lot.

This!  Plus she started off her back patting by saying "B T Dubs" so I officially hate her.

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  3 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

To me it just made Jenni the person too stupid to cut her nails before going into a competition where she'd have to be using her hands a lot.

This!  Plus she started off her back patting by saying "B T Dubs" so I officially hate her.

I was never her biggest fan, but Helen did it better with her nails for days!

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On 10/20/2016 at 8:13 PM, Mumbles said:

There was a moment in today's episode where Erin flashed a bitchface and between the bitchface, and the roots, and the space between her teeth, and the heart-shaped face, I had flashbacks to late-1980s Madonna. (I say that as a fan of both.) Plus her quick comment in the backroom when everyone was complimenting Jenni that, "they thought her dress was mine," *was* pretty bitchy. As was Cornelius delighting in Erin being in the bottom.

Erin's reminded me of Madonna since day one.  

On 10/21/2016 at 0:56 AM, Zsimova71 said:

Some episodes are made just for the buzz around them. Like this one. Everyone was suprised with the winner. Even the winner herself.

I called Jenny as the winner and Tasha as the loser after the initial comments.  

13 hours ago, mansonlamps said:

Heidi:  She made that for $300, it looks like a $2,000 dress.  Me:  If you say so Heidi, I have never in my life worn a $2,000 dress or seen one up close.

It's a $300 dress with a designer's label stitched in.  

I'm one of the few who didn't like Laurence's dress.  It seems like if the designers make anything in black leather and give it exaggerated shoulders the judge's will love it.  I hate the pointy shoulder look and would love for it to quit being done here every single season.  Plus I thought it was something she had made previously and forced to fit this challenge.  A chesterfield sofa's uniqueness is button tufting.  Her dress had quilted shoulders.  I guess the diamond effect is similar but that's about it.  And all the beautiful, unique things in that lounge and you pick a black leather couch that's in virtually every lounge and office?  

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14 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

Reminds me of the time -- I think last season? -- they showed the designers all in the break room, eating and going on at length about the virtues of the Samsung refrigerator.  SO natural!

Hey I bought the Samsung refrigerator after that season.  Not the exact one, but the French door kind with the showcase door.  I love it.. I didn't think I could love an appliance, but there you go.  So I guess the product placement worked on me at the very least.

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Well, this was disappointing. I've been one to complain that they don't give the designers enough time to plan, enough money for materials, or enough time to sew. This time, two of those things were in their favor. They had a good amount of money and ALL NIGHT to figure out what to make. And still most of them blew it. Sad.

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4 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Well, this was disappointing. I've been one to complain that they don't give the designers enough time to plan, enough money for materials, or enough time to sew. This time, two of those things were in their favor. They had a good amount of money and ALL NIGHT to figure out what to make. And still most of them blew it. Sad.

AND it was a fucking cocktail dress!  

Things changed and now it isn't as appealing to new highly skilled designers as it used to be.  It has probably run its course.  Ashley winning last season was a huge nail in the coffin.  It seems they are not taking things as seriously.  

1. Change of network (leaves NYC) 

2. Less time to complete garment and smaller budget, in general. 

3. The loss of Michael Kors (big name) 

4. Guest judges we have never heard of

5. Heidi is spread too thinly.  It is not her prize baby anymore and that shows. 

Those 5 things make this show less that it was.  

Christian Siriano won the last season (5) on Bravo.  NYC is the fashion hub in this country.  When it moved to LA some of its soul was lost.  

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The judges were not saying that Erin invented bedazzling, Heidi pointed out that the pattern on Jenni's dress was an exact copy of Erin's dress - THAT THEY SAW JUST THE DAY BEFORE. 

That's what struck me, as well, and the editors emphasized it with the side-by-side closeups. Jenni would have been wiser to go for something like an Art Deco geometric beaded applique (hey, it's Mood - I'm sure they have everything).

I was surprised at how ungimmicky I found Rik's take on the leather-apron-as-cocktail-dress but I think he was wise to heed Tim and abandon the painting idea. The buttons/brads were a good ornamental element and used "very thoughtfully".

Natalia's dress just reminded me of how tired I am of the whole see-through top layer trend.

Laurence's was exquisite, but I would like a season where they ban the use of black, so I can see the details of construction.

Brik's really amazed me (in a good way), and reminded me of a fresh take on a tuxedo.

One unfortunate thing that seems to be happening - or maybe it's just me - the contestants' "vocal fry" seems to be reinforcing each others' to the point that I'm half-tempted to mute the episode. Why can't Laurence's beautifully modulated tones become the next vocal "in thing"?!!

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19 minutes ago, Cyranetta said:

Why can't Laurence's beautifully modulated tones become the next vocal "in thing"?!!

Seriously! I could listen to that woman talk for hours. Her voice is like silk. Ironically, she is the one who doesn't seem to love the sound of her own voice so much she has to share every thought that pops into her head.

This show hasn't been about finding a designer for a long time and I think the contestants know it. For the most part the latest seasons haven't been filled with people looking for their big break in fashion but people looking to be fashion celebrities. It's the nature of the beast. If they were truly serious about becoming great designers they would get an internship at a great design house and learn from the masters instead of doing ridiculous challenges on TV.

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It's BACK in NYC; it was in LA for season 6. I think Wings might have been implying THAT's when everything seems to have changed. Then Kors left after season 10. Heidi loves AGT way more than she loves this now. And I think she also still hosts Germany's Top Model, yes?

I love Laurence. Let me qualify that by saying, let's try something besides leather. I know there are parts of her garments that are decidedly not leather, but leather's always the focus. I want to see some versatility. And I want to see her in the final.

Corny needs to use some kind of fabric besides that oversized herringbone he buys every other challenge. But he can keep doing that till he gets sent home.

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 It moved to LA after season 5 for a few seasons and now back in NY but on long island not NYC.   I didn't know this.  I will say that it lost something with the move to LA and never got it back despite to move back to the east coast!  

I just learned, in the Tim Gunn thread, the designers are not paid when on the show.  I am shocked.  Right there you have to eliminate all those who cannot afford to maintain their apartments or houses for that length of time.  Jesus.   That narrows the field.  I am grateful that my favorites were able to afford it.  There have been many standouts, all from earlier seasons though.  I wonder it this changed and they used to pay.  hmmmmm

Edited by wings707
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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

 It moved to LA after season 5 for a few seasons and now back in NY but on long island not NYC.   I didn't know this.  I will say that it lost something with the move to LA and never got it back despite to move back to the east coast!  

Just for season 6, according to your second link:  


n April of 2008, the show’s producers, the Weinstein Company, announced their plans to move Project Runway from Bravo to the Lifetime Television network and to Los Angeles, beginning with Season 6.  In turn, NBC Universal (the parent company of Bravo) filed a lawsuit against the Weinstein Company for violating its contract rights.  Finally in April of 2009 the lawsuit was settled, with the Weinstein Company agreeing to pay NBC and undisclosed sum for the right to move the show to Lifetime.  Project Runway returned to New York City for Season 7 [emphasis mine] on Lifetime.

I always felt that when they moved to Lifetime the judges were prompted to be meaner and come up with sarcastic quips a lot more.  But that's all ancient history to my aging brain now.

I thought the fabric that Jenni bought looked nicer as is.   Why not use it in some way rather than cutting it up and appliqueing?  That said, her construction might have been wonky, but I thought her appliqueing skills were much better than those shown on the yellow and "mauve" coat.  You could see the feathery edges of the mesh backgrounds more on those and they looked messy close up.  Just my opinion!  

I was so worried they were going to send them to sew straight from the cocktail party, whether inebriated or not.  I wouldn't put it past TPTB.  Glad they got to sleep it off.


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Jenni may have been inspired by Erin's bedazzelement technique but it's not as if Erin designed the dress and applied the golden appliques--that was all Jenni so Erin can stop acting as if Jenni stole from her.  I very much enjoyed both Erin and Dexter getting cut down to size--Erin's feathers and Dexter's stupid fringe can have multiple seats.

I also liked how kind Jenni is--she helped both Nathalia and Tasha and that speaks well of her sportsmanship.  Can't say the same for either Erin or Dexter who were quick to thrown shade at Jenni's design.

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7 hours ago, Cyranetta said:



One unfortunate thing that seems to be happening - or maybe it's just me - the contestants' "vocal fry" seems to be reinforcing each others' to the point that I'm half-tempted to mute the episode. Why can't Laurence's beautifully modulated tones become the next vocal "in thing"?!!

That's the thing that's standing out for me. What the hell is going on here? It's like a room of croaking frogs. I feel like I need to drink tea with honey and lemon after each episode.

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On 10/21/2016 at 8:39 PM, rhygirl720 said:

I want Laurence to design my wardrobe...she can even make it all black... that is all.

I want her to my clothes and hang out with her. She is so beautiful and elegant I would hope her coolness and elegance would rub off one. 

So is Heidi channeling the late Colonel Sanders, that tie! Yuck!

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On 10/20/2016 at 7:40 PM, dosodog said:

Well if I didn't already know that I have no fashion sense, tonight proved it because....I LOVED DEXTER'S HOOCIE MAMA DRESS!   I really did.

I kind of liked it too. I thought the fringe idea from the neck was really interesting. I think the underdress could've been more designed than two layers of body size panty hose, and that's where it veered hoochie, or maybe if it was a maxi... I dunno. But I could see Carrie Bradshaw wearing it and somehow making it work and look more expensive.

i thought Laurance was robbed too. And the judges are bugging me with their logic. Erin can embellish and it's her signature but Laurance likes a strong shoulder and it's getting boring? I don't agree that these two things are that different.

Jenni's was cute but not very well executed, puckers everywhere.

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Not a fringe person but I kind of sort of liked how his look presented to Tim.

The final product was just odd. From the back it looked to me like a woman with really long hair. 

And I barely remember the garment. Except for the hair.

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On 10/20/2016 at 11:22 PM, BusyOctober said:

Another week, another unrecognizable guest judge.  I am not familiar with this young woman, but I felt bad for her. It was obvious from her very sad demeanor and droopy body language that they pulled that poor girl away from a funeral of a beloved grandparent. Or maybe from an "Angsty Millennial Wednesday Adams" look a like contest. 

You need some blurred lines...

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Do the designers know who their model will be? I haven't been paying attention to the models so I don't know if its the same people every week. But if they do have the same model every time, why would Dexter put his brunette in a brown dress with long brown fringe? That decision made no sense to me.

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I have to agree with almost all of you who felt Lawrence was robbed.  Frankly I felt that flapper mess should have been in the bottom but there were so many others that were worse, I have to admit.  She didn't deserve the praise and should not have won.

As for the bottom two, I would have sent both home on for that fancy remnant piece wrapped around a barbie doll dress and for that gold ribbons tied to denim outfit.  They were both horrible

Lawrence's black dress just (to me) out shined the others by leaps and bounds.

I felt so bad for Mah Ching (sp?) when he cried when Tasha went home

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 10:54 AM, whimsey98 said:

Is it my imagination or did Dexter's fringe necklace grow every time it was shown?  He should have stuck with version 1.  Too much fringe without any good purpose.

Kind of like that season of America's Next Top Model where Miss J's afro grew every week. 

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I actually agreed with the judges for a change. I didn´t understand what they meant about Erin and Jenni´s bedazzling though, totally weird to make that an issue. What, so we´re supposed to see it as something only Erin could make? I have seen stuff like this all over. It was a nice dress but not in any way unique, and it didn´t even remind me of anything Erin had made... I´ve never seen Tasha make anything worthy of a runway, it´s like a person with no taste who´s never seen fabric being given a sewing machine and voila, that´s a Tasha outfit. She´s been overstaying her welcome for much too long so finally, bye.

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I'm still trying to form words to describe Heidi's judging outfit. Colonel Sanders and some 70's feel the fabric fitted suit? I'll work on it.

I loved it. That color, the velvety texture, the vintage vibe ('70s clothes are my favorite), all of it. If you're gonna wear a suit, wear something like that, not some bland old business-lady schmata, haha!


I can't believe how many women are not combing their hair these days! 

You'd totally scold me! Mine "corrects" itself two minutes after I put it in order--always has. So I often just leave it as is and save myself the trouble (or put it up in a bun-knot hybrid, often while at a red light). Now, when my hair at work looks like bedhead, it probably actually is.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On 10/21/2016 at 4:43 PM, Maccagirl said:

After watching last night's episode and seeing how Heidi thought Jenni's dress was Erin's, I think they need to keep the anonymity factor fully in place until both the winning and losing pieces are determined.  Then they can have the models come on to the catwalk wearing the top 3 and bottom 3 designs.  The designers would then come out and stand next to their model (perhaps surprising the judges on occasion).  The judges can still, at that time, give the designers info on why each design was selected for top and bottom.  With the "anonymous" system they have now, once they judge all the creations, then the designers are  unveiled and the judges are more apt to bicker and persuade the others to keep a certain designer over the others, etc.   Let's start a petition to make the winning and losing selection fully anonymous!!!

This episode reinforced for me why the blind runway is important, even if anonymity ends before final judging.  It was very clear that the judges were shocked by: 1) Jenni's dress not being Erin's work; 2) Erin's dress being so not to their taste.  I believe that consciously or subconsciously they scored the looks thinking Erin had done Jenni's dress.  Their expressions were pretty funny when they learned otherwise.  As for judging solely on one day's work, clearly that isn't really the case when they discussed the merits of the bottom two and took into account presence or lack of vision, which to me seemed to be referring to the whole season not just this episode.  So for that reason, I don't think they'll ever make it entirely anonymous, but I think it's good to keep the runway "blind."  

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14 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

This episode reinforced for me why the blind runway is important, even if anonymity ends before final judging.  It was very clear that the judges were shocked by: 1) Jenni's dress not being Erin's work; 2) Erin's dress being so not to their taste.  I believe that consciously or subconsciously they scored the looks thinking Erin had done Jenni's dress.  Their expressions were pretty funny when they learned otherwise.

I used to pooh-pooh the blind runway 'cuz I was sure they could tell who did what. I loved when they found they were mistaken. And also surprised they didn't notice how poorly stitched Jenni's dress was. That should have been a clue.

I thought they used to do a blind runway and then a designers-in-the-audience (with tells) runway? I remember being concerned that they could change their minds from one runway to the next. 

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On 10/24/2016 at 2:58 PM, NewDigs said:

I used to pooh-pooh the blind runway 'cuz I was sure they could tell who did what. I loved when they found they were mistaken. And also surprised they didn't notice how poorly stitched Jenni's dress was. That should have been a clue.

I thought they used to do a blind runway and then a designers-in-the-audience (with tells) runway? I remember being concerned that they could change their minds from one runway to the next. 

I could be wrong about this, but my understanding was that they did one runway with only judges present and one with designers (but no judges) present to prevent any give-aways.  Clever editing always makes it look as if it's all happening at the same time.  

Edited by Calamity Jane
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4 minutes ago, Calamity Jane said:

I could be wrong about this, but my understanding was that they did one runway with judges present and one with designers (but no judges) present to prevent any give-aways.  Clever editing always makes it look as if it's all happening at the same time.  

I always wondered about that-- they are congratulating each other and themselves and I thought it would be obvious who did what.

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4 hours ago, Calamity Jane said:

I could be wrong about this, but my understanding was that they did one runway with judges present and one with designers (but no judges) present to prevent any give-aways.  Clever editing always makes it look as if it's all happening at the same time.  

That explains a lot, and puts to rest my total confusion about how it could be a blind runway with the designers so obviously congratulating each other, or patting themselves on the back, when their own design comes down the runway. Thanks for the explanation.

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On 10/21/2016 at 1:52 PM, Diamond Dog said:

Laugh out loud moments:

Tim Gunn to Dexter:  "Grace Jones is ignoring me!"

Zac critiquing Erin's dress: "Priscilla Queen of the Swamp"


Laurence is the epitome of cool. Her dress was high fashion, lux, and perfectly tailored. She was the clear winner. 

Jenni's did not copy from Erin. Placing appliqué isn't Erin's sole creation. Their comment was completely absurd.  Also, I love that the overly confident Erin was on the chopping block. She needs to get over herself quick. 

What is the KFC hell was Heidi wearing? It looked like she was wearing the blue version of Colonel Sanders suit. 

The guest judge looked and acted like a brain-dead Kardashian. They really are digging the bottom of the 'celebrity' barrel these days. 

That's redundant.

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