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S02.E02: The Last Children Of Krypton

Tara Ariano
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Supergirl ends up seriously injured during an attack on National City by a kryptonite-powered villain; and Superman puts the blame for his cousin getting hurt on Hank, because the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Meanwhile, Kara's first day at her new job doesn't go as planned after she meets her new boss, Snapper Carr.

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I'll say it: I could use a Cat Grant in my life to give me pep talks like she gave to Kara (and not Ker-rah!)  Calista adds so much to the show...going to miss having her on full time.

I liked that they delved into Alex admitting that she gave up a lot to protect Kara.  I'm not sure if I like the term that Clark "abandoned her" with Alex's family though.  

Winn fangirling over Superman including tearing up at the compliments?  I would laugh except that has happened to me too (well it wasn't a superhero but someone famous who gave me compliments which floored me) so I can relate.

All of that made up  being bored by the Metallos. 

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This episode was okay, but not as good as the opener. It wasn’t bad, per se, but it made several storyline decisions that imo are questionable. First, though, the big thing: I’m really, really, REALLY going to miss Cat. The show is losing SO much with CF leaving—and I know she’s coming back a few more times, but this felt like a true goodbye, I just wish the episode could have devoted more time to her leaving. Yet again, Cat’s scenes with Kara and Supergirl were standouts. That last scene on the balcony was truly lovely and poetically, fittingly appropriate, and the scene where Kara and Cat say goodbye was very poignant too. Also that scene was gold if you ship Supercat, goodness. That said, two negatives: 1) This show continues to have soundtrack problems—the score in the Kara/Cat goodbye scene was very pretty, but way too loud. 2) I find it VERY hard to believe that Cat is leaving to, like, couch and chill for a while. I can totally see Cat feeling like she’s stagnating at CatCo and wanting to go onto a new challenge, but she’s not the person who is going to go sit on her couch until she figures out what she wants. She would have something lined up already.

Okay, now onto the things I really didn’t like: wth is the show doing with Cadmus? It’s way, WAY premature to bring them out into the open as a big threat. They’re far more interesting as a shadowy, insidious group against which the team has to fight covertly. Also, obviously it’s early, but the Doctor is so rote and one-note thus far. On the whole, I was not impressed with the show’s big coming out party for Cadmus. It felt like they were scrambling to get the pieces on the board set up in a certain way and forcing it, instead of letting that flow naturally and organically.

I continue to think Hoechlin’s Clark is better than his Superman, and so his performance this episode was weaker than last episode because it was more Superman. His Superman just still seems so stilted in some respects—you can tell Hoechlin is trying hard to be Superman, instead of just being Superman. Also, am I the only person who thinks that him taking all the Kryptonite is actually not a good thing? Better hope no more rogue Kryptonians show up.... Way too much lens flare in the Fortress of Solitude, and I’m over Kara and Clark whining about J’onn doing his job (or asking them to do theirs).

Snapper Carr is so eyeroll-worthy right now. Hopefully they work on him the same magic they did on Cat in S1, but I’m not optimistic. That said, Snapper’s whole rant to Kara about journalism just reinforced that it’s NOT the right job for Kara. When has Kara ever really wanted to tell stories or pound the pavement? And not that she doesn’t like the truth, but when has she had a burning desire to uncover it?

It was nice to have another Kara/Alex scene, and to have reinforced that their relationship is the heart and soul of this show. I didn’t love the writing beats that the show used to set them at odds—it felt a bit contrived and retcon-y—BUT I do like that the show touched on some of the tension in their relationship while also affirming that they will always ultimately have each other’s back. That’s what I want from them, so this time, at least, I can forgive the very clunky writing. Also, I see Alex is back to being the worst secret agent ever to facilitate the plot! Womp womp.

Winn would be such a better character if they weren’t trying to make him Oh So Funny all the time. His snark/humor is so forced and just flops, but when he drops it and is more natural (like when he was talking about being in foster care), he’s much more tolerable. James being the boss is really not going to be interesting, I don't think.

The best thing about the move to Vancouver/the CW continues to be the fight scenes, which are seriously 1000% better than last season. Alex in the warehouse was badass, and the Clark and Kara take on the Metallos scene was also good, especially in the first half. Really, SO MUCH BETTER.

Can’t lie, I’m glad Superman has left. He was fine while he was here, but I’m ready for the show to get back to the core relationships...even if Cat's gone now, sniff.

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Best part was the beginning with the two supers running around town helping out.  But Metallos were boring and so was Cadmus. You would think they would have had a better plan.  Annoyed with Alex for saying Superman abandoned Kara. He made the right choice. How much easier would it have been to have an adorable 13 year old worshiping you but you couldn't really care for. I thought we saw a little more commanding Superman tonight. I am pretty sure he didn't get rid of the Kryptonite but now he knows where it is. 

Not a big fan of Jimmy taking over or of Snapper (aka Lou Grant without the charm) not particularly thrilled with the stunning lack of women around Cat co.

I like Winn but not sure how long they will be able to do anything with the character. Not sure that I understand his freaking out with Superman when Kara is right there. I mean.. dude, Kara is pretty awesome too.  

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Superbutt acknowledged! :-D

::sniff:: We'll all miss you Cat.

Speaking of... didn't even miss James until he showed up for his one scene at the end. That's NOT good.

Edited by Trini
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Yep, I was halfway through the episode before I even realized James hadn't been on at all. Then he just popped up towards the end. I don't get why he would be filling in for Cat. Oh, Cat....gonna miss ya, girl. Snapper is awful so far. I was fangirling over Winn's fangirling. Adorable. 

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I'm going to miss Cat Grant so much.

Good things:

1. Loved Alex voicing all of her pent up anger about what it's like to be Supergirl's sister, and Winn later offering the foster home point of view - even if his own relationship with his father made that a touch hypocritical.

2. Winn getting all emotional about getting to work with Superman.

3. Superman and Martian Manhunter, the last aliens of their kind, in the Fortress of Solitude.

4. Somebody pointing out that no, you can't just waltz in and be a major reporter: it takes some actual training. You're a jerk, Editor Person, but you had a point.

5. The fight scenes have really improved.

6. And Martian Manhunter and Superman teamup! YAY!

7. The final scene between Cat and Supergirl. Awwww. The best relationships on this show really are between the women.

Questionable things:

1. So, Jerk is the editor and James is the publisher, correct, or did I miss something?

2. I'm not at all sure that a) the DEO really did manage to collect all of the Kryptonite in the world and that b) giving it to Superman was a great idea.

Bad things:

1. Two episodes in, and oh dear. One of Arrow's more memorable extras walking through the Catco offices, and then Cadmus deciding to lure Alex into one of Arrow's two favorite warehouses, even using the same camera framing that Arrow has used. On the other hand, kudos to Supergirl for keeping the Catco office sets looking relatively expansive, and using more location shots than the other shows typically do in any given episode.

2. If I'm expected to take this Cadmus doctor at all seriously, show, you can't have her stalk off leaving just two goons to kill someone who just confessed to killing a superpowered Kryptonian.  I mean, I get that this is just the beginning of the season, but the doctor could have at least stuck around to hear the goons shooting off a gun or something. Or left more goons there. That was not impressive.

3. Also not impressive: the Metallo guys. Yeah, the fight scenes improved, but I still kept finding myself wishing we'd go back to the Kara and Alex stuff already.

4. Really strange direction early on: Alex is told to start preparing the anti-Kryptonite supersuits. He's all excited and starts heading off, and yet, just seconds later, we see him in the background, lounging back, not rushing off to get the anti-Kryptonite supersuit stuff.

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"I have to go. My planet needs me." "Cat's ship exploded after takeoff." Well, that's what it felt like to me.

The David Koe . . . Ker . . . the guy who looks like the comedic actor doesn't look like a "Snapper" to me. Can't say I disagree with his attitude towards Kara, who just decided she would be a reporter. I mean, we know Kara means well, but he has a point.

I'm hoping Winn gets more substance down the line, because he's kinda bugging me now. I'm sure it has to do with his Superman boner, and that will pass.

Kara is adorkable, but she risks wearing thin. On the bright side, she hasn't altered time, Barry.

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ven though I'm sure she'll be back eventually, Cat's exit for now was well-done and emotional.  I guess I can't blame Calista Flockhart for not wanting to relocate to Vancouver, but I will miss what the character brought the show and her interactions with Kara.  Again, I remember when I hated her in the pilot, but she ended up becoming one of the better characters on this show and in her own way, pushed Kara to help make her a stronger person and a better Supergirl.  She will be missed.  And I do hope she eventually finds out the truth someday.  Equally, Melissa Benoist really sold Kara's initial reaction to hearing the news.

Speaking of characters I use to not like, Winn fanboying over Superman was cracking me up.  In general, moving him to do the DEO seems to be the right call, because he seems to be much more energized in this role.  And works great opposite of both Hank and Alex.  Although, I did laugh over Alex's crack about how he has a better dating life then her, considering that his last girlfriend ended up going crazy and becoming the Silver Banshee.

I totally get why Kara loved working with Clark all this time, and even considered going to Metropolis with him, but I am glad they addressed that she was pushing Alex away and taking her for granted, and Alex confronted her over it.  I definitely don't think Kara meant it in the slightest, but she was coming off kind of inconsiderate at times, and really needed that wake-up call.  But, hey, it ends with teaming up and kicking ass, so it's all good!

It's Snapper is here to just be the new Cat for now, I hope they pick up the pace with him.  I get why he would be against a newbie like Kara just getting assigned to him, but he is coming off way too one-dimensional and antagonistic.  Like J. Jonah Jameson without the charm.

The Metallos were generic, but I'm still curious about Brenda Strong's character.

No James for the majority of the episode, only for him to show up and revealing that he's the new boss, now.  Talk about making the most of your limited screen time!

Melissa Benoist was the best anytime Kara tried and failed to have a witty comeback against Snapper.  Insults are so not Kara's thing.

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1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

Also, am I the only person who thinks that him taking all the Kryptonite is actually not a good thing?

49 minutes ago, quarks said:

2. I'm not at all sure that a) the DEO really did manage to collect all of the Kryptonite in the world and that b) giving it to Superman was a great idea.

"All the kryptonite on Earth"? Sure, show. Sure.


1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

Winn would be such a better character if they weren’t trying to make him Oh So Funny all the time. His snark/humor is so forced and just flops, but when he drops it and is more natural (like when he was talking about being in foster care), he’s much more tolerable.

They were trying too hard with him in this one. I know he's has the techie/geek role, but it's like they were trying to make him another 'Felicity'. Winn has his own personality.

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I really wish they hadn't decided to make Kara a reporter. I get, with Cat leaving, and her own mindset changing she couldn't just be an assistant anymore, but it just comes off as the show runners really wanted to make a Superman show and were forced to settle for Supergirl. They give Kara his stories, have her fight his enemies, and now copy his job. She should be her own character.

I thought Snapper was mostly right in what he was saying to Kara, though he probably could have been less belligerent about it. I'm guessing they are setting him up as a jerk right out of the gate so he can warm up to Kara later on.

Kara and Alex are the heart of the show and this episode reinforced why. It's understandable Alex would have a degree of resentment of her sister, who is invulnerable, can fly, and will look exactly as she does now for years to come. And that her whole life has been focused on protecting her sister from the rest of the world. But in spite of all that she loves her desperately and would fight her way through hell for her.

The superhero team up was a lot of fun. But while I did like having Superman around, I'm not terribly disappointed he's gone. He took a lot of focus away from Kara.

Metallo was disappointing. He should be one of the Kryptonians toughest foes because of the kryptonite, but having a big green glowing thing on your chest makes for a pretty good target.

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OK episode, A lot of avoidable dumb decisions but that's par for the course. Anything MM is awesome.  I'm pretty sure that's not all of the kryptonite in the world but I wish he had stuck to his guns about keeping what he had. Gotta love MM and his "Finish him!" moves.

So I only half paid attention to last week's episode but I saw people writing about Brenda Strong being on the show as a fake Amanda Waller but I read Brenda Strong as Brenda Song...Now I'm kind of sad,  I wanted to see how that was going to go.

Dang Jimmy, this is how they do you? You got a promotion, but I don't really think you got a promotion. 

Edited by miracole
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It was a good episode. So far the show seems to be far better on the CW than it was on CBS. 

It won't be the same without Cat Grant. I wish they had left her appearing more open ended and mysterious. This seemed very VERY final as far I'm concerned. I still would have loved to hear her say "Kara" on the balcony after supergirl flew off. She has to know Kara is Supergirl!!! Come on writers, give it to us!! Both her good-bye scenes with Kara was so sweet and really reminded why I love this show. Cat as a mentor to Kara is something I'm going to miss.

Alex is a such a badass and this episode really made me question 


why we are getting Guardian on this show. We already have a superhero with a suit of armor who kicks butt. Seems a bit redundant if they are going to keep using Alex like they did tonight. 

I like J'onn so much and find him to be such a complicated character. I really like when get more in depth about his past and his overall character. I enjoyed the Superman/Martian Manhunter team up and their scene in the fortress was a favorite of mine tonight. Also when little girl shape shifted---yesss!! Nice one J'onn. 

DEO Winn is a much better but he is seriously just Cisco, except with shorter hair and a tucked in shirt. Oh well, all the Berlanti shows have this type of character so I'm not surprised by the direction they've gone with Winn in season 2. 

I did like Superman (more than I thought I would) and I do think his relationship with Kara is important. I don't need to see Superman too often but I would be fine with him dropping in throughout the season. Tyler and Melissa have a nice platonic chemistry on camera. They know each other pretty well in real life and you can tell. There is relationship there that reminds of how Melissa and Grant were on screen together. 

I thought the Metallo villains were boring. Cadmus is okay as a big bad but it felt pretty cheesy. The leather aprons, and the horror-film staging had me rolling my eyes. But this is a superhero show so I will excuse the cheesiness quite frequently. 

Mon-El is awake!! ...and then he strangled Kara. Yikes. 

Edited by Kendra
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Metallo was disappointing. He should be one of the Kryptonians toughest foes because of the kryptonite, but having a big green glowing thing on your chest makes for a pretty good target.

Plus even after the devices that nullified the GreenK's affect were broken, neither Superman or Supergirl reacted right.  Yes, they still got hit by a powerful green weapon, but just standing near it should drop them to their knees.  So that took me out of the otherwise good team ups (side note: the use of the term "team up" would have made Ray on LoT very happy).  

I really do love how badass they are letting Alex be. 

2 hours ago, BooBear said:

Best part was the beginning with the two supers running around town helping out.  But Metallos were boring and so was Cadmus. You would think they would have had a better plan.  Annoyed with Alex for saying Superman abandoned Kara. He made the right choice. How much easier would it have been to have an adorable 13 year old worshiping you but you couldn't really care for. I thought we saw a little more commanding Superman tonight. I am pretty sure he didn't get rid of the Kryptonite but now he knows where it is. 

Not a big fan of Jimmy taking over or of Snapper (aka Lou Grant without the charm) not particularly thrilled with the stunning lack of women around Cat co.


I do think it's valid to say that Clark kind of abandoned Kara with the Danvers since he could have rearranged his life so she was with him all the time and not only didn't he do that, but their relationship really didn't seem so very close that he was popping in all the time.  He was around enough for Alex to call him Clark and be friendly, but Kara and "Kal" had never really hung out before like what we were seeing.  She made a point of that last week. 

Clark's point of view seems to be that she needed to be allowed to have as normal a childhood as possible and so I think his intentions weren't bad, but I think Kara would have preferred to be with someone that made HER feel normal instead of dropping her in the deep end with strangers to figure out how to fit in all on her own.  Kara was ready at 13 to devote her life to looking after her baby cousin but the grown up Clark handed his only family off as someone else's problem. 

Yeah, I'm framing it kind of to the extreme, but I get where Alex is coming from.  Heading off to Metropolis with Superman isn't the solution to all her problems.    Clark doesn't have all the right answers.

2 hours ago, Katydid said:

Yep, I was halfway through the episode before I even realized James hadn't been on at all. Then he just popped up towards the end. I don't get why he would be filling in for Cat. Oh, Cat....gonna miss ya, girl. Snapper is awful so far. I was fangirling over Winn's fangirling. Adorable. 

I think they are just as confused over what to do with Jimmy as they were with Winn.  I think Winn is good now, but Jimmy is still very much a work in progress.  We didn't need Cat to be the boss or to hand out info, we needed her to interact with Kara and be hilarious and awesome.  James can't step into those shoes and yeah, we really don't need him to.  I think they are going to keep throwing things at him, hoping one sticks and works.  I wish them luck.

As for Snapper...I really liked the actor on Cougar Town so I'm open to giving him a chance to do something.  He is more likely to be useful than Jimmy as head of Catco (a position he is beyond unqualified to fill).  Snapper was just one note tonight but I can imagine his bored grumpiness being amusing in the future.  If nothing else, he get's points cause he has standards a reporter must meet to actually be a reporter.


The Cat goodbye was surprisingly emotional for happening so quickly and I think was actually quite meta with the show acknowledging how hard it is to lose Calista.  I can't help wonder how much of a real mentor CF might have been for MB.  Very genuine feel.   

It absolutely makes sense why CF wouldn't want to move for the show but as lucky as Supergirl was to have her, I think CF probably benefited just as much from taking the role.  I swear it rebooted her awesomeness.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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Agreed. I thought I'd never not see her as anybody but"Ally McBeal" but like Jean Smart from Designing Women now I only want her playing HBICs.

I am going to miss the hell out of Cat Grant. Her saying goodbye and hugging Kara and later Supergirl made me verklempt.

With Cat gone Winn has suddenly become my favorite character on the show. So many great moments: "Oh my god. Superman and Martian Manhunter are going to fight! This is terrible. This is awesome."

His crying when Superman complimented the anti-Kryptonite suit and before that his snapping "Not you!" to J'onn when he wanted to give his opinion! LOL!

I like him and Alex bonding. I don't think I've seen them have a conversation together.

Alex had some incredible moments. And her dragging Clark! I think this tweet says it best:

I like this "Lou Grant" incarnation of Snapper Carr and I hope he doesn't warm up to Kara anytime soon.

Love this line :"Get out of here or I'm going to channel my divorce and emotionally break you!"

Edited by VCRTracking
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The Cat goodbye was surprisingly emotional for happening so quickly and I think was actually quite meta with the show acknowledging how hard it is to lose Calista.  I can't help wonder how much of a real mentor CF might have been for MB.  Very genuine feel.   

Melissa Benoist has spoken frequently of her admiration for CF, so I suspect there really was a mentorship bond there. I don't know if MB ever flat-out called CF a mentor, but I know she's said directly that she really admires and looks up to CF, finds her inspirational and leans on her for advice, etc.

I too thought you could tell that the actors were having a lot of the same emotions as the characters. imo you could definitely tell Flockhart was sad to leave--she certainly brought her A+ game tonight--and that Benoist was very sad to see her go. Agree too that just about everything around Cat tonight was very meta. Let's just hope she comes back as promised!


As I've been thinking about it, I think part of the episode's problem was that it was just overstuffed, with Metallo and the introduction to Cadmus, more Kara/Clark bonding and then Clark leaving (and his tension with J'onn in the meantime), Cat's goodbye, AND the Kara/Alex tension. Emotionally speaking, Cat's goodbye and the Kara/Alex tension both could have carried their own episodes easily. I think this episode could have done Cadmus+Clark+EITHER Cat leaving OR Kara/Alex tension and balanced all 3 well enough, but 4 was just too much.

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4. Somebody pointing out that no, you can't just waltz in and be a major reporter: it takes some actual training. You're a jerk, Editor Person, but you had a point.

And though Kara running to Cat may seem immature,  at least she didn't steal a yacht.

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The thing with the Kryptonite at the DEO reminds me a bit of the first Avengers movies where they're all pissed at Fury for using the Tesseract to build super weapons. Is it really out of bounds that the non-super people are trying to build weapons that can take down hostile super beings?

Of course, as far as Clark knew for a long time the only Kryptonians who had actually survived Krypton were himself and Kara and Kryptonite is much more narrow in use than the SHIELD weapons. So it probably did feel pretty personal, especially knowing that the guy heading up the DEO was secretly another super-alien who might be more powerful than he is. J'onn wasn't exactly giving the DEO a bunch of tips on how to fight Martians at the same time he was stockpiling Kryptonite.

Of course then there ended up actually being a dozen other Kryptonian survivors on Earth. But then the DEO's Kryptonite ended up being largely useless against them and their Kryptonite power suit ended up being used against Supergirl ...

I wasn't a huge fan of the Kryptonite plot, though, I will say that I appreciated that, after the Summer of Superheroes fighting Superheroes in movies, Clark and J'onn disagreed about something, were kind of angry, but still worked together and resolved their issues without having a big super fist fight between them at the end.


4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Plus even after the devices that nullified the GreenK's affect were broken, neither Superman or Supergirl reacted right.  Yes, they still got hit by a powerful green weapon, but just standing near it should drop them to their knees.  So that took me out of the otherwise good team ups (side note: the use of the term "team up" would have made Ray on LoT very happy).  

I really do love how badass they are letting Alex be. 

I do think it's valid to say that Clark kind of abandoned Kara with the Danvers since he could have rearranged his life so she was with him all the time and not only didn't he do that, but their relationship really didn't seem so very close that he was popping in all the time.  He was around enough for Alex to call him Clark and be friendly, but Kara and "Kal" had never really hung out before like what we were seeing.  She made a point of that last week. 

Clark's point of view seems to be that she needed to be allowed to have as normal a childhood as possible and so I think his intentions weren't bad, but I think Kara would have preferred to be with someone that made HER feel normal instead of dropping her in the deep end with strangers to figure out how to fit in all on her own.  Kara was ready at 13 to devote her life to looking after her baby cousin but the grown up Clark handed his only family off as someone else's problem. 

Yeah, I'm framing it kind of to the extreme, but I get where Alex is coming from.  Heading off to Metropolis with Superman isn't the solution to all her problems.    Clark doesn't have all the right answers.

I took it that Kara was saying she had not hung out with him as "Superman" and done super stuff with him. Any time he spent with Kara and the Danvers family would have been as Clark. And, yeah, I think he's sort of idealized growing up "normal" and might have sort of forgotten some of the downsides that he probably felt being so different.

While I do agree that it's emotionally valid for Alex to feel like Clark "abandoned" Kara, I think that, from his POV, being raised by Superman would have been pretty awful for Kara. It probably would have been just the two of them, and he'd have been constantly running off to save someone during important moments in her life or fighting an alien or a robot that attacked the Earth and she'd be left wondering if he'd come back or he'd die and leave her alone again. Which is no way for a kid to grow up if it can be avoided.

It's interesting because they're aliens with superpowers, but it's a dynamic that could easily play out with three normal humans after an open adoption. It's still all messy human emotion that has been simmering for 12 years and Alex, Kara, and Clark are all 'right' but also, all could have done things better/differently and been more understanding of the others. I wish they'd found a little more time to focus on that story in the episode.

Edited by Perfect Xero
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Aw, Clark is leaving to go home Metropolis, a city so far away it might take Kara or Clark a whole minute to fly from one to the other.  This would be kind of like if I shared a bunk bed with a sibling and then they moved to a bedroom across the hallway and I acted like I'd see them two or three times a year.

I did seriously geek out over seeing Kelex though.

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3 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

While I do agree that it's emotionally valid for Alex to feel like Clark "abandoned" Kara, I think that, from his POV, being raised by Superman would have been pretty awful for Kara. It probably would have been just the two of them, and he'd have been constantly running off to save someone during important moments in her life or fighting an alien or a robot that attacked the Earth and she'd be left wondering if he'd come back or he'd die and leave her alone again. Which is no way for a kid to grow up if it can be avoided.It's interesting because they're aliens with superpowers, but it's a dynamic that could easily play out with three normal humans after an open adoption. It's still all messy human emotion that has been simmering for 12 years and Alex, Kara, and Clark are all 'right' but also, all could have done things better/differently and been more understanding of the others. I wish they'd found a little more time to focus on that story in the episode.

Personally I think that the real problem was Kara's "fanboying" over her cousin to perhaps insane lengths. And also I think a rushed scene. It was crazy and insensitive for Kara to suggest going to live in a far away city. I can see Alex feeling hurt and lashing out (not to mention - Kara, you don't invite a guy to sister's night) but I don't think Alex would really agree with herself if pressed. Agreed with the above.  It would not have been right for him to raise her or to drop by frequently.  It could be considered "abandoning" her but that is harsh.  Ironically I think Clark was nicer to Kara than himself by giving Kara a sister.  I think Kara was not doing change well and was latching on to anything given Cat's leaving and Snapper Carr not being her BFF. 

Glad Tyler did Superman well and the show was better with him but, glad to see Superman go. He was taking up too much of the plot and I want to get back to the established relationships. 

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I also thought TH was a better Clark Kent than Superman.  Maybe it's because I felt he was spot on in the role of Clark.  And some of it also has to do with that Superman uniform -- something about those caped shoulder pads that just doesn't look right with me.  Still, he was much better in both roles than I thought he would be.

I didn't like this episode as much as the first.  Still, it was nice seeing Supes/SG together once again.  They played off each other well.  I laughed when Superman said something to the effect of, "I don't know why after they shoot at me, then they all of a sudden try and punch me.  I'll never understand that".  Heh.  And while a bit sudden, I also can see why Kara would want to spend time and do "superhero stuff" with her cousin.  After all they are not only family, but, well, "The Last Children of Krypton".    And normally I like the relationship and the scenes with Kara and Alex.  But I thought the scene where Alex wanted Kara to stay was a bit on the angsty side.  No doubt Alex did give up a lot to help raise and protect Kara as a youngster.  Still, if I were Kara, I would hate to keep getting that "Look at all I've done for YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUU!" thrown in my face.   They are both adults now.  I would hope she would be happy for Kara if she chose to go to Metropolis with her cousin.  That being said, I am glad Supes is back in his home and SG is staying put as well.

Also enjoyed seeing MM and Superman together.  And can totally see where each side is coming from with regards to that kryptonite.  Btw, where did Superman take that stuff?  My feed was cutting out towards the end of the episode.  It almost look like he took that case of it and threw it in a dumpster(?)

Oh, Cat, I will miss you too.  Especially if she is essentially being replaced by that one-note guy who's going to be Kara's boss.  I get where he's coming from in that Kara should earn her position there.  But I would think as a reporter, he would have better people skills than that.  Or maybe he's just an a-hole.  Regardless, will miss Cat and SG together.  I kinda wish in that last scene Cat Grant would have said, "You be safe too....'Ki-ra".   ;) Definitely hope at some point she does get let in on the secret or better yet, figures it out herself.

It was still a decent episode though.  I am liking it better than the CBS version so far.

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1 hour ago, brgjoe said:

Also enjoyed seeing MM and Superman together.  And can totally see where each side is coming from with regards to that kryptonite.  Btw, where did Superman take that stuff?  My feed was cutting out towards the end of the episode.  It almost look like he took that case of it and threw it in a dumpster(?)

They never showed where he put it but I'd guess the Fortress of Solitude or some other secure location.  When he got back to Metropolis he landed next to a dumpster.  This is apparently so common that none of the people walking around even noticed him landing. 

There's also no way that was all the Kryptonite on earth unless Cadmus was stupid enough to use all of their stash with the two Metallos.  They mentioned an entire shipment was stolen and I'm not sure two chunks that would fit in a small backpack would be referred to as a shipment.

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4 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

They never showed where he put it but I'd guess the Fortress of Solitude or some other secure location.  When he got back to Metropolis he landed next to a dumpster.  This is apparently so common that none of the people walking around even noticed him landing. 

The way the scene was edited, it looked to me like Superman flew straight from the DEO to Metropolis with the kryptonite and threw it in the dumpster right before he changed clothes. Presumably there was a step in between we didn't see but I'd have to watch it again to be sure.

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1 hour ago, KirkB said:

The way the scene was edited, it looked to me like Superman flew straight from the DEO to Metropolis with the kryptonite and threw it in the dumpster right before he changed clothes. Presumably there was a step in between we didn't see but I'd have to watch it again to be sure.

I'm just going to assume that Superman didn't simply toss the radioactive death element into a normal dumpster.  That would be incredibly thoughtless and irresponsible.  This is Superman, after all, not Barry Allen.

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This episode wasn't as great as the first episode but it was still enjoyable. Let me first say, I will Cat so much. I really enjoyed goodbye scenes with Kara and Supergirl. 

I really liked Superman and Martain Manhunter subplot. I wanted more scenes between them and this episode gave it to. I also liked Superman and Supergirl teaming up and just enjoying being around one another. 

I understand Alex feels frustrated but guilting her sister like that was really wrong. Saying Clarke abandoning her was also wrong knowing Clarke. Seriously, did she think Clarke grew up with his biological family. He grew up in a foster care as well and though he was doing what was best for Kara. Alex just rubbed me the wrong way during this episode. Well, until her and Kara made up and reminded me of why I love her bond with her sister. Still.

Winn, I like him but I am kinda of sad they are going this direction with him. Like enough already. Winn doesn't need to be another Felicity/Cisco. 

James being the boss was out of the blue and reminded me we are on the CW where someone young and hot can get a job other more qualified people deserve. 

Looks like Kara's CW approved love interest just woke. What is he?

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Unpopular opinion:  I'm so glad Cat is leaving National City.  I have profound issues with the character.  She constantly belittles Kara by calling her the wrong name, and every now and then she gives a great pep talk, but that's a little too little and little too late.  Just call me by my proper name, bitch.  And I know the Martian Manhunter morphed into a Supergirl likeness, but to have Cat not figure out Kara and SG are one and the same (esp when the actress who plays SG decides to act the same damn way for both characters!) just makes her look stupid.  So a woman in power who's stupid, bullying and narcissistic?  No, thank you.

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4 hours ago, arc said:

Aw, Clark is leaving to go home Metropolis, a city so far away it might take Kara or Clark a whole minute to fly from one to the other.  This would be kind of like if I shared a bunk bed with a sibling and then they moved to a bedroom across the hallway and I acted like I'd see them two or three times a year.

They really do need to establish how far away the cities are and figure out travel time.  I've always assumed opposite coasts but if these two really are fast enough to make the trip in minutes then all of this angst about missing each other is pointless.  Kara is clearly over her season 1 desire to do everything solo so why not call Superman when something comes up.  Heck, Clark should be flying back because pod boy just woke up.

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And I know the Martian Manhunter morphed into a Supergirl likeness, but to have Cat not figure out Kara and SG are one and the same (esp when the actress who plays SG decides to act the same damn way for both characters!) just makes her look stupid.

I'm on the side that Cat KNOWS who Supergirl is but isn't going to out her because 1) Supergirl has saved her more than once and 2) knows that revealing who Supergirl is will be a huge mistake.  I think she's only say she already knew once Kara is ready to tell her.  As for the rest well...that's a stereotype that has been on TV and movies for decades: some women of huge power are on huge ego trips 24/7 but only reveal their vulnerabilities among people they feel they can trust or possibly understand.  It's how the actor plays it without coming out as too forced or cliched.

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20 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

They really do need to establish how far away the cities are and figure out travel time. 

I always thought Metropolis and National City were aliases for New York and Washington, DC.

17 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

I'm on the side that Cat KNOWS who Supergirl is but isn't going to out her because 1) Supergirl has saved her more than once and 2) knows that revealing who Supergirl is will be a huge mistake.

Now that I can get down with!

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On 10/18/2016 at 10:19 AM, mtlchick said:

I'm on the side that Cat KNOWS who Supergirl is but isn't going to out her because 1) Supergirl has saved her more than once and 2) knows that revealing who Supergirl is will be a huge mistake.  I think she's only say she already knew once Kara is ready to tell her.  As for the rest well...that's a stereotype that has been on TV and movies for decades: some women of huge power are on huge ego trips 24/7 but only reveal their vulnerabilities among people they feel they can trust or possibly understand.  It's how the actor plays it without coming out as too forced or cliched.

Yes, that is my take on this too, especially if you choose to read into the pep talk she gave Kara about how special she is, etc.  

After all, she did figure out that Supergirl was Kara pretty quickly in the beginning.  She is not one to change her opinion easily, so I don't think the appearance of Supergirl and Kara at the same place only one time changed her opinion. At the most it made her waver a bit, but she is pretty smart.  She also figured out that Barry was the Flash.  I suspect she has now figured out that Clark is Superman. 

On 10/17/2016 at 9:27 PM, BooBear said:

Snapper (aka Lou Grant without the charm)

Great description!  Snapper does look like someone who hates spunk and Kara is full of spunk.

Edited by ElleMo
typos, typos and more typos
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19 minutes ago, ElleMo said:

Yes, that is my take on this too, especially if you choose to read into the pep talk she gave Kara about how special she is, etc.  

After all, she did figure out that Supergirl was Kara pretty quickly in the beginning.  She is not one to change her opinion easily, so I don't think the appearance of Supergirl and Kara at the same place only one time changed her opinion. At the most it made her waver a bit, but I she is pretty smart.  She also figured out that Barry was the Flash.  I suspect she has now figured out that Clark is Superman. 

Great description!  Snapper does look like some who hates spunk and Kara is full of spunk.

I am sure she has known all along. Plausible Deniability people.  She basically told Kara that she couldn't have her working for her any longer UNLESS SHE FOUND A WAY for Cat not to believe it. She did. Good job. Cat couldn't be treating Kara any differently than anyone else.

It would have been a funny meta moment for Snapper to say something to Kara like "you have spunk' - I hate spunk!!

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I'm not getting Superman's attitude toward Hank about the kryptonite.  What if nukes could kill Superman/Supergirl?  Would he tell the U.S. government to disarm all their nukes because it offended him?  Sheesh.  I get that kryptonite is a danger to him but come on.  And all the kryptonite in the world is in that one crate?  That stuff should be all over the place.  Hell, in Smallville everyone was practically tripping over the stuff, lol. 

It's disappointing to see Calista Flockhart go.  Having James take over that role is a definite downgrade.  Cat's role on the show has always been somewhat limited, though.  Calista certainly made the most of it.

Edited by Dobian
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2 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

They really do need to establish how far away the cities are and figure out travel time.  I've always assumed opposite coasts but if these two really are fast enough to make the trip in minutes then all of this angst about missing each other is pointless.  Kara is clearly over her season 1 desire to do everything solo so why not call Superman when something comes up.  Heck, Clark should be flying back because pod boy just woke up.

It's less about the travel time and more about separate lives and stuff to do.  In the real world there are married couples living in the same house who barely see each other because they work different, incompatible shifts.  There are people in Metropolis who are dead because Superman was visiting his cousin and wasn't there to save them.  So even if Superman can fly back and forth between Metropolis and National City (and Jesus do I hate the city names of the DC universe: Central City, Star City, National City, Metropolis AKA Large City City, Gotham City AKA New York City City) he's not going to do it without a really good reason because he has commitments to the people of his own city.

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Aww so sad to see Cat go. :(

I loved Superman and Supergirl showing off the start. Was fun too watch.

Wynn's love for Superman was cute.

I hope they're not going to try Wynn and Alex with their talking about her dating.

I didn't even realize Jimmy wasn't in the episode until he showed up at the end with the box. His character is useless.  How does he go from photo journalist to Cat's job? 

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This season is feels like a different show.  It's Supes Team-Up! lots of DEA, now with more aliens on board! especially now that Winn is there too, and Catco is an afterthought with Cat leaving.  ( I know I was supposed to feel sad that CF is going to be off the show now but since it's entirely her decision, I really couldn't muster up the feelings.)  Lots more fights!  And they have no idea what to do with James so they just put him in the nearest empty office.

Kara deciding to be a reporter was just WTH?  It's a rip-off of Clark and like James, she doesn't have the credentials to do this new job.  Snapper is Perry White.  Shouldn't they be doing something original?

It made me realize that I don't watch superhero shows for the heroes or the fights, I watch it for the relationships between the characters and that's something the seems to have been dropped except for Kara/Kal which I don't care about  yet.  These two episodes seem so superficial to me, with both of them I was flipping to see what else was on, something I didn't do last season.  Season 2 is a show much more appealing to 12 year olds, but I'm not 12 any more.

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38 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Aww so sad to see Cat go. :(

I loved Superman and Supergirl showing off the start. Was fun too watch.

Wynn's love for Superman was cute.

I hope they're not going to try Wynn and Alex with their talking about her dating.

I didn't even realize Jimmy wasn't in the episode until he showed up at the end with the box. His character is useless.  How does he go from photo journalist to Cat's job? 

It was brought up because the person who everyone thinks she is being set up with debuts next week .And Winn doesn't have the right 'equipment'

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Plenty o'retreads in the CW-ized version of Supergirl.  Starting with the new DEO HQ:  Remember when Angel Investigations was moved into the skyscraper by Wolfram and Hart?  Remember the sunlight flooding through the necro-tempered glass?  Yeah, me too.  Moreover, Super-Hacker Secret Agent Winn Schott is a clone of Kevin Fisher on The Young and the Restless, who morphed from Internet predator to working for the Chief of Police because of the likeability of the actor.  Seriously, you could swap the actors and it wouldn't be as jarring as most soap recasts.  

Besides these minor observations, I am dee-freaking-lighted with Season 2, except for the part when James wasn't packing his boxes as a prelude to being Poochied back to his home planet.  Can't we lose him and keep Cat Grant?  Please?????   

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It's less about the travel time and more about separate lives and stuff to do.  In the real world there are married couples living in the same house who barely see each other because they work different, incompatible shifts.  There are people in Metropolis who are dead because Superman was visiting his cousin and wasn't there to save them.  So even if Superman can fly back and forth between Metropolis and National City (and Jesus do I hate the city names of the DC universe: Central City, Star City, National City, Metropolis AKA Large City City, Gotham City AKA New York City City) he's not going to do it without a really good reason because he has commitments to the people of his own city.

Absolutely, if it takes hours flying back and forth or if Clark (or Kara) take off during an emergency.  However, if we're talking a 30 minute jaunt then there's absolutely no reason for either of them not to fly over if a crisis is occurring.  It was ridiculous during some of the events of season 1 but at least it was justified by Kara wanting to be seen as her own person.  Both of them are clearly committed to taking some downtime as civilians so there's no reason why they can't visit each other on weekends. 

For what it's worth there actually is a real National City near San Diego, so odd names is not just a DC thing.

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4 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

They really do need to establish how far away the cities are and figure out travel time.  I've always assumed opposite coasts but if these two really are fast enough to make the trip in minutes then all of this angst about missing each other is pointless.  Kara is clearly over her season 1 desire to do everything solo so why not call Superman when something comes up.  Heck, Clark should be flying back because pod boy just woke up.

They probably should, but I do think that they want to establish that both Kara and Clark are busy saving their own cities that it'll be quite difficult to just pop in to visit from time to time. They have their own separate lives and as nice as it would be with their abilities to see each other every week, they have other responsibilities. Also, judging from how destroyed that park/monument in Metropolis was, I'm assuming that the cities are far enough where it's not a really quick trip. It reminds me of Star City to Central City on Arrow and The Flash. Even though Barry has super speed, it still takes time to travel to visit the Arrow characters and they also have their own lives that they're living. 

As for the episode, I thought it was a little too packed. There were some subplots that probably could have been saved for another episode. It worked out fine, but a lot of the problems were solved too quickly. I know all the Superman stuff had to be solved in this episode, but they probably could have held off Kara's new job until the next episode and found a way to say goodbye to Cat Grant. I just felt a little unsatisfied with how fast paced the episode was because of them cramming at least five different subplots into the Metallo plot. 

I do think the writing suffered this episode because of them cramming so much into it. The Superman/MM scenes, although I enjoyed the dynamic, had shoddy writing, because they were trying to enforce the team-up by the end. 

Snapper Carr got some ok moments for his introduction. I actually agreed with his assessment about Kara trying to become a reporter, despite having no experience in it. Of course he's not going to want her as a hire. Why would he want to waste his time on someone who just chose this career on a whim because Cat offered her any job she wanted? But we'll see where that relationship goes and if he'll be a good mentor for Kara or not. I like Ian Gomez, so he could make it worthwhile. As long as he can challenge Kara and get her to actually be passionate about reporting, then I'm good. I just imagine he won't be happy with her disappearing acts to go be Supergirl. I'd also laugh if he figured it out, because that would prove to me that he's a good enough reporter to get Cat to somewhat tolerate him. 

Ok, James becoming the boss just feels....off. It's as if the showrunners realized that James had no role on the show (I barely noticed his absence until he showed up in his one scene) so they threw him into the boss role to give him something to do. It's like they threw him something to see if it sticks, much like they tried the DEO angle with Winn and it worked well. Unfortunately, I do think James is the odd man out on this show. As much as I want to like his character, I just find his scenes to be forced in. 

I totally agree with Alex when she points out that Clark abandoned her and that's on him, but I also feel like Kara was right in pointing out that she was forced into a world with nobody that understood what she was going through, so it was hard for her. Clark did the wrong thing in not helping Kara adjust. Who knows how often he came to visit Kara as she was growing up in her new world. It doesn't sound like it was very often. 

I like Tyler Hoechlin as Clark a lot. He's not bad as Superman, but I feel like I want to see more bumbling Clark. TH has never impressed me on other shows, but he has on this one. I'm looking forward to seeing him again, and maybe even meeting Lois. 

I'm going to miss Cat a lot. I thought Callista did a fantastic job in her scenes with Melissa, both as Kara and Supergirl. I'm hoping we see her very soon. 

Winn/Alex's scene was good. I see that Alex's dating comment might foreshadow what her future plotline might be. 

I know I didn't touch on everything in the episode, but there's just so much! 

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4 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I always thought Metropolis and National City were aliases for New York and Washington, DC

DC's National City is L.A. We occasionally got glimpses of US Bank Tower (or whatever the DCverse calls it) last season. That's also why we've never had any governmental-type stock footage, seasons, or even rain. Vancouver will change that last one quickly enough.

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3 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Add me to the "Cat knows" camp. Especially last night, I absolutely thought CF played her scenes as if Cat knows Kara is Supergirl. I was 500% expecting Cat to say "...Kara" after Supergirl flew away from the balcony.

I was expecting this as well.   And even though it would have been obvious I'm a bit miffed that it didn't happen.

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5 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

They really do need to establish how far away the cities are and figure out travel time.  

Well... I guess in the show's defense it might not have been a minute since the second Metallo was wreaking havoc in Metropolis for a while before the Supers could get there. I figure that was at least 20-30 minutes of busting stuff up?

On the other hand, a space plane doesn't take that long to crash and both Supergirl and Superman, taking off from their respective homes, got there at the same time and within minutes.

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36 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I totally agree with Alex when she points out that Clark abandoned her and that's on him, but I also feel like Kara was right in pointing out that she was forced into a world with nobody that understood what she was going through, so it was hard for her. Clark did the wrong thing in not helping Kara adjust. Who knows how often he came to visit Kara as she was growing up in her new world. It doesn't sound like it was very often. 

I'd say Alex was lashing out when she threw Clark abandoning Kara into her face because she thought Kara was drifting away from her to Clark and thinking of moving to Metropolis. Winn was right to point out that family is not a competition. Clark had his circumstances, the Danvers family had theirs. That doesn't mean they should fight for Kara's affections. She clearly loves Alex and Kal, but connects to them in different ways. That's normal.

I thought it was briefly mentioned Clark hide Kara with the Danvers family to protect her and Kara herself always wanted a human life, until last year, that's why he wasn't around as much.

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So far I've been working under the assumption that National City is in Southern California. Metropolis is in the Northeast. Starling City is in the Pacific Northwest and Central city is in the mid-west.

A nitpick from the episode: Alex tells Cadmus lady that she killed "Astra of the House of El." But Astra wouldn't have been part of the House of El, unless the Els are the Targaryens of Krypton.

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I'll cut her some slack on that, because a) I don't think we ever found out what House Non was of, or Alura and Astra's premarital house, and b) it got her point across: she ran a Kryptonian through with a Kryptonite sword. Watch your ass.

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