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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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3 minutes ago, katha said:

Since TV became a huge factor in US elections, "being able to read a room" has been a clear advantage for any candidate. Kennedy won a close election because he came across as more appealing than Nixon in TV debates, at least that's the received wisdom. Reagan was charismatic and could work a crowd, Clinton was folksy and charming. Many people apparently perceived Bush junior as folksy and charming, compared to "cold" Gore and Kerry. Obama is charismatic and can work a crowd, that helped him against McCain and Romney and Clinton. You could argue that this is the nature of campaigns now, and has been for a long time.

Yes, but with regard to Trump I'm not talking about in the entertaining/engaging the crowd sense. I mean how he seized upon a tempest that was slowly simmering throughout the country nearly unbeknownst to everyone else (particularly the establishment elite) and anointed himself its leader, messenger and savior. He doesn't care about any of these things. He just struck upon an angry chord in society and ran with it and made it his message.

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26 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

And I think the Clinton team erred in focusing their pitch on how Donald Trump was mostly temperamentally unfit for the office of president, which he certainly is, too. I think people already got a good gander at his temperament -- and it never stopped him from coasting to victory in the Republican primary, or maintaining surprisingly high poll numbers (apparently not nearly as high as people were really thinking) in the final months and winning the whole shebang on November 8. Clearly people didn't care that he was a misogynistic, erratic, temper tantrum-throwing, race-baiting, reactionary weasel with no respect for anyone or anything but himself, or they wouldn't have voted him as far as he got. All they cared about was that he was supposedly the harbinger of change that would "fix" everything. Clinton should have hammered home the point that Donald Trump would do no such thing because he quite simply didn't know how to govern or do any of the things he claimed or how any of it even worked. Focus on his many gaffes in understanding how foreign policy worked. Do a sound bite featuring his remarks at that Florida rally that betray his apparently cluelessness as to what Obamacare even is. Expose him for the fraud that he is and explain to people that he is not the best person for the job because he demonstrates repeatedly that he doesn't even know how to do it. Welp, too late now. People will have to figure it out for themselves the hard way.

Thank you for saying this!  Some of us "young bloods" of a certain age have been shouting this from the rooftops for months but they wouldn't listen.  Every time the DNC sent me emails asking for contributions, I wanted to find a way to tell them that I would send them $5.00 for every ad or platform that actually discussed what Hillary was going to do and not just what a shitty cretin Drumpf was, which became self-explanatory as far as I'm concerned.  Some of the anti-Drumpf ads were effective, but by the time Team Clinton started featuring her in the ads, it was too little too late.  They could have focused on her work for young children over the years as well as her ability to reach across the aisle to get things done when she was in the Senate.  There was an ad that got a lot of play in the last days before the election that demonstrated that Drumpf's poor impulse control would be a detriment when it came to foreign policy.  

As I said elsewhere, it's time to clean house at the DNC.  While the young 'uns who jumped on the Bernie bandwagon made a lot of noise, it was a mistake to contemptuously dismiss their concerns out of hand.   It was nearly too late by the time Team Clinton (made up of Baby Boomers) pivoted to try to appeal to those voters and bring them into the fold.  

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8 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Thank you for saying this!  Some of us "young bloods" of a certain age have been shouting this from the rooftops for months but they wouldn't listen.  Every time the DNC sent me emails asking for contributions, I wanted to find a way to tell them that I would send them $5.00 for every ad or platform that actually discussed what Hillary was going to do and not just what a shitty cretin Drumpf was, which became self-explanatory as far as I'm concerned.  Some of the anti-Drumpf ads were effective, but by the time Team Clinton started featuring her in the ads, it was too little too late.  They could have focused on her work for young children over the years as well as her ability to reach across the aisle to get things done when she was in the Senate.  There was an ad that got a lot of play in the last days before the election that demonstrated that Drumpf's poor impulse control would be a detriment when it came to foreign policy.  

As I said elsewhere, it's time to clean house at the DNC.  While the young 'uns who jumped on the Bernie bandwagon made a lot of noise, it was a mistake to contemptuously dismiss their concerns out of hand.   It was nearly too late by the time Team Clinton (made up of Baby Boomers) pivoted to try to appeal to those voters and bring them into the fold.  

I had been worried all during the campaign about the Trump name-calling by the Clinton campaign, especially by the likes of Elizabeth Warren, and even President Obama towards the end.  It just didn't seem clear to them that it. wasn't. working!  I wanted to hear more positive messages about Clinton, not more negative stuff about Trump.  I already knew/know the bad stuff about him.  I likened it to friends and relatives constantly telling someone that their boyfriend or girlfriend is a no-good slacker or a slut.  They become defensive and dig in their heels even more and wind up getting married. 

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This is what Trump has promised to do:

1-Lower taxes
2-Create a massive new security apparatus to tear people of color out of their homes and put them in concentration camps until they can be forced out of the country and dumped anywhere. Spending millions of dollars to do that.
3-Build a massive wall, spending millions of dollars to do that.
4-End all trade agreement and begin a trade war with China and Japan, causing the American people to have to spend massive amounts more for consumer goods.
5-Bomb Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, possibly using nuclear arms, thus causing a new World War and creating millions of new terrorists who will bring terror attacks to both Europe and the US. Spend millions more to get American troops on the ground, thus causing millions of more American deaths.
6-Pull out of NATO and give Russia free rein to invade Ukraine, the Baltics, and any other country they want.
7-Give free rein to the police to oppress the minority community, causing more race riots throughout the country. Give anybody the right to get a gun for any or no reason whatsoever.
8-Free drilling for oil, free mining for coal, massive air and water pollution.
9-End Obamacare, end Social Security, end Medicare and Medicaid. Create massive costs for the American people to get medical care and retirement, if they can find it, allow insurance companies to refuse to cover preexisting conditions.

10-Have show trials for the Clintons and other political opponents. Shut down the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and any other news outlet that dares to criticize him.

Anything else?

Edited by Silver Raven
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1 hour ago, Jordan27 said:

Congratulations to President-Elect Donald J. Trump.  A convincing win by someone who weathered more hate from liberals, Dems and a leftist biased media than anyone in history.

Time to make America great again and get rid of liberal influence.

Oh, how sweet it is.

 Give me one , just one liberal influence you want to get rid off? 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

Apparently, when you hit on just the right combination of name-calling, it gets you to the White House. 

It continually amazes me that the same people who demand the right to call people "retard" the N word, and any number of other slurs, in the name of being "politically incorrect," lose that "it's OK to call names that offend people" thing when you call them racist (or whatever other label they earn through their speech and behavior).  Are we doing away with that darn "PC culture run amok" thing or not, Republicans? 

He'll take it as the highest compliment someone can pay him.  He'll "condemn" it in a "wink wink" way that makes it clear he's flattered.  

Guess again.  Paul Ryan went on TV this morning glorying in Trump's "mandate."  Never mind that he saw no such mandate when President Obama won handily (and didn't lose the popular vote). 

I fully believe this is a big part of it.  The first black POTUS was a huge blow for them.  There was no way they were going to stand for the first woman right after.  Not in their old white boys club.  

Call me crazy, but I don't think it's ever "great" to have the entire government run by one party, only representing the will of half of the country.  You may not like the "liberal influence" but it's our country, too.  As much as the GOP likes to blame President Obama for the divide in this country, it's really the GOP attitude that our government should not contain any liberal influence, despite half of the people they are supposed to represent wanting that liberal influence.  Ridding the government of one side of the conversation is how you end up with dictatorships.  

Funny, I watched both conventions this summer, and only one of them was preaching what dire, awful condition this country is in.  Spoiler alert, it wasn't the liberal party.  The DNC focused on a positive message.  The RNC featured a wannabe dictator telling us what a hell hole this country is now and how only he can save us.  He'll definitely change things, but it won't be on the "great" side of the ledger.  

You stated a lot of my feelings.  Van Jones said there was a "white-lash" against having a black President.   I think its true...its scary to think there is so much prejudice still in the US...I thought we were moving beyond that,  Sigh~~  I just feel such a sense of sadness...will the USA ever move beyond our divisions at this point?

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12 minutes ago, auntl said:

My dad is furious at me and my husband for voting for Trump. My dealings with him were the same as all the dealings between the two sides. When faced with people telling you that you were a bad person for supporting Trump, you just stayed quiet and voted for him.

My husband and I fit the demographic of the majority of Trump voters, non college educated whites.

A friend of mine and her family are very strict Catholics. She is an MBA. She is a professional woman, but the minute Hillary supported late term abortion, and her aide put down Catholics, it was over for her with them.

The superior attitude and the higher than thou attitude of the Hillary people sunk them. They just kept telling one another how wonderful they were and didn't bother to pay attention that half the country didn't agree with them for a lot of different reasons.

You have the freedom of your vote and your choice won. So what is one concrete idea he gave that made you vote for him? I'm sincerely interested.

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40 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

 Give me one , just one liberal influence you want to get rid off? 

Late term abortion

open boarders

Obama care

superior attitude 

I come from a highly educated family in a liberal state.  We don't fit the demographic. We voted for Trump.  We kept it on the down low.  I knew I was not alone.  

No one thought he would win.  One reason was that he did not spend the equivalent funds to get elected.  He did it for less.  That's what this country needs.  Someone who can look at things differently and do it more fiscally responsible, all the better.  

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open borders: fact: Obama deported more illegals than Bush

Obama care: fact: Obamacare (while flawed) provided coverage for 20 million Americans who didn't have it previously, and would have saved 800 billion in medical costs over the next ten years. (GAO numbers, not mine)

superior attitude: If we're all about American exceptionalism, why not be proud of it?  American's in general have a very high opinion of themselves, I don't think liberals corner the market. And I would counter, there are enough on the right who are emboldened because they're doing the 'lord's work' that don't just annoy, they scare the sh*t out of me.

Late term abortions (that, I'll give you-- liberals should own that, because no one should tell a woman what she can do with her body. But I would counter that the abortion opposition runs counter to the republican 'less government intervention' ethos-- getting involved in what is a personal decision.) 

Edited by sacrebleu
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Late term abortion

Ah yes, I forgot about Trump's condemnation at the last debate about ripping the fetus from the womb in the last month, on the last day -- also known as a cesarean section delivery. Most states already ban late term abortion past a certain week of gestation, and there is no such thing as a ninth-month abortion like he ludicrously illustrated that night. The reality is that the vast majority (90-95%) of abortions are performed in the first trimester, and the tiny percentage that are done late in gestation but before the "cutoff" time are not done out of vain personal choice but due to the health of the would-be mother or some devastating medical problem or defect with the fetus. The idea that women would decide to just terminate a pregnancy after eight months just for the hell of it is a hallucination borne in the small crazy corner of the pro-life segment.


open boarders

I don't rent out my house to anyone.


Obama care

One, that's not so much a liberal influence as something that happened to be thought up by a liberal-leaning president, and two, it has its detractors on both sides of the aisle.

Is the Affordable Care Act perfect? Heck no. It needs revisions, tweaking. There are many things that can be improved within it. And if Trump, or any Republican, had a real idea on what exactly they wish to put in its place that would better serve the country and the millions of Americans who do not get private insurance through employers, then I'd love to hear it, I really would. But simply calling Obamacare a disaster and vowing to get rid of it, with no real plans or proposals for what, if anything, they would replace it with to ensure that those 20 million-plus people who currently depend on it for healthcare won't lose coverage just like that with isn't a solution.


superior attitude 

I did not realize that superior attitudes, or any personality trait for that matter, was specific to one political party or another.


No one thought he would win.  One reason was that he did not spend the equivalent funds to get elected.  He did it for less.  That's what this country needs.  Someone who can look at things differently and do it more fiscally responsible, all the better.

Such as the guy who has filed for bankruptcy, as well as been sued, multiple times and still insists on hiding his tax returns from public scrutiny?

Edited by Chicken Wing
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3 minutes ago, saoirse said:

Folks. Site rule. Be civil.

Let's not ask for justifications or explanations. People are allowed to believe what they want. They don't have to explain it.

Sorry Saoirse. And to anybody else, my apologies .  

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You can talk about Trump's business dealings and finances but Hillary is no better. Private server is a big deal and put this country at risk.   Her foundation is a glorified money laundering scheme.  Sorry.   Trump is no saint.  I don't know anyone in business who hasn't been sued. It goes with the territory.  I don't care what he pays in taxes.  As long as he follows the tax code, who cares. 

Hillary should be in jail.  I can't say that about Trump. 

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3 hours ago, Jordan27 said:

Nope, you change the rules, you change the campaign.  There is no guarantee Hillary would have won in that scenario. 

States being cognizant is not the point.  Candidates would never go to the small states.  At least with this system, that changes over time.    You want California, Texas, Illinois and New York dominating the campaign.  Why?

There was extremely little campaigning done in California, because everyone knew that California's 55 electoral votes would go to Clinton. The Electoral College system means that the smaller states dominate the campaign.

However, either way, electoral college or not, the littlest states get no attention.

1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I had been worried all during the campaign about the Trump name-calling by the Clinton campaign, especially by the likes of Elizabeth Warren, and even President Obama towards the end.  It just didn't seem clear to them that it. wasn't. working!  I wanted to hear more positive messages about Clinton, not more negative stuff about Trump.  I already knew/know the bad stuff about him.  I likened it to friends and relatives constantly telling someone that their boyfriend or girlfriend is a no-good slacker or a slut.  They become defensive and dig in their heels even more and wind up getting married. 

And I suppose there were people who were leery about Clinton but voted for her anyway because they were defensive about all the names Trump and his surrogates were calling her.  

No one did more name calling than Trump did, starting with  "Lying Ted" in the primaries, the Mexican "Rapists," and then "Nasty Woman" "Corrupt Hillary" etc.. and the name-calling worked out well for him.  Perhaps The Dems should have resorted to more name calling to win the election. 

Edited by needschocolate
Ns and Ts are not interchangeable.
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5 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

You can talk about Trump's business dealings and finances but Hillary is no better. Private server is a big deal and put this country at risk.   Her foundation is a glorified money laundering scheme.  Sorry.   Trump is no saint.  I don't know anyone in business who hasn't been sued. It goes with the territory.  I don't care what he pays in taxes.  As long as he follows the tax code, who cares. 

Hillary should be in jail.  I can't say that about Trump. 

If you don't care about Trump's fraud, why would you care about Clintons?  If Clinton should be in jail, why shouldn't Trump?

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49 minutes ago, auntl said:

My husband and I fit the demographic of the majority of Trump voters, non college educated whites.

If that means being/knowing ones who have lost high paying factory/mining/rust belt jobs, please try to understand that liberals are also despairing for you too.  I really hope the Trump Administration can create jobs, but since he never explained how he would, I can't have any confidence in it.  

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8 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

You can talk about Trump's business dealings and finances but Hillary is no better. Private server is a big deal and put this country at risk.   Her foundation is a glorified money laundering scheme.  Sorry.   Trump is no saint.  I don't know anyone in business who hasn't been sued. It goes with the territory.  I don't care what he pays in taxes.  As long as he follows the tax code, who cares. 

Hillary should be in jail.  I can't say that about Trump. 

Money laundering is the process of making illegally-gained proceeds (i.e. "dirty money") appear legal (i.e. "clean"). Donating the money is incompatible with that objective. 

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7 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Money laundering is the process of making illegally-gained proceeds (i.e. "dirty money") appear legal (i.e. "clean"). Donating the money is incompatible with that objective. 

Exactly, but, that has been the crux of the Trump Campaign, spreading lies and innuendo, to blind his supporters, to his deficiencies as a candidate. Catchy slogans, like crooked Hillary, lying Ted, got him into the white house and not policies that will affect consequential change in their lives... We live in an age, where people rely, on others to arrive, at a conclusion about a candidate for president..

Edited by Apprentice79
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12 minutes ago, backgroundnoise said:

If that means being/knowing ones who have lost high paying factory/mining/rust belt jobs, please try to understand that liberals are also despairing for you too.  I really hope the Trump Administration can create jobs, but since he never explained how he would, I can't have any confidence in it.  

I can only assume that the jobs will be created through his infrastructure renewal programme. You know, the one that his new bestie Paul Ryan would never sign off on in a month of Sundays?

Republics have been very, very vocal about not allowing the government to spend any more money, and that wasn't just because a black guy had control of the credit card. They don't believe in coordinated public works, they don't believe in spending on the poor to create wealth. They believe in helping themselves and letting everyone else struggle along. Preferably quietly and stupidly, so they keep voting Republican.

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5 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

I haven't read the whole thread, so please give me some leeway if this has been discussed. Doesn't Trump's campaign date back to Obama's humiliation of him at the WHCD 2011? His whole persona is all about revenge. 

A lot of people think that, but I've read that Trump was talking about running for President well before 2011.   I guess if you google "when did Trump first talk about running for President?" various articles will come up.

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18 minutes ago, Finagler said:

Don't forget Trump is going to sue all those women who lied about him.....  on a side note- he has started over 3,500 lawsuits against people:


When will he have time to be President?

He doesn't plan on being President.  He said in his campaign that he's going to leave all of that up to Pence and just make speeches and public appearances.

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4 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

A lot of people think that, but I've read that Trump was talking about running for President well before 2011.   I guess if you google "when did Trump first talk about running for President?" various articles will come up.

I'm sure he started thinking about it five minutes after he saw a TV show that said running for president was cool.


He doesn't plan on being President.  He said in his campaign that he's going to leave all of that up to Pence and just make speeches and public appearances.

And fly around all day on Air Force One. Don't forget flying around all day on Air Force One.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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7 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

My husband (a Republican who voted for President Obama twice) allowed me to talk through this early this morning.  I firmly believe that some of this was a backlash against us having a Black president.  My husband indicated that there was no way people were ready for a female president after that.  Plus, he went in on Hillary's faults and believed that she was not the best candidate.  But, I have to wonder would it have been any female candidate or was it this particular one.

I don't think it would have been any female candidate. But I do think if H. Clinton were a man, her sins would not have been held so much against her.

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44 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

He doesn't plan on being President.  He said in his campaign that he's going to leave all of that up to Pence and just make speeches and public appearances.

Exactly.  I've felt for a while now that he wants the title, but he doesn't care about serving. Someone else can do that.   I thought of something that made me physically ill (again! Ugh):  He will now be eligible to be buried in Arlington Cemetery.  Right up there with not understanding the mindset of women voting for him, I don't get how military personnel could have voted for him. 

With any luck, there are enough moderate republicans in congress to keep things from getting too out of hand.

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9 minutes ago, slf said:

Let's see:

  • countless women have accused him of sexual assault (Fed statistics put the rate of false accusation at around 0.06%), one was a child at the time
  • he called Mexicans rapists
  • he admitted to using his status to gain access to the changing rooms at the Miss Teen USA contest when underage girls weren't dressed
  • has repeatedly, publicly, salivated over his daughter and said at one point he would go after her if he wasn't happily married
  • managed to lose a billion dollars in one year
  • is responsible for bankrupting countless businesses
  • mocks the disabled, including referring to a deaf actress as 'r*tarded'
  • encouraged violence against peaceful black protestors
  • refused to condemn anti-semitic attacks on journalists
  • paid campaign money to family members and his own businesses
  • repeatedly shown his ignorance regarding political matters (didn't know what nuclear triad means, didn't know what Brexit was)
  • repeatedly made false claims that he won every poll
  • lied that the US economy is experiencing its slowest growth since the 1920s
  • when discussing women said you have "to treat 'em like shit"
  • wants a database to track Muslims
  • praised Kim Jong-un
  • "blood coming out of her wherever"
  • claimed that a judge wouldn't be impartial because of his heritage
  • advocated waterboarding even if it didn't get information
  • declared he would violate the 14th amendment
  • “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters” 
  • has repeatedly lied about donations to charity (usually donating nothing)
  • supported multiple conspiracy theories such as Birtherism, and that Obama supports al-Qaida
  • advocates for the US to violate the Geneva Convention by plundering oil from nations the US has invaded
  • refused to rule-out using nukes against ISIS
  • said global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese and then lied on national tv when called ou
  • responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”  
  • associates with known white supremacists
  • insulted POWs
  • refused to release his tax returns
  • referred to supporters that attacked a homeless hispanic man as "passionate" and patriots
  • said the Chinese government's response to the Tiananmen Square demonstration shows "you the power of strength"
  • keeps a collection of Adolf Hitler's speeches in a cabinet by his bed
  • suggested US wouldn't come to aid of NATO allies if it were needed
  • praised Saddam Hussein
  • called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, who were exonerated of rape
  • declared that Mexico would pay for a wall along our border
  • has been a plaintiff in at least 1,900 lawsuits and a defendant in 1,450 more
  • said the world would be better if Saddam Hussein was still in power
  • said his sacrifices as a businessman were comparable to those of a Gold Star family
  • included the head of the white supremacist American Freedom Party on a list of California delegates
  • has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times
  • tried to set up an investment partnership with Qaddafi
  • openly wished for a housing-market crash
  • used contributions to the Trump Foundation to buy personal items such as a signed jersey
  • denounced the decision to put Harriet Tubman on the twenty dollar bill
  • wants a 35% tax on cars made in Mexico which would violate NAFTA
  • wants to abolish gun-free zones
  • falsely claimed that predominately black areas were the most violent in the world
  • tried to claim HRC started the birther movement in '08
  • apparently turned on Kim Jong-un by proposing China assassinate him
  • pretended to be his own publicist
  • said the Russian invasion of Ukrain was "so smart"
  • praised Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist who believes the Moon landing was faked, and said he wouldn't let him down
  • said that because "even against" him the system is rigged, he can relate to victims of racism
  • encouraged voter intimidation
  • he chose as his running mate a man who supports gay conversion therapy

And there's a lot more. Just what about this guy's attitude is appealing? Or the attitude of entitlement so many Trump supporters have? Or them saying in polls that they believe things have gotten worse since the '50s?

"No Muslims, no blacks, we want America back!"

He "tells it like it is!" Which is code for "he says out loud exactly what I was thinking!"

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He "tells it like it is!" Which is code for "he says out loud exactly what I was thinking!"

"Finally, a leader who makes it okay to be a sexist bigot. I was getting tired of pretending to be human." (Paraphrasing, of course.)

I hope to never hear the "He tells it like it is" excuse for supporting Trump ever again for as long as I live, because it's so inane. Yes, Trump has no brain to mouth filter; he shoots from the hip and says exactly what pops into his head whether other people like it or not. People appreciate candor, a rare trait in politics. I guess the fact that 99% of what he says "like it is" is either evil or ludicrous or wrong or a flat-out lie is not important.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Railing on posters/people who voted in a way you do not agree with is exactly the same as attacking them. Stop. We know a lot of you are upset and others are thrilled. We all have to live in this world together and while being on this site is optional, if you all want to continue to be here you need to figure out a way to get along. The world is not ending.

See this announcement.

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1 hour ago, ari333 said:

I wonder how Melania will feel when Ivanka is First Lady.

I don't think she'll mind.  My theory is she was all ready with her re-negotiate prenups, expecting to be done with him by spring/summer.  Now she's stuck for four more years.  She'll probably happily let Ivanka handle all the heavy lifting there, and she'll just show up when there's something she's particularly interested in going on, or someone she really wants to meet. I definitely don't think we're going to see the same clearly in love Inauguration dance that we saw the Obamas do.  

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So I was in the manosphere, and apparently it is not permissible to not want Trump as president if you consider yourself conservative, even if you also don't want Hillary. Even though on everything including his raison d'être with immigration, he has leaned both left and right. Really nasty things being written, what sore winners. I wonder if he gets us into a war, he will send his son Barron to fight, or Tiffany since she isn't doing anything, as other families will have to sacrifice their children . The only bright side is everything Ann Coulter ever said that is need to make a acceptable president is rendered completely worthless. He has to never been divorce (or at least not be the one who initiated it), Trump cheated on his first wife with his second. He has to be governor or a senator, nope not that. He has to have a strong conservative record. We have no fucking clue what his record will be because he talks both out of both sides of his mouth and only got as far as he did paraphrasing her book his entire campaign. 

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Wait...so ALL of the Trump brats will be moving to the White House?  I get Barron and the other daughter...I think her name is Tiffany...because they're young. But those grown fools Eric, Trump Jr. and Ivanka  plus their spouses and kids?  No....just no.

Curious question: When was the last time a President went into the WH with grown children?  

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There's this fake quote being attributed to Trump from an interview in the 90s about how he wasn't interested in running for office but if he did he would be a Republican because conservative voters would believe anything he said. But this actual, real quote of Trumps, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters” is...almost the same thing. "I could murder someone and they'd still support me." Granted I haven't been of age for that many elections but I'm having a hard time recalling another major candidate shatting on his own supporters that hard.

My mother works for the city government and a lot of her coworkers are conservative (because Texas) and she said when she went into work a lot of them were basically shellshocked. They voted for Trump thinking he wouldn't win and that Clinton was a lock. They wanted to prevent a landslide or whatever.

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1 minute ago, slf said:

 My mother works for the city government and a lot of her coworkers are conservative (because Texas) and she said when she went into work a lot of them were basically shellshocked. They voted for Trump thinking he wouldn't win and that Clinton was a lock. They wanted to prevent a landslide or whatever.

They did what?  Ill just put them in the camp with the other idiots who voted for Harambe.  Prevent a landslide?  WTF.  I believe a lot of people probably did vote for Trump...like as a joke. Never thinking he would actually win.  Stupid stupid stupid.  Its like playing with a loaded gun. Someone is gonna get hurt.

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1 minute ago, FuriousStyles said:

They did what?  Ill just put them in the camp with the other idiots who voted for Harambe.  Prevent a landslide?  WTF.  I believe a lot of people probably did vote for Trump...like as a joke. Never thinking he would actually win.  Stupid stupid stupid.  Its like playing with a loaded gun. Someone is gonna get hurt.

Yep. Like the conservatives who've come out all election admitting they think he doesn't have a good temper or that he doesn't know very much, they didn't think he was qualified but wanted their party to save face. Which I personally do not get. 

...People voted for Harambe? Actually, no, I can't even pretend to be surprised by that.

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Lawrence O'Donnell is giving a wonderful monologue on his show, about how our previous Presidents were not good people, in fact, they were racists, anti-semites, slave-owners, and participated in the genocide of Native Americans.  He said that the orange turd will fit right in...What differentiates them from Trump was that they did do good things, despite their flaws.  He did say that we have a myth in our country, that our Presidents were noble people, when they were far from that...

He did say that Barack is actually a noble president and he proved that today with his speech today.. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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9 hours ago, Jordan27 said:

If you get rid of the EC, you change the election.  It would not have insured Hillary the election because the candidates would have run a different campaign.  More campaigning in big states, some in medium and small states would always be ignored. 

Small states are largely ignored anyway since few are swing states.  New Hampshire might be the the only one, and thanks to holding the first primary every 4 years, it already gets enough attention.

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So what happens now with all of Trump's businesses?

I've heard mention of 'blind trusts' but how does that work?  Or more to the point, what protections are there going to be in place to ensure that the next person who tries to negotiate with a Trump business doesn't have to worry about making an enemy of a president if they try to get themselves a fair deal?

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8 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Lawrence O'Donnell is giving a wonderful monologue on his show, about how our previous Presidents were not good people, in fact, they were racists, anti-semites, slave-owners, and participated in the genocide of Native Americans.  He said that the orange turd will fit right in...What differentiates them from Trump was that they did do good things, despite their flaws.  He did say that we have a myth in our country, that our Presidents were noble people, when they were far from that...

He did say that Barack is actually a noble president and he proved that today with his speech today.. 

He didn't mention John Adams, I think he was pretty noble for that time, he did NOT own slaves. And when he left office he joined the abolitionists to fight to end slavery. He also never got the credit he deserved for being the leader in pushing us to become a free nation. They treated him like shit because he wouldn't bullshit like the rest of them. He was like Bernie Sanders bitching all the time, losing his shit, telling people off, LOL but he got shit done. He was from New England too just like Bernie. I'm glad he finally got his due. He had to drag those colonies to a revolution.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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The U-3 unemployment rate is certainly subject to manipulation, and Obama is hardly the first one to do so.   The trick is to get the Bureau of Labor Statistics to redefine who's "unemployed" and who is just not part of the "Labor Force".

(From the Hillary thread)

Absolutely, but my point isn't that the statistic is black and white. I think it's necessary to look at what the numbers really mean for people. And also, just because a statistic says something doesn't mean that this is reflected in the life of the person you're speaking to. But all that still means engaging reasonably with the number. Not just deciding that unemployment is at 20% (I think Trump even threw out something like 50% at some point) because it feels like that's what it should be and so nothing the present government does has changed unemployment in any way but making it higher. (And if the person you like is in charge then the numbers are actually better than they appear, of course.) That's not the behavior of someone who's objectively following the issue and wanting to improve it.

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