VedaPierce October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) Kelly is reminding me of those maniacal, knife-wielding clowns that are popping up around the country. When she's having "fun", it always seems to border psycho madness. Even her mouth/makeup has shades of crazy clown. Edited October 11, 2016 by VedaPierce 19 Link to comment
tabloidlover October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 9 hours ago, Mu Shu said: Why does Megan's hair look so shitty? Her extensions are poorly blended with her straw like, shorter hair, and in her THs, it looks like she's wearing a cheap, puffy wig from the Raquel Welch collection. Other than that, I got nothing on Megan. She is so fucking boring and irrelevant. Meghan's hair was a disaster tonight!! Why was Jim telling her how great she looked? She has the money, why not fix the low end ratty extensions?? 2 Link to comment
VedaPierce October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) 31 minutes ago, LIMOM said: So Tamra finally got a taste of her own medicine? Good for Kelly. Yes, she is delusional and antagonistic however Tamra earned that verbal lashing. And yes, she is a shitty mother. OH, YES! And btw...I've never known of people that go through "life-changing pain", that have such glee and relish in nasty, vicious fighting and doing dirty...usually life-changing pain means some sort of spiritual epiphanies, or growth, usually, people who have REALLY suffered, whether through real illness, real loss of people they love, or any kind of abuse or terrorization don't get down in the mud to fight with crazy clowns, but that's just me...shrug. Edited October 11, 2016 by VedaPierce 8 Link to comment
FlyingEgret October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) 9 hours ago, Mu Shu said: How should you say geaneologist? Did I even spell it right? Jennieologist? I think it was more the pause in the middle of the word. At first I really thought she made an appointment with a Genie in Ireland and I admit I was more than a little excited; but then she finished the word. Haha Edited October 11, 2016 by FlyingEgret 8 Link to comment
Beden October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Okay, I didn't watch this mess; the previews of the expected drunken reverie combined with the equally expected faux meltdowns...I grew up with alcoholics and don't find them amusing, funny or entertaining. The comments here are enough to tell me I made the right choice. And, truth be told, I checked out of all of the RH shows and just hang around for the snark here. You guys give me all the updates I need. This series has not just jumped the shark, it's jumped the entire school o'fish. It's now a waste of time simply suckstorm. 8 Link to comment
Popular Post Sai October 11, 2016 Popular Post Share October 11, 2016 8 hours ago, islandgal140 said: That nose flick 'joke' is the worst and if someone did that to me more than once on the same day, I would take all my self control and grace not 'nose flick' their nose to the back of their head. Kelly is an immature, stupid, volatile, sloppy drunkard bigot but that shit need not have gone as left as it did. Yes, I remember a certain dry cleaner in NY who was doing that to his girlfriend and she hated it as well. If you're putting your hands on someone, even kidding around, and they are uncomfortable and tell you to stop you better darn well stop, and say you're sorry while you're at it. If someone kept nose flicking me I'd get upset also. I don't like anyone touching me. I don't like anyone sitting real close to me either. I just don't like people invading my body space. Some people are like that. I can understand the girls getting upset over it. Dorinda didn't like it either and that was her own boyfriend. When told that they didn't like it Kelly should have just stopped and said sorry but instead she went bat crap crazy, as usual. Cripes, she's a nut job! 25 Link to comment
Mu Shu October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 7 hours ago, mbaywife123 said: Kelly is fast approaching "it rubs the lotion on it's skin" territory. The good news is that she can harvest Vickis leathery old pig skin. 5 Link to comment
Popular Post ghoulina October 11, 2016 Popular Post Share October 11, 2016 First, I just have to get this off of my chest. Ireland has been my dream vacation for as long as I can remember. I'm half Irish on both sides of my family, and my heritage is something very important to me. My husband and I are working class, living on one income, and we haven't had much time/money to travel domestically, let alone overseas. I've never been out of the country. This summer, surprisingly, my husband declared that he was going to use our tax return to send my mom and me to Ireland. So we're planning a trip for April. Words can't even express how excited and thankful I am for this opportunity. So to see these women who have the means to travel pretty much anywhere they want, any time they want, make complete arses of themselves in my motherland and completely take where they are for granted, makes me ill. In fact, if I wasn't planning this trip, I don't even think I could watch these episodes. They have NO idea how fortunate they are. Okay, now that I got that out of my system. Let's start with packing. Kelly is packing and asks her husband, "What's there to do there?" - like she's going to some podunk town with one traffic light. Now, personally, I'm interested in seeing the smaller, more quaint towns in Ireland. But they're going to Dublin! There's plenty to do there! And even outside of the bigger cities, Ireland is full of history and culture, come on now. I'm only going to be there for 6 days and I am having the hardest time paring down what I want to do. You could live there for months and not see it all. But, you know, here's an idea, Kelly - research before you go. Look up what there is to do there, instead of just walking in blind! She's such a moron. Then we have Heather packing her designer umbrella in its fancy, little case (which in itself is NOT a bad idea at all). But then she slings it over her body and yells out, "Like a bow and arrow!" - as if it's so fitting, considering where she's going. Ummmm, don't think the Irish were ever known for archery, but okay. And Shannon, honey, I love ya, but you're flying to Dublin. The Shannon airport is in Shannon. And, finally, we get Vicki using her packing sequence to remind us that she has a man in her life. Because we all know those shoes were intentionally put there for that scene, right? Right. Okay. Moving on. So then they get to Ireland and immediately start acting like fools. Well, mainly Kelly. I was beyond mortified when she made fun of that poor guy who worked at the hotel's accent. I literally yelled to my husband, "She did NOT just say 'me Lucky Charms' to him, did she???" Sigh. Way to be incredibly stereotypical and disrespectful. Come on, even sitting here on my couch I could understand exactly what he said. I shouldn't be surprised, these ladies never travel well. So then they spend their first day in Eire inside pubs. Okay, the Irish are definitely known for their pubs and their Guinness and whiskey. I get it. But I hope next week we get to see some more of the city and the country. These chicks drink all the time at home. Go learn something! More importantly, given what happened on that day, the last thing they need on this trip is more alcohol. Honestly, Kelly really just ruined this trip. If both she and Vicki had stayed home, it actually might not have been THAT bad. But forget Michael Dodd, you can't take Kelly anywhere. Yes, in hindsight the nose flicking thing seems like such a silly thing to start a fight over. But it was her reaction to being asked to stop that really got things going. Vicki told her she didn't like it, and Kelly did it again! So several other people told her it wasn't funny and she acted like they were all just so humorless. I don't know about her crazy mom, but I've been teaching my kids that a joke isn't funny unless everyone enjoys it. Basically - you don't get your kicks out of upsetting other people. If Kelly would have just said, "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop", things would have been fine. But she was determined to make it seem like she was a real ball of sunshine and everyone else is out of their mind for not enjoying having their nose flicked. It's about personal space, if you can't respect that, you suck at life. And then she goes on to accuse Heather of being a bad Jew, because she doesn't get Kelly's infantile jokes. But that's not racist - because she's Mexican! Then she further digs her whole by calling Tamra a "shit disturber" (wouldn't that be David, getting the enema tip out of Shannon's ass?) - which, let's be clear, Tamra LOVES to stir the pot. But it's not very wise to accuse Tamra of spilling all your secrets when there's ones she's still sitting on. So now it's out - Kelly has made accusations about the Dubrows finances. I don't really care whether she made the realtor look into it, or was just told about it off-hand, she definitely wanted that info to get around. But, of course, she couldn't stop there. So had to go and step in the biggest pile of shit ever and bring Tamra's estranged daughter into it. Wow. That entire segment was so uncomfortable. And I don't really see Shannon as a shit disturber in that case. A. it was on camera. B. Kelly wasn't really trying to be quiet, and Tamra was just a few feet in front of her. So eh, whatever. Kelly was just so off the charts out of control that it made Vicki sexually harassing the poor bartenders of Ireland look like the work of a saint in comparison. Egads, And I'm really tired of Kelly acting like this is just high school all over again, and more "mean girls" are out to get her. SHE is the mean girl. If you're constantly yelling at people and intentionally pushing buttons, you're not being ganged up on. You're being rightfully called out on your shitty behavior. I would have been back at the hotel with Shannon. Genealogy and ancestry fascinate me. It was so cool what she learned about her family! The dinner scenes, sans Kelly, were fun. I about died at the shot of the old men playing cards at Johnny Foxes. THAT is the Ireland I want to see. Flipping adorable. The music and dancing were delightful. But why are these women ordering in Ireland and refusing potatoes???? Sacrilege!!! 39 Link to comment
SuzWhat October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) Never mind. Edited October 11, 2016 by SuzWhat Link to comment
Juliegirlj October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Kelly is so emotionally, psychologically and socially stunted and her issues with alcohol only intensify it. This is not fun or entertaining to watch. Kids should be off limits, and it was wrong to bring up Tamra's daughter, but OMG, did she hit a nerve. I know first hand how heartbreaking it is to have issues with a daughter, but I would never allow someone to push my buttons like Kelly did to Tamra. Had Tamra responded that her heart was broken by the rift with her daughter but they are trying to mend things, it would have ended much better for all. Loved Megan's comment that checking people's real estate sounds like something SHE would do. Cant stand Vicki, but the "no offense, Hillbilly's" comment was funny. 9 Link to comment
Alonzo Mosely FBI October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Tamra goes off most of her booze and the re introduction is diasterous ! Keep up on your day drinking Tamra! Screw the fitness stuff. Kelly is vile, and scary unstable. She looked cray walking back into the hotel on her walk of shame. Face timing her husband from the balcony with the view? A contrite and sad and upset person would've been face timing from the bathroom floor grout view or in bed sobbing under the covers. Not this one. Crazy. Hicki is in "love" then dry humps the whole Emerald Isle in one afternoon? Love Heather's righteous indignance at getting thrown out of the store. Shit just got real and she said it right to Kelly's fat fucking face that she shouldn't have said that about Tamra's kid. Word! I would've told Tamra also, honestly. I like Shannon. Hotel is GORGE. Liked Shannon's lower floor room better than the Presidential Suite. 17 Link to comment
Petunia13 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 All this talk about visiting motherlands and how ugly Americans treat their culture remind me of being half Lakota and my family's 'motherland' and how people treated our culture and people and still do out west. 14 Link to comment
b2H October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 I only got to see the last half of the show, but there's this for me in general: So Tamra hasn't seen her daughter in two years. Since I don't know the details, there is an assumption could be made that the daughter or Simon feel that Tamra representing herself on RH the way she does is not a good influence on daughter or is too embarrassing or whatever. But if Tamra is only behaving this way on the show and the behavior is what's separating her from her daughter, why would one not give up the show and live a better life off-screen so that daughter could be brought back into her life? I may be missing something here, but it seems that Tamra has made her choice here. Litigating it on a reality show isn't the way to go. 16 Link to comment
ryebread October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 9 hours ago, Bronzedog said: When I was in my 20s I would have loved a pub crawl. In my 50s? No.. not at all. Nah. I think you could do it, Bronzedog. The trick is, not to do 7 shots at the first pub. Pub crawls in Ireland are a delight if done right. The purpose, yeah is to get a buzz - on but also to experience different atmospheres, bartenders, clientle - over the course of a day or night. But count on these cows to do it wrong. 12 Link to comment
Popular Post ghoulina October 11, 2016 Popular Post Share October 11, 2016 6 minutes ago, ryebread said: Nah. I think you could do it, Bronzedog. The trick is, not to do 7 shots at the first pub. Pub crawls in Ireland are a delight if done right. The purpose, yeah is to get a buzz - on but also to experience different atmospheres, bartenders, clientle - over the course of a day or night. But count on these cows to do it wrong. They're doing everything wrong. I noticed every time they're in the bus, driving through the beautiful streets of Ireland, with all the cute little shops, and sheep grazing in the pastures - where are they looking? Not out the windows. They're look at their phones and talking smack with each other. My God, enjoy your surroundings, ladies! 27 Link to comment
Ubiquitous October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 11 hours ago, Cherrio said: and VERY IGNORANT. How dare you say that about Kelly! She's a college graduate and millionaire! LOL 10 hours ago, 100PercentPain said: Shannon's face while Kelly was drunkenly rambling about how "people of Jewish descent are supposed to be funny" had me howling. Oh my lanta. Her sparkly shirt gives me life too. God, I love Shannon. Kelly is certifiable. Straight up. I can't imagine hanging out with her for an evening - she is exhausting and relentless and then flies off the handle when other people aren't into it. I laughed at Michael at the beginning of the episode when she was baiting him about how "good" Terry is to Heather, and he laughed and said, "I'm sure that's mutual." Bwaaah! Nice try though, Kel. She is seriously working overtime to try and make him look bad and she's just pissing into the wind. Couldn't happen to a better person. Reunion is going to be ugly. I can't wait. Watching Shannon's reactions to Kelly, but behind her back so she wouldn't become Kelly's target, was hilarious! Kelly baiting her husband is beyond tedious, to the point that whenever there's a scene with the two of them I play "spot the statement Kelly thinks will make Michael fly off the handle", to the exclusion of everything else. I swear I can see her pause, waiting for him to blow his top, then shrug her shoulders crest-fallen and set up the next one. This season's reunion is going to be INTENSE. 10 hours ago, FlyingEgret said: What's up with the black # hats? Last week Kelly was wearing one that said #coolmom and this week Tamra wore one with #fitmom - I cringe to think what Vicki's will say... #lowdeductiblemom??? I assume it's like what started to happen in the Real World Challenge, when the participants started showing up wearing t-shirts they or someone was peddling. 9 minutes ago, ryebread said: Nah. I think you could do it, Bronzedog. The trick is, not to do 7 shots at the first pub. Pub crawls in Ireland are a delight if done right. The purpose, yeah is to get a buzz - on but also to experience different atmospheres, bartenders, clientle - over the course of a day or night. But count on these cows to do it wrong. Not only that, but if memory serves, they were doing tequila shots! 8 Link to comment
tvfanatic13 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Kelly = least self aware person EVER 9 Link to comment
Lizzing October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 4 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said: I assume it's like what started to happen in the Real World Challenge, when the participants started showing up wearing t-shirts they or someone was peddling. And that would be MKE's hat line. Speaking of MKE, I wanted in on her sit down with the genealogist. That spread of tea snacks looked awesome. 8 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 9 hours ago, breezy424 said: Kelly saying to Michael (I think it was Michael) that these women are so immature. No mention of how this all got started: Kelly nose flicking people and thinking it was funny. It's a joke. She and John from RHNY should get together and they can flick the heck out of one another. Sorry Heather, Judaism is not a race. It wasn't a racist statement made by Kelly. It was stereotyping ignorant comment. And Kelly, BTW, just because you're Latino doesn't mean you can't be a racist. Shannon is fun when Shannon wants to have fun on the trips. Kelly and Vicki are embarrassments. l wouldn't be surprised that Tamra didn't get the story straight about the 'real a tor' but that's what happens when you gossip Kelly. It's always a gamble. Shannon has enough dislike of Kelly given her history, and I don't really have a problem with Shannon telling Tamra what Kelly said. Tamra was the one defending Kelly in the past. Apparently, Tamra pushed, or maybe in reality gave her a little touch on the arm. Who knows.... But Kelly yelled that Tamra 'hit' her which she later downgraded to a 'push'. That hotel is beautiful and I love the pubs and whole atmosphere of Ireland. Judaism is a religion but being Jewish is an ethnicity. You can be a Jew without following Judaism, you can be Agnostic, you can be Atheist but you are still, ethnically, Jewish. Technically not a race (which is just a political term, anyway), but Heather wasn't that wrong. I suppose she could have used anti-Semite, but that (to me, a Jew) is going too far (it does make me think of that Seinfeld episode, lol). Agree, I don't see an issue with Shannon telling Tamra what Kelly said. I would do the same. Kelly is not her friend, Tamra is. They merely called a truce, Shannon doesn't owe Kelly anything, certainly not her loyalty. 17 Link to comment
islandgal140 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) 9 hours ago, WireWrap said: Heather was correct, it is considered "racist", And I agree with you, just because Kelly is a Latino doesn't mean she can't be a racist. So lets see, first it was AA men, , and now it is Jewish people. Didn't Kelly accuse Shannon of being racist when she told her at that luncheon that she looked Indian? This bitch can go! Kelly is just the worst addition to any franchise I can ever remember. Worse than Brandi, Carlton and that 80 year old looking woman they added to OC Peggy Tanous. I hate Brandi Glandville, but I feel that even she isn't worthy of being compared to Kelly. Brandi had at least 2 - 2.5 good seasons before her ass went off the rails. Kelly sucked almost from the gate. All that 'top of the mornin' shit, Lucky Charms, horrible Irish accent shit being done by most of the ladies needs to exit stage right too. 8 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said: Ha - I love that so many others here thought the same thing as I did when they saw Vicki's flowers - that she sent them to herself. What made me suspect she sent them to herself was her non-reaction. She was just like oh... flowers, yeah whatever. This coming from a woman who melt over every Hallmark greeting card Crooks would give her? Don't believe it! Edited October 11, 2016 by islandgal140 18 Link to comment
sasha206 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 7 hours ago, WireWrap said: Well, Brian/Vulture wasted no time in writing his recap! LOL Wow, he really doesn't like Kelly at all! "Kelly Dodd, a golem made out of used Diva cups and a broken bride-to-be tiara from a hen party, is not funny." Oh my, I love him so much! 10 Link to comment
TheHappinessHotel October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Not sure which poster mentioned the Twitter war (sorry!), but those two (Kelly and Tamra) are going at it! I saw Gretchen and Lizzie on Team Kelly. 6 Link to comment
Primetimer October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 And other not-so-burning questions as the women start ruining Dublin. View the full article Link to comment
Sai October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 4 minutes ago, TheHappinessHotel said: Not sure which poster mentioned the Twitter war (sorry!), but those two (Kelly and Tamra) are going at it! I saw Gretchen and Lizzie on Team Kelly. I saw that too. I can see Gretchen being against Tamra but why Lizzie? I thought Tamra and Lizzie made up. 3 Link to comment
pieinmyeye October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 12 hours ago, Bronzedog said: I have a few funny Jewish friends. I had no idea, until tonight, that they are funny because they're Jewish. Good to know. Top 'o the nut house to ya! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! 2 Link to comment
Petunia13 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 I have a feeling Kelly's daughter wint be talking to her either in a few yrs. check yourself before you wreck yourself bitch 18 Link to comment
Almost 3000 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 1 hour ago, ryebread said: Nah. I think you could do it, Bronzedog. The trick is, not to do 7 shots at the first pub. Pub crawls in Ireland are a delight if done right. The purpose, yeah is to get a buzz - on but also to experience different atmospheres, bartenders, clientle - over the course of a day or night. But count on these cows to do it wrong. Yes, so much like a California wine tour. Sip and enjoy. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post ghoulina October 11, 2016 Popular Post Share October 11, 2016 8 hours ago, WireWrap said: Here is the problem that I see, these women are caught between a rock and a hard place when something is said on camera about a HW they are close to. If they share it, all hell breaks loose but if they don't, when the other finds out, they are called out for not being a "real" friend. So the choice becomes, do I let her know right away and protect our friendship/alliance or do I risk loosing said friendship because I didn't tell/warn them another HW was being ugly about something personal about them? Rock and a hard place when so much is said on camera. LOL I agree. It's easy to look at what these women relay as shit disturbing, but it's going to come out anyway. It's so different when you're being filmed. I really don't think Shannon meant to send Tamra off, but felt she was doing the right thing as a friend. If she didn't say anything and it was brought up at the reunion, she would have been called out for not being loyal. Although, I am glad she also told Kelly TO HER FACE not to say that kind of shit. I don't care for Tamra, and she probably is a shitty mother in a lot of ways. But Kelly isn't one to talk. And to act all sympathetic to Tamra about it earlier and then throw it in her face, was just wrong. 8 hours ago, hisbunkie said: The way I understood it, Heather was seen as part of the American group. Guilt by association. I'd be angry. I would as well. Heather isn't always my cup of tea. But she seems to be one of the least offensive ones when they travel. I think she tries to gain a real appreciation for where they are, and doesn't do all the over the top stereotypical, embarrassing crap. So to be lumped in with the "Ugly Americans" probably stung a lot. 8 hours ago, psychoticstate said: Tamra's hyperventilating seemed OTT to me but I'm mean that way. So did she really hit Kelly? I think she pushed her. I hope she didn't knock over any merchandise as a result. Hands on another person is hands on another person. But Kelly didn't seem seriously hurt - not any more so than the people whose noses she delighted in flicking just a few minutes before. 8 hours ago, psychoticstate said: Meghan P.I., get on that. And be grateful you missed the afternoon of Americans Behaving Badly. Megan won me over a bit when she admitted SHE'S the type who usually digs into people's affairs. 7 hours ago, ivygirl said: Dear Vicki, what kind of Christian force-feeds her friend booze so she (the forcer) can have fun... and then backs off when the consequences (Fightin' Tamra) come around? Vicki is the worst person to go to a bar/pub with. I absolutely HATE pressure drinkers. I'll drink as much, or as little, as I want. Leave me alone. 26 Link to comment
DeeplyShallow October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 37 minutes ago, islandgal140 said: Didn't Kelly accuse Shannon of being racist when she told her at that luncheon that she looked Indian? This bitch can go! Kelly is just the worst addition to any franchise I can ever remember. Worse than Brandi, Carlton and that 80 year old looking woman they added to OC Peggy Tanous. I hate Brandi Glandville, but I feel that even she isn't worthy of being compared to Kelly. Brandi had at least 2 - 2.5 good seasons before her ass went off the rails. Kelly sucked almost from the gate. All that 'top of the mornin' shit, Lucky Charms, horrible Irish accent shit being done by most of the ladies needs to exit stage right too. What made me suspect she sent them to herself was her non-reaction. She was just like oh... flowers, yeah whatever. This coming from a woman who melt over every Hallmark greeting card Crooks would give her? Don't believe it! That, right there, is why I knew that she sent those flowers to herself. The non-reaction. Yeah, ok, Vic. 7 Link to comment
breezy424 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 9 hours ago, WireWrap said: Heather was correct, it is considered "racist", And I agree with you, just because Kelly is a Latino doesn't mean she can't be a racist. So lets see, first it was AA men, , and now it is Jewish people. Sorry but I have to disagree. Kelly's statement had nothing to do with jews being abhorrent or inferior. She basically said they were funny and had a good sense of humor. It wasn't meant as some sort of insult. She was stereotyping. I can't stand Kelly but saying that her comment was racist was a total overreaction on Heather's part. 6 Link to comment
ryebread October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 43 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said: Agree, I don't see an issue with Shannon telling Tamra what Kelly said. I would do the same. Kelly is not her friend, Tamra is. I would've told Tamra, too. But I would've had the self control not to tell her on the trip. Shannon knew Tamra would lose her shit over that. She has before over much less. Shannon is a pot stirrer but now I think she's a stupid pot stirrer. And this coming from someone who liked Shannon last season. As Ghoulina said upthread, they don't appreciate the opportunities they've been given. To eff up a trip to Ireland is no big deal for them. Time and place. However, they're fighting for their spots, so any kerfluffle is a good kerfluffle. 8 Link to comment
Almost 3000 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 4 minutes ago, ryebread said: Shannon is a pot stirrer but now I think she's a stupid pot stirrer. And this coming from someone who liked Shannon last season. Shannon and Dorinda seem to e following a very similar path. 4 Link to comment
FamilyVan October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 So Kelly, who sees herself as not a person who throws parties, but IS the party, shows us her life-of-the-party spirit by doing the nose flick gag, formerly popular with 5th graders? Gee I am really surprised no one liked this, I went to a party once where a girl was doing this, and we were all like WOW she is SO fun I love that girl can we get her to do her funny nose flick game some more!! Actually, no that never happened, anywhere. Quote That, right there, is why I knew that she sent those flowers to herself. The non-reaction. Yeah, ok, Vic. Totally! You know if she really got flowers from a boy (gag) she would be running around telling everyone, shouting "Did you see my flowers?", demanding that everyone look at them and agree how special her guy is, and somehow manage to turn them into a wrist corsage and wear them around all the rest of the day. 21 Link to comment
ryebread October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 2 minutes ago, breezy424 said: I can't stand Kelly but saying that her comment was racist was a total overreaction on Heather's part. I viewed that whole scene as a series of overreactions. By Once they started rolling, the overreactions just didn't stop. Carried right into the shop and onto the bus with Shannon comforting the seizing, bug-eyed cat. FWIW, I think Tamra embellished what Kelly said regarding Heather's loan. I believe it happened the way Kelly said it did. Sure, Kelly was flicking noses, but Tamra was the one who took it to the next, hysterical level. Bless her heart. 10 Link to comment
FamilyVan October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Quote I can't stand Kelly but saying that her comment was racist was a total overreaction on Heather's part. OK call it semantics then. What Kelly said was generalizing, offensive, and inappropriate. For someone who has made racist comments before, she should be more careful. Quote FWIW, I think Tamra embellished what Kelly said regarding Heather's loan. I believe it happened the way Kelly said it did. They showed the conversation, it happened on camera. Kelley should have kept her nose out of Heather's business. She said the comment, and with a smirk on her face like she was thrilled to have some dirt on Heather. She's obnoxious. 20 Link to comment
ElDosEquis October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 1 hour ago, DeeplyShallow said: Judaism is a religion but being Jewish is an ethnicity. You can be a Jew without following Judaism, you can be Agnostic, you can be Atheist but you are still, ethnically, Jewish. Technically not a race (which is just a political term, anyway), but Heather wasn't that wrong. I suppose she could have used anti-Semite, but that (to me, a Jew) is going too far (it does make me think of that Seinfeld episode, lol). Agree, I don't see an issue with Shannon telling Tamra what Kelly said. I would do the same. Kelly is not her friend, Tamra is. They merely called a truce, Shannon doesn't owe Kelly anything, certainly not her loyalty. I'm an asshole and have an anus. It's not a race, it's more an observation. Who is Seinfeld? As a man, I cannot comment on these women's hair, outfits, looks or attitudes. This is all on record. God knows what I'll be doing in 11 years? Pleather shouldn't be insulted that she is an Ugly American. It should be Ugly Southern Californian - why insult everyone in the country? 6 Link to comment
BloggerAloud October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Heather being upset about being kicked out of the store cracked me up just because going anywhere with these women, I would just have a natural assumption that some point we'd be tossed out of somewhere since they are all the textbook definition of "This is why we can't have nice things." 21 Link to comment
ryebread October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 14 minutes ago, FamilyVan said: They showed the conversation, it happened on camera. Kelley should have kept her nose out of Heather's business. She said the comment, and with a smirk on her face like she was thrilled to have some dirt on Heather. She's obnoxious. I'll have to watch again. Seemed to me that Tamra was saying the Kelly, herself, was digging around about Heather's financials. Kelly said that her friend was a loan officer and mentioned that the Dubrows applied for a loan. I believe Kelly's rendition. Agreed that it's none of Kelly's biz and that she's obnoxious but I still believe TammySue embellished. And if Tammy thought it was so horrible that Kelly was digging, why didn't she tell Heather when she first found out? Tammy Sue is every bit as heinous as Kelly. 12 Link to comment
FamilyVan October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Quote Kelly said that her friend was a loan officer and mentioned that the Dubrows applied for a loan. But how would the topic of Heather and her house lot come up? Did the Realtor friend just offer it up randomly? Obviously Kelly was gossiping about Heather. Give it up Kelly. 15 Link to comment
Giselle October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Vicki if your new love tank attendant sends you flowers you should act excited. Employees perform better when you acknowledge their efforts... but wait ....dang it... your ruse didn't work. How much did they cost ya and did you pretend to be Bad Cop's secretary when you ordered them? So much for the 20 pounds Vicki lost. The H on her belt (Climb much Vicki?) looked stressed to the point of almost keeling over. Flat tummies make for nice upright H's... ask Heather. I hope KKKelly's future ex is recording this for the trial. When he got the call I bet he thought "Oh shit she wants to come home!" She said she was "bullied" in high school. She wasn't bullied, the normal kids kept her at arms length to keep away from her and her abusive tendencies. If they banded together it was to lick their wounds and continue fostering good friendships. Even little kids understand you keep away from crazy and you play with the ones who don't hurt you. KKKelly tweeted she was in a Palm Springs detox. Shouldn't it be rehab. Then again there is no fixing her, even sober you have your choice of either Nasty KKKelly or Vile KKKelly. Jews, Blacks and Irish, who's next for on KKKelly's hit list. Wonder if she likes her sheets cool or warm from the dryer. I would have told a friend in an instant if somebody was talking bad about her to me. Shannon did the right thing. Shannon give up on the Irish accent. Please, not doing yourself any favors and I'm sure the Irish think you're a fool. Meghan I don't really care about your dead relatives from the past, Jimmy's new fall candle scents are more interesting...not. Heather, I'm one up on you...I've never been asked to leave anything! ;-D KKKelly would say I'm more hierarchy than you. 7 Link to comment
zoeysmom October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 14 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said: Shannon and Dorinda seem to e following a very similar path. For some strange reason Shannon and Tamra are okay with telling in the moment what someone else said about them. Shannon had no problem with Tamra telling her what her mother in law said at an event, so I guess Tamra expects the same from Shannon. 9 Link to comment
ghoulina October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) 41 minutes ago, ryebread said: Sure, Kelly was flicking noses, but Tamra was the one who took it to the next, hysterical level. Bless her heart. I see it differently. Kelly was flicking several people's noses. Vicki told her she didn't like it, and she continued to do it. Vicki was talking to Tamra about it, and Tamra said, rather calmly, "quit it". Then she walked off to the bathroom. She was done with the conversation. Kelly could have been done too. She could have realized that no one liked what she was doing, and it was wise to just knock it off. Instead she yelled at Tamra to "keep walking". If there are any words that are great for starting a fight, "Keep walking", to someone who is removing themselves from the situation, would be those words. THAT, IMO, is what really set things off. 18 minutes ago, ryebread said: I'll have to watch again. Seemed to me that Tamra was saying the Kelly, herself, was digging around about Heather's financials. Kelly said that her friend was a loan officer and mentioned that the Dubrows applied for a loan. I believe Kelly's rendition. The trouble is, they showed us two sentences of what could have been a longer conversation. Kelly could have then went on to tell Tamra how she found out about the real estate connection and peppered the agent for details. She could have revealed more info. Who knows? They're both liars, so i think either one could be telling the truth, at this point. But I do think Kelly absolutely had a "gotcha!" look on her face when she said that. Edited October 11, 2016 by ghoulina 20 Link to comment
MaggieG October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 I'm a total nerd so a meeting with a genealogist learning about my family tree would be much more interesting than a pub crawl. Ugh Vicki dancing with that guy at the end. I need eye bleach. 11 Link to comment
Giselle October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Kelly's addition to this show is as bad as Amber "THE CANCER"'s shitty little man. I wouldn't care what happens to her, an evil all encompassing what. Pure schadenfreude! 4 Link to comment
Ubiquitous October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 1 hour ago, islandgal140 said: What made me suspect she sent them to herself was her non-reaction. She was just like oh... flowers, yeah whatever. This coming from a woman who melt over every Hallmark greeting card Crooks would give her? Don't believe it! I wondered if Vicki staged her bedroom with what's-his-name's shoes, now that you mention it. 14 Link to comment
Pop Tart October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Quote Dear Vicki, what kind of Christian force-feeds her friend booze so she (the forcer) can have fun... and then backs off when the consequences (Fightin' Tamra) come around? I was not happy with the pressure to drink that was going on. First you had Vicki practically pouring the shots down Tamra's throat, then there was the collective "Heather" said in disapproving, disappointed tones, when she took a very small sip of the shot, and then in the previews you have Shannon ordering a vodka drink of some kind for Kelly after Kelly says multiple times that she doesn't want a drink. I understand that any of these women can refuse to drink when pushed (as Heather did, and I admire her for that), but social and producer pressure can be big. So they drink, then they get in messy, horrifying arguments. Rinse, repeat. And as embarrassing as the fight was for all (and I don't blame Heather for being angry about being kicked out of the store), I was more mortified for the people later in the episode with Shannon and Vicki's drunken catcalling and shrieking. As with all of these shows, I'm always most uncomfortable when the antics of the women are affecting people who are just doing their jobs. Drunken shrieking in a bar, at the bar, is bad, but kind of expected by the bartender. But when someone is giving a heartfelt performance? Just gross and horrifying. 11 Link to comment
zoeysmom October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 A few seasons back Heather mentioned, from her acting proceeds she bought the lot where they built their first mansion. I believe Heather was coming from a place of contributing to the family's wealth/acting career and not coming off as just the wife of a successful surgeon . I am sure when she had her own series she probably made far more money than Terry. So the disjointed Tamra/Kelly conversation, on the heels of Heather and Kelly being at odds, sounded to me as if Tamra was building up Heather's acting career and evidenced by saying Heather bought the lot. The conversation where Kelly learned of a loan was obviously a result of gossip between Kelly and the agent, and Kelly furthered the gossip along. Kelly doesn't like Heather and she talks behind her back. Kelly has zero awareness that going for these women's sore spots does not endear her to any of them. No one seems to find Kelly entertaining or funny and that seems to be very hurtful to Kelly. She needs to get over it. Reminds me of Bethenny becoming enraged when no one laughed at her comment about the "blind leading the deaf," and Luann paid dearly for pointing out no one was laughing with Bethenny or at her joke. I see Vicki is back in survival mode. She did pretty much the same thing to Shannon over the "take down the Beadors" comment and left her vunerable and exposed. It is truly all about Vicki all the time. After she is a good catch. Vicki is the thousand pound tuna that gets landed and is fully of mercury. 15 Link to comment
FamilyVan October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) Quote I was not happy with the pressure to drink that was going on. First you had Vicki practically pouring the shots down Tamra's throat I agree this kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Just another example of Vicki's narcissism, she is not really a good friend. It's all about her, Tamra is more fun for Vicki when she is drinking too, so Vicki has to get her own needs met. Not a true supportive friend, a real friend wants to see you succeed, knows you are training for a fitness competition and would not do that. Oh yeah and I love how when Kelly starts showing her obnoxious side Vicki is NTBF. She did the same exact thing at the 70's party when Kelly started to go off on her tirade, she kind of moves away toward the door, backing out slowly. LOL nice! I totally predicted at the beginning of the season that if any of the other ladies were still tight with Vicki she would not have been giving Kelly the time of day. Edited October 11, 2016 by FamilyVan 8 Link to comment
esco1822 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 9 hours ago, Almost 3000 said: Ha! I said enema but they suck it out with a machine so I think that's called something else. Anyway, it used to be very Dr. Moonish. That, my friend, is a colonic and it ain't the cure to what she's got. The only prescription, is more cowbell. 23 Link to comment
yourmomiseasy October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 42 minutes ago, Giselle said: I hope KKKelly's future ex is recording this for the trial. When he got the call I bet he thought "Oh shit she wants to come home!" She said she was "bullied" in high school. She wasn't bullied, the normal kids kept her at arms length to keep away from her and her abusive tendencies. If they banded together it was to lick their wounds and continue fostering good friendships. Even little kids understand you keep away from crazy and you play with the ones who don't hurt you. I'm sure it went something like this: Kelly is an asshole No one wants anything to do with her Kelly gets even more crazy Now people really don't want anything to do with her Kelly goes home crying Jeri Blank tells Kelly that everyone else is just a bunch of bullies that are just jealous of her 16 Link to comment
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