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S01.E03: Kyle

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Rebecca makes a surprise visit to Randall's home where she encounters his biological father, William. Kevin anxiously decides to take the plunge and move to New York to pursue a Broadway job, with the expectation that his sister, Kate, will move with him. Toby is determined to get Kate out of Kevin's shadow and prepares a special day where she is in the limelight. Jack and Rebecca take home their babies from the hospital and adjust to the new life of parenthood, while coping with the loss of their other child. Rebecca struggles to connect with their adopted child and searches for answers.




Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Toby reminds me of a guy I used to work with whom I very much disliked, so I hope Kate moves with Kevin. Bye Toby. 

Also, why haven't we ever seen her at work with him if she's supposed to be his assistant?

Also, also, I really want to see how the show addresses the idea of Kate staying in LA. I don't think she can land another assistant job that easily. Kevin's dumbassery would've burned a lot of bridges for her, and those are pretty plum gigs to score. 

  • Love 8

Third great episode. I absolutely love this show. Mostly, I love that it is committed to showcasing Sterling K. Brown. He is such a talented actor from humor to heartbreak. I rolled when Randall told off his father and waved to the couple and said to the effect, “hey white people, you can have your neighborhood back.” Ha. Randall and Beth are the best tv couple. I totally completely love them, even their kids are great. I love how the oldest daughter pronounced "he is hiding something" after her father awkwardly said goodbye. It is sad that I am glad that William is really ill and that he hasn’t been playing Randall. I am glad that Randall is asking his father everything that he wants to know.

I felt for Rebecca being overwhelmed by the babies and feeling that Randall/Kyle is a stranger. Rebecca knowing William was yet another surprising twist. So many families have secrets like these and no one knows about them. . Giving him his own name was a good thing. Milo is so good as frazzled Rebecca.  Jack’s connection with the doctor is wonderful. The make-up is good, but Mandy Moore does not look old enough to the siblings' mother.

It is sad that Kate stopped singing because of the weight. I thought Toby was over the top, but I cannot believe she was apprehensive about singing in front of elderly people in a nursing home. I cannot blame Toby for being annoyed that she left. I am glad that Kevin fired her and that she apologized to Toby and had sex with him. She deserves to be happy. Does this mean that Kate isn’t going to New York?

I noticed that throughout the episode, the commercials started before the scenes was ended. I don’t know if that is just my local station, but it was damn annoying.

Edited by SimoneS
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Doctor Major Dad for the win.  

So it seems that Rebecca was aware of William for the whole time, didn't want him to interfere with Kyle, er Randall but never counted on Randall seeking his father out?  Oy.  Randall is going to be PISSED that Rebecca never said anything.  Side note: she's over 70, am I supposed to believe she can strut like that in those heels?

Still not sure what to think about the twins.  Still on the fence with Toby.

Jack was almost a non entity this week. 

I've hit my 3 show quota on this show and I guess I'll stick with it for a while as the twists are at least worth it.  My PVR is going to hate me though. But I still believe there are parts that work well separately, but not as a whole yet.  

  • Love 4

Man, I can't imagine how many doctors now would willingly watch their patient's babies while they take a nap.  Seriously, Dr. Folksy Charm (thanks Kitlee625) is a keeper!

I thought Rebecca finding William was a bit contrived (how is she going to explain the book of poetry?) but I was glad that there was more to the relationship between William and Randall's mother, and Randall getting his own name.  Speaking of which, Randall and Beth are so wonderful together.  More than them just loving each other, you can tell they know each other.  I hope it always stays that way.

I don't think Randall likes Miguel very much, which makes me wonder if Jack has been out of the picture for very long.  Long enough for Randall's girls to refer to Miguel as "grandpa", though.

I like Toby and Kate.  Brash as he is, Toby clearly cares about her and doesn't want her to be at her brother's whims forever.  I suspected that Kevin doesn't know how to take care of himself, but I glad for his moment of clarity and that he fired Kate.  But I don't think he'll stay in New York.  Couldn't he have just called the cops when the crazy lady showed up?

Just one TJMaxx commercial tonight, so that's something.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, BoogieBurns said:

I thought he said "Hi white people, I'm your friendly neighborhood black guy." I was laughing too loud from the "Hi white people"

Thanks for the clarification. I got it wrong thanks to NBC cutting off the scene with a commercial.  The "hi white people" was hysterical because you could see how they were looking at Randall and William.

  • Love 7

I'm really enjoying the Randall/Beth portions of the story and not so much Kate/Toby or Kevin. I really don't care for Toby at all. Way too pushy but maybe that's what will work for Kate in getting her out of herself more. I kind of nod off during their portions though. And as a viewer of Mr. Robot it's great to see Ramirez again and more often.

Way too many commercials. It's annoying.

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33 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Thanks for the clarification. I got it wrong thanks to NBC cutting off the scene with a commercial.  The "hi white people" was hysterical because you could see how they were looking at Randall and William.

I laughed so hard I slapped my knee. I am the only Aboriginal on my street sometimes I am made aware of this by my neighbors. Like when they glare and sigh at me after I hold family gatherings.  Which is makes the fact that the white people on the end of the street leave beer cans and garbage on my lawn even more galling somehow.

  • Love 21

I can't imagine why Jack and Rebecca thought they were going to be ok using the name of the baby who died on their new baby.  That was a recipe for disaster from the get-go.

I don't really buy junkie William being lucid and giving such cogent advice though.  He was still on drugs because the needles were in his kitchen.

Toby was way pushy with setting up Kate's gig at the nursing home.  I still think he is funny and I laughed so hard when Kate punched him but when someone says they don't want to do something, don't make them.

I am amused at Randall's animosity with Miguel and cannot wait to know more about it.

  • Love 9

Great third episode. I realize after this episode that I am still definitely all in. This is my favourite show this year. 

So, Rebecca knew about William for 36 years and asked him to stay away. That was surprising. I'm actually hoping that their first interaction is their only interaction until the present day. Also surprising that William inadvertently gave Randall his name. It's definitely sappy. I did like those flashback episodes, though. Mandy Moore did a great job with what she was given. 

I still love Randall and Beth's story the most. I think that both Beth and Rebecca are right, in that Randall could very well get hurt once William dies. It's going to be very tough for him to watch his biological father go after just finding him, especially if something bad has happened to Jack in the present day storyline. Although now I'm wondering if Jack is dead or if he might be in a home of some sort but had separated from Rebecca for a while. I was correct in sensing Randall's hostility in the last episode. He seems to not like Miguel at all, but had tried to keep it together for his daughters. Clearly, Rebecca and Miguel have been together for a few years, but I get the sense that Jack has not been out of the picture for that long, and something went down with Miguel/Jack/Rebecca, but not enough to damage Randall's relationship with Rebecca. So I don't think an affair or any cheating took place. I'm hesitantly ruling that out at the moment.

I definitely wasn't fond of Kevin's story. It just bores me. But it was sweet how he fired Kate when he realized that she was putting everything on the line for him, including her relationship.

Kate's story is better, but I'm definitely having conflicting feelings about her and Toby. It's sweet that he's pulling these great romantic gestures and really trying with her, but the closet scene didn't make either of them look great. On the one hand, Toby is trying with a relationship and it's tough when Kate is picking Kevin every time, especially during an intimate moment. I can see how that is frustrating. But on the other hand, Toby's pushing a little too hard and it did seem like he was only doing those romantic gestures for sex/a step in their relationship and the moment Kate hesitated, he freaked out. I don't think he meant it like that, but it certainly came across it to me. Even with Kate's attempted apology at the end, he only accepted it when sex got involved. 

I'm still more neutral on Toby than others, but he is starting to give me weird vibes. It might just be unintentional. But him getting Kate to sing in public was sweet. She has a beautiful voice. 

Going back to the flashbacks to end on a positive note, Dr. Folksy Charm is still great. I'm glad we'll see more of him throughout the season, even if it's only once in a while. He's been a great mentor to Jack. I hope we can see equal moments with Rebecca. I think he could really help her out.  

I cannot wait to see Kevin/Randall interacting now that they're both closer to each other location-wise. I wonder how Kate's going to do back in California without Kevin. 

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I can't imagine why Jack and Rebecca thought they were going to be ok using the name of the baby who died on their new baby.  That was a recipe for disaster from the get-go.

I know! We were speculating last week that he wound up with Randall because they didn't want to saddle him with the dead triplet's K name. But it turns out they did! Well, it made for a good plot twist I guess.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Side note: she's over 70, am I supposed to believe she can strut like that in those heels?

We don't know how old she is. Jack was 28 when they met but men often date younger women. She could have been under 30 when the babies wee born and so I her mid-60s.  Granted, she looks about 45.

It's a little much to have William and Randall's mom having been soulmates on the bus and him a dreamy poet before drugs ruined everything. And even then he gave up Randall for his own good and kept checking on him rather than forgetting even where he left him as he told Randall. At least the true past jibes better with who William is now.  And if your nickname is Shakespeare, it's good to be named William! Of course this will all come out and Randall will be royally pissed.

I agree with most others that Kate-Kevin-Toby are a bore and it's only the flashbacks and the Randall storyline that are compelling at this point.

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I don't know why, but I thought it was hilarious that the nursing home Toby took Kate to was named after Golda Meir.

Randall and Beth's house apparently has a wine fridge and a huge sunroom, but still no spare bedroom.

Most touching exchange of the episode was the flashback when Rebecca came home after finding William. Jack: "I thought you ran off and abandoned the kids" - Rebecca: "I would never run off and abandon the kids without you."

Sterling K. Brown's delivery of "hi, white people" was everything!

  • Love 15

I was getting annoyed with Kevin this episode because he was such a helpless baby. On the one hand, yes, hiring a moving service to pack all your crap can be totally worth it, especially when you're moving across the country, but he didn't decide to do that because he had a house full of furniture. He decided that because he got "overwhelmed" by taking a few shirts off the hangers. Plus anyone who has their beanies and toques on mannequin heads in their closet is a douche. But he redeemed himself when he realized that he was standing in Kate's way and fired her. I'm glad he finally realized that he is too dependent on her and he needs to grow up and learn how to take care of himself.

I have mixed feelings about Toby. It was very sweet of him to want to give her a day where the focus was on her, and he showed that he was paying attention to what she said when he found an instrumental track of the song that she said she rocked when she was younger. I also think that he was sincere when he said she had a good voice (meaning he wasn't kissing ass just to try to win points with her) and that people should hear it. But I feel like he expects too much, especially so soon in their "relationship." We know that only a week has passed since the first episode (which is when they met) because that's how long William has been staying with Randall, so I feel like Toby needs to slow his damn roll. First of all, of course her twin brother is going to have more priority over a guy she has known for all of a week. But secondly, she is Kevin's personal assistant which means it is HER JOB to answer her phone when he calls and make travel arrangements and do the kind of stuff that he was rolling his eyes about. On top of that, if Kate had simply texted Kevin to tell him that Toby was taking her on a special surprise date and that she would call him back at a specific time (just so he wasn't sitting around for hours waiting for her call), then he wouldn't have called her ten times in the space of a few hours.

I love Beth and Randall. One of my favorite things about their relationship is that they can be honest but considerate. When Randall lost his temper a little bit and snapped at her, he immediately recognized what he had done and acknowledged it. That is what mature adults do. In an ideal world, we wouldn't take our frustration out on the ones we love the most, but the second best thing is owning up to it.

ITA with Beth and Rebecca that finding William at this point is almost guaranteed to hurt Randall, so I understand why they are trying to protect him from that pain. But ultimately I think it's Randall's choice. He knows that William is very sick so he can choose to use the time left to get to know him. I mean, what's the alternative? "Sorry, since you're probably going to die soon, I'm just not going to bother"?

Oh, Rebecca. I understand why she didn't want William coming around. From her point of view, of course she wouldn't want a junkie who abandoned his newborn to come in and out of Randall's life because that would have probably hurt him more than wondering about his biological parents. A friend of a friend was in a similar situation. She was raising her sister's kid because the sister was an addict. The sister would randomly show up and it was very disruptive and upsetting for the kid. Knowing that, I totally get why Rebecca thought it was better to tell William to stay away. I wonder if that was the only time she and William communicated. If so, it's more understandable that she never told Randall. William could have moved many times in the past 40 years and I don't think she even asked his name. Telling your kid that a bus driver told you where to find a guy named Shakespeare probably wouldn't be much help years later (if she even remembered where he used to live).

We were speculating last week that he wound up with Randall because they didn't want to saddle him with the dead triplet's K name.

Jack said, "Tell Dr. K what names we decided on," and later Dr. K referred to the triplets as his namesakes, so I don't think that Kyle was the name they had chosen for the baby who died. It sounds like they ended up choosing K names after the babies were born to honor Dr. K.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I really like this show, but no women who recently gave birth, had a C-section, and is breast feeding 3 babies is trotting off anywhere for 4 hours, looking slim by the way.  I'm not sure how old the babies were but she was still trying to breastfeed Kyle and had refused to give him formula yet, so they couldn't have been that old or he would have been starved to death by then.

  • Love 21

I love this show beyond anything.  And I'm normally a "Criminal Minds" / "Hannibal" type of viewer, so for me to fall in love with a family drama really says something about the show. 

Was anyone else bothered by the music at the end during the conversation between Randall & his dad?  The music was so loud, and it didn't help that there was singing, that it completely rolled over the dialog.  Luckily, I had DVR'd the show, and had to play that part back a few times, and still missed some of the dialog.  Tone the music down, show!  It was a touching moment completely obscured by the music.

  • Love 21

This show gets compared to Parenthood a lot but besides some of the actors and an occasional storyline I never really liked that show.  I think the show made the mistake of making the characters too unlikeable.  I like most of the characters on this show.  At least well enough to be intrigued to continue.  I agree the best part is Randall and his family but I like Kate and the only thing I have to say about Kevin is that the show hasn't done much with him yet.  Maybe changing his location will change that.  Toby is the weak link but not horribly so. 

Oh and the flashback scenes are great too.  They could have been horrible but they work and are very well done and are both very telling and very sweet.  "I would would never run off and abandon the kids without you."

  • Love 12

Kevin still annoys me, but he is pretty.

Toby was a little over the top with Kate's day. I like Toby overall, but I thought he crossed the line from pushing her to get out of her comfort zone to being too pushy.

Miguel? I hate him for no other reason than he didn't seem to appreciate the Hamilton tickets! But it's fun to see Esposito from Castle in a different role.

I have loved Gerald McRaney since Major Dad, so I'm so glad to see him having a mini-acting resurgence. 

I am glad there was a reason they didn't pick another K name - at first I thought if they weren't going with Kyle (understandable) at least go with another K so you don't have one child who is both another race and a different name style, but it was well done. 

Sterling K Brown caught my attention on the OJ miniseries, and now I'm a full-fledged fan-girl.

10 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Randall and Beth are so wonderful together.  More than them just loving each other, you can tell they know each other.  I hope it always stays that way.

I never even have to compose my own thoughts on this show because you all capture my feelings about it perfectly. All I have to do is highlight the thought and quote it. So again, I agree 1000%!

  • Love 4
42 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

the only thing I have to say about Kevin is that the show hasn't done much with him yet.  Maybe changing his location will change that.

I have had a feeling from the beginning that one of the things we'll end up loving about this show is Kevin's growth. He started as a self-centered sitcom star and took his sister/assistant for granted. I feel we just became witnesses to his first awakening in episode one and his part of this show will be his growth into a capable adult...complete with all the growing pains along the way (for both Kate and Kevin).

  • Love 15

I've convinced myself that Jack and Miguel were both New York police officers, Jack was killed in 911, Miguel went in to comfort Rebecca and ended up marrying her. I just get a policeman vibe from the bar scene with Jack/Miguel ("going into the city to see Hamilton" hints at New York) and I'm trying to figure out why Randall is kind of antagonistic towards Miguel.

Kudos to Sterling and the writers for that. It's just an undercurrent, so we'll pick it up and wonder about it. No anvils, yet.

Toby severely annoyed me in this episode. Kate is doing her actual job booking tickets and finding a hotel for Kevin. Yes, she is ignoring him because she is doing her job which doesn't really seem to take all that much of her time. Sure, the relationship between the twins is a bit too symbiotic, but what is Toby going to do when Kate gets a real job and have to work for a non-relative who doesn't care about her booty calls one iota? I had vibes of Ross going to Rachel's office with a barber shop quartet. 

Kevin is a big, insecure child. He has interesting growth potential. I liked the little details of his closet and that Insane Elaine had split his lip. It's the little touches on this show that really sell things. The sets aren't just there - they really provide context.

I love how they told the story of William and his wife in a series of vignettes like that. 

Edited by kili
  • Love 17
9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

the closet scene didn't make either of them look great

I don't think closet scenes make anyone look great - maybe because I don't get turned on by cleaning products?

As much as I love Gerald McRaney - and I do - having him be both the OB and the Pediatrician seems a bit much. I remember my ob being very clear that I had to get a pediatrician before my first was born (around the same time period as the show).

I kinda like Toby. Yes, he's pushy. Some people need pushy - particularly someone as entrenched in their own self-denial and misery as Kate is.

The mannequin heads with the caps screamed douche, but I was pleasantly surprised when Kevin had a moment of self-awareness and empathy for his sister. Maybe he'll grow to be someone I can like.

I'm still not sensing antagonism between Randall and Miguel - but maybe I haven't paid enough attention. As always, Sterling is the standout player, and his family is the best.

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When Randall asks William to tell him how he'd met his mother, for a second I thought he meant Rebecca, that he knew she and William had met before today.

Toby supposedly means well, and Kate wound up liking that he got her to sing, but someone being that pushy with me would just make me shut down, and shut them down too. I don't hate him, but he really needs to back off and chill out. He'd drive me crazy.

At last, we saw Kate doing her job, tho it's over now, and that she did have an interest/passion: singing. Thank you, show. I wonder what being your brother's assistant qualifies you to do once you're not that anymore? Yay, Kevin, for realizing he needed to let her go. Justin Hartley cracked me up when he took a bite of Kate's healthy pancake thing and then mouthed to Toby 'is she making you eat this?'

I do love Rebecca and Jack together, and really hate whatever reason they are not together anymore, be it death, affairs, booze. And I do love folksy doctor too. I swear someone said in some thread that aged Mandy looked about 80, but she looks no more than 50 to me, if that.  

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I think last night's episode confirmed Toby's creepiness.  I also wonder if Randall was Jack's favourite of the kids, which is why he seems to have issues with Miguel.  However, we don't know if Kevin and/or Kate have issues with him as well - yet, anyway.  That said, the final scene where baby Randall took to Rebecca's breast was very tender and made me cry.  

Edited by PRgal
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Court said:

Sterling K. Brown is magic.

I finally looked him up on Wikipedia as I was having a "hey it's that guy!" moment (I didn't watch People vs OJ.)  He was Beecher on Person of Interest.  Woot.



I just get a policeman vibe from the bar scene with Jack/Miguel ("going into the city to see Hamilton" hints at New York) and I'm trying to figure out why Randall is kind of antagonistic towards Miguel.

I thought Randall was living in Philly. 

  • Love 2

“Hi, white people.” Best line of the night.


Kevin continues to be unlikable. The scene of clarity where he fired Kate doesn’t make up for his behavior. It’s sad that Kate has spent most of her life catering to him instead of doing what’s best for her. Who knows what potential relationships or even careers she could’ve had if she didn’t have to cater to Kevin. I know her job is personal assistant to Kevin but did she really want to do that or did it because Kevin needed her when he pursued his acting career?

I’m still wary of Toby. On one hand, he seems to genuinely care about Kate but on the other hand, he as others have said, seemed pushy. They haven’t known each other very long and Toby has invited himself into her home, taking selfies with Kevin, invited himself to a Hollywood party and now pushing for sex. Toby’s argument with Kate is on point but given their short time together I’m not sure Toby has a standing ground to make that point.

When Randall finds out Rebecca kept William from him his whole life, he’s gonna be pissed. He’ll get over his anger but the relationship with his Mom will never be the same. I know William was on drugs (How did that happen? William? Randall’s bio Mom? Third person?) but I’m not cool with Rebecca to deliberately keep Randall’s biological father from him. They could’ve worked it out. I’m sure Jack would’ve been on board. They could’ve arranged supervised visits, mailed photos and letters to William and he responds to a P.O. Box if Jack and Rebecca didn’t want to use their address or even an occasional phone call. William knew he couldn’t take care of baby Randall and put the child in the position to have a better life. He even hung outside the hospital to see who will care for his child. If he kept in touch with his child, maybe it would’ve inspired him to get his life together, get off drugs, and with Randall in his life, catch the cancer before it became too late.

Speaking of Rebecca and Miguel, don’t you hate it when people drop by unannounced? Even if it’s family, still call. I wonder how soon Rebecca and Miguel got together. Randall could have deep loyalty to Jack (dead or not). No matter how long it’s been since Rebecca and Jack ended, Randall may find it awkward to see his Dad’s best friend with his Mom. In the back of the mind, could wonder if best friend has been vying for Mom when she was with Dad.

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I thought it was great how before we even saw the flashback with Rebecca struggling to connect with Kyle/Randall we saw present-day Randall summoning up the courage to confess something to her and called her Mommy. Between that and the flashback when the triplets were eight, it's pretty clear he was a mama's boy, so we knew that Rebecca was able to overcome her difficulty bonding with him. Great bit of acting by SKB. 

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Through most of the monologuing, I can't help but hear the rantings of Dr. Bailey from Grey's Anatomy. Bailey was fine on that show, but does she need to be in about every character in this show? It's either Dr. Bailey I'm hearing or a dark version of Cat in the Hat.

I am bored already. I want to find out what happened with the two missing spouses, but I won't watch the angsty death throes of "real dad," even though I think the actor who portrays him is really exceptional. Yawn.

Mandy Moore is also really good. I am not fond of her character, though. Castle's Esposito as an up-tight guy is just strange.  I'm waiting for him to break into dude-brother lingo, LOL. Huertas is playing the role fine. I'm just looking through a Castle filter.

And the premise of Randall's adoption is distracting for me. No adoption agency would give Randall to a couple who just had twins. Too many childless couples are seeking infants. It's not up to the fire department or the hospital to decide where he goes. I wish they'd have come up with a different premise for Randall. And his family is downright awful to him. I'm glad he's developed family of his own.

Toby is my favorite character, no Dr. Bailey vibe.

Edited by TWP
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