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S06.E06: Second Guessing

Tara Ariano
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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Maci's storyline was just more of her brand of BS. "Oh the wedding venue won't come down on the price, I guess we'll have to postpone the wedding." Translated - "Oh, MTV, you won't fit the bill for this ridiculously overpriced place? Okay, no televised wedding for you". Five minutes later - "Oh, they suddenly came way down on the price, wedding's back on". Odd.

This was glaring to me as well.  It was very obvious she was trying to coax MTV into saying "It's alright honey, we'll take care of it for you.  You're already so stressed with all of these poor decisions you've made in your life the new house and new babies that were forced upon you, through no action of your own." I really hope MTV doesn't drop a cent for any of this. 

Also, Maci, there are hundreds of options between a wedding with a $20k venue, and the courthouse.  If she can't have the very best then she'll have nothing at all?  OK, nothing at all it is, then.  Nobody else gives a shit.  But lo and behold, when MTV didn't offer anything (that we know of), the venue magically came WAY DOWN on price.  What luck!

If she saw herself the same way we do, she'd want to crawl in a hole.  She thinks she's pulling one over on us.  There is lots of secondhand embarrassment going on over here.

Edited by eskimo
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We have a child. Oh Amber, no you and Gary do. And Matt and 20 other women do. Nice upper class f bombs coming out of your mouths. I say the f word all the time so I am not judging but those two are nowhere near upper class just because they have money.

Ahhhh, you mean everything to me was so sweet. I think Leah has really flourished and seen a good thing with Christina and Gary's relationship. She is such a sweet little girl. And Gary holy shit you made me cry. So incredibly sweet and meaningful and just goes to show you don't need 20000 to have a ceremony. It all should come from the heart and not the pocket book.

Goes to show who does all the work at Cates house. No wonder she is tired and needs to smoke weed to calm her ass down with dealing with 20 dogs and two children  (Nova and Tyler). He acts like the older brother that is babysitting  for the first time. Where the hell are Nora's clothes. Hope the seat belt didn't burn her.

And Farrah, stop the shit. And quit with the lips. She looks so gross. I'm glad Dr Jenn called her on her shit and I was glad to see that Simon at least tried to comfort her with the hand on the leg. But Farrah needs to stop jumping down everyone's throat over everything. She is not always right. She is just so combative with everyone. And stfu about the ring. Every fucking sentence is about the ring and can she not learn to ask other people what is going on with them?

I know I still have acne and I am 43, but can't Maci afford something for her acne? 

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8 hours ago, smores said:

I don't understand why no one can even manage to put a shirt on baby Nova.  Or a dress. I mean, it's just a big shirt that is a complete outfit.  That child is always naked and unkempt and you know she hasn't been bathed recently.  The poor thing has to smell bad, especially with her parents getting high, because I don't think they're heading outside and away from her when the cameras aren't there.  

I actually thought Nova looked better this episode. She had some cute outfits on and her hair looked like it was finally being regularly washed. I wonder if April or some other babysitter is responsible (though I think one of the cute outfits - pink dress and matching sandals - was in the hotel). 

Edited by kdl88
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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

But you know what we're not talking about?  Tyler heaving away at Catelynn.  That's the sex life I want to know more about, because nothing about this dude says he's getting it in. 

You can just tell Gary is sweating out bacon grease on top of Christina on at least a semi-regular basis.  Tyler? My guess is Nova Ring was the last time Cate saw Tyler naked.

You really think Gary gets on top? I wouldn't think he'd have the stamina. My guess is Kristina does her wifely duties from on top and thinks about Ryan Gosling the whole time.

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4 hours ago, poopchute said:

Tyler says repeatedly how crazy it is without Catelyn there. What is so crazy? Caring for his one child, while not having a job?  I don't understand how it's crazy.  Women (and men) do this all the time if they are a stay at home parent.  They take care of the kid while the spouse is at work.  Okay she's not there all day and night so that is a little rough but I'm sure Nova sleeps through the night anyway, right? Right now I'm home alone all day with a baby while my husband works, and I'm up all night with him since I'm nursing. So basically my husband is here and helping like 3 hours out of the day.  But it's not crazy.  It's just regular life as a parent, isn't it?

This is life in MTV Land.  These people are either self-aggrandizing about how absolutely fabulous they are as parents, or they're acting like taking care of their children is akin to managing a three-ring circus while blindfolded and handcuffed.  And not one of them has a full time job (except Javi and George McFly over on TM2).

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Tyler has no clue on to be a father. I've said it before and I said it again. I also think he doesn't like all the hard work that comes with being a parent and that's why he's having such a hard time with Nova when she's already over a year old. It's one thing to struggle taking care of your kid when your partner or spouse isn't around, but Tyler's never helped out with Nova period. He's the guy who had to tell Catelynn to ask him when she needs his help with the baby and tried to justify his lack of support by claiming that he was letting Cate do everything by herself because she missed out on parenting Carly (of course, douchecanoe had no answer when Cate pointed out that he missed out on raising Carly, too). Tyler likes having Nova around so he can take cute photos of her and act like he's Father of the Year. When it comes to actually taking physical care of her, he'd rather be anywhere else. 

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In my experience, parenting is like math: if you don't learn the basics first, the rest of it only gets harder. If you are involved and connected very early on, like day 1, the stuff that comes along in year 3, or year 6, or year 10, it's all TOTALLY different challenges, but both you and your child (and maybe your partner) have evolved together and figured out the way around things and how to handle certain things. So when your twelve year old comes to you asking questions about her period, or your fifteen year old comes to you asking how to handle someone trying to push him around, you have this whole background to lean on that goes back to changing diapers before your wife could get out of her hospital bed to do it. Every age has their own challenges, but you can't skip out on them and expect to be ready for the next one.

In my head, this is a much more eloquent analogy, but it didn't translate. Is this what Farrah feels like?

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Farrah looked like a porn star last night. Those lips and that hair! OMG. That is not her color. And the syle! OMG x 12. I was glad when that so-called therapist told her that no man is going to tolerate her crap. She’s totally crazy.

I bet Brandon and Theresa are horrified by Cate and Tyler and the way they’re raising that poor little Nova. She arrives at the treatment center in a dress and they had to take it off of her so she could walk around in a diaper? What is wrong with her? And then when the dog was licking her face? Eww.  Plus, she might do that with the wrong dog and get her poor little nose bitten off.  And then eating stuff off of the floor. Gross. Shouldn’t she be talking more, even if it’s just gibberish? Social services needs to take an interest in that “family.” I’m not even going to discuss Tyler and his fucking crocodile tears. He’s an asshat.

Leah was so cute at the wedding. And I was very touched when she told Christina that she means everything to her. Wish I could see Amber’s reaction to that. She killed me with the Matt, we have a child bit. She probably won’t live anywhere near Leah until the girl is old enough to drive herself to her activities. She’s a disgrace. I missed the beginning. Are they renting that house?

Maci. No words

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1 hour ago, Tara Ariano said:

The picture reminds me of this thought...

Why were they shopping at the furniture store equivalent of a Spencer's or Hot Topic for the furniture for the classy house?

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1 minute ago, CofCinci said:

The picture reminds me of this thought...

Why were they shopping at the furniture store equivalent of a Spencer's or Hot Topic for the furniture for the classy house?

WOW what a great question. I wonder how many neighbors have the fake cereal bowl / Fuck Yoga sign. You know they bought "Do Epic Shit" to put on the door of their powdah rum. Also, you know those balls stink like a pair of socks. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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2 hours ago, imjagain said:

I know it's been said before but it needs to be said again,  why is Nova always topless?  Dress that poor baby.  As someone  suggested up thread throw a dress on her,  it's  easy.  It slip on over her head.  None of those buttons and zippers to confuse the adults in her life.  I get its hot in Arizona but I'm assuming the ac was on in the car/van,   and still there she sat naked.  Little kids Nova's age are always drooling,  the poor thing is probably always wet and sticky around her neck and chest.  Yuck! 

They actually showed pics of her in a dress when they first arrived. But then she was in her diaper later. I don't know. Some kids are sensitive to fabrics, get hot easily, etc. My middle child, a boy, is always topless. He puts a shirt on in the morning, but gets hot later and takes it off. I don't really care, if we're at home. I know quite a few people who let babies/toddler go around in their diaper; they're just more comfortable. 

However, with Cate and Tyler it might be more of a laziness thing than a comfort thing. Maybe both? Leah always had the twins half dressed and we know ohw much she hated laundry. 

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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

This is life in MTV Land.  These people are either self-aggrandizing about how absolutely fabulous they are as parents, or they're acting like taking care of their children is akin to managing a three-ring circus while blindfolded and handcuffed.  And not one of them has a full time job (except Javi and George McFly over on TM2).

Is George McFly Chelsea husband? Heehee   If so thank you,  that cracked me up,  he is so dorky but I like him for Chelsea.


And please people,  I'm begging pleading.  Please stop putting pictures of  Gary and Tyler and their sex life in my head. Please make it stop! 

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So um did anyone else catch how Maci had ZERO cares about the cost of the venue when they first looked at it. 

Now suddenly they are concerned it's too much to pay?

I didn't hear either of them mention it was because they just bought a house or anything, but I feel like when they were talking to the producer (with their fake sad faces on) they said they wouldn't get it because "you won't negotiate on the price" and that was directed towards the producer. Sounded like they expected MTV to pay for the venue the whole time then learned MTV wasn't going to take on the entire bill, and that's when they started worrying about that 20K price tag.

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Just now, ginger90 said:

If Cate has basically not been doing much at home and sleeping all the time, why is Tyler overwhelmed? Who was doing it when Cate wasn't? It's just bullshit if they are trying to say Tyler was.

Right?  If Cate was sleeping till noon.  Tyler taking care of Nova should be normal just another day. 

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Tyler is the worst father ever and has no clue how to be a real man! He doesn't work and he can't handle taking care of 1 child? My husband worked and helped take care of our kids since they were born. In fact, we worked opposite shifts so one on us could be home with them. He knows how to change diapers, make bottles, and actually get them dressed. And his mother can just shut up already Every thing she says about Cate can be said about her son. Where is his ambition? He does nothing all day either. Both of them need to be slapped.

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If Cate has basically not been doing much at home and sleeping all the time, why is Tyler overwhelmed?

This had me totally confused. Who is getting up with Nova in the morning? Cate is apparently sleeping until noon (according to Tyler) and Tyler doesn't help out (according to both of them) so who is doing the parenting? Is the poor kid climbing out of her crib and serving herself breakfast? Did the Twinses teach her how to make her own toast?

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12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Amber's new house is still far from Leah's school. 35 minutes with no traffic at 5:00am.  She'll never bring the kid to school.


Great P. I. work!  I noticed Gary, when talking about Amber moving, specifically said that she'll now be "a little" closer to Leah's school.  Yea, like five minutes closer, maybe.  Nice try, Amber.  Trying so hard to pretend she cares about Boo-boo's best interests.

I also LOL'd at Amber (and Deadbeat Dad Matt) sitting in their fancy new house in their fancy new neighborhood acting so proud of how far they've come, as if they've done anything to achieve their riches.

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9 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Add this to the same category as last week's misunderstanding by me ("Bacon: A Sex Foliator" vs Bacon As Exfoliator), because I read it as "Comet O' Jesus." Like Jesus, riding on a comet. I need to make that into a tee shirt. 


I belong to a child loss support group. To keep us afloat, we have #sexyJesusSunday You know, where we share smokin' shots of the big JC. Thanks for providing me with this week's contribution.

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4 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

This is life in MTV Land.  These people are either self-aggrandizing about how absolutely fabulous they are as parents, or they're acting like taking care of their children is akin to managing a three-ring circus while blindfolded and handcuffed.  And not one of them has a full time job (except Javi and George McFly over on TM2).

Don't forget Corey. He's maintained a full time job since before 16 and Pregnant and has parented the girleses without complaint!

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Despite Gary's faults, he did find someone that can genuinely add to Leah's life. A truly loving person. Unlike Good Ole Amber over there. 

I think that's because inside Gary isnt a morally corrupt individual. He has faults, but he seems to be just a regular guy who wants a calm life, someone to love and raise his child (who he loves and accepts responsibility for) with. I'm happy for them. Leah seems like a happy child. 

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4 hours ago, politichick said:

Farrah looked like a porn star last night. Those lips and that hair! OMG. That is not her color. And the syle! OMG x 12. I was glad when that so-called therapist told her that no man is going to tolerate her crap. She’s totally crazy.

I bet Brandon and Theresa are horrified by Cate and Tyler and the way they’re raising that poor little Nova. She arrives at the treatment center in a dress and they had to take it off of her so she could walk around in a diaper? What is wrong with her? And then when the dog was licking her face? Eww.  Plus, she might do that with the wrong dog and get her poor little nose bitten off.  And then eating stuff off of the floor. Gross. Shouldn’t she be talking more, even if it’s just gibberish? Social services needs to take an interest"

I get squirmy when people talk about getting CPS involved. If you all saw my household's culture, you would be horrified. I post little about my homelife on social media for fear of judgement, in fact. The clothes thing with Nova does not bother me. When my kids were toddlers we could not keep clothes on them. My DH hated dresses. She lived in her diaper when it was warm. I think it was a sensory thing. And no matter how much I cleaned I always missed something. I have pulled so many things out of mouths. That happens and I do not feel comfortable judging them for that.

However...I feel perfectly fine judging Tyler for his asshattery. And he could clearly care less if Nova was there or not. At one point I even yelled at him to pick her up.

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10 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

"Dotors make house calls!" she says cheerily, as though she were a doctor, but I think I have this lady figured out. I think she's someone assigned by the foundation that they did the adoption through, she's not a doctor. She isn't even a real therapist. And I think she's way out of her tiny realm of "expertise," which is likely to be grief counseling post adoption. It's probably like an open ended arrangement and these two are taking advantage of it. I mean have you ever heard her say anything insightful? Like, oh, I don't know, "Cat'es just going through marijuana withdrawal" or some nonsense like that on his couch last night? MARIJUANA WITHDRAWAL. Wow. 

Marijuana withdrawal is a thing, especially in people who smoke a lot, like I expect Cate does. Your probably right about the counselor. Have they ever even said her name? She certainly doesn't seem to have much knowledge, and it's hard to believe a credentialed therapist would allow her session to be filmed.


2 hours ago, lilsadone said:

So um did anyone else catch how Maci had ZERO cares about the cost of the venue when they first looked at it. 

Now suddenly they are concerned it's too much to pay?

I didn't hear either of them mention it was because they just bought a house or anything, but I feel like when they were talking to the producer (with their fake sad faces on) they said they wouldn't get it because "you won't negotiate on the price" and that was directed towards the producer. Sounded like they expected MTV to pay for the venue the whole time then learned MTV wasn't going to take on the entire bill, and that's when they started worrying about that 20K price tag.

I think Maci and Taylor are so conceited, they expected the venue to waive all fees in exchange for it being shown on MTV and for them mentioning the venue on their social media. There isn't any reason for a venue that is constantly booked to do that, since they are already maxing out their rentals. Maci's photographer was already booked on the wedding date, but ended up bailing on the other couple with the excuse that the bride didn't like her. That is the behavior Maci expects from people. 

Regarding Farrah's clothes with Dr. Jenn, the review said that it was what she was wearing to some function, so she must have gotten ready then did her therapy session on the way to the function. Speaking of Dr. Jenn, she was lambasted all over the internet for not calling out Farrah on her behavior when she was on Couples Therapy. Dr. Jenn made the comment that she was letting her stay alone, (after her paid escort decided he couldn't deal with Farrah that long) because she needed help, then coddled her.  Being a famewhore, she probably didn't like the backlash and is waiting for her accolades for doing it this time. Farrah and Dr. Jenn are cut from the same cloth.

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If Doctor Jenn was so concerned, Farrah would not have been on Couples Therapy and she would have seen her privately. However, I think once Farrah had the contract to appear, she was going to collect the pay with or without the other half of the couple premise.

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On 9/17/2016 at 11:27 PM, Brooklynista said:

Who's the random older black couple?

Matt probably posted HELP WANTED add in local paper. "Looking for couple to help us moved. Compensation in the form of appearance on major cable network show as friends of stars."

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I have never been a Gary fan, I've always found him antagonistic and wildly passive aggressive, but I teared up during the beach wedding scene.  I'm happy that little Leah has a loving, positive role model in her life and a cute little sister.  It was a lovely, sweet, and touching moment.  Go Gary.

And while I don't see a tremendous amount of chemistry between Taylor and Maci, I have come to enjoy their quiet and calm scenes.  They both seem so mellow and while the wedding venue nonsense was dumb, I can't help but want to root for them.   A nice chill environment for Bentley, Jayde, and the new baby to grow up in.  They seem to get along very well and crack each other up.  LOVED Riiaaahn and his parents talking about the wedding.  Larry and Jen are so freakin' cute!

Oh Amber.  Please wake up and see that this guy is taking you for a big fat ride.  You SO deserve better than greasy Matt.  "We're uppa class." Yeah, okay there Matt.  I truly believe Amber has potential to blend in and possibly learn a thing or two about a more affluent life style.  Matt?  Not so much.

Nova is so cute and just watching her wander and climb around under that table while Tyler boo hooed to his Mommy made me so sad.  Nova IS THE BABY Tyler, not YOU.  While I understand Tyler's mom wanting to be supportive, your son has a real baby to tend to, STOP babying him.  His wife is in a facility getting help for anxiety and depression, it's a good thing.  She's not laying in a hospital bed in a coma on life support.  Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and stop crying.  Jesus.

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1 hour ago, Christina said:

I think Maci and Taylor are so conceited, they expected the venue to waive all fees in exchange for it being shown on MTV and for them mentioning the venue on their social media. There isn't any reason for a venue that is constantly booked to do that, since they are already maxing out their rentals. Maci's photographer was already booked on the wedding date, but ended up bailing on the other couple with the excuse that the bride didn't like her. That is the behavior Maci expects from people. 


Ah, I totally forgot that Maci is using another bride's photographer. She's going to be stuck in a rut when the show ends for good. Wasn't she living in a little shack when the show returned? Then she got paid and bought that house she didn't even live in for a full year. She really does think she's better than everybody else. You can tell she still considers herself the franchise's golden child because she was the first ever girl featured on "16 and Pregnant". And you can tell that everybody in her life---including her own mother---are sick of her attitude. 

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Nova clearly knows where to go for some attention - to the dogs. They probably do most of the babysitting. Tyler is too frazzled and exhausted from working on new house and without Catelynn there. He's been working for whole six weeks!!! In last week episode he said Catelynn just lies there as a log and this episode she watches too much Netflix. I don't think he does much more than Catelynn does. He clearly doesn't know anything about how to care for his own child after a year. His interaction with Nova was like a uncle coming to visit for the first time and asked to babysit for a weekend. And all I could think was if she got some sunscreen on when running around in diaper in Arizona sun after winter in Wisconsin with her sensitive baby skin...

Macy's wedding venue dropped the price tag after making deal with MTV for mentioning their name in the show. We could clearly see it on the screen. Normally they blur these things. MTV should also splurge for some acting classes for Macy as her "real life" story comes very poorly acted especially this year.

Leah saying to Kristina "you are my everything" was so sweet. I wonder if she ever said that to her birth mother. I can't even call Amber her real mother as she was never a real mother to Leah but Kristina is. I bet Amber must be fuming that it was shown on TV.

Farrah - OMG  those freshly injected lips and her distorted face...

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11 minutes ago, ava111 said:

Leah saying to Kristina "you are my everything" was so sweet. I wonder if she ever said that to her birth mother. I can't even call Amber her real mother as she was never a real mother to Leah but Kristina is. I bet Amber must be fuming that it was shown on TV.


I really think that Kristina and Leah have a very close relationship and Leah holds her stepmother in high regards. I also realized that after he and Amber broke up, Gary primarily dated young single mothers. A couple of his in-between girlfriends had kids, and we all know that Kristina has a daughter a few years older than Leah. I don't know if it's because he felt that single moms would be more likely to date him, or if he was specifically searching for somebody maternal for Leah's sake. Either way, it worked out because you can tell that Leah has a lot of love for her stepmom. 

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13 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:

I really think that Kristina and Leah have a very close relationship and Leah holds her stepmother in high regards. I also realized that after he and Amber broke up, Gary primarily dated young single mothers. A couple of his in-between girlfriends had kids, and we all know that Kristina has a daughter a few years older than Leah. I don't know if it's because he felt that single moms would be more likely to date him, or if he was specifically searching for somebody maternal for Leah's sake. Either way, it worked out because you can tell that Leah has a lot of love for her stepmom. 

I would imagine the only pool Gary can really swim in is the single mom pool. If you're free and unattached, why link yourself to a Gary?  Christina more than likely saw safety in Gary's size nod having custody of Leah. She probably figured he'd be less likely to cheat.  

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Please say Amber is renting that house. I don't want to know that Matt's name is on a mortgage/deed that he won't pay but will collect on when they split.

Farrah you are more embarrassing than ever. You want to marry someone you clearly hate for the sake of being married? Dumb.

Nice work Gary. Well done.

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Gary and Kristina's vow renewal was so sweet. When Kristina arrived in the white dress, I was really struck by how pretty she is. She's lost a lot of weight and looked gorgeous in that white dress. The bouquets were very pretty, too. Gary also looks like he has lost some weight. Good for them. I'm so happy for Leah that she has a loving, involved mom (Kristina). Like others have said above, Kristina is Leah's mom (much like Barb on TM2 is really Jace's mom).

Watching Farrah's scenes is just like watching a show in a foreign language and thinking maybe you are getting the gist of what's going on, but knowing you're missing a big part of the story & then thinking you actually above no clue what just happened on your TV. I'm 99.9% sure that Farrah hasn't met his family (which she complained about last week) because Simon has told them he is an actor and he is playing a role on a show on MTV (which sometimes I think may be true). 

In the pics we briefly saw from the visit at the therapy center/rehab, Catelynn looked really nice. She looked like she put some effort into her appearance and maybe even lost some weight. Amazing what being away from Tyler and the weed munchies can do for you. I live in the south and sometimes my son hangs out just in his diaper at home (or more often, just his diaper and a shirt). But whenever I take a pic of him for my Facebook or to send to family or whatever, I always make sure he at least has a shirt on with his diaper. Same thing if we go out in public (I make sure he has pants on in public). Whenever I see pics of Nova shirtless (which is like all the time ), I wonder if the kid even has clothes or if C&T spent the baby's clothing money on pot, pizza, Tyler's hair gel, and pigs. Cate's snapchat is basically tons of pics of Nova shirtless with her nannies (the dogs). PUT A SHIRT ON YOUR KID AT LEAST FOR THE CAMERA.  I understand if a kid has sensory issues or something, but since it's C&T, I'm just going with they're lazy, didn't buy her enough clothes (because weed money), or they haven't done laundry in a month. 

Shut up, Maci. We all saw your mom's face when you were trying on wedding dresses. She would probably be relieved if you just went to the justice of the peace or had your grandfather marry you in your backyard then had a BBQ or something.  Nice try on the fake tears when you were telling the producer you had to postpone your wedding, Taylor. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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2 hours ago, geekamonggeeks said:

I really think that Kristina and Leah have a very close relationship and Leah holds her stepmother in high regards. I also realized that after he and Amber broke up, Gary primarily dated young single mothers. A couple of his in-between girlfriends had kids, and we all know that Kristina has a daughter a few years older than Leah. I don't know if it's because he felt that single moms would be more likely to date him, or if he was specifically searching for somebody maternal for Leah's sake. Either way, it worked out because you can tell that Leah has a lot of love for her stepmom. 

I think it's probably a combination of factors. 1. Gary was a full time single parent, and someone in that position would have a similar lifestyle, and 2. Like @Brooklynista said, if you're single and unattached Gary isn't much of a prize, but if you're a single parent, you see a guy that knows what you're going through and wouldn't be turned off by dating a single Mom. Gary is a heavy man for certain (and the camera does add weight), but I don't think his weight would stop him from cheating....it's not as if he's immobile or anything close to that. Christina may like larger men or not be bothered by his size. 

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18 hours ago, poopchute said:

Tyler says repeatedly how crazy it is without Catelyn there. What is so crazy? Caring for his one child, while not having a job?  I don't understand how it's crazy.  Women (and men) do this all the time if they are a stay at home parent.  They take care of the kid while the spouse is at work.  Okay she's not there all day and night so that is a little rough but I'm sure Nova sleeps through the night anyway, right? Right now I'm home alone all day with a baby while my husband works, and I'm up all night with him since I'm nursing. So basically my husband is here and helping like 3 hours out of the day.  But it's not crazy.  It's just regular life as a parent, isn't it?

Not to mention that they revealed on the show that Nova spends several days/nights with April every week. I'd bet they have other babysitters who watch her sometimes as well, like Butch, Kim, and random friends.

Yeah, Tyler sure has a rough, crazy life.

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Tyler SHUT UP, pay attention to your child...and stop acting like Cate is dying.

Matt SHUT UP, I honestly just wish he would go be with Farrah since he thinks she's so hot and that would provide some entertainment haha.

Farrah SHUT UP, enough of the fake crying and the boohoo why won't he just marry my crazy ass.

Gary, that was actually cute. No bad words to say about it :)

Maci SHUT UP, No one cares about the venue price. Her segment was boring as hell.

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9 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

. Cate's snapchat is basically tons of pics of Nova shirtless with her nannies (the dogs). PUT A SHIRT ON YOUR KID AT LEAST FOR THE CAMERA.  I understand if a kid has sensory issues or something, but since it's C&T, I'm just going with they're lazy, didn't buy her enough clothes (because weed money), or they haven't done laundry in a month. 


LOL the dogs are her nannies!  Best observation ever!!

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18 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

WOW what a great question. I wonder how many neighbors have the fake cereal bowl / Fuck Yoga sign. You know they bought "Do Epic Shit" to put on the door of their powdah rum. Also, you know those balls stink like a pair of socks. 

We're dealing with some very upper class individuals. We don't know their life. 

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