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S04.E01: No One Said This Job Was Easy


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15 hours ago, Eater of Worlds said:

He wanted to concentrate on his commercial maritime career, that is, becoming a tugboat captain, he said.  But I think at least partially it had to do with his behavior last season and he wasn't happy about himself.

And Lee wasn't very happy with him, either.

12 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

And from the shallow end... the primary reminded me of a misshapen Drew Barrymore. 

Also from the shallow end...I don't think Sierra is that beautiful.  She looks like - Kate.  She of the fried hair, overtanned skin and feigned smile.  She reminds me of the less attractive version of Tamra's daughter-in-law, Sara. (RHoOC)

LOL'd at Lee saying he hadn't been 'double tapped' in a long time. He's loosened up a lot since his first season.

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Since they have been airing reruns nonstop, I have regrown my fondness for this show. I was also interested in this episode as I follow Alison from @25park and wanted to see a glimpse of her in action. 

I miss Eddie, but glad that Ben is back, and obviously Captain Lee. I do have a shameful crush on Kelley but if I had to pick, I would rather his sister come back instead. Any reason she didn't return, she was a model stew last season.

Sidenote: Kate is really sticking to that 32 age answer?!

  • Love 6

The producers obviously thought that they needed a minimum number of returning crew members as a way to retain viewers from previous seasons.

Was Kelley the only deckhand willing to return?  And did he negotiate to return on the condition that he be the bosun? Probably.

And in the preview for the rest of the season when Lee says, "I would be tickled to death not to hand out one plane ticket," there's a small gap between "one" and "plane."  Was the word "more" edited out of that for the preview?  Only four crew members were shown on camera sitting around the table with him: Ben, Lauren, some guy with a beard, and Rico.  Did this scene take place right after Kelley or Trevor had been fired?

Also, based on the previews, the guests are crazier then ever.

The editing of this show remains among the best in reality television.

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9 hours ago, Blah said:

It was the guest from the first season with Kate and the 'rocket-ship' towel folding.  Her charter guest soulmate. 

Thank you, it was driving me batty!

9 hours ago, SailorGirl said:

Actually, from a marketing stance, its not the worst idea. You get national exposure for your company at a cost much less than a national ad campaign; you bring along some very carefully selected customers (who have a large following, I'm sure), and they spread the word too. Even though it isn't the audience appeal of a major network prime time show, its still a broader reach than she probably could have afforded otherwise. . . and now she can promote and use "as seen on Bravo" as a tagline, she'll get repeat attention from reruns, and further exposure from write-up on blogs, etc. . . . she's going to get some mileage out of this. . . even if they don't always mention her company name or brand, it will be pretty easy for anyone interested to find out the details. 

I would be on board with this had they negotiated some product placement or even a brand mention.  I couldn't even remember if it was a line or a store nor could I be bothered to research it any further.  Previous guests have been able to mention their company, why not here?

I thought Kelley did a nice job seeking out both the non-senior deckhands to ask their thoughts after day 1, Little shit like that goes a long way. Additionally, it helped him gauge how put off they were by Trevor's douchiness.  That said, he lost when he went to Captain Lee. 

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20 hours ago, Pickles said:

Trevor. Ugh. He looks cross eyed to me. Emily is cute.

  • Glad someone else thought so. Did you know he is Senior Deckhand? Did everybody get that...Senior Deckhand. We know he can count to 5 geez counting planks to square up furniture... anal much?

I'm waiting for Kelly to cry.

Edited by Giselle
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5 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

The fact that she seemed to be caught without an answer as to how that happened would suggest yes. Am I the only one who thinks "Sierra Storm" sounds like a stripper name? Where has Lauren worked before that she thinks Lee is being demanding by expecting people to do their jobs and not embarrass themselves or their employer?

I think she was agreeing with what he said, essentially saying that the rules are simple and if they stick to his code, they'll meet his high expectations. Knock on wood, but she seems to be the most competent of the bunch. I'm sure Lee isn't more demanding than anyone else she's worked for.

1 hour ago, kell710 said:

Sidenote: Kate is really sticking to that 32 age answer?!

Yeah, funny how she's been 32 for three seasons now ;)

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Trevor was a hair model? Eddie could blow him away in the hair (and looks) dept. Our Eds had the best hair ever. Yes, even though he fell from grace, I miss him. 

Kate looks like a meth addict. Skinnier than ever, dried out skin, hair a mess. I know she's probably not, just saying she looks like it. She needs a sandwich, a deep conditioner and a new moisturizer.  

  • Love 4

So, if the Real Below Deck is anything like the Med version, charter guests basically get half off their charter (it's still hella expensive!!).
(Season Two of Med is being filmed now, it says. No spoilers other than location... but an interesting breakdown of the deal guests get and Bravo's goals with the show)

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Trevor was ridiculously OCD with the placement of the chairs on the deck. This one's gonna be trouble. I'm not sure who's worse: him or Rocky. Rocky was annoying and caused a lot of issues, but I think she was also just really immature and probably somewhat producer driven. Trevor just seems like a dick, at least Rocky sometimes could be entertaining. Trevor seems very insecure IMO with his constant need to remind everyone he's the senior deckhand and telling the other deckhands what to do as though this is their first rodeo.

I like the 2 new deckhands, Lauren and Nico. Nico is a cutie. Please don't do anything stupid that will make me dislike you. Lauren's accent is cool.

The new stews seem ok so far, definitely an improvement from Rocky, but Sierra, while she seems like a nice enough person, seems like a total airhead. The other one, Emily? Seems competent enough. I think Amy should have been brought back to be second stew and have Emily be 3rd stew, leave Sierra out though.

I only started watching last season, so this is my first time seeing Kelley. No real thoughts about him so far. I hope that he will tell Trevor to tone it down though. 

The Trevor/senior deckhand thing feels very scripted/producer driven IMO. No other season had a "senior deckhand" position, did they? I definitely don't believe last season did. I feel like they created this storyline just for the sake of creating tension and drama. This guy can't possibly be this much of a dick in real life, can he? But then moving Nico's stuff out of the way, picking his nose and eating it, taking his shirt off in front of guests... yeah maybe he really is. Where do they find these people?

Begrudgingly, I do have to give Trevor some points for the social media names he came up with for the food (if he really even came up with them and it wasn't a producer or one of the other crew members). Filet-cebook though? LMAO 

Edited by BogoGog24
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I'd rather have Amy back as a stew, but they can't have Amy and Kelley there at the same time. He turns into a teenager when she's around. He'll always go running back to her for mothering because he's feeling these intense feelings that no one has ever experienced. If Amy had been there we would have been treated to scenes where he talks about Trevor to the deckhands, Captain Lee, and Amy.

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8 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

So, if the Real Below Deck is anything like the Med version, charter guests basically get half off their charter (it's still hella expensive!!).
(Season Two of Med is being filmed now, it says. No spoilers other than location... but an interesting breakdown of the deal guests get and Bravo's goals with the show)

The Below Deck casting for guests is the same:  half price for a three-day charter with a group of your friends/family/colleagues/employees/strangers you met on the internet.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
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13 hours ago, snarts said:


I would be on board with this had they negotiated some product placement or even a brand mention.  I couldn't even remember if it was a line or a store nor could I be bothered to research it any further.  Previous guests have been able to mention their company, why not here?


I don't recall -- I didn't watch it that closely. I was doing other things while it was on -- they may have mentioned it. Is it on the data sheet they get with all the food choices?

Edited by SailorGirl
On 9/7/2016 at 1:21 AM, Maharincess said:

I can't help it, I love Captain Lee.  I think he's just a regular guy who stumbled into a little bit of fame and money and is loving it.  I think he's in on the joke so to speak.

I completely agree, and I think "in on the joke" is just about as spot-on an assessment of Captain Lee as I've ever heard. Lee is just fantastic.

In other news, I am very much looking forward to spending the rest of this season watching Ben frustratedly pursuing Kate, all the while doing his best to downplay the considerable spell that lady has over him. It's gonna be super cute and hilarious. She has always frustrated him so much, and I think that's what he loves about it all. She gives as good as she gets from him, and she absolutely refuses to swoon. Ever. Ben, on the other hand... I honestly think it's taking every ounce of willpower he has to resist the urge to swoon, and I actually think it's been that way for quite a while. He can barely stand it, and I find the whole thing adorable from both sides.

Loved that Kate wasted no time at all in getting in her digs at Rocky Dakota. That's some high-quality (and well-deserved) ax-grinding there. Also loved that she pretty much immediately took a shine to Emily. That was refreshing, as opposed to Kate's usual "Give me a reason NOT to hate your guts, then maybe we'll talk" attitude with her stews. Heh.

I don't think anybody will ever surpass Dave as my favorite deckhand, but Nico's coming pretty strong out of the gate.

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So glad this has started just as RHONYC winds down. Hannah and her sloshed 'I love you honey, you'll always have a piece of my heart' rantings at Ben, while he bum crawled away from her, was an embarrassment to all Australians. Looks like we're representing better here with Lauren 'don't be a dickhead'. 

Wow Kate. So the love affair in real time is now over and ended in DV with her 2nd court appearance in a couple of days time. I was astonished at how Kate has visibly aged. I don't think she's dealing with the aging process at all. 

Emily and Nico are self proclaimed freaks. Emily is the right kind of English for Ben and probably won't make him cry for being brought up wealthy like Julia did. They've already compared elite boarding schools. Looks like it's on later for these two.

Trevor, like Josh Altman, has a head that's too big for his eyes. I caught the nose picking in the top bunk action. ..this is a deeply immature human. And the blatant sexual harassment of Sierra, thankfully Ben gave him some busy work and we were treated to his constipated thinking face while he came up (eventually) with 'social meatia'. Rocky and Emile were in huge trouble for being up on the radar thing whereas in this episode, Trevor was up there also sans shirt but WITH guests! Shouldn't that have been more of a concern for Kelley? Maybe they didn't want to do the while ticket home, will Cpt Lee, or won't he? thing until later? Trevor won't last. 

Kate stroking and talking to the Hermes cushions. .battiness that obviously becomes something a little more pathological later. And her guest soulmate, Dean, is partially on the Bravo payroll by now. This season will be the 4th time we've seen him. 

I thought the sad primary looked like Drew Barrymore also. And her 6 hottest insty friends. 

Sierra will probably end up having a steamy off camera hookup with one of the grinning off camera engineers after sobbing over Kelley. Cos Ben with Emily. Kate with Ro. Nico with ? Trevor with late night bunk booger. Captain Lee married. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, BogoGog24 said:

Yeah probably just producer manipulatations. There was no substantial explanation for why she missed it, other than "I didn't hear it." 

I don't think it was a deliberate producer move. There was no real plot change because she wasn't there. It's not like we saw Kate and Emily have to work so hard that they didn't get a meal served or a bed made. I missed a flight once when I thought I had more time between flights, wandered into the newsstand to read magazines and when I went back to the gate, my flight had left.  Being in a bar is probably a better example.

And also, judging from


Captain Lee's Twitter




, it looks like he has no love lost for



.  That and



either never used or deleted social media makes me think that



gets the axe fairly soon, perhaps for


lying about his actual experience on a yacht

  • Love 8

I like Capt. Lee but I don't want him to relax too much and become like one of them.  I like my Captains to always remain in command with crew and guests.  He's getting a little loosey goosey, compared to how he's been in prior seasons.  The guest kissing him when they returned from their excursion (what, she'd known this man for 1 day?) was kind of cringey for me.  Unless she was snockered or possibly ignorant of protocol...OR he's putting out the vibe that it's okay to kiss the captain.  Just no.  I dunno 'bout everybody else but I need a strong, somewhat stern skipper to guide my boat.  Would he be down with the guests kissing the bosun? 

Got my eye on you, Captain.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, dleighg said:


I was just wondering what sort of couscous is "gluten free."  I suppose you could make it from some grains other than wheat, but is that really a thing?


According to Ben's twitter, it was quinoa, not couscous. Does he call it couscous in the episode? I was only half paying attention. 

Edited by McManda
On September 7, 2016 at 2:17 PM, beesknees said:

Funny, but Sierra's Storm's ample ass is a carbon-copy of Rocky Dakota's ample ass.  Coincidence anyone?  Who the heck's doing the casting for this franchise, TMZ?

I loved it when Kate said she hoped she was a better stew than Rocky Dakota and said they sound like cousins. Stripper, porno, cousins, imo.

As crazy as it is, Kate was legit born in 1983...her birthdate was listed when she got the DUI some years back. So unless she has somehow faked her birthday to the US government she really is only 32/33 even though she looks 45.

Edited by Rebecca
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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 9:52 PM, BogoGog24 said:

Trevor was ridiculously OCD with the placement of the chairs on the deck.

Now see, this sort of attention to minor detail screams "Five Star" to me.  When the standard is perfection, that stuff doesn't just happen.  My travel is more likely to involve a sleeping bag on a hostel bunk, but I've seen service staff whip out their rulers to get the plates equidistance from the table edge.  Well . . . As Seen On TV!

To me, the low point of BDMed was Hannah pulling out a couple of janky costumes--stale with other peoples' sweat--in fulfillment of "Theme Night." (Tied with Doritos and Taco John salsa.)  If these people are paying for the rarified world where you sleep on Hermès--it's not over the top to line those lounge chair puppies up precisely.


But I've been complaining about expectations versus delivery since S01:E01, so what else is new?

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, candall said:

To me, the low point of BDMed was Hannah pulling out a couple of janky costumes--stale with other peoples' sweat--in fulfillment of "Theme Night." (Tied with Doritos and Taco John salsa.)  If these people are paying for the rarified world where you sleep on Hermès--it's not over the top to line those lounge chair puppies up precisely.

I mean, Kate put Connie in cardboard cutout shark fins so the guests could have a shark dive and they loved it, so ... 

I think there is a difference, in that no one cares if the chairs are five boards or four boards apart. Chances are, they aren't going to notice. Trevor might be able to provide true five star service to those who expect it, but let's be honest, the guests on Below Deck aren't there for true five star service. They're there for what they believe is five star service. 

I have no doubt Kate could provide true five star service if she needed to. Trevor is so stuck in his head about being the best he's going to end up pissing everyone off, crew and guests both. 

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Sigh, what you say is true.  I just really like the movies where the plot requires the staff to teach the clueless commoners the finer points of protocol, e.g. Pretty Woman, Princess Diaries, etc.   Everyone rises to the higher standard instead of the reverse.  Yay!

These show yachties don't have that kind of pride in work ethic, which is why they're constantly rolling their eyes about being "inconvenienced" by a specialty drink request or whatever.  If they ever had a charter of blind people, Lee would have to make them change out of their cutoffs.

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On 9/7/2016 at 4:37 PM, kell710 said:

Since they have been airing reruns nonstop, I have regrown my fondness for this show. I was also interested in this episode as I follow Alison from @25park and wanted to see a glimpse of her in action. 

I miss Eddie, but glad that Ben is back, and obviously Captain Lee. I do have a shameful crush on Kelley but if I had to pick, I would rather his sister come back instead. Any reason she didn't return, she was a model stew last season.

Sidenote: Kate is really sticking to that 32 age answer?!


Concur on all points  I would like to have seen Amy come back again too!    

If Kate is really in her early 30's then she should become the poster child for what happens to a young women's looks when they live a hard partying lifestyle.  There is nothing that ages a young woman more than excessive substance use/abuse and smoking cigarettes.  

Edited by movingtargetgal
proper spelling is my enemy
Just now, movingtargetgal said:

If Kate is really in her early 30's then she should become the post child for what happens to a young women's looks when they live a hard partying lifestyle.  There is nothing that ages a young woman more than excessive substance use/abuse and smoking cigarettes.  

and sun exposure.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, RedHawk said:
13 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

If Kate is really in her early 30's then she should become the poster child for what happens to a young women's looks when they live a hard partying lifestyle.  There is nothing that ages a young woman more than excessive substance use/abuse and smoking cigarettes.  

and sun exposure.

You can warn a teenage girl about the health risks of drugs, alcohol and sun exposure and they will not bat an eye.  However, if you appeal to their vanity, that's a different story.  When my friend's young daughter started smoking I pleaded with her to stop because my grandmother had just died of lung cancer.  I told her all the graphic details of my grandmother's death and it was no use.  I  showed her pictures of the smokers lines and wrinkles surrounding the mouths of female smoker's faces.  I then compared her school photos from the previous year and pointed out how those wrinkles were starting to form around her mouth and she changed her tune and with some struggle quit.   

Edited by movingtargetgal
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