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S18.E31: Live Eviction 10, Head Of Household 11

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So let's talk about the most exciting moment of that episode. Julie's dress... nah, just kidding. Holy shit, that jury house segment was the best jury house segment ever! Paulie is so full of it. Da'Vonne and Bridgette's reactions to everything he said and did was just brilliant. Yes, Paulie, you'd choose succeeding over breathing. In that case, I hope you succeed, too. And drop off the wall from the lack of oxygen going to your brain.

I really hope Victor doesn't win. He's already been evicted twice! Do we really have to waste another eviction of him?

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 11

Y'all that jury segment was everything. Paulie's morose face was everything. Day was awesome, Bridgette was awesome, Zak was.....well, I still don't know about her. Forget the jury buyback, just show those four in the jury house the rest of the summer; I'd watch the hell out of that!

Not much else to say about this episode. It was a pretty good play by Paul/Victor, but I wasn't really buying it. Not surprised that James didn't either.

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Y'all that jury segment was everything. Paulie's morose face was everything. Day was awesome, Bridgette was awesome, Zak was.....well, I still don't know about her. Forget the jury buyback, just show those four in the jury house the rest of the summer; I'd watch the hell out of that!

I say this every summer but this summer it's especially true: a feed of the jury house would be far more interesting than the actual feeds or episodes. Even a special webisode version, like Survivor does for Ponderosa. I need more slaying of Paulie in the jury house.

  • Love 18

Now I'm low-key rooting for Victor to win the whole thing because he'd probably have to have some kind of asterisk next to his win. I'm talking about when a majority of contestants vote you out not once, but twice. Cooking shows don't count, because that's judge-controlled. I mean come on, guys -- there's a reason nobody who went to Redemption Island ever won Survivor. It's just un...reality show!

I actually don't care who wins the jury buyback comp. If it's Da', Zakiyah or Bridgette, I can look forward with them potentially teaming up with James and Natalie to kick out all the other men. If it's one of the guys, I can look forward to seeing James and Natalie stew about how well and truly screwed they are by keeping Corey this week. Then they'd better hope the grand plan becomes "Let's get out Michelle!" or I think they have a rude awakening coming.

Can't wait for Sunday, whatever happens!

  • Love 2

Oh, I see Paul. Nobody can talk to each other without being "sacks of shit" huh? I guess you're the only one who can have conversations/confrontations with people and then it's just a game right? Ugh. I hate when people have a different set of rules for everyone else than for themselves/their "people". Victor is right, you're totally paranoid, and why WOULDN'T they be talking? You're 'boy' is one of the noms this week. Ugh. I hate his 'style' lately.

Were I Michelle, when I saw Paulie again I'd go in for the hug and say 'Oh and about that kiss' *knee to the groin*

I can't believe they actually put a tweet up that said 'Paulie, those shorts. Why??'

Again a TBC comp. Let's just make EVERY contest a TBC becuase it's not like they are the heart of the show or anything... *eye roll*

  • Love 14

Well...as I guessed CBS is getting their money's worth for paying BIG BROTHER staffers overtime to come up with a competition favoring if not guaranteeing a Paulie win...the only monkey wrench in the plan is Victor whose probably the only one who could outlast Paulie.

And when it gets down to just two people I hope whoever is there uses what little brains they have in their head NOT to accept a deal. In the history of BIG BROTHER has anyone ever honored their word and stuck to their deal and not immediatly reneg an nominate the person they promised safety to "if you let me win".

Whoever tweeted this night was like Christmas for them they better be ready for a big ol' lump of coal if Paulie comes back in.

So Paulie wants to talk to Z....what's stopping him....he's been there for a week...no cameras...he can't pull her aside. Man I was just in awe of her in that blue bikini and I'm thinking what a noodge Paulie is to have a queen like her and he treated her like garbage for 90% of the game.

As I have been feeling there is no way Nat and James can survive nominations this coming week...it would take a James win to guarantee it but if Paulie is in the house he'll team up with Paul and Corey and Nicole will be cooerced by the three bros to backstabb Jatalie even after all their support this past week.

I don't really like third chances to play BB...especially when the returnee is named Mike Boogie....but DaVonne is too  much a larger than life character to permanently exit the scene....if there is an All Stars she needs to be brought back.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 6

Yeah there is no way I can stay out of the live feeds thread.  Come ON Victor.  Ponytail, no ponytail, douchey behavior or not, you're the second prettiest houseguest EVER.  Eye candy makes my reality shows.

These people are really the worst.  You can't just have a conversation when someone walks in the room (or the backyard, as it may)?  They did the same idiot thing with Tiffany.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 2

I had given up on this season and was out for a couple of weeks, but then I heard Paulie was eliminated.  So I found the episodes from last week that chronicled his demise (humiliations galore!) and then this week's episodes, and this season has really turned around for me.  Paulie was the linchpin in the douchebro alliance.

Now I will go over to the live feed thread and pray that I will not learn that Paulie will be the one returning.  I am hoping for (1) Bridge or (2) Victor.  I would root for Day, but at this point I can't trust that she wouldn't just spend all her energy trying to get out Nicole (who no one on this jury - possibly not even Corey depending on who she is up against - would ever vote for to win) again.

Awesome jury house segment!

Edited by Newbietunes
  • Love 9

I''m still watching  -  but, the Funniest moment so far  - Paulie enters the Jury house, the women are laughing and clapping and happy, not to see him, but to find out he was voted out.  He responds to their glee by saying "I know a bunch of SORE LOSERS when I see them".   Paulie,  honey, that term does not apply to the ones laughing.  It applies to the person sitting there looking pissed off and defeated, making excuses as to why he didn't win.  You're kind of the definition of SORE LOSER.

  • Love 24
1 minute ago, backformore said:

I''m still watching  -  but, the Funniest moment so far  - Paulie enters the Jury house, the women are laughing and clapping and happy, not to see him, but to find out he was voted out.  He responds to their glee by saying "I know a bunch of SORE LOSERS when I see them".   Paulie,  honey, that term does not apply to the ones laughing.  It applies to the person sitting there looking pissed off and defeated, making excuses as to why he didn't win.  You're kind of the definition of SORE LOSER.

Well... that was true the first time around, and it didn't sink in for Paulie then.

Maybe it will the second time around - but I ain't holding my breath.  :>

Please please please, don't let Paulie back in the house. I don't really want Zakiyah or Da'Vonne to come back in because I don't think they can do anything with the people left in the house, they'll just get voted right back out. That leaves me hoping Victor wins because Bridgette would make Natalie and James stronger and I don't want that. 

Best case scenario for me would be Victor winning and putting up Corey and Nicole or Corey and James. 

  • Love 3

The highlight of this episode was absolutely seeing Paulie enter jury house and the girls did NOT go easy on him. He was trying SO hard to stay calm, because he knew how it would look. But you just know he had all kinds of thoughts floating around in there. Because, you know, his behavior was purely the result of "catty girls" in the house, not his own shortcomings. When the girls were clapping at his downfall, right next to him, I was just thrilled! And surprised that Z finally seemed to be standing up to him. 

Not so happy to see Vic instead of Corey go. I was really hoping Paul's plan would work. But I think all it did was put the focus on Paul. There wasn't enough talk about Corey and Nicole's part in all of it. Victor should have put more emphasis on THAT, as if Nicorey were trying to bring Paul in. Now Vic is gone and Paul has an even bigger target on his back. Oooops. 


I really kind of hope that Victor is the one sent back in, just because it would be hilarious. You can't kill this guy! 

  • Love 8

I love, love the jury segments, the only thing I watched in the episode cause I can't deal with these highly bias edits. 

I love that Paulie's only response to Zakiyah calling him a bitch was that she wasn't  being classy and Zakiyah "I don't have to be classy, bitch", made me lmao.

Also, last night reminded me of why I love Day so much. She is awesome. 

Edited by SevenStars
  • Love 7

Unpopular opinion alert: Even though Paulie's beat down by the women started out as my dream come true, I thought it went on too long and began to look like the sort of bully-fest where they run out of points to make and things to say and just start repeating themselves to impress each other.  Paulie deserved it , but by the time it was over, I thought they were all three starting to seem a little bit hysterical and cray-cray.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Unpopular opinion alert: Even though Paulie's beat down by the women started out as my dream come true, I thought it went on too long and began to look like the sort of bully-fest where they run out of points to make and things to say and just start repeating themselves to impress each other.  Paulie deserved it , but by the time it was over, I thought they were all three starting to seem a little bit hysterical and cray-cray.

I understand what you mean, but Paulie fueled the fire every single time he opened his mouth, and his posture and facial expressions made it clear what he thought of the women.  He absolutely cannot stand to not have the last word.  His folded arms and smug smile makes it clear that he feels far superior to those three crazy witches ganging up on poor widdle Paulie.  Until and unless he loses the attitude, I have a really hard time garnering any sympathy for him.

And speaking of Paulie, his competition shorts need to be burned ASAP.  Maybe Corey is just the man for that job.  And based on their extended man-hug upon Paulie's return into the house...well, the less said about that, the better.

Loved Bridgette standing up to Paulie, but I wish she'd lose the giggles and little-girl voice she uses most of the time.  That said, I'd love to see her come back into the house.  I'm thinking it's going to be a very long endurance comp, the stakes are very high for every single player left.

  • Love 18

Just watching it once casually, I noticed James was getting a fire hose of water, pow, right in the kisser, but the streams of water were splitting and going on either side of Paul's and Nicole's heads.  That doesn't seem quite fair.


It's a pretty good endurance comp--too bad they couldn't even show us the first to drop.  I thought James was smart to unlock his hands and give his arm muscles a flex when they went back to the upright position, but maybe later on, they'll get disoriented about what's true vertical, let go for a second to relieve the strain and slide right off.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, SevenStars said:

Also, last night reminded me of why I love Day so much. She is awesome. 

Day as an all around player is a bit of a disappointment but her commentary is golden. I would love to see her continously brought back a la Jesse aka "Mr Pectacular" or even Jeff. She gives voice to what a lot of us audience members are thinking, she's funny and she has a good spidey sense for what's going on in the game. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Unpopular opinion alert: Even though Paulie's beat down by the women started out as my dream come true, I thought it went on too long and began to look like the sort of bully-fest where they run out of points to make and things to say and just start repeating themselves to impress each other.  Paulie deserved it , but by the time it was over, I thought they were all three starting to seem a little bit hysterical and cray-cray.

Paulie was not bullied. If merely being an ass is the same as bullying, then Paulie was one of the biggest bullies in the house. The way the standards have lowered for what is being classified as bullying truly undermines real bullying. By making every occassion where someone argues with you or is unpleasant towards someone for longer than 5 minutes, a bully, then I guess we all are bullies. 

  • Love 18

Not buying Bridget's feisty feminist act. This is a woman who followed a man around the house like a puppy and, in one of the weirdest, most Stepfordian moment ever, thanked him for putting her up on the block.  Other than that very tentative Spy Girls alliance which seemed more of a gimmick than an actual alliance, I rarely saw her stand up for women or herself on the show. We'll see if Feminist Bridget sticks around when there are more men in the jury house.

  • Love 16

I was trying to figure out if the individual ledges that they were standing on during the HOH competition were all the same length.  If so, that should give a slight advantage to people with smaller feet (presumably the women).

I remain blissfully spoiler-free (don't watch the live feeds or read the threads here), so I'm going to assume that Paul's charade of buddying up to Nicole and Cory continued and he never went to Natalie and James and asked them to keep Victor.  If so, then I thought the best strategy for James after the eviction was to say to Paul, "You must be happy with the way this worked out because we thought you wanted Victor gone..."

  • Love 2

I never realized that Paulie was so was so short, since most of the guys in the house are really short, but yes he's shorter than Day and I'm guessing she's about 5'7" or so. 

Are short shorts for guys coming back in? I hope not. Paul looked ridiculous.I don't care for shorts the length of capris either (manpris). Just above or at the knee please. 

I noticed the water shot Paulie directly in the face Yes!! Other got more of a wider spray closer to their chest.

Go Victor!!! He's the only one I rooting for to win.

Go Paul for the Care Package!! 

  • Love 6

Besides being the highlight of the episode, I think that extended scene of the women in the jury totally excoriating Paulie was the last nail in the coffin regarding production's attitude about him. I don't think we'll be seeing that little creep again, at least not on BB.

And I've always had a soft spot for Bridgette, but it grew exponentially during that segment. 

Does anybody besides me think those violent hugs that Paulie inflicts on his "bros" are kind of alarming? Where does that come from? Is it a New Jersey thing, an Italian thing, or an "I've-watched-too-many-Mafia-movies" thing?

  • Love 8

I'm glad that Zakiyah mentioned the fact that she offered Paulie partnership/just friendship in at least 3 different occasions during their time in the house, he's the one who kept rejected those offers. Despite the creative licensed that production took when editing the Zakiyah and Paulie's relationship in the house to make it look like the relationship was all Z. 

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, cgogis said:

Paulie's shorts were hard on the eyes, but his shoes when getting out of the limo and walking in to the jury house are the most ridiculous things I have ever seen! 

I'm so glad you mentioned that, I made a note to remember that last night, but that lasted until the commercial break! Full confession: I'm not a fashionista. Having said that, please don't bash me, but were those shoes monstrosities Paulie was sporting Kanye's Yeezy (sp) shoes? I've seen a few celebs wearing Kanye's ridiculously-overpriced, eye-hurtingly-ugly footwear before, & that's what they sort of resembled. The fact that the camera lingered on them made that pop into my mind. I'm not sure if you're aware, but Kanye isn't above appearing in reality tv, even though he was never going to, or allow his children to. 

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Rough Draft said:

Does anybody besides me think those violent hugs that Paulie inflicts on his "bros" are kind of alarming? Where does that come from? Is it a New Jersey thing, an Italian thing, or an "I've-watched-too-many-Mafia-movies" thing?

It's actually genetic. His brother and father (and Paulie himself) engage in way-too-long full on the lips kisses at home. It's thoroughly disgusting and skeeves me wayyy out. So be thankful he's only giving out hugs in the house.

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I'm so glad you mentioned that, I made a note to remember that last night, but that lasted until the commercial break! Full confession: I'm not a fashionista. Having said that, please don't bash me, but were those shoes monstrosities Paulie was sporting Kanye's Yeezy (sp) shoes? I've seen a few celebs wearing Kanye's ridiculously-overpriced, eye-hurtingly-ugly footwear before, & that's what they sort of resembled. The fact that the camera lingered on them made that pop into my mind. I'm not sure if you're aware, but Kanye isn't above appearing in reality tv, even though he was never going to, or allow his children to. 

I'm not sure. My husband thought they were straight from Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Either way, they are bonkers! 

  • Love 4

Because, you know, his behavior was purely the result of "catty girls" in the house, not his own shortcomings. 

And the reason he was evicted was because James fell under the spell of that bitch Natalie.

Paulie's behavior is actually astonishing. He does know he's on TV, right? He's actually that lacking in self-awareness. Wow.

The most frustrating and disappointing thing about this show is that we never get to see any comeuppance for any of these houseguests after the show is over. And what's really sad is that, for most of them, there won't be any. Paulie will go home to his douche-bro friends and they'll all slap him on the back and tell him he was the bomb and whatever negative comments he hears about he'll chalk up to "haters." His family will defend him and say "oh no he's not really like that." He won't learn a damn thing. Worse, the show will probably invite him back because he's such a great "villain" and they'll ask him to play up the villain persona for TV and his behavior will just be validated and encouraged. 

Worse still, BB is getting some of it's best-ever ratings right now, which will surely encourage the show to keep casting these kinds of douchebags and dimwits.

  • Love 6

Bridget calls herself a strong woman and a feminist, but, to me, she seems like a grown woman trying to impersonate Cindy Brady.  All the giggles, shoulder shrugs, head bouncing, and ending each sentence like its a question make her seem mentally slow and immature.  I'm sure she's a nice person, and I want to like her, but she seems like such a waste of space on Big Brother this season.

She wasn't voted out because she was a threat; she was voted out because it was easy to do (no blood on anyone's hands, to coin a BB phrase).

EDIT:  Oh yeah, Paulie's behavior when he entered the jury house took him from "big jerk" in my estimation to "one of the worst jerks ever to play Big Brother (outside of Evil Dick)".  Nice job, Paulie; you seem to be even worse in real life than you appear to be in a reality show competition!

Edited by Gregg247
  • Love 5

Paulie, professional basketball circa 1980 called, they want their shorts back.  Actually - they changed their minds, you can keep 'em.

Paulie's face gets oddly contorted when he's trying to act tough.  It's as if he's putting on what he thinks is a smile, but it's actually not-so-artfully concealed rage.  I truly hope that Z never, ever gets back together with him, and that every female in New Jersey slaps him when they see him.

  • Love 9

Paulie has a truly awful poker face. You can read every thought and reaction clear as day.

Frank's puppet who speaks like a child without a shred of confidence or conviction being a feminist is laughable, but I guess that's what even educated young women today believe feminism is all about, sadly? Merely getting a man to listen to you and a gaggle of mug-clinking shrews is empowerment?

Paulie is a mean little asshole, for sure, but from what I saw Z willingly made herself his doormat, as did Bridgette, whenever the "cute" (ick to both!) boy glanced their way/told them they were special/better than the rest of "those girls." I don't think feminism is about treating men as badly or worse than feminists claim men treat women, or about infantilizing women by blaming their results on a man/circumstances/privelege/whatever imaginary culture is offensive to the victim-peddling groupthink this week. Bridgette's version of feminism reminds me of that Roseanne episode where she sees the 1950s version of herself.

"But I'm only a woman!"

"God! Leave her, Dan!"

Day is a straight up bitch. She's done very poorly and won nothing two seasons now, and I would've given it back to her a lot harder than "catty" if she was cackling and hair flipping in my face like that. Again, Paulie sucks, but there are no heroes in that jury house. Or the actual house.

Also, I find Victor just ick! (Icktor?) But to each his/her own.

  • Love 2

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