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2 minutes ago, ExplainItAgain said:

Also, I'm confused by the story Matt told his family about meeting Alla. I was only half watching, maybe I misunderstood. But it sounded like he went to Kiev, met Alla, but he was still married to wife #3 at the time? He came home, it didn't work out with #3 and then he called Alla? Is that right?

I thought Matt went on one of those tours where you pay to meet single ladies from Russia or the Ukraine. Maybe he was going through the divorce and still hung up on the ex?  I was a bit confused on the timeline myself.

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3 hours ago, lasandi said:

Autumnh, I actually thought the same thing that Jorge was born a woman.  I can't imagine what other kind of secret he could possibly have that would be worth mentioning.  

I kept wondering last night, ok there is something about him. Then it hit me. He looks like Chaz Bono.    So, he could of been a woman or just looks like Chaz or both?

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21 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I thought Matt went on one of those tours where you pay to meet single ladies from Russia or the Ukraine. Maybe he was going through the divorce and still hung up on the ex?  I was a bit confused on the timeline myself.

I was confused too. I had thought he said in episode 1 he found her online, while purposefully seeking out Eastern European women because no Americans wanted to date his baggage-laden self. Also weird since he was whining about wife #3 cheating on him...yet he met Alla while they were still married or something? Sketchy. Regardless, during that segment (and during the pow-wow with the brother and friends in the garage last episode) I got the distinct impression that everyone in the Mattster's life is pretty tired of hearing about his (possibly self-inflicted) marital problems at this point. Except for mama...because her 43-year old "sweet angel" does no wrong. 

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When Jorge bitches about "feminists" it's really code for "I want a REAL girly girl that will whip me into abject submission" - even though Anfisa keeps moving the goal posts at least he knows exactly what he needs to do to keep her fleetingly happy, and it's so simple: throw money at her.  He doesn't have to worry about anything deep, personal, challenging... just toss cash around and everything will be good.  The camera didn't pan down to his pants, but we know he gets his biggest hardon when she is mad at him.  She can barely hide her contempt for him, which is the same contempt I feel for Jorge... so I identify with her LOL.  Go girl, cash in!  He's a sucker and loving every minute of it.  After she kisses him goodbye with those bloated larva-lips and leaves him bankrupt, he won't regret a single penny he spent on this glorious foray into S&M.  

Pedro is over the moon... reliable hot water!!! Yes I love this service too.  These two horny young things communicate via genitals only as their common gibberish (I can't call it language really) is at the level of the first 10 pages of a beginner second-language textbook. Oh the things they will discover when they start talking!  Pedro knows exactly zero English and doesn't seem all that motivated - maybe he expects to conduct most of his social intercourse with his penis.

Hey Danicole... did you know there is a word for "amazingness?" - it's "amazement."  Another room-temperature IQ lazy blob that is ruled by the vagina's urges to get chimney-swept.  Sigh.

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Nicole - Dani 2.0. Emotionally stunted. Living in a fantasy world. But but, ok, she is from Bradenton, not too far from where I live, and her parents seem to have a nice home, are well spoken, as does her sister, nice house well spoken. But then we see the scene where mom and dad pick up Nicole at her place and it looks like a no name crap hotel. The only thing I can think of is that Nicole is on welfare and does not work, so she is living in section 8 housing.  How else can she take off for 5 weeks to go to Morocco? She doesn't strike me as a person who has achieved enough job-wise to qualify her for a leave of absence. And if she is on welfare, how can she possibly meet the financial qualifications required by the K1 visa? The whole hing makes no sense. And I was half watching but did she do a long haul flight in those jeans? Seriously? 

Jorge deserves what's coming to him. Clearly he has given the impression to Anifsa that he is rich. In reality it looks like he does ok, but he ain't rich the way she thinks. But she will take him for all of it. I agree with everyone else that she has learned how to take a good picture but she isn't in the 10K a month category. 

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The previews did not show any shots of Azan in the US, no shots of Nicole doing wedding prep or Azan meeting her family. I don't think this relationship is making it as far as the K1 process. I'm sure TLC knew this, because it takes time to get the K1 (months, maybe up to a year? I think Loren and Alexei had to wait quite awhile, plus you can't start the process unless you can show an actual relationship, which is the purpose of the Morocco trip). They found Nicole and knew it would be a trainwreck from the start. Maybe we're all in for a big shock and they are keeping it under wraps, but....I'm pretty doubtful.

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20 minutes ago, wovenloaf said:

I was confused too. I had thought he said in episode 1 he found her online, while purposefully seeking out Eastern European women because no Americans wanted to date his baggage-laden self. Also weird since he was whining about wife #3 cheating on him...yet he met Alla while they were still married or something? Sketchy. 

Interesting speculation. If his allegation is that #3 cheated, maybe it was a revenge thing or just as simple a needy person like Matt craving attention, affection, validation and lining up #4 in the process. 

When Jorge was shown driving, I was like what?!?!? is that a basic Honda? Anfisa is not gonna like that. LOL! Than his dumb ass gets a sports Audi with no trunk to pick her ass up at the airport. Who does that? 

My petty ass was checking out Anfisa's luggage and was surprised it wasn't Louis Vuitton.  In fact it was rather basic and cheap looking.  Count me in as also believing that she had no bigger fish biting so settled for Jorge - for now. 

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If Anfisa is 20, I'm an ovum. That is a lot of work for someone so allegedly young. 

At the LEAST I saw cheek implants, lip filler, fake breasts, fake ass, and potentially a chin implant. And she was simply not attractive, even with all the facial work. Someone below said butter face. Indeed!


She seems like a nice lady but I bet she still buys his underwear and he can't make a move without consulting her first. 

Did you notice what all she brought him along with the balloons and such? She carted in all the stuff to clean the house – buckets, mops, pinesol, broom. She cleans his house! And she brought him like 5000 light bulbs. They were all the kitchen counter behind her when they were talking.



Alla seems kind of lukewarm about the whole thing.

I dunno. I felt for her. She’s literally just come from the other side of the world with a small child on what was probably a multi-leg flight. And does she get to go somewhere and rest? No. She gets to go to a party full of STRANGERS wearing nametags and praying. Maybe that should have been on the agenda for day 2?


WHO THE HELL leaves their tiny child for five weeks to be with a man across the world?  

My husband straight up yelled at the TV – that strange man is not the love of your life, that little girl is the love of your life. Jesus!  I also felt so badly for the little girl as the show was basically edited to look like her mommy put her to sleep at her aunt’s house and just left. Can you imagine being 2 and waking up and your ONLY PARENT is gone? And doesn’t come back for over the month? WTF?


Chantal just is too young and naïve and I feel bad that this is not going to work out and she's going to regret looking like a fool for the world to see. I don't see a fairy tale ending she is dreaming of.  The lies don't even make sense.

Girl’s hot for the man candy. Can hardly blame her, he’s definitely something I would have let catch me when I was in my early 20s. But seriously, he starts school in March? What school is she trying to pretend he’s even going to and how does she not realize that anyone with a passing knowledge of college wouldn't be able to call out as a lie immediately? And the greasy haired friend (eeeh with that hair!) asking if they were going to the same school? Are there a metric ton of foreign nationals attending community colleges on student visas or something? Why would they bother?


Pedro is over the moon... reliable hot water!!! Yes I love this service too.  

I looked at my husband and said, “Yeah, if I was from a tropical locale, I’d have been a mail order whore for AC and running water too. No lie.”

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1 hour ago, ExplainItAgain said:

Also, I'm confused by the story Matt told his family about meeting Alla. I was only half watching, maybe I misunderstood. But it sounded like he went to Kiev, met Alla, but he was still married to wife #3 at the time? He came home, it didn't work out with #3 and then he called Alla? Is that right?

That's what I got, too. And Alla was very embarrassed that he was practically bragging about it in front of the entire family. Don't blame her at all. I can't see her staying with this guy.

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

Jorge deserves what's coming to him. Clearly he has given the impression to Anifsa that he is rich. In reality it looks like he does ok, but he ain't rich the way she thinks. But she will take him for all of it. I agree with everyone else that she has learned how to take a good picture but she isn't in the 10K a month category. 

Earlier I posted that Anfisa the Fembot showed up at the last minute because her other intended victim must have fallen through - now I think she showed up fast when she found out she had a chance to be on American TV *and* still have a new victim to use. Win-Win!

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2 hours ago, LaChavalina said:

I didn't see this mentioned in the episode 1 thread, but Nicole also admitted she was underage when she met her daughter's father online. She very clearly said that she had to wait until she turned 18 to go be with him. It sounds like maybe he wasn't too much older than her, but it does make me wonder what her parents are thinking that they're so laid back about her meeting other guys on the Internet.

They may well have been. That happens in some countries; not every society views physical contact between male friends in the same way that we do here in the U.S. (where holding hands is a sign of romantic/sexual attachment).

This is very true - in some countries men hold hands, kiss on the cheek, and dance together. I actually didnt notice any hand holding. However, given the entire situation presented to us, okay I'll say it, plus the tight V-neck, I just couldnt help but speculate. 

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11 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

After having to endure the stomach-churning power imbalance of Mark and Nikki last season, I'm here for Anfisa gleefully bleeding Jorge dry. He deserves it, since his idea of an ideal woman is apparently a financially dependent helper who is under his thumb. Good luck trying to lock down a practiced grifter, dude.

We'll have to see if it unfolds like Mohammed and Danielle did, because I felt sorry for Danielle for the first episode or two, too, but I'm worried for Nicole. She's so desperate for love and affection that watching her makes my heart hurt. I'm not sure what it is - and I'm not really in an armchair psychologist mood tonight - but she seems really naive and childlike for a 22 year-old mother. For now, that makes me sad rather than exasperated/angry.

I am rooting for Anfisa so hard. And yes, the worse she behaves, the more Jorge loves it. He thinks he is the envy of all the bros with his fiery, unpredictable bae. Hahaha, no.

Oh Nicole. When she gushed that she was going to Morocco to meet the love of her life she sounded like a child. A young teenager dazzled by Disney princess dreams. She is a mess. She'll have five kids by the time she's 30, poor thing. "Its true love this time!"


11 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Anfisa and Jorge: Like a horror movie where you cheer on the monster.  I just want to FF to get to the part where the rubber lipped monster leaves nothing but tumbleweeds in all his bank accounts and nothing in his pockets but lint and marijuana stems. The only question for me is whether she leaves him in a motel bathroom ice bath with organs missing. Feels like an episode of snapped waiting to happen. I wanted to just club Jorge myself when he was laying in bed thumbing through Anfisa pics on his phone, which he was somehow able to setup after she deleted all his shit and changed his passwords, which she refused to apologize for. Hell, his ass was apologizing at the airport and the only thing he failed to do was buy her some ridiculously priced Chanel bag. 

Anfisa is like Kylie Jenner - instagram pretty. Striking in still photos at certain angles and with ALL the filters but IRL ... kinda meh to the point of being odd looking. 

If Anfisa is 20, I'm an ovum. That is a lot of work for someone so allegedly young. By the time she is 40 (5-7 years from now) I shudder to think what she will look like. And she wants to be famous? No surprise there.

Matt is a goober and a Gomer. His mom seems awesome and supportive, but maybe too supportive. I don't really have an opinion yet about Alla. 


I was really distracted by the friend who Chanel was on the outs with greasy lank hair. You know you are about to be on tv, wash that mess.

Jorge is a hostage. Anfisa's occasional acts of kindness are what he lives for. And yeah, she's not 20.

I love Matt's mother and I think she should have her own show.

Poor Alla, though! Fresh off a long flight and she has to go meet the fam? They couldn't wait till the next day so the poor woman and her kid could get a good night's rest?? She looked exhausted.

Chantel's "I'm going to keep it real and tell it like it is" friend must have been called in at the last minute, since she couldn't even brush some dry shampoo on that grease pit on her head, I guess? I understand the need of the producers for conflict but for crying out loud, really? These people are so rude. I dunno, I like Chantel and Pedro together. Chantel is foolish for lying though.

I am so glad this is back! I am looking forward to some serious trainwrecky goodness with all of you!

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21 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jorge is a hostage. Anfisa's occasional acts of kindness are what he lives for. And yeah, she's not 20.

I think Anfisa does look like a 20 year old, however she has the cunning, calculated shrewdness, and greed of someone a lot older, which is why she seems older. Her English is very good for a Russian girl, she barely has a trace accent when she speaks and her affect is very very controlled, like she barely moves her face when she talks. She has had a lot of plastic surgery and fake hair and sorry but I think she is just a prostitute. 

Edited by Matias130
forgot something
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THIS SHOW IS LIFE. thankyouthankyouthankyou TLC haha now that RHONY is over I have new oxygen!

Matt. Matt. Matt. Love his mom, the original helicopter mom who wants her special snowflake to have happiness. I hope they make it but Matt's gotta have some issues. Time will tell I guess.  

Anfisa, holy **** that's going to be a trainwreck. She is insane and he is pathetic. Makes me a little sad for him. 

Anyone else's gaydar pinging in Morocco with Nicole's betrothed and his "best friend"? Not that there's anything wrong with that. 

The 2 youngsters w/the hot bods are so boring compared to the others. The only drama is that no one knows they're engaged? Yawn. 

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45 minutes ago, okerry said:

Earlier I posted that Anfisa the Fembot showed up at the last minute because her other intended victim must have fallen through - now I think she showed up fast when she found out she had a chance to be on American TV *and* still have a new victim to use. Win-Win!

Seriously, somebody should have told Anfisa that it's best not to put collagen all over your face ~ unless you want to look like a blowfish. 

That girl is cutthroat as all get out.  Even Mo is watching thinking, "She's cold!"

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  46 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Jorge is a hostage. Anfisa's occasional acts of kindness are what he lives for. And yeah, she's not 20.

I think Anfisa does look like a 20 year old, however she has the cunning, calculated shrewdness, and greed of someone a lot older, which is why she seems older. Her English is very good for a Russian girl, she barely has a trace accent when she speaks and her affect is very very controlled, like she barely moves her face when she talks. She has had a lot of plastic surgery and fake hair and sorry but I think she is just a prostitute. 

Sadly, I was thinking the same thing; she is a prostitute. And, she has never cultivated much in the way of empathy, at least not for poor Jorge. (Of course it might just be more of a casual black widow thing and she just hates him because she slept with him.)

As for her highly controlled affect, I'd say that's 80% repressed trauma and 20% collagen.

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I have never had such a violent reaction like I did when I saw Anifsa, just something about her bugs...she's so smug it comes through the TV.  Don't get me wrong I think Jorge is an idiot and probably deserves whatever he is going to get but he could have built a girlfriend for the money he has already put into this one. 

Quick Question:

Will there be individual threads for the couples like the past seasons?

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We lived next door to a young man in the Military. He was shy but very good looking. Found a woman on line from Russia. Went over a couple of times and gave her money for rent and to get her son back (from her abusive DH). So she was going to come to live and marry the man and then told him he would have to cough up 10 grand for her son to be released. He paid and waited and waited. Finally flew back to Russia and married her.

Months passed after he came home and she missed flights and never showed-all the while he sent her money. He then flew back to Russia dn discovered he had been duped and she was already married to 3 others who sent her money.

He came home and hung himself.

She showed up with a young boy (who the FBI learned was kidnapped) and cleaned out the house-got all his money and his Pensions from the Military.

Good scam.

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Jorge and his Russian hacker deserve each other.  Wonder what his secret will be...that he used to be a woman (is what I'm guessing).  I didnt really understand why Chantel's fiance wasnt on the flight...did he miss the plane on purpose?  The conversation was weird.  Then she was crying as if he wasnt going to show up.  

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14 hours ago, vanillamountain said:

Nicole . . . wow.  She seems like a sweet enough girl, but she's in over her head and Azan is clearly not that into her. You could tell by his body language and the expression on his face during the one-on-one interviews that he wasn't feeling it.

I smell Dani and Mo all over again which is sad because Nicole seems much nicer.  

However, one huge flag was his comment about her body after he met her. He was like "when I saw ALL her body, she's big" - and I wonder if that means that she made a point to never show her full length body to him in photos/videos or just that in those pics/videos she seemed smaller to him. Because if she hid it - that's not really fair to him. You have to let him love you for who you really are - not try to hide it then say later "well if you don't love me for who I am... blah blah" when you kept it a secret. 

I'd hate to think that she wasn't honest all that time, and never shared a full length photo or video. I was in a long distance relationship once where we met online first, and didn't meet in person for the first time until months and months later. However, while we chatted online we had video calls, etc and I would even make a point of putting the computer down somewhere and went about my business while talking so my "real" self was never a surprise. I'd even set the laptop on the kitchen counter and proceed to walk around and make dinner during our video calls.  I also had tons of photos and pics showing my full body in all my pictures I sent to him - having been an online dater, I don't like surprises either. 

Edited by lilsadone
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I actually think that Azan might have had a bit of his heart invested in this thing. He was, unlike Mo, genuinely excited to see his girl! Someone here on this board already mentioned being able to look into his eyes on camera and see the exact moment that his soul died behind those lovely dark eyes of his. What, did she catfish him a bit, too? Send him photos of herself when she was younger, like back in her late to early teens before she gained all of the weight? Did she lean into the camera seductively so that he might not ever notice?

The poor man just seemed genuinely bewildered. And, in a country where food is much more expensive and harder to find, that possibility was simply so far outside his frame of reference that he seemed genuinely stunned and disappointed. And yet, he shouldered this disappointment with aplomb. He is a very polite young man!

And then the question remains, as with Dani's finances or any other type of thing one might hide, what did you think would happen when he did notice? Well, from what little we know of Nicole so far, the answer is pretty clear. She did not think. Just like she did not think ahead to find Morocco on a map, probably trusting that the pilot knew how to find it. And she did not think to possibly stash a lipstick or a comb in her purse to primp a little before she landed. Instead, she chose to come barreling out of the plane whining about being hungry! And oh, look! Camels! Are they real? Wasn't expecting to see those! Don't get me wrong because Nicole is actually a very pretty girl. It's just that a modicum of self-control and intellectual curiosity in something, ANYTHING, would be helpful here.

As for Anfisa, I get that the monster was made and not born. Still, Jorge is so blind that Dani wants to loan him her coke-bottle glasses and tell him, "You need these more than I do, buddy!" Hoping there won't be a Deadly Women crossover show here.

Maybe Jorge's secret is that he has a criminal record. Of course if he had any sense, he'd be flaunting that one. He needs all the help he can get at this point.

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3 hours ago, wovenloaf said:

I was confused too. I had thought he said in episode 1 he found her online, while purposefully seeking out Eastern European women because no Americans wanted to date his baggage-laden self. Also weird since he was whining about wife #3 cheating on him...yet he met Alla while they were still married or something? Sketchy.

He did. He's telling a "cleaned up" version to his family where he just leaves out the part that he went to Ukraine to meet his purchase from the catalog (her).  Instead he sold it as he went on this trip to Ukraine and happened to meet her while he was there. That's kinda true, except his only point of going to Ukraine was to meet women for marriage - they have entire agencies there dedicated to facilitation of this. 

Him being married when he took that trip though -- super sketchy. I wonder if his last wife (or last 3 wives) were all American. 

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47 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

We lived next door to a young man in the Military. He was shy but very good looking. Found a woman on line from Russia. Went over a couple of times and gave her money for rent and to get her son back (from her abusive DH). So she was going to come to live and marry the man and then told him he would have to cough up 10 grand for her son to be released. He paid and waited and waited. Finally flew back to Russia and married her.

Months passed after he came home and she missed flights and never showed-all the while he sent her money. He then flew back to Russia dn discovered he had been duped and she was already married to 3 others who sent her money.

He came home and hung himself.

She showed up with a young boy (who the FBI learned was kidnapped) and cleaned out the house-got all his money and his Pensions from the Military.

Good scam.


But I thank you for sharing the story. I just think of the cons - but didn't imagine the end of the con where the victim is so devastated they end their own life. 

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

I thought Matt went on one of those tours where you pay to meet single ladies from Russia or the Ukraine. Maybe he was going through the divorce and still hung up on the ex?  I was a bit confused on the timeline myself.

well, shows how dumb I am.  I didn't know such tours existed.  Sure, I knew about online and "mail order," but tours?  Well!

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Just now, Granny58 said:

well, shows how dumb I am.  I didn't know such tours existed.  Sure, I knew about online and "mail order," but tours?  Well!

One of Lisa Ling's specials was about these tours. She followed one man to Colombia and, I think, another one to Russia.

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One more thing: Anfisa may be a prostitute and a blow up doll with a cash register between her legs, but I think a lot of women could learn a tiny bit of something from her, this may sound really really horrible. But she definitely knows her worth. She doesnt gush over him or act impressed. Why did Nicole come barreling through the gates with falling down shirt sleeves and lugging her luggage behind her in a very childlike way..... just ugh. Her sister may be level headed and normal but she is an enabler y agreeing to watch her daughter so she could do this. All of the women came out through the airport gates looking pretty and with makeup.... hold on I'm getting a flashback of Anfisa saying "does my makeup look good" when she greeted Jorge so yea I take that back. ANfisa needs to get together with Nicole and teach her a few things, poor girl.

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Chantel and Pedro are dull, dull, dull.  So I have no interest in them.  The real story this season is Nicole and Azan.  And I don't even want to snark about her because she is so tragic.  No self worth, no apparent education, no sense of reality, and living on an emotional roller coaster, by which I don't mean just her current "true love," but also the one before that resulted in her pregnancy.  I would believe she has been in "true love" many times but finally found one who returned the interest and off she went to Texas.   She seems so immature and impulsive and just desperate for the fairy tale.  I will watch and be completely disturbed by the whole mess.  Legal adult or not, if she were my daughter there is no way in hell she would have gone to Morocco (which is in Africa don't you know). 

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1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

She showed up with a young boy (who the FBI learned was kidnapped)

Incredibly sad story but you gotta admire the committment of this psycho to her story.    

I don't think we have to worry about Jorge hanging himself.   I think he knows she is out for his money -- and doesn't care.   As long as he gets the freaky sex with her he won't care about anything else.

From the article on the show:

We should all marry Matt just to lock down Mery Anne, the dream mother-in-law.

Considering Alla will be Wife #4, it is a distinct possibility that we will all get that chance.

Edited by merylinkid
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4 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

  As long as he gets the freaky sex with her he won't care about anything else.

lol and I bet she rarely has sex with him - he seems like the type to believe anything she says "oh she's been on her period for 2 months straight and that's normal she said." 

But then again, she did say in her talking head that she likes being affectionate, etc which is why long distance was hard for her. Who knows - I'VE GOT MY POPCORN THOUGH!

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5 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Nicole seems like a sweet girl but Azan is really not that into her. Her two year old should come first. You don't leave a toddler for five weeks for any guy, especially one you don't even know, in a country where you don't understand the culture. And he couldn't tell when they face timed that she was a bigger girl?

Jorge is just as crazy as his crazy fiancé! These two deserve each other. 

I don't know yet about Alla. She seemed overwhelmed, but I guess I would have been too with his family all up in my face right away.

pedro better learn to speak English fast if he's going to have to defend himself to Chantels friends and family with this big lie she started about him being here to be a student. 

But the nametags were such a cute touch, IMO anyways. 

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Jorge should hold onto his money and not waste it. I can't see him cornering the market on black weed bags. 

Up thread someone remarked that Matt's mother needs her own show?  No thanks. 9 seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond was enough.  

I think Matt has done foreign bride before, which is why I think his friend walked out of the warehouse party last episode. It sounds like he met this chick when he went to Ukraine the first time, but he ended up purchasing wife #3 instead. ???  Who knows. He wants a woman like just his mother. 

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33 minutes ago, Matias130 said:

All of the women came out through the airport gates looking pretty and with makeup.... hold on I'm getting a flashback of Anfisa saying "does my makeup look good" when she greeted Jorge so yea I take that back. ANfisa needs to get together with Nicole and teach her a few things, poor girl.

She was definitely wearing foundation but I was surprised by how downplayed Anfisa looked and that she didn't seem to be wearing lipstick on those lips she paid for. They look odd and kinda ashy when she first arrived. Maybe she was going for the "I woke up like this" look. I bet you she gets a nose job next. I was surprised by her profile.

So the plan was for Jorge to go over and get Anfisa to bring her over her with a K-1 visa? Since that trip was canceled by the she-devil, how was Anfisa just able to board a plane on a whim and come to the US? I doubt she would pay for a ticket out of her own pocket  so it seems a bit fishy. 

2 hours ago, Matias130 said:

I think Anfisa does look like a 20 year old, however she has the cunning, calculated shrewdness, and greed of someone a lot older, which is why she seems older. Her English is very good for a Russian girl, she barely has a trace accent when she speaks and her affect is very very controlled, like she barely moves her face when she talks. She has had a lot of plastic surgery and fake hair and sorry but I think she is just a prostitute. 

Ain't gonna lie, my first thought was 'how many times has she been to Dubai." Somehow I doubt she made a killing. 

2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Jorge's fetish courtesy of wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_domination

I think I found my new calling. 

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1 hour ago, lilsadone said:

He did. He's telling a "cleaned up" version to his family where he just leaves out the part that he went to Ukraine to meet his purchase from the catalog (her).  Instead he sold it as he went on this trip to Ukraine and happened to meet her while he was there. That's kinda true, except his only point of going to Ukraine was to meet women for marriage - they have entire agencies there dedicated to facilitation of this. 

Him being married when he took that trip though -- super sketchy. I wonder if his last wife (or last 3 wives) were all American. 

If he starts making party or goes for matching outfits, we'll know. 

1 hour ago, Boofish said:

I have taken the liberty of writing the toast for Anfisa (my new hero - sorry Blac China it was a good run) and Jorge's wedding:

"Behold the field on which Anfisa grows her fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren"

I spit iced tea out of my nose. This was genius. *slow clap*

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42 minutes ago, lilsadone said:

lol and I bet she rarely has sex with him - he seems like the type to believe anything she says "oh she's been on her period for 2 months straight and that's normal she said." 

But then again, she did say in her talking head that she likes being affectionate, etc which is why long distance was hard for her. Who knows - I'VE GOT MY POPCORN THOUGH!

But if the theory that Jorge was born Georgia holds true, then he would know better? Still. It's Anfisa. She's crazy. :D

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36 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

So the plan was for Jorge to go over and get Anfisa to bring her over her with a K-1 visa? Since that trip was canceled by the she-devil, how was Anfisa just able to board a plane on a whim and come to the US? I doubt she would pay for a ticket out of her own pocket  so it seems a bit fishy. 


Jorge's fetish courtesy of wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_domination

I think I found my new calling. 


I think she canceled his flight to Russia, but didn't cancel his/her separate tickets back to the USA. The return trip was  probably booked separately since she was coming back with him - so there's no issue canceling his trip there and it wouldn't have messed up her ticket to the US. 

If that's not what happened, then Aeroflot, one of the main airlines there (I've taken it to Moscow) is super cheap (for USD, in comparison to some EU destinations)- you can get to LA from Russia for $600-$800 on average. If she had his email, phone passwords, etc -I bet she had access to his CC too, so maybe she just paid for it with his card. 

I have a feeling it was just an act though, and she just used her original ticket to come. I just watched the episode a 2nd time (I wasn't paying full attention the first time) and there was something funny when he was explaining in the car that she "hopped on a plane" - yeah right. She just followed through with the original departure date for herself and didn't want him to come to Russia to get her because her Russian sugar daddy happened to be in town unexpectedly. 

Edited by lilsadone
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Jorge should hold onto his money and not waste it. I can't see him cornering the market on black weed bags. 

Up thread someone remarked that Matt's mother needs her own show?  No thanks. 9 seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond was enough.  

I think Matt has done foreign bride before, which is why I think his friend walked out of the warehouse party last episode. It sounds like he met this chick when he went to Ukraine the first time, but he ended up purchasing wife #3 instead. ???  Who knows. He wants a woman like just his mother. 

I could not believe he went into that whole thing at their "welcome/engagement" party in front of his entire family! Talk about oversharing!

Maybe she can reel him in a little. If he listens.

No wonder his mom brought him the lightbulbs did you see how boisterous they all were? His whole family was lit up, literally, as in bedecked in flashing lights.

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I don't think Jorge was once a woman unless he went to sex re-assignment surgery with a "Groucho Marx eyebrow option" - no, I rather believe he was born with those shaggy rugs.  You can't see his Adam's apple because he's fat.

Things I am willing to believe about Jorge:

  • He will bring her into his secret dungeon and hand her the whip
  • His cholesterol is sky-high and he's diabetic
  • All his money is borrowed and his weed bags aren't selling - something she's not likely to forgive
  • He has an ex-wife and 3 children, is way behind in child support
  • Micropenis
  • Something lame like he has a 3-legged dog, pun intended
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17 hours ago, liammaam said:

So. SO. awkward with Nicole and her man.  You could see his soul die in his eyes when he was with her.  

But seriously?  I hope she crashes and burns in this relationship, because WHO THE HELL leaves their tiny child for five weeks to be with a man across the world?  

Someone who is very young and immature.  For those reasons alone, I would give her another  chance to grow up and become responsible.

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One more thing: Anfisa may be a prostitute and a blow up doll with a cash register between her legs, but I think a lot of women could learn a tiny bit of something from her, this may sound really really horrible. But she definitely knows her worth. She doesnt gush over him or act impressed. Why did Nicole come barreling through the gates with falling down shirt sleeves and lugging her luggage behind her in a very childlike way..... just ugh. Her sister may be level headed and normal but she is an enabler y agreeing to watch her daughter so she could do this. All of the women came out through the airport gates looking pretty and with makeup.... hold on I'm getting a flashback of Anfisa saying "does my makeup look good" when she greeted Jorge so yea I take that back. ANfisa needs to get together with Nicole and teach her a few things, poor girl.

I would say that they are two sides of the same coin of no self worth, but at least Nicole has a heart, childish though it might be.

Anfisa doesn't gush or act impressed, but if she did it would have to be an act because she's so jaded there's just a dark hollow bowl inside where the emotions were scooped out before she was too young to protest.

Anflsa might actually be the first truly evil person we've ever seen on this show.

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I, too, think that Azan's body language said it all. And his friend was trying to be nice. But, I don't buy for a second that he didn't know what the total package looked like.  Not one bit.

Oh, dear...Jorge and Anifsa (and didn't she call him George). He sure allows himself to be emasculated.  I'm sure those feminists that he's not fond of would treat him with much more respect than she does, but what do I know?

The other couples are snooze worthy at the moment for me.

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I actually don't have sympathy for Nicole.  I think her family has enabled her immature behavior and whims.  She went off to Texas and came home with May.  Now she is going off again, and the family throws her a dinner before her departure and her sister takes May.  How is Nicole affording the trip, the K-1 process?  If she is, indeed, on welfare then she is using money meant to support her daughter in order to find another prince charming.  At 22 with a daughter, she should be learning how to support the two of them-way too much time on her hands to search the internet for the "love of her life."  Although her mother had some insightful comments, maybe she should have said those things to Nicole rather than about Nicole.

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Matt's mom. Wow. She is so supportive.

Mr. Guilfoyle mentioned that is maybe the reason he has such a hard time with women...his mom is genuinely a nice, good, supportive person and he keeps trying to find that in other women. 

And failing miserably.

And on a different note, I was so shocked by the unattractiveness of Anfisa's face. Mr. G did a rundown of the plastic surgery she would require in order to half the stunner she claims to be, so we froze the screen and really lingered on her face.  For unrelated reasons today I was googling the physical attributes of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and noticed how many of them Anfisa has.

Epicanthal folds (fold above the eyelid) - check
Longer than average distance between nose and upper lip - check
Thin upper lip - check
Small head - check
Social developmental delays (this one is more debatable, but she does seem to be lacking some socialization skills...IDK).

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49 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I would say that they are two sides of the same coin of no self worth, but at least Nicole has a heart, childish though it might be.

Anfisa doesn't gush or act impressed, but if she did it would have to be an act because she's so jaded there's just a dark hollow bowl inside where the emotions were scooped out before she was too young to protest.

Anflsa might actually be the first truly evil person we've ever seen on this show.

I don't believe she is evil. She's just good at what she does, and she found the perfect sucker. Then again, they (the people cast on this trainwreck none of us seem to be able to look away from) have a tendency to get progressively worst at the wedding date approaches. 

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