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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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And Michelle added an ANKLE PANEL? Because otherwise that dress was so very sexy?? Hahahahahahaha!!!! X infinity.

And even with the super-awesome modest ankle and chest panel (I mean, what was that whore of Babylon Kelly Bates THINKING?) I have to agree that that dress is the opposite of modest. All I see are giant, metallic Barbarella boobs. 

  • Love 15

I'm astounded that there are two of those dresses. Do they both subscribe the Ugliest Dress in the World catalog? And it was in THEIR clearance section? I'll bet cinder Jana was laughing her ass off when she "fixed" Michelle's dress. I hope she egged her on to get that really special duggar look.

Sorry. This is in the wrong thread. My bad. I didn't see the mod post.

Edited by toodles
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Conspiracy theory: Amy had some kind of arrangement with the magazines to feature her wedding if she helped them get the first photographs of the Duggars and Anna post-scandal. That's why Amy separated them from the rest of the guests by having them congregate outside on the patio in prime view of the paparazzi. 


Probably not true, but I would like to think so. Hehe. 

The wedding chapel thing was really just a canopy over a stage, exposure couldn't really be avoided. This says all we need to know about which magazine was invited. Real subtle, Amy.


The contrived, insincere gesture of support and then the selling of that photograph tells me everything that I need to know about Amy.


Shameless and disgusting, really.  

The contrived, insincere gesture of support and then the selling of that photograph tells me everything that I need to know about Amy.


Shameless and disgusting, really.

Well, look on the bright side. It must have killed her that they picked a shot with a bulge she's probably not quite so enthusiastic about sharing with the world over the bodice of her dress. Her day to shine indeed.

Also, since the blushing bride appears to be spending her honeymoon hovering over social media and talking to the press, it can't have escaped her notice that it wasn't covered as Amy Duggar's big day. It was covered as A wedding the Duggars went to.

  • Love 3

Their outfits are all over the place. Lost girls (now including Mackynzie) wearing frilly white, Jackson wearing jeans and bow tie, James wearing his regular clothes, Jinger is wearing the fuchsia and denim, and some old guy dressed for fishing.



In the first pic in looks like Jackson & Johannah are the married couple.

  • Love 5

The wedding chapel thing was really just a canopy over a stage, exposure couldn't really be avoided. This says all we need to know about which magazine was invited. Real subtle, Amy.


'The two embraced before the ceremony and "that's when I got the most emotional. I can't imagine what she's been through. I would be a disaster."'


Don't bother trying to imagine it, Amy. Either you or your husband will be on the receiving end of a similar situation soon enough. Oh... and you're already a disaster. (Bad actress, too. You look phony in every damn photo, going back years. And this one with Anna? Despicable.)

  • Love 6

About the hair. Remember how great she looked after that makeover? Straight hair. She is a pretty woman. But "daddy likes the curls". Does anyone think "daddy" says he likes the curls because they take away from her attractiveness and she won't be attractive to men? (Not that she would go astray, but other men might look at her differently). Or maybe she too thinks it is a kind of shield?

Yea Boob says he likes the mullet curls but is probably sneaking out to the strip club to get a little $1500 non mullet action of his own.

Her hair looked worse then ever at the wedding. How does she keep up the mullet? Does she tell someone to cut it that way? Hair does not just grow that way without some help.

Unless she has all the time in the world to do her hair, I'm pretty sure it's a perm. I used to have the hair she says she has, and my daughter still does. It doesn't behave that way. And there are way too many pictures of her with straight bangs, which  last about fifteen seconds for people with actual curly hair.

  • Love 3

Unless she has all the time in the world to do her hair, I'm pretty sure it's a perm. I used to have the hair she says she has, and my daughter still does. It doesn't behave that way. And there are way too many pictures of her with straight bangs, which  last about fifteen seconds for people with actual curly hair.

Yehp, it's permed. When the older girls were younger they all permed their hair too. I think Jinger may still perm her hair as well.

That would be great if Jinger wound up with Lawson. I read somewhere that he's fundie-lite, like his sister Alyssa.

Yehp, it's permed. When the older girls were younger they all permed their hair too. I think Jinger may still perm her hair as well.


I think Jinger has said that she's the only sister who doesn't require the perm. 

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My two cents are weighing down my pocket so here goes...

I loved the simplicity of the dress, and while strapless gowns are becoming a little cliché (if you want SYTTD at all), this one was very pretty. I prefer the satin ribbon to the "bling", and the fullness of the skirt was not overpowering. That said, the bodice was too small. If you have to stand erect to keep the "girls" in, then your dress is ill fitting. The bridesmaids' dresses were very nice. I'm impressed considering this shindig was apparently thrown together in a matter of weeks.


This is the best groomed that I've seen Mr. King. I wouldn't have recognized him without Amy. I didn't care for the open collars on the groomsmen, they all looked like they were channeling John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.


Have the Duggars never been to a formal occasion? I realize that an afternoon wedding at a farm doesn't call for black tie, but couldn't someone have tucked in the younger boys' shirts?


Lovely setting.

Edited by jazzpno
  • Love 9

Scratching my head as to why Lawson is there? How many Duggar girls can he be connected to before he marries one? I say none since Kelly would put a stop to it fast.


Do you think she would?  Even though many of the older kids and parents are dithering, I would  hope that each of the siblings could be evaluated on their own.  But this community is so enmeshed that maybe that's not possible.  Poor lonely J's if that's the case. It'd be great to see one of the kids marry fundie-lite and start wearing pants and not having a million kids.

Edited by Bean421
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Unless she has all the time in the world to do her hair, I'm pretty sure it's a perm. I used to have the hair she says she has, and my daughter still does. It doesn't behave that way. And there are way too many pictures of her with straight bangs, which  last about fifteen seconds for people with actual curly hair.

Well, it's not as though she's doing all that much else with her time, so she could be styling her hair, I guess...though I'd probably guess perm as well. And, yes...I have curly hair and remember trying to do that "straight bang" thing with it back in the 80's. It never, ever worked. But at least the "big hair" bit was achieved with a minimum amount of effort.

  • Love 1

Famy is pissed that Smugs missed her wedding. Gee, Famy, do you care that he's a pig, and is getting fake help for his problems? You should be telling Anna to kick his ass to the curb. No one else in your family will.







  • Love 2

I seriously doubt Amy gives a damn that Josh missed her wedding.  What she is thrilled about is she can sell another photo to People to accompany a story and keep her name in the news.


If he went to the wedding she would have given an interview about how she couldn't believe he had the guts to show up.

  • Love 7

My two cents are weighing down my pocket so here goes...

I loved the simplicity of the dress, and while strapless gowns are becoming a little cliché (if you want SYTTD at all), this one was very pretty. I prefer the satin ribbon to the "bling", and the fullness of the skirt was not overpowering. That said, the bodice was too small. If you have to stand erect to keep the "girls" in, then your dress is ill fitting. The bridesmaids' dresses were very nice. I'm impressed considering this shindig was apparently thrown together in a matter of weeks.


This is the best groomed that I've seen Mr. King. I wouldn't have recognized him without Amy. I didn't care for the open collars on the groomsmen, they all looked like they were channeling John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.


Have the Duggars never been to a formal occasion? I realize that an afternoon wedding at a farm doesn't call for black tie, but couldn't someone have tucked in the younger boys' shirts?


Lovely setting.


[bolding in quote is mine]


Oh, the Duggars have definitely been to formal occasions in the past. They've never been appropriately-dressed for any of them, however...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 14

Famy is pissed that Smugs missed her wedding. Gee, Famy, do you care that he's a pig, and is getting fake help for his problems? You should be telling Anna to kick his ass to the curb. No one else in your family will.


She's not saying that she's pissed at him because he missed her wedding. She's saying that she's pissed at him *and* he missed her wedding. 


I wonder when she and Mr. Pickles were planning to elope because they didn't want the attention. Maybe sometime between the time when they tried to get their social media fans fired up to demand that TLC televise their wedding and when they rented a PO Box so strangers could give them presents? 

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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